#It is a chocolate brown variety with pink painting colors in the middle of the leaves.
phildendron · 10 months
Coleus scutellarioides
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#Coleus fairway mosaic#This is the most beautiful coleus with multi-colored leaves. Add stunning border decoration plants in gardens.#coleus fairway mosaic -coleus leaf#Coleus Green with pink#This variety has bi-colored foliage with pink centers surrounded by green margins#coleus green with pink -coleus leaf#Coleus Painted Nettle#It is a chocolate brown variety with pink painting colors in the middle of the leaves.#coleus painted nettle -coleus leaf#Plant Care#Soil#These indoor coleus plant loves to grow in rapidly-drained soil of any range but well-drained soil is preferred to avoid root rot & congest#coleus scutellarioides soil#Watering#Application of water to this plant only when the top inch of soil dries & plant begins to wilt. Overwatering leads to root rot & death.#indoor coleus plant watering-coleus leaf#Sunlight#The indoor ornamental plants are shade-loving plants. Indoor coleus enjoys indirect sunlight. But the leaf color is achieved through the di#evening sunlight#or under a shade net.#indoor ornamental plants sunlight-coleus leaf#Flowers#This plant bears a lavender-colored spike of flowers. Pinching the flowers helps the plant to grow faster & bushy.#coleus scutellarioides flower#Propagation#Easily propagated through stem cuttings. Just trim the base of the cuttings & allow the top leaves alone.#coleus leaf cuttings#Repotting#Transfer the plants to new bigger size pots when the coleus plants are found to be root bound over the drainge holes. Avoid placing the ind#coleus leaf plant repotting
0 notes
philodendronplant · 10 months
Coleus scutellarioides
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#Coleus Green with pink#This variety has bi-colored foliage with pink centers surrounded by green margins#coleus green with pink -coleus leaf#Coleus Painted Nettle#It is a chocolate brown variety with pink painting colors in the middle of the leaves.#coleus painted nettle -coleus leaf#Plant Care#Soil#These indoor coleus plant loves to grow in rapidly-drained soil of any range but well-drained soil is preferred to avoid root rot & congest#coleus scutellarioides soil#Watering#Application of water to this plant only when the top inch of soil dries & plant begins to wilt. Overwatering leads to root rot & death.#indoor coleus plant watering-coleus leaf#Sunlight#The indoor ornamental plants are shade-loving plants. Indoor coleus enjoys indirect sunlight. But the leaf color is achieved through the di#evening sunlight#or under a shade net.#indoor ornamental plants sunlight-coleus leaf#Flowers#This plant bears a lavender-colored spike of flowers. Pinching the flowers helps the plant to grow faster & bushy.#coleus scutellarioides flower#Propagation#Easily propagated through stem cuttings. Just trim the base of the cuttings & allow the top leaves alone.#coleus leaf cuttings#Repotting#Transfer the plants to new bigger size pots when the coleus plants are found to be root bound over the drainge holes. Avoid placing the ind#coleus leaf plant repotting#Pinching#This is the most important practice in Coleus plant care. Regularly pinch off the cuttings from the top growing ends to promote more branch#coleus indoor plant pinching-coleus leaf
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bellafarallones2 · 3 years
From the meet uglies prompt list:
84. I’m not entirely sure who you are but we’ve been in a massive prank war ever since your first prank on your friend went awry and I was covered in paint
For JakeHollis, please? Sfw or nsfw! This screams them to me!
JakeHollis, SFW, very light angst, some absolutely weird vibes! QueerElfClub's Hollis cosplay is my headcanon for them always and forever
All told, Jake’s first day at Kepler High hadn’t been too bad. Barclay and Dani had told him roughly what to expect, including a rapid rundown of the Earth history he’d be looked at strangely for not knowing. So far, math was his favorite class, because it was the same as on Silvain. Mama had gotten him into something called AP BC Calculus, which seemed like far too many acronyms for a class about shapes. His next most favorite class was PE.
Now it was almost three, and the final bell had rung. Packing up his backpack had taken so much time that the hallways were mostly empty, and he wandered idly, looking for the exit. Barclay was supposed to be picking him up somewhere called the “kiss and ride,” though Jake had been assured kissing was not mandatory. No signs pointed the way, and Jake knew better than to ask someone for directions. Teenagers were the same everywhere.
He found himself in a wing of the school none of his classes had been in, passing rooms labeled ORCHESTRA and BAND and COLOR GUARD EQUIPMENT STORAGE. The sound of music came through the walls.
Finally, though - miracle of miracles! - he saw the light of day, and hurried towards the door it was coming from. The door was even cracked open, and Jake pushed it open the rest of the way and stepped out onto the sidewalk.
Something hit his head.
Something that made a klang noise against his skull, and he thought for a moment his head had cracked - he didn’t know how fragile these disguises were - but no, there was something else dripping through his hair and down his face and down all over his new colorful jacket. He looked down. It was white and foul-smelling, and when he blinked his eyelashes clumped and stuck together.
Jake was fairly certain neither Dani nor Barclay had mentioned this. He could barely see, just the edges of a person saying oh fuck, I’m so sorry, I thought you were Keith, and tugging him back into the school, which was not at all where he wanted to go.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” the voice said, and Jake found himself in a restroom, without even the time to make sure it was the correct one - he needed to be in one called BOYS or MEN, or the one with a little outline of a person without a skirt. or GENTLEMEN. (Barclay knew a long list of things he’d seen printed on bathroom doors.)
But here he was, and he bent to the sink to wash his face and came up dripping. Then he repeated the introduction he’d given so many times already today.
“I’m Jake,” he said. “Dani’s brother.” (People knew Dani; she’d graduated only two years earlier. He told teachers he was Barclay’s brother. Barclay was a little older, but a better student than Dani had been.)
