#Natasha Trace smut
laracrofted · 1 year
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synopsis: in a game of truth or dare, you reveal your dream threesome.
pairings: natasha trace x fem!reader x bob floyd
warnings: 18+ minors dni, ageless blogs that interact will be blocked, explicit smut (f/f/m threesome, oral sex, unprotected sex, blink and miss it choking, sort of dom phoenix, edging, cum eating, orgasm denial, overstimulation) and like, swearing lmao (wc: 3.2K)
notes: a little something something for my fellow bisexuals during pride month 🌈 and yes, i defeated awful writer's block with horniness and so can you 💖
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much love to @sushiwriterhere @theharddeck @sometimesanalice and @roosterbruiser for letting me bounce many depraved thoughts off of them and i'm summoning a few people who might be interested: @princessphilly @seresinsweetie @rhettabbotts @lewmagoo @bradshawsbitch @i-wanna-be-your-muse @sebsxphia and also no one look at me
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“Anyone would want to sleep with me. I’m the most fuckable person in this room. Ask anyone.”  
"What's Hangman so up in arms about now?" Phoenix asks, sounding unimpressed. She leans against the pool cue, waiting for Fanboy to make his shot, and cracks her knuckles with one hand.
You shrug. "Who knows."
Honestly, you can't even remember who made the comment that got him so worked up, so defensive over his own sex appeal. His general fuckability – which as a side note, you're pretty sure is not a real word.
Maybe Rooster, actually probably Rooster.
Regardless, Hangman has decided to make them all suffer the consequences, going on and on and on.
"Fine," Rooster manages, choking down a laugh, almost always given away in the unmistakable twitching of the overgrown ferret on his upper lip. "Go ahead. Ask anyone then, Hangman. This will be good."
You are minding your own goddamn business in the corner of the common room, sipping a canned red wine that isn't half bad for the price. It is sweet, a little bubbly, pleasant.
You press your lips against the cool edge and are in the middle of a sip when Hangman catches your eye, a sharklike gleam in his green eyes.
Is it worse to make eye contact or break it? Is that bears or sharks who see it as a challenge?
And in truth, Hangman is neither. He's more or less harmless with a sometimes sharp bite.
You lower the can, slow and suspicious, narrowing your eyes at him with a raised brow. “Can I help you, Hangman?”  
Smirking, Hangman drawls, “You owe me a truth from earlier, ain't that right? You ran out on the game before I could get my question out."
You roll out a red carpet of curses in your brain and swallow another mouthful of the sweet red wine.
You'd gotten a call from the Domino's driver to come down and grab the pizzas from the front door before Hangman could ask whatever pointed – and alarmingly observant – question had popped into his scheming brain.
Everyone else has forgotten the game with some pizza in their stomach and a basketball game on the big screen, but clearly, Hangman has a good memory. Bastard. 
"Fine. Hit me with your best shot, Hangman."
Fire away and all that.
His canines are gleaming white. "Who would you most want to have sex with in this room? No, wait, I should give everyone a fair chance of selection. Pick two."
"Together? Or separate?"
His brows raise, and Hangman's smirk deepens. "Well, damn. Someone's a little adventurous." Your eyes are practically slits now, staring him down. "Together. Who would you have a threesome with in this room? And unfortunately, no, I don't have a twin."
“My nightmare,” Phoenix mutters, and Fanboy shakes with silent laughter.
An answer had popped into your head the second that Hangman asked, but in the name of suspense, you pretend to mull it over and really contemplate.
You look around the room. Halo and Fritz are on the sagging couch with Yale and Harvard in the opposite chairs, watching the game too closely to overhear this cursed conversation.
Bob and Fanboy are strategizing in the corner, but Bob is definitely listening. His shoulders don't look quite natural.
Across the pool table, Payback shows you his wedding band with a faux scolding expression. You grin.
“I guess I'd have to pick... Phoenix and Bob."
Rooster absolutely crows with laughter as Hangman goes into a full control-alt-delete shut down and reboot, blankly staring at you with disbelieving eyes and a slack jaw.
Someone should commemorate this moment. Add it to one of the frames in the Ready Room. 
"Are you malfunctioning?" You drain the rest of the wine and drop the can into the nearest recycling bin. "You know I'm bisexual, right, Hangman?"
"But Phoenix and Bob?" Hangman splutters, as if recovering from an ordeal with a capital O. "I need the reason. Why would you pick them?"
You glance over at Phoenix, who is regarding both of them with a smug smirk. You don't dare look at Bob right now.
You smile, radiant and knowing, with a “Follow up questions aren’t part of the game, Hangman,” and breeze across the room for another can of wine, patting him on the shoulder.
Five or so minutes later, Phoenix sidles up to you and sits on the arm of your chair, ignoring the perfectly good and empty chair in the corner. Her boot brushes against your leg.
She leans in, and Phoenix's familiar vanilla and amber scent washes over you.
"Am I allowed to ask a follow question?" A nod, and Phoenix looks kind of self-satisfied. Kind of smug. "Did you mean it? Or were you just kicking the chair out from under Hangman? Because..." She lowers her voice, all smoke and velvet. "I had fun with you before. Just us."
"Both..." You pause. "I kind of wanted to knock him on his ass, but also, I was very much serious."
Her smile widens, and Phoenix leans in more, brushing the shell of your ear in a puff of warm breath. "Meet me in my room in 20 minutes."
Her canine grazes your earlobe for a brief second.
You blink, dazed, and Phoenix is already walking away.
"What about...?"
What about Bob? is the question on the tip of your tongue, but obviously, you can't call that out in this room. He is still here somewhere.
She looks over her shoulder, dark eyes warm with want and promise, and mouths, "20," with a wink.
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A little over 20 minutes later, Phoenix has your wrists pinned down on her soft sheets, nudging under your chin with her slender nose in search of the sensitive spot on the side of your neck.
Her bottom lip drags against it.
You bite down on a moan, and in retaliation, Phoenix bites the spot harder.
"I want to hear you," Phoenix murmurs, an order wrapped in a pretty bow. "You sound so pretty, angel."
She kisses you again and sucks your bottom lip between hers, making it impossible to bite down on.
And with intent, Phoenix slides a smooth thigh between your legs, dragging her knee against the red flash of fabric that covers your cunt and grinds down.
"Come on. Let me hear you."
A drawn out moan escapes your mouth, and right then, Bob walks in.
He closes the door behind him, oblivious, and then, spots you both and freezes.
"Phoenix?" Bob manages, sounding uncertain. His eyes are wide and blue behind the wire frames. "You said 30 minutes, right? Should I – I can come back. We can catch up another time."
Despite the words, Bob doesn't move. He looks down, cheeks pink and flushed, but doesn't move.
"Don't worry, Bob." Phoenix releases your arms and climbs over the edge of the mattress with a smile. Walks over to him in an electric blue bra and underwear set that looks downright radiant against her dark hair. 
She looks like a goddess. 
"You want him here, don't you, angel?"
She circles behind him, sliding the plaid button-down shirt from his broad shoulders. It crumples to the carpet without resistance as Bob raises his chin and meets your eyes.
"You told me before," Phoenix prompts. "Tell him."
He is watching you, waiting on your answer with bated breath.
A long breath releases from your mouth. 
You push up on your elbows, then your knees, wanting to see him more clearly.
“Earlier with Hangman… I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted both of you. I want you – both of you – to fuck me."
His Adam’s apple moves as Bob swallows, sudden and hard.
He looks surprised. He shouldn't be.
He's always felt a little out of reach, so damn nice. You didn’t want to freak him out – or worse, offend him with a casual invitation to very casually fuck your brains out and maybe, let you suck his cock before or afterward.
You’re not picky. Whatever works for him.
You were pretty sure Bob was at least a little interested, but now... Bob only stares.
Phoenix gives him a gentle push and strolls over to the record player. She looks casual and languid, flipping through the records, but you're not so fooled. She's giving him a moment alone with you.
"Phoenix and I have... before, but I want you as much as I want her. Do you want me? is the only question, I guess."
He coughs into his elbow, messing with his lenses, which are fogging every so slightly. "I do. You're very pretty and nice, and I've... I mean, I do want you."
A smile dimples your cheek. "Oh, I'm pretty and nice, am I?"
"Shut up," Bob mutters under his breath with a slight smile. His ears are a little red.
You reach out and pull him closer to the mattress, pulling until Bob has to plant a knee on the edge to keep his balance. He watches you with wide eyes and says your name in a rush of breath – like a sharp wind over the ocean – and leans in, gravitating.
He cups your chin, slow and careful, pulling you in for a slow kiss that fizzles in your bloodstream like champagne. He is still giving you ample time to pull back and change your mind.
You deepen the kiss, even as Bob holds back.
You're still not sure Bob believes you.
Music swells from the corner, slow and sultry and sensual, as Phoenix settles behind you. She unlatches your bra and pushes it from your shoulders, running her fingers in soothing circles over the muscles.
She reaches between you and him, moving to cup your breasts, but at the last second, Phoenix skims her hand down the curve of your stomach and down and down, dipping under the waistband of your panties.
Clever fingers glide through your wetness, glancing off your clit in a tease that makes you whimper into Bob's mouth. A satisfied hum vibrates your back.
"So wet already, darling. We haven't done anything other than kiss you. You must really want us," Phoenix murmurs, warm against your ear, licking the sensitive patch of your neck again. "Come here, Bob."
She pulls you back from him with a hand around your throat – squeezing once, hard enough to make you feel light all over – and puts her glistening fingers in his open mouth.
His moan makes you even wetter.
You watch, breathless, as Bob closes his eyes and licks your taste from her fingers. His pupils are blown, eyes almost black, when Bob opens his eyes again.
His groan against your mouth is a rough sound, drawn out and unrepentant. He kisses you like religion, like a prayer.
Phoenix's voice is smug in your ear. "He believes me now."
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You've been paired with Bob and Phoenix on enough exercises to know that the Naval aviators are an unstoppable pair in the air, cutting through the skies with grace and precision.
You'd imagined – more than once – that Bob and Phoenix would be an unstoppable pair in the bedroom as well. Sue you, okay? Who wouldn't?
Phoenix had been a force on her own, pinning you down and making your thighs shake over her shoulders; coaxing you to the edge and kicking you over without warning with a razor sharp smile that bordered on mean.
Bob always seemed so quiet. Seemed so unassuming.
But Bob dated, and on the one and only occasion the WSO brought a date back to the shared apartment complex, all of the Daggers had heard about the dying cat sounds that'd been loud enough to bleed through the walls. Hangman had been relentless.
You were seemingly the only one who could put the admittedly horrendous moaning aside and remember the other sounds.
(Oh, oh, Bob, oh, Bob. Fuck me. So good.)
You knew Phoenix was good in bed.
You had a feeling about Bob.
You were absolutely and without a shadow of a doubt right.
Phoenix is in the backseat for once but never ever on the sidelines. She seems to sense that the WSO might still need more reassurance, might need some control to feel wanted here.
She focuses on you, nibbling your neck and pinching your aching nipples, as Bob rests on the red and orange pillows, watching you swallow his cock, mesmerized.
You pull back, keeping him half in your mouth and circling his base with your hands, and run your tongue along the sensitive underside of him.
He bobs in your mouth, letting out a rough curse.
"Are you sure?" Bob had asked before, stilling the hands that were reaching for his zipper, running a thumb across the veins at the base of your wrist. "We can start with something else. I don't want you to feel pressure."
"Positive. I've wanted to suck your cock for about six months now."
He blinked, looking even more owlish with his glasses on the nightstand. "Six months? You've only been here for like six months."
You cut in, "And I wanted to suck your cock the whole damn time. Any other questions?"
He audibly swallowed, and Phoenix grinned.
You could easily get lost in him – lose minutes, even hours with the weight of him on your tongue and the sound of his broken moans in your ears – but Phoenix is too impatient to let that happen.
She nudges your soaked underwear to the side and pushes one, two, three of her fingers inside of you. You're wet enough that Phoenix doesn't meet any resistance.
"She's so fucking wet for you, Bob. Jesus Christ," Phoenix moans. A wet kiss is pressed into the curve of your shoulder, against the nape of your neck. "Should I make her come?"
God... and Phoenix says it like, What do you think, Bob? Am I clear? Should I take the shot?, in the same voice from the air. Asking him to weigh the pros and cons. Deferring to his decision.
You'll never be able to be paired with them on a drill again and not remember.
You would breathe a sigh of relief when Bob nods, except for... well, obvious reasons. You swallow around him, and Bob leaks against the back of your throat.
You're already aching, and Phoenix is pressing the heel of her palm against your clit. Pleasure is building in the pit of your stomach, and you need, you need, you –
"Or..." Phoenix drawls, easing up on the pressure, all casual and unaffected. She works you open, steady and constant, pinching the thigh that tries to rock you against her hand. "I could edge her for you. Make her wait to come on your cock."
God, Phoenix can be mean in bed. You'd almost forgotten.
You kind of hate her for it right now.
(You really don't.)
You whimper around Bob's cock and clench around Phoenix's fingers at the same time, digging your nails into the pale skin of Bob's muscular thighs, already bruised with a small love bite from earlier.
An abrupt fuck spills from Bob's bitten lips.
He pulls out of your mouth without warning, squeezing a hand around his base and screwing his eyes closed to keep from coming right then and there.
"Jesus Christ, Phoenix."
"So Bob seems to like that idea," Phoenix observes, almost conspiratorially. Her fingers catch your chin. "What about you, pretty girl? You want to come now or on Bob's cock?"
You are a little out of breath but no less certain.
"Do I even have to answer that?"
As a reward, Phoenix slips her tongue in your mouth and starts all over again, ever careful to pull back at the exact right moment when your breaths are short and your gaze is glassy and unfocused.
You are shaking and warm all over when Phoenix is satisfied, running her fingers through the arousal that slicks the inside of your thighs, underwear long discarded on the floor somewhere now.
"Can I..."
You are on your back now, and Bob leans over and sucks your nipples in his mouth. You lose focus, running your fingers over the hard length of him, smearing his pre-cum over the head.
"Can you what?" Phoenix prompts, ghosting a knuckle over your swollen clit. You quiver.
"I want to eat you out. Didn't get to do that last time, remember?"
You seize Bob's shoulder, keeping him pressed against your chest, and Bob makes a pleased sound, content to lavish your breasts with licks and nibbles right now.
You continue, "I want to eat you out while Bob fucks me."
"Well," Phoenix replies, breezily, brushing her hair over her shoulder and bends to suck on your other nipple. "We can probably make that work."
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"Fuck," Bob breathes again.
You've never heard him curse so much, not even in actual missions.
A content sigh pushes everything else from your brain.
You lick at Phoenix again, licking a stripe up the center of her cunt, drowning in the warmth and silk, as Bob pushes into you from behind, bare and hard and so goddamn big.
Fuck is right.
"God..." Bob moans against your damp skin, pulling out and easing back in again. His accent comes out in bits and pieces, smoothing the edges from his words. "Feel so good. S'good for me. So good for us, darlin'."
You melt at the praise and nuzzle deeper into Phoenix with a sigh of pleasure, circling her clit with a content hum that makes her breath go all uneven and shuddering.
Satisfaction slides down your spine, warm and consuming.
You could stay here for hours between them. You would.
She's quick to instruct and correct, but once you're in a rhythm with your fingers hooked inside, Phoenix is nothing but moans and sighs and oh god, so good, oh god.
She comes in your mouth with a sharp gasp and rolls out from under you, which leaves Bob with enough room to double his efforts now.
He presses praise against your neck, circling his fingers around your clit with precision and attention; urging you to come for him with gentle pleas and deep thrusts and blissfully, a well-placed palm against your aching cunt.
You shatter around him as Bob spills inside of you.
Oh my god are the only words that are forming in your head right now. You want to say something else.
Holy shit maybe.
We should definitely do that again even.
But Phoenix doesn't give you even a second of peace.
"You're a mess, angel," Phoenix comments, light and almost mocking. She spreads your legs wide and looks you over. "Let me."
You expect Phoenix to wipe you down, but instead, Natasha presses her mouth against your sensitive cunt.
Stars erupt in your vision. Galaxies.
She licks and licks every inch of you, holding down your shaking legs, until you come again, damn near crying from the overstimulation, shuddering.
Wetness dampens the sheets underneath you, and Phoenix licks the cum that drips down your legs, some yours, some Bob's, and kisses you right on the mouth.
You definitely mean to get your clothes and pee and everything after, but Bob is warm against your side. He nuzzles into the crook of your neck and passes out with an arm across your chest.
Sleep pulls you under soon after.
Phoenix is the first one to leave the bed and even then, only to put on a quieter record and go right back.
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note: is she the filthiest smut piece i've ever written? maybe. she's named after red wine supernova by chappell roan, which is so fun and so queer and worth a listen 💖 leave a comment before i regain an ounce of shame.
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mrs-mag1c · 10 months
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Helping Hands
Phoenix has had a long day. She knows the only thing that will make her feel better is coming home to you and getting a little help to unwind.
Guard Dog
natasha has a hot girlfriend and is ready to fight as long as she keeps wearing low-rise jeans.
Sundress Season
phoenix isn’t the biggest fan of summer. it’s hot, humid, and penny’s niece has a thing for sundresses. a few too many drinks, and phoenix is letting her know exactly how she feels about them. 
Rooster's Brood Part 2
The squad gets a little surprise in the form of Rooster spawn.
Little Black Shirt
Knowing how much Bradley loves your breasts, you decide to surprise him with a new shirt which leads to you guys trying something new.
Bradley’s always been good at saying things he doesn’t mean, but he’s even better at saying things that he does.
Green-Eyed Rooster
when rooster gets jealous
Sub Rosa
After months of sneaking around, and a few weeks of not seeing each other, Rooster and Reader get a few minutes to themselves at Ice’s birthday party.
The Vice Admiral's Niece
At a yearly Navy dinner, Vice Admiral Simpson decides to bring his niece to get her out of the house after a breakup. She isn't thrilled until a certain aviator catches her eye all night.
Let Me Love You
Bradley has been dealt a shitty hand in life, and he's determined to protect himself from getting hurt again. Everything is turned upside down when you blow into his life looking like everything he swears he doesn't want.
