#I'm trying to learn animation and I have Bonnie on the brain
miraculouslumination · 7 months
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We get a little silly
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tuilathu · 2 years
A walk down the memory lane in Cuc Phuong 2019 - 2021 (16)
Hi next vet.
Let me briefly introduce myself. I am, or precisely used to be, a vet at the ****, the second generation of Vietnamese vet, for better or for worse.
By the time you are reading this, I have already left the **** for quite some time now. This whole thing is supposed to be one of the things I had to do right then and there, right when I decided that I would leave. But you see, I didn't do it then because I actually had planned on going back for a visit. But (another but here to emphasize that life would not go the way you plan it to), things happened that make the probability of me going back to Cuc Phuong kinda become unlikely. So, as a way to reminisce about my time there, I'm sitting down today to write you this somewhat letter. Let's pretend that I had written this as soon as I decided to leave, shall we? Disclaimer, some of the things here would probably not hold true to this day, so don't take my words entirely for it.
Starting off with things you might get from this whole experience. First, I want to apologize for any burdens I left behind that might inconvenience you when you start working. I really tried to clean up everything good as well as pave a way for the next one before I leave, but some miscommunications here and there could just mix things up a little bit. But don't you worry, there are people there that are just eager to help, well, if you ask. This brings me to my first tip to you, try to be friendly to people even if you don't really feel like it. Trust me, it could make your life there a whole lot different, or at least you wouldn't end up like me, a somewhat loner. In my defense, it's not that I wasn't friendly to them, I was just a little bit introverted like I have always been, and having a resting bitch face didn't help, even just one bit. I guess they expected me to be different from how I was, like they kinda hoped that I would be more open and talkative like the vet before, the one who also came from the same city as me, and probably you too if somehow this is a big coincidence. Anyway, I'm not blaming anyone here, I guess it's a cultural difference thing that you would just have to put up with.
Next thing, you would be able to learn a lot. I mean, like a lot, from vet things to more administrative matters. And you would be able to learn from the very best. There is a senior vet over at ** that is like a walking source of knowledge. She knows her way around that vast sea of knowledge and is absolutely willing to show you the shortcuts. She could be strict sometimes; I remember getting scolded once or twice before. There was one time she even kicked me out and mailed back to the bosses at work about what I had done wrong to lead to an unnecessary outcome for an animal. I have to tell you, she was definitely furious. I even thought if she could, she would erupt like a volcano to drown me under all that lava as to erase both me and my f*cking mistake. Her intention was as clear as day, she was clearly concerned for the health of the animals under my care, and I think she kinda wanted me to learn a lesson to come for help if there was anything I can't figure out. Well, I learned that lesson the hard way, didn't I? But you wouldn't have to if you're reading this.
If learning with someone knowledgeable but having the worst temper is not your cup of tea, I got you covered. Apart from that senior vet, you would probably have a chance to study with Bonnie, a veteran vet who has been in the field for God knows how long. She was the sweetest and the most gentle I have ever encountered. She was also as cuddly as a grandma, well, she's old enough to be a grandma but my point stands. Not only that, but she also got that look and that brain of a person who has been through a lot in life and is extremely excellent at what they do. When I still was there, sometimes I just can't help but thought she was like a wizard; she could just snap her fingers and bam, problems solved. Not a single question I had that she didn't have an answer to. Well, I did and still do know that she's not a deity to have all the answers to everything, but you know, I was young and fresh out of college, and there were a whole lot of things I had absolutely no idea about. So yeah, she was like an angel with a flashlight sent from above to help guide me through a jungle of unknowingness.
Apart from those two tips of an iceberg, you might find yourself among an elite selection of people who know and love what they do and are quite good at it too. It could be the vet from the neighboring NGO, who was not annoyed by me asking fairly silly questions. Or it could be the vet who worked at the **** before the both of us, the first-ever Vietnamese vet to work there (well, if somehow you got a hold of her contact)... They might not be the best, but they are of great help when you need one.
