#It actually drives me crazy how badly queer horror is written
p1zzaparty · 7 months
Queer horror makes me so unbelievably happy and absolutely destroyed by how consistently mishandled it is
genuinely i want to write a whole essay on the subject because aaaaa!!!!!!
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beldaroot · 3 years
omg thank u for that bi richie list. i know majority of people either love/like gay richie, think it’s okay, or don’t care, but i need to get this off my chest even if it’s unpopular: i don’t fuck w gay richie AT ALL, i hate it sm honestly.
to me, it’s a painful reminder of what was ripped away from eddie and the missed opportunities w richie’s bi coding they could’ve used from the novel. i see gay richie and i go “that could’ve been eddie if the scriptwriters had possessed at least one brain cell. eddie deserved that” and my bitterness goes through the ROOF. it drives me crazy that andy literally admitted gay richie is a direct result of robbing eddie cause richie wasn’t angsty enough??? how did they miss the self loathing over his adhd, hiding behind masks, the fact that richie’s the only one who sees himself as the monster. hello??? and w/out eddie to rob from, they just think richie’s str8, cause bi people??? what’s that???? and we’re left w what’s essentially a watered down version of eddie’s gay coding in richie, when we could’ve had something so rich w both of their different queer stories in tact. ugh it’s rlly damn depressing that bi richie used to be everywhere and now it’s almost nonexistent :(
plus if u look at past scripts, u can easily see the writers have an annoying obsession w moving around important character traits/roles. mike and stan are the other ones who fall victim to it, two guesses as to why. starting w the dumpster fire that is the 2010 script, richie is gay and has the bj leper scene instead of eddie, mike and stan are out of the entire narrative, bill stays in derry as the librarian instead of mike. the 2015 script, stan is bill’s pet goldfish while richie is now jewish and still possesses eddie’s gay coding on top of that. and then ofc, u get to chap 1 and ben is the historian while mike gets paid dust. sickening. at least during that time u could fall back on the fandom, who was willing to restore what was taken away and add depth by looking towards the book. but that’s not the case anymore. and the story is finished in the movies so there’s less incentive to read or know the novel. the way everything played out is just so unfortunate.
ok, get that off your chest!! sorry this took so long to reply, i wanted to answer this appropriately because i feel a lot of your frustrations and can totally understand your opinions even if they are considered “unpopular” by fandom.
as someone who has read gay richie fics and enjoyed them i will say that i will always prefer bisexual richie. richie, in my mind, will always be bi because the bi subtext for him in the novel is so apparent. i know people think that we should be happy with any sort of gay representation in media, especially in the horror genre, since it's so rare, but it really does feel like people are just settling for the bare minimum. i mean, what good is gay rep if it isn't authentic to the original source, was robbed from and mixed with another character, and perpetrates stereotypes that gay men will always be either repressed, sad, dead, or never find happiness with who they love? this type of gay rep might have passed in the 80s, but in 2019? yeah, no let’s move on. 
i don't get how people still defend andy when he has explicitly stated that he didn't think richie had “enough” going on, so he just took from eddie. he pretty much said that richie was too simple as a character on his own, basically ignoring all the bi coding and all the incredible individualized characterization he has! maybe if richie was actually written well in the movie i wouldn't be complaining as much, but he was really reduced to sad, repressed gay who isn't ambitious enough to write his own jokes and will abandon his friends for his own selfish needs, WHICH IS LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF BOOK RICHIE?! and don’t get me started on how badly eddie was written, oof. eddieway... i hate how those bad and often switched characterizations bleed into fandom works because i’ll read a reddie fic and be like “that's... not richie” or “that's not eddie” or “why is richie doing that bc that's eddie's issue.” it’s just sad :(
and taking eddie's gay coding and giving it to richie is such a disservice to BOTH of them. i've said it before, but their sexualities and stories are connected and intertwined but they are NOT interchangeable! they are unique to the specific character. eddie’s sexuality cannot be removed from his storyline; it is absolutely vital to understand him as a character. the fears richie face and his personality and actions as a whole, imo, only make sense if he is bisexual. 
andy & co really thought they were being so big brained by making richie canonically gay and adding minor subtext about eddie’s sexuality when all they did was tarnish characterizations for a gay plot line that wasn’t even coherent. and what's the most frustrating is that andy obviously thought both eddie and richie were gay and in love but he just did such a bad job actually showing that!! if so many people came out of the movie thinking it was a one-sided romance, or were confused about r+e at the end, or the only true confirmation we have that “richie is gay” is from interviews done after the movie came out, then that's an issue and it's your fault you can't tell a story properly! i hated how fans previously said the story only seems bad because wb made him edit the gay stuff out, because that still doesn't explain how badly richie or eddie were written in the movie. it's bad gay rep objectively, and i know we’ll make fun of it as a joke or whatever, but it's actually so disappointing and very concerning that people are willing to settle and accept it. 
also, i've said it before, the book is not very good and has a shit ton of issues in it. i'm not asking people to read it if they don't want to or even like it if they do. but when book readers say the book had better characterizations since the movies did them so dirty, it isn't an attack, it’s just a fact? we've come to cherish certain characterizations from the book and we wish it was adapted properly and our characters were given justice. i find it so funny how movie stans were like “so you're going to defend sk's writing then?” and like..... no one is doing that, lol we literally hate that man (unlike your fave andy who is literally obsessed with him and made two movies that were practically bad fanfic of an already bad book lmao). 