Love to lie
Your worst fear is recognized when Bradley’s jet goes down with him in it. You’re not sure why you’re still his emergency contact, you’d broken up two weeks ago, but when you rush into the hospital room, you discover that you have a chance to fix the mistake you’d been cursing yourself for. The only problem is, you have to lie to Bradley, and you discover that you love doing it if it means you get to be with him again.
Skittles in Vodka
Almost a decade ago, Rooster ended up stranded in the desert. Thankfully an Army caravan was around to pick him up, and there he met the woman he loved. Unfortunately, he never got her name. Now a certain candy drink reminds him of her.
Bradley's Girl
you’re the perfect girl for Jake. You’re pretty, kind, funny, smart. You could have him on his knees for you if you’d ask. But you’re Bradley’s girl.
De-instigating the Instigator
To the surprise of everyone, Jake Seresin does have an off button
It's All About You
4 times Jake thought about marrying you and the 1 time he did.
Middle Of A Memory
Jake Seresin was an asshole, everyone knew it. He flew with confidence and held a cocky smirk. Behind every cocky smirk and snark remark was you, built into his memories, memories he always lived in.
A Formal Reprimand
Above all else, Jake prided himself on his spotless Naval record. When his wife inadvertently causes him to be formally reprimanded during deployment, he plans to give her a fair share of the punishment when he gets home.
All You Had To do Was Stay
Six years ago Jake hit your life like a hurricane. In and out in a matter of weeks. You thought after you get over the disappointment of him leaving without saying a word you’d never think of him again. But then two pink lines change your life forever. Now he’s back and still has no idea that the little girl by your side is his daughter.
you buy a special set of lingerie when you know you're ovulating and Bob asks if he can take pictures of you while you fuck.
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moonlight-prose · 8 months
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a/n: i am not responsible for how filthy this fic. it just kept getting dirtier the longer i typed and now it's just porn very little plot. this is my first ever phoenix fic! i've had one in my wips for months now, but never actually felt great enough to complete it. so now that this is out and posted, i might actually go back and look at the old wip. for now i hope y'all enjoy!
day fourteen - nipple play + scissoring | kinktober 2023
summary: "somehow in the midst of chaos in the middle of that bar, you found her. the missing puzzle piece of your half empty heart."
word count: 2.2k+
pairing: natasha 'phoenix' trace x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, nipple play, scissoring, cumplay sort of, cum eating, fingering, dirty talk, fluff, dom!phoenix.
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“Tell me what you like and I’ll do it to you.”
Words spoken against your ear in the midst of chaos. You came to the bar in the hopes of having a drink to dispel the day of all its stress. A small moment to yourself before you went home to an empty apartment and an even emptier bedroom. The interaction hadn’t started out as anything at first. You ran into her—literally—as you were trying to squeeze through the crowd to find a seat. And she led you to a stool before depositing a beer in front of you with a wink.
That was that. You watched her walk away to join a group of people wearing the exact same uniform as her.
Until it was her turn to find something to drink, and she found herself leaning against the bar, talking to you. The hand nearest to your body found itself curled around your hip to keep you close as someone shoved behind you. Her face tilted close in order for you to hear her better over the noise.
And that’s when she said it. The words that practically burned a hole in your lungs, leaving you gasping for air.
Not a minute passed before you were dragging her in by the collar and pressing a quick kiss to her lips. All in the hopes that you weren’t reading this situation wrong. She had smiled, cupped the nape of your neck, and tugged you back in. Her tongue sliding along your bottom lip with enough eagerness to have your body melting against hers. Your soft moan being swallowed and traded in for a happy hum.
Twenty minutes later you found yourself in the passenger seat of her car, a hand between your thighs—shoving up the skirt you wore for work.
“Fuck you’re wet,” she murmured, fingers sliding between your folds and gathering the sticky wetness that practically drenched the seat of her car. A grin formed on her lips, eyes darkening by the second.
“You like that baby?” She sunk a finger into you, pulling a soft moan from your lips, your body shifting to give her better access.
Nodding, you did what you could to make the angle easier for her, aching to feel another finger slip into you. But Phoenix was a master at patience. You had yet to find that out, only grasping at what she’d told you in the bar. Small pieces of her life and the job she led when she wasn’t taking the time to enjoy her life. Although from what you gathered she could barely enjoy it, only given a certain amount of time before she was called back again.
She curled another finger into you, a smile blooming on her face when you keened, head falling back into the seat and eyes fluttering shut. The top of your shirt was unbuttoned, bra pushed away, and as she rolled to a stop in the middle of a desolate street, she leaned over. Taking your nipple into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. The squelch of her fingers pumping into you echoed in the small space of her car, but that only made everything build so much more.
You could feel the sensation you normally had to fight for. The sparks that ran down your spine, curling low in your stomach, and suddenly you found yourself right there. On the edge of cumming all over her hand.
Grasping onto her neck, you kept her mouth to your breast, a high whine ripping from your throat. Your hips bucked into her hand, clit catching on the edge of her palm. It was too much. Nearly overwhelming you as she continued to work you over the edge, rising quickly to capture your mouth in a debauched kiss as you broke. It rolled through you like a fucking tidal wave. Nearly sending you crashing into her body. A cry bounced off the car’s interior, body trembling when she continued to stimulate you.
Yet her kiss was different. Soft and inviting. As if she was placing a promise there on your smeared lipstick—something that told you she wasn’t done with you yet.
“We’re almost there,” she breathed against your lips, sliding her fingers out of you and pulling out a soft whine. “You wanna be a good girl for me and just sit here looking pretty?”
You nodded, eyes wide and lips parted as she placed her fingers in her mouth, moaning at the taste. The cool air felt strange against your exposed cunt; eliciting a feeling you’d never experienced before. You liked this. Being bare for her to see, but also whoever might catch a quick view in a passing car. It made you feel wanted, as if you were finally desired in a way no one had made you feel before.
Phoenix caught the sheepish look on your face, eyes glimmering with desire. The grin spread across her face again, eyes tracing down the curve of your breasts as they hung against your body. The shiny slick that was smeared on the inside of your thigh—continuing to leak steadily on the seat of her car.
“Look at you sweetie.” She pressed a hand to your thigh, nail tracing the skin softly until you shivered. “Do you like being exposed for me?”
Your gaze snapped to her, heat spreading beneath the skin of your cheeks. “I— Yeah.”
She rounded a corner into a small street of houses. Well in all honesty they could barely be construed as houses. They were more cottages than anything else. But you could recognize the blue car from the bar parked across the street where she stopped—her place resembling each one.
Although on a closer inspection you realized her home stood out just a bit more. The flowers in the front were a beautiful array of pinks and reds. Comfortable chairs were set out on the porch, each one with a pillow—a table in between that seemed to be used for morning coffees. Her home looked warm. Soft in all the ways she was, yet still holding onto that aspect of safety she exuded the second you ran into her.
“C’mon,” she said softly, tapping your thigh and drawing up the top of your shirt. “I’ll make you a coffee.”
“You don’t have to,” you replied, pulling down your skirt as you got out, keeping yourself covered as she led you up the front walkway.
She shrugged, opening the door with ease and discarding her jacket on a hook. “I want to.”
So you found yourself curled on her couch, a cup of coffee in your hands, and a soft song playing in the background. You spoke to her about your life. Your job and how it was slowly starting to grate on your nerves. The dreams you wished you had pursued instead of a boring cubicle that kept you hidden from the world. And she returned in kind. Telling you about what being a pilot for the Navy was actually like. Especially when it came down to being a woman in the Navy.
The clock ticked on the mantle, several hours passing, yet you found that time moved far too quickly around her. You wanted to stay here. To wake up and enjoy coffee on the porch, to see what the remainder of her house looked like. But what you were there for stared at you in the face—the want from earlier slowly seeping back into your veins.
“How’s the coffee?” she asked, already knowing that the drink had gone cold in favor of you staring at the way her top was unbuttoned. The curve of her breasts peeking out.
“Hm?” You jolted back to the present, mouth watering and eyes slightly dazed. “Oh. It’s delicious.”
“It’s cold.”
That all too delicious heat returned once more, spreading up your neck. “I was…um…”
She smiled, pulling the mug out of your hands and depositing it on the table—her other hand curling around your jaw. “You’re really cute. Anyone ever tell you that?”
Even if you wanted to answer, the words were stuck on your tongue as she moved closer. Her lips finding yours in the dimly lit room. Swallowing your soft whine with her tongue that slid deeply against yours. Her other hand gripped your hip, tugging you forward until you had no choice but to curl your leg around her. Finding yourself in her lap, her hands tugging at your top to get it off. You had come to the conclusion that she liked to toy with your nipples. Her teeth latched onto one again, laving her hot tongue along it until you were grinding against her.
“Oh f-fuck,” you choked, gripping onto the back of her neck. “Wanna taste you.”
She grinned against your skin. “You will baby. You will. I’ve got something in mind first though.”
Nodding before she could tell you what it was, you let her push you off the couch as her hands grasped for your skirt. The way she stripped you was slow. Soft touches and whispered compliments of how pretty you were. All of it mixing to make your head spin, your chest heaving with the breaths that left you quicker than you could take them in. She consumed you with her eyes, made you feel everything with her hands, and yet…you wanted more.
You wanted to sear tonight in your mind. Forever remembering the way she had taken you apart so delicately.
She led you to the floor, her clothes now discarded in the same pile as yours—her mouth devouring you in a kiss that made your body burn. Fingers slid down your hips, tracing the soft lines that stretched across your hips, and dipped her tongue along yours. Tasting the coffee off your tongue. Phoenix found she preferred the bitterness from your mouth over her mug—the flavor sensual and rich.
“Spread your legs for me baby,” she murmured against your jaw.
You listened to her without hesitation, allowing her to completely take the reins—putting your mind at ease for the first time all week. It felt euphoric to be this willing for her. To let her mold you however she wanted. There was something about her that pulled at your body—calling to you in a way it hadn’t before. Hovering over you, she watched with parted lips and red stained cheeks as she slid into position. Her cunt pressing over yours until her slick coated the top of your mound.
A depraved grunt echoed in her chest, nails digging into your thigh as she watched your face contort in pleasure. A gasp ripping from your chest when she moved. Her hips grinding over yours perfectly. You felt her clit, felt the way her cunt spread just right causing her slick to mix with yours.
“So pretty for me,” she whispered, cupping your breast and running a thumb over your nipple. She moved higher, cupping your chin in her soft palm, thumb now moving to press against your bottom lip—easing your mouth open. “Should I ride this perfect mouth next?”
Your eyes nearly rolled back. “Please.”
“I’ll cum in your mouth next baby.” It was a promise. Not a question. You knew that the second the words hit your ears and it made another wave of heat rush over your body.
“N-Natasha—” You shuddered when she dragged along your cunt, her hand curving around your hip to hold you in place.
A moan left her lips, forehead scrunched and eyes focused on the way you practically leaked for her—coating her inner thighs. “Gonna cum over this pussy first though.”
“Oh fuck,” you gasped, fingers clawing at the carpet beneath you.
“You want that sweetie?”
You nodded, gaze snapping back to her as she leaned down, her lips wrapping around your nipple. She rode you even harder, her hips colliding with yours and suddenly you found you could hardly breathe. The burning thrill of pleasure now overtaking your entire body. When her teeth latched onto your nipple, breath hot against your skin, you felt everything fall into place. The feelings she had wrought from you now laid bare along the rug. Just as you were.
They told you that this was more. That you would wake up to see her again.
Her voice moaning your name against your body undid your very being. The last drag of her clit against yours ripped free a broken shout as you fell over the edge. It was powerful. Nearly sending you into a state of dizziness, but you let it consume you completely—drowning you in the scent of her perfume, the feel of her body against yours.
She followed soon after, keeping her promise. Cumming with a shout, she pressed her lips to yours, her his jerking over you until it became too much. But you felt the wetness against your cunt. The way it trailed down your ass and into the carpet. No doubt staining the color.
“Where the fuck have you been all this time?” she breathed against your lips, a smile being pressed into her small kiss.
You felt a flutter go through your chest, as she moved, pulling you into her lap until your knees were pressed to the floor. “Waiting for you I guess.”
“No more waiting,” she replied, hands sliding down to your ass and lips dragging along your jaw. “Stay.”
You could picture it in your mind. Sitting on that porch with her, drinking coffee in the mornings. Conversations that turned into flirting that turned into so much more. Somehow in the midst of chaos in the middle of that bar, you found her. The missing puzzle piece of your half empty heart.
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writingdumpster · 9 months
butt dial
pairing: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT 18+, masturbation, rank kink, descriptions of: fem!receiving oral, squirting, strap-on (giving and receiving), edging, vibrator use, fingering
summary: you butt dial Natasha when you're talking to your friends about your sex life with her and she touches herself to your words.
word count: 1.3k
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Tonight was girls’ night–no girlfriends girls’ night. You and two of your best friends from high school were getting together for the evening. You hadn’t seen each other in years, but they were both coincidentally vacationing in San Diego and the three of you couldn’t help but take the opportunity to meet up. Natasha could see how happy you were to be seeing your friends, but she wasn’t looking forward to spending the evening without you. You promised her that it would only be a few hours and she could come back to help kick your friends out of the apartment when she got too lonely. 
“Where am I even supposed to go?” Natasha whined as you started putting out snacks for your friends. She walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around you, tucking her chin into your neck. She started pressing soft kisses to your neck and jaw. 
“Why don’t you go to the gym, baby?” You suggested. “It’ll be good for you. And you know how you are when you get back,” you said. Natasha smirked. Post-workout sex was among her favorite kinds of sex, right after back-from-deployment sex and anniversary sex.  
“Do you really want me to go?” She whined, lifting your t-shirt and tracing featherlight patterns on your tummy. You chuckled. 
“Of course I don’t,” you assured Natasha. She hummed happily and started pressing kisses against your neck again, taking this as a sign that she could stay. You reluctantly pulled her arms off you and turned around. You gave her a quick kiss and then leaned back. “But it’s no girlfriend’s night,” you reminded her. She sighed. 
“Okay,” Natasha agreed forlornly. “Just know I’ll spend the whole time thinking of you,” she said, jokingly guilt tripping you. You smiled and gave her another quick peck. 
“Call Bob then,” you told her. “He’s too polite to tell you to shut up about me,” you told her. Natasha blushed bashfully. 
“I don’t talk to him about you that much,” she defended. 
“You do. Every time I see him and tell him any story he tells me that you already told him,” you said. Natasha huffed. 
“What else am I supposed to talk about?” She asked. 
“I don’t know,” you said. “But right now you’ve gotta go. My friends will be here any minute.” Natasha sighed and then gave you another quick kiss before going to change for the gym. She was putting her shoes on right as your friends arrived and she just managed to get a kiss goodbye before you led them into the living room. 
Natasha was halfway to the gym when her phone rang. The picture of her and you on the anniversary trip you had taken to Hawaii appeared on the screen showing that you were calling her. She quickly answered, placing the phone on speaker as she drove. 
“Hey, princess,” Natasha called. There was no response. “Princess?” She called again. She realized that it was a butt dial and she was about to hang up when she heard something that peaked her interest. 
“Is the sex still good? I mean, you’ve been together three years now,” the voice of one of your friends came over the phone. Natasha heard you snort. 
“Are you kidding? The sex is amazing,” you said. Natasha smirked proudly. “She’s so good with her mouth.” 
“You’re so lucky,” your other friend said. “I can barely get my boyfriend to go down on me.” 
“That’s horrible,” you said. “I never have to ask Nat. She’s usually begging me.” Natasha blushed upon hearing your words. 
“I thought she was the dom.” One of your friends piped up. 
“Oh, she is. But she’s always going on about the way I taste,” you said, mildly bragging. Your friends laughed. Natasha felt herself clench at the thought of your taste alone. She pulled into the parking lot of the gym, selecting a spot as far away from the entrance as possible. She carefully peeled her leggings and underwear down to her thighs. 
“Do you guys ever use a strap-on?” Natasha heard one of your friends ask. She quickly reached up to mute her end of the conversation, knowing that she wasn’t going to be quiet for too much longer. She carefully reached down to her cunt, sliding her middle finger between her lips and easily coating her finger with the wetness that had pooled there. 
“Yeah,” you said over the phone. “She’s so good with it.” Natasha started rubbing small circles over her clit. She knew she wasn’t going to have long and she was getting straight to business. “She knows just how to move her hips to make me squirt,” you said. Your friends cackled at this, but Natasha moaned as she remembered the last time she’d used her strap with you. She’d edged you that night, holding her vibrator against your clit while she fucked you. She thought of the sounds you had made when she finally let you come. She started rubbing up and down her slit, hitting her clit and just barely dipping into her dripping hole with each stroke.
“Do you ever use the strap on her?” One of your friends asked you. You giggled at this. 
“Every once in a while,” you told them. “She likes to be in charge most of the time, so usually she’ll ride me. But I like it when she lets me fuck her. She gets so whiny and desperate,” you reminisced. Natasha moaned quietly at the thought of the last time you’d used the strap on her. She could remember the image of you with your hands on her hips as you thrust into her g-spot over and over again. 
“I wish I liked girls,” your friend complained. “You’ve always had better sex than me.” You giggled. 
“Nat’s the best by far though. When she comes back from deployment we’re in bed for like twelve hours straight,” you said. Your friends laughed. 
“God, that’s crazy. My boyfriend can barely last two rounds before he has to sleep for like ten hours,” one of them said. You laughed. 
“Not Nat,” you said. “That woman would rather die than only give me one orgasm,” you said. Your friends chuckled. Natasha started rubbing at her clit faster. Her peak was nearing. 
“You know what really gets her going?” You asked. Your friends shook their heads. Natasha knew what was coming. She started rubbing faster as she waited for you to say the words that would have her wrapped around your finger–or more often you wrapped around hers. 
“She loves when I call her ‘Lieutenant Trace,’ you said. Natasha fell apart at the sound of the name on your lips. She moaned as loud as she could allow for the fact that she was only protected by the privacy of her car. Her pussy lips pulsed around her fingers and her clit pulsed with pleasure.  She caught her breath. When she returned to her body she realized that the conversation had moved on to one of your friends' new jobs. She hung up and sighed in satisfaction. When she came home after the gym your friends had already left. Natasha found you waiting in the bedroom for her. She grinned upon seeing your body, now scantily clad in only a bra and thong. 
