#Monseigneur Oliver de Thornolie
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Les Jardins Privés, Palais de Thornolie: 19 May 1850, 16:15
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oliver!
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oliver, arrêtez vous!
Monseigneur Oliver: Go back inside, Eleanor.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I will do no such thing.
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Monseigneur Oliver: Did you hear him? Treating me as if I was just some school boy who hadn't finished his lessons? He's the one who's been preparing me to succeed him, forcing me to sit with him for hours on end, and now when there is something of a real threat he tells me to stand aside? Why is there so much mystery?! I will not stand for it!
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Do you think perhaps this may have something to do with the arguments you and Addy overheard weeks ago?
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Monseigneur Oliver: Where did you hear that?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: You wrote to me. I remember everything you tell me.
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Scoffs] I'm not sure why you bother to remember anything when it comes to me. Did you not reject me?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: My rejection of your invitation has nothing to do with how I feel about you and you know it!
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Monseigneur Oliver: Do I? Were you not the one who said you could overcome your reservations while we watched the opera? And where are we now?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: ...
Monseigneur Oliver: [Deep Sigh] Nothing is going the way I imagined.
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Everything will be alright, Oliver. I swear it.
Monseigneur Oliver: Why did you reject me, Eleanor?
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oliver....s'il vous plaît-
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Monseigneur Oliver: I must know.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I already told you-
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Monseigneur Oliver: ...Something's happened...
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Quoi?
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Monseigneur Oliver: You're frightened.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I am not. You're being absurd.
Monseigneur Oliver: Ma dulcinée-
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: I'm certain once votre père know more of what is happening he'll involve you.
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] Eleanor...stop attempting to side-step my question.
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I'm merely worried for you, that's all.
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Monseigneur Oliver: Worried for me? Eleanor-
[Eleanor cuts him off, rushing to hug him]
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Palais Théâtre de Thornolie: 11 May 1850, 22:30
La Fille du Régiment: C’en est donc fait
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Are you enjoying the opera? 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Smiles] Clearly not as much as you. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: It was kind of your mother to allow us to sit in their seats after the interval.
Monseigneur Oliver: Oui.
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: The music is truly exquisite...it really allows one to truly feel for Marie. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Oh? 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Her life was drastically altered. Going from a vivandière to the niece of a marquise must be such a shock. From one way of life to another...leaving behind all those she loves...it is no wonder she is so miserable here.
Monseigneur Oliver: And...if you were put into such a position? 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: I...Je ne sais pas. But Marie does find happiness in the end, does she not? Reunited with Tonio and allowed to marry for love.
Monseigneur Oliver: En effet...
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Then...perhaps I could endure it. Especially if it meant I could marry for love.
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Les Jardins Privés, Palais de Thornolie: 16 May, 1850, 14:00
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Comte de Montavin: Mon frère...
Monseigneur Oliver: Stop...talking...
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Comte de Montavin: Arrêtez! 
Monseigneur Oliver: Non!
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Comte de Montavin: What’s wrong? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Absolutely nothing. 
Comte de Montavin: [Sighs] Must we always play this game? You know I’ll win. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Stop talking or-
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Comte de Montavin: [Chuckles] Always fighting with too much emotion, mon frère...[Takes Off Helmet] 
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Shoves Helmet Off] I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. 
Comte de Montavin: If I were a gambling man, and I am, I’d say you were taking your frustrations out on me.
Monseigneur Oliver: You’re insufferable, you know that?
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Comte de Montavin: As are you when you refuse to talk. Now speak. I’ve never seen you so incensed. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Catching his Breath] I...I finally received a letter from Eleanor. I wrote to her the day after the opera and had no word from her until this morning.
Comte de Montavin: And? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Sits Up and Crouches] I wrote to ask her to accompany me to the Prix de Thornolie....and she rejected my invitation.
Comte de Montavin: That’s what’s bothering you? In all honesty, Oliver, I’m not even the least bit surprised. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Quoi?
