averycoolfish · 9 months
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metalsonicreblog · 4 months
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These are my extras if anyone wants to trade
Stinker ouioui series 1, two sleep ouioui's series 3, strange guy munmun, cowpy, and this thang from series y I got.
I will trade ouioui for another ouioui or dingle. Munmun and peepy for another other character so the same or like dinkle or moley. I will accept customs because those are cool if you do those. I will accept series y, secret rare, or series x for the series y thang. You can probably bribe me by the way these are just what I'm most interested in.
If you are interested comment or dm me!
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dreamweavers · 3 months
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my itemlabel package got here! it's a lot of stuff, so I've been unboxing them all over the course of a few days to prolong the unboxing experience.
first I opened the Peepies and Dingle! I've always wanted a smaller Dinkle that's easier to carry around, so I was rly excited to see Dingle! they're a bit bigger than I expected but still easier to carry around than regular Dinkle.
and next, the Peepies! I've been waiting for pink peepy to restock since I first got into itemlabel in 2021, and I can't believe I finally have them! tough peepy is great too, I imagine they're one of the most experienced criminals out there as far as peepies go.
next are the ouiouis! I opened up one of the clock OuiOuis first, then got a duplicate one. that's okay since they both look different from each other, plus I like the clock one since it reminds me of tickety tock from blues clues. I also got the bipigmented ouioui who is SO cool, definitely one of my new favs. I didn't get any of my top favs but I still think I had a bit better luck compared to series X.
next I opened a series 4 ouioui box and got one of the ones I wanted: inverted ouioui! I wanted them to match with inverted peepy. my free munmun was a duplicate of strange guy, and my brother had fun sticking him places after I got him.
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mcom-uncovered · 5 years
Of secrets and illusions- the start of 2nd sem
Winters in Xaviers holds a special place in my heart. After the fiesty 1st semester that ended on a sour note, it was kinda expected that the rebuilding would take time.We were still reeling under the effect of “the owl eyed girl”. Getting back on that. As a result of our fallout, she had to find a new base and being a social butterfly girl, it was fairly easy. Saikat, Roy and me were the remains of the group as even Beardo stuck with his buddy Reba. One day  early in the second sem, me and Saikat saw two girls approaching our back bench(we had a reputation). They asked us if they could sit with us. Roy was quite quick to let them sit . We absolutely had no problem as it was Priyanka and Puja. We welcomed them as we thought it was apt they sat ( my reason was fairly hidden).The classes were quite a breeze as we all knew that it was the last common semester before finance and marketing split up. Puja, Priyanka and me used to sit in the last bench while Roy and Saikat used to sit in front of us. 
It was that time of the year when Xaviers was buzzing with the forthcoming Xavotsav, Being my first , I was very excited about it. Saikat and Roy, both being part of the fest in previous years , were not at all willing to go. Especially saikat..Virat Kohli and crowds? Naah.. And he was still reeling most after the owl eyed girl chapter who although had found a new group, went around saying that Saikat had feelings for her , and hence she walked out as she was uncomfortable with him.This information was given to me by Puja as well as another entity whom i will introduce later as she was our “doctor strange”.Why?? That my friend is the dessert of this story which we will get there. Now back to our starters. I had got to know that for the first time, Sunburn Campus would be happening in Xavotsav. It was and still is my biggest dream to watch the main event in Goa , and attending the campus event was all i could think of. Priyanka readily agreed and even managed to coax Roy into going. Puja being an outstation candidate was citing finances as issue for inability to buy the passes. I told her to not worry and come. I will take care of it . I mean..that’s what close ones are for? :P .
So we attended the event and danced our hearts out. We were joined by many classmates in the fest. We had a great time and honestly, after first sem horrors, this was easily the best phase of mcom as i believed it to be. We even gatecrashed a wedding after getting drunk at OLY pub on one of the fest days. No no,. It was not an random thing. Priyanka asked us to come as she was supposed to go but she remembered after we had all become a bit tipsy after 2-3 drinks, including her.And believe me..It was nothin sort of an achievement that we behaved normally there.
