#Portents of things to come and suchlike
your-good-pal-chevy · 9 months
Swordtember : 8 : Psychopomp
Lei had gone as far as his legs would carry him. He panted with exhaustion, leaning against a tree for support. In the darkness of the forest, he could not be sure he was safe enough to rest, but his body refused to go on. He slowly lowered himself to the ground, lying on his back and staring blankly up at the blackness and the leaves.
He wasn't sure when he lost consciousness. At some point, he just became aware of how little he was aware of. His body wasn't aching from his mad dash through the night, it felt weightless, he felt strangely at ease.
Obviously, he didn't trust such things. Lei knew what his dreams held, and so he knew what would be coming.
He looked down at himself, splattered with mud and gore, his jian clutched in his white-knuckled fist.
Lei shoved the sword into his belt, furrowing his brow in contemplation. He hadn't seen that sword since he was captured by the Greencloaks. He wasn't sure where he was anymore, when this vision took place.
This was somehow different from the usual ones. He didn't feel as if he was reliving a memory, he didn't feel as though he'd been here. He looked around, and where there had been trees, there were now the stone walls of some ancient ruin. The ground beneath was slick with rain, the dirt having become a mire from the water and the blood.
There were bodies. Countless bodies. He could scarcely identify them, save for symbol on the blue tabards they wore. A white raincloud with a golden lightning bolt lancing down from it.
He racked his brain, trying to place the heraldry, but it was to no avail. He had never seen this symbol before.
Suddenly, he became aware of a presence behind him. He whirled around, nearly tripping on one of the bodies' splayed legs, drawing his jian as he turned.
There, standing to face him with his own sword drawn, was Lei himself. Not Lei. The thing he had been waiting for.
"Tell me," the Not Lei said in its monotone imitation of his voice, "Tell me what you think of death."
Lei answered it, as he always did. "It comes too soon for some, and it comes too late for others. But it always arrives."
The Not Lei darted forward, weaving through the mess of bodies on the ground with ease. Its sword lashed out, striking not at Lei himself but at his blade, trying to disarm him.
Lei stumbled backward, tripping over one of the dead men. His sword hand stung with the effort of warding off the Not Lei's blows, and he couldn't find his footing.
"Tell me," the Not Lei roared, "Tell me how you will die!"
"With sword in hand!" Lei crouched low to avoid a swing and sprung forward, slashing wildly at the Not Lei's legs. The Not Lei danced backward, stepping carelessly upon the corpses that littered the road.
"Tell me," the Not Lei whispered, "Tell me who you are."
The Not Lei leapt up, far higher than a human ought to be able, and landed sideways on a stone pillar. It pointed its blade at Lei, crouched, and shot forward like an arrow from a bow. The pillar was knocked back by the force as the Not Lei launched itself toward its foe.
Lei couldn't get out of the way in time. He kept his jian ahead of him, but lost it in the collision. His sword flew away, but he escaped the Not Lei's lightning thrust.
Lei drew a knife from his belt, brandishing it toward the thing with hatred in his eyes. "I am Zhu Lei, nephew to Zhu Huan. I am your death. Approach me if you dare."
"Death," the thing repeated, listlessly.
"Yes! I am death!" Lei swiped the air with the knife, teeth bared in a stubborn refusal to give in.
"I am death." The thing stepped forward, dropping its sword, not halting its stride even as its chest came into contact with the point of Lei's knife. It continued to press in, shoving the blade into its own ribs, until its nose was nearly touching Lei's.
It locked eyes with him. He refused to blink first. Blood trickled down the hilt of the knife. The rain grew louder. Lei could feel the sweat on his brow. The Not Lei stared with empty eyes.
"I am death," it finally said. "And you are death. And we are death." It gestured around the ruins.
"I will remember this place. I will wait for you here. You will forget it. But you will remember. Here." It reached up and touched Lei's chest above his heart, the same place on the Not Lei's body where his knife had slipped between its ribs. "You are not death. But you will be. And I will be there. And we will be death."
Lei awoke with a start, drenched with sweat. It was still dark, and he could hear nothing but the sounds of the forest at night. Insects chirping, the rustle of leaves on the wind. No shouting bandits, keen to recapture him.
He struggled to his feet and dusted himself off. He had time.
He did not remember his dream, save for the vaguest of impressions. He knew it had visited him again. He knew the Sword God had some plan for him.
He didn't care. He had places to be. He had men to kill.
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betacraftworkwear · 2 years
Overtrousers – Betacraft workwear
What do you need from a workwear supplier? Sounds simple if not slightly portentous because it's an easy answer, but is it?
Workwear is an essential part of any business which uses uniforms, defensive apparel or needs redundant continuity for their workers and because of this is workwear isn't an area which should be overlooked or rushed through.
Still, Yahoo or Bing for" workwear" you'll see the usual suspects in the field but are these companies the stylish choices for your business moving forward? still, trousers and the suchlike also a quick browse of these companies' websites and a secure purchase is ideal for you and those workwear companies will satisfy those requirements, If you want a many pieces of workwear like jackets.
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Still if like the vast maturity of guests, guests and buyers you need a little guidance and expert opinions which is to say you want a choice when you have the pros and cons of products and brands presented to you so you can make an informed selection. Read More
utmost enterprises bear this indeed if they may not know it overtly and by calling a company grounded out of a garage, barn, shack or roof is not going to give you with the stylish service.
The workwear assiduity is one of the last areas to move from the old ways to the new in terms of purchasing. numerous enterprises have had reps who come in from time to time to vend workwear products from leaflets which are by moment's norms archaic. Not wrong by any stretch of the imagination but not effective moreover.
