jet-teeth · 2 months
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Finally got caught up on that funky Bravern show the other day and omg. It's so much fun. Have some scribblin' More yelling under the cut (and also mild spoiler alert if you haven't seen any of it:)
Loved seeing more of the other Deathdrives, even if they were kinda short-lived on-screen and all (guess that's what happens when a buncha story stuff needs to get compressed into just 12 episodes)
I'm enjoying the hell out of this silly show it's fucking BUCKWILD. I can't remember the last show that made me laugh this much I am just constantly chimpanzee screaming at the screen Wasn't super sure at first because I was a bit "???" about where this was going in the first few eps but oh my god. It's def become a fav now. It's for sure meant to be a parody of itself/commentary on the entire mecha anime genre and all the tropes that it's loaded with but then the story actually gets interesting too. The TWISTS. IDK it just seems like they had so much fun making this Also, sentient robot characters yippee! (That stuff just seems to be super rare, I've always kinda wondered why, but it's like the mecha genre is allergic to the concept unless you go full into Transformers territory (which is its own whole thing at that point.) Like idk maybe I'm the weird one for loving that idea, but I do wish more of that existed outside of the context of parody or "for little kids" or whatever. Anyway I'll take whatever I can get on that front. I'm adopting all of these idiots) Cupiridas is my fav, Extremely Silly Guy. Kunus (Cunus?) is completely off her shits but I actually love that super wingy design. Pessimism has some really cool silhouette nonsense going on, can def approve of straying from the usual humanoid look. I could throw in some sketches of the main mechs (Bravern, Superbia) but they already get most of the fan art, so I wanted to doodle some of the others..
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Knuth (though I've also seen people write her name as "cunus" and "kunus") from bang brave bang bravern
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zayphora · 1 month
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you know im in the Bravern trenches when some booby woman mobile game ad appears on YouTube and i immediately do a double take bc wtf that’s kunus
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 10 months
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tom sawyer |1973|
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m66nchil6 · 2 years
bit introvertirana dalmatinka je najvece prokletstvo al mora i to neko
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spoocyssonicaskblog · 2 years
Still using the Picrews from This Post i made references for other fan character members of the cast that will appear on my blog in the future once I start getting more comfortable with everything.
Some of the picrews I made were with Lars' mother and older sister.
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This is Lars' Mother, Kunu Fiona.
In her culture, Kunu is her family name or surname. Similar to how Japanese, Chinese, or Korean names are. In the Main Timeline where the sonic games take place she would be about 386. (Only ever admits to "Being over three hundred years old) doesn't look a day past her early 20's. her ageless status was a boon given to her by her culture's goddess. she wears the symbol of her goddess around her neck.
This boon becomes her greatest curse when Apocalypse completely obliterated her home. She and her brother are the only survivors of the destruction of the ancient city called Arcana. A massive capital for magic users. the practice almost long since dying out for chaos power. She is heavily riddled with ptsd and survivor's guilt and she tries so hard to hide when it flares.
She would become the unofficial Adoptive Mother to Sonic the hedgehog when he was just a baby, eventually welcoming Tails into her family when he was four years old. She becomes Shadow the Hedgehog's partner and the mother of his children in the future. Sonic and Tails refuse to acknowledge Shadow as their dad, already having a family friend as their father figure. Shadow claims the feeling is mutual and it doesn't effect their relationship. Unlike Shadow, She can be killed pretty easily. She simply cannot pass to age due to losing the ability to naturally age. She is a very kind and generous woman who would give you the shirt off her back and a piece of cake to go with it if you are in need. Despite her kind nature, Apocalypse despises her and seeks to destroy her to finish off the Arcana faction.
When she and Shadow marry, she becomes Fiona Robotnik. Shadow having taken the surname of Gerald and Maria Robotnik.
Fiona is Multilingual and often acts as translator for everyone. Her primary languages are Latin, which is her native tongue and the primary language used in the city of Arcana, and English.
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And here we have Silhouette Maria Robotnik.
Shadow's Eldest child and his only daughter. She takes after her father but does carry her mother's gene for the grey fur which also carries into her quills. she also has her mother's hair in the form of bangs. Shadow was the one who named her, and Fiona named her brother. Shadow originally wanted to name his daughter after Maria, but seeing how his newborn daughter looked almost identical to himself, Shadow settled on Silhouette, making Maria her middle name instead. The reason was if you put them in a dark room you'd never tell their silhouettes apart.