After the euphoria of the fest, the first semester results were out. Me and saikat both got an arrear in maths which was expected considering the shit that went down the previous night before exam.Even Beardo and the owl eyed girl got an arrear. So basically we all got our karma’s serving . But that exam was due in 3rd sem end , so we had to worry about our second semester, Some of the best days of my mcom they were. In certain classes, me and puja used to bring food for the group and secretly we used to have. I used to talk with her and priyanka so much that i even stopped copying down the notes. I knew i could take it from Kohliji later, who coincidentally was also having the time of his life as he used to talk most with Shreyoshri, Munmun and smrithi(two girls i have said about). They were really a cool group and we used to share our food also with them.
Which brings us to our “Dr strange” aka Nivi. Of late, she had started talking normally with Virat Kohli and i used to tease him a lot since the first semester rivalry between them was the talk of the town. But I could sense some serious shit going down which will be revealed slowly.But of late, i saw her asking saikat a lot about class related stuff, and job related .One day i even got to know that she had asked him to help her with studies before classes . 
And thus my friends ..We enter the beginning of the illusion phase of mcom or as i like to call it “ ultimate Moh maaya ‘ phase of the century.
Next Chapter :-“ Blossoming of spring in Xaviers-Bohat hard ,Bohat hard”
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cut because long, animal abuse, animal death, general horrific trauma reactions
[”We...should probably talk.”] Usually Noir used technopathy to give text to speech as much emotional nuance as possible. This time she left it cold and robotic. 
Poppy put down the latest vampire trash novel, turned off the tv, and even pushed everything on the table aside, scooting over to make room. She jittered a little but kept her breathing steady - even if she hit the nail on the head in what this might be about, it probably had to be said. Noir wouldn’t suggest things like this for fun.
Noir fiddled as well, poking at the PDA with her fingers in an attempt to stall for time. But eventually, she just had to bite the bullet and say it:
[”Before I met you...life...was not as pleasant.”]
Poppy waited for more, but it never came, so she answered, “Oh, that. I...I had a suspicion about that, but I didn’t wanna push - you can tell me when you’re ready, y’know? I mean, I’m always ready to hear anything you have to say, but even now, if you don’t think you are...”
[”If I don’t do this now, I’ll never do it.”] 
Okay, fair point, but then why the -
[”It makes it easier to do this in words, not pictures. Even if it requires translating into words in the first place.”]
Even with that support, words were slow to come out, and that was fine. She’d called over Nightmare, and Munmun, at certain points, to see if they could make the process a tad bit easier. The rest of the team let them be, Skullz keeping the less sapient team members occupied and distracted. It wasn’t the rush of words mixed with tears Poppy had come to expect with her own difficult retellings, but detached, clinical, like a lab report. Noir didn’t seem entirely present at some points but Poppy wasn’t about to stop her, even if she felt some details could wait.
At certain points, she feigned needing to take a break herself, to give Noir a temporary reprieve and Noir was so into it by then, she probably believed her half-lie. It stung to tell it, but she’d rather sort out her own mixed feelings first - not pure anger, not pure fear or pure anything - a confusing and frustrating blend of lack of surprise, disappointment, and disgust, all aimed at Rocket’s top brass and the cultural values that let something like this happen to begin with.
Poppy had never really known what she looked like during one of her own dissociative episodes but it was perfectly clear that Noir was no longer tethered to this time and place. Her eyes were way too vacant for it to be a vision of a future, too. 
She held out a tentative hand and immediately shrunk back as Noir squished herself into the corner of the couch, fangs bared and unleashing sonic terror. Munmun threw up Barrier before the bulk of the sound waves could make contact and Poppy shrugged off any damage anyway, wondering if she should make a leap for some Benadryl. [”I think she’s using Growl - in the memory she’s stuck in...”]
