#Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
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Some Clean Otomate Mobile images (1/3) 
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salty-hakuouki · 1 year
Communauté francophone otoge
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(Not hakuouki related - post in french)
Salut ! Tu aimes les otome games ? Tu veux te faire des ami-e-s francophones qui les aiment aussi ? Tu veux pouvoir parler de Piofiore, Hakuoki, Amnesia et autre tout en communiquant dans la langue de Molière ?
Suite au stream (désastreux) d’Idea Factory pour la Saint Valentin, j’ai vu qu’on était plus nombreux que je pensais ! J’ai donc ouvert une communauté francophone pour qu’on se découvre un peu et qu’on partage nos passions ! Otome games, jeux video, manga, anime, club de lecture et autre…
Bref, un lien discord vaut mieux qu’un long discours ! Promis, on mord pas !
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puddle-rain · 2 years
s/o to characters with red hair and eyepatches ❤️ gotta be one of my favorite genders
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yuisdad · 1 month
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WHERE DID JED’S MELANIN GO?! I know that she’s supposed to look more like her mom and that mixed kids can look more like one parent than the other, but STILL. The only reason Jed’s possibly not darker skinned is to not make the plot reveal that Olga’s her bio dad too obvious.
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myurucrie · 3 months
imagine dying 17 years ago to your best friend, making your kids think that you abandoned them, and then living with your niece when she’s 12 and then locking her in a tower where you died with you when she’s like 18 because the whole town wants to kill her because she’s a witch
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lasisgood · 3 months
I'm replaying psychedelica of the ashen hawk on my steam deck, I played it before on the vita but I forgot it at home.
So I'm restarting. I sort of remember what happens but not really.
I don't remember any route or the order of what routes you play first. Or if you play through the main story then pick a route? I'm not sure.
I'm still on ch 1.
I remember I really liked the sister. She was cute and I wish I could choose her. That would be interesting
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carcharsaur · 8 months
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foxghost · 1 year
I FINALLY got around to playing the VN Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk. I really enjoyed Black Butterfly, since I'm totally into BE and crying if the mood strikes, and Ashen Hawk does not disappoint.
not one, not two, but THREE murder husbands
one perfectly sane on the outside very gentle murder husband
one disaster bisexual husband absolutely giddy about murder
one (canon, probably) romeo (you're a wolf, he's a hawk, blood feud etc) murder husband
(granted all the side characters are also mass murderers, so they don't really stand out that much)
your protagonist has two identities and same number of genders
the first 50% of the game is SO SLOW GOING
seriously like pulling teeth i almost dropped it
...we're approaching nitro+chiral level of blood on the screen effects here, i'm not sure if this is a con tho
what are happy endings, do these devs even understand what a happy ending is, because even the supposedly happiest canon ending left me in tears
"we've happily mass murdered the town so we can be a happily love-triad now" isn't really a happy ending lol (but at least it's poly i guess)
neither is "happily confined to this attic for the rest of my life", come on
you can't date Lawrence (the only one character in this game who doesn't commit murder, probably)
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fortune-maiden · 2 years
May my attempt at Olympia Soiree go better than the utter disaster that was Birushana :D
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xcerizex · 4 months
Lovebrush Chronicles: Godheim Review
My very long, informal, and definitely biased review. This will contain minor spoilers for the Godheim arc only so take caution. This review is also only limited to the Godheim series so there will be no overall thoughts on the game itself. I followed Otome Kitten's format and I really hope it helps out any beginners to LBC.
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I found the art very pretty and was extremely glad to see that they did not skip out on giving us CGs either! The sprites all looked good, but I personally have some issues with Lars' outfit (the orange did not look good on you sweetie 💀).
Not all CGs are drawn by the same artist however, which may be off putting for some. The total count number of proper CG's for each route (not including common route) boils down to around 4-5, so that also may be a pet peeve for some.
On another note, there are also mini CG's which appear as small boxes, whether you consider it as an actual CG is up to you. Personally, I enjoyed the roles they played towards aiding the narrative.
Unrelated note, I'm banging on the floor crying and wondering who the hell did Ayn's CGs (the one where he was cleaning his sword was my absolute favorite 😍) and why didn't they come back.
If there's one aspect of the game that I shall praise to the ends of the earth, it's the music.
