kirby-universe-4162 · 2 months
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Mage Sister Majaway
—Jambastian Psychic General of Magic, Viscountress of Halcandra
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— Jambastian Majaway is cold and calculated when things go her way, but when they don’t, her anger issues show. As a psychic mage, she usually thinks to before acting. Her pride knows now bounds, believing that she is the most powerful Mage of not just of the Jambastian but the Universe she lives in.
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— Despite her dark actions and somewhat lack of remorse, she does indeed have compassion. She has a close relationship with a Magolor Soul Beast she calls “Gate Keeper,” who shape shifts to his regular Magolor form from time to time. While many people think he’s a pet, her bond with him is much more complicated.
— When it comes to friendships, aside from Gate Keeper, she can’t comprehend any sort of relationship other than transactional. She can’t register praise and love properly and deems it sinful. She gets nervous, flustered, and defensive whenever something nice happens to her without any way of her “earning it.” Flirting with her will cause her to blush, and call you a ‘demon’ in an endearing way.
— When she had plans, she is thorough, making sure any complications are not an issue to her. She knew how much of a threat The Dream Team (Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Dee), were so they were a primary target before what the universe calls “The Calamity” could be underway. Also she made sure that Void Termina is kept docile so it couldn’t turn on the Jambastian at any moment.
- She wants to prove herself as worthy of her title as a powerful Mage. However her insecurities and anger gets in the way.
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Not to be confused with “Heart Hero Majaway,” Jambastian Majaway is native to Universe 4162 (the universe my AU is set on). As a child she was trained under Count Manke, her father. She wore herself too thin and any accomplishments she made was given little reward. As a psychic mage her goal was to control anything or anyone around her. Eventually it was time for her to control a Nova despite how dangerous that was. She was scared, but her father insisted, berating her and calling her a coward for even doubting her abilities. It’s due to doubt in her heart and lack of proper training that she failed, blowing the nova up and leaving her to rot in the vacuum of space. With her body struggling to be kept alive, her father not bothered enough to even find her, and her consciousness fading for what felt like forever, Hyness took her in, reviving her with powerful magic at an exchange for allegiance for his cause. Indoctrinated into the Jambastian cult, she ended up becoming much more hungry with power than she first thought. Her weakness of insecurity made it easy for Void Termina to keep a hold of her for quite some time.
Due to her psychic abilities, it’s thanks to her that the Jambastian’s plan for the summoning Void Termina was executed properly.
Current Status:
— Complicated
Relationships Health:
— Unstable:
— Gate Keeper is a great asset to Jambastian Majaway. She listens to his advice often, accepts his praise and gifts, and tends to give comfort at a time of need. In return, she makes sure that his needs are kept. She makes sure his guns (his primary weapon) are in mint condition, checks if his shape shifting skills are controlled, and gives reassurance that she won’t leave him.
Primary Problem:
— While she doesn’t know it yet, she loved him, and is constantly running away from that truth. She also knows that he loves her which wracks her with guilt, but he says he’s patient enough to wait for a decision, knowing it’s up to her whether she accepts his love or not.
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fullmoonfireball · 10 months
with the idea of renaming Typhiste to "Typhalda" or something similar, it DOES open the possibility that all of the eggs just have weird/vaguely ominous names
like. Magolor is "false paradise", and Typhalda would likely be along the lines of "stormy heart". just think that's fun
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thatgreenoneyt · 1 month
Magolor's Epilogue is NOT Magolor's Redemption Arc (Part 1)
Magolor is probably one of the most complicated characters to talk about. He’s also the most dynamic character in the series, second to King Dedede. I’ve already made a video essay regarding Magolor’s characters actions already, but not about the Epilogue. I wanted to hold off for a while because I was thinking “Well someone else would have this take! Surely someone would have it!”
And after a year… no. No one has talked about the epilogue the way I will. 
A lot of people seem to have come to a conclusion that the Epilogue is about Magolor’s redemption arc, and while there’s enough evidence to come to that conclusion, two things can be true. 
Before we head into deep territory regarding Magolor and Magolor’s epilogue, I want to talk about Star Allies for a moment. I don’t want to talk about the Jambastians, The Story or the Jambahearts– not at first. I want to talk specifically about Void Termina. Whether or not it’s part of dark matter is still unknown, however due to the heated debate and what I’m about to talk about, it would make more sense if Void Termina is a strand of dark matter– in some way shape or form. His name in the Japanese variation is named “End Nil” meaning Zero. and… well there’s only two major concepts that own the name “Zero” in the series, and both are a form of a major villain of dark matter. 
There’s something that has been confirmed in a miiverse post regarding Dark Matter’s abilities. It can form memories real enough to hurt you in the forms of rainbows. Pretty much everything regarding Void Termina is associated with rainbows. The forms of both bird and gorilla. That’s why the body disappeared the moment the strand of what looks like Dark Matter launched out of the body’s neck. 