Comte de Montavin: Knowing Eleanor as I do, she’s probably beginning to realise what attaching herself to you would do to the privacy she so desperately covets. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Non...you don’t understand, Gaston...something’s happened, I’m certain of it. At the opera she told me she’d be willing to accept all of me, despite everything...none of this adds up...
Comte de Montavin: Hmm...perhaps later you and I can do some digging. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: You...you would help me? 
Comte de Montavin: You wound me...of course I will. But until then, can we please do a bit of fencing which doesn’t involve you trying to stab me right through? 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Smirks] I make no promises. 
Comte de Montavin: [Grins] Bien. Now get up. 
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Cascade de Lac Émeraude: 9 May 1850, 16:45
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oliver? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Thorn for your thoughts? 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Quoi...Oliver, what are you doing here? 
Monseigneur Oliver: You would not answer any of my letters...
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Scoffs] I’m pretty sure I told you not to write any letters at all. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Oui, that is true. Ernest mentioned-
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Ernest? 
Monseigneur Oliver: He...may have told me where to find-
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Mademosielle Eleanor: [Storms Off] Incroyable! The lot of you...I swear... the moment I see him I will strangle him! He has no-
Monseigner Oliver: Ma chérie, s'il vous plaît-
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Pushes Oliver] Non! You do not get to run to Ernest to help you bend the rules to your benefit! You may have grown up in a world where most will bend over backward to please you, but I will not! 
Monseigneur Oliver: I-
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: I am far from finished! Was my letter not clear enough for you? You humiliated me, Oliver! Once again you put me in a position I should never have found myself in, and yet again you were the culprit! We have an arrangement. One which means we both have to explore all the options before us! I told you not to write to me, just as I’m certain I also told you I would no longer listen to your excuses! It is beneath me, Oliver! 
[Eleanor Shoves Oliver Away and Turns Around] 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Eleanor. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Quoi?!
Monseigneur Oliver: I did not come looking for you to excuse my behaviour. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Non? Then what possessed you to ruin my perfectly wonderful ride through the countryside? What did you come here for? 
Monseigneur Oliver: To apologise for it. 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: I....Quoi? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Eleanor-
Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Sighs] Non. I don’t care to hear any more of your empty words and promises. You honestly cannot expect me to continue in this way. To allow you to make me appear the fool every time you go back on your vows-
Monseigneur Oliver: I understand. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Especially after....wait...you do? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Would you rather...[Deep Breath] would you rather I left you alone? Would you rather I walk away?
[Oliver Steps Away from Eleanor] 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: ...
Monseigneur Oliver: If it is what you desire, I will step aside. Le Vicomte de Vignieu is, after all, a respectable mondamoiseau. If you have turned your affections away from me I would more than understand. It’s not as if lately I have acted respectable by any means to give you cause to stay. If that is your wish...if it’ll make you happy, I will happily step aside. 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Angrily Tears Up] I...Why are you saying this to me?!
Monseigneur Oliver: Because I am a fool. I can see how underserving I am of you. I humilated you. I put your impeccable reputation at risk. All because even the thought of you with another tears my heart to shreds. Because even the mere consideration of another man pressing his lips to yours when I have yet to do so fills me with so much rage I can hardly see straight. Regardless, I should never have placed you in such a position. Which is why if you were to decide, right now, to part ways, I would not stand in your way. I would walk away, hop back onto Talence, and ride off without a single look back. It is not even close to what I deserve, but I would pay the price if it meant you were happy. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: ...
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Monseigneur Oliver: However...if you found it in your heart to allow me a chance to learn from my mistakes, then I vow to do everything in my power to never hurt you the way I have ever again. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: Oliver-
Monseigneur Oliver: The choice is entirely yours. Whatever you decide, whatever it is you desire, I will honour it. 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Stares at Oliver, Crying Silently] 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Stares at Eleanor Silently]
[Eleanor Suddenly Throws Herself at Oliver] 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Do not speak of leaving me ever again. 
Monseigneur Oliver: On my honour.  
