#One specific word? Yeah. People do that. The oddest word in a sentence? Hell no.
discrunkled-twog · 1 year
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laynefaire · 5 years
I was tagged by @reminiscingintherain (why is this not tagging you!) to answer 11 questions about my writing, come up with 11 different questions, and tag 11 friends to answer them…
I’m tagging @lululawrence @justalittlelouislove @taggiecb @dinosaursmate @kingsofeverything @becomeawendybird @a-brighter-yellow @sadaveniren @phd-mama @hi-larrie-ous @allwaswell16
(sorry if you’ve been tagged and I’ll understand if you ignore this)
My replies and new questions are below the cut - 
Has your writing changed now from the way it was when you started? If so, how? It definitely has. I started writing in the Twi fandom, where 1st person was the most common voice. It wasn’t as hard of a challenge to change styles as I thought it would be, but now I am struggling to convert some fics from that fandom and finish them in 3rd. 
Does anyone IRL know about your writing? If so, have they read it? Most everyone in my personal life - excluding the people I work with - know that I write, and that I write fanfiction, as well as original fiction. My oldest daughter’s one friend was a sounding board for the first longish slash fic I wrote. The oldest has read a few things, but won’t read the smut. The younger kids have read things I’ve written that didn’t include smut, and my mom is still fascinated by the concept of creating an entire story in 100 words. She’s read all my drabbles. 
Is there anything you’ve written that you wish you hadn’t? Everything that’s in 1st person in the Twilight fandom, lol - but the actual stories, nope no regrets. My stories, while not necessarily about my life, are reminders of time periods in my life - good and bad. I can look back and see how I’ve grown, even as I cringe. 
Do you have a set location or setting that you have to write in? A favourite cafe? The only seat that’s comfortable?  I found a little coffee shop at home that I love to go sit at and write. No one knows me there, and I can settle in with my headphones for hours. I prefer to write in the main seating area because there’s an amazing view of the skatepark from the windows. But just being able to be there is always awesome.
What are you working on? If you can (i.e., it’s not on anon!), share five lines! Let’s see --- I’m working on a super secret fic that I can’t talk about. There is also my Four Fest fic, Untamed Hearts, The Heritage fic - which is for Tabby and the 1000 Feelings prompts, more Take Your Time timestamps, and oh, yeah, next year’s big bang. 
Five lines from a fic? Okay - uhmm, from Tabby’s 100 Feelings fic - 
Nick looked from Louis’ retreating back to his friend now struggling to pull himself off the floor. “So, what was all - Ow, fuck!” Nick grabbed Harry’s hand before he could swing again. “Why are you hitting me?” 
“You absolute prick! Why are you such an arse?” Exasperated, Harry dropped into his chair and buried his head in the fold of his arms.
Have you ever written something for a fic, but ended up removing a whole scene in its entirety and using it for something else? I haven’t, actually, but I’ve heard of people doing it. My ideas are usually pretty fic specific and the characters are definitely not interchangeable.
Are you a linear writer? Or can you write scenes out of order and put them together at the end? I used to only write linear - and would get stuck so often on a plot point that wasn’t working ot. It was only a few years ago that someone encouraged me to jump to a scene that was plaguing me, then use it to backtrack to fix the sticking point. It worked so well that I’ve become much better at jumping around and creating the words needed to link them up. 
Betas/Britpickers… opinions? I am a HUGE proponent of Alphas/Betas (yes there is a difference, no this isn’t a smut reference). Nothing will make me nope out of a fic faster than glaring grammar/spelling errors that a decent beta would have caught. Brit picks were obviously a new concept for me with this fandom. HOWEVER, I DO try to utilize one whenever possible, and I will research the hell out of something I’m not sure of. 
How much do/can you write on average at any given time? Depends on the day of the week, whether I have the privacy to write, and what I’m working on. Unfortunately, a lot of my writing occurs once I finish everything else I needed to do in a day, if I’m not too tired once that time arrives. It can vary from as little as 25-30 hasty words dropped in a doc during a smoke break at work, to complete afternoons spent crafting an entire fic (Take Your Time) at the coffee shop.
How organised are you? Do you have lists and/or spreadsheets, or do you just wing it? Some of my fic ideas are very fleshed out, others are a hot mess of scrawled notes, incomplete sentences typed at 3AM on my phone, and screaming voice notes sent to @lululawrence when I’m driving so I don’t forget something. 