“How was the drive to the gym, Lieutenant Trace?” You asked with a smirk. Natasha blushed brightly. 
“Did they know too?” She asked. 
“No,” you said. “But I bet I know what you were doing in that car,” you said. Natasha smiled. 
“You wanna guess?” She asked. 
“No,” you said. “I want you to even the score.” Natasha raised an eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?” She asked. 
“Well, you already came once today,” you said. “Shouldn’t I get to now?” You asked. Natasha smirked and started crossing the room towards the bed, shedding her shirt as she did. Her voice turned sultry and low. Her eyes darkened as she climbed on top of you.
 “Oh, I don’t think two is enough,” she joked. “I’m thinking you should get at least four.”
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Call Out Our Names - Bob x f!reader x Phoenix
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(moodboard made by me, Top Gun Maverick screencaps by hd-screencaps, rest free-pik.com)
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x afab!reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Requested? yes
Rating: M – MDNI 18+
Word count: 3244
Warnings: why choose, threesome (FFM), oral (f!receiving), bi!reader, soft dom!Bob, definitely pleasure dom!Phoenix, Bob Floyd fucks, and so does Phoenix, fingering, unprotected PinV (be smart and wrap it, folks)
Summary: When your best friend, Mickey, invites you to come stay with him in San Diego for a bit, you didn’t expect that to lead you to meet two new people who would catch your eye immediately. Only problem is: you don’t think, they’re the sharing type. But maybe – just maybe – you’re wrong?
Read on ao3
Taglist: @high-speed-r
A/N: Thank you for sending in that lovely request, anon! Hope, you’ll enjoy what my brain cooked up. (Cause those two definitely have me in a constant state of bi panic) And I’m so sorry for the long wait 😭 Please accept my first humble offering to @attapullman’s International Bob Floyd Fucks month.
You didn’t quite know what to expect when Mickey had told you, you’d both be going to a BBQ at his former instructor’s home. In fact, you had no idea what to expect of your time in San Diego at all. Mickey, your best friend since kindergarten and WSO for the Navy, was now stationed permanently in San Diego for the foreseeable future and, thus, had invited you out to stay with him for a bit. “You can meet the squad and you can relax. Most importantly, relax. I know, you’ve probably been working yourself to the bone again,” he’d said.
And, though you would never admit it, he wasn’t wrong. Running an animal accessory boutique in Northern Cali, as well as volunteering at your local animal shelter and running the shelter’s social media accounts were more than enough to have you falling into your bed face first at the end of the day. But you’d also recently started remote classes for a degree in psychology and social services, trying to establish a program in your town that would bring together veterans and pets that needed foster homes or new, permanent homes. To say you were exhausted would be an understatement. You didn’t think, you’d ever get rid of the tiredness in your bones. So, while you felt guilty for going away at all, your boss at the shelter had urged you to take some time off. And then Mickey had offered his guest room.
And now you were standing in Captain Mitchell’s backyard, who’d introduced himself as Pete. “Although Maverick or Mav are both fine, too,” he’d joked given that most of the squad called him Mav now. Mickey had introduced you to everybody and while Hangman and Coyote had both flirted with you (after Mickey had made it clear that you were just friends), you couldn’t keep your eyes from wandering to Bob and Phoenix, both standing next to Rooster and Mav and helping with the BBQ.
You know, you’d caught their eyes wandering back to you multiple times by now. Especially since Bob was now sporting a blush that surely had little to do with the heat from the grill. But you had yet to exchange more than polite hellos with either of them – and you wanted to, badly.
“You can talk to them, you know,” Mickey said, nudging you with his elbow in your side when he caught your thousand-yard-stare.
You jumped slightly, brought back to reality by your best friend’s teasing hint. “I-I…? What?” you sputtered before opting to just keep your mouth shut entirely. He was right. You could go over there and introduce yourself. You wanted to, after all. But you were taken aback by the ferocity of your own desire.
“They don’t bite. Well, Nat might. But Bob usually doesn’t.”
You tear your gaze away from their backs – you were 99,9% sure, they should’ve felt your stare burning into their flesh anyway – and turn to look at your best friend. “You think? But—”
“No buts. Just go over there, talk to them and, most importantly, relax and have fun.” He gave you a little shove with his hand on the small of your back in the direction of the grill.
Phoenix saw you first, nodding at you before lightly tapping on Bob’s shoulder, so you’d have his attention as well. He turned around, the light blue eyes behind his gold-wire-rimmed glasses immediately locked onto yours and you could feel the heat creep up your own neck and into your cheeks.
“Y/N, right?” Phoenix asked and you nodded. “What’s up? Need us to save you from Bagman?”
You chuckled at the variation of Hangman’s callsign. Mickey hadn’t been able to tell you much from his last deployment, but he had told you why people called Hangman Hangman, or sometimes Bagman in Phoenix’s case. “Uh, no. Came over here to talk to the two of you, actually.” You nervously put a strand of hair back behind your right ear.
“You-you did?” Bob asked, his eyes now wide with surprise before he exchanged a quick look with Phoenix, who was now smiling at you like she knew how to read your thoughts and knew exactly what you had on your mind.
“Yeah, I did. I do.”
You still had no idea how you’d gone from talking and laughing with Phoenix and Bob in Mav’s backyard to now having Phoenix steal the breath from your lungs with a searing kiss as Bob tried to open his front door. You couldn’t help the whimper rising in your throat when you felt Phoenix’s thigh wedge itself between your legs and bump against your core.
You heard Bob groan next to you as the door finally gave way and the three of you tumbled inside. It didn’t take long for him to retake his spot behind you, the heat radiating off his body making you shiver. His hands drifted down your sides and to your hips as Phoenix’s came up to massage your breasts over your bra and shirt. You openly moaned against her mouth, eliciting a chuckle from her.
“Somebody’s sensitive,” Bob murmured against your ear. “You know,” he continued, gently taking your earlobe between his teeth and quickly tugging, “I’m not usually one for sharing. But I’ll make an exception this time. If you let me take the lead, Nat.”
Phoenix pulled back from the kiss, chuckling as you chased after her lips, having grown addicted to her taste after just a few minutes. “Can’t promise that, but I’ll try.”
“Fine by me. Now, let’s get ourselves to the bedroom, shall we?” Bob grumbled against your neck and you nodded furiously. Your heart was pounding in your chest, your core throbbed in time with your heartbeat. All you could think was desire, all you could feel was how their touches and kisses set your body ablaze even through your clothes. Fuck, this was definitely not what you’d envisioned when you’d accepted Mickey’s invitation. But it was so much better than what your brain could have ever come up with.
Somehow, the three of you had made it into Bob’s bedroom without falling, your bodies fused together and limbs tangled. It was a miracle, you thought, that you’d managed to take off your clothes at all. Leaving the three of you in just your underwear.
You licked your lips as your eyes raked over their forms, drawing a chuckle from Bob. “You like what you see, darlin’?” His eyes had darkened as his pupils had blown out with lust; Phoenix looked equally as hungry as you felt.
You nodded, your hands moving to cup him through his boxers. He groaned, snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you to him to press his lips against yours. You sighed against his lips, easily allowing him to slip his tongue inside your mouth. Then you felt Phoenix press her front against your back and nibble on your shoulder, her hands gripping your hips and guiding your movement as you rubbed against Bob’s thigh and crotch.
“Are you going to be a good girl for us, Y/N?” Phoenix whispered and you broke the kiss with Bob as you nodded.
“Yes, anything. I’ll do anything you want.” You’re pretty sure, your brain has actually stopped working as the only thing you cared about was the feeling of their bodies against yours, their touches, their kisses—the noises they made. So, you’re surprised, you can get any words out at all, let alone a full sentence.
“Eager, are we?” Bob mumbles, you blink up at him and barely catch the slightly smug smirk on his lips. The brief glimpse you got sent you reeling regardless, never having thought it possible for this softspoken, shy-looking man to be so dominant in the bedroom. Oh, you’d been wrong. So wrong. And you loved it. You’d forgotten what it was like to have somebody else make the decisions for you, to be able to just let yourself fall, relax and enjoy pleasure.
“Maybe just a little bit?” you replied in equally hushed tones. Your voice drifted off into a sigh when Phoenix’s fingers brushed your core over your soaked panties. Your head falls back against her shoulder.
She clicked her tongue at you. “You’ve ruined your panties, pretty girl. Soaked through them cause you want us so badly, hm?” You whimpered in response, her touch growing firmer, rubbing circles over your pubic mound, but the pressure wasn’t enough against your clit.
“What, can’t even answer us anymore? We’ve barely touched you, darlin’.” You squeezed your eyes shut and your thighs together, essentially trapping Phoenix’s hand between them at Bob’s words. Condescension and lust were dripping off his voice like honey—or drops of oil, only adding fuel to the flames of desire raging through your veins. You reached out your hands for the hem of his boxers, you managed to begin dragging them down over his hips. You slipped out of Phoenix’s grasp on your own hips and were about halfway to your knees in front of them before Bob stopped you by grabbing your wrists.
He shook his head at you, you blinked at him in response, wide-eyed. Had you done something wrong? The question must have been clearly written on your face because he shook his head again, gently cupped your jaw with one of his hands. His thumb stroked over the skin of your cheek and you leaned into the touch, your eyes fluttering closed at the touch. Bob cleared his throat and brought your gaze back to his face.
“Not that I’m not dyin’ to find out what your mouth feels like around my cock, we can do that another time.” Another time. You almost lost your mind at the implication of doing this again. And your mind was already tirelessly spinning out of control in the haze of lust and promised touches. Bob continued, “Why don’t you get on your knees on that bed, ass in the air and show Nat just how badly you wanna please us?”
You heard her groan above you at the implication and you nodded. At this point, you couldn’t give a single fuck anymore about how needy you’d come off to them. You needed them, wanted them, practically burned with the need to please them and have them take care of you in return. Your body should have turned to ashes by now with how hot you felt. However, despite the desire making your every motion feel hazy and inefficient, you managed to climb onto the bed. You hadn’t noticed Phoenix getting comfortable with her back propped up against the headboard. She reached out one of her hands for you and you took it, scooting up until you were almost kneeling in her lap.
“Come here,” she whispered and drew you in by your hand. The other landed on your neck and jaw. She pulled you ever closer, until your breasts brushed hers just as her lips captured yours in a honey-sweet kiss that did nothing to hide the hunger burning underneath her skin, too. You kissed her back, desperate now that you’d gotten a taste, and tried to deepen the kiss. But then you felt Bob’s hands come to rest on your hips, his thumbs drawing soothing circles onto your skin when you’d jumped at the unexpected contact.
Just as Bob pulled your hips and ass backwards and up towards him, Phoenix pushed you down with a hand on your shoulder until your upper body rested on the mattress between her legs. Your face was now eye-level with her bare pussy. When had she taken the time to take off her own panties? You barely had time to wonder, let alone voice the question, when Bob’s lips on your lower back drew a sigh and a shudder from you.
His lips briefly brushed the shell of your ear as he let almost the whole, delicious weight of his body rest on top of yours, and whispered: “Go on, don’t be shy. Show us what that pretty mouth of yours can do, darlin’.” You almost whined when he withdrew from your back again and the cool air of the bedroom hit your heated skin. He hooked his
“What are you going to do, Bob?” Phoenix asked, the gaze from her half-closed eyes was glued to yours. You could see no hesitation in them and decided to just try and see what her reaction would be. You leaned forward and gave her pussy a tentative kiss, your eyes never leaving her face. When you saw her eyelids flutter, you grew bolder, licked a stripe from her entrance to her clit and then closed your lips around the bud.
“Fuck, Y/N. Knew your mouth would feel good,” Phoenix breathed and slipped one of her hands into your hair on the back of your head. “Keep going, pretty girl. Treating me so well. Use your fingers.” You did as asked, kitten-licking her again. You were about to suck on her clit and slip your index finger into her entrance, when Bob gripped your ass with both his hands and pulled you back against his face. Your mouth fell open and you couldn’t hold back the moan bubbling up your throat as he mirrored your actions. With the difference that the two fingers he was slipping inside of you felt deliciously thicker than your own, now pumping in and out Phoenix at a slow, cautious rhythm while you were figuring out what she liked.
Phoenix’s hand tightened in your hair, her fingertips digging into your skin as you kept going, moaning against her own slick core. You could feel her walls clench down on your fingers as you hooked them and brushed against the sweet spot. She let her head sink back against the headboard and a moan tumbled from her lips; the sound made your heart soar and your chest swell with pride.
“Fuck. You’re seriously missing out, Bobby,” Phoenix said, her voice breathless. And you saw her chest heave with every breath. You could hear Bob chuckle behind you.
“I believe you, Nat. But I’ve got a gorgeous little pussy over here, beggin’ for my attention.” He pressed another kiss to one of your ass cheeks, then he brushed his thumb over your clit, practically strumming the bundle of nerves as if he was trying out the feel and sound of a new guitar. You moaned against Phoenix again, letting your head fall away from her core.
You whimpered, felt your own release approach quickly while Phoenix’s walls pulsed around your fingers. “Please, Bob. I need you. Need to feel you.”
Bob didn’t stop his ministrations; instead, he put his free hand on your back, right in the middle of your shoulder blades and pushed you back down towards Phoenix. “I know, baby. We’ve got you, I promise. Just need you to come on my fingers first, can you do that for us, hm?” His weight was back against your back and you felt him press a kiss against the spot where your neck joined your shoulder.
You nodded, his weight on top of you and Phoenix’s hand that had now slipped from the back of your head to cup your cheek felt like the only things still anchoring you to this world. Otherwise, you were sure, you would fully lost yourself to the stream of pleasure. Phoenix whispering your praises and Bob encouraging you to keep eating her out and pumping your fingers in and out of her, had you clenching around his in your core. The tingling started in your toes and you hadn’t realized, you were curling them up until pleasure shot up your legs and spine to flare out through the rest of your body. Just as Phoenix sighed your name with a satisfied smile on her lips and her thighs clamped down over your ears, muffling any other sounds.
You came up, gasping for air, just as you could feel Bob nudge the head of his thick cock against your entrance. Phoenix drew you up and towards her to press her lips against yours in a kiss of gratitude. You gasped against her as Bob slowly pushed inside of you. One of his big hands was gently rubbing circles on your back, Phoenix reached down to your breasts. She grinned against your lips, you’d almost call it a smirk if you weren’t so lost in the way Bob’s cock was stretching you. Then, Phoenix took one of your lips between her fingers, only rolling it gently at first, before she gave it a quick, sharp twist. Something between a gasp and a moan escaped your mouth and you felt her chuckle more than you heard her. Your own heartbeat was too loud in your ears.
Bob quickly set a delicious pace of quick thrusts, never fully pulling out of your pussy or lifting his chest off your back. You faintly heard him groan against your ear, felt his breath leave his mouth in short pants against your skin. “Fuck, Y/N. You feel fucking heavenly. Takin’ me so well.”
“Faster, please. N-need you to go faster.” You had no idea how you’d managed to get the words out, let alone string together two whole sentences in the same instance. Your heart was pounding in your chest, hammering so hard against your ribcage, you thought, it was either going to burst or break through your ribs. Bob complied, moaning loudly as he felt your walls clench in response.
“I know, you’re close, darlin’. Come on. Be a good girl and come on my cock.” You maned at his words. But when you felt Phoenix shift slightly underneath you, then her fingers rubbing tight circles against your clit, you couldn’t hold back the scream any longer. Pleasure erupted inside you, the coil that had tightened in your belly finally snapping. You faintly heard Bob ask, if he could come inside you and you don’t know how you’d responded with a “Yes” loud enough for him to hear. He groaned, before mouthing at your neck and shoulder as his perfect rhythm faltered and his lips ultimately stilled inside you.
The two of you practically collapsed on top of Phoenix, your legs and arms no longer able to support both your weight as you desperately sucked air into your lungs. You heard her giggle underneath you and felt your lips stretch into a tired, fucked-out smile.
“That was…incredible.”
“Agreed. Now, let’s get ourselves cleaned up and cozy, shall we?” Phoenix asked. Bob only mumbled something you couldn’t quite understand beyond the ringing in your ears finally, slowly, subsiding.
You felt him pull out and whined at the sudden feeling of emptiness, your own limbs too heavy with exhaustion and the afterglow of pleasure to keep him on top of you. You had no idea how you formed the words leaving your lips next. “Can we…do this again, sometime?”
And you barely caught their affirmative responses as you tried your hardest not to drift off to sleep already. Damn it, Mickey had been right. This had been fun. And you never would have guessed, his invitation to stay with him for a couple days ever leading to anything like this. But you also weren’t about to complain. No, never that. Meeting Bob and Phoenix had been a godsent and you hoped, you could hold onto them in the future.
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sebsxphia · 1 month
natasha ‘phoenix’ trace x reader. | drabble.
→ c/w: fingering, kissing, swearing.
→ a/n: i saw this post here and i couldn’t stop thinking about this with natasha! my main masterlist can be found here! 💌
natasha dropped herself on your shared sofa and let her body finally relax against yours. her muscles became softer and her bones less stiff, as she melted into your familiar embrace. with great relief, she had shed her jumpsuit and exchanged it for far comfier clothes. a loose t-shirt and her boxers. her thighs were bare and warm against your fingertips, as you mindlessly ran them up and down.
“and then,” natasha continued her irritated story from her gruelling day at work. “he made us run the drill five times. five fucking times! if he wasn’t such a dick in the first place and kn—” her words came to a stuttering standstill and she looked down at her boxers where your hand had disappeared just below your knuckles.
your fingertips gently swiped through her warm folds and pressed a firm pressure onto her clit. her eyelashes fluttered and in return, you simply batted yours at her. your face was a look of pure innocence, but a wry smirk was twitching on your lips.
“you okay?” you asked with innocence still lacing your tone.
natasha let out a small laugh. “no, baby, you’re fine. the way you reached into my pants and started playing with me in the middle of my sentence just caught me off guard is all.”
you shrugged it off with a knowing smile and planted a soft kiss on her rosy cheeks. you encouraged natasha to continue her story, but your fingers stayed down her boxers, and they would continue to stay down there until natasha had all but forgotten her horrible day.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 months
hey! So I saw you writing for Natasha Trace and I'm absolutely obsessed with her. So I wanted to ask you if you would write a little smut with her ? Nothing very special but maybe her being a bit dominant and comes home after a long time. ( She finds out that reader has new nipple piercings and is absolutely obsessed?) If you don't like it or makes you uncomfortable ignore it.
have a great time!
yes, i absolutely would. quick little drabble because i am obsessed with the idea and lets be honest, nat would go crazy for nipple piercings
top gun masterlist | top gun blurbs
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Nat stares shamelessly at your boobs, your bra still dangling from her fingers. You're panting, your heart thudding against your ribcage, your hands steadying against the wall she has you pressed up to.