Silhouette, Like Lars, was born with the affinity for both Chaos Power and Magic. unlike her brother, she was prone to overexertion when she was younger and needed inhibitor rings like her father wears around her wrists and ankles. She could have easily died from using too much power. As she grew older, the two dangerous powers coursing through her blood stabilized and she was no longer in danger of dying when using her power. It takes a lot of juice for her to become overexerted, and she no longer risks death from the power use, though her fatigue meter can go critical to the point where she will be asleep for days.
She is very much a daddy's girl, even in her older years. Lars is more bonded with his mother, while Silhouette has her father wrapped around her finger. Silver is tightly bonded with both parents.
She is in possession of the red chaos emerald. Shadow had to use it to help heal her when she was little from power exhaustion. He also used the red gemstone to help regulate her chaos power as a type of therapy treatment. The red gem becoming a comfort object for her. Shadow possesses the green one, while Lars and Silver both possess time stones (the ones from Sonic CD) instead of chaos emeralds which allows them to travel through time together. Whenever her father or Sonic needed the chaos emerald, she willingly handed it over to them because she knew she would get it back, even if it meant Shadow had to go out there and track the red emerald down himself.
She helps take care of the family and displays a level of nurturing that she shares with her mother. She often considers her brothers to be a handful and needs to make sure they get proper meals in that doesn't consist of strictly pizza or abominations of sandwich concoctions.
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Design Ra Ka Sa Iyang Kinabuhi
Pag Dili Kah E My Day ..
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jeezypetes · 1 year
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This sounds sooo good
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chuchvalec · 12 days
Život na Přf UK je jako
“Pošlete si kunu” a kuna je živá a vůbec se jí to NELÍBÍ
90 % předmětů učí profesor jménem Černý. Jsou to ve skutečnosti tři různí Černí, ale jakkoliv je odlišovat by nebyla sranda
Když už má člověk pocit, že se v těch 4 základních budovách vyzná, objeví se další patro… nebo další budova
Albertovské schody.
Flégr is life
Na přesun na další cvičení má člověk celých 5 minut… škoda, že ty učebny jsou tak kilometr od sebe
*Asi 15 minut po rozdání vzorku* “Jo a je to infekční tak si nesahejte do očí. Byli jste varováni a já jsem z obliga :)”
Rozvrhy si sestavujeme kompletně sami, takže si asi umíte představit jak to pak vypadá
Že se lidé slušně oblékají do školy jsem zjistila po dvou letech vysoké, když jsem byla navštívit jinou fakultu
"Nezapomeňte si dalekohled :)!" jistě, taková běžná věc v domácnosti. Jsem ráda, že mi to oznamujete celých 24 hodin předem
Jedeš na terénní cvičení na 5 dní. Chtěl bys vědět kam? Smůla :)
Jsi hetero, jsi menšina, promiň
Někdy člověk vyleze na chodbu a tam to smrdí jako v pavilonu opic. Nebo spíš želv. Protože to jsou želvy
"Řehoř nebyl brouk!"
Botanici se na praktikách nejvíc baví tím, že vám dají něco ochutnat a pak sledují váš výraz v momentě kdy zjistíte, že to chutná fakt děsně
K oboru prostě patří určitý typ osobnosti. Všichni se bojí biochemiků, všichni milujou entomology
"Doporučuji abyste uměli plavat"
Jednou jsem si na praktiku z imunologie vedla tak špatně, že vedoucí brečela smíchy nad mými výsledky. Pak jsem musela slíbit, že už mě neuvidí
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Something, something
with the Bang Bravern music
Or why oftentimes the music is the clue. And why it is high time the staff must release the soundtrack.
A) Lewis’ Theme and Bravern
Concerning the Bravern-Lewis theory. I wasn’t on board on it at first. I was vetting that Bravern would be much more insidious, a robot that has something malicious on his mind ready to wreak havoc after earning the trust of Isami, wooing him until the Japanese pilot said yes. What more evil than betraying the trust of the one, who thought you love him.
We saw the PV for the episode 9 and heard the background music playing while Isami grieved.
On Episode 2 as Bravern recounted the ways he loved Isami, he assured the international community that he fought for justice. (Anyway, Bravern is multilingual. Is Smith multilingual too?)
The moment Lewis realised that he was dead and Cunus was waiting to bond with him, his life began to roll like a film reel.
B) Reincarnation, Knuth/Ku/Cunus’ Indian music theme & uhm, Hinduism/Kali? And Lulu?