All right, the next thing that I want to tell you about is Cuc Phuong itself. I have to say, hands down, it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to so far in my life. Like you could literally hear the sounds of birds singing in the jungle throughout the morning without getting drowned out by the common noises as in the city. The air was fresh. There were trees everywhere, up on the hill, onto the sides of the road, around the lakes, behind houses, in front of houses... Everywhere you look, there would be green, a vast green that would go straight to your heart and be the reason for you to stay if you spend enough time with it. So, spend enough time with it. I didn't so I left, unfortunately.
You might want to ask how to spend enough time with this magnificent greenery. Well, go around, be open. Be open to the things you might see, be open to the things you may not find. Take a camera or phone with you. Take pictures of the trees, the sky, the houses, the people, everything and don't delete even just one. Go by yourself to indulge deeply in the surroundings. Go with others to have some fun and memories. Go with a guide if you want to take a step deeper into the jungle. And not just go around Cuc Phuong, expand your map, go out of Cuc Phuong to other nearby places. You might want to go to some tourist hotspots or some less crowded places like the ancient capital of Hoa Lu. I guess my point is just to go, go out of your room, take a bag, and leave your vague and doubtful self behind to fully enjoy every gorgeous corner nature has to offer. You won't regret it. I know I wouldn't if I could turn back the clock.
All right, enough of the things you might gain, let's get to the things you might lose staying here. First and foremost, your mental and physical health. I think we both would agree that the job we do is demanding, especially when you have to singlehandedly and medically care for almost 200 animal individuals. I mean, taking care of one or two dogs at a time is already hard enough, imagine taking care of hundreds. Things will get even harder because the ones you would be caring for are endangered, there are eyes on them and eyes on you too to see if you're doing a good job. Some eyes are understanding, and some are judgemental. On top of that, being away from your family and friends, everything you've known your whole life could make things even worse. And that is just external stress, I have yet to talk about the stress you would be putting on yourself when you see the animals you have invested so much energy and effort into drop dead like flies without any particular reasons. So, my little piece of advice, take great care of yourself. Take a rest whenever you need one. Draw a line between your work and your life. Don't think work-life balance is a myth, this job could seriously take a toll on you if you don't have a boundary for yourself. And be firm, some will gradually try to cross the line you draw. Don't let them.
Second, living in the middle of a jungle means giving up the convenience of city life. It's not that unbearable, it's just that if you're anything like me, life at Cuc Phuong could get a little bit dull and uncomfortable sometimes. But, you could still have a taste of that city breath every weekend if you like, just not without traveling at least an hour each time. Well, clearly one can't have everything, just have to trade up some for some.
Well then, I think that's it. That's everything you will have to give up in order to have that chilled life among nature that is all over my youtube recommendations these days. Ooh, almost forgot. As my final say in this letter, I just have one tiny teeny favor to ask, please, take good care of Struppi for me. I mean, you should be taking good care of everyone, but maybe just a tad more attention to this guy? You'll know who I'm talking about. He's not the most standout or noticeable, but he is the quirky little guy that you can't miss for anything. He's like our mascot, not because he's been here the longest, but because he has that little quirk that no one else seems to have. That little guy holds a very special place in my heart, so I just want to make sure that he could live a life as long and happy as he possibly can.
Honestly, I've been rambling long enough. Don't know where all of this came from. Anyway, my words, take it or leave it, it's your choice. In the end, isn't the most important thing that you enjoy your work and your life wherever you are? Just enjoy your time there, and maybe spice things up a little bit. I once told a friend of mine that this place probably needed some fresh blood to liven things up, to change things around. I couldn't be the change they needed, so I really do hope it's going to be you.
Wishing you all the best.
Yours truly,
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A corner of our workplace in the morning. Beautiful, isn't it?