Mademoiselle Eleanor: I am still furious with you. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Je sais. 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: You promise you won’t leave? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Croix de bois, croix de fer, si je mens je vais en enfer.  
Mademoiselle Eleanor: [Sad Giggle] Vraiment?
Monseigneur Oliver: [Deep Sigh of Relief] Vraiment. 
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Les Jardins Privés, Palais de Thornolie: 11 May, 1850, 10:45
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Lady’s Maid: I truly am sorry for pulling you away so urgently, but la Madame has been in a right state since we returned to le palais yesterday afternoon. This morning she practically shouted at me to leave her be. And she’s never so unkind...
Monseigneur Oliver: Oui...do you know what could possibly have upset her? 
Lady’s Maid: I have my assumptions, Monseigneur, but no facts. Though I know enough that bringing you here to speak with her is better than reaching out to la Madame. 
Monseigneur Oliver: I see...Merci, Mlle Boudreaux. I’ll see what I can do. 
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Lady’s Maid: Monseigneur. [Curtseys Quickly and Leaves] 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Walks Quietly toward Adelaide] Addy? 
Madame Adelaide: [Sniffs] Go away, Oliver. 
[Oliver Grabs Adelaide Gently and Turns Her Around] 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Addy, whatever’s the matter?! Why are you crying? 
Madame Adelaide: H-he did it...
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Monseigneur Oliver: Adelaide look at me. Who did what? 
Madame Adelaide: [Crying] H-he went through w-with it. I had to s-it there and smile and...and-
Monseigneur Oliver: You’re not making any sense. Tell me wh-
Madame Adelaide: [Shouts] I loved him, Oliver! 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Qui?
Madame Adelaide: Jonathan! 
Monseigneur Oliver: Le Marquis de Tourac? 
Madame Adelaide: Oui! He p-promised! Promised to wait for me! He swore he would go to his father and ask him to speak to Papa...and...and now he’s married!
Monseigneur Oliver: Quoi? Married? To whom?
Madame Adelaide: [Sobs] To Mademoiselle Robin! 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Addy-
Madame Adelaide: He secured a special license for the wedding. They were married yesterday. 
Monseigneur Oliver: How do you know all this? It could be nothing more than go-
Madame Adelaide: I know because I was there, Oliver! La Duchesse invited me to attend with her!
Monseigneur Oliver: Mon dieu, Adelaide. If you loved him, why on Earth did you accept an invitation to watch him marry someone else? 
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Madame Adelaide: What choice did I have?!
Monseigneur Oliver: Every choice in the world!
Madame Adelaide: I couldn’t decline. Maman saw the invitation and thought it a good idea for me to represent the family. Not to mention it would have been horribly rude.
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sad Sigh] Ma chère soeur...
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Madame Adelaide: I feel like such a fool, Oliver...
Monseigneur Oliver: Look at me. You are anything but a fool. By my understanding, he’s the one who betrayed you. Made you promises only to turn around and brake them at your feet. He’s not worthy of the ground you walk on, Adelaide. 
Madame Adelaide: I just...h-how could he do this to m-me? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Pulls Adelaide into a Hug] Come here. Don’t think of him anymore...he’s not worth it. I’m not sure how the two of you managed to find one another, and we will discuss that later, but his actions have made it clear he is not worthy of the love you gave him. 
Madame Adelaide: I cannot stand this, the pain is-
Monseigneur Oliver: Come, let’s go inside. There’s still plenty of time before the opéra. I’m sure I can-
Madame Adelaide: Non. Non, not with Maman-
Monseigneur Oliver: Shh, alright...I’ve got you. It’ll all be alright in the end, Addy, I promise. I’ve got you. 
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La Chambre de la Madame Royale, Palais de Thornolie: 8 May 1850, 13:30
Madame Adelaide: Entrez. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: You’ve been hiding. 
Madame Adelaide: Your point being? 
Monseigneur Oliver: I was wondering if you could do me a favour. 