“Oh,” said the person. “I think I had an art class with her. I’m Hollis.”
“Nice to meet you.”
Hollis had curly black hair and brown skin, and the sleeves of their shirt were tattered like they’d been cut off and not hemmed afterwards. When they rubbed at the stuff on Jake’s sleeve with a wet paper towel he could see the fine line of muscle beneath the skin in their arm.
Jake took a deep breath. “Do you think you could point me towards the kiss and ride?”
By the time Jake climbed into Barclay’s truck, he was as clean as one could get with hand soap and paper towels.
“How was your first day?” said Barclay, tactfully not saying anything about the paint.
“Fine. I’m really glad you and Dani told me so much about what to expect. But when I was trying to find my way out at the end of the day a bucket of paint fell on my head.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Someone helped me clean up, though. Their name’s Hollis. I think we’re friends now?”
“Well, that’s nice.”
“One girl in my homeroom brought in brownies to share with everybody because it was her birthday. Are you allowed to do that even if it’s not your birthday?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Can I bring in cupcakes tomorrow? The ones you make are really good and I think people would like me if I gave them some.”
Barclay looked over at him, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “Alright,” he said. “I’ll make you some cupcakes.”
The cupcakes were gorgeous. Each was as the platonic ideal of what a cupcake should be, the cupcake held before the fire to cast a shadow in Plato’s confectionary cave. The cake part was delicate and moist and yellow, and the frosting was pink, dusted with rainbow sprinkles.
“Oh,” said Jake’s homeroom teacher when she saw him come in carrying the lovingly packed tray. Barclay had put crumpled saran wrap between each cupcake so they wouldn’t knock into each other. “Is it your birthday, Jake?”
“Nope! But I brought cupcakes for everyone.”
“Alright,” said the teacher. “You can start passing them out now, if you’d like.”
Jake held out the tray to each person in the first few rows in turn, receiving varyingly sincere ‘thank you’s in return. But sitting in the back corner by the window was Hollis, and when Jake got to them, he didn’t hold out the tray. No, he selected the most perfect cupcake there was, cupped its soft bottom, and shoved the perfect pink frosting into Hollis’ perfect face.
“Oops,” Jake said sweetly.
“Jake!” said the teacher. “What do you think you’re doing!?”
But Hollis was already laughing, wiping pink frosting off their face and licking it off their fingers. “It’s fine, Ms. B., we’re in a prank war.”
“Well, please refrain from waging it in my classroom!”
“I’m sorry,” said Jake. He’d never heard the phrase prank war before, but the word war he didn’t like at all. War was the slowly narrowing boundaries of habitable land, war was an enemy that was somehow both inuman and implacably angry.
The boy sitting to Hollis’ left was looking up at Jake with something like shock and anger in his face. Looking away, Jake held out the plate of cupcakes to him so he could select his own.
Jake still had trouble finding the cafeteria, and so most of the students were seated when he arrived. He was scanning looking for a seat where he wouldn’t be intruding on someone else’s friend group when Hollis’ waving hand caught his attention. “Yo, Jake! Come sit with us?”
Jake hurried over. Before he reached the table Hollis elbowed the boy who was sitting next to them, the same one who’d been next to them in homeroom, and he scooted hurriedly over into the next seat so Jake could sit next to Hollis.
“Hello,” Jake said, nodding at each person at the table.
“This is Jake,” said Hollis. “He got me good in homeroom with a cupcake to the face.”
The others at the table laughed.
“Jake, this is Keith, Madison, and Ty,” Hollis continued, indicating the boy who’d been displaced, a girl with purple streaks in her long brown hair, and a boy with a mullet.
“Nice to meet you,” said Jake. He listened to them talk as he unpacked the lunch Barclay had packed him. A sandwich on part of a baguette, a chocolate-chip cookie, a honeycrisp apple (Jake had just been on earth long enough to have opinions about the different varieties of apples), and a note reminding him that Barclay loved him and wanted him to have a good day.
His tablemates were discussing what they were going to do over the weekend. Ty suggested going to Walmart, which was shot down on the grounds that they’d done that last weekend. No one’s parents were out of town, which eliminated the possibility of a house party.
“There’s nothing to do,” Madison whined.
“Can you drive places?” Jake asked.
Everyone went quiet. “Yep,” said Hollis. “When Madison’s parents let her use the car.”
It was Jake’s first autumn on earth, and from his bedroom window on the second floor of Amnesty Lodge he could see the leaves changing colors, red and orange and yellow between the bristles of the evergreens. “You could drive around and look at leaves. I’d like to come along, if that’s alright.”
Everyone was silent, deciding whether that was the lamest thing they’d ever heard or so lame it went straight through the other side into being kind of a good idea again.
“Fuck it,” said Hollis finally. “Let’s do it. And of course you’re invited, Jake, let me add you to the group chat.”
That Saturday, a silver Honda pulled up in front of Amnesty Lodge. Madison was at the wheel, Ty in the front passenger seat, and Keith sulking in the back. Behind it was a sleek motorcycle, and the rider’s helmet reflected the autumn leaves above.
Hollis pulled off their helmet. Their hair was disheveled and gorgeous. “If it was five of us in the car someone would have had to sit in the middle back, and that sucks,” they said. “Hop on, Jake.” They were holding out a second helmet.
“Um,” said Jake, offering them a bottle of sparkling cider with gold foil around the neck. “I brought something for us to drink?” The agreement had been that they would drive to one of the pull-off spots along the highway and have drinks there.
“Sweet,” said Hollis. “Put it in the back of the car?”
When Jake opened the back door of the car he saw a case of white claw on the seat next to Keith. “Was I supposed to bring alcohol?” Jake said. “I could have.” There was wine at the lodge; sometimes on the weekends Mama and Barclay went wine-tasting together, because Dani’s ID said she wasn’t old enough.