"Fuck, baby", she mutters, dropping the bra and grabbing your waist again, pushing her hands against you greedily, splaying her fingers wide and pressing you further up against the wall, digging her palms into your skin as she takes you in.
She's been away for two months. Her deployment had taken two months.
Two months in which you hadn't said a single fucking word about getting nipple piercings.
"Fuck", Nat groans a third time, dragging her eyes up to yours before they immediately drop back down to your boobs.
"D'you like them?", you whine, your fingers cramping, desperate to reach out for her (it's been two goddamn months) but wanting to be good for her - you'd promised yourself you'd be good for her, had promised yourself you'd give her all the time she wanted to look at you. You'd known she would like them. But with her eyes so firmly on you now, you're getting nervous after all.
"Like them?", Nat breathes, dragging heavy circles against the bare skin of your stomach with her fingers. "I love them. Can I-"
She trails off, her hands stilling, and you nod eagerly.
"As long as you're careful", you whimper. Nat's already halfway through running her tongue over your nipples before you can even finish talking, eagerly flicking it against the silver buds that glint in the dim light of the hallway lamps shining through the opened door.
"I'll be careful", Nat grins, running her fingers up your skin, brushing them against your boobs, and lets her eyes flicker up to meet yours as she pauses. "With the piercings."
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bobgasm · 9 months
heat wave | n.t
pairing: natasha “phoenix” trace x f!reader word count: 2159 warnings: smut, nsfw [18+ only], vaginal fingering, pussy eating, wlw, face sitting, finger fucking,
summary: in which you summer crush heats up when you and nat share a bed while on vacation
author’s note:
oneshot | masterlist
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Nat smiled as she took in the sight before her, her hand curled around a half-empty bottle of a beer. Watching the smoke from the bonfire billow into the night sky. The flames licked light and cast shadows onto her friends’ faces. Marshmallows stuck on the ends of sticks as a few guys held them near the large open flame, making s’mores for anyone who asked for one.
She took in Jake and Bradley, working in tandem with Bob to produce s’mores. The trio laughed as Jake dropped a whole ass marshmallow into the bonfire, losing it to the flames. Exchanging friendly jabs as they laughed at the misfortune of burning the sugary pillow to a crisp.
The rattling of beer bottles in the chiller grew louder as you rejoined the group with more beer, having taken the empty bottles back to the house to get more. Despite the heat from the fire, the chilly breeze from the ocean overpowered the fire and the usually warm summer air. And no one was ready to call it a night yet.
You passed the guys hoodies around to their respectful owners after placing the cooler in the sand. Nat thanked you for the dark hoodie you handed her, placing her beer in the sand to pull it over her head. Appreciating the extra warmth it gave her to battle the ocean breeze. Raising her beer to her lips and finishing the rest of the contents as you handed him a new bottle and took the empty one from her. Clinking your bottles together, she turned around to look at the house.
Bradley sipped his beer, watching the frown form on your face. Knowing you were upset that they hadn’t waited for you before breaking out the s’mores.
Bob apologised and Jake looked sheepish, which was good enough for you.
“C’mere,” Nat said, reaching for your hand as you walked past, pulling you towards her. “Wanna share your blanket.” She placed her beer back in the sand, pulling at the blanket around your shoulders.
You smiled down at her. “I want a s’more,” you told her as the blanket came loose. Sighing, knowing she’d get her way, you sipped your beer but didn’t fight her.
“Boys?” Nat asked, but the group was already on it. Bob had the graham crackers, Jake was layering the chocolate, and Bradley was roasting the marshmallow.
You sat down beside Nat, covering your legs with the blanket. Grateful for the extra warmth, and linking your arm through hers as you sat even closer. She didn’t seem to mind, especially since she rested her head on your shoulder.
Your crush on Nat had flourished over the summer. What had started as a small, mild infatuation after meeting her for the first time had blossomed into a whole other monster after spending the last two weeks sharing a room.
And a bed.
You assumed the guys had deliberately booked the house with two double beds and a fold out couch. Bob had volunteered to take the couch.
You’d looked at Nat, while Jake and Bradley stared innocently at you both. Like, “oops, guess we’ll have to share?”
“Yeah, you boys can share one bed, and Y/N and I will have the other,” she’d told them, grabbing your hand and dragging you giggling to your room before they had a chance to argue. Or ask if they could watch.
Two weeks ago your innocent crush had been tested. Nat didn’t know about your sexuality, or that her casual nudity around you drove you fucking crazy. She didn’t know how difficult it was for you to not stare creepily whenever she dropped her towel to change into her underwear or pyjamas. How difficult it was for you to pretend that you were straight, and let on that the cute brunette you had a crush on wasn’t any of the guys like she thought, but was in fact her.
The way she smiled at you. Was generous with her affectionate touches. Always linking arms as you walked, or giving you hugs sporadically. Yeah, she was friendly, but she was so god damn pretty. The way her hypnotising brown eyes sparkled whenever she told a joke. The way her nose crinkled when she laughed. How she would always, without fail, compliment you on your outfit.
Even if you were only half dressed in a fitted tank and panties, saying your ass or boobs look great. You can’t even tell if she’s flirting. The lines are too blurred now and it makes your head spin every time.
Bradley handed you a s’more and you thanked him with a smile, taking a tentative bite in case the marshmallow was too hot.
The guys were telling stories, trying to flirt with you both, but neither of you were having a bar of it. Nat had confessed that yeah, they were cute, but they weren’t her type. You had no idea what that meant, but you agreed with a laugh. They were something alright, but definitely not your type either.
As the night wore on, and the more beer you consumed, your eyes started to grow heavier. A yawn escaping your lips that Nat teased you about.
“I might head to bed, guys, I’m exhausted,” you announced. After a long day in the sun, and a fair bit of alcohol, you needed rest. You needed your bed.
That you shared with Nat.
She said her farewell and joined you on the walk back to the house, linking her arm through yours and giving you a smile.
“You didn’t really think you could leave me alone with the three of them, did you?” She teased.
You laughed softly. “You can handle them,” you replied.
“What about you? Can you handle me?” She asked so innocently, so sweetly, that it had you imagining all the ways you’d love to handle her.
You pushed open the door to the house and wiped your sandy feet on the mat.
“Y/N?” She asked softly.
“You didn’t answer me,” she prompted.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” you replied truthfully.
“Then don’t say anything,” she said. “Show me. Show me how you’d handle me.”
You started to talk, to try and tell her that wasn’t a good idea. But her lips were on yours before you could say anything else.
She backed you further inside the house, her hands on your hips as yours snaked into her hair. Kissing her back without a second thought. This was all you’d thought about for weeks and now that it was happening, you felt like you were on cloud nine. Your skin was warm from the sun, but your body was warm from lust. Desire coursing through your veins with a vengeance.
You were hot, way too hot. Desperate to shed your clothes and devour her. Consume her. But you stopped, panting heavily. Eyes searching her own for any sign of doubt or remorse, and being relieved there was none.
“Bedroom,” you told her. “There’s no way in hell those guys are getting a show.”
She grinned and took your hand, dragging you down the hall to your room and locking the door.
You pulled her back in for another scorching kiss, one that left you breathless. Her mouth was soft and pliant against your own. Her hands slipped under your hoodie, hands cold against the skin of your hips. You shuddered under her touch, hands cupping her face as you walked her backwards to the bed.
You broke apart to pull your hoodie over your head, dropping it on the floor while she crawled onto the bed. She reached for you and pulled you down on top of her.
You’d dreamed of this moment so many times and now that it was here, you couldn’t wait. Couldn’t bear the thought of waiting any longer. What if she changed her mind? What if all she wanted was a kiss?
“You’re thinking,” she said, breaking the kiss to hold your face and stare into your eyes. “Stop it. Just enjoy it.”
“I’m enjoying it too much,” you confessed. “I just want to make sure you want this as much as I do.”
“I do. I want this. I want you.”
You were a goner.
She tangled her hands in your hair as she kissed you with fervour. One leg slotted between yours, the other hooked around your waist. Your core pressed firmly to her thigh as you rolled your hips, hands pushing her shirt up her sides. Fingertips digging into the soft flesh.
“God, you’re so fucking sexy,” you praised, dipping your head to her collarbone and nipping. Sucking. Teasing. Hands traveling further under her shirt, cuppings her breasts over the material of her bra. Squeezing appreciatively.
“Please,” she whimpered breathlessly, grinding her hips. Desperate for some kind of friction against her core.
You took off your shirt, gesturing for her to do the same thing. Discarding your bra too, and pushing her back down onto the bed. Your hands pulled the cups of her bra down to expose her full, pert breasts.
She gasped as you dipped your head to wrap your lips around one of her nipples, your hand playing with her other breast. Sucking, tweaking, massaging. Alternating between breasts and moaning in appreciation.
She was so receptive. Moaning and gasping. Hands tugging your hair and hips jerking up, desperately seeking your firm thigh.
You wanted more. You needed to see more of her. Spread out and fucked out of her mind. Consumed by you and how good you could make her feel. And then you wanted more. You never wanted to let her go, and you were hoping she felt the same.
You left hot, wet kisses down her body. Fingers hooking into the waistband of her shorts and tugging them down, leaving her in her cute lace panties that had a pretty little wet spot at the center.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to taste you,” you groaned, kissing her inner thigh and watching her squirm.
Tracing a finger over the lace before pulling it to the side and revealing her mound. A thin strip of hair perfectly tailored towards her glistening slit.
You couldn’t wait. Your mouth was on her and she was gasping, fisting the bed as you wasted no time devouring her. Consuming her. Swirling your tongue around her swollen clit. Lapping at her center and burying your face in her. Tongue stiff as you worked it inside her hole, fucking her. Tasting her. Humming in appreciation as she rocked her hips and fucked your face. Hand gripping your hair and keeping your head in place until her legs were shaking and she was yelling your name as she rode out her orgasm.
But still you wanted more. Removing her panties this time and feasting her slit with your fingers. Mouth wrapped around her breast as you pushed them inside her. Feeling how tight and wet she really was for you and chuckling as she gasped and bucked her hips.
“No fair,” she pouted. “I wanna taste you, too.”
You groaned at her words and quickly slipped out of the rest of your clothes. Moving so you were straddling her face.
She pulled you down the rest of the way, tongue teasing your clit just like you’d done to her. Then you buried your face between her legs again, copying what she was doing on you, and making her feel the exact same things. Gasping as her teeth grazed your clit before she began sucking on it, treating her the same way and feeling her breathy moan against your core.
She copied you this time when you pressed two fingers back inside her hole. Hooking them towards you and seeking that soft, spongy inner wall that would have her toes curling in no time. She took a little longer to find that same spot for you, but when she did, you were seeing stars. Fucking yourself back into her fingers while her hips jerked up and she fucked herself on your fingers.
The vibrations of her moans against your clit as her own orgasm wracked her body had you coming undone in no time. Feeling her contract around your fingers, her legs shaking and her own fingers still fucking you through her own delirium had your high erupting in no time. Moaning against her cunt the same way she’d just done to you.
When you collapsed beside her, she took your face in her hands and peppered it with soft kisses. Her lips lingering on yours for a moment longer than anywhere else, and you held her close. Cradling her body against yours. Enjoying the way she looked at you, blue eyes riddled with uncertainty that she let you kiss away. And when that uncertainty came back, you kissed her again. And again, until all that was left was happiness from your post-orgasm bliss.
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cherrycola27 · 1 month
Red Wine, Fall into me
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Warnings: Language, Alcohol consumption, Smut. 18+ (Phoenix x Female Reader) banner by the wonderful @thedroneranger Fic inspired by the Chappell Roan song "Red Wine Supernova"
You know they say not to waste a Friday night on a first date.
Yet, here you were, in a nice dress, walking into a cocktail bar, to meet some guy, from some app, on a Friday night for a first date. You'd spent a ridiculous amount of time doing your hair, makeup, and picking out the perfect outfit that was the right balance of "I'm a good girl," and "I just might let you take me home if you play your cards right."
You texted your date that you were there and that you'd be at the bar. You were there a few minutes before your agreed upon time, so you walked up to the bar top, which had a middle-aged couple at one end, and a pretty dark-haired brunette at the other.
You took a seat a few stools down from her and ordered a glass of merlot from the bartender. He sat it down quickly in front of you as you checked your phone to see if your date had responded to your text. You felt immediately defeated to see that it still had not been read.
A few minutes ticked by, and it was now the time you and your date had set to meet. You fired off another text asking if he was there, with no response. Several minutes later, you sent one asking if he was on his way and nothing. Finally, a full thirty minutes and a second glass of wine later, he sent you a message saying that something came up, and he wouldn't make it.
You huffed as you sat your phone down on the counter and groaned. Of course, this would happen to you. This was the last time you agreed to a date from an app.
You sighed and finished the last sip of wine in your glass and rummaged through your purse for your card. Before you could pull it out, though, you heard a soft voice speak. "Put her last two on my tab, and bring us another round if you don't mind."
You look up and see the pretty brunette from earlier handing her card over and taking a seat next to you. "Thank you, but you don't have to do that." You smile at her. "I know, but I want to." She smiles back at you, extending her hand for you to shake, "I'm Natasha, by the way. What's your name?"
You tell her your name, and she repeats it back, slowly, savoring every syllable of it like it's a fine wine. You don't think your name has ever sounded as good as it does coming out of her mouth.
"So, what's a pretty little thing like you doing here all alone?" She asks you. "I was supposed to have a date but—he stood me up." You sigh. "His loss is my gain then." Natasha says as she brings her own wine glass up to her lips. You blush at her words.
"What about you?" You fire back at her. "I just wanted a nice quiet night out, away from the crowds. Somewhere that I could relax and make a new—friend." She winks at you and slides her stool closer to yours.
"So, tell me about yourself." She says, and she rests her foot on the bottom of your stool. Your thighs part just enough to accommodate her toned leg that's exposed from the slit in her dress.
A shiver runs down your spine as you tell her about your job and some of your friends and what you like to do for fun. Her eyes stayed glued to yours, and she nods and questions and seems genuinely interested in you. "What about you?" You ask her when you finish.
"I'm in the Navy. I'm an aviator." She says as if it's the most casual thing in the world.
"Oh. So I guess you're used to going fast and doing what you want then." You smirk at her. "I can go fast." She says as she leans into your space. "But—" she sighs as she places her hand on your thigh. "—I actually have a partner in the backseat that I have to listen to, so I'm very good at taking directions. And, there are so many controls in the cockpit, that I have to be excellent with precision." She breathes out.
Natasha leans in closer to you. "I've always been amazing and zeroing in on my target and finishing the job. She whispers in your ear before pulling back. You swallow thickly and shift in your seat, unable to ignore the wetness pooling between your thighs and the heat that you feel in your belly that isn't from the wine.
"Is that so?" You say, cocking your head to the side. "Now, what exactly would one have to do if they want to see these skills in action?" You pry. "I think after a few glasses of wine and a dance or two, I might be convinced. Care to find out?" A crimson smile curls at her lips as she extends her hand to you.
You nod your head and slip your hand in hers. She places her palm on the small of your back, just a tad too low to be considered decent as she guides you to the dance floor. She presses closer to you to avoid the other people already there. You can smell her perfume. Floral and spicy with a hint of sweet. It is so intoxicating that it makes your head spin more than any glass of wine ever could.
Natasha drags you directly to the middle of the dance floor amongst all the other couples. She spins you around and presses your back to her front. There is absolutely no space between the two of you, and you can feel every soft curve of her body pressed against yours.
You sway to the beat of some song you don't know as her hands skim up and down your arms before resting on your hips. She pulls your hair over one of your shoulders and rests her chin on your newly exposed skin. You shiver as she places a gentle, fleeting kiss on your shoulder. You feel the blush in your cheeks spread all over your body.
"You okay there, pretty girl?" Natasha asks you. "Y—yeah." You stammer out. "Just a little warm is all."
"Why don't we go get some air." She whispers hotly in your ear. Her breathy voice has you weak in the knees. You nod your head in agreement, unable to trust your own voice.
It's quieter outside. So quiet you can hear your heartbeat racing in your ears as the two of you make your way to a secluded spot on the far side of the deck. The fresh salty air fills your lungs as you try to take a deep breath to calm yourself. You lean against the deck railing and watch the waves roll in as the moonlight dances across the dark ocean.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Natasha says as she comes to stand beside you. "It's breathtaking." You say as you turn to face her. "It's not the only breathtaking thing out here." She says, looking you directly in the eye. "No, it's not." You counter.
You inhale deeply as she takes a step forward and places on and on your hip, drawing you closer to her. She uses her free hand to brush a few stray strands of your hair away before cupping your face and pulling you closer to her.
Her lips are pillowy soft when they connect with yours. Her hand slides to the back of your hair, tangling in your locks to hold you in place. You wrap both of your arms around her neck as she trails her tonuge across the seam of your lips, asking for permission to deepen the kiss.
You gladly grant her access, and you moan as her tongue caresses yours. The kiss is sweet, with the last drops of your wine still on each other's mouths.
You moan and lean into her when you feel her fingers dig into your hip. She takes a step closer and pushes your back against the metal deck rail, her lips never leaving yours as her kisses become more hungry, more demanding.
She pulls her mouth away from yours, and you gasp as she trails her perfect pout across your chin and jaw before grazing your ear lobe with her teeth. You inhale sharply, and it's like music to Natasha's ears.
She continues her assault, trying to draw even more new sounds from you. Her lips skim over the sensitive flesh of your neck. You find yourself arching towards her, silently begging her for more. You feel her smile against you before she carefully grazes her teeth over the sensitive flesh before pulling back and laving it with her tongue. She repeats the action and your hand tangles in her dark strands, holding her in place. She chuckles and continues to work the space between your shoulder and ear, surely leaving a few dark marks behind, but you don't care. You want her to mark you up—claim you as hers.