“And it’s coming out as Disarming Voice here.” Coping wise, that was a good strategy - Disarming Voice would chase off an assailant much better than Growl would. Pity it kicked in at this time and place. “Fuck, how long has she been bottling this up?” Too long if this was how it displayed when she finally took the top off. 
But attacks couldn’t last forever and eventually she ran out of steam. Poppy was already at the edge of the barrier and she almost fell over when Munmun dissipated it without warning. Finally, there was a shred of life in Noir’s eyes and Nightmare circled her like Regina did with her own carrion. 
The pda had been silent for a long time before it now sparked back to existence. [”Dead...”] It whispered at the lowest volume. [”Dead and left - no food, no...”] A whimper that came from Noir over the piece of tech. 
“You’re not there anymore.” Poppy gently reminded. “You’re here, with me, and Nightmare, and Munmun, and the others. They -” Can’t wasn’t the right word. “Won’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let them.” Noir rushed into her arms and for the first time, after hours of this, there were tears. Poppy kept her own eyes dry, channeling that emotional tide into being comforting instead. “You don’t have to talk about what you saw just now - am I right that it wasn’t a vision?” She felt Noir nod against her shoulder. “It’s okay to not be ready to process this yet, even if it’s been a long time. Recovery doesn’t have a time limit.” 
[”But I can’t just push it aside...anymore...”] The pda was starting to fizzle. 
“That’s true, and coming to me was a great first step. I am so proud of you for being able to come to me with this, and I’m sorry that it took so long for us to even reach this point.”
[”Not your fault. Mine.”]
“Blame doesn’t matter now, okay? It’s enough that this is out in the open now. And we’re gonna find a way to deal with it, promise.” Noir just gripped her tighter. Silence for another fifteen minutes and then...
“I can’t believe my parents saw those conditions and didn’t do anything to stop it.”
[”It doesn’t matter. The ones that didn’t or couldn’t sell were culled anyway, and all of us would have been destroyed before authorities could get there in time anyway. Buying and releasing would just support the system.”] She started to emote a minute amount but determining what it was exactly was beyond everybody’s brainpower right now.
She broke away to look Noir in the eye. “You’re not merchandise, you get that, right? No matter what the law says, you aren’t a thing to be owned. Ugh, I am so sorry that this happened - I never expected it to be anything this bad - and if there was a way to go back and prevent it, I’d do it in a heartbeat, you know I would.” 
[”It was only 99% bad. It let me meet you.”] Poppy’s eyes lit up as mathmatic terms slipped into Noir’s vernacular. A good sign - they could get through this, together. As a team, all seven of them. 
“Yeah...listen, you’re clearly beat. Maybe take a nap - Munmun can handle any nightmares, right?” The tapir nodded. “Yes, okay, any you can’t stomach, spit out somewhere, it’s cool. I’ll handle dinner and...maybe look through CSI stuff to see if they’ve got company therapists that specialize in trauma for Pokemon that DON’T have a focus on obedience...if you want me to, that is. It’s just an option.”
Noir gave a shrug - she wasn’t confident in that type of person even existing, but if they did, John Doe was probably the one who’d want them in his company so CSI was the best place to start looking. 
“Great, it’ll be something easy, pastina probably, I’ll get you up later for any leftovers, okay?” At Noir’s affirmation she got up and headed towards the kitchen as Munmun closed in, filling her spot. When she reached the doorway, a rush of gratitude not her own whooshed through her head for a second, but when she spared a look back, Noir was already a victim to Munmun’s top rate hypnosis. 
She turned back towards the kitchen with renewed determination and a drive to tackle all of the phone calls and paperwork. 
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asfeedin · 4 years
500px Commercial Grants: I am: Woman Campaign
The 500px “I am: woman” Commercial Collection was inspired by and shot for “Project ShowUs”, an initiative put together by Dove, Girl Gaze, and Getty Images. The Project was first launched in 2019 and won a Cannes Lion, Silver Lion, Glass: The Lion for Change award, for their groundbreaking work devoted to shattering beauty stereotypes.