Madame Adelaide: I don’t suppose this favour has anything to do with your poor behaviour the other day? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] You know, Maman said I was lucky very few know of what happened, but she failed to mention how irritating those few would be. 
Madame Adelaide: It’s a fitting punishment, I must say. No less than you deserve. She’s in quite a state. 
Monseigneur Oliver: You’ve spoken with her? 
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Madame Adelaide: Of course. She wrote to me just this morning. You are not her only tie to le palais. 
Monseigneur Oliver: How is she?
Madame Adelaide: I do not believe I am at liberty to say. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Addy, s'il vous plaît. 
Madame Adelaide: [Sighs] Eleanor is...angry. And frankly, so am I. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Do you think she’ll ever forgive me? 
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Madame Adelaide: That depends. 
Monseigneur Oliver: On? 
Madame Adelaide: Whether or not you can tame that viciously unattractive jealous streak of yours. She is absolutely humilated, Oliver. Can you understand that? 
Monseigneur Oliver: I-
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Madame Adelaide: I simply cannot believe you would put her in such a position. Did you truly ask her to convey her true feelings about le Vicomte de Vignieu? In front of him? Had she not managed herself the way she did your words would have ruined her reputation! You claim you love her more than life itself, but if you truly did you would not have done such a horrid thing. 
Monseigneur Oliver: I know...Addy, I ruined everything...
Madame Adelaide: [Sighs] What is the favour you wish to ask? 
Monseigneur Oliver: I was hoping you would invite Mademoiselle Aubert to join you at Gala de l'Opéra.  
Madame Adelaide: Quoi? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: I did not stutter, Addy. 
Madame Adelaide: I don’t understand...you cannot stand Aurora. Especially for all she did to-
Monseigneur Oliver: There’s no point reminding me of it. 
Madame Adelaide: [Scoffs] If this is your way of apologising-
Monseigneur Oliver: Let us say I also have been asked a favour, and if I don’t wish to have Maman breathing down my neck-
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Madame Adelaide: I...suppose I could write to her and extend an invitation. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Merci, Addy.
Madame Adelaide: Just know you are not the only one who cannot stand her, Oliver. What she did, regardless of the reasons behind it, do not sit well with me. 
Monseigneur Oliver: That certainly makes two of us.
Madame Adelaide: Is there anything else? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Non...Addy what is it? 
Madame Adelaide: It’s nothing, Oliver.
Monseigneur Oliver: You’ve not been yourself for a few days. You can talk to me, Addy. Just because I’ve been dealing with my own worries, does not mean I do not worry about you. 
Madame Adelaide: I know. I assure you, I’m fine. 
Monseigneur Oliver: If anything changes-
Madame Adelaide: I’ll come straight to you. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Très bien. Now, I must be off. 
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Madame Adelaide: Quoi? Where are you going? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Where do you think? I need to rectify my mistakes. 
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Champ d'Émeraudes: 7 May 1850, 16:15
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Monseigneur Oliver: ...
Comte de Montavin: We’ve been walking around for at least thirty minutes....are you going to talk about it? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Non. 
Comte de Montavin: Mon frè-
Marquis de Solomont: Monseigneur, bonne journée. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Bonne journée, Monsieur le Marquis. 
Comte de Montavin: [Nods] Rousseau. 
Marquis de Solomont: I was wondering if I could have a word. 
Monsiegneur Oliver: [Sighs] If your words are in regard to one Mademoiselle Aubert, there is nothing more to be said. I have no intentions of persuing a match with her now or in future, and neither she with me. 
Comte de Montavin: [Chuckles] It’s true. Our Monseigneur’s endeavours certainly lie elsewhere. 
Marquis de Solomont: I see...it’s only...well after reading the Chronicle the other day-
Comte de Montavin: I wouldn’t believe everything that horrendous paper writes, Rousseau. Especially anything written by Hémery. That-
Monseigneur Oliver: I can assure you with absolute certainty there is nothing between us. In fact, she and I have never seen eye to eye, not since-
“Votre Altesse Royale!”