“No, Jake, you’re fine,” Hollis said. “Climb on.”
Jake fit the helmet over his head and climbed onto the smooth leather seat of the motorcycle behind Hollis. “Hold on tight,” said Hollis.
The motorcycle roared to life like one of Silvain’s larger beasts. Then it leaped forward, swerving hard to veer around Madison’s parents’ car. Jake swallowed a shriek and held on tighter. He could no longer feel the soft fabric of Hollis’s shirt, only the beast beneath them and the wind tearing at their jackets and the red, orange, and yellow leaves racing by above.
By the time they reached the appointed meeting place the others weren’t even in sight.
“So,” said Hollis when they pulled their helmet off. “What brings you to Kepler?”
Jake knew how to lie, when presented with questions like this. But with Hollis they found they didn’t want to. “I got kicked out of my old school.”
Hollis’s eyebrows went up.
“For… stealing.” Stealing food, because his family’s traditional hunting grounds had been corrupted by the Quell, and everyone else had barely enough for themselves. The huge mounds of apples in the grocery store in Kepler were the first thing to convince him he’d been exiled to paradise.
“Damn, Jake. And here I thought you were so wholesome.”
Jake threw up a hang-ten. “Nah, I’m a real bad boy.”
“Are you… with anyone? From your old school?”
“Nope. Are you?”
“Nah.” Hollis took a deep breath. It was the first time Jake had noticed them breathing. Human beings had to breathe so frequently, he’d found, and he sometimes forgot to until his lungs reminded him. His old body had been able to hold its breath for over an hour, collapsing his lungs so he was sleekness against the water inside and out. Incompressible.
“Wanna make out?” said Hollis.
“Yeah,” said Jake.
Hollis leaned in and kissed him. The best part was how warm their lips were, how warm their face was, right up close to his. No, scratch that. The best part was how they smelled, a smell Jake hadn’t encountered on earth up to that point but knew now he could never get enough of. No, the best part was -
Tires on gravel. Jake startled, but Hollis didn’t stop kissing him, even as Madison honked the horn on her parents’ car.
To Jake, that was the most surprising thing, that Hollis would want to kiss him in front of their friends. Teenagers were the same everywhere.
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honestlywrites · 4 years
Donuts (Modern! Boba Fett x Reader)
Summary: You are a secretary at the Mos Eisley Police Station and are an avid admirer of the famed bounty hunter, Boba Fett. One day, when you bring in a fresh stack of donuts, he takes notice and you find yourself falling for him even more than you did before. 
You had always seen him around, turning in paperwork and occasionally dragging around one of his bounties. If you were lucky, you might even be able to talk to him. It was just so difficult, the two of you existed in two different bubbles and while you may work at the same establishment, you never felt interesting enough to even insert yourself into a conversation.
Being a secretary at a rather large police station was not the life that everyone envisioned it to be. You had gone through college with a regular degree and now organized papers for a living to make money for bills that could not be paid. It was not all bad though, the people were nice. When you had the chance to make donuts for the precinct, they always appreciated it. You had a few friends and so life was not the hell hole that you complained about online to your family. The best part about it, though, is Boba Fett. 
The famed bounty hunter also came with a resounding personality and he filled the shoes well. His father had once been a bounty hunter for this exact precinct and now was filling the legacy with his beautiful tanned skin and curly chocolate hair. He was dreamy and most women admired him, you included. The Mos Eisley Police Station was in the middle of a hotbed of criminals and so every day you would watch him run in and out of the station, coming back with a new fugitive who had run from the court. He would always come back with a smug look on his face like it was a game to him. This Boba Fett was unreachable, he was basically a celebrity. But, your baked goods had reached the same level of fame in the precinct which was enough to garner his attention to see what his competition was.  
“Can I have one of these?” the accented voice instantly breaks you out of your stupor as your eyes look up from the bright screen of the computer. In front of you stands Boba Fett in all of his six-foot glory and for a moment it feels as if your heart stopped beating in your chest.
“Of course!” the words stumble out of your mouth. For a moment you feel like you appear too eager but Boba does not seem to mind as he picks up a glazed donut from the tray and takes a bite. You hold your breath, watching for his approval as his eyes widen.
“This is amazing,” he pauses for a moment as the entire donut disappears into his mouth. He speaks around the donut, praising its flavor. 
“Wow. You made this?”
You can only nod as you feel your face warm from the compliment. Boba looks around before grabbing a napkin to stack a hefty pile of donuts on top. The pure feeling of joy fills your chest as he attempts to stack as many donuts onto a napkin as possible.
“Don’t take all of them, I made them for the whole precinct,” you mutter in a teasing tone. It is easy to want to enable his hoarding, but you are impressed by your ability to form coherent sentences. 
“It’s evidence. I’m bringing you in for your amazing baking skills because no one should be able to make donuts that good,” he says, flashing a dazzling smile in your direction. He finally gives in and puts back a few of the donuts on his napkin, keeping a good few for himself.
“Well, if you bring me in then I won’t be able to bake anything,” you smile and he reciprocates, remaining silent for a moment before speaking.
“I’ll let you go this time, but make sure you have enough for me to take home next time,” he winks at you as he walks away and the blood rushes to your cheek, painting them bright red. 
Your eyes flutter closed as you take in the experience, remembering the russet brown eyes and the strong smell of his expensive cologne. For a moment, you cannot even begin to decipher the conversation, trying to understand if he was flirting or not, but the experience as a whole is enough to make you want to bake another batch of donuts.  