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mushroom-for-art · 9 months
Another dumb lmao because both these songs give me brain worms, this time the song is "Monster" from adventure time Obsidian, enjoy the script
"I know we'll never grow old together, 'Cause you'll never grow old to me" Andy and Foundno are sitting nestled up somewhere either cave scenery or forest either way outside camp setting there's a small fire going near them the animation is probably monochromatic in greys and such for simplicity and to emphasis when colors are used, Andy is leaning against Foundnos body that is stretched out between the shoulder and neck and playing the acoustic guitar as she sings
"You're the pink in my cheeks and I'm scared, 'Cause it means I'm a little bit soft" the fire brings a warm pinkish hue to Andys face as they rest Foundnos head moves slightly to nudge her
"So don't beat yourself up, Bonnie, It wasn't just the sun I was hiding from, We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live, and I'm still scared that I'm not good enough" The on screen lyrics are changed to 'So don't beat yourself up Buddy,' as her hand comes to gently touch and pet Foundnos head that is nudged against her concerned. The scene changes to a more flashback of their first meetings from a dark background world with Foundno originally being puppeteered seen and used only as a flesh vessel to break the barrier to allow missingno into the real world and to them meeting again out of the dark prison world with Foundnos form and size reduced greatly in a babyish prevolution walking on his arms like a strange bug, cowering from Andy as she kneels and offers her hand out to them, two messed up kids trying to learn how to live from the other. It's ambiguous if "I'm still scared that I'm not good enough," is Andy words or Foundnos
"I've always felt like a monster, long before I was bit" On screen lyrics changed to "long before we were split" it shows a colored silhouette form of Andy and Foundno, Foundnos colored form nestled in Andys chest before being pulled from Andys body
"Only seen as a monster, just say I'm used to it" The scene shows Andy struggling with the glitch powers tears running down her face in pain as scribbled vague people silhouettes circle her, they're seen stepping away showing looks of horror and disgust on their scribbled blackened forms seeing only that she is different and not the pain she's in
"And I grew tough 'cause love had only hurt me back" Andy and her mother are shown in silhouette forms again strings pull from Andys heart wrapped around the fingers of her mother stood behind her as she pulls, controlling Andy through her want to be loved and accepted
"But loving you's a good problem to have, and I'm used to that, But I could get used to this" The scene returns to them both where they're camping as Andy lightly tilts her head headbutting Foundno in fondness as Foundno nuzzles back
"Ooh, yeah I'm used to that, But I could get used to this" It changes to show Andy and Foundno walking on a changing background showing them continuing to live their lives and continuing in the adventure of life together.
Although as the music does continue for this short segment Andys state does slowly deteriorate
"And I know we'll never grow old together, 'Cause you'll never grow old to me" They're resting once more at a camp site but things are different Foundno looks no different but Andy has aged, she's leaning against Foundno like before playing her guitar but it's once more ambiguous if she's singing or Foundno is
"You're the pink in my cheeks and I love that it means I'm a little bit soft" The warm glow of a fire illuminates them in a soft pink glow as she leans further into Foundno
"You're the pink in my cheeks and I love that it means" The scene pulls back slightly we are a bit behind them as we see Andys form slip and slump more against Foundno her guitar also falling, the on screen lyrics are the same but there is a scratchy "and I'm scared" over the tip of "I love", the font implying Foundno
"I'm a little bit soft", Foundno curls up around her form, lyrics more clearly sang by them and we leave them in the quiet scene fading to black
Due to hosting the missingno glitch in her body that developed and became Foundno I do think Andy may end up suffering long term health problems with it that mean she ends up passing on kind of early, probably her 50s rather than some kind of immortality meaning that she will inevitably leave her found family brother Foundno and that scares them very much so because they care so much about Andy knowing she will die terrifies them very much so with attachments to mortal beings and such. It's a soft song that I've made sad, Andy has helped shape and form Foundno into a gentle caring creature capable of great compassion and Foundno too shaped Andys life for the better despite both their messed up origins and beginnings they taught each other how to live for the better and Foundno is scared of going on in a world without their sister. It's just a soft sad animation really highlighting the importance of familial relationships, how they affect you, how you grow and change because of them ect.