You draw her mouth back to yours and kiss her until you're breathless. She pulls back and her lips are swollen, and her cheeks are red.
"I don't normally do this, y'know." You confess to her.
"Neither do I." She tells you truthfully.
You heave a sigh of relief. "I don't think I've ever done this, actually. But there's something about you that's—magical." You say as you bite down on your lower lip and bat your eyes at her.
"If you think I'm magic here, you should let me take you home. I've got a wand and a rabbit that I can show you all kinds of tricks with." She smirks at you.
A few minutes later, the two of you are in the back of an Uber going to Natasha's place. Her hand rests brazenly on your upper thigh, and her nimble fingers are tracing deft patterns across your skin. You squim in your seat, trying to keep yourself calm, when really, all you want to do is plant yourself in her lap and kiss her again.
The two of you somehow make it up the small path that leads to her front door. She unlocks it and pulls you in. Once the door is shut and she's clicked the lock, she pushes you up against it and kisses you roughly. You meet her kisses with passion. Both sets of your hands roam over each other, desperately.
Natasha has enough sense to practically drag you into her bedroom. You stand there a little awkwardly until she comes up behind you and slowly unzips you dress. Her lips trace your spine, leaving faint, wine colored kisses from her leftover lipstick on your flesh.
The garment drops to the floor, and you turn around to face her. She admires how your nipples are peaked and perky with anticipation. The scrap of lace, that could barely be called underwear, that you chose to wear tonight has an obvious dark spot on it. "Such a shame you date didn't get to see this." Natasha breathes out as she lightly grazes the front of it.
You shiver, and she lets out a breathy laugh. You reach for her, catching her wrist and pulling her to you. Your hands reach for her zipper. "Fair is fair." You mumble against her lips as she lets you pull it down before tugging the fabric off of her.
"Lay dow for me, pretty girl." Natasha says when she's kicked her dress to the side and shimmied out of her underwear. You take a moment to take in her form as you slip if your own panties.
Her dark hair falls gracefully over her shoulders. Her breasts are perky and lovely. She has a neatly shaved landing strip that draws your eyes to where you most want to be.
You lay back on her bed, making yourself comfortable on her pillows. Your breathing is shallow as her eyes rake over you.
"You're so fucking beautiful." She says as she crawls towards you. Beautiful. Not pretty, not hot, beautiful. You love how she talks about you. How she makes you feel seen.
"Thank you." You say before you can even think about it. She laughs as she reaches into her nightstand and pulls out the wand and rabbit that she mentioned earlier.
She sets them to the side before gently straddling your hips. She leans down to kiss you. Slowly, this time, it's more deliberate and precise. The two of you let your hands roam over each other's body. She tweaks your nipples, rolling them between her fingers and your arch toward her touch.
Not to be outdone, you wrap your lips around one of her peaks, and she lets out a gorgeous breathy moan that has your heart racing. She whines when you release the flesh with a soft pop but groans and leans into you when you repeat the action on the other. She subtly grinds her hips against you, seeking friction to relieve the ache between her thighs. You grab her thighs and help guide her, and she hums before stopping and sliding off of you.
"Mmm, not yet beautiful. There will be time for that. Let me take care of you first." She smiles at you. You huff a little, but don't protest. Natasha trails her lips across your breasts and chest and down your stomach. She circles her tongue around your navel before placing a kiss on your cunt, right about your clit.
You sigh as you sink deeper into her pillows, inhaling more of her intoxicating scent from earlier. She carefully parts your thighs and slots herself between them.
She grabs your left leg, and feathers kisses up from your knee towards your center and back down, a few times before switching to the right. She's taking her time building you up. And just when you think you are going to burst from her teasing, she places a fleeting kiss on your clit. You squeal and rock your hips upward, chasing her mouth.
She does it again, gently parting your folds with the delicate tip of her tongue, circling the sensitive bud and sucking it into her mouth.
She laps at your core, drinking in the taste of you, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Wanton moans leave your mouth, and your chest heaves. One of your hands tightly fists her sheets, the other curling on her hair to hold her right where you want her. You squeeze your eyes shut and throw your head back as pure ecstacy washes over you when you cum.
Natasha works you through it until you push her head away. You lean up on your elbows and meet her eyes. She has a satisfied grin on her face. "How was that?" She asks almost cockily.
"Fantastic." You reply breathlessly. "I'm not done with you yet." She tells you as she reaches for her wand. You swallow and spread your legs for her.
She turns it on a low setting and starts by rubbing it over your nipples and down your body to get you used to the sensation. Slowly, she lowers it to your clit. You jump, still sensitive from your first orgasm, but you relax as she circles it around you bundle of nerves.
You feel one of her slender fingers circle around your entrance. "So fucking wet. All this for me, pretty girl?" She asks you. "Yes." You breathe out. You're jilted by a smack to your cunt. "Say my name, pretty girl. Tell me who's got you like this? Who got your pretty pussy absolutely dripping?" She commands.
"You—you did, Natasha. It's all for you." You babble out. She's satisfied with your answer and rewards you by sinking not one, but two of her long digits inside you and curling them upwards. You cry out her name as she finds your gspot impossibly fast. It should be a crime at how well she already knows your body as she strokes it with the perfect amount of speed and pressure.
She gages each sound you make and adjusts the wand on your clit and her fingers in your cunt. You have to give it to her, she wasn't lying when she said she could take directions.
Your head thrashes from side to side, and you're babbling out her name as she brings you closer to a second orgasm. Your toes curl against the mattress and you bite your bottom lip in an effort to keep your sounds at bay.
Natasha immediately tells you to be loud for her, and you're too for gone, and she has you so damn pliant that you'd do anything for her right now. So you release your lip and scream her name as you cum, gripping her fingers tightly, never wanting them to leave you.
When she does pull them out, you whine at the loss of contact, but it's short lived, because Natasha is crawling up your body and tapping her fingers on your lips.
You obediently open your mouth and close them around her digits, dutifully cleaning them for her. You groan at the taste of you on her hands. Once you've cleaned her, you pull off with a pop and kiss her. Your tongues meld together as you pull her onto of you.
You cradle her head and hook your legs around her waist and flip her under you. "Mine turn." You giggled as she looks up at you, bewildered. "Okay, then." She smiles down at you.
You cup each of her breasts in your hands and roll her nipples between your fingers. She lets out a small gasp as you kiss the tops of her breasts and the valley between them before continuing your journey south. You leave wet kisses across her hip bones and suck a dark mark into her right one, a little reminder of you for later.
You don't tease her like she teased you. You're too impatient. You've been dreaming about what she tasted like ever since you watched her bring that first glass of red wine to her lips this evening.
You tenderly part of folds before licking a long, broad stripe from her opening to her clit.
Natasha arches up off the bed, her hands flying to the sheets, clutching them for dear life. You repeated the motion over again before hooking one of her thighs over your shoulder. She's much more squirmy than you expected.
You work her over and over, tongue diving into her her sopping wet opening, nose bumping her clit.
She cries out your name, fingers in your hair, as you blindly reach for her other toy from earlier. You silently cheer as your hand wraps around her rabbit vibrator.
You turn it on and pull your mouth away from her. Natasha groans at the loss of contact but whimpers when she feels the tip of the vibe at her entrance. You push it in slowly until it is fully seated in her tight, wet, perfect cut.
She lets out a shaky breath as you slowly withdraw the toy and push it back it. You repeat the motion, picking up speed with each thrust. Soon, her hips are meeting it, and the sounds of lewd, wet fucking mixed with cries of your name are bouncing off her walls.
"Guess you had a few tricks up your sleeve, too." She laughs and rolls on top of you and sits up she slides down your body until you can feel her warm pussy right above yours.
Her walls grip the toy tightly, and her voice rises in pitch as she cums hard for you, back arching so hard that you're afraid she might hurt herself. "Fucking magical," you praise her as she comes down from her high. You slide up beside her on the bed. She's panting, trying to catch her breath.
"Think you have one more in you, pretty girl?" She asks you. "Yes, ma'am." You reply. She smiles at you before drawing you up to her lips.
She kisses you tenderly, rocking your hips together, creating a delicious friction between your clits. Your previous orgasms have both of you so wet, that you glide along each other with ease.
Your fingers dig into her thighs as you help guide her, pulling her tighter against you. You feel that familiar coil curling deep into your belly, and your head drops to her shoulder as you roll your hips to meet hers.
Natasha wraps a hand around your throat and draws you back to her. There is a glassy look of pleasure in her eyes, but she squeezes just enough to let you know that she's still in charge. "Cum with me." It's not a request, it's a demand, and who are you to deny her when she's making you feel so good?
You cum together. It's hard and messy and absolutely the most amazing feeling you've ever had. You collapse on the bed, and Natasha falls into you, both utterly spent.
Sometime later, when you can both feel your legs, the two of you make your way to the shower. After cleaning each other, you help her change the sheets, and the two of you get tangled in each other's arms and fall asleep.
Six weeks later, you're slipping your hand into Natasha's as you follow her into the Hard Deck on a Friday night. This time, you're not meeting some guy from some app that you deleted ages ago. Instead, your girlfriend is introducing you to her coworkers.
You had already met Bob, her backseater, a few weeks ago because he insisted on meeting you because Nat, or Phoenix as she was known to her friends, couldn't stop talking about you.
Natasha quickly got the two of you a beer before weaving through the crowd to a pool table in the corner.
She takes her time introducing you to each one of them. You smile and wave and try not to be awkward.
"Well, what do we have here? If it ain't Phoenix." A male voice draws out. You turn, and you have to bite your lip to stifle a laugh. "Bagman." Natasha replies flatly. "Always a pleasure, Nix, but what I want to know is who is your friend?" The tall blonde asks.
"This is my girlfriend, jackass, so don't get any ideas." Nat says. "Babe, this is—"
"Jake. Right?" You say cutting her off. "Yeah? How did you know that?" She looks at you with a questioning glance. Jake looks at you equally, confused, trying to decide if you're familiar or not.
"Remember my date that stood me up a few weeks ago, the night we met?" You ask her.
"No. You're kidding." Nat smiles before belting out a laugh. Suddenly Jake's eyes go wide as he connects the dots on who you are.
"Son of a bitch, Bagman, I think I owe you a drink." Nat laughs as you and her other friends join in. Jake's cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Nat wipes a stray tear from her cheek. "But seriously, Jake. Thank you for being a dick. If you hadn't stood her up, I might not have met this amazing woman. Seriously, I owe you one." Natasha smiles at him before pulling you in for a kiss.
Eeeekkk! I hope yall enjoyed this! This was my first time writing for Nat! Let me know what you think with a comment or reblog!
Tagging those who might be interested: @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @desert-fern @wkndwlff @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @na-ta-sh-aa @katieshook02 @beyondthesefourwalls @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @horseshoegirl @djs8891 @roosters-girl @rosiahills22 @dempy @callsign-magnolia @alchemxx @gretagerwigsmuse @mshistorylover @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @kmc1989 @bcarolinablr @waywardhunter95 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @whatislovevavy @inkandarsenic @mak-32 @jiminie-08 @dingochef @laracrofted @skipchat @princess76179 @schoollover @cheyrenee @angelbabyyy99 @bobfloydsbabe @sunlightmurdock @sebsxphia @atarmychick007 @queenlmno @sweetwhispersofchaos @mamaskillerqueen @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @withahappyrefrain
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makethatelevenrings · 8 months
Day 7: Oral Training w/ Natasha Trace
here we go lesbians here we go
Kinktober Masterlist
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Natasha, being the closeted romantic that she was, insisted on making this a special event despite the fact that you were mortified. You had to stop her from buying a cake because you knew she would take a photo that Jake would somehow stumble upon and it would be a nightmare.
“You really don’t have to make this into a big deal,” you commented dryly. Your girlfriend grinned, cheeky and bright-eyed, and then shrugged.
“Yeah, but you like it.”
You rolled your eyes in response and she gently grabbed the back of your neck, forcing your head up to make eye contact with her. Natasha tutted her tongue and you sighed, pressing your cheek against the soft skin of her inner thigh.
“This is big for us, baby. Let me make it special.”
You kissed her thigh and nodded. “I know.”
She released your head and threaded her fingers through your hair, pulling you closer. You moaned against the sweet warmth that surrounded you on either side. Natasha was the first woman you had ever been with and so you were hesitant to try…well, eating pussy.
Natasha made sure to warm you up to the idea rather than just throwing you in head first. She made sure to show you, multiple times, how good it could feel. Granted, Natasha had to be the top rated munch alive because she had you coming apart on her tongue numerous times.
“It’s okay. And if you find out you hate this, well, it’s not a deal breaker for me, baby. Just go slow. Go at your own pace. Take your ti-”
You cut Natasha off by leaning forward and licking a flat stripe along the seam of her cunt. Her hips jerked and she tugged on your hair which elicited a pleased hum from your lungs. What Natasha didn’t realize, however, was that you had done plenty of research by reading smutty romance novels and watching porn with a very clinical eye. You might not be the best pussy eater in the world, but by god, you were going to try.
She moaned as you continued to lap at her sweet taste. You wrapped your arms around her thighs and kept her spread as you mouthed at the soft skin of her cunt. Your tongue darted out to tease along her clit and then you flattened your tongue against it, adding pressure that caused her to inhale sharply and release a hand from your hair so she could press her fist against her lips.
“Tsk, tsk,” you chastised. Some of her slick juices bathed your chin and you relished in the taste of her pleasure. “I want to hear those pretty noises, Trace.”
“You’re trying to kill me,” she gasped out once she was able to pull her hand away.
“Nah.” You slid one finger between the soft, warm folds of her entrance and crooked the pad of your finger against that one spot you knew she liked. Natasha keened against the sensation and you grinned.
“I just want to make you feel as good as I do. Isn’t that right, miss?”
Her eyes darkened at the use of her Domme name. You were still tentative at that part of your relationship, but her reaction made your chest tighten with pride. She reached out, cupping your cheek and running her thumb over your lips.
“That’s right, princess. Now, be a good girl and make me come.”
Well, how were you supposed to deny an order like that.
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laracrofted · 10 months
slumber party kissing
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synopsis: after a bachelorette party, you and phoenix have a sleepover.
pairing: natasha trace x fem!reader (c/s: comet)
warnings: minors and ageless blogs dni, explicit smut (oral sex, fingering, praise, condescension, phoenix has dom vibes), alcohol consumption, and language. (wc: 1.8K)
note: you can definitely read this as a standalone, but it's a direct prequel to supernova 💖 listen to naked in manhattan and red wine supernova by chappell roan for the vibes!
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a huge shoutout to @sometimesanalice who mentioned a prequel back when i posted supernova and is the only reason i ever started writing this. tagging a few people who might be interested: @theharddeck @sebsxphia @sylviebell @callsignspark @lewmagoo @roosterbruiser @sushiwriterhere
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You're a little drunk.
Margarita drunk, which is your sluttiest kind, personally.
You probably wouldn't have been so bold, so clumsily forward otherwise. You wouldn't gone about it a different way, one with less potential to publicly embarrass you.
"How big is your bed?"
A small smirk dances on her pink lips as Phoenix regards you, glowing pink in the magenta lights.
She wipes a lipstick print from the mouth of her own margarita glass. Sugar catches on her fingers, and with a quick and efficient swipe of her tongue, she licks them clean.
Leaning against the bar, Phoenix has to raise her voice to be heard over the music. "Why're you asking?"
You lean on her, dipping your chin over the elegant slope of her shoulder, and Phoenix holds your weight without question.
You slowly blink up at her from under long and dark lashes, jet black.
(You're wearing a new mascara, a waterproof one that promised you sensational lashes through a long night's worth of blood, sweat, tears, and whatever other bodily fluids might make an appearance at a multi-hour bachelorette party.)
"I dunno if I can make it home. Can I sleep over?"
You're being a little bit dramatic, probably a little whiney in all honestly. You could definitely go home. You just don't want to go home alone.
Her brow quirks, cool and calm and frustratingly unreadable. "We live on the same floor, Comet, I can walk you back."
A small pout forms on your lips, bottom lip jutted out and glossy.
"Payback called me with a wedding emergency when I was doing m' laundry..."
Which hadn't been an emergency at all, Payback had just wanted you to back him up on putting a song from The Godfather on the DJ's mix. You'd sided with the bride.
(Any sane person who'd already bought a dress for the rehearsal dinner and the wedding and didn't want to be un-invited would.)
"...and when I get back, I won't have any sheets on my bed."
She laughs. A low and sweet sound. "How about I come over and put your sheets on for you? We could..."
Phoenix is interrupted when the Maid of Honor waves at you both and cups her hands around her mouth and yells, "Uber'll be here in 10. Ten minutes!"
She forms a 1 and a 0 with her fingers, and when Phoenix nods, vanishes in a sea of pink lights and reflective disco balls and bodies.
You're disappointed but do your best not to look too bummed.
How long is 10 minutes, really?
You could stay longer, could find someone else.
Someone who'll dance against your back and kiss your neck and go home with you. Someone who isn't your colleague and friend. Someone who is more interested than Phoenix seems to be.
"You ready?" Phoenix asks, signing her receipt and yours in an illegible flourish. She pushes them back across the damp surface of the counter.
"Ready for what?"
You're so sure Phoenix is dodging your – admittedly, not your best –advance.
Then, Phoenix cups your nape, gentle but firm, and smiles.
You realize that maybe Phoenix hadn't been side stepping your advance at all.
Her dark eyes gleam in the pink and purple as Phoenix leans in close, breath warm against your ear, voice husky. "For our sleepover, of course."
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You almost drop your keys at least three times in your effort to unlock the door as Phoenix presses kiss after kiss against your hummingbird pulse.
You push the unlocked door open, impatient, and Phoenix follows after you with a giggle and with a heated look in her eyes, pushes you back against the metal.
Her canine teeth brush against the side of your neck, and you shiver, letting your eyes flutter closed.
"So sweet," Phoenix murmurs, nipping the heated skin once and then again. "Are you sweet all over, angel?"
Angel. You might actually die.
You almost choke on your own saliva, but Phoenix spares you the embarrassment of a fumbled answer and grasps your chin between her pointer and index and kisses you, deep and searching and wanting kiss.
You're a little breathless on the other side, grasping at Phoenix's slender shoulders for balance, for some steadiness.