The next week, you bring a variety of donuts. They are situated on your desk once again and they accent it with the various colors and flavors of donuts that draw all of the police officers in. You do not see Boba all day and as the pile dwindles, you grab a pink frosted one and set it aside just in case he decides to stop by. By the time the sun sets and you begin to pack your personal items into your bag, you admit defeat. The lid goes back on top of the Tupperware and all you want to do is go back home to settle down with a glass of wine. The pink frosted donut remains and you pick it up to toss in the trash. 
As you begin to walk toward the front doors, a familiar voice calls out behind you.
“Hey wait!” he jogs over from the office area and you can hear the blood pumping in your ears from this unexpected turn. “Do you have any left?”
You quickly nod and stick your hand out, the napkin containing the pink frosted donut still in hand. It slides out of your hand and into his, your hands touching for a brief moment and you can feel the warmth of his rough calloused hands on yours. 
“Thank you, doll,” he says and smiles as he takes a bite. “I was stuck in meetings all day but when I saw Bossk walk in with a donut, I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”
Your cheeks flush and you instantly look down, your hair falling in front of your face to hide your reddened cheeks. His curled hand moves under your chin to gently tilt your head back up, your eyes meeting his warm brown ones. 
“Don’t hide your face, doll,” he mutters as you feel your cheeks darken even more. 
He looks back at the offices for a moment before patting his pockets down. Boba looks up at you and sticks his bent arm out as if he wants you to put yours through it.
“It’s late out, why don’t I walk you home. Don’t know what kind of criminals could be lurking.”
You simply nod and stick your own arm through his, looking up at him for a brief moment as you attempt to discern if this moment is real. He looks down at you, winking before the two of you step out into the crisp air, ready to take on the night.
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“Reunited at Last” Chapter 3: Suspicions
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           Diana dragged her feet as she walked through Town Hall to get to the Mayor’s office. People greeted her but she kept her head down, continuing her long, slow walk as if goring to her death. It was only the second day of her indefinite punishment and while Lacey was pretty cool as far as babysitters went, Diana missed having the house to herself. She dressed as she wanted, played music while she did her homework or danced around, read her books, played with her toys--whatever she wanted without anyone being in the way. She loved it.
           “Hello, Diana. Did you have a good day at school?” a kind voice broke through her sulking.
           Looking up, Diana’s heart sank when she saw she was standing outside her mother’s office and next to her assistant’s desk. Johanna was a kindly older woman who had served as the assistant for several mayors, including Diana’s grandfather and great-grandfather. She sat right outside the mayor’s office in a little cubicle decorated with a desk and a few filing cabinets as well as some personal knick-knacks Johanna had collected over the years. Diana always liked Johanna and returned the smile the older woman gave her.
           “It was okay,” Diana replied in answer to her question, not wanting to be rude to Johanna. She was not part of the battle between the supposed mother and daughter. “Still a lot of reviewing to make sure we remember everything we learned last year.”
           “That does sound boring but I’m sure it’ll get interesting again.” Johanna motioned to the door. “Go on in. Your mother is waiting for you.”
           Biting back the urge to snap that the mayor was not her mother, Diana thanked Johanna. She opened the door, ready to face Mom. Her teacher had told her earlier that Mom had spoken to her about her supposed homework assignment the day before so Diana knew she was busted. It had been her mother’s late day yesterday so she had gotten home after Diana had gone to bed. Diana hoped she could get away without a big lecture today but she doubted it.
           They mayor’s office was decorated in earth tones, as Diana knew from her art classes at school. She also had memories of when her mother decorated the office, though she doubted now that they were even real. Still, she could rattle off the name of each color--the rug was canyon brown and the walls mocha cream with harvest gold accents. It made the mahogany colored fireplace stand out more. Chocolate brown couches faced the fireplace with a mahogany coffee table between them. Mom had a book full of pictures of Storybrooke for visitors to peruse on it.
           All of that was to Diana’s left. On her right was a long, cherry wood dining table with several matching chairs. Mom had meetings with other government officials and her staff members there, usually providing them with food and beverages from the snack bar against the wall. It was stocked with several types of snacks and drinks, as well as a good variety of fruit--except for apples. Even the basket of wax fruit Mom kept on the table contained no apples, something Diana only recently noticed. It intrigued her, just like her mother’s fascination with birds. She had several paintings of them hanging on the walls both here and at their house. Diana gave one the side-eye as she stood in the doorway.
           “Why don’t you grab a snack and then have a seat on the couch? I just need to finish up one thing and then we can talk,” Mom said, head bent as she filled out some paperwork on her desk. It was located in the middle of the back wall, right in front of the large windows that overlooked the town. The only other place to offer a better view was the clock tower above Storybrooke’s abandoned library. No one went up there, though, as the clock was broken--unable to move forward because the curse had stopped time for the citizens of Storybrooke. It made Diana question so much and she wished she could find the answers, not have to tap dance around her “mother.”
           For now, she did as her mother suggested and grabbed a granola bar as well as a juice box from the fridge. She then sat on the couch, her book bag at her feet, and waited for Mom to finish her paperwork as she munched on her snack.
           It didn’t take long for Mom to sit down next to her, tucking her black skirt under her as she did so. She placed a picture frame upside down on her lap before adjusting the pink sweater over her white shirt. Mom leaned closer as she smiled at Diana. “How was your day, princess?”
           “Okay,” Diana replied, shrugging. She then repeated what she told Johanna.
           Mom nodded. “Revision is very important. You need to make sure you have that foundation in order to build up your knowledge.”
           When Diana shrugged again, Mom pressed her lips together. She then said: “I spoke to your teacher yesterday.”
           Diana’s heart sunk. “I know. Sister Trina told me.”
           “So I know that there was no survey assignment. I also went to talk to Ms. Mills yesterday as well,” Mom continued.
           “You did?” Diana asked, her stomach twisting up in knots. “Did she tell you why I was really there?”