In one mental iteration the "Only seen as a monster, Just say I'm used to it" lyric was going to have a short scene of Meau staring at her in both horror terror and probably some anger as I have thoughts of her being around Meau and Noe due to the glitch that inhabits her body and Noe and Foundno probably end up playing together at some point, and while contextually Meaus fear of Andy is valid and Andy wouldn't blame her for fearing her due to how humans do suck and also it'd scare anyone for a random human to appear when you have low self esteem and probably some paranoia and self hatred like Andy it would still bother her a lot knowing just by existing she's a monster and tie it to her other issues and not just the whole human trauma thing (baby girl you need therapy), but I changed that to judgment by her peers as I didn't want to seem like I was saying Meaus behavior was bad or unwarranted. I in fact quite like the thoughts of Meau just off in a bush glaring at her like >^> *bitch* with narrowed untrusting eyes because it's funny to me imagining her judging Andys poor ass while Andy is just awkwardly like "I'm, uh, I know you're over there I'm going to sit over here okay? By this tree? Out your way? Um.. I hope that's okay? I'll, I'll move whenever you want," just lmao immediately deferring to the slightly very peeved large hissing kitty cat while Noe and Foundno have the most dangerous case of zoomies known to mankind. Meau is the feral cat in Andys neighborhood that she crosses the road for except she's in Meaus neighborhood and is just glad she's allowed to exist and vibe
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marveloustiming · 6 years
Look at the Stars (Part 3/?)
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I strode through the doors as they slid open, Peter walking behind me. I found three men standing there. I put my hands out as a man came rushing at me. I blasted two shards of ice at him, one in the leg and in his shooting arm, while Peter got the other one other. I quickly caught a guy that came up from behind Peter, grabbed his chin, and set my hand ablaze. Peter turned his head to me and nodded. He shot a guy that came from the long hallway knocking the man onto his back. As I passed him the man complained about his neck. I stepped on his arm and let out some electricity which knocked him unconscious. Up ahead I saw Peter take the orb and start tossing it up and down. I let out a full laugh. This way the others wouldn't just bail on us. I could hear a quiet echo of a song up ahead. It was Escape by Rupert Holmes. I smiled. He must have been taken from Terra a long while ago. We came up to the cage where Peter got tased and there I could see the blue man with Peter's headphones on, reading my book. One of the few comforting things that I had in my life were in his filthy hands. I could just hear the the electricity crackling at my hands. While Peter went to the side, I placed my hands right on his shoulder and gave him a sharp shock while Peter cracked the man on the side of the head with the orb.
"You have anything to keep you breathing outside?" He asked, glancing at me as we both collected our lost items. "Yep. And I'm assuming that very scary face mask will be helping you breathe?" I asked, a little bit of sarcasm leaking into my voice. "Oh you betcha!" I could hear the the smile in his voice. We walked through the jail and eventually made our way out. I activated my mask and maneuvered my way through space shooting fire out my hands and feet. I hit the ladder right after Peter. Gamora and Drax helped Peter up and then lifted me up right after. These two show spirit! They shall make keen allies in the battle against Ronan. Companions, what were you retrieving?" Peter handed his walkman to Drax while I held my book, said "My old myth book," and walked past him. "Imbeciles." Whether that was directed at me, Peter, Gamora, or all three of us was a mystery to me. While the ship flew I sat next to Rocket, reading and listening to my music while he built something while humming a tune. "Yo Ranger Rick, you can't take apart my ship without asking me! What is this?" Peter yelled. "Don't touch that. Its a bomb." Warned Racket. "A bomb? And you leave it lying around?" "I was gonna put it in a box!" Rocket defended. "Rocket, what the hell is a box going to do?" I jumped in. "Who's side are you on Marris?" Rocket accused. "His because it is his ship after all." I pointed out softly. "Exactly! Thank you Arva!" Peter said. "Oh whatever" and I stopped listening after that, letting my music flow through my head as I pictured all of the epic battles going on in my book. I could barely register the yelling that was going on and the fact that Gamora had walked out of the room.