Colour me shocked when I listened to the intricate and deep soundtracks for the first time, they just took my breath away! There were many gorgeous orchestral scores that depicted the fantasy setting perfectly. Not to mention the battle ost's which had more effort put into them than necessary.
My personal favorite OST's would be the "River's End", and "Starry Sky", which plays the same tune as the OP song you hear when you log onto the game. It's honestly so iconic. 😭👌
Opening theme:
I was absolutely flummoxed by the stacked japanese voice cast, which all included extremely famous seiyuus from the otome industry:
1. Ayn Alwyn
[JP VA: KENN]: Shelby Snail (Cupid Parasite), Yukimaro (9R.I.P), Limbo (Bustfellows)
2. Alkaid McGrath
[JP VA: Tachibana Shinnosuke]: Seiya (9R.I.P), Henri (Piofiore), Rafayel (Love and Deepspace)
3. Lars Rorschach
[JP VA: Junichi Suwabe]: Artem (Tears of Themis), Van Helsing (Code: Realize), Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)
4. Clarence Clayden
[JP VA: Kosuke Toriumi]: Rei Mukuni (CollarXMalice), Ichiya (Variable Barricade), Chojiro (Nightshade)
5. Cael Anselm
[JP VA: Daisuke Hirakawa]: Saint Germain (Code: Realize), Tower Overlord (Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk), Lucas Proust (Virche Evermore)
To my delight, the pacing was done very well. Nothing was dragged out and the introduction to the overall plot of the game was well established minus a certain plot point which definitely could have benefited better by being introduced in the common route itself.
I didn't really expect it to turn out as dark as it did however. The common route + modern prologue took me around a total estimation of more than 4 hours but in reality the prologue itself shouldn't take that long at all.
Once you've completed the common route, you are given the option to start either Ayn's or Alkaid's route. After you've completed both, Lars' route is unlocked. And once you've finished all three routes, Clarence's route unlocks as the grand finale.
This was my personal playthrough and I wouldn't have changed it if given the chance. I believe it had the best flow of story progression. Though that was mainly because I wouldn't have enjoyed Alkaid's route as much if I'd played Ayn's first:
Alkaid = Ayn = Lars = Clarence
- Crown Prince of Godheim
- Tsundere
- Sweet tooth ❤️
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Ayn is Lars's cousin, but you soon find out that there is not a hint of familial love between them. He shows up as a mysterious figure during the common route and portrays a conflicting character, making the heroine unsure of his standing. While he appears blunt and crude, he is a determined young man who's sworn vengeance, and with an unexpected love for sweets.
Ayn's route in my opinion had the best consistent pacing as well as romance. I did find the romance somewhat abrupt early in the story, but the strong chemistry between him and the heroine more than made up for it! 🥰 It was just so enjoyable to watch them banter with one another and watching them just click.
I enjoyed the storyline for this route a lot and I think it had something to do with the fact that Ayn's route provided a different perspective in comparison to the others. In this route, we learn more about the the political situation surrounding Godheim and the royal family.
I also loved Ayn as a character, and not unexpectedly became my oshi ❤️.I do think a lot of people will enjoy him as a love interest. His route also has a wee bit of spice 👀, so for y'all thirsty gamers be sure to savor it slowly, as it's the only bit of spice we're getting here lmao. I did find some of his actions, mostly in the bad ends, to be OOC, but I easily brushed it off seeing as how much I liked him.
- Member of the Noventrate
- Good, sweet boi
- Tea
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Devoted and caring, Alkaid is the mage assigned to guard the heroine during her stay in Godheim. He's always expressing his concern for the heroine and will do anything to help her, even if it means betraying his mission.
Alkaid is the character who the heroine interacts the most during the common route. His romance with the heroine was sweet, even if it did feel way over the top in it's initial stages when I first played it. But once I got to learn more about him, I realized that he truly just wanted the best for the heroine, romantic feelings aside. 🥺
The route was fine. But I personally wasn't the biggest fan of the direction (?) it took on halfway. Some parts of it felt irrational to me and didn't really feel like it had any real relevance to its own story.
On another note, Alkaid is such a dreamy man. 😩 I adore just how respectful of a man he is in general (women respect juice, bottoms up!), and it was so sweet how attentive he was in making sure the heroine was always out of harm's way. I guess you could say he was someone akin to a hero in fairytales.