It is interesting how the music editor has chosen a Bollywood-sounding music accompaniment when they introduced Lulu and subsequently Knuth/Cunus to the equation. The key words are time travel/transmigration. After Smith fused with Knuth/Cunus, the result was Bravern. A different body with the same soul. Whereas Lulu, attempts to come back to the past in order to correct the future. Another way of being reborn. Hence, their theme’s Indian motif.
C) Superbia
When Superbia first appeared on episode 2, a piece of Gregorian chant was playing. Cementing the fact that his name is indeed from Latin, which means pride.
And once again on episode 11, when Superbia, who warned Bravern not to interfere, challenged Segnities. Anyway, the Gregorian chant only plays when Superbia is winning.
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hafizenin-dunyasi · 1 year
Fedakârlığın b*kunu çıkarırsan kendi hakkına girersin...
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seraphim-seeker · 1 month
Okay I know I just shouted about Megs doing a Confrontation Scene but like imagine one outta the Blue with Lewis and Kunus inside Bravern
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strixcattus · 1 month
Conlang Year Day 78, Part II
Fourth-person pronouns!!! I said I would get to them!!
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(Nominative, accusative, dative, comitative, benefactive, and possessive)
These are the pronouns you use for the Time Worm, specifically your local Time Worm. Nonlocal Time Worms would just be "a/the Time Worm" without need for pronouns.
Fourth-person pronouns in use:
Nai peke. Lit. The Time Worm exists, essentially means "there's a local Time Worm here." Koi lako nepeke. I see the Time Worm. Gako tia kaipe. You (sg.) speak to the Time Worm. Touji gado gaike. You (pl.) wait with the Time Worm. Ladi neju ne ja degako kunu dipeke. She wrote her book for the Time Worm.
Jia lodada kopeke: The Time Worm's eyes Ja juoci duopeke: The Time Worm's friend
(A note: I've been neglecting to add in the articles for nouns in possessive constructions when they're appearing on their own. Such things are essential to include in Conlang.)
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ubicazmajeva · 7 months
ne slomi se srce kad te neko ostavi,prevari ,odseli se ili na drugi nacin ode iz tvog zivota. tad mozda naprsne i nestrpljivo ceka da ga nesto ili neko zalepi i ozivi.
srce se slomi kad shvatis da tvoja srodna dusa ceka drugu dusu sa kojom ce se nekad sroditi.
onaj ko veruje u sudbinu nece se zbog toga ljutiti na drugog,ljutice se na sudbinu sto im imena nije zapisala zajedno.
oni sto veruju u zakon privlacnosti ljutice se na sve propovedace koji se u njega kunu jer nisu uspeli da privuku nazad tu jednu osobu koju cekaju i cije ime ponavlaju pred ogledalom mesecima,godinama.
vernici ce biti ljuti na boga i poceti da preispituju veru u njegovu svemoc jer im jos nije uslisio molitve koje ponavljaju svako vece pre nego sto utonu u san i svako jutro pre nego sto se nateraju da ustanu iz kreveta.
Oni koji su pak izgubili veru u sve u sta ljudi veruju milenijumima unazad,ljutice se samo na sebe jer nisu uspeli da dokazu koliko ih vole i koliko im znace. A voleli su. Mnogo su voleli.
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mahayanapilgrim · 12 days
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A story about a Westerner attaining Rainbow Body: During a teaching the revered master Kunu Lama (b.
1894-1977) was giving in Bodhgaya, he told the following story that is here recalled by Bokar Rinpoche: "In the mid-forties, he (Kunu Lama) was living in Kham where he was in retreat. His residence was a two-story house. He lived on the first floor, and the second floor was occupied by a Westerner who also practiced buddhism. At this time, that was a very rare occurrence. Both were receiving instructions from a Nyingmapa lama called Khenpo Shenga. Kunu Lama and the local people habitually called the foreigner "Sahib," using the respectful term used by Indians for Westerners.
Who was this sahib? From where did he come? I do not know if Kunu Lama ever precisely answered this.
Maybe he was someone who fled from India during World War II, maybe he was a missionary - there were a few of them in Kham who had entered Tibetan buddhism.
It happened that no one had seen the sahib for several days. Finally, someone noticed rainbows stemming from his window. Puzzled, Kunu Lama and a few others went to the second floor, opened the door, and sure enough, in the sahib's place, they saw only rainbows. They shook his clothes from which more small rainbows escaped falling like rain.
Of the sahib, only nails and hair were left.
It is what is called obtaining the "rainbow body," an extraordinary result of the practice that ends with the dissolution of the body in rainbows at the time of death.
If a sahib from the twentieth century was able to obtain a rainbow body, then access to Tibetan buddhism is not limited by cultural barriers. From the very moment they practice diligently, Westerners can certainly obtain results."