I felt Peter tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see him jerking his head toward the head of the ship. I sat in the copilot seat while head sat in the front seat. "You seem pretty peaceful for a person that travels with a homicidal raccoon." He said. "I wouldn't say peaceful. I just prefer to stay out of things that could get innocent people, myself, or my friends killed. Plus I can be incredibly oblivious, so that probably doesn't help me." I chose my words carefully, trying not to reveal to much. "Well you seem nice. Rocket and Gamora or just plain rude, Drax is to literal, and the tree is just confusing." Peter admitted. A smile crept onto my face. "You'll get used to Groot. Even though 'I am Groot' is all he says he's actually pretty nice." I said. "How can you even tell what he's saying?" Peter interrupted. I held my hand up onto my knee and willed vines to grow. A small smile rested on my face as he looked at it, awed as the small vines created different patterns. "I am able to control nature. I guess since Groot is a tree as well as a human type figure I can understand him. Anyways I haven't properly gotten to know Gamora or Drax to properly make an assumption. I do know Rocket though. He may come off as an ass but he's a good guy. There is just a lot of pent up emotions inside of him. The sarcasm and rudeness is just a way to hide it. Don't judge him to harshly." I've known him long enough to see a lot of it come to light. All of the pain and hurt that he's contained. As I glanced over I could see I could see him staring at me. I wondered briefly what he was thinking.
"What are your powers? I saw you use fire, ice, nature and electricity but is that all?" Peter asked. "I control the elements, electricity and am able to turn into other animals. I have also been able to expand off of my powers in recent years. Like how I was able to create ice out of water or a force field out of electricity." I explained. I set the tips of my fingers on fire, making little patterns in the air. Peter looked at me like he was confused. "How did you get your powers? That doesn't seem like you would get them naturally." He said, probably already guessing what had happened. "Funnily enough I did get the ability to control nature, well naturally" I said as I looked down at my hands "How I got the rest though doesn't need explaining. Some assholes got curious about what I could do and they picked me up from Terra. They put me through a bunch of experimentation and I eventually got out of it. What happened in there to make me what I am doesn't really matter." He looked surprised at something but before he could say anything Groot and Rocket walked in. Rocket sat in the seat next me while Groot stood behind me. I looked in front of us to see what looked like a giant skull with thousands of lights attached to it. It was beautiful.
"What is it" Drax asked. "It's called Knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary heading in. There are no regulations whatsoever here." Gamora said. As we flew inside I could see that hundreds of things were being built inside of the skull. Lights and small mining ships flew around collecting the brain matter of the skull. "Hundreds of years ago the Tivan group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. Bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid, all rare resources highly valued in black markets across the Galaxy. It's dangerous and illegal work. Suited for outlaws." "Well that all sounds absolutely lovely." I commented. "Well me and Marris come from a planet of outlaws. Billie the kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos." Peter said, winking at me. All I did was roll my eyes and grin. Those were such old references. "Sounds like a place in which I would like to visit." Drax said. "You should." A few kids came up to us, two going up to Gamora. I clutched the vine that was in my hand when a set of twins came up to me. I grew a flower crown on my head and put it on the girls while I gave a orange tulip to the boy. I smiled at the two before Peter ushered us away. He looked at me and said softly "That was cute." before walking to the head of the group. "Your buyers in there?" Rocket asked Gamora. "We are to wait for his representative." She said as a man was pushed out of the area. "This is no respectable establishment. What do you expect us to do while we wait?" Drax asked, seemingly confused. We all parted ways after that. The barbaric lizard racing that Drax and Rocket seemed to be into just scared me a little bit so I went to look for something else. Eventually I found a small bookshop. I got something called The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I smiled and thanked the lady behind the counter before putting my headphones on and walking around to find something else to do.