- Emperor of Godheim
- Good at combing hair 🥰
- That chest doe 👀
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Known as the "Tyrant Emperor" from the heroine's manga, he immediately sweeps her off her feet, claiming her as his bride the moment she first arrived at Godheim. While his initial impression was flirty and playful, he lives up to his name as a cold-blooded tyrant. For some aspects at least.
His route focused more on the Silver Knight, which was the main (and wrong) reason why I enjoyed his route so much! 😆 On that note, I think that the writers had a bone to pick with Lars. They just had to force him to share the spotlight with an intriguing side character lmfao. The route itself was paced and executed well for the majority, but the quality of the writing towards the end was slightly skewered.
But to be honest, I quite enjoyed Lars a lot as a character, rather than a love interest. It was interesting to see the conditions surrounding his birth as a tyrant and his motivations for his questionable actions.
That's not to say that the romance wasn't enjoyable. I actually quite liked the relationship between him and the heroine. I found some moments they shared together really sweet. I also adored the development of Lars' feelings, and you can see just how important the heroine's existence was to him at the end of the route.
Though I guess I would have found the romance more believable if the heroine articulated her feelings for Lars more. I found it difficult to see the romance from her side. In short, the romance wasn't it's strongest point.
Clarence Clayden:
- Godheim's Archmage
- Get the tissues
- I've never been the same since...
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Clarence has somewhat poised himself as an antagonist, only giving leeway in Lars' route. Distant and cold, he is stubborn in wanting to use the heroine for his goal and is willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it.
This route was an emotional rollercoaster. It broke me down, dumped my heart 6ft underground, trampled on its grave, and then some. It left me broken for a whole week for real goodness gracious...😭
This route can probably considered the "True Route", seeing as how it tackles the problem straight on unlike in other routes. The pacing slows down a little bit for a few chapters, but once it picked itself back up, it picked up HARD.
Now let's get to the romance. Out of all routes, some may say it had the least sugary romance, and a part of me agrees. But do igaf? No! ❤️Clarence turned out to be such a longingly sweet character and despite all the harm and pain he's done, I have no qualms in forgiving him and wanting to love him with all my heart🥺, as does the heroine.
I honestly don't want to say too much as it may ruin the experience. I went into this route completely blind and boy was I glad. All I can say that this route was the most popular out of all the routes for good reason. Got me playing up to 2 am with no regrets.😆😭
- The Silver Knight
- The bias wrecker
- The sus
- He ruined me...
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He is known in Godheim as the Silver Knight as well as the leader of the Rebellion. Decisive and apathetic, the heroine is unable to affect him emotionally in any form.🤡
Cael does not have an actual route, but a personal story, labeled as Expedition from his POV which may serve as an epilogue to the Godheim series. In his story, any unanswered questions are explained here, as well as the many actions he took that did not make it on screen.
If this wasn't a review I'd spend one whole section brainrotting about him so be grateful I'm trying to keep this short. 😅 Cael is a surprisingly interesting character by nature and it was very liberating to finally get a glimpse of his true feelings and thoughts throughout the heroine's journey in Godheim.
I'm scared to say more in case it may ruin any surprises. In my opinion, I enjoyed his story a LOT! It definitely made me feel depressed and empty in its own way and it hurts my heart to see that he never got a route of his own for reasons I won't get into right now. Absolutely amazing and one of my favorite parts of the Godheim series!
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Once you've finished all routes, the game will give you the option to choose one "True Ending", wherein you choose one of the boys to have a happily ever after with and by your own accord.
"One can only paint a world in which they believe in." 🥰
Please note that you can only choose one boy at a time. Your choice will then give you a Pictura based on which boy you choose.
To change your "True Ending", buy the Diadem from the shop to change your choice. You will not receive a different Pictura however.
I think the best thing about these endings were the music.😆 Each soundtrack was unique to each character and drop dead gorgeous to listen to. 😩
- Cheeky
- Anonymous manga author
- Needs a therapist (rly tho)
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Despite China's strange attempts at creating self-insert heroines by leaving them nameless, the Little Painter was far from a blank slate! She's extremely relatable when it comes to her reactions and actions. Often times I would react a certain way to something an LI said or did, only for her to do the same thing! 🤣 I guess that could also count as a self-insert personality.
But if there's one thing I admire her greatly for, it would be her drive and determination to save Godheim. Her journey was far from easy and I doubt I could ever stay sane the way she did. Tbh, I didn't like the fact that her sufferings were never truly addressed properly, or rather, professionally ig?