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Duchesse de Liroux: [Curtseys] What a shock to find you here! Such an honour!
Monseigneur Oliver: The pleasure is certainly mine, Madame. 
Comte de Montavin: [Mutters Under Breath] A pleasure, I’m sure...
Duchesse de Liroux: I trust you remember my daughter? You two seemed to get along so well at la Fête des Fleurs.
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Monseigneur Oliver: En effet. It is lovely to see you again, Mademoiselle. 
Mademoiselle Aurora: [Curtseys] Monseigneur. 
Monseigneur Oliver: I trust you also remember le Marquis de Solomont? And my cousin, le Comte de Montavin? 
Mademoiselle Aurora: Bonne journée, Messieurs.
Duchesse de Liroux: Monseigneur, are you looking forward to the opera? There’s such a buzz of excitement about it these days. 
Monseigneur Oliver: I am confident it will be a wonderful evening. 
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Marquis de Solomont: What of you, Mademoiselle? Are you looking forward to the opera? 
Comte de Montavin: [Mutters to Oliver] This is insufferable...
Mademoiselle Aurora: Oh. I-
Duchesse de Liroux: You must forgive me, Monseigneur, for being so forward, but I only ask such a question on behalf of my daughter. She is desperately hoping for the opportunity to watch the opera from the royal box. We all know, of course, it offers the best view in the entire théâtre. Not to mention it would be a great honour and dream come true for her to be able to witness the performance from such a place. 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Smirks] Is this true, Mademoiselle? 
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Mademoiselle Aurora: ...Oui, Monseigneur. I once had the honour of speaking with la Madame Royale. She mentioned to me the view is rather breathtaking.
Monseigneur Oliver: Perhaps then, I should speak to la Madame Royale and have her consider inviting you as her guest. I’m certain she would enjoy your company. 
Mademoiselle Aurora: I would be deeply honoured, Monseigneur. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Merveilleux. Now, do forgive me but I must be off. I was lovely to see you both. [Oliver and Gaston Walk Away] 
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Marquis de Solomont: I do hope our paths will cross again in future, Mademoiselle Aubert. Perhaps...I shall see you at the opera? 
Mademoiselle Aurora: I would be delighted. 
Marquis de Solomont: Until we meet again, Mademoiselle. [Leaves] 
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Duchesse de Liroux: Honestly! How dare he not offer you his invitation! Passing you off to that....excuse of a sister! You are going to have to make more of an effort, Aurora. They way he passed you over, as if you were nothing! You’re proving to be more of a disappointment than I originally considered.
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L'Étalon d'Émeraude: 28 April 1850, 20:45
Comte de Montavin: [Groans] There’s simply no way out of this, is there?
Monseigneur Oliver: Your luck ran out the moment Addy ran to ma mère. 
Comte de Montavin: Leave it to Adelaide to not know when to keep her mouth shut. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Well you didn't exactly think either, Gaston. If this is anyone’s fault, it’s your own. Here. [Offers him the Glass and sits with his Own] 
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Comte de Montavin: [Sighs] I know...but she certainly didn’t do me any favours. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Perhaps. But you will have to apologise at some point, Gaston. She was rather upset about the whole affair. Well, between that and Papa keeping her in the shadows, she’s been in a right state. 
Comte de Montavin: Oui...and she took all that anger and upset and forced me into an arranged marriage. 
Monseigneur Oliver: She does regret her hasty actions, if that makes it any better. 
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Comte de Montavin: [Scoffs] Considering I am still an engaged man, it does not. Perhaps I should make good on my word and- 
Monseigneur Oliver: What was all that, by the way? 
Comte de Montavin: ...
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Monseigneur Oliver: Gaston...is she doing something she shouldn’t be? 
Comte de Montavin: [Sighs] Non. She...confided in me about the matter and I told her I would keep my silence. 
Monseigneur Oliver: And you haven’t told-
Comte de Montavin: When she is ready to tell you, mon frère, she will. It...it’s not my story to tell. Even though I wish I could right about now.