           Mom nodded. “I wasn’t pleased that you lied to me but you were only following Ms. Mills’ lead and she was trying to spare my feelings, so I’ll let it slide--for now. But we need to talk about your sudden belief that I’m not your mom and Ms. Mills is.”
           “Because it’s true,” Diana protested.
           Mom’s brow furrowed. “Why? Because some book told you?”
           Diana knew that when she put it that way, it did sound silly. Yet she also knew in her heart that it was true. She doubted Mom would accept that and would keep pushing until Diana doubted her own heart. Villains were very good at that thing.
           “I don’t look like you or Dad,” she said instead. “I don’t feel part of this family.”
           Mom’s eyes filled with tears and she wrapped her arm around Diana. She lifted the picture frame to reveal the photograph of herself lying in a hospital bed holding a newborn baby wrapped in a white blanket and wearing a pink hat. “Your father took this the day you were born--the happiest day of our life. You are our daughter--my daughter.”
           She let Diana hold the picture as she moved in closer. “I know things have been different since your father’s accident. I know it’s been hard not having him around. It’s been hard for me too, trying to be the mayor as well as both mom and dad to you. And I’m willing to admit that maybe I haven’t been so great a mom these past few months.
           “I have a proposal for you,” she continued. “I promise to make more time for you. Starting this week, I’m going to block out a special chunk of time that’s only for the two of us. We can do whatever you want--go to the movies, go shopping, have lunch, practice archery. How does that sound?”
           It sounded tempting. Diana loved all of those things, especially archery. She figured it wouldn’t hurt to spend time with the enemy. Perhaps she could get some answers while lulling Mom into a false sense of security. This appeared to be a win-win situation.
           “That sounds great, Mom,” she replied with a smile.
           Mom smiled but her tone sounded serious as she continued: “Now you need to do something for me. You need to stop all this nonsense about Ms. Mills being your real mother. I spoke with her and she’s agreed to have no contact with you.”
           “What?” Diana exclaimed. She would’ve jumped up but Mom had tightened her grip. “That’s not fair!”
           “It may not seem fair but it’s for the best,” Mom insisted. “I don’t want you talking with Ms. Mills either. Instead, I want you to talk with Dr. Hopper.”
           Dr. Hopper was the town’s psychiatric and Diana’s stomach twisted at the implications. “I’m not crazy!”
           Mom caressed Diana’s face as she softened her tone. “Of course you’re not. I just think a lot has happened and you need someone to talk to, someone who can help you work through everything. Dr. Hopper can do that. And you won’t be alone. We’ll also have sessions together to become stronger as a family, okay?”
           Though it sounded like she had a choice, Diana knew she was going to see Dr. Hopper whether she wanted to or not. She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she said: “Okay.”
           “Thank you, princess. Things are going to get better, I promise.” Mom hugged her. “And the first step is for you to give me the storybook. I think it’s best if we got rid of it.”
           Diana had been expecting that and she was glad she had already left it somewhere safe. It allowed her to truthfully say: “I don’t have it. I gave it to a friend. The book was meant to be shared.”
           Mom’s eyebrow went up but she relaxed, seemingly accepting that answer. “Good. I think we’re off to a very good start then.”
           There was a sharp rap on the door before it opened. Johanna stood there, facing the two. “Lacey is here for Diana,” she said.
           “Thank you. Tell Lacey she’ll be right out,” Mom replied.
           Johanna nodded before closing the door. Mom stood. “I’ll be home in time for dinner. Be good for Lacey.”
           “I will,” Diana replied, putting her book bag on. Mom opened her arms and Diana hugged her, playing along for now.
           Mom let her go and Diana headed out of her office. Lacey stood there, tapping one of her blue pumps impatiently. She leaned against the wall, her black skirt ending far above her knees. Her bright blue sequined halter top sparkled in the fluorescent lighting and when she caught sight of Diana, her necklaces clanged together as she straightened up. “Hey, kid. Ready to go?”
           “Yeah,” she said. “What are we doing today?”
           Lacey shrugged, glancing at the door. “How will your mom react if I gave you a makeover?”
           Diana looked over Lacey’s messy ponytail and expertly applied makeup, admiring them. Though she thought a makeover sounded like fun, she shook her head. “I’m already on thin ice with her and I’d rather keep you as my babysitter.”
           Lacey laughed. “I’m sure. Or else you’d have to deal with Mrs. Figg again.”
           “Ugh,” Diana replied, scrunching up her nose. “She was the worst.”
           Mrs. Figg had been her babysitter when she was a little girl. She had been strict with a lot of rules Diana had to follow and only had prunes for snacks for her, which had prompted Mom to start sending snacks with Diana. Mrs. Figg did not own a TV and usually preferred Diana to read quietly, though she did let her play with toys as long as she didn’t get too loud and didn’t make a mess. As she got older, it was harder and harder to please Mrs. Figg no matter how much Diana tried to obey her rules.
           It had been a relief when her parents had decided to trust Diana with more responsibility now that she was older and got Lacey to start watching her at home before only having her come on nights when they had to work late. Lacey wasn’t the typical babysitter, though she made sure Diana ate healthy meals and did her homework. She didn’t hover over Diana and gave her her space. While it would’ve been easier to sneak off to see Regina without Lacey around, it still didn’t keep Diana from plotting her next move to break the curse and get her real family back.
Continue reading on FFnet, AO3 or Wattpad
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werewolfbeans · 7 years
Werewolf Boyfriend 2/2
If you’ve seen the first part then run right over here!  \(^◇^;)
Disclaimer: There is near death experiences and death in general mentioned in this ficlet, please don’t read if you’re sensitive to this material ;;
Sewing was not a form of artistry that you followed.