I found a small balcony on the outskirts of the the skull. I was listening to 'Angela' by The Lumineers when Peter walked up to me. The music was blaring so loud that I didn't hear what he had to say. I laughed softly before saying "Sorry, didn't hear you, could you repeat it?" He gave a smile back before saying "You have headphones." I nodded. "I got them on some random planet a while ago when my last ones broke." I replied. "They aren't connected to anything. Don't you have a cassette player?" I grinned widely. "No they're Bluetooth. They don't need to be connected to anything. And cassette players aren't really around anymore. Now we have tablets and phones." I showed him my tablet with it's old case. "But these are giant! How in the hell are you supposed to carry this?" I chuckled. "You should see all the music it has though! There's something called Spotify that has millions of songs on here! Even songs from the 1980s!" I said excitedly. I never really had someone to talk to about this stuff. Rocket had said he didn't want learn about my 'trash planet' and poor Groot had gotten so startled when he heard the the music that he crushed my tablet. I didn't exactly want to talk to them about it after that. I talked to Peter about what I could do with the device, the main topic being music. He showed me his cassette player and the music he had while I showed him Spotify and the giant playlist I had. The excitement went down a little when he told me how his mom gave gave him the cassette player. "It must be nice, having a part of her with you. My parent ditched me as soon as they found what I could do. You had a parent growing up. That's good." I said.
I was quick to feel confused when I heard yelling outside. Peter and me walked outside to see a crowd forming around a fight. I pushed through only to be stopped by a man. "Hello sweetie." He said in a repulsive tone. I only shoved him harder, sending him into the crowd. I walked into the middle to see Drax on top of Groot punching him repeatedly. I grabbed Drax's arm and dragged him off of Groot. "Stop! Stop it!" I saw out of the corner of my eye Rocket aiming a giant gun at us. "Rocket no! Put that shit down now!" I snarled. "This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!" Drax yelled. "That is true!" Rocket shouted back. "He has no respect!" Drax shouted again. "That is also true!" " Hold on! Hold on!" Peter shouted at Rocket. I could see Groot get up next to me. "Keep calling me vermin tough guy! You just want to laugh at me like everyone else!" Rocket said. I felt my shoulders go slack at that. He never admitted that to anybody he didn't trust. We always got laughed at the talking raccoon, the giant tree, and the freak girl. We were a shit show. It had always bothered us when people muttered about us. How we could never be normal. And now all of it was coming to light. "Rocket, buddy, no one is laughing at you. I promise." I said in a soft tone, hoping to calm him down. "Don't try to sell me that Arva. You know how people look at us! They see some angry rat, a stupid tree, and a freak girl who can kill them in one second!" He shouted at me. "Rocket you're drunk alright? No one's laughing at you." Peter said. "He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does! Well I didn't ask to get made! Neither did Arva! We didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some little monster!" Rocket yelled. For a moment I saw Peters eyes flick to me before he focused on Rocket again. "Rocket no ones calling you a monster." Peter said. "He called me vermin! And she called me rodent! Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots from this!" He shouted, lifting hi gun again and pointing it at Gamora, who had joined a few seconds after me and Peter. I immediately jumped in front of the weapon. "Rocket! Rocket, buddy! Four billion units! Rocket! C'mon man, just suck it up for one more lousy night and then we're rich!" I yelled and slowly but surely he put his weapon down. "Fine. But I can't promise that after all this I'm not gonna kill every last one of them." He said tiredly. "See! That's exactly why none of you have any friends! Five seconds after you meet somebody you're already trying to kill them! Arva seems like the only calm one of you people, and she can probably do the the most damage!" Peter yelled. "We have travelled halfway across the quadrant and Ronan is no closer to being dead." Drax said walking off. "Drax!" I yelled. "Let him go. We don't need him." Gamora told me, right as the door to the area was opened.
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