#I'm not antisocial this is just my sideblog
narastories · 2 months
catching up about fandom stuff
Oh, hi! Do you mind if I ramble a bit?
I feel like I've been a little distant and antisocial in the past few months due to personal stuff (mainly because my trauma bucket got kicked over many, many times, but also I've been trying to get the ball rolling on a few things I've been meaning to do for a while). And I know I'm not the only one who has been having a hard time. But now it's spring here, and I'm feeling a little hopeful and a bit more inspired. Is it just me? Do we dare to be hopeful??
I'm reminding myself that both of my favorite urban fantasy series, and main fandoms nowadays are due a new book maybe this year, and that is exciting and very much things to look forward to! It also makes me want to quickly write fic ideas I have before the canon status quo changes lol (Not that it matters. I believe you can write whatever you want. But with both of these series, we love to theorize about what is going to happen, so it feels like things are just not going to be the same when we get new pieces of information, you know?)
I'm also acutely aware that I haven't posted a Harry/Nic fanfic since the OTP challenge in NOVEMBER 2022 wtf. And uh, yeah. If you needed any further proof of my poor mental health then it is probably proof enough that I haven't touched my favorite obscure little OTP.
The good news is, that I have actually been inspired to write lately. I'm doing a little re-read of the FPA books, and also Skin Game, and it's all putting me back in the mood for fanfic. And I have been typing away for the past few weeks, trying to get back into it.
The bad news is, that I don't feel like posting things yet. I just want to be kind to myself and create without having to worry about sharing it. I know this might sound hypocritical bc I just shared a post about connecting in fandom. At the same time, sometimes it does good for a story to just let it sit and simmer a bit.
There is this expression (that I don't think is actually very popular in the English language) "to write for the drawer" and I never thought that was a bad thing. Sure I write very niche stuff so you would think it doesn't matter either way, but a story is never the same after you release it out into the world. So it's okay to keep it to yourself for a while and tinker with it and enjoy the process.
I also discovered gif making for myself. (If you have seen the gifset I posted yesterday, no you didn't :P I put it on private bc I wasn't happy with it yet. Mainly bc of the subtitle thing. I either have to figure out a clever overlay or venture out into the foreign planes of the internet to forage a little bit more lmao) I think the popularity of gifsets on tumblr is so fascinating, bc it's a format that just isn't very popular elsewhere (or convenient lol). When I was younger in fandom I never had a good enough computer to do this kind of editing. So now it just made me so happy to realize that my computer can do it, and I found it a relaxing activity.
I already dipped my toe in it with that Hellraiser/DF quote gifset, but now I figured out a method to make it look a lot better. And with open source tools too! That made me especially happy lol But I also realized that if I want to post gifsets then I might have to break my "no sideblogs" rule... Anyway, this is just one more thing that I will probably experiment with privately, and then we'll see if I put it out there or not.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is: creative hobbies are important. And if you can bring yourself to do them even when you feel like shit, it usually helps to feel a little less shitty. And that I will incubate my little projects for a while longer and then maybe I will feel like sharing them.
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half-mad-wanderer · 10 months
Hello, time for the summary:
I'm an unfortunate bundle of depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and low energy. I want to be social but burn out fast.
You may have found me from interacting here, or noticed my sideblog reposting at the same time as getting a like from me.
This is my main. This is also where I post more melancholy, macabre things for me to vent.
The short and long of it is that I don't want to be antisocial, but it's a hard fight for me, and reaching out to people is anxiety inducing for me. Feel free to message or submit. I'm an open book if I get chatty*.
I have an odd range of interests, not all of which I post here.
Canadian living in Ontario (Ya that doesn't narrow it down, our provinces are huge) trying to get off of night shift schedule.
Bigots, haters, phobes, and predators and such can screw off. Do no harm (less it's consensual 😜) and accept each other is a summary of my views.
*an unfortunate thing is when I burn out I drop off the planet and stop talking back to people with chat... I'm not mad, just awkward (If you send a message I'll see it and try my best to respond)...my likes and reblogs are almost the FB equivalent of pokes.
