#Idc Friday will always belong to them
zsbrainrot · 8 months
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I decided to go with one of the alternate prompts for day 7 of @flufftober! (Wearing each others clothes)
Happy Buddy Daddies Friday! ❤️💙
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kywaslost · 10 months
I was wondering if you could do a request that’s slightly crack but at the same time angst and fluff? Or you can just read this as crack because idc.
Ciel x reader but basically the reader is a criminal who is almost constantly doing things that go against the Queen but every time she gets caught, Ciel is so just—
Ciel: … Are you sorry for what you did?
Reader: yes…☹️
Ciel: she’s innocent.
Sebastian: what no—
He’s like a gentle parent that gives a gentle hit on the wrist then apologizes because he doesn’t ever want the reader to hate him or be taken away from him because he already has had all that he loves taken from him. So no matter if the reader is using him or not to get away with things he will always vouch for her innocence. So he makes Sebastian frame people for the readers crimes. And Sebastian is getting sick of it because of how repetitive it’s getting.
Turn The Other Way - Ciel Phantomhive
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A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this one! I hope you like it! Also, today is the first ‘fanfic Friday’ as I’m gonna call it. And requests are still open! <3
Warning/s: mentions of murder, arson
You were much like Snake, a lost ally of the Earl Phantomhive with nowhere to go. Similar to Snake’s upbringing as a servant, you met Ciel and Sebastian during one of their missions from the Queen. You were actually not involved with the case what-so-ever, but got caught up in one of the duo’s man hunts as they chased after someone they thought was the criminal. They ended up chasing you, mistaking you for the man they were looking for.
The man in question was a skilled arsonist, setting fires all throughout London without being caught. One would call it a coincidence that you had nothing to do with this case until you were caught by Sebastian and CIel. They apologized, releasing you and explaining what they were trying to do and who they were trying to catch. You brushed them off, rushing to get home. What the two didn’t know was that you had just robbed a small store, and were on the run back home.
It didn’t take much longer for you to run into the two again, accept this time it was much worse. You ran home to see smoke billowing into the dark sky common from the direction of your apartment. You arrived on scene, seeing someone hiding in the dark smoke of your now-burning home. 
Being a skilled criminal, you knew a thing or two about escapism, making it easier to catch the man who had burnt your home to a crisp. He was fast, and you’d admit he was also very skilled, but so were you. It didn’t take long at all to catch him and tie him up.
You were dragging him by the rope you tied him with, swearing at him and threatening to end his life when you bumped into someone. Being in your current terrible mood, you began yelling at the person you ran into, not realizing it was Sebastian until you managed to get a good look at him.
“Here’s the guy you were looking for,” you growled, shoving the skilled criminal into the butler. “Too little too late.”
Ciel stood close by, watching as firemen attempted to quell the flames of the burning apartment building. “Is this your home?”
You glared at the Earl, then growled, “Yeah. Like I said, too little too late. I caught the guy and I wasn’t even looking for him.” All you had left of your belongings was a small backpack field with a spare outfit and everything you had stolen just hours ago. You adjusted the bag on your shoulder and turned to leave. “Thanks for nothing, guard dog.” You turned your back to the two, stomping away in anger. 
“Wait!” Ciel exclaims, gripping your wrist to stop you from leaving. “Come with us.”
You raised an eyebrow, turning back to the boy. “What?”
“Come with us,” Ciel said again. “You are clearly skilled in something, and you caught the man we’ve been looking for for 4 days, in just an hour.” Ciel smiled ever so slightly. “We could use you. Come be a servant at Phantomhive Manor.”
You shook your hand from his grasp with a scowl. “Why would I want to serve you?”
“We can make a deal,” Sebastian offers. “If you serve Lord Phantomhive, we will provide you with housing and meals, free of charge. All we ask is that you accompany us on any missions we may require you of, as well as completing daily household chores.”