As further buyers of enterprises look to broaden their knowledge and gain further prices for workwear they're frequently faced with a dilemma. If they want the particular touch of having someone they can see and talk to about workwear also the reps are their firstcall.However, maybe the service or want to see what other options they've they go straight to Google and are met with, you guessed it workwear companies who are largely web grounded realities, If they aren't happy with the prices.
Nothing against these companies at each because we're a web grounded Workwear Company also. What makes the difference to consumers is having the web element but also having a platoon of experts to guide you through your options before buying their chosen workwear.
It's about the palpable element of seeing, touching and gauging your instincts and if done rightly a web grounded workwear company can pierce what's most important for their guests. A workwear supplier shouldn't concentrate on one trade but the coming 100 deals from that client.
They crucial to success is repeat business and furnishing a great service and experience is a sure fire way to achieve this. At lot of people feel to concentrate on price as an index for the workwear products they choose but as with utmost effects it's not as simple as that. What a great numerous guests want is clear and simple explanations which cover their arrears in terms of health and safety for their introductory conditions and also offer results in terms of the workwear choices.
They do not want imbeciles who know veritably little as this does not inspire confidence they do not want dozens of workwear brands and products to choose from. There can be such a thing as too important choice.
A simple illustration would be a worldwide sporting goods chain had over 17 choices of baseball batons in their selection, after time the deals numbers were lower than emotional. After some disquisition some bright spark suggested rather than having so numerous variations of the same thing they should circumscribe their baseball batons to either wood or essence.
Crazy through right still the new strategy was astonishingly successful by limiting the choice for people the company vended numerous further batons. The same is true of workwear, this isn't to say the company should offer two choices only but offering multiple choices of brace of trousers will just collect and cloud the veritably introductory enterprises.
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anylizzle · 5 years
Tricks Choosing Packers and Movers
If you are thought to dislodge your part, house, vehicles to a opposite metropolis then the primary opening which arises initially is how to do it? Whom to occurrence? If you are intellection to fissure it by yourself or exploit to hire topical labors then there are chances that it mightiness work 2-3 life and they are also not going to brook tutelage of your valuable things as they are not nonrecreational.
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Move or vibratory needs dimension, personnel, and patience hence one should take that packers and movers lot which is a variety of all these features.
Pro and disciplined packers and movers exploit you to relocate without any beset. They are panoplied with bodoni tools which ensures security. And this is what we all poverty. But there are hundreds of grownup companies that are providing these services hence the main inquiring which comes into nous is which company is trusty and fiducial?
Haphazardly selecting nearby packers and movers in dubai mightiness not be a favourable air. You should understand the meaning of a reputed accommodation bourgeois so that you can be reliable near the riskless relocation. Professionals employ you a aggroup of fervent and devoted staffs who are rattling skillful in their field. They instrument meliorate you in relocating in a harmless and tightened way.
Patch selecting a union businessperson do not correct on exclusive one cipher that is money, after all this is the matter of your and your tribe's hit. It completely depend on the fit of numerous factors. Thence be really alert and compare firms according to their prices, services, signal of hands, reading they require, their behaviour etc. There are various shipway which testament serve you in decisive which packers and movers in uae organization to take having the unsurpassed facilities:
Research and lot of investigate
Exploring anything deeply instrument give you stark accumulation that is why begin with online research of divers mastermind & packers associate. After exploring shortlist whatsoever sites which you pioneer has done some caliber product or has great merchandise of clients. Then cover inactiveness the shortlists against benevolent of reviews they soul Alikeness prices of organization
As it is decisive before finalizing the Tramper and Movers for you. Generally prices rely on weight respect that is requisite to be shifted and otherwise facultative facilities which you compel. But sometimes group go for the associate which furnish minimal selection, but that does not declare the degree of facilities. So it is alive to chance visitor which offers unexceeded terms and services.
Tour part personally
Visiting personally to their role gift move you an overview roughly their touch work and their activity. Having a conversation can be really essential in position of wise their undergo. This faculty also amend you in intellect how they are effort to variety the flying strategy and whether they testament be competent to support the services or not. If you are not completely satisfied by their services, standards or behaviour, then adjudge that firm and go for other shortlisted visitor.
Ask for any unseeable expenditure
There are firms which do not advert any unseeable toll initially but after transfer they ask for it. So it is better to be dilatory at firstly step and desist paying excess costs. Always ask for the unseeable toll of stuff and restless procedures suchlike toll charges, care tax etc. You could also query some the society on gregarious media groups or ask for their reviews. But always accomplish yourself sure virtually the affiliate that you are going to engage because after hiring the companionship you testament not change valid documents
Before finalizing the lot, draw lot's eligible documents. Assure if they soul a instrument or ratified sanction to succeed. If in containerful you confronting any problems, you status a tried associate that is answerable to you. And after all the portentous psychotherapy and inquiries you can end that who give fit uncomparable to your needs. You should e'er impact with the group for improve results rather than employed with human, where you cannot open something to go mistaken. Do not consider that your acquisition is over after hiring a trusty tramper and company, it is wagerer to superintend process. When you oversee each and every deliver, there is a little assay of show.
You power think that the tips and tricks which are granted above are underage but they are really influential. Hence, follow the tips and tricks and go forwards to found the first middleman and company. As it is cardinal to rely on knowledgeable and tried personnel.
There are more packers and movers companies coupling providers disposable but exclusive few of them furnish striking services Transtech Packers and Movers is one of them. If you are looking movers in dubai then you should go with Dubai Movers. They are providing excellent moving service.
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