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clementimey · 11 months
Hello! I'm Clem(entine), and welcome to my blog! 🍊
Tumblr media
I'm 19 and use she/they pronouns. I'm extremely hypersocial and love talking to people. This is my main blog filled with a little bit of everything I'm interested in. I also have a few sideblogs, such as:
A self ship/comfort character blog! Fictional Others, self inserts, x readers, and general OC content.
(NOT SUPER ACTIVE!) A writing blog! This is where I'll post chapters, fanfics, oc related writing, tips, resources, fic rbs, ao3 stuff, & and more. Here!
(NOT SUPER ACTIVE!) An art blog! My own personal art gallery :D Art tips, resources & refs. I'm an amateur digital artist and experienced traditional artist, so I'll try to mix and match the art I post. Here!
❕️❕️ FANDOMS ❕️❕️
A list of my fandoms and interests (my obsessions change fairly often, so I'll try to update as much as possible):
🍊 I like the MCU characters, especially Black Widow and Bucky!
🍊 Six of Crows!
🍊 Pokémon, especially Arceus!
🍊 Stardew Valley!
🍊 Anime! ESPECIALLY Bungo Stray Dogs & Blue Exorcist!
🍊 Slime Rancher!
🍊 Animal Crossing!
🍊 Tales of Berseria!
🍊 The Arcana!
❕️❕️ DO NOT INTERACT: ❕️❕️
🚫 any form of bigotry (including but in no way limited towards all types of homo/transphobia (including anti bi, pan or aspec), ableism, sexism, or racism)
🚫 pro-ed (recovery blogs welcome)
🚫 s*lf harm/traumacore/vent blog
🚫 right-wing/alt-right/republicans/maga/anti-blm/"faith" blogs that promote homophobic/racist/generally shitty rhetoric
🚫 pro-lifers
🚫 anyone who believes in antisocial abuse, narcissistic abuse, histrionic abuse & borderline abuse (this is NOT saying these people cannot be abusers. It IS saying that you wouldn't label abuse by someone with anxiety "anxiety abuse", or someone with depression "depressed abuse". It is just abuse. While people with PDs are capable of being abusive, it does not mean that all people with PDs are abusive. It is a spectrum, and perpetuating "narc abuse" etc pins it on the disorder instead of that particular person being shitty)
🚫 anyone who demonises highly stigmatised disorders such as personality disorders, clinically insane/psychotic people, schizophrenic people, DID systems, people with bipolar, etc
🚫 terfs / radfems
🚫 people who armchair diagnose (calling people "narcissists", "psychotic", "sociopath" - even if you believe they are, that's for a doctor to decide, not you)
🚫 LGBTQ-exclusionists. This includes biphobes, panphobes, ace/arophobes, anti xenogenders, and anti neopronouns
🚫 anti sfw age regression
🚫 any adult who is romantically or sexually attracted to minors in any way, shape or form, no matter what the terminology used is (including, but in no way limited to maps, p*dos, etc)
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amethysthaunting · 1 year
heyo this is a personal sideblog so if you're seeing this you're either 1) a mutual on main i really trust, or 2) an internet rando who doesn't know my main. both are fine! hello! i don't have a fake name to call me yet and i use he/him & it/its! this is mostly a thought dump for figuring out how to handle shit like OCD, depression, and anxiety disorders, as well as (more importantly for this blog bc i dont really feel comfortable talking about it in other places) figuring out if i have BPD, several borderline traits, or something else presenting similarly to it.
DNI: if you have minors in your dni, radfems, exclusionists, demonizes cluster b or believes in borderline/narc/antisocial abuse
i support genderfuckery + "weird" sexualities, getting everyone the mental help they need, intersectional feminism, and educated self diagnosis. i will not say what i am and am not prof dx'd with, but know i do have some prof dx's and anti-self dx nonsense won't faze me.
BLOG TWs: vents, ED, OCD/intrusive thoughts, Sui & SH thoughts/discussion, general mentally ill times. I am not ever actually in crisis if I'm on tumblr, tho. if I'm well enough to blog about my misery I probably just need space to vent.
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