Representation of women in advertising hasn’t changed in over a decade. As visual thought leaders, advertisers, marketers, and creatives, we need to be more progressive when it comes to the portrayal of women in advertising:
“70% of women still don’t feel represented in media and advertising.” – Dove Impact of Beauty Stereotypes Quant Study 2019
By shifting this narrative, women reclaim ownership over how they are seen and valued within global culture. It provides space for young girls to recognize value within themselves and for women to understand that there is no ‘cookie-cutter’, ‘one-size-fits-all’, recipe to define what a woman is.
For this collection, 500px worked with nine international photographers who photographed over 80 authentic women who are breaking stereotypes and adding personal context to explain how they identify, who they are, and things they are proud of. The photographers worked intimately with each woman to help keyword her content, providing real keywords that accurately represent who they are as individual people in 2020.
In this Collection you will find leaders, achievers, women in power, business owners, survivors, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and people who contribute to a community of women who empower one another to stay strong. They contribute to a louder voice within advertising, insisting media and advertisers reflect the authentic experience of women around the world.
Our photographers:
Toronto, Canada 6 women
“I often think about how power is distributed in photography, with subjects often having little say in what they wear, how they act, and how they’re presented. It was refreshing to be able to capture someone simply as they were, on their terms. I chose to highlight the type of creative role models that I would’ve wanted to see growing up, especially ones that would describe themselves as proud, comfortable, and strong. Each shoot was with a minimal set up and small crew; they felt tender, intimate. When I was capturing one subject with her mother, she even told me that I wasn’t just taking pictures; I was “gifting moments”.”
Meet: Claire: Dancer, Woman of Colour, Flexibility, Student, Creative, Sisterhood Vicky & Hong: Together, Mother, Daughter, Bonding Justine: Working at Home, Illustrator, Artist
Milwaukee, USA 16 women
“My experience working on the #ShowUs project was definitely eye-opening. I worked with over 15 different women coming from all walks of life and I learned so much. I chose to work with such a large group because I wanted to challenge myself as an artist. Also, as an individual I wanted to learn more about these individual women and be able to tell their stories through their photos. It was so empowering working with everyone and hearing their stories and being able to represent them in their most authentic self.”
Meet: Taylor: Daughter, Teeth Gap, Bright, Writer, Hair Texture Afrah: Education, Hijab, Middle Eastern, Strong, Intelligent, Woman Cynthia: Latina, Down to Earth, Peaceful, Proud, Elegance Teresa: Entrepreneur, Resilient, Black Woman, Style
Podol’sk, Himki, Moscow, Russia Balashikha, Berlin, Germany 18 women
“When I was contacted by 500px to do this project, every fibre of my soul screamed, “Yes!” I was thrilled to start scouting people for it. I tend to use “real” women for my artwork anyway, so it was exciting to work with women of all ages and personalities. They inspire me and others with their love or at least readiness to love aspects of our bodies that society has been repressing in the beauty standards for so long – stretch marks, skin discolouration, scars, wrinkles, tattoos, etc. Mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, yoga goddesses, athletes, artists, makers, and inventors. Tender and passionate, caring and firm, strong and soft, shy and confident, serious and bursting with joy. Each and every woman encompasses so much more than her body. What an honor it has been to shoot 18 different women for this project, in the most intimate of settings – in their homes, with their loved ones, sharing things that bring them so much joy. Gently guiding them through the process and allowing them the freedom to be their real selves, all I can hope for is that the intimacy we shared those days translates well on the portraits I took in February.”
Meet: Iryna: Russian, Yoga, Fitness, Wellness, Peace Anna: Badminton Player, Burn, Russian, Dance, Beauty, Happy Lyudmila, Inna, Tatyana & Varvara: Self Sufficient Women, 3 Generations, Family, Home, Sister, Mother, Daughter, Grandmother Daria: Strong, Body Builder, Confident, Powerful, Sporty Body
Kolkata, India 4 women
“It was a great first experience to participate in a guided project such as this. I was able to portray natural, beautiful women, in a candid manner, something I already love to do. It was a new experience to shoot outside of my home country of Germany, but it helped push me out of my comfort zone and create something wonderful.”
