#I've probably lost 10 lbs of water weight
consoleyourself · 11 months
Rita's blue raspberry ice, take my pain away
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theunemployedrogue · 2 years
yeah...I need to join the gym lol. I know I'm not gonna adjust my diet to the extreme I did for the month before my drug test (tons of water, 95% lean meat & fruits/vegs, no alcohol, no bread, no junk food AT all). The diet change helped my digestion and gallbladder issues significantly, but I cannot see myself sticking with it. Also, weight loss is a very minor goal in my case.
I probably need to cut 10 lbs and I'd love to have less abdominal fat bc none of my clothes fit right anymore lol, but my main goal is just getting into shape. I've never been super fit, even when I was working out regularly, but I feel like I've lost a lot of muscle and I definitely need to get stronger. The only regular "exercise" I get at the moment is constantly pacing around the apartment or house/yard work.
The YMCA is like $65/month which is ugh...but I do want access to the pool and sauna that the cheaper gym doesn't have. I'd also like to get back into yoga and I know they have group classes at the Y too. So after I take a look at my finances and find one or two things I can cut I think I might go for it.
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fatghostboi · 4 years
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Day 1: uhh so my scales are fucked I think but cw: 143.4 (I think it's mainly water weight lmao) and I wanna be 100lbs maybe 90lbs
Day 2: 5'3, I would wanna be a bit taller maybe at least 5'5 or 5'6 hhh
Day 3:
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I want their legs. My legs have always been so big and I'm jealous. I don't want my legs to look femme fuck.
Day 4: the clothes I do like on me won't fit, or I'll have more curves. I know ill look more curvy, but I can hide that more I think. Or I'll just gain it all again fuck
Day 5: I want to lose weight to be good enough, for people to look at me and think I finally look good or even that maybe I did have a problem when they all turned me down. To look masculine enough and to have masculine features. To finally be good looking rather than the fat trans friend who looks too femme because of their fucking baby face with chub.
Day 6: I do and it's usually because I'm in a destructive headspace. I try not to often but yeah I do.
Day 7: no they don't. Mums never noticed, and the one time she did she took me to the doctors for depression thinking nothing of the food, then goes ahead and tells me I'm not depressed that I just get down sometimes when all the signs are there lmao.
Day 8: walk. My disabled ass cannot really work out and really shouldn't walk as much as i do when I do but my Ed can't help it, I love seeing the numbers on my watch go up and up.
Day 9: yes all the time. As a kid I was obese and overweight and I used to get called so many things. One thing that stuck with me was obese monkey. Good Times. Oh and the fact my ex said I run over my dog with my tree trunk legs... Ya know a few days after my dog just got killed but sure.
Day 10: probably my social life. I've lost my social life due to physical and mental illness. Everyone wants to go out and eat and I just don't want to. But also cooking. I miss cooking good meals rather than looking at meals as just calories I shouldn't consume.
Day 11: I don't have a favourite oops they're more on Instagram
Day 12: egg, egg whites, rice, toast, wheetabix, porridge, veggie sausages, chicken nuggets sometimes, a shit ton of veg like the amount of brocoli I consume lmao. Snacks wise sometimes the odd biscuit, usually carrots, houmous or just nothing.
Day 13: mainly unhealthy but sometimed I try to do it healthily and get no results so I get pissed.
Day 14: 100-90 lbs and I honestly don't know. I've failed so far but I fucking want to so bad. My first big goal is getting down to 120lbs so
Day 15: I'm not but I try to be. I would definitely consider being vegetarian as going vegan would probably affect my chronic illness worse due to the lack of vitamins I would get. I'm very picky with food but I do love to eat vegan food when i can.
Day 16: I was about like 10 lmao
Day 17: I mean not diagnosed but probably lmao
Day 18: chocolate and noodles. I can't help myself i still eat them. The noodles I have are 269 cals per a packet and that's why I eat those ones gah
Day 19: about an hour ago? I had 2 biscuits with my coffee so I didn't binge today lmao
Day 20: AIT starts off easy, gets harder down the line. Never completed the whole thing but I have lost loads of weight from it before. Except this time? Idk like my body shows I have but scales say nah
Day 21: ew. So naturally I have very big hips, that's not fat that's bone sadly, so in men's jeans I'm a 30waist in females I'm a size 10. Mens tops I'm a M if I want it baggy or it's a tight fit cause S makes me feel gross in tight fit. But if I want it to look decent I'm a S and I would fit into an XS if my shoulders weren't so broad but I'm not complaining on that lmao
Day 22: 122lbs. I gained this time around because of the medication I was put on, I really want to be off it because I also don't wanna get pregnant. But it's also causing issues so I may be put on a different one soon I hope
Day 23: yes and no. All the trans guys that pass are usually very skinny so I thought I need to be to pass
Day 24: ugh. I can understand if someone is pro Ana to themseleves because uh that's an eating disorder lmao, but if you want to encourage others to starve themselves and be unhealthy? You're fucked up.