I also found her quick adaptation and flexibility to her new environment extremely impressive. That goes the same to the way she wielded her powers for the first time. And how she grew stronger to go head to toe with even Clarence in his own route! You👏 Go👏Get👏 Em👏 Girl!
That said, she's not perfect. Some people found her to pushy and annoying though I personally found it okay. I was really glad how she didn't force herself to tolerate any crap and got that anger out rightfully.😆 (Asmoran deserved it...)
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Final Thoughts:
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I have enjoyed my journey immensely! The whole premise and setting drew me in, and I was surprised with the impressive narration which absolutely pummeled me to the ground (mostly on Clarence's route and no I'm not shutting up abt that).
The localization was also really superb? Yes it had a few typos + mistakes here and there, but they really pulled out all the stops when it came to making the dialogue natural and relatable. Not to mention a few large words that even I don't understand. 😂
It's not without it's imperfections of course. There are definitely some issues with the writing. And if you're looking for heavy romance or even fluff, Godheim is not the place to go to. 😅
Playing the Godheim arc took me about a week-ish, considering I had to level up and such. It may be a tedious process for some, but for me, it was an iron gate which I violently shook every day, screaming for the next chapter.
All in all, it's definitely worth playing! You don't lose much anyway considering it's free, so just give it a try. You can always drop it if you don't like it. My rating for this game is also very much biased and should not be taken seriously:
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
YouTube Channel Problems
So.... YouTube apparently terminated my channel for “violating the community guidelines,” which I really don’t get given what those guidelines are, and what content I had uploaded. 
Filed an appeal and looking at my options right now (I suppose this mostly means spamming twitter later), but I thought I’d just post something to mention what uploads can no longer be viewed on YouTube right now in case anyone is looking for said content.
My videos included:
Translated Hakuoki content
Translated Collar x Malice dramas
Assorted music arrangements and their sheet music
Translated Gokushufudo PVs
Translated Psychedelia of the Ashen Hawk dramas
Nightshade dramas and game footage
Event content from Toronto
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matsushipping · 2 months
Omg a yttd and ace attorney selfshipper! I'm insane about those games. Are you into any other visual novel games?
- @lovipop
hi!! yes that’s me :D I love Mai n Shi-Long so much!! ace attorney and yttd are some of my favs! but yeah— I’m into a lot of vn, otome and the like !! I’ll answer this in depth so let’s get into it! <3
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if we’re talking classic otome:
played ; amnesia (memories, later x crowd), collar x malice, hakuoki, code:realize, psychedelica of the black butterfly, & 7scarlet, nekopara
playing ; ozmafia!
backlog ; psychedelica of the ashen hawk, my vow to my liege, secular love, cinderella phenomenon
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if we’re talking mobile otome:
played ; mystic messenger, lovebrush chronicles, obey me! (classic & nb)
playing ; ikemen vampire, love & deepspace
backlog ; ikemen villains
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if we’re talking itch.io/steam dating sims/vns:
played ; trouble comes twice, when the night comes, blooming panic, a pinch of magic, intertwined, our life, xoxo droplets, band camp boyfriend, boyfriend dungeon, seduce me, a date with death
playing ; andromeda six
backlog ; guilty parade
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if we’re talking visual novels, no dating element (but potential mini game elements):
played ; ace attorney, edgeworth investigations, the professor layton series, your turn to die, danganronpa (thh, goodbye despair, v3), trauma center (1 & 2), zero escape, ddlc, twisted wonderland, ensemble stars, pjsk
playing ; ghost trick, trace memory
backlog ; zero time dilemma (replay)
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YEAH that’s everything !! probably !! i might be missing some stuff — but I’ve played a lot as this is one of my biggest fixations !! thank you for the ask ! :D
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puddle-rain · 2 years
Eating together 🍳( Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly vs. Ashen Hawk )
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caffedrine · 1 year
Prediction for Gilbert’s route:
To be the opposite of Chevalier - his first CG is going to be him kissing Emma like Lugus in Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk.
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myurucrie · 3 months
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he’s her uncle….
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lasisgood · 9 months
I just realized what otome game the villianess is destined to die reminds me of
It reminds me of psychedelica of the ashen hawk
Mostly the two brothers being love interests