"You're sweet here," Phoenix muses, brushing the pad of her thumb across your swollen lips, dipping inside your mouth and running it over the sharp edge of your incisor.
You can't help yourself.
You suck her finger deeper into your mouth, running your tongue over the sugar granules and lime that linger on her skin.
She looks at you with such satisfaction, so pleased, like Phoenix is unwrapping a present that she already knows will be exactly what she wanted.
Her wet thumb pulls from your mouth, and Phoenix eases her hand under the short hem of your dress and locates the damp spot in the center of your panties with ease. Presses down.
A half gasp rips from your lips, and Phoenix watches you with half-lidded eyes, lowering her smooth voice, rasping against your neck.
"Are you sweet here, I wonder?"
You should probably say something – anything. You're the one who made the first move here, after all, but hell, Phoenix is fucking mesmerizing. She has you in the palm of her goddamn hand.
"So quiet," Phoenix observes. A smirk curls the corners of her mouth, like a ribbon. "Is that the good kind of quiet or the bad kind? You're not drunk, right?"
An emphatic shake of your head.
"Still want to do this?"
You nod. You nod so fucking hard.
Her smirk widens. "Use your words, angel, or I might not believe you."
"Good. Definitely good."
Her lips part as Phoenix smiles a smile as glittering as her eyeshadow. "Good."
She pulls on your hand, pulling you to the bedroom, but you stop short.
"Wait, Phoenix."
She pauses, looking at you over her shoulder, long, dark hair like a waterfall down her back.
"That wasn't a line earlier. I actually don't have any sheets on my bed right now."
She bursts out laughing.
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On the clean sheets, Phoenix slides your dress up around your waist and looks at you.
Her own dress has already been shed, up and over her head, leaving her bare from the waist up in her blue panties and no bra.
"You're so..."
Words can't even describe what Phoenix is.
Radiant. Gorgeous. Ethereal.
She smiles, as if reading your mind, and moves to straddle your chest, knees denting the unwrinkled sheets on either side of your ribcage.
"So sweet," Phoenix says again. She kisses and licks at your neck, searching with her warm tongue for the spot that'll make you arch up into her hand, plucking at your nipple through your bra. "So pretty for me, angel."
A whined please slips from your lips, and Phoenix pauses, holding your arms down.
Holding your gaze, Phoenix bends to suck on your pebbled nipple, leaving a damp spot in the lace of your bra. A gasp punches from your lungs, which only makes you bend into her more, push up harder against her soft mouth.
"You're the one who invited me here, angel. Ask me."
Her knee slides between your legs as Phoenix blows a cool breath over your nipples and sucks them into her warm mouth again. You shiver and writhe underneath her.
"Ask me," Phoenix says again. An order. "Or I'll keep doing this – and only this – all night. Anyone ever made you come from this before?"
No, but Phoenix probably could.
Or Phoenix could hold you down and keep you right on the edge.
You actually don't hate the idea.
But right now, you need more.
"Can you...?"
"Can I...?" Phoenix urges. "Can I what?"
"Can you touch me? Please?"
Her expression softens, and Phoenix kisses you once more.
She settles between your legs with a concentrated expression, brows slightly wrinkled, and pulls your damp panties down your legs.
She sponges kisses on the freshly shaved skin of your legs, circling your ankles and pulling your closer with a gentle kiss behind your knee.
"Do you want me to touch you..." She brushes against your wetness with a bent knuckle in the lightest of touches. "...or taste you? Do you want to show me how sweet you can really be?"
That. You absolutely want that.
You find your voice and choke it out.
Smirking, Phoenix starts slow, all light licks and barely there kisses and content breaths and so damn sweet for me sighed against your cunt.
From there, Phoenix delves in deeper with longer open-mouthed kisses, spearing you with her tongue, with her fingers until within minutes, you're close.
So damn close.
She can feel you clench down and seize, can feel how close you are, and rather than ease back and slow down, rather than get you there at a slow and gentle pace, Phoenix pinches your clit between her knuckles, hard and merciless.
You go off like a firework, all over her mouth.
It's one of your most intense orgasms in recent memory and definitely the most intense one you've had with another person in a damn hot minute.
You damn near black out, vision whitening, ears ringing, writhing on the mattress as Phoenix holds you down and licks every drop of arousal from you.
A few minutes later, you come to, and Phoenix is leaning her head against your shaking leg with a smile.
"Have I killed you?"
Her gaze is warm with affection and languid satisfaction, like a house cat on a warm summer afternoon. She looks smug as hell.
You suck in a breath and wiggle your fingers.
You exhale a breathless laugh. "Jesus Christ, Phoenix. I'll get you back for that."
Her brows arches, elegant and mischievous. "Oh? I hope so."
You roll her onto her back on the mattress and lick into her mouth until Phoenix is moaning and gasping and coming so prettily all over your hand.
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Nothing will cover the bruise behind your ear, and of course, Hangman clocks you right away on Monday morning.
"Nice hickey, Comet. You get some at the party?"
You're irritated enough to answer, which is a mistake because Hangman loves a reaction. Any reaction.
"None of your business."
His smirk is knowing. "You so did. Good for you. We know 'em?"
And Hangman's green eyes go wide with delight.
"Your mom flew in for the weekend. You should call her more."
Rooster howls with laughter as Hangman scowls.
And Bob observes from the back of the room.
He looks sidelong at Phoenix and quietly comments, "You weren't in your room on Sunday morning. I knocked."
Her expression is calm and blank, but Phoenix pauses. "Oh... I went for an early run on Sunday."
"An early run?" Bob asks.
She nods. "Yeah. Like 8-ish."
He'd definitely knocked before 8 – like 7:30 at the latest – but Bob doesn't push.
He nods, and Phoenix might look relieved.
Maverick’s arrival is the perfect distraction.
As Maverick begins his lecture, you look over your shoulder at Phoenix, chancing an oh-so-casual glance, and instead, find Bob Floyd already watching you with a peculiar, kind of curious expression. His blue eyes are wide and intense and searching.
You face forward again, cheeks warm.
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note: i'm hoping to do a few more blurbs or short fics in the supernova verse because i'm in love with them 💖 also, oops i wrote most of this like 2 months ago
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mothdruid · 11 months
Gym Bloom
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You weren't fully aware of what to expect. Yeah, your friend has mentioned to you this gym that has an interesting method of exercise. She has warned you about it, filled you all in on the details. The training was very rigorous and intense sex sessions. What you hadn't expected was all the trainers to become so involved in your training sessions.
This series is intended for only those who are 18 or older. If you are a minor, buzz off. Each chapter will have its own warnings on top of the series warnings. SMUT, SMUT, AND SMUT.
Author's Note.
Hi, this is a series about just fucking all of the dagger squad cause I'm a horny bitch.
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First Session- Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
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secret love song | natasha trace x f!reader
disclaimer; happy valentines my loves! for all of us wlw ladies, I decided to write a Natasha x female reader for @roosterforme's #love is in the air tgm challenge! based loosely around the song 'secret love song' by little mix.
warnings; 18+, smut, fingering, condescension (if you squint), dom/sub dynamics, afab!reader, she/her pronouns, smidge of yearning/angst, some fluff, mentions of eating/cooking, mentions of floydshaw (how could I not?), breakfast in bed, pet names.
description; natasha is determined to give her girlfriend a good start to their valentine's day together.
tags for people who may enjoy; @sebsxphia @lt-bradshaw @rhettabbotts @roleycoleyreccenter @theharddeck @laracrofted @mothdruid @hangmanbrainrot
‘why can’t i hold you in the street? why can’t i kiss you on the dancefloor?’
Natasha gazed at the soft rise and fall of your upper body as she took in her girlfriend's sleeping form. Soft sunlight filtered in through the sheer fabric of the curtains that you had hung up the moment the two of you had moved into your house together. Hair spilled over the soft pillow that your face was nuzzled into, and Nat had to fight the urge to gently let her fingers caress over the tresses and down your spine. Fluttering eyelashes tickled your cheeks, and Natasha would never want to wake you, not when you looked so serene. 
Picking up an over-sized button-up in a faded sage color from the floor, Natasha made her way downstairs into the large kitchen. The softness of the linen shirt felt soothing against her skin as she opened up the refrigerator, gazing at the groceries the two of you had gotten yesterday. Today was Valentine’s Day, and the first where the two of you were actually girlfriends. The mere thought of you being Nat’s girlfriend had a small smile playing on her lips, heart beating just a bit faster, and butterflies fluttering somewhere deep in the pit of her stomach. Picking out the bright red strawberries, along with eggs and milk, Natasha slowly moved about the kitchen to prepare breakfast in bed for her love.
The small smile that had tugged on the corners of her lips turned slightly woeful as she reminisced on the time before you were her girlfriend. Her heart ached in her chest as she thought of the countless times she had laid in bed, alone, tears rolling down her cheeks as she thought that maybe she would never get to experience the loving familiarity of holding someone in her arms. Perhaps she was not meant to hold hands with a sweet girl in the streets, not meant to sway close together on the dancefloor and share soft, sweet kisses as her girlfriend tucked her hair behind her ear.
‘i wish that we could be like that, why can’t it be like that? ‘cause i’m yours’ 
Natasha had met her now girlfriend a couple of years earlier, it had been love at first sight for Nat. Something about your laughter, your smile and your genuine care for others truly had her melting every time your gaze met hers, sharing that sweet, secret smile that you seemed to reserve for only her. 
Natasha had pined in secret over you, and she imagined Bob knew the inns and outs of you as well as she did for all of the times she’d needed to let all of her feelings out. Bob had listened patiently as his pilot time and time again had told him all about how astounding you were, how she wished she could braid your hair, how she wanted to kiss you and hold you in the Hard Deck like all of the others did with their significant others. Even Bob and Rooster showed some PDA sometimes at the ‘Deck, leaning against one another and sharing soft smiles as they held hands, giving the other the occasional peck as they played pool.
Bob had been the one to tell her to ‘stop fucking whining and get on with it ‘Nix!’ - Phoenix wasn’t as surprised anymore as she had been in the beginning when Bob had gotten comfortable around her. The man swore like a true sailor, and he truly did not have time for any bullshit. That’s what she loved about her backseater. No nonsense. Only love for the people he cherished, and sage advice when it was needed. 
Of course, before he had shared this wise notion with her, he had tried countless times coaxing her gently - reassuring her that you did indeed pine for her too. It had taken two months after that particular night at the Hard Deck, watching you twirl on the dancefloor in that beautiful yellow sundress of yours. Natasha had watched you reject Hangman for the umpteenth time, the cocky pilot merely smirking at Phoenix in an ‘I told you so’ manner.
Who knew Hangman to be so perceptive? 
She watched you laugh and joke around with Payback, and challenging Coyote to a game of darts as the night went on. You blended in so perfectly, and yet Phoenix just wished you were perched on her lap, making easy conversation with Rooster and Bob as her fingers caressed your thighs. 
Phoenix hadn’t had the guts to ask you out that night, and it had taken countless more pep talks with Bob before Natasha and you had made it on a first date. In the end it hadn’t even been Nat who made the first move, it was you. It had made Natasha’s heart soar watching your eyes twinkle as you nervously confessed to your feelings, heart clenching at the unsure and slightly scared look that hid in your eyes.
‘why can’t i say that i’m in love? i wanna shout it from the rooftops’
Natasha could only smile fondly at the memory now, but the memory of the countless nights with tears streaming down her cheeks and chest aching with longing for your touch and your love still made a small stitch of hurt churn deep within her chest. Shaking her head, Nat moved softly around the kitchen, careful when she brought out the pan she needed, setting it down as quietly as she could so as to not wake her girlfriend.
Whisking together the ingredients she knew by heart, soon enough the sizzling of the pan, that was filled with pancake batter, could be heard through the homey kitchen that was littered with pictures of the two girls. Most of them hung proudly on the refrigerator door. Nat knew that gifting you that pink polaroid camera had been a good idea - the pictures taken with it were some of her favorites. 
As the pancake rose slowly in the pan, Natasha busied herself with cutting up strawberries and setting plates down on a large tray. Flipping the pancake after a few moments, she then moved on to fill a small vase and place a singular red rose in it to decorate. When the two of you had been grocery shopping a few days before, Natasha had picked out small heart shaped little decorative confetti which she had placed all over the tray beneath the plates. She smiled softly at her work, and let out a small giggle at how excited she knew you’d get when you saw it.
Assembling the various treats she’d prepared for your breakfast in bed, Natasha slowly made her way up the stairs to your bedroom, where you lay on your back now. The sheet had slid down to your waist, and the soft sunlight made your skin glow so perfectly on your bare upper body that Nat almost dropped the tray where she stood in the doorway. God, you were stunning. 
“Wake up, beautiful,” Natasha murmured softly as she set the tray down on her side of the bed. A soft, unintelligible murmur was all she could hear as your reply. Moving slowly, Nat gently climbed onto your side of the bed, letting her lips gently grace against your cheek, placing the softest of kisses to your nose - which promptly scrunched up cutely in response to the feather light touch. 
“Nat… baby, it’s so early,” your voice was riddled with sleep, hands moving up to cover your eyes. Phoenix only giggled and shook her head “It’s already 8, gorgeous… I made us breakfast,” murmuring softly, Nat placed her lips onto yours for a soft, chaste kiss. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby,” Natasha continued, letting her hand softly stroke your cheek. At the sound of that sentence, your eyes flew open, a sad look overcoming your features.
“Natasha!” you exclaimed, a small pout forming on your face “we were supposed to make pancakes together,” that soft, sad whine really tugged at Natasha’s heart strings, but she only smiled softly as she straddled your midsection. “Baby, please don’t be upset… I really wanted to give you breakfast in bed. Promise we can cook lunch together?” Natasha’s lips softly came in contact with her girlfriends sensitive throat, slowly working up towards her ear.
“You don’t fight fair, Trace…” you sighed, your hands coming to rest on Natasha’s hips, your grip tightening slightly as Natasha’s tongue licked a small trail down your neck. “C’mon, baby… our pancakes will get cold,” Nat smirked, sitting up right before she removed herself from your body. A soft groan left your parted lips, but the smile that followed let Nat know you appreciated the gesture. As you took in the sight of the breakfast she had prepared, your lip wobbled slightly as tears accumulated in your eyes - it was official, Natasha Trace was the most beautiful girlfriend ever. 
“Baby…” your voice shook with emotion “this is so sweet! The little hearts! When did you sneak those into our cart?!” your smile was enough to have Nat giggling as she sat cross-legged before you, as you sat up to join her, pecking her lips lovingly. “Thank you,” you told her sincerely before your lips met again in a chaste kiss. 
‘it’s obvious you’re meant for me, every piece of you it just fits perfectly’
Enjoying the leisurely breakfast together as the sun filtered through the window could only be described as serene. You couldn’t help but feed Natasha strawberries every once in a while, mostly because she looked so adorable when you fed her, but also because the feeling of her soft lips against your fingertips had your stomach doing somersaults.
And when she, after the fifth strawberry, seemed to catch on to your scheme, she smirked softly, letting the juice of the strawberry slowly drip from her lips as he gently nibbled at the pad of your finger which lingered on her parted lips.
The surprised gasp that fell from your own lips was soon followed by the smallest of whimpers, heat rising through your abdomen, up to your chest. 
“Natasha…” you breathed, as you leaned in closer to her smirking face. Her hand slowly tangled itself in your hair, tilting your head back slightly as she hummed “Yes, baby?”
“Please,” you whined, eyes fluttering shut as you felt your girlfriend's small sporadic tugs at your strands.
“Please what, honey?” Natasha murmured, slowly letting her lips ghost over your exposed neck. Breath hitched in your throat, your reply of ‘need you’ was slightly stuttered, punctuated by a soft moan as Nat latched onto a particularly sweet spot on your neck, giving it the same treatment as your finger.
Breakfast forgotten, Natasha couldn’t help but giggle softly against your neck as she gently pushed you backwards down towards the fluffy pillows again. Her lips ghosted over sensitive skin, drinking in the melodious sighs and sounds that left parted lips as she pressed her body into yours, her lips soon finding their home against your own. 
The soft touch of your hands against her ribs made Natasha shiver, her tongue slowly caressing your bottom lip as her own hands wandered leisurely towards your exposed chest. Her nimble fingers swiftly found their target, rolling your nipples in between them, alternating between letting her whole palm massage your breast gently and pinching at your nipples, swallowing your every moan as she went.
Giving your lower lip a gentle nip, Nat’s mouth and tongue drew a wet path down your collarbones before her tongue swirled slowly over your other nipple.
Loud moans and whimpers tore from your mouth, your back arching as your fingers wound tightly into Nat’s dark tresses, pressing her closer and closer to your chest as she sucked and gently teethed at your sensitive skin. 
“Phoenix!” the cry tumbled breathlessly from your lips just as the fiery rays of the red sun exploded into the room, and Natasha wouldn’t be ashamed to admit that hearing you use her call-sign was much more of a turn on for her than it should be. At some point during her worship of your chest, your soft thighs had spread for her, and Natasha found herself softly grinding her thigh into your slick heat, your whimpers and moans for her driving her wilder by the second. 
“Nat!” you gasped “Please, baby… I need you, need you in me!” God, Natasha swore she could die happy hearing your needy little whimpers for her. Inching her other hand slowly in between your bodies, Nat paused as she cupped your slick folds in her hand, softly letting her finger slide in between them. 
“Aw, does my sweet honey need that pretty pussy fucked, hm?” Natasha cooed, releasing your nipple to look at your squirming form and pouty face - lips swollen and eyes shiny. Big eyes gazed back at her, your head bobbing furiously in a nod as Phoenix smiled down at you, the red rays of the sun giving her a fiery halo.
Licking her lips, Natasha slowly let her fingers delve into you, letting the heel of her palm rest against your clit as she slowly pumped two fingers in and out of your wetness. A sigh of relief left you as your head tilted back into the pillows, eyelids fluttering close as a dull ache was being relieved, slow building pleasure rolling over you in steady waves as you started to come apart in your girlfriend's palm. She held you, in the palm of her hand, she always had - it was just more noticeable now when your body nearly went limp at her movements.
“C’mon baby, taking me so well, sweetheart…” Nat cooed as your moans and whimpers came closer together, your chest rising and falling more rapidly as Natasha’s fingers fucked into your pussy, curled slightly to hit that sweet spot that made your slick coat Natasha’s hand, slowly trickling down her wrist. 
“Let go for me baby” Phoenix murmured as she kissed your cheeks, your lips, your neck “I’ve got you, honey - fall apart on my fingers, beautiful,” she gently coaxed you, her fingers barely leaving your heat, opting to thrust and massage at that sweet spot until your high pitched cries ebbed out into a string of drawn out moans as you gushed all over Natasha’s fingers, legs trembling as she held you in her arms, helping you ride through that immense high.
“Nat,” you whined as she slowed her movements, her fingers still deep in your cunt, feeling you fluttering around them as the last of your orgasm ebbed away “Natasha— Phoenix,” you were whimpering now, glittering tears running slowly down your cheeks as the pleasure got too intense.
“Such a good girl, so good for me baby - well done,” Phoenix cooed as she slowly let her fingers slide out of you, placing a loving kiss on your parted lips before offering you her soaked fingers, which you greedily accepted into your mouth - suckling happily at them as Natasha helped place you in a position where she was holding you, your head resting on her chest. 
“Fuck, ‘Tash…” you moaned as you let your tongue swirl one last time around her fingers. Natasha’s other hand had found the back of your head, soothingly scratching at your scalp. 
“Did that feel good, my sweet girl?” Nat cooed, smiling into your hair “Yeah,” the whimper was borderline pathetic as you started mouthing at Phoenix’s tits, resting your cheek against her arm, suckling on her nipple and sighing at the comforting feeling, relishing in hearing the sharp intakes of breath and soft moans that Nat let out every once in a while as she held you. 
The two of you weren’t in a hurry - you had all day to worship each other's bodies. All day, all night, for the rest of time.
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yelenasdog · 2 years
𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 (𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 “𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱” 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: literally the nastiest fucking smut, fluff
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: phoenix isn’t the biggest fan of summer. it’s hot, humid, and penny’s niece has a thing for sundresses. a few too many drinks, and phoenix is letting her know exactly how she feels about them. 
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 4.1k (i got so carried away holy)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: i’m (barely lmao) a minor so if that makes you uncomfy don’t read, reader has hair long enough to tie up, smut, oral (fem recieving), fingering, use of pet names (princess, baby), semi public sex (not really, it’s in a supply room at the hard deck), alcohol mentions, so. much. swearing, i have an obsession w parenthesis (if u can’t tell) and i think that’s it lol
𝐚/𝐧: @eminems-skittles​ and i were texting abt this last night at like 2 am and i was like fuck it so here this is! lmfaooo also, the women in the moodboards (aside from monica obvi) aren’t meant to be what the reader looks like, simply just the dress i imagined reader wearing + the vibes i imagine ms. phoenix was giving at the beach LOL. i’ll stop rambling now, enjoy!
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It was summer in Fightertown, U.S.A., a fact that Natasha Trace was unfortunately acutely aware of. The air was so hot and so thick you could slice through it, but it was no better than the tension filling the interior of the Hard Deck as she sat, nursing her beer. Small beads of sweat formed on the nape of her neck, and her normally slicked back hair found freedom in the warmth. The humidity was dreadful in those aspects, but that was manageable. 
Expected, even.
But what wasn’t expected, was Penny’s niece, Y/n.
Y/n was new in town, only staying for the summer to help her beloved aunt out. And during the short time she’d been working at the hard deck, she’d managed to catch everyone’s attention. Phoenix was not exempt from this group. Whatsoever.
Y/n had bright eyes and a soft smile, similar to her aunt in that way. And also in that she had a certain ability to make those around her feel special.
For Nat, it was the light lingering touches when she would hand her a new bottle, attempting to take the old one out of the way. 
Their hands would brush, and the normally assertive Phoenix would find herself blushing and stumbling over her words like a schoolgirl all over again. 
“Sorry!” She’d exclaim, with the sundress donned girl standing opposite of her doing just the same. They’d laugh, and then go their separate ways for the rest of the night until Natasha inevitably needed another beer.
(Or 2, even if the second was only really ordered as she was building up courage to talk to Y/n. Which, spoiler alert, she didn’t.)
This would happen anytime the young aviator came to the old rickety bar, and even though she knew that it was how Y/n was with everybody, she still couldn’t help herself from becoming absolutely infatuated.
Oh, and the other reason Natasha was counting on her lucky stars to make it through this summer? Those damn sundresses.
I mean hey, they’re practical! 
Nat knows better than anyone how the oh, so thin fabric was perfect for the scorching heat. She knew that the flowy shape that managed to drape around Y/n in the most exquisite way, must have been perfect for keeping her cool as she moved about in the crowded establishment. And she knew she felt like a total perv everytime she would watch as Y/n bent over to grab the box of those beers kept under the bar just for Mav.
I mean, shit, she couldn’t help but think about how easy it would be to just sneak her hand under the fabric, make her come apart in front of everyone without them even knowing it. Using just her fingers, taking her right then and there.
But today, things were different. 
It was barely 4:30 (or 16:30, if you had asked anyone in the Hard Deck aside from Y/n, which at the moment, was just Phoenix).
Y/n’s hair was messily tied up, baby hairs wildly astray, similarly to the woman in front of her. She smoothed a manicured hand over the top, taking a second to rest against the bar, white cleaning rag still clutched in her other hand. She allowed herself a moment of peace to watch Natasha, who had come in the hard deck early after being grounded all day.
“So,” Y/n began, her tone slightly unsure, startling the other girl. “What’re you doin’ in here so early, Phoenix?” She looked back up from her feet, warm brown eyes meeting her own.
She shook her head, scoffing, then lifting her hands up to her ponytail. She pulled the elastic from her thick strands, fed up with all of the loose hairs. She let out a sigh of relief, beginning to lightly massage her scalp.
“My plane broke down this morning, and I didn’t have much else to do. It was supposed to be an easy day anyway, so Cyclone gave me the day off.” She lifted an eyebrow in contemplation, taking another swig from the wet bottle in her hand. 
“I sat on the beach for a while, but with this damn heat?” She scoffed again, shrugging in a fluid motion.
“Couldn’t last more than 15 minutes.” She didn’t break her gaze with the sundress clad Y/n, letting her eyes wander shamelessly.
Y/n inhaled deeply, letting her bottom lip go from where she had it stuck between her teeth.
“There’s always the water if you get too hot?” She suggested the mental image of Natasha, soaking wet and in a bikini, almost too much to handle for the poor girl’s heart.
“With heat like this?” Nat shook her head. 
“The water would feel like a jacuzzi.” They both laughed, enjoying the small banter they had created. But this time, they didn’t go their separate ways. 
They stood parallel to each other, both of them struggling to find the right words to say, but wanting so badly to say them, whatever they may be. Soft 80s rock that Natasha could vaguely recognize as Bette Davis Eyes played on the old jukebox, filling the silence that had fallen between them.
“Y/n! There you are!” Penny’s voice echoed through the empty building, causing the two to break apart, Y/n placing a hand to her hips while Phoenix became heavily interested in the ingredients on the beer label, muttering something about  ”wow, that’s a lot of carbs”. 
Penny gave a skeptical look between the two, tilting her head like some confused mutt. Y/n quickly raised a hand and shook her head left to right quickly, her lips in a thin line. Her aunt widened her eyes, her hands barely raising by her wrists and coming up by her thighs in mock surrender.
“Anyway, Hangman just came back from his assignment, so expect a busy night toni-“ She was interrupted by the opening of the swinging doors, Hangman standing in the middle as cadets and experienced pilots alike flowed in around him, patting him on the shoulders as they went.
“First round’s on Bagman, Boys!” Coyote hollered, to which seas of beige began to flock towards the bar. She gave the brunette across her an apologetic look, before starting to tend to those around her.
About an hour and several rounds later, the doors swung open again, this time revealing the one and only Pete Mitchell.
A variety of shouts and hollers saying “Mav!” could be heard, and a wide smile graced Y/n’s features, causing Phoenix to smile as well. After greeting Jake, he made his way to the old bar, slapping his hand down, warmly greeting the younger girl as well.
“Pete!” She exclaimed, excited to see the older man once more. “The usual?” He nodded, already beginning his survey of the room for Penny. She caught his eyes and smiled, causing both Penny and Y/n to roll their eyes.
Natasha’s breath caught in her throat as she watched the exchange, knowing what came next as Y/n bent over. 
The pretty little white dress she wore rode up, per usual, causing Phoenix to just press her thighs together, down her drink, and look away for the millionth time. 
But what she wasn’t expecting was for her to stay down as she searched the shelves, unable to find what she was looking for. She sighed, standing up and talking to Mav, no doubt telling him it’ll “just be a second” as she has to grab his beer from the back. He nodded and smiled, allowing her to sneak off, right past Nat.
And maybe it was the extra drinks in her, or maybe it was just that Phoenix was to her very limit, but that dress was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
And so taking a quick drink before she could convince herself it was a bad idea, she hopped off of the leather stool, and followed Y/n to the back with her head down, and her confidence high.
“Fuck, where is it?” Before she’d known it, Y/n was back on her knees, the bare skin becoming dirty at the contact with the grimy floor. She cringed to herself, wiping down her hands on her thighs.
“Whatcha looking for?”
“Oh my God! Phoenix, you can’t scare me like that!” She laughed, taking the cautious hand that had been offered by the girl above her, Nat doing her best not to melt given the view she had. Y/n took her hand, even just the small contact sending her brain into overdrive.
Nat’s hand slowly made its way from Y/n’s palm to her waist, testing the waters as she ran small circles. Her other hand gravitated towards the door, sliding it shut and locking it with ease.
“Is this okay with you?” Nat questioned, Y/n finding the strength to give her one of her smiles she adored so much.
“This is more than okay, Nat.” She nearly whispered, before her hands found either side of Phoenix’s face, leaning in and connecting their lips for the first time. 
Phoenix still found that Y/n had things about her that were unexpected, this time as she pushed Natasha up against the shelf, the kiss still continuing despite the clattering of empty beer kegs around them. Y/n allowed her tongue to sweep across the other girl’s bottom lip, Natasha letting out a whimper at the idea of what finally was coming to fruition after so long.
Phoenix let her hands wander, her hands pushing up the flimsy material of the sundress and letting it fall back over her hands. She let one finger swipe over her clothed heat, the sudden contact triggering a moan to fall from Y/n’s plumped lips.
Though she knew that with the current state of the music and the rowdy crowd nobody could really have a chance of hearing them, Phoenix still retracted her hand bringing it up to her lips and making a shushing motion.
“Baby, I’ve barely even touched you and you’re causing a riot.” She chuckled, tucking a stray hair behind Y/n’s ear. 
“How long’s it been since someone touched you like this?” She replaced her hand, this time moving the delicate and lacy white panties to the side, running agonizingly slow, yet delicious circles around her clit.
The other girl began to shake her head side to side, trying to form the words.
“Nobody’s ever- Fuck, Nat!” She took the same finger, briefly swiping it down to collect her slick, and bringing it back up to her clit.
“Nobody other than me has ever-Fuck-It’s only been me!” she exclaimed, throwing her head back. Phoenix’s gaze softened, her eyebrows furrowing.
“Oh, honey. I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
The words themselves were enough to cause another cry to sound from her chest, but as Nat took her by the back of her neck and kissed her again, she wasn’t quite sure of the cause. 
Phoenix continued to allow her nimble fingers to stimulate the area, picking up the pace and then slowing down when Y/n would get too loud. 
(Truthfully, if she could have her way, she’d be as loud as she wanted. But hey, she’d take what she could get.)
Her touch altered from gentle to rough, quick to slow, and it all was to watch the girl in front of her unravel in a way Natasha could only describe as sinful.
It was ironic, though, as in that moment, Phoenix could have sworn nobody had ever looked more angelic than Y/n had.
With her head thrown back, white dress hiked up, writhing and grinding up against Nat’s fingers? Phoenix didn’t know how she was still breathing, and truthfully, Y/n had thought she’d died and went to Heaven.
The dainty chains of the necklaces she wore shimmered under the fluorescent light, as did the thin layer of sweat that shone on her chest as it rose and fell.
The straps of her dress had long ago slipped off her shoulders, exposing her breasts to the woman in front of her, only driving her further on her self assigned mission to take Y/n apart piece by piece.
“You have no idea what you do to me when you wear those damned sundresses.”
Not allowing her anytime to adjust, Nat entered two slender fingers, causing a loud moan to be elicited from Y/n’s lips.
“Everytime you wear one, bending over like that to get Mav’s stupid fuckin’ drink. Putting your pretty fuckin’ ass on display for me. Makes me wanna fuck you right there, let ‘em all watch.”
Y/n let out another wanton moan from her filthy words, and Phoenix’s opposite hand quickly found its way to cover Y/n’s mouth, not ceasing her movements. Her palm lightly grazed her clit as her fingers worked in and out, Y/n eliciting another whine, muffled by Natasha’s hand.
Natasha looked up to momentarily watch as the girl in front of her thrashed, her hand that wasn’t supporting her body weight moving to massage the tissue of her breast. Nat let out her own groan upon this realization, burning the mental image into her head. She moved forward, kissing the skin in the surrounding area that Y/n neglected, taking her into her mouth.
“Nat! Oh my God- I”m gonna, Fuck! I can’t, Phoenix!”
Nat released her from her pink lips, her other hand smoothing down her hair while feeling her clench around her fingers.
“Yes, you can, Princess. Hold out for me a little longer, baby.” Nat replied, speeding up her pace. Y/n became louder and louder, her hands grasping at the loose strands of Phoenix’s hair. 
Suddenly, and oh, so cruelly, Natasha removed her fingers, denying Y/n of her sweet release. Y/n mewled, trying to catch her breath.
“If you want this, you need to be quiet for me, can you do that?” Natasha questioned, following Y/n’s gaze, softly dragging her fingertips back and forth her exposed hip.
“Yes, Lieutenant, I promise.”
Natasha groaned, her head dipping down and her fingers digging into Y/n’s flesh.
“Fuck, baby. Say that again.”
A wicked smile found its way to Y/n’s tired features, her lip turning up at the corner. Her finger found the soft skin of Nat’s jaw, tipping her head up to look at her.
“Make me yours, Lieutenant. Take me.”
With that, Nat’s lips found Y/n’s, bringing her into a searing kiss. Their teeth clashed, and Y/n’s hand managed to pull down the top of Natasha’s red tank top, where she, thankfully, wasn’t wearing a bra, having changed straight out of her bikini into the top. 
Y/n let out a sound that was almost pornographic, her head briefly taking solace in the corner of Nat’s neck, her lip latching onto the area, a bruise already forming. 
Her hand toyed with Phoenix’s breast, her other hand tracing down her toned abdomen to below the fabric of her low waisted cutoffs. Nat sharply inhaled, her hands wrapping around Y/n’s shoulders.
“Not now- Shit, Y/n/n- not now baby. Wanna make you feel good.” Her words were breathy as Y/n did her best to mimic Natasha’s previous movements. The sporadic nature of her motions caused Nat to twitch under her.
“Let me take care of you, Lieutenant.” She mumbled, slipping one finger inside her with ease. Phoenix’s eyebrows furrowed, a sigh escaping her lips as she hung her head and bit her lip. Y/n pulled back to watch as Nat used her to hold herself up, basing her movements on her reactions.
She began to feel the familiar tightening around her fingers that she had been inflicting upon her by Nat only minutes ago, and continued her pace. She then retracted her fingers, focusing on maintaining a harsh speed around her clit. A high pitched series of moans came from Phoenix, Y/n leaning forward and shutting her up with her formerly glossed lips, still faintly tasting of watermelon and mango.
“You’re doing so good for me, Princess, fuck. ‘M almost there.” Nat remarked when Y/n pulled away, selfishly wanting to hear as Phoenix reached her release.
“Fucking shit, baby!” She cried, her moans becoming shorter, and her head coming down to the crook of Y/n’s neck. Her hot breath fanned on a sensitive spot, the whimpers elicited from Y/n being what pushed her over the edge.
She came with a small shout, still breathing heavily as Y/n slowly circled the swollen area, helping as she came down from her high.
“Y’know you’re quite a hypocrite about not being loud, Lieutenant.”  She retracted her hand, bringing it up to her mouth and slowly licking them clean, the last one coming from her mouth with a loud “pop!” 
Nat groaned at the sight before her, her hands moving back to Y/n’s waist.
“Shit, Y/n/n, how’d you get so damn good at that?”  
“I learned from the best.” She smiled, leaning in for another kiss.
“By the way,” Y/n started, pulling away. Nat gave a quizzical look, beckoning her on, moving to kiss down her neck. She hummed in a questioning manner, the vibration making Y/n whimper, in a way that could only be described as pathetic.
“I thought sailors were supposed to be the ones who swore like there’s no tomorrow.” She chuckled, her joke getting caught in her throat as Nat looked up, shrugging.
“I guess it’s the whole Navy.” She casually remarked, before resuming her good work. Her hands found the hem of the dress, quickly discarding it, leaving her bare in just those fuckin’ white panties. The small bow Phoenix had failed to notice upon initial discovery of the garment made her feel some kind of way, as if she was a present waiting to be unwrapped.
“You look so pretty like this, Y/n/n.” Natashes remarked, her voice almost a whisper.
And she did, pupils blown out, lips hung ajar, a downright mess for the woman standing opposite to her (and only for her). A soft smile graced her features as she felt a certain warmth creep its way up her neck and to her cheeks at the compliment. Nat grinned at the sheepish behavior, diving back in, leaving open mouth kisses on her chest.
Y/n felt it as the brunette took her time, leaving the most perfect bruises, just like the ones she had left on the other’s neck. She was certain they would be at least somewhat noticeable by the time she had returned to her shift, but she couldn’t find it in her to care in the slightest.
Her head involuntarily was thrown back once more (though she wished she could have watched what was happening), as Natasha continued her endeavor down the center of her body, leaving a trail of kisses and bitemarks alike. 
When she finally reached her clothed cunt, she left teasing kisses on the inside of her thighs, her hands supporting the back of them, her short, dull nails leaving crescent marks on the supple flesh.
She looked up and bit her lip for the thousandth time (she was sure by the end of this she’d be in dire need of some Carmex), smiling at the goddess of a woman above her. 
