Wisdom of the Ages for the Modern World: Sekhmet ‘Warrior, Destroyer’ – Edition 1
Wisdom of the Ages for the Modern World: Sekhmet ‘Warrior, Destroyer’ – Edition 1
Host: Andrew Rogers: Founder of the Egyptian Society, Egyptian Auteur, Oracle.
The Egyptian Society: Sekhmet ‘Warrior, Destroyer’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers.
The Warrior Goddess of Egyptian Mythology: Sekhmet
In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet (also spelled Sachmis, Sakhmet, Sekhet, Sakhet, or Scheme) is a formidable deity revered as both a warrior goddess and a goddess of healing. Typically depicted as a lioness, she commanded great respect and fear among the ancient Egyptians.
Warrior Goddess
Sekhmet is deeply associated with war and protection, being perceived as the guardian of the pharaohs. It was believed that she not only led the pharaohs in warfare but also continued to safeguard them in the afterlife. Her fierce and decisive nature makes her an indispensable ally on the battlefield and beyond.
Goddess of Healing
Despite her intimidating nature as a warrior, Sekhmet also possesses the power to heal. In Egyptian mythology, she is revered as a force of both destruction and restoration, with her healing attributes being just as formidable as her warrior aspect. It is this unique blend of prowess and benevolence that makes her an enigmatic and revered figure in ancient Egypt.
Sekhmet's significance in Egyptian mythology reflects the multifaceted nature of deities in ancient civilizations. Her duality as a warrior and a healer serves as a reminder of the complexities and nuances within the pantheon of Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Andrew Rogers
Egyptian Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Writer, Oracle
Wisdom of the Ages
P: 0424 531 710
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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