Another thing to mention– while it’s not canon, the light novels portray something worth taking note of; specifically how Kirby reacts to seeing the “face” of Dark Matter. He goes into a mental breakdown, questioning why the face looked just like him, however, he is in a form of rainbows– [Enhancing Void Termina’s Kirby Face] this isn’t its true face, this is a perverted memory of Kirby, designed to mess with him. 
Why am I talking about this? Well… there is something that I mentioned in my last essay (video). Void formed the memory of the Master Crown– plenty of times. Clearly this is a memory– a memory that it manifested, meaning that it knows about it. Not only does it manifest the Master Crown, but also its messed up form. Why would it know about this?
I made a wild accusation that the Master Crown is linked with Dark Matter, and the parallels on how they both act are pretty much one of the same. Possession, negative emotions, draining those of personality– it’s pretty much a slam dunk.
If it truly is a form of dark matter or is at least associated with it, Magolor’s actions make a lot more sense. 
“Lor sense something was amiss when it met Magolor. It can travel to far-off paradises with ease… so why didn’t it? Perhaps it hid its true power, wanting to be stopped after stealing the crown.”
~ Vs Lor Starcutter EX, Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe
His reasoning for searching and studying Halcandra is unknown. All we know is that he wanted to know its presence due to it being more of a fairy tale and wanted to see if it was true. 
“It was in a dusty tome that Magolor first learned about the legendary item. It all sounded like a fairy tale, until he found the Lord and began scheming. It’s time to save the universe, Lor, and Magolor.”
~ Vs Magolor EX, Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe
While it could be the fact that Magolor stole the crown, and Lor wasn’t fond of it, I think it had more of a vendetta of the crown itself. The light novels, while not holding any weight in the canon, do however support that he held a grudge against Magolor. 
"’...Don't get in my way. I'm your master, you know... Me, Magolor…’ But the screen showed him nothing more than the information necessary for completing the repairs, just as it always did. If the Lor could speak, it had no words for him.’”
~ The Starcutter and the Lying Wizard, Chapter 9
However, this is the only game where he thought he held authority and had malice in his heart, and while the Light Novels give entertainment, the canon is vague. 
The point is the Lor knew that something was wrong with him. 
In any other game, while yes he was quite an asshole, he wasn’t exactly malicious nor did he think he had some sort of authority. On top of this, since there’s debate that the Kirby Clash Series is likely canon, his mannerisms seem to hold my case well.
It can be argued that his time in another dimension humbled him, but as I said before, two things can be true.
Over and over again, the game encourages that we’re saving Magolor. Especially in the EX variations. 
“What remains of Magolor is a sad shell. He’s possessed by the limitless power of the Master Crown, imprisoned by the hatred and possession of prior rulers. Now… defeat it and save Magolor’s Soul!”
~ Vs Magolor Soul, Kirby’s Return to Dreamland Deluxe
I’d like to think that the EX variation of Story Mode is arguably more canon than the original Story mode due to it giving off more depth. Magolor’s epilogue also encourages that as well in the beginning scene where it’s Magolor’s Soul who gets vanquished before Magolor himself falls and gets banished. 
There’s also the mention of Prior rulers as well— which I don’t have much to say here. 
Now I know that a good chunk of people will say that this can’t be dark matter due to the fact that since Landia has been taking guardianship of it for quite some time and nothing really happened to him, which while yes that may be true, if the theory that The Dark Hearts and Void Termina is also associated with Dark Matter, it means that what its doing isn’t possession, it’s influence.
Just look at what happens to both Dedede and Meta Knight— notably Meta Knight.
“Corrupted by the power of a dark heart, Meta Knight’s dedication to the purity of combat has been eclipsed by a secret wild streak that always lurked within him. This once hidden fury is now unleashed with every stab and thrust of his sword.” 
~ Vs Meta Knight, Kirby Star Allies 
Possession is one thing, influence is another, and I think influence is a gatekeeper of Possession. With Meta Knight under the INFLUENCE of Dark Matter, he didn’t really do much. Meta Knight isn’t easily messed with according to Forgotten Land, so this had to be powerful stuff.
“The lone illusory foe that you encounter outside of Forgo Dreams. When Fecto Forgo tried to control Meta Knight like it had King Dedede, the experienced swordsman came out on top through sheer force of will… but the result was this mysterious doppelgänger, formed by the residual psychic energy.”
~ The Lone Illusion Phantom MetaKnight’s figurine, Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Now that I believe I settled my case regarding if the Master Crown is in the family tree of Dark Matter, we can finally talk about Magolor’s Epilogue.
Now that we are done talking about Dark Matter, and Void Termina, it’s time to talk about the Epilogue: 
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
Thought experiment
In Jambastian, they use the word Bonjam as a greeting. If we were to translate this to the FL language, would it be Bonjam written out with their characters, or would it just turn into hello or another similar greeting?
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I’m super curious as to what other people’s takes are on this, because I am too sleep-deprived to analyze this well hahaha
The thing is Dreamland’s language is whatever country’s language the game is being played in. Which could be like dozens of possibilities, right? And the Forgotten Language is just English with different characters no matter where you play the game, I believe.