Meet: Munmun: Teenage, Confident, Joyful, Smile, Eyes Indriani: Teacher, In Control of My Future, Mother in Law, Brave, Individual
Maryland, USA 4 women
“It was so wonderful to work on this project and showcase women who are not normally represented, myself included. One of my subjects described it as, “the best she’s felt during a time in her life where she needed a confidence boost.” The photos of her in her natural element made her feel beautiful. I, myself was one of the subjects, and as someone that has the rare genetic condition: epidermolysis bullosa, it was empowering to be encouraged by a project to embrace scars as they are powerful and beautiful.”
Meet: Sharleen: Mother, Weight Lifter, Asian, Filipino, Strong Winnie: Photographer, Business Owner, Mother, Epidermolysis Bullosa Molly: Single Mother, Acupuncturist, Working Mom, Red Hair Liz: New Mom, Breast Feeding, Calligraphy, Small Business Owner
Toronto, Canada 7 women
“I enjoyed working on Project #ShowUs because it gave me the opportunity to shoot different types of women who are not typically portrayed in the media. It was important for me to take part in this to not only represent myself but other women as well. Showcasing diversity plays an important role in my life. Through photographing other women, I have come to realize that we’re all in this together and are trying our best to create more diversity.”
Meet: Danielle: Baker, Ethnic, Young Woman, Weight, Beautiful, Celebration Birdie & Hasanna: Natural, Companionship, Togetherness, Friendship Jorian: Black Motherhood, Confident, Proud, Skin Colour, Pride Basma: Biracial Femininity, Curls, Female, Confident
Kelowna, Canada 10 women
“I highly enjoyed being a part of this project. A lot of the women I worked with were women I was acquainted with and admired for different reasons, but hadn’t spent much time with. The project required me to authentically portray these women and showcase how they wanted to be represented, it was a great opportunity to really learn about them and who they are and what really makes them so unique. It was a beautiful experience and I came out of it with even more admiration and respect for these extraordinary women, who in their everyday lives are as true to themselves as they can be. Each model I photographed is very different, but a few things they all share is passion, their own sense of individuality, being inspirations to their communities, and beauty.”
Meet: Ashna & Zenaeja: Support, Friendship, Encouragement, Teenagers Rhythm: Arts & Crafts, Creative, Work, Success Diversity Oluwatosin: Cool Attitude, Street, Hip Hop, Dancer, Performer
Toronto, Canada 10 women
“This project was really important to me as it focused on and showcased women in every way. It was really empowering to these women, especially while I was pregnant. I think working on this project helped me gain an understanding of women’s individuality and perspective in so many ways. Working so closely with each model, I got to have a peek inside some of their most sacred spaces and it was really special to photograph that. I’ll remember and cherish this project as a one of a kind opportunity.”
Meet: Rachel: Soon to be Mom, Growing Tummy, Worker, Bad Ass, Shy, Strong, Confident Gabby: Self Love, Self Care, Mental Health, Tattoos, Confidence Yona: Grandmother, Cook, Excitement, Great Grandmother, Family Rachael: Business Woman, Integrity, Individuality, Interior Designer
Queens, USA 10 women
“Project ShowUs is a great initiative for 500px and other companies to participate in. It gave me the pleasure of photographing a diverse set of women in their own environments. It made them comfortable and gave me a peek into every woman’s life and their sense of strength. I was able to show that they are beautiful, natural, and raw.”
Meet: Jade: New Yorker, Wall Street, Happy Carla: Mother, NYC, Flowers, Family Louise: Flowarts, Stretch, Empowered Nicole: Artist, Brazilian, Photographer, Brooklyn
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Tags: 500px, Campaign, commercial, Grants, WOMAN
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