You can vaguely remember a visiting family member giving you a botchy quilt, the mixture of cloth being a variety of garish colors. Neon greens did not mix well with midnight blues and cherry reds, too chaotic on the eyes. If you stared too long your head would begin to ache from the overflow of pure excitement on a blanket.
Regardless, your younger self had cherished it, no matter how red you made your skin from the constant itching.
A reminder to not pick sandpaper as your base for a creation.
However, your partner was rather good at this talent of weaving. Whether it came to molding hair, manipulating string, or carefully guiding a pointed edge, he had surprisingly gentle hands when it came to the creation of comfort. It was shocking to observe what sees a sewing needle through it’s life in soft cotton cloth can tear apart a fully grown elk to leave on your doorstep. Isn’t that how predators have always been though? For most the sound of gnashing teeth is all that comes to thought with the sight of him. For very little is the lip tightly curled over silver crochet hooks, your skin in range of the risk with the thread you were made with.
So thin.
With where the both of you live, so far out from civilization, he worries when you wander the woods alone.
Autumn is coming to a slow end. You need to get the last of your browns before the snow drowns it. Red and green paint was never your strongest suit.
But he insists.
Finely crafted sweaters over your shoulders, an adroit made crown with the ingredients of dying leaves upon your head. It is soon replaced with a fuzzy hat, puff ball extra fluffed on the end. His anxieties lead him to only make more, one of the only activities that sooth his soul. And though you can tell that your warmth when you leave helps him calm, he only begins to fear something else.
It’s a natural response, really. Wolves never usually travelled without their loved ones, especially when their skin is fine silk.
You really shouldn’t have turned around when you headed for the door, supply bag thrown over your shoulder.
His whine, a malicious thing, unfortunately lead you to look back.
Tail wagging behavior wasn’t a common thing for your wolf, despite body language being a big part of your conversations. But you wouldn’t need to look at more than his eyes to tell what he wanted.
He’s got pins and needles over the flap of his muzzle. Big creatures like this shouldn’t cower when they tower over a being so weak.
And yet he heels.
Fidgeting with his claws, his large brown eyes just stare at you.
He looks too sad for you to leave him there.
Maybe you’ll even let him come more often. A wolf the size of a bear while crouching over, bending his ear to listen to your latest story. Sometimes he laughs, a loud, intimidating thing. Like a playful growl compared to his vicious one, burly and low toned. Your’s beside it makes the two of you sound like a chorus of bells.
Eventually you grow too cold when the sun’s heartbeat begins to slow, and the moon chaperones the sky for a short while until it can find the strength to reach up again. Your sweater can only do so much, and your eyes weren’t made for seeing at night. He doesn’t hesitate to take the chance of his fur getting all over you. The positive side of it is that your partner is a walking oven, and you don’t even realize that you’d fallen asleep in his arms until he’s laying you down underneath the covers of a cold bed.
Yes, perhaps you’ll take him with you more often.
The shedding stops being annoying when he curls up at your side, snuffling against your hair and rubbing his scent all over your shoulders. A wolf thing, you were told long ago.
Another morning to be spent scrubbing his musk off of you.
The arrival of snow has him rolling around like a dog outside, his brown coat looking like icing poured over rich chocolate cake.
He blatantly ignores your insistence that he not come in with wet paws. The cold water sinks into your fuzzy socks, reminding you that you should probably buy more. They tended to disappear slowly for one excuse or another. Add it to the list of groceries and things that need to be fixed.
You can’t really be angry at him, though. Not when the only reason he ran inside was because of the ‘overwhelming urge to give you kisses’, he signs. You snort in laughter through all the cowlicks and dog saliva, watching as his tongue sticks out in his confusion, pink sliver just showing underneath his nose.
You have a feeling Winter will be fun.
Your trees have gone completely nude, and the usual route you take to find reference for paintings is now more boring than ever. Another path will have to be made by your shoes over time, just as this one was. The weather suggested no big occurences happening including snow, so wandering aimlessly should be safe without getting too lost.
The wolf doesn’t worry as terribly as before, since the bears have decided to lay to rest for the season. Unfortunately, he still crochets another sweater for you to wear while he goes on his hunts. The colors are neutral and calm, but you know the ugly christmas one is coming. You can see yourself loving it already.
You paint a dark brown wolf that day, glazed over with flakes of snow like a donut.
He is flustered that you thought of him in your free time, and your kisses to his forehead only make his tail wag more.
And you thought wolf’s ears weren’t supposed to be floppy.
For anyone else, they aren't.
Decorations are much easier than any other year you'd put them up.
He's a big help when he isn't tracking mud into the carpet. You need to add pet wash to your grocery list.
The tree was real this year, something you never saw yourself getting into the hassle of doing. You're lucky to have partnered with someone who can wield their claws as an axe. It was a tight fit, but the house’s ceiling is thankfully tall, and can handle the pine’s branches reaching for it. It's definitely worth all the work, since the house smells so lovely afterwards. Nothing like those scented candles you always depended on for all these years.
Hanging the lights is a different story.
You'll need to take notes for the next Christmas. The only paper you have nearby is the calendar, but it'll do.
A situation:
A tall, burly wolf, teeth completely clamped around the wire to a set of lights. His body is tangled in Rudolph red noses, the bulbs winking in holiday spirit. They're laughing at him.
You aren't cruel, so of course you set the whining predator free.
After a few photos.
Despite the fact that only the two of you are there to appreciate the house, a more cozy feeling settles into your stomach. A first holiday season with your loved one. A new romance. The slate of the garden is clean, and full of new options of what to plant when trickles of Spring come by. Crocus was always his favorite. Perhaps your love will bloom along with the flower when you plant it.
The morning is cold and the air sweet when you head out with your supplies. The weather is expected to be mild in your area, so being bold isn’t as much a risky idea than usual.