and like you pointed out in the other scripts, it's like every writer did not comprehend the individual issues of each loser so they just thought it would be best to mix them around. it's really bizarre, especially when you see the racial implications and other forms of discrimination present in these god awful characterizations. i mean i know it's a big book and obviously you can't adapt every part of it, but it's so weird how when you're reading these scripts or watching these movies it feels like it's nothing like the book? it's totally fine if the writers want to make changes, modernize it, etc., but it's disappointing that these drastic changes make the losers not even seem like the losers! and you're right, after it 2017 we were willing to go back to the book as a source to fill in the parts that the movie missed, but i feel since it 2019 came out, people are less inclined to do that and think the movie is the only valid form of canon because it has actual gay rep. no canon is perfect so we've always picked and mixed together what aspects of canon we liked, but i feel like nowadays it ch2 will always be the main form people derive from and i think that's the most unfortunate thing about this whole situation :(
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maude-lebowski · 7 years
So I’ve had something weighing on me like fucking CRAZY for several weeks now and I haven’t written about it even semi publicly literally anywhere yet and tbh I realize that prob no one will read this whole thing since even tho imma try and make it as short as possible it’ll still certainly be pretty damn long, but fuuuuuuck man I just gotta get this out there somewhere because it’s fucking killing me, yo. Ok, so back 5 whole years ago now I was raped back in Missoula, MT.  Not gonna tell the whole thing again - some of you may remember it, most prob don’t, but long story short:  I got super drunk at a good friend’s house, and subsequently a dude basically held me prisoner in his fucked up car for over 3 hours raping me in an attempt to “fix the lesbian”.  I took his ass to court, and I lost.  I lost on a super, SUPER fucked up defense that rested almost entirely on the fact that I’m not a “real” lesbian, because “real lesbians don’t exits”.  I apparently “decided to just let nature take it’s course”.  Then according to the defense I was so confused after the incident because of how it conflicted with the “lesbian identity I’d clung to for so long” that I cried rape in order to quell my cognitive dissonance and also to ensure that I wouldn’t be rejected from the LGBT community after they found out I’d slept with a man.  The entire trial was just basically the world’s fucking largest homophobic shitshow.  They even overtly hinted at one of my key witness lacking credibility based on the fact that she’s a transwoman. But yeah, so all this happens, and it’s super fucked up.  I never saw an inch of justice, my rapist just went on with his life like nothing had ever happened and I’m still carrying the fucked up, painful in a way I can never quite articulate burden of not just the rape, but all of the fucked as fuck aftermath.  I carry that shit every. fucking. day.  I’m still learning to live with it.  Some part of me probably always will be. But then a few weeks ago I decided to look my rapist up on the ol’ internet, because I’m a curious cat with a strain of self hatred, I suppose.  But what I found was so fucked up I literally have no idea how to even process it. My rapist is now and out and proud transgender woman and lesbian. WHAT. THAT. FUCK. It’s been a few weeks now and I still can’t even figure out what to begin to do with this information.  It drives me pretty crazy. I want to talk about it with people.  I want so, so fucking badly to talk about it.  I want to scream about it, really.  But I feel like I have literally no one I can turn to, nowhere I can go.  I don’t really have very many friends, tbh.  My PS4 friends just aren’t really the type I can go to about this sort of thing, and that’s my daily social circle.  I told one of my best friends, and he just didn’t really know what to say, so he just kinda changed the subject.  I don’t really have any friends from that era of my life, the ones who were there for it all still around.  I pushed them all away a while ago now - they’re gone.  And I don’t really have any real queer friends in general.  I tried to talk to a couple, but it didn’t work out, I just felt angrier and kinda betrayed.  These same friends that stood beside me from the beginning of the ordeal and were there every step were suddenly for the first time talking to me about how I needed to come to a place of forgiveness.  As if my rapist being trans and queer now suddenly negates the absolute horror they rained down upon my life, the misery they’ve sunk me into for 5 long years.  Even my therapist, who I absolutely adore, even she doesn’t know what to say.  For the first time she’s at a total loss, she says it’s unlike anything she’s ever seen or had to deal with in any way and is just as shocked as I am.  But at least she doesn’t preach that fucked up forgiveness bullshit at me. I’m just so angry.  I’m so fucking angry it makes me literally cry.  I just don’t understand this world sometimes.  I don’t understand how they, such a horrible, horrific human being can do something so unbelievably heinous to someone else and then just be allowed to go through life completely unscathed.  How I can be so physically and emotionally violated in every single way to the point that compiled with all the other trauma (including homophobic attacks, sexual violence, parental abuse and addiction, god I can’t even begin to list it all fuck it, man) I basically turned into the exact person I never wanted to be and became a monster myself, someone who hurt everyone they loved beyond reason, to where for the last year and a half I’ve had to work my ass off literally every single day to try and destroy that person and rebuild myself into someone I actually want to be, writing hundreds of pages, going to therapy 2-3 times a week, and on and on, all while still living with this fucked up mental health and these memories I never wanted and never asked for, while meanwhile this piece of shit is getting to live the life they literally always dreamt of without ever a single thought of all of the ones they’ve ruined.  It infuriates me beyond reason. And worst of all, I don’t even know how to talk about it.  Who to go to.  Where to go.  HOW to talk about it.  Because with all the shit here in the US about trans* folk being predators and our community having to prove every single day that we aren’t actually fucking monsters, here in our midst stands an actual fucking monster.  And so how do I begin to heal if I can’t talk about it, and how do I talk about it in that kind of charged, political atmosphere?!  Literally how?! I’m just so angry and so tired and so sad and so lonely and so, so exhausted and tbh I know it wouldn’t solve a goddamn thing, but right now what I want more than anything in the whole world is to just runaway to some mountains somewhere and sit up on the top of a pass on a rocky outcrop and look out at everything and just maybe feel for a brief moment like the world isn’t completely on fire and that it hasn’t always been this way and that it won’t always be forever.
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