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] Very well. 
Comte de Montavin: [Mutters to Himself] And to think I didn’t even instigate any of what happened last night. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Quoi? What do you mean? 
Comte de Montavin: Mademoiselle Roux is far more...forward than she allows others to see. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Honestly, I’m surprised. Every encounter I’ve ever had with her generally includes the basic of pleasantries and then complete and utter silence. 
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Comte de Montavin: Non...last night...she knew exactly what she wanted...and she took it too. Reminded me of...someone else I know...
Monseigneur Oliver: Hmmm...
Comte de Montavin: If you have something to say, mon frère, best spit it out. 
Monseigneur Oliver: It sounds as if you may have met your match. 
Comte de Montavin: [Dark Chuckle] Now you’re being absurd. She’s merely a...fascination. Nothing more. 
Monseigneur Oliver: That may be, but unfortunately for you, this fascination now belongs to you for the rest of your days. With ma mère involved there is no way out. 
Comte de Montavin: Thanks for the reminder. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Mademoiselle Roux seems nice enough. 
Comte de Montavin: Perhaps...
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] Is there anything I can do? 
Comte de Montavin: Unless you know of a way to put a stop to this engagement...
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(Shoutout to @buzzardly28 for her contributions to this scene, and for being my number one fan since the start of this blog almost three years ago! <3 )
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L'Étalon d'Émeraude: 7 May 1850, 15:30
Marquis de Clèrisseau: My, my. What glum faces you both have. 
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Comte de Montavin: Shut it, Ernest. 
Marquis de Clèrisseau: [Laughs] We really should raise a glass, mon ami. To the death of your freedom! 
Monseigneur Oliver: Ernest. We cannot speak of the matter here. 
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: Very well. Perhaps then, we should turn our focus to your predicament? 
Monseigneur Oliver: I have no idea what you could possibly be referring to. 
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Oliver, I am far from ignorant, nor am I blind. I may not have the slightest idea what transpired between yourself and my sister, but I cannot mistake her anger. I haven’t seen her this enraged since Christmas last. 
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Comte de Montavin: Quoi? Oliver, what did you do?
Monseigneur Oliver: Why do you already assume it was something I did?
Comte de Montavin: Because any time Eleanor is that angry you are indeed at fault. Out with it. What did you do?
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] La Fête des Fleurs...I saw her being escorted by le Vicomte de Vignieu. 
Comte de Montavin: [Chuckles] So this is nothing more than an exact repetition of last Christmas. You never could tame that jealousy of yours. 
Marquis de Clèrisseau: She’s absolutely outraged. I tried to ask what was bothering her when I found her this morning, but before I could even get the words out she shoved me out of the room and slammed the door in my face. Even Maman is in a sour mood. You certainly have a talent for incensing the women in my family, Oliver. If they weren’t taking the agressions out on me I’d honestly be impressed.
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Monseigneur Oliver: Ernest...could you help me speak to her? 
Comte de Montavin: [Sits Down] Mon frère-
Marquis de Clèrisseau: [Scoffs] Why should I?
Comte de Montavin: Don’t be a brute, Ernest. 
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: Unfortunately I cannot do anything to help you at present. For the last two days le Vicomte has been coming to call. As we speak she’s currently with him on a promenade about town. How-
Monseigneur Oliver: Why won’t he leave her be!? Honestly, this is-
Comte de Montavin: What did we just say about taming your jealousy, mon frère?
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Marquis de Clèrisseau: However...[sighs] I already regret telling you this.
Monseigneur Oliver: S'il vous plaît...
Marquis de Clèrisseau: These last few evenings she’s taken to going out riding. To...clear her mind and...enjoy the sunset. At least that is how she explained it to me. That’s...that’s all the information I care to offer. 
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[Oliver and Gaston Stand]
Monseigneur Oliver: Merci, Ernest...truly. 
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Oui...well, I must be off. Maman mentioned this morning if I miss another dinner she would have my head. 