The bigger question, is how long will it take to find something to paint? You hardly find much interest in the plain white backgrounds and scattered naked trees. Wild life is appreciated, but the fuzzy brown deer that you see occasionally aren’t too interested in holding still for your reference. Perhaps you’ll need to need to buy a book full of pictures of them. You haven’t been to the nearby town’s library for a while now.
There’s the peek of the sun behind stitched in clouds for a moment, but it quickly hides again when reminded of the season. Maybe it’s off schedule this year.
When your supplies are set up, it is in front of a very simple piece. The remnants of Fall, like a single survivor from your favorite time of year. Packing your browns and reds was certainly a smart idea.
A barely crumpled red and yellow leaf, at least the size of your palm, resting half frozen in the snow. The background is a cold white mixed with light shades of blue, only the middle of your painting refreshing the eyes with such a warm mixture of colors.
You can only guess that you’re a few miles from your usual trail when the wind picks up.
The weather is to be laid back. You had watched the weather channel like you do every morning today.
But when did nature ever listen to the cries of man?
The fur around your hood is following the air upstream, and you know when the frost begins to grow over your canvas that leaving home was a grave mistake.
You should never waste your watercolor. But this was a very big exception.
The bags of supplies where you were left behind, your small body was not dressed up enough for a snow storm. Your running in the basic direction of the trail was a foolish idea, and through the splattered white acrylic paints you could soon see nothing to remind you of how far out you truly were.
The wind screamed with you for a living being to aid.
And it was the only voice you heard back.
Your stumbling through cold, too cold, lead to your fall.
It reminded you of your short lived love of climbing. How some mountains were so large and plagued by snow that many died with their journeys. How they had that realization of death when they finally fell.
How many of them had accepted it.
You could feel the weight of nature’s storm halfway up your back before your eyes closed.
The first holiday season.
Was the wolf sitting beside the fire after playing in the paint?
You hope he dried them off before he came in.
He knows you hate it when your socks get wet right as you walk inside.
It’s warm.
The fire is cackling next to you, and rested upon your shoulders is that horrible uneven cut blanket. He made it right when you purchased his first book on crochet, looked so excited when he gave it to you.
You love it.
Everything is very fuzzy for a moment. You can remember what happened, but not how you arrived back in your house. Your living room. Warm colors for cool eyes.
It’s when you call his name that it begins to make sense.
Something crashes in the kitchen, something you’ll need to sweep up later, and he slams too hard into the wall leading to the family room you rest in. You faintly wonder if he was trying to cook again, and how much damage he did to the counters if so.
There’s barely the register of the thought of a hole in your wall before the big wolf hugs you.
He’s very good at sewing things up. You’re sure he can take care of this too.
Just add it to the grocery list and things that need to be fixed.
And through all the crying, the tail wagging, the tongue giving you puppy kisses on your cheeks, you can only laugh at the sudden affection.
Such a large creature with needles behind his lip, one with a head twice as large as your own, broad shoulders like arms curled around you already. There’s still a few flecks of snow on his fur.
Donut dog.
His shaking goes down a bit when you hug him back, speak to him.
“I’m okay, puppy.”
He adores you.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Doki Doki Feb 19
I’m really slowing doing again <3< I blame summer laziness. But while I was putting this off (just didn’t feel like doing it, it happens.) I came up with an idea!
After every Doki Doki crate I review, I’ll be putting up a “summary post” about my opinions. Like my rank of the months boxes, which ones pulled off the theme, etc. I’m not sure I’ll remember to do it for every month’s set but I thought it would be fun to try out.
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Theme of the Month: Sweet Valentine
“Whether you are celebrating Valentine’s Day with your sweetie, closest friend, or for yourself, you can enjoy the treats from this month’s theme, Sweet Valentine. We’ve brought to you items that are inspired by delicious, fluffy sweets you might receive on Valentine’s Day, from chocolate to marshmallows.“
This month there was a prize for taking a picture with the contents of the crate, this item being a Fujifilm Instax Mini 70.
Suteki Crate
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To go with the theme, this months Suteki Crate is very fluffy-sweet. We have a lot of adorable Pikachu and Eeevee, Pompompurin, and Yeastken adorableness~
Okay! So let’s get on with the review!
Marshmal Park Plushies
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Our first item is this kawaii plush animal with the texture of marshmallows and a limited edition color palette inspired by Valentine’s Day chocolate ♥ There was a handful of different animals we could get; each with a cute heart design on its side:
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I got a penguin, and the booklet only shows a sheep, but usually in this series they have a lot of varieties. I really wish they would have shown the others.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
As much as I love all animals, I actually don’t have many bird items; as a cat lover that might just be subconscious ;3
But anyway, I love these types of stuffed animals. I’ve gotten a bunch of them over time from the various boxes, and I was happy to have a brand new one due to one of my cats messing up the fluffiness of my kitty, which I slept with every day until I was forced to put it away. I assume this will be a repeated case but I’ll enjoy my time I have with it for now.
The texture is very soft and fluffy, and it’s fun to squeeze and pull on. It feels a lot like a marshmallow; it’s just too bad it’s not chocolate scented for the holiday.
Chocolate Stickers
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As of late these flake seals seem to be pretty popular. So this time we have a set of various chocolate sweets; from cakes to fruits, cookies, and just straight-up chocolate!
There are 30-per pack, with several of the smaller stickers and 2 of the larger. It also turns out they are scented like chocolate, which the booklet doesn’t mention. I’m not sure if the packaging does though.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
These are very cute and sweet stickers, featuring semi-realistic designs and detail. There’s all sorts of opportunities to use these, so I like that we get so many. These would also make a great present for a chocoholic.