That’s how you came about becoming one of Ciel Phantomhive’s maids. You were spiteful at first, and you had the right to be. Afterall, the Queen’s guard dog failed to save your home, and all of the very few belongings you possessed. But after a few months, you got used to your new life, and dare you say you even enjoyed it. Your room was small yet larger than your old one, and you were allowed to decorate it any way you pleased. The food was excellent, incomparable to the scraps you had to eat as a criminal. 
Living with the Earl made it difficult to keep up with your hobbies.The manor’s other servants kept a close eye on the property, making it nearly impossible to sneak out. So you took your off time on missions to sneak off and break every rule the Queen had set in. You weren’t entirely sure why you found it so enjoyable to be rebellious against the Queen, but it filled you with adrenaline that you couldn’t find anywhere else. 
You were staying in London with Sebastian and Ciel. You were used to the system by now, hunting day and night for whoever, or whatever, you were looking for. You were often left to your own devices, since Ciel ended protection 24/7. This left you open and available for whatever you desired. Today’s task was vandalizing a new monument the Queen was having built in Central London. 
You gathered everything you needed, buckets of brightly colored paint, gloves, and paint brushes. You snuck through the quiet city, enjoying the peacefulness of it all. The unfinished monument left vulnerable, practically asking to be messed with. Smiling widely, you dipped a gloved hand into an open bucket of yellow paint, taking a handful and splattering it across the monument. 
You were 3 colors in when you felt someone grab your hand tightly, keeping you from flinging more paint.
“Y/N?” You froze, breath stalling as you hear Ciel’s voice from behind you.
“Yes master?” you say quietly, afraid of what the boy would do to you. Was he going to fire you? Kick you out and make you live on the streets?
“What are you doing?”
“It seems as if she is vandalizing the Queen’s new prized monument,” Sebastian answers with a glare. The demon awaited for Ciel’s punishment with great joy. Sebastian liked you, don’t get him wrong, but he knew there was something up with you since day 1. His glowing red eyes turned to Ciel with a wicked smile. “How should I punish her, my lord?”
Ciel did not look at Sebastian, eyes still on you. He looked over you, and then your new work of art. He sighed, then asked, “Are you sorry?”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion and Sebastian’s smile dropped almost instantly. “Huh?”
“Are you sorry for what you’ve done?” Ciel asked again, staring at you as he awaited your response.
“Sir, with all do respect,” Sebastian interrupted. “Y/N deserves to be punished and turned in to the Queen for her crimes.”
Ciel raised a hand to silence his Butler. “Y/N, are you sorry?”
You were beyond confused but answered the boy with a soft, “I’m sorry master. I feel awful.”
Ciel straightened, then finally turned to Sebastian. “She’s innocent.”
Sebastian shook his head with shock. “What?!” 
Ciel began walking back towards the place the three of you were staying. “Y/N, follow me. We must get you cleaned up. Sebastian, pin this on someone else. We will continue our search for John Doe tomorrow morning.” Turning to look at Sebastian one last time Ciel sternly said, “That’s an order.”
You shot a sly smile towards Sebastian, then followed the Earl. “Yes, sir.”
Sebastian grumbled, but bowed slightly. “Yes, my lord.” He shot you a glare before disappearing.
You weren’t sure why Ciel let you off the hook, but you didn’t complain. In fact, you pushed your luck, letting yourself get caught every time you tried to steal, vandalize, or rob. Each time, Ciel asked you if you were sorry. You’d say yes, fein a pout, then watch as Sebastian would growl, then grumble as he’s left to clean up your messes. 
After one night where picking up after you was particularly brutal, Sebastian came grumbling to Ciel. “Why do you excuse her behavior?”
“I’m sorry?” Ciel asks with a raised brow. “Who are you to question my actions?”
“She’s a criminal, my lord,” Sebastian continued. “She should not continue to be around you with this behavior.”
“Has she ever harmed me or my name?”