Comte de Montavin: We should go as well, Oliver. Will I see you tonight, Ernest?
Marquis de Clèrisseau: I wouldn’t dream of missing out...
Monseigneur Oliver: I owe you a great debt, mon ami.
Marquis de Clèrisseau: Let us simply pray I don’t live to regret this. 
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Palais de Thornolie, 05 Mai 1850, 09:45
La Reine Arabella: I am not surprised to see you looking in such a state. 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] Maman...
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La Reine Arabella: Do you have a moment? 
Monseigneur Oliver: I have several, though I imagine I will not particularly appreciate your topic of converstation. 
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La Reine Arabella: I do hope you understand how lucky you are no one caught wind of your horrifying display yesterday. You not only embarrassed this family, but you humilated Eleanor, even going so far as potentially ruining her chances for a suitable match. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Eleanor already has a suitable match. 
La Reine Arabella: Judging by your behaviour yesterday you would be lucky if she ever forgave you. 
Monseigneur Oliver: I don’t see how you could possibly understand-
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La Reine Arabella: [Scoffs] Jealousy? Mon chéri, I am more acquainted with that emotion than you will ever know. I have your father to thank for that. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Quoi? 
La Reine Arabella: Oliver, if you continue to act and behave this way you will lose her. Not to mention I raised you better than this. If you so much as act in such a manner again-
Monseigneur Oliver: Wait...did you insinuate Eleanor is the one?
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La Reine Arabella: [Laughs] Mon chéri, I have known for years. 
Monseigneur Oliver: If that were true, why do you and Papa continue to insist I endure this monotony of a saison? 
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La Reine Arabella: [Sighs] I’m afraid the title you bear demands a great deal of sacrifice. While your father and I have granted you the freedom to make this decision for yourself, you must learn to both understand and accept that this particular choice will affect not just you, but the entire country. The people deserve to know their future roi considers them in all his deliberations, to know he will think of them and their well-being as well as his own. Eleanor already understands that. Why else would she ask you to endure this arrangement? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Quoi? You know of our arrangement? 
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La Reine Arabella: [Stands] Of course I know, a mother knows all...Eleanor is the right choice, Oliver. I see it. Others see it-
Monseigneur Oliver: Then you have yet to read today’s Chronicle. 
La Reine Arabella: Other’s who truly know you see it, mon chéri. But regardless, in order to possess such a match you must not only maintain your promises to us all, but you must also learn to be worthy of such a rare jewel. As of now, you are not. 
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Palais de Thornolie, Bal Blanc Arrivals: 27 April 1850, 21:00
Valet: Pardonnez-moi, Monseigneur.
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Valet: Votre père is requesting your presence. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Merci, Lavigne. I’ll find him in a moment. 
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Valet: I see the object of your affections has arrived. 
Monseigneur Oliver: En effet.
Valet: Were you able to secure the dance you so desperately coveted? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Smiles] It did take some persausion...but in the end she agreed. 
Valet: You are a lucky man, Monseigneur. If I may be so bold to say. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Oui, Lavigne...very lucky indeed. 
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État D’Ouverture, Parliament Procession: 24 April 1850, 12:45
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État D’Ouverture, Le Discours du Roi: 24 April 1850, 13:00
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Monseigneur Oliver: Are you sure? I’m fairly certain hearts do not posess locks.
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Some do, I think. There are those who give away the key to theirs for safekeeping, others who are mistrustful and give out several keys just in case, and then there are those who have misplaced them but never care to look. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Is that so? 
Mademoiselle Eleanor: En effet. 
Monseigneur Oliver: And what of your heart? 
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Mademoiselle Eleanor: Your words are the key to mine...
Monseigneur Oliver: Then I shall endeavour to never forget my words, ma dulcinée.
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Happy Birthday Oliver
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Forêt de Thornwood, Thornolia: 27 April 1850: 08:15
Comte de Montavin: You look exhausted, mon frère.