Pompompurin Fluffy Socks
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Next up we’ll be drifting back to fluffy sweetness, but this time it’s in the form of pudding; Pompompurin to be exact. At the time of this box’s release, some socks are pretty handy while waiting for winter to pass- my, doesn’t this sound familiar?
You guys might recall that just recently in the Kawaii Box we got some of these; different style and all, but isn’t the coincidence funny?
Besides the cutesy design featuring Pompompurin and his little hamster friend on a stack of pancakes, take a look at their paws. They have a slight puffiness to give them a 3D-ish look. These are 5 Sanrio Points.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Okay so like the last ones, I have the toe seam bugging me, and these just barely fit and have little stretch. The issue is, I’m pretty sure I don’t have big feet, so I can imagine others having difficulty with these. There wasn’t a size listed on them as far as I know  I feel like they look a lot cuter off and in all honesty the color scheme is very unappealing to me. They might look cuter during fall/autumn though...
However, I will say that they deliver what they promise; comfort and coziness. But only for a few minutes before my feet were like “get them off get them off get them off!”
Pompompurin Plush Charm
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We’re not done with Pompom just yet, but I feel like we’ll get better results this time. This is a Plush Charm featuring Pompompurin wearing a cute chocolate striped bow-tie. It also has a light blue ball chain for easy attachment to your favorite purse, keys, or strap. Then you’ll always have a cute friend by your side~
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s a simple plush but it’s very sweet. The plush is firm, but soft, especially in the ears, and the quality is good, I notice some very tiny threads but nothing annoying.
I could see putting it on my purse, and I’m sure the Pompompurin fans would find it irresistible.
Yeastken Memo Pad
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This item severely bothers me; not because it isn’t cute or anything, but because I feel like I saw it before. I’m not sure if I already have this pad or if I just remember when I first saw it though...
Anyway, Yeastken is an adorable, fluffy dog that resembles a baked loaf of bread. A very cute series for anyone who loves animal - food combinations. Yeastken also has a twitter page apparently.
There was a few different styles of Memo Pad subscribers could get this month, each with a clear cover and 2 different page types, one vertical with lines, the other horizontal (and pink!).
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It might be small so you can’t really write down a lot, but for a quick note or memo it’s the perfect size to fit into probably everything from pockets to purses to pouches. The designs are really cute, and I like the 2 different page style feature, not many of the notepads I get do that.
Pokemon Figurine
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(and a cat in the background :P they always like to interrupt me these days.)
This ones for all the old-school Pokemon fans; myself included. I love all generations of Pokemon, but my very first Pokemon game was Pokemon Yellow (I know its ironic because of how much I hate the color) so this hit the nostalgia button hard. I was little when it came out, and my mom bought me the one that included the special half yellow half blue gameboy with Pokemon images on it that you could get.
I still have it tucked away in my room now, along with all of my other really old Pokemon merchandise~ 
Anyway, each pack includes 1 of 10 first generation Pokemon (Pikachu, Charizard, Raichu, Eeevee, Gengar, Mewtwo, Metapod, Jigglypuff, Lapras, and Magnemite), a little paper card, and a piece of (ramune) gum; it loses flavor after a minute but I like the chew.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I found it to be very befitting I got Pikachu... although considering I got Let’s Go Eeevee, that would have been acceptable too. I also love how they used the retro Pikachu look, in comparison to his newer, slimmed down look. But both of them are cute, I don’t have a preference. The figure is simple but pretty cute, and the paint job is spot on.
Now the booklet says the figurines are squishy like gumdrops, which is adorable but... I don’t agree. Mine just feels squishy like thin plastic with a big hole in it. It also says the card is corresponding, but I got Gengar, not Pikachu, so I don’t know if that’s an error or if the booklet is wrong. I love Gengar so I got no complaints though.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4 out of 5. I like all of the items, the quality of each item is really nice, mostly on the simple side but cute. I feel like the practicality is pretty low though, at least for me personally. As much as I love keychains and stickers I don’t always use them, and you can’t do much with a figurine other than display it. The variety was right in the middle on this box.
Theme: 3 out of 5. As simple as the gimmick of this box is, I was left conflicted because it is Valentine’s Day oriented, but it isn’t what I think of when it comes to the holiday. I like how they did that, but at the same time because I love the normal Valentine’s elements I find it a little... too yellow and brown for my taste. They could have easily called this a Chocolate and Pudding themed box because that’s what it makes me think of. In terms of how well they followed their theme I kind of feel like a few of the items were sort of a stretch, but acceptable. Like I can see what they were going for, but they probably could have done better? The Suteki Crate was spot on. 
Total Rank: 6 out of 10 Cuties. I really liked the quality of the items, and not counting the theme or practicality I like each of them individually. I had no problem with them, but I was left feeling like I wanted more. I don’t love the box I don’t hate the box, I just feel really conflicted over it as a whole. I would recommend it if you don’t care about the things I listed though, you’re still getting cute quality items.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Marshmal Park Plushie - Even though I’d have preferred a different animal, I still think my chocolate penguin is very sweet~ I love to squeeze and squish it, and I already got tons of cute names in mind. Maybe Chopengu? Chocopen?
2. Yeastken Memo Pad - I love all the adorable little bread doggies covering it~
3. Chocolate Stickers - They sort of have an elegant look to them, and I love how they’re scented. For the theme I was kind of disappointed that none of the other items were. 
4. Pompompurin Plush Keychain - This is way cuter than the socks, and I like its pastel hues. I love how soft his ears are too~
5. Pokemon Figurine - I love the cute packaging and nostalgia from it, but I don’t know, to me the Pikachu I got just looks kind of... unsettling for some reason. 
6. Pompompurin Socks - I feel guilty about this for some reason, but I just can’t like these. They barely fit and they make my feet uncomfortable, and they just look muddled to me.
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