(From the book: "Tara - The Feminine Divine" By Bokar Rinpoche) Today is Guru Rinpoche Day
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spoocyssonicaskblog · 2 years
Muse Profile: Fiona the Wolf
Name: Kunu Fiona
Aliases: Fi, Princess, Avatar of Lenu, Avatar,
Species: Grey Wolf
Age: : 386 (She only states she is over 300. To get her precise age you must ask other sources. In the timeline shared with the adult Lars and Silhouette, she would be 586)
Affiliations: Mages of Arcana (extinct), Spagonia university, The House of Lenu
Appearance: Light grey fur with silver muzzle, silver fur that goes from her chest to her stomach, and a silvery streak that goes down her tail. Long flowing ebony black hair with tufted bangs, sapphire blue eyes. Known for having small hands in comparison to most sonic characters, her hand can easily fit in the palm in most of the male sonic characters particularly.
Clothes of choice: a pure white dress with long sleeves that reach to her wrists and a skirt that tends to cover her feet when she is not walking. Pure white low-heeled dress shoes, she always wears a symbol of Lenu around her neck which is a pendant strung with plain cord with golden fasteners. The pendant depicts an intricate heart with angelic wings appearing to close around it.
Voice Claim: Tress MacNeille
Powers and Abilities:
She is a grand master in magics taught in her home city of Arcana, as well as mastery of holy magic. Her holy powers include the ability to heal serious wounds, being able to summon an angelic bow which fires arrows of pure light. The bow can be split in two to form dual blades. She does not use the dual blade option of her bow unless she is left little choice, as she is less experienced in swordsmanship. Her other magical abilities include a long list that harness the basic elements of fire, water, earth, and air. 
Other magical abilities include the ability to levitate or levitation of objects and people. With magic she can reach incredible speeds to keep up with Shadow and Sonic.
She also stopped aging and has appeared the same for over three hundred years. she will continue to look the same until the day she dies. She was given a boon as a baby that stops her from dying to age, but other factors can still easily destroy her.
Other info:
when Fiona was born, she was made an icon of worship. She was born with the exact appearance of the shapeshifter goddess, Lenu, and given incredible divine powers that had her named as the avatar of Lenu. She is now a conduit of her divine power on the mortal plane.
Fiona was the heir to the throne of Nagaris when her brother stepped down to attend other duties elsewhere. This makes her the last of her kind and faction until Lars is born.
her favorite beverage is hot tea, while her favorite food is a type of poundcake that has berries mixed in. The cake recipe was lost when her city was destroyed. Shadow has made a replica that Fiona enjoys dearly.
She currently lives in Green Hill. Which is located within the same region as Empire City.
Fiona was born as princess of the ancient city of Arcana, daughter of Queen Kunu Edna and King Kunu Drake. She not only had the appearance of the goddess Lenu, but incredible divine powers. She became an icon in the Lenu religion; as Lenu reborn, or the avatar of Lenu. When she reached adulthood, she lost the ability to age physically. Her brother, Kunu Lance, performed self-exile and stepped down as heir to the throne of Arcana to begin training under the current king of the underworld, King Hexus, and she was made the next heir. She also became the high priestess in the church of Lenu and gained the ability to make holy pendants that she wears to this day. she has been known to never take them off. The king became quite over-protective of her and would shoo possible suitors away that were seeking her hand.
One day, a speaker of Apocalypse came forward to announce the coming of the death dragon. Fiona begged her family to evacuate the city. Drake sent Fiona away with escorts that were not of Arcana birth, claiming she was going to be sent to a city where the refugees would be evacuated to. She left the city but found out that Drake summoned every mage to the city at an attempt to counter the attack. It ended with the complete destruction of the city and the death of everyone inside. Fiona returned to find her brother and Under King Hexus surveying the ruins. When she was told that she and her brother were the only members of Arcana left alive, she begged to go with her brother. Hexus had to refuse Fiona’s joining them as it would be dangerous for her if she did. Fiona then realized she was the last of her kind.
Her brother did however construct a house for her to live in the countryside, but it also kept her away from any major city or town. The forest nearby became her main supply of food unless she ventured to other cities. She spent over three hundred years in isolation. While keeping her sweet and friendly nature she had back when she was princess of Arcana, she was suffering inside. She denounced her title as princess, considering herself princess of nothing. She gained the fear of making any real friends or starting a new family, knowing that she would probably outlive all of them. She also had trouble learning about the new technologies that were not native to Arcana. She had gotten so depressed that she would make many attempts to end her life but could never bring herself to carry out the deed in the end. Hexus would still take visits from Fiona or he would often visit her. Hexus has also become witness to some of her suicide attempts and has often talked her down from it.