Day 25: I have a lot. I can't remember my first experience because it was so long ago but I have the odd memories of purging in fast food places after I was taken out to eat.
Day 26: being good enough and passing
Day 27: I'm okay being around it cause I usually have good self control, I like baking a lot too, and I'll usually eat one or two then leave it.
28: yess. So hoodies will look great on me
29: everything's beautiful on everyone else except for on me so.
30: I'm 17, trans, and a wreck. Also my stats are the same cause I did this in one day lmao
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kkatuu · 2 years
WTF I lost another 3 lbs???
I know I said I'd wait until tomorrow to weigh myself but I did it today anyway and I am down an extra 3lbs for a total of 8 lbs lost!? I mean this is great, but kinda sus. I'm not even done with day 5 of the diet and I'm already down about 8 lbs. I think I weighed myself last like yesterday didn't I? Wtf?
Yeah it's probably water weight, even though I've been having a ton of salty, delicious broth. I even ended up having a mini "binge" of olives and some strawberries last night... Hmmmmm...
I haven't even been exercising, either. Lol. Ok starting tomorrow morning, I will do DDR sessions Monday-Thursday for 45 minutes + 10 minutes of ballet-beautiful. Fri-Sun I'll pick daily if I want to walk 10k steps OR ride my bike for 1 hour.
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odaatlover · 2 years
Well Odaat, I was doing so good losing weight, then I decided to weigh myself before scheduled, and I've gained 3 lbs. Overall, I've lost 12 lbs since starting in March, so not horrible. Still a little discouraging, but I'm hanging in there.
12lbs since March is AMAZING! Just keep on the right track and don’t let this discourage you. If you’ve gained 3lbs because you got off track with nutrition then that’s totally okay. You’ll probably lose it fairly quickly getting back on track. But if you’re doing everything right and you’ve gained 3lbs but aren’t sure why, don’t get frustrated thinking it’s not working. Because the number on the scale doesn’t tell the whole story. Here’s an example of that…
I started really working on getting healthy again about 3 1/2 weeks ago, April 10. I completely cut out sugar/junk food/fast food…all of that stuff. And I’ve done the math to where I’m in a 500-1000 calorie deficit every day. Plus I’m walking 3-5 miles or doing some sort of half hour workout 5 or 6 days a week. And with all that, I’ve only lost 3lbs — including the water weight of losing all of that initial sodium. And for my body 3lbs isn’t that much because I’m about 40-50lbs overweight. If I didn’t know how this worked I would’ve looked at that number and said “Only 3lbs after a month of hard work, what the heck?! That’s barely anything. I quit, not worth it!” But those 3lbs don’t tell the whole story. Because I’ve gone down almost two notches on my belt. I’m able to wear shorts that were way too tight to put on 4 weeks ago. I’m feeling much more comfortable in medium sized shirts again versus large. And I can see a difference in pictures of April 8 (left) vs today (right)…
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So I’ve probably lost a good amount of fat, but because of all the exercise my body is retaining water and I’ve surely gained some muscle. So that’s why I take the number on the scale with a grain of salt and focus much more on the other things that truly show whether or not I’m losing fat. Those are the things that help keep you motivated, the scale not as much.