I guess you would just write Bonjam in the Latin Alphabet without using the FL’s special characters? Which if you spoke the FL language would be a lot like a native English speaker trying to read Sanskrit or Japanese characters for the first time….?
Idk man, Kirby lord just does whatever it wants and that what I like about it, hehe. There’s so many different possible interpretations of it but some little stuff like this I have to just hit the “I believe” button and walk away :P
Maybe I should start listening to some linguistics podcasts or something to broaden my horizons lol. Or just get more sleep :P
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joron1a-stardustlor · 4 months
what do you guys think is the beef between magolor and the jambastians?
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tibli · 2 years
For the send a character's name thing: Let's try Kirby! I wanna see what you come up with.
Headcanon A:  realistic
He doesn't really hold grudges. Like it's probably POSSIBLE, but you'd probably have to do smth REALLY fucked up for that to happen.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
After the events of the void soul battle in star allies, hyness and the mage sisters start treating him like the second coming of jambastian jesus (son of void or smth skdfjsdlfjslsj)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
*slaps the top of Kirby's head* this bad boy can fit so much repressed trauma and emotional masking in him :) he will  hide everything behind a placid smile until it breaks him:)))
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
hmmm... the games don't show it and i highly doubt they ever would, but i DO think he can bleed, and that the reason he naps so much is bc his body is recuperating from fighting literal god-level threats all the time. like its probably not unusual for him to peace out of consciousness for like a week straight after major battles.
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asmrfarts · 3 years
I am planning to create an entire army of Kirby plushies. Before I can though, I have to learn Jambastian (or whatever it’s called) so they can understand me
Do it
And teach them to burn the Homophobes
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Magolor, what does your name mean?
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“Ah, finally, a question of some intellect! I never was a linguistics or etymology buff, but I at least know enough to answer this one pretty well.”
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“See, Halcandra has some old ties with the Jambastion religion, and as ancient as those connections are, hints of them can still be seen to this very day! One of them is my name, which originates not from Halcandran, but Jambastian. Interestingly enough, though, it’s also a name that’s very close to a Japanese phrase, and the definitions overlap pretty closely. The Japanese phrase means ‘a wondrous place,’ while the actual Jambastian name means ‘false paradise.’”
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“It’s kind of an outdated name because of its origins being that way. Didn’t do me any favors in elementary school. If I’m being honest? I might even have preferred the name ‘Makalani’ or something.”
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stickfigurevector · 6 years
In this part, we defeat the 3 Jambastian Mages and faceoff against their ruler, Hyness! Enjoy!
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kirby-universe-4162 · 2 months
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“There is no room for heroes here.”
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“When I met you, you were hanging by a thread. You couldn’t even talk. I saw your broken body. It was barely stable— almost as if I touched you, you’d unravel into nothingness. I heard about the Crown Hunter for quite some time— about his travels… about his killings… I could tell that you were his first victim. His work was sloppy. The crown’s snap was more crude. The slashes were shallow on your body. The open wounds were still throbbing, and most importantly… you still have powers.”
“By the time I took you in, it took a lot of convincing, however Hyness let me keep you around so long as you kept me and my base safe. My powers granted you a new purpose and new life. While I found ways for you to shape shift and go back to your previous forms, the eyes you were born with were still permanently glued shut, and your crown was still broken and dull. Despite how powerful I am— even I have limits on what I could do. Thankfully… you could talk. You spoke to me. You still had that personality of a Magolor— which at first I thought was annoying… arrogant, self serving, cocky… but you were much more aware and sensible… almost as if your time as a soul beast humbled you. It was… charming. When the calamity was created, I knew that I’d be okay with being swallowed with it, but you were resilient, wanting to leave. I continued to refuse your offer, believing that you were simply doing so to save yourself. But that look in that one eye of yours after you left me… it was all true… all of it was for me— for us.”
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kirby-universe-4162 · 2 months
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“Loss… Grief… Doubt… Carelessness… These weaknesses will be the very reason why you will fail as heroes!”
~ Jambastian Mage Majaway
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kirby-universe-4162 · 2 months
Hello, Majaway.
Could you tell me what abilities you have that will help you get ahead in this tournament? I am a reporter gathering information on the contestants. Anonymous
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“I’m not much for combat, so the other three mage sisters take care of that… While I can hold myself in a fight, it would be pointless.
“Hyness saw potential in my ESP, and I’m knowledgeable with the Renaissance Era. (era where Kirby canon is). I learned of a traitorous Dark Matter— one called “Gooey,” and since my goal is to work with and command Dark Matter, I need to make sure any behavior out of line is… corrected…
“I have other powers as well that help. I can communicating with objects with raw power dating back to my ancestors. That’s how I was able to properly summon Void termina… though there is a large cooldown. I won’t be able to do it for days— weeks even.”
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kirby-universe-4162 · 2 months
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Jambastian Majaway is Ready for Questions.
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Looked cute, might finish later.
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kirby-universe-4162 · 11 months
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