One stormy night while Fiona was still awake, a knock on her door would lead to her first introductions with Professor Charles Hedgehog. Having been caught in the nasty storm, he asked for shelter until the storm passed. Fiona agreed, and allowed him into her home. She provided him blankets and some hot tea as he took shelter. Taking notice of the lack of electronic devices and appliances in her home he began to make polite conversation with her. At first, he was a little intimidated with how she never smiled once during their conversations, but he began to realize how alone this poor woman was. Despite her constant expression of sadness, she still showed him hospitality. When the storm would continue throughout the night, she offered one of the spare bedrooms for Chuck to sleep. Despite the storm passing in the morning, he decided to spend a few more days with his new friend with her permission.
Chuck spent the next few days learning about Fiona. Finding out she was the sole survivor left on their world from the City of Arcana was enriching to him. he would read all the books and texts Fiona had on hand and with her permission, recorded everything he felt would do the Spagonia University good. even when Chuck left after a few days, he always returned and would tell Fiona all about the adventures he would have with a small group of explorers and archaeologists. He offered Fiona a chance to join them on their journeys. Fiona agreed and would accompany Chuck’s group as their priest figurehead, healer, and medic. One of these exploration trips took them to Christmas Island where they had planned to stay for some time. During their adventure, they would come across an infant blue hedgehog that had been abandoned in the forests. With no sign of parents, the group would pass on the care of the child to Fiona; much to hers and Chuck’s protests. Fiona did not feel ready to assume the role of caretaker for the child and Chuck was quite irritated that his group would force it onto her when she was not ready for the duty. His group just brushed it off saying that caring for the child may finally bring the ever-depressed Fiona back towards happiness.
Her protests having fallen on deaf ears she would spend the rest of the adventure caring for the tiny baby. Chuck, having felt responsible for putting Fiona in this situation, helped her with caring for the child and assumed the role of “Uncle Chuck.” Fiona had no intentions on keeping the baby long term and with Chuck’s help would try to find a family for him. As they cared for the baby, they realized the child was incredibly fast even if he could only crawl. Fiona would name the child: Sonic the hedgehog. As Sonic continued to grow, he would begin to call Fiona his mother. This one act would stop her and Chuck from finding a foster family, and Fiona finally accepted Sonic as her son.
Fiona finally felt her long-time suffering, mourning, and pain start to vanish. While still understanding that she will still outlive him one day as well as her new friend Chuck, she simply grew to accept it. One day however, her family gained an additional family member. When Sonic was eleven, he brought a friend home with him. four-year-old Miles Prower. Sonic explained to his mother that he had no family and was considered an outcast because of his extra tail. Sonic also told his mother that Miles preferred to be called “Tails” as he did not like his real name. Fiona eventually accepted Tails as her youngest son and brother to Sonic. Fiona would also call him Tails but also “her little kitsune” because of his twin tails. Tails was an incredibly smart child and would always teach Fiona about the technologies that were foreign to her and would become as close to Chuck as Sonic was. While she was still a novice on it, she would always hear tails out on his explanations and would listen to him go on and on about his plans and projects. Eventually the family would grow to include Lance’s marriage to Aries, the immortal daughter of Hexus and queen Hydra of Nagaris, their children to follow, and knuckles the echidna who would refer to the ancient Shape-shifter wolf as a loving aunt figure.
Being Sonic and Tail’s mother also made her become a prime target of interest for Doctor Eggman, the sworn enemy of the two. However, Eggman would find out that she was no normal wolf and was capable of fighting if the situation required it. He found out she has mastery of magic abilities and holy powers. While still a primary target of capture, he learned he needed to keep her powers suppressed to keep her as one. After a number of fights and the threat on Sonic and Tails’ lives in these battles becoming much clearer to her, she would begin to craft a pair of Lenu pendants for her children to act as boons of protection for when the time was right.
Fiona would eventually meet Shadow the hedgehog and they would bond closely with each other. Fiona viewing him as a sort of kindred spirit, while Shadow saw her as very much like Maria. All the hardship she faced and she still wished nothing but the best for the world and it's people.
Shadow becomes her future husband, and the father to two of her children. Shadow does not share that bond with Sonic and Tails, the feeling is mutual for the two. Fiona has accepted it, and 200 years in the future she and Shadow adopt Silver the Hedgehog into the family.
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