Please don’t get discouraged and give up, because you’re doing a FANTASTIC job! Weight goes up and down constantly, so just ignore it if you’re doing everything you’re supposed to. And if you get off track and slip up every once in a while, you’re always able to get back on when you’re ready. This is a lifestyle change, not just something you do for a few months and then go back to bad eating habits when you reach your goal. It’s about creating good habits that you can maintain forever. You’re still less than you were when you started, so you’re on the right track! And I’m so incredibly proud of you ❤️
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driedfruitflower · 3 years
14 November
Day 2 (after 48 hours)
Today’s Weight: 120.6 lbs / 54.7 kg (weight as soon as I woke up) and 118.8 lbs / 53.9 kg (weight right before I went to sleep)
Difference compared to yesterday: no idea
Difference compared to start: - 1.8 lbs / - 0.8 kg (lost during the day)
Water consumption: 5 liters (I count tea too)
Calories consumed: 373 calories:
82 pieces of chewing gum (for anyone wondering… it's 2,044 kcal/piece of extras bubblemint) - 168 kcal
2 cups of plain green tea (2 teabags) - 2 kcal
600g of crushed tomatoes - 168 kcal
200g shirataki noodles - 20 kcal
1,5 celery stalks- 15 kcal
Sleep: 16 hours (I have missed a lot of sleep for a long time now, so I’m tired)
Overall Review
I ended up eating more than I planned and felt out of control.
Weight Loss
Because I didn't weigh myself yesterday I have no idea how much I've lost.
I just went to the toilet, haven't drank anything yet and the scale is in the exact same place as before but I now weigh 121 lbs/ 54.9 kg. How can I have gained weight? I'm gonna say I still weigh 20.6 lbs/ 54.7 kg (the weight when i first woke up) and we'll see what number I'm at tomorrow.
It's morning and I feel slight to mild hunger but nothing I can't handle.
It's afternoon and I feel a stronger urge to eat but I know it'll pass. Days 1-3 are usually the hardest in terms of food resistance, and it’s already towards the end of Day 2. I'll just have to hang in there 1 more day. (But every time I heavily restrict or fast is different from my last experience.)
It's still afternoon and the hunger got worse before it got better. After about 1/1.5 hours and tea the hunger did pass. I now feel fine. Now it's just a mild hunger but I can definitely stand it :)
It’s evening and I’m kind of a little hungry but I feel good! Really good!
Energy level
It's morning and I feel kinda lazy today, but I have lots of energy! I woke up happy because I didn't binge yesterday and I feel like I can actually reach my goal weight!
It's afternoon, and I have showered, listened to my audiobook, colored and watched youtube. I need to go out and buy a present for my dad (he is the best person I know in the world) and start doing homework.
Mental clarity
Better than usual. All that sleep really did me good.
Other notes
That I was so tired from the previous day helped me from eating anything more! Instead of giving up my restriction and eating something more, I went to sleep because I was exhausted. The tiredness made it easier to prioritize sleep instead of food.
When i woke up this morning and knew i had only eaten 74 kcal yesterday i felt more motivated today to keep up the restriction. I know I can do it, to get to my goal weight. I have already made it this far, and for me at least, the first 24 hours are the hardest. After that restricting this heavily goes wayyy smother!
Another thing… I have a love hate relationship with bubblemint flavored chewing gum. The taste kind of makes me nauseated now, but at the same time I like it.
Update from me in the future, bubblemint flavored chewing gum is now starting to taste like puke (I don't know why). I'll not be chewing any more of that today.
I've never tasted monster energy and I'm kind of tempted to buy one. If i keep up the restriction I'll allow myself to buy one soon. (I'll probably buy the wite one because most people seem to unanimously think that that one is one of the best tastes.)
Update from 44 hours since I started my restriction; I'm so happy! I'm thinking of going to sleep rn (update from the future: why the fuck didn’t you? You’ll regret this!) and I'm not hungry in the morning, which means that it'll be at least 10 am until I'm hungry again, and by then 60 hours will have passed.
45,5 hours since I started: I'm HUNGRY. but I can handle this. I can handle this. I can handle this. I can handle this. I can handle this! Okay yeah. I'm gonna drink some water and listen to an audiobook until it passes and then I'll go to sleep. (Haha wow, update: just 5 minutes later and I'm not AT ALL as hungry! My stomach just hurts a little, nothing in comparison to how ravenous I was just 5 minutes ago.)
Update 15 min later: hungry again. Fuck. I decided to eat 600g of crushed tomatoes, and I feel like shit! (It didn’t even taste good) Fucking shit! I hate myself! Fuck. That’s 373kcal total for today, fuck! Fuck. Fuck! And eating just made me hungrier than before. Fuck. Why did I eat this much? I’m gonna go for a 60 min walk now, which should burn at least 150 kcal.
Audiobooks, music and youtube are gifts from above!
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