“No, but-”
“Then leave it.” Ciel barked, standing from his spot on the bed where Sebastian changed him from his night clothes. “I cannot lose anyone else. As long as she is safe with us, you will continue to watch after her and keep her from being caught by the queen.”
Sebastian took a deep breath. “I did not know that you felt this way about Y/N.” Bowing lowly, he continued. “I will protect her as I do you, my lord.”
“Use me as an excuse if you have to,” Ciel sighs. “I don’t care. Make sure she stays with us.” He couldn’t risk losing you. Whether you truly were using him, or just doing this due to old habit, you were all Ciel had left. He couldn’t risk anything happening to you or the other servants, so as long as he’s alive he is going to see you as innocent and keep you out of harm’s way of the Queen.
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aitian · 5 years
monday jan 28 12:32
today was ok. i woke up knowing i would have to commute on my own to hubterbcollege for the first nycaasc meeting. the walk was so long through central park & not even the nice park area just the nasty sidewalk under tunnels where the cars zoom through.
nycaasc was awkward. everyone leading was awkward, & i felt awkward tension in the room listening to so many ppl say things i did & didnt agree with & embody things i hate/enjoy abt my asian-americaness. & esp being near Emily he was weird bc i knew they were into it but i dont think i was. so it felt like pretending. & i should have just left bc today was :/// but i kept hanging out w them like goingto a photo gallery then taking the bus back & going to their dorm to cook & eat w them & their roommates that i feel foreign & out of place being near bc its such a WOMXN space rather than a gender inclusive space of that makes sense & idk i feel so not welcome. but yea i felt boring & small & unwanted mostly but also a burden for taking up space & being all of the things above idk. bad vibes i guess.
i have been trying so hard to have good times too. on Saturday i bought alcohol w eelia & tasha & it was awkward & awful bc eelia was another at her mom for asking her to do work & tasha was being rly disrespectful of boundaries & coming onto eelia so much & i felt like a weird third wheel but in the middle of it if that makes sense. but yea felt ok but whatever & i spent the whole time checking in on eelia bc im a good friend but expecting reciprocity is always hard like today i wanted to go to jjs bc i didn’t eat well but instead i felt stupid for asking (begging) eelia to do smth she didn’t want to do & she said it was me who was being inconsiderate to her but whatever i guess that’s true & im stupid for wanting to not b hungry even tho i literally agree to like sit w her when i don’t need to eat and etc haha resentful
another thing that happened was i msged someone who interns at aaww for design for an internship lmfao & their answer was haha no things r strange yay cool idc which was a great thing to wake up to. i got into contact w them bc of emily li. i had some good hanging out w emily last week, esp friday we went to chinatown & it was comfortable like we can have silence & be ok type comfortable. & that night i went to amandas party & got so drunk off wine like i think i had a whole box. that was a rly good day.
& i met raphael who is so gay & so pretty & the first topic of conversation was how amazing his boyfriend is haha i want to die. idk y but there r so many unavailable attractive asian boys in my week. thomas is v cute & i think maybe confirmed queer?? not sure but he is at least friends w many gay asian ppl. & there r two very hot asian boys in my frosci class they r actually so hot. & finally the boy i took secret pics of that time i studied for lit hum with thomas on accident is in my new lit hum class. he was asked to be a scribe last time & it was so embarrassing bc the teacher had to spell everything out for him. columvia rly out here making a fool of anyone who doesn’t come from a bg of the white american education.
my first week was full of classes. very busy & i hung out w ppl every day. all of my cser classes made me feel like i didn’t belong, like they were not meant for first yr students who r depressed & unable to handle an intensive workload. all of my art classes made me feel like i was a fool for trying, like i am a fool for thinking it might be a space for me to learn from. i got put on the printmaking waitlist bc many many mfa students & upper yr students showed up. i am dropping drawing bc i do not need a while woman & a white woman space to tell me what actions of mine r valuable. & the only way i would succeed in that class is if i become exoticised in a way that feels appealing to them. so yea i have decided that i will not study art in my life i guess. wack.
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