What made you start writing? HAHAHAHAHAHA Masters of the Universe - aka 50 Shades of Grey. I figured if people would read that shite, they might read mine, too, and I always preferred Jasper/Bella over Bella/Edward, and they’re weren’t near enough Jazzella fics in the Twilight fandom when I first joined it. 
Well, this was all very lame responses to fabulous questions, LOL
So, my questions to others - 
1. What is your favorite trope to write? To read? 
2. What other fandoms do you write in/have you written in?
3. What’s one fic idea you want to read, but would never write? 
4. When do you do most of your writing - morning, afternoon, night? Which time of day do you find most productive? 
5. Writing routine? What do you drink? Do you have a go to snack? 
6. Have you ever been writing something and had to get up and walk away from it? What was it and why did you have to step away? 
7. What is your most favorite scene you’ve ever written? 
8.  Have you ever had an ending to a story, but couldn’t figure out how to start it? I don’t mean the typical -And they lived happily ever after - but a fully fleshed out ending with your usual writing pair, but you had no idea where to start? Did you ever write it? 
9. What is the oddest thing you’ve ever drawn inspiration from?  
10. You’ve accepted a prompt to write a fic using a Whitesnake song for the title. Which song do you choose, and what is your fic’s summary?
11. Your most recent fic is being made into a movie. What would you change your main characters’ names to and who would you fancast to play them? 
Have fun! Can’t wait to read your answers!
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 9
801. How often do you change your mood in a day? not a lot 802. When you ask people how they are doing you actually care about their answer or is it just polite? well, when i ask while i’m at work i’m just doing it to be polite but when i ask someone i know, i care. 803. Would you consider yourself to be very polite? yeah, i think so 804. Do you like movies and books that involve nuclear holocaust? sure? lol i don’t think i’ve ever read/seen any 805. Have you ever had a lucid dream (a dream in which you knew you were dreaming and had complete control over what happened in the dream)? i don’t think so.  i’ve tried to lucid dream (apparently there’s a specific way that you have to fall asleep in order to be able to do it.  i don’t think it works tho)
806. Have you ever had a flying dream? i’m sure as a kid i did 807. Have you ever had a lucid flying dream? nope 808. What’s the oddest law you ever heard of? none at the top of my head but i’ve looked up stupid laws before and there is plenty lol 809. What is the ultimate way to connect with another person? just getting to know each other and sharing things about yourself with them 810. Can you be intimate with someone without touching him or her? i think so? sexting ig 811. Can men and women ever really be ‘just friends’ with no interest in anything more? absolutely.  i have plenty of male friends and i don’t have interest in them whatsoever.  813. Are you addicted to this survey like drugs? no lol 814. If your significant other wanted to wait for marriage could you hold out or would you leave them (or would you cheat)? well, if you’re talking about sex we’ve already done it lol.  but if he wanted to wait, i would wait for him.  i love him 815. What’s the longest sentence you can make using only words that start with the same letter as your first name? cierra cried continuously covering curious cats cruelly.  that’s all i got 816. If you had a theme song what would it be? i’d have my friends write it for me 817. Are you cranky? yeah 818. Which group generally annoys you more, people older than you, or people younger than you? people younger than me for sure 819. Do you refer to older people as old farts? lol sometimes 820. Do you refer to younger people as the kids? usually 821. Which is better: Poems that everyone can relate to or poems that are intensely personal to the author? both are good honestly. 822. Is it worse to be too hot or too cold? too hot. 823. Are you so flexible that you can put your feet behind your head? nope 824. Would you enjoy reading fairy tales written about robots? i enjoy reading lots of things 825. Is smoking a turn on or gross? not a turn on lol kinda gross 826. What is the one way you wouldn’t want to die? drowning 827. Which would look sillier on you: A cowboy hat or a Rasta hat? a cowboy hat 828. Would you rather have a job doing something indoors or outdoors? indoors. 829. Would you rather learn more about human nutrition or meteorology? meteorology 830. Have you ever taken honors courses? yeah 831. What do you think of crop circles? they’re weird 832. Where do they come from? aliens??? 833. When was the last time you screwed up big time? a couple weeks ago 834. You have a choice. What do you eat: A veggie burger this one A turkey dog A cheese sandwich 835. Do you get a lot of random instant messages? nope 836. Do you have a paper journal also?
