#Jabbla Vibe 10
perplexingluciddreams · 3 months
AAC IS HERE !!!! Pictures first, then explanation of settings and my feelings/opinions so far!
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[Image description: A Jabbla Vibe 10 dedicated communication device, with Grid 3 open to Grid Explorer. It has the name Ezra at the top and three grid sets ready to be opened. Each has a different colour, from left to right they are red, teal, and dark green. Red is Supercore 50, teal is WordPower 100, and dark green is WordPower 100 for Switches. End ID.]
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[Image description: Same communication device, open to Supercore 50 grid set. It is 9 buttons across, 6 buttons down. There is additional row at the top, which is like this from left to right; magic wand, jump back, speech bar taking the space of 4 normal buttons, speak, delete word, clear. End ID.]
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[Image description: Communication device open to WordPower 100, with a plastic keyguard over the top. The keyguard is made of clear plastic and clips onto the device with two black clips, one on each side. This grid is 9 by 12, including the top row with the speech bar and other buttons on either side of speech bar. The background colour is dark blue. The keyguard holes is a bit smaller than the size of the buttons, so sometimes seeing the full button is tricky. End ID.]
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[Image description: Same device, open to WordPower 100 for Switches. It is without the keyguard because the grid is 9 by 13 instead of 9 by 12, so it doesn’t fit this grid. The background is white and there is bigger spacing between the buttons compared to the other grids. There is a switch frequency keyboard on the right hand side of the screen. The buttons on this grid is divided into clearer blocks, for switch scanning. End ID.]
Okay… Firstly I am very very excited and happy and quite overwhelmed!! It is so great and relieving to have my own dedicated device, finally! I cannot describe how much this will help me.
Michelle (SCTCI (Scottish Centre of Technology for the Communication Impaired) person) set this up so the WordPower 100 grid is automatically opened first. However I already think I need to change this so Supercore 50 is first to open. I already am so much faster with Supercore, I think because it is less buttons to process, less overwhelming. And more easy to understand categories which help me with navigation (I struggle with that).
I also will try the keyguard, and Michelle say she can get another one for WordPower 100 for Switches. I don’t know if keyguard for Supercore 50 is an option, but it is custom made by someone apparently, so I assume it is possible.
Basically right now is just for trying and editing and experimenting. Then eventually I can ask Mum to email Michelle if I have anything to say or ask!
The physical device (Jabbla Vibe 10) is great! Not too heavy, good handle, good stand with good range of angles. I also have a bag for it!
I am just so happy and proud. I already use Supercore 50 to say several long sentences to Mum, and I am super fast on it!!! That is a big deal and big accomplishment for me. I also have Archie Scottish boy voice, and I love it.
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perplexingluciddreams · 4 months
Second big news update for Ezra life:
New AAC arrive with SCTCI (Scottish Centre of Technology for the Communication Impaired) people!!!
In 2 weeks will finally get to receive my own device - Jabbla Vibe 10 with Grid 3 - and it will be mine to keep!
I am so excited to finally get my voice that I can communicate more and better and easier with. Have had much frustration especially recently about struggle to express myself, I know my new device will help so much.
It is great start to this new year. Usually I don’t bother to think about new year things, because I have next-to-none sense of time, and things can come good or bad at any time, not just new year. But it still gives me hope for the rest of the year and years to come after that.
I want to increase my in-person communication and make it more than just: make gestures and signs and noises to Mum and Dad and get frustrated when they don’t understand. I will work to learn my new communication system, and hope to get better at fast using words “in the moment”. Even if it is not perfect, I want to at least get out my words that I do have “in the moment”, rather than wait until hours/days/weeks/months later until I manage to express in words.
There is so many factors to consider with how to best access communication for me, so many barriers that get in my way. I know this new device will help get around some of those obstacles.
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perplexingluciddreams · 11 months
new AAC trial device is here :D :D
(Vibe 10 from Jabbla)
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[ID: the home page of an AAC device with lots of words with symbols and different colours for different grammar categories. end ID.]
I managed to change the background colour to dark blue and put the word labels under the symbols which makes it all much easier to process !! :)
I am also looking at the other grid sets and options on Mind Express and Grid 3. but wordpower 100 is still my favourite
waiting for keyguard and for switches to get set up (it's not a grid pad so it doesn't recognise the switch right away and some settings need to change. but it will get sorted).
will keep with the updating :)
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perplexingluciddreams · 2 months
Realized supercore 50 look very similar to grid for iPad.
Are they the same thing or from the same company? Or is supercore 50 just for the type device you have?
Supercore 50 is the name of the specific grid set that I use. Grid 3 is the name of the overall software, made by the company Smartbox.
Grid 3 is on Windows devices. Grid for iPad is a version of Grid 3 that is for iPad. It is also made by Smartbox. They are very similar.
Grid 3/Grid for iPad both have many different grid sets available. Many options for symbol communication grids, and also there is text communication grids. And interactive learning, accessible apps, computer control, environment control.
There is slight differences between the two - some things that are available on Grid 3 are not available on Grid for iPad. For example, the WordPower grid sets (WordPower 60, WordPower 100, WordPower 100 with keyboard, WordPower 100 for Switches), are only available on Grid 3. And there is more accessible apps in Grid 3. Overall, Grid 3 has more options available than Grid for iPad, I think.
Supercore 50 exists in both Grid 3 and Grid for iPad. It is one of the more common used grid sets on Grid 3, I think!
The physical device I use is called Vibe 10, by the company Jabbla. It is a Windows based device. So I use Grid 3, not Grid for iPad.
I hope this makes sense!
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perplexingluciddreams · 5 months
There is a young Scottish boy voice on Proloquo2go!! I just noticed! I think it is the same one as on Grid 3 that I like!!
It is called Archie and he sounds like Glasgow/West of Scotland accent (like where I am from!!)
I already like it so much more than the Australian one I used to use. I think now I might even want to use AAC more with the volume on - previously I mostly just turn volume off and show screen. But I like the voice now, so no reason to mute it!
((apart from general anxiety about noise and my words and other people hearing and what if I mess up and say the wrong words and people hear it and think the wrong thing - probably comes from years of unreliable uncontrolled speech, mouth say what I don't want))
I still don't have new AAC (Jabbla Vibe 10 with Grid 3), it might be months. But I would like to work on improving my AAC to be better to use. It is quite hard right now. But also change is hard and adjustments is hard so even if it makes it easier long term, it is still hard to change anything right now. I have many backups of my current (main) "user", so I absolutely definitely don't lose it if I mess up.
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perplexingluciddreams · 11 months
today i get my new trial AAC device (Vibe 10 by Jabbla, with Grid 3). it also comes automatically with Mind Express which is another AAC program thingy. i guess i will have a look at that too just for interest.
also i have an appointment later where a doctor will come to the house. i'm not looking forward because we had an appointment last time and she was bad and loud and not understanding but my other lovely nurse talked to her and make her understand so hopefully she is nice this time but if i don't like her i will just leave the room.
update will come later!
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