Y/n thought the same, watching as the Athena-esque woman that was Natasha Trace held her with strong arms and soft hands, having them move to trace up the front of her underwear, pressing firmly and suddenly right where Y/n needed Nat most.
“Oh, Fuck.” She brokenly responded, her breath once again being held from her as Nat slid the white fabric down her thighs, the wetness that had been accumulating for so long beginning to drip down her thigh. 
Phoenix, seeing the opportunity, immediately leaned forward, drawing her tongue along it and cleaning it up, accented with a small nip of her skin. She continued on her path, pressing french kisses to her mound, avoiding where Y/n wanted her most, in stark contrast to earlier.
Y/n, overwhelmed, bit down on the palm of her hand in fear of Natasha stopping if she had heard her make any noise. She took quick notice of this, pulling away momentarily.
“It’s okay, baby, I wanna hear you.”
Y/n widely smiled, groaning as she continued to chase Phoenix's mouth with her heat, blinded by want. Natasha followed her, finding a smooth rhythm. The supply room was filled with the most wonderfully obscene noises, accompanied by the chanting of Nat’s name like some kind of prayer. Phoenix pulled back, her chin glistening with slick and her eyes bright.
“You have the prettiest fuckin’ cunt I’ve ever seen, Princess.”
Y/n felt another wave of heat to her core at her words, which was swiftly and skillfully combated by Nat’s tongue and her nose bumping at her clit. She continued on, moaning into her core at the sweet taste on her tongue, that she was sure was her new favorite.
Grasping at her breasts, she began to feel the familiar building in her stomach, her breath became shorter, and the room started to get hotter.
“I know baby, I know.”
“Nat, fuck!”
“Come on, baby, I’ve got you. Come for me, princess.”
Hearing her words, that was all she needed to be pushed over the edge with a series of moans, leading up to an exclamation of Nat’s name.
Feeling as her body became rigid, Natasha slowly pressed open mouthed kisses to her clit, taking her through her high as she came down, her body erratically moving in Phoenix’s arms. She then worked her way up, feeling her body become fluid once more in Phoenix’s arms.
They made quick work of recovering, though Y/n could quite make the shaking from the adrenaline to subside. She pulled on her dress first, and before she could find her underwear, she looked over to where Nat had already fixed herself up, and had them hanging from her finger.
“Lookin for these?” She asked, a smug smirk adorning her features.
Y/n jokingly scowled, rolling her eyes.
“Give ‘em, Phoenix. I’m serious.”
Nat threw her hands up in mock surrender, shaking her head and looking to the side.
“I mean, they’re ruined anyway. It’d be best not to have them on.” She persisted. Y/n moved her hands to her hips, realizing that she wasn’t going to budge.
“Whatever, Nat.” She laughed, moving past her, and leaning down to grab the box she had originally came back there for.
Much to Phoenix’s surprise, though, she bent at the knees, revealing absolutely nothing.
Her jaw dropped at this, realizing that all these times-
“It was a ploy?!” She almost yelled, a huge smile on her face.
Y/n turned around, this time taking her turn to shrug.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
Nat was left by herself in the small space as Y/n smiled, unlocking the door and walking out to the bar, where Mav was nursing another beer.
“Mav! Sorry I took so long. I see you ended up with just a normal Bud Light, eh?”
Just then, Natasha walked back out, taking her seat at the bar that somehow hadn’t been filled in her absence. Pete looked to her and then to Y/n, shrugging as he took another swig.
“Well, I saw Phoenix follow you back and shut the door, so I figured it would be awhile.”
A mortified look briefly crossed both of their faces, to which he only laughed, laying a hand on top of Y/n’s.
“It’s all good, really. Me and Penny have had our-“
“Okay, okay! Got it, Mav. Thanks.” Y/n choked out, a laugh following suite as she propped up one of his drinks next to him before walking over to where Natasha was sitting, chatting with Hangman. Phoenix gestured for her to come over to the other side of the bar, so she ducked down, coming to stand next to her with her hand on her shoulder.
“So, Y/n,” Jake started, standing from his perch. “Maybe next time you’ll pull me into the closet with ya, hmm?” He clapped Nat on the shoulder in what seemed like some sort of bro solidarity, walking off with a smile.
Phoenix gave him a scowl, pulling Y/n down onto her lap by her waist, her hand quickly finding its way up her skirt once again. Y/n’s breath caught, awaiting her next words with a giddy smile doing its absolute best not to escape.
“Not a fucking chance.”
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i hope you liked that! if you did, pls make sure to reblog and comment! have a great day/night! make sure to drink some water and eat some protein mwah bye y'all
xx hj
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okay last one i swear lol I've gotta go with my baby girl for the smut
"So wet for me already.", "You're gonna be so sore tomorrow.", and "You look so beautiful with my hand wrapped around your neck."
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Summary: Feeling neglected by your girlfriend you decide to take matters into your own hands. Will you be able to handle the consequences of your actions?
Pairing: dom!Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x afab!bratty sub!Reader
Warnings:Filth, swearing, smut, punishments, alcohol, MINORS DNI 18+! Rough sex in general.
Word count: 2511
Masterlist M's Hundred Celly Masterlist
You had been feeling neglected by your girlfriend for weeks now. She had been working longer hours and then hanging out with the squad or going to bed early when she was off. She hadn’t seemed to notice the lack of sex in your relationship, but you had. So you decided to do something about it. 
You probably should’ve handled the situation more maturely. But you had decided to play a petty game of cat and mouse. A grown up conversation wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted her to be as desperate for you as you were for her. The weeks of touching yourself had left you unsatisfied and sour toward the brunette. 
The opportunity for your little game came up sooner rather than later. It was Bradley’s birthday and he wanted to get out on the town for the night. Going to different bars and clubs until you all had Bob or an Uber take you home. Setting everything in motion was easier than you expected. 
You had chosen an especially short dress for the night. The material barely went down to mid thigh. It would definitely defy the fingertip rule if you were in a school. The neckline was plunging and the back was open. It was all around very scandalous, borderline inappropriate even for a club. It was also in Natasha’s favorite color so you knew it would catch her eye. You needed to adjust the spaghetti straps to keep the dress in its place so you enlisted the help of your favorite Naval aviator. 
“Hey Nat can you come here for a minute?” You called for her from your place in the bathroom. She came striding in not long after. She looked you up and down as she sucked in a breath. 
“What do you need help with? Taking off the dress perhaps?” She asked you as she reached for the straps to pull them down. You simply hummed as you shrugged away her touch. 
“I need you to adjust the straps for me so they stay up right.” You told her as you slipped an earring into your ear. 
“Oh. Okay.” She told you with disappointment leaking from her voice. She adjusted the straps before she went to lean down and kiss the side of your neck. You slyly angled away to pull out your makeup bag. 
“That’s all I needed, babe. I’m gonna finish up my makeup. Why don’t you go wait in the living room till I’m ready?” You asked her sweetly as you looked at her in the mirror. 
“Fine.” She huffed out before exiting the tiny space. You hadn’t thought it was going to be that easy to pull a reaction out of her but you weren’t complaining one bit.
The game continued like that the rest of the night. She’d get close to you and you would slip away. Just out of her reach every time. She had started to grow irritated quite quickly. A scowl set on her face as you danced in the middle of the crowd with Fritz and Hangman. 
You had been giving her light touches here and there. Running your finger along her back. Brushing her hair off her shoulder. Grazing your lips across her cheek as you pulled back from speaking into her ear. You had even gone into the bathroom and removed your thong slipping it into her pocket. She had given you a warning look at your boldness. Her fingers had reached into her pocket repeatedly through the night fingering the lace placed inside. 
But the final straw for her was when you grazed your ass against her front just barely grinding into her as you came up from the dance floor to grab your drink. She quickly snatched your hips into her hands and grinded against you. A growl came out of her as you tried to pull away. You turned and gave her a look of bewilderment. As her grip tightened and her eyes darkened. 
“We’re fucking going home.” She said bluntly. You gave her a look of surprise in return, feigning innocence. She made her way over to Bob as she released you and bargained for his keys so you wouldn’t have to wait for an Uber. You’re not sure what she said to the backseater but whatever it was had him nodding his head and handing over his keys. 
The ride home was silent except for the music playing through the speakers. You had started to grow nervous as the longer time went on without her speaking. Your fingers came down to play with the hem of your dress as you debated speaking up. Finally having enough of the silence you turned towards her. 
“Don’t say a word.” She told you flatly as her knuckles turned white from her grip on the steering wheel. You knew you were in deep trouble then. You had broken a rule right there. Speaking without being spoken to. As you pulled up to your house you tried to open your door but Natasha stopped you. 
“I want you on the bed undressed by the time I get in there. You have five minutes, I suggest you move quickly.” She then unlocked the car door giving you your queue to run. You unlocked the front door and made it upstairs in record time. Sliding your heels off as you went and pulling the dress off your body as you entered the threshold of your room. 
You laid down and waited. It didn’t take long for your girlfriend to enter the bedroom. She looked at you on the bed and shook her head at you mockingly. She came up to the head of the bed and pulled something from behind her back. Your eyes dropped to her hands and then widened as you saw what she had. 
The belt she had been wearing and a blind fold were laid out in her palms. You looked at them hesitantly and then back up at her. She cocked her head to the side, a silent question on if you were ready to continue. You nodded your head reassuringly and then she was moving. 
She tied your hands above your head to the headboard before slipping the blind fold over your eyes. You shuddered as her fingers lazily drew a line from between your breasts to your already slicked up cunt. But she stopped for a moment. Pulling her hand away and just stood there admiring you. 
You squirmed under her gaze even if you couldn’t see it. The feeling of being on display making you hyper aware of all the small noises around you. You could hear her shuffling around the room. Clothes seemed to hit the floor and then a familiar noise filled the air. Your body buzzed at the anticipation of what came along with the sound of the silk and leather. 
“I want you to be a good girl for me. I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight but I don’t appreciate the brattiness you displayed around my friends.” Her voice came out steady and calm as she drew a circle around your navel. 
“Do you remember your rules?” She asked you. You nodded your head in reply, breaking a rule in the process. When she asked you a question you were expected to reply with your words. 
“Seems like you don't, you've already broken two of them tonight.” She said before pinching one of your nipples between her fingers harshly. You let out a tiny scream at the sensation. Rutting your hips in the air as your slick started to coat your thighs. 
“I’ll ask again, do you remember your rules?” She said squeezing your nipple again. 
“Yes, ma’am.” You replied this time your voice wavering around the words. 
“Good girl. Since you broke two of them you get two punishments tonight though.” Her other hand came up to lightly smack your cheek causing your head to rock to the side facing her body. 
“What do you say?” She asked as her hand squeezed your cheeks. 
“Please.” The desperate whine came out before you opened your mouth expectantly. She quickly shoved the silicone dildo into your mouth and you groaned around it. One of your favorite things she used on you was the dark purple strap on. You swirled your tongue around it eagerly as she slid a hand between your thighs. 
“So wet for me already.” She tsked as her finger ran through your folds gathering the slick pooled between them on her digits. She pulled them away as your hips jerked towards her hand. You craved the release you knew her fingers could bring you. You heard her let out a muffled moan and then a loud pop rang through the room. You assumed she had sucked her fingers clean. 
The thought quickly left your mind as she thrust her hips forward and hit the back of your throat making you moan. Tears welled into your eyes as she pulled out and pushed back in a couple of times. Her finger slipped back into your folds and she circled your clit. The motion was slow and precise. It had your climax building almost immediately. Having been so long since she had touched you your body reacted desperately. 
Just as you reached the point of climax she pulled her hand back. You whined pathetically around the purple object in your mouth. She stilled her movements as she heard the noise. You tried to move your head but she pulled out. 
“That was only one punishment and you’re already this whiny. What am I gonna do with you?” She spat out at you before laying a slap on your breast. You whined again as the welt started to form. 
“Please.” Came out of your mouth as you pouted your lips. Hoping she would show you some mercy if you asked nicely. 
“No.” Was her only reply. You felt her at your feet, hands wrapped around your ankles. Your body came to a complete stop. You waited with baited breath to see what she was going to do. She rubbed a few soothing circles into your ankles before prying your legs apart. 
“Safe word?” She asked you.
“Hangman.” you rasped out. It was the one word you had both agreed would cause an immediate halt if needed. The name would be an instant mood killer for both of you.
"You're gonna be so sore tomorrow." She spoke as she crawled onto the bed. She didn’t give you a warning as she slipped the cock shaped object into your entrance. You tried to move away as the feeling burned. 
“Be fucking good and stop fucking moving.” She held you down by your hips hissing at you. Your mouth fell open when she rolled her hips. The cold leather material of the strap rubbed against your clit roughly. 
Your eyes rolled back as she quickened her pace. You heard her moan and you desperately wanted to see what she was doing to herself. There were occasions where she would play with her nipples, using her fingers or clamps. Then there were occasions that she’d be slipping her fingers or a toy into her ass as she fucked you. You guessed it was the latter as one of her hands pushed on your hip and the other came up to wrap around your throat. 
“You look so beautiful with my hand wrapped around your neck.” she whispered into your ear before nipping at the lobe, her hand lightly squeezing its place on your neck. 
“Oh fuck.” You moaned out clenching around the toy inside your cunt. She continued to move her hips. Quickening the pace as her orgasm neared its edge. But then she was stilling, right as the both of you were going to tumble into pleasure. You struggled to pull your hands out of the belt when she slipped out of you. The empty feeling making you cry, tears sliding down your cheeks silently. 
“It’s okay, good girl. That was the end of the punishment. I’m gonna make you feel good now.” Her hands flipped your body over awkwardly. She pulled your hips up into the air causing your head to push into the mattress since you didn’t have your hands to hold you up. 
She ran the tip of the dildo through your dripping folds. Slapping the head against your clit a couple times. You hissed at the feeling of the over sensitive nub being further abused. She slowly slipped into you this time. Taking her time to fully sheath inside you. As she bottomed out she laid a loud smack onto your ass jerking you forward. 
“Please, Nat, please. I need you to make me feel good.” You begged her. 
“I got you.” She shushed you as her hips started moving. She slowly moved in and out hitting that sweet spot inside you everytime. You whined as your legs started shaking. She pushed you down so you were laying flat on your stomach. Then she was bending over you kissing your shoulders and whispering into your ear. 
“Such a good girl, taking me so well.” She praised you. You didn’t have enough brain cells left to say anything so you just let out a muffled grunt. Your stomach started to tighten as the feeling of your orgasm came back quickly. 
“You can cum now.” And you did, squeezing around the purple dildo. A sob broke out of your chest as you finally got the release you had been searching for for weeks. She came shortly after you, moaning your name in your ear as she did. 
“I’ll be right back babe.” She slipped out of you and left the room. She came back after only a couple of minutes and removed the blind fold and belt. She gently rubbed some aquaphor onto your wrists soothing the marks left there by the leather of the belt. Then she worked on rubbing a warm rag between your legs cleaning up the mess you had made. 
“Don’t go to sleep yet, gotta get you to the bathroom.” You hadn’t even realized your eyes had slipped shut until the words hit your ears. You hummed as you nuzzled into your pillow. She carefully gathered you into her arms before she was walking you to the bathroom. 
She set you down on the toilet letting you go to the bathroom while she grabbed a glass of water for you. You were done when she slipped back into the small room, standing by the sink on shaky legs. She handed you the water and you greedily chugged it down. Handing you your toothbrush she worked on brushing her own. 
She helped you back to your room before slipping you under the covers. She slid in behind you wrapping her body around yours. Right as your eyes slipped shut she kissed the back of your head and whispered her love for you. You replied by pushing back against her and then you were slipping into a bliss filled sleep.
A/N: Happy Woman Crush Wednesday! Holy fuck was this hot. Thank you so fucking much for this request @sylviebell. Also happy woman crush wednesday!
Tags(open): @wkndwlff @eternallyvenus @loving-and-dreaming @princess76179
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nobody7102 · 1 year
Kinkmas 2022, Day 6: Thigh Riding
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Pairing: Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace x Reader
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, thigh riding, edging, rank kink, Lieutenant kink, ruined orgasm
A/N: this has nothing to do with this story but this GIF! Monica ma’am, what you’re doing with your hand should be illegal
Main Master-List
Kinkmas List
“Look at you” Natasha cooed “So needy” she hummed feeling her jeans grow damp as Y/N rutted against her thigh. Brining her hand up to brush hair out of Y/N’s face she tilted her head, taking in the sheen of sweat that coated her body before letting her hands trail upwards to gentle brush against her breasts. Smiling as Y/N whined she took her nipples between her fingers, lightly pinching them as Y/N’s eyes closed and head fell back as the lewd sounds fell from her mouth. “Now my Sweet Girl… Is this all you’re getting tonight?” Natasha raised her brow, voice dripping with lust.
Nodding her head as she braced herself on Natasha’s shoulders “Yes” she panted.
“Why is this all you’re getting?” Her hands fell back down to her hips, holding her even more firmly against her thigh, a high pitched moan emitted from Y/N “No no no, Answer my question angel” feeling the start of a shake in Y/N’s body as she curled forward, letting her head rest against Natasha’s shoulder “Why is this all you’re getting tonight?”
“Because I- I…” shaking her head, Y/N tried to form her words, but all that fell from her mouth was whines. “Lieutenant!” tucking her head into Natasha’s neck, feeling a warning tap against Y/N’s hip, she huffed knowing that Natasha was growing impatient “I was-... I was a bad girl” 
Leaning her head down, Natasha trailed her lips along Y/N’s neck “That’s right… You weren't being my Sweet Girl were you?” she felt Y/N nod against her “Do you know what happens to bad girls?” she let one of her hands trail down to slowly, almost painstakingly circle Y/N’s clit. 
Feeling her body break out into a full tremble “Fuuu- Lieutenant Trace!” her knuckles turned white as she gripped onto Natasha’s shoulders. “Lieutenant I- fuuck, I’m so so- Ahh I’m gonn- NO!” she sobbed feeling Natasha rip her hand away from her clit and yank her off of her thigh.
Catching Y/N’s chin between her fingers “Bad Girls don’t get to cum”
Something to peak your interests: @thesluttyarchivist @rhettabbotts @hangmanapologist @beachbabey @sebsxphia @sweetlittlegingy @mothdruid
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