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Monseigneur Oliver: These last few days have been tiring...I doubt the Bal Blanc will make me feel anything less so. 
Comte de Montavin: Perhaps...but at least you have one reason to endure the evening ahead, do you not? 
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Smiles] En effet...
Comte de Montavin: You know, it would not surprise me if the Chronicle were to start speculating of a potential match between the two of you. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Quoi?
Comte de Montavin: [Laughs] 
Monseigneur Oliver: How would they even know? 
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Comte de Montavin: [Still Laughing] Honestly, Oliver, you cannot be so oblivious! Yesterday your entire demeanour changed the moment Eleanor was announced. You were pratically leaning forward so far Ernest and I were wondering if you were just going to step forward and propose right there and then. In fact, we bet on it. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Let me guess-
Comte de Montavin: Not sure he will ever learn not to bet against me. 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Laughs] Perhaps not. 
Comte de Montavin: Though...it did make me wonder. Is it really necessary for you to go through all this? It’s not as if you have ever been indecisive on this particular matter. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: I made a promise to Eleanor I would do as my parents requested. She...
Comte de Montavin: Oui?
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] She doesn’t want to keep me from making the right decision...for the country.
Comte de Montavin: I see...it seems she is far more courageous than I intially gave her credit for.
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Monseigneur Oliver: And what of you? Are you planning to behave this evening? 
Comte de Montavin: Hmm...On the one hand, mon père has made it quite clear I am to be on my best behaviour. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: And on the other?
Comte de Montavin: His nagging has never stopped me from having a devillishy good time...
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Salon Fréluire, Palais de Thornolie: 25 April 1850, 09:45
Monseigneur Oliver: I do wish you’d smile more. I hate to see you so crestfallen. 
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Madame Adelaide: You’d be crestfallen too if you’d been treated as unfairly as I. 
Monseigneur Oliver: Between you and me, I rather think you came out the lucky one...
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Madame Adelaide: Oliver? Whatever is the matter? 
Monseigneur Oliver: C'est rien...
Madame Adelaide: The tone of your voice says otherwise.
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] If you must know, yesterday before Father and I left for the day’s events, I walked in on him and Monsieur de Clèrisseau having another heated discussion. 
Madame Adelaide: Oh? Did you hear any of their conversations?
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Monseigneur Oliver: Not much, I’m afraid...though it did appear they were once again arguing about Papa keeping secrets. 
Madame Adelaide: And you believe this may be related to the argument we heard before? 
Monseigneur Oliver: Well, between hearing my name tossed about and the abrupt end of their chattering as I walked into the room...it appears so.
Madame Adelaide: I do wonder why Papa is so intent on keeping secrets...
Monseigneur Oliver: It is troubling, but I cannot see what you or I can do to uncover the matter. 
Madame Adelaide: You just leave that to me. 
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Monseigneur Oliver: Addy, I-
Madame Adelaide: Do not ‘Addy’ me. I am more than capable.
Monseigneur Oliver: That is beside the-
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Madame Adelaide: Besides, you are far too busy at the moment, and I have all the time in the world. 
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] Addy-
Madame Adelaide: Why else would I be sitting idly here reading this horrendous novel? 
Monseigneur Oliver: I find it hard to fathom why everyone is creating such a fuss about my participation, especially when-
Madame Adelaide: You know as well as I do why that is. Though...truth be told I do wish they would have listened to you...even if for my own selfish reasons....
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Monseigneur Oliver: Addy...
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Monseigneur Oliver: Be patient. 
Madame Adelaide: [Sighs] Oliver-
Monseigneur Oliver: Perhaps if I can convince him of my decision, he may then be amenable to change his position on yours.
Madame Adelaide: You clearly underestimate him, just as you always have. 
Monseigneur Oliver: I-
“A letter has just arrived for you, Monseigneur. And the Monsieur le Roi is expecting you in the-”
Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] Merci, Messier...
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Madame Adelaide: Go. I’ll keep an ear out.
Monseigneur Oliver: Stay strong. 
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