yes 837. VHS or DVD? i don’t care either way 838. Vinyl, cassette tape, or CD? casette man.  i never got a mix tape and i’ve always wanted one 839. Have you ever seen the video/heard the song Days Go By, performed by Dirty Vegas? nope 840. MTV: should it play more videos or more shows? more videos for sure 841. Name a band: five finger death punch Do fans of that band tend to share any characteristics with each other? i don’t know? i guess so 842. What does the expression 'touch and go’ mean? do something fast 843. Caffeine or alcohol? caffeine 844. Betty or Veronica? betty Archie or Reggie or Jughead? jughead 845. What book are you reading right now? i’m not currently reading a book although i need to 846. Is the news too depressing? sometimes 847. Would you rather have a stuffed lion, elephant, pig or duck? pig 848. Are you late for a very important date? not that i remember 849. Ever use star 69? yeah 850. Is everyone as smart as you? sure 851. Have you ever seen the musical Annie? nope 852. Sheets: silk or satin? silk 853. Bath: soap or bubbles? bubbles 854. Your best color: blue or red? blue. 855. What’s your favorite candy? sour punch straws 856. Can you sing? somewhat 857. It’s the end of the world, as we know it. How do you feel? a lil mad 858. You take your little sister (she’s 12) shopping for school clothes. Mom gave you the money to hold. She picks out a skimpy top emblazoned “Hottie” and hip-hugging pants that leave at least two inches of skin north and south of her navel exposed to the wind. She insists: If she doesn’t have these clothes, she’ll look awful, the other kids will tease her, and she’ll feel like a nerd. Do you think she should or should not wear these clothes? hell fucking no Do you buy them for her? absolutely not 859. What do you think is the most annoying cliché? everything will be okay 860. What band is underground right now but will one day get really popular? uhh.. idk 861. Of the following which word best describes you: versatile (flexible): this i guess. wonderful: x-tra special: your own best friend: zany: 862. What does BYOB stand for? bring your own beer 863. Who is sexiest: Marilyn Monroe James Dean yesss Elvis Jim Morrison Madonna Cyndi Lauper 864. Do you always do what’s expected of you? i try to 865. Do you believe everything you hear on the news? nope 866. Would you prefer a $100.00 gift certificate to Hot Topic or Abercrombie & Fitch (assuming neither store gives change, so you’ll have to spend the whole thing)? hot topic 867. Have you ever won a competition? not that i remember 868. Who looks sloppier when they are over weight, guys or girls? either honestly.  but only when it’s severely overwight 869. At what age do you become all grown up? in your late 20s or early 30s 870. Have you ever written graffiti on anything? nope 871. Can you remember what you wrote? - 872. Are you a force of nature? sure??? 873. What do you think of blue eye shadow? How about gold eye shadow? they can look good 874. Would you ever wear any of the following Halloween costumes: Flapper? Hippie? Disco dancer? i’d wear all of them. 875. Should birth control be taught in high school? How about in jr. high or elementary school? yes to both 876. Would you consider yourself a genius? not at all 877. What did you think of the movie Solaris? never seen it 878. Which is usually better movies or books? books allll the way.  but i love movies too 879. Do you think The Hobbit will be made into a movie? it already is 880. Do you research which brands use sweatshops to make their clothing before you shop? no but i probably should 881. What gives you a magical feeling? love? lol idk 882. Have you ever pulled apart a Christmas cracker? i don’t even know what that is 883. Would you rather watch basketball or play basketball? watch 884. Do you think that everyone makes his or her own problems? most of the time 885. Do you often consider how your actions will affect other people? sometimes 886. Are J-Lo and Ben Afleck interesting to you at all? not really 887. Do you use bad grammar or hate bad grammar? i hate it but i occasionally use it lol 888. Make up a tabloid headline: morgan freeman lives forever 889. Do you like to learn new things? yes. 890. What’s more important, fame or personal accomplishment? personal accomplishment. 891. Sweet dreams are made of this….What are they made of? goals? lol happiness??? idk man 892. Two trailer park girls go round the outside…Round the outside of what? idk 893. Are you wearing a piece of jewelry that means a lot to you right now? nope i don’t wear jewelry 894. If someone was going to inscribe a message on a ring and give it to you what would you want it to say? i love you? 895. Guys who are losing their hair: Should they shave their heads? Get implants? Or let it go? whatever they want to do 896. Do rock stars work hard or lead the easy life? a little bit of both 897. How much water do you drink every day? ,maybe a glass of day sometimes more 898. Are you driven or kinda apathetic? driven mostly 899. Who do you turn to when you are down? jack 900. Would you ever wear seran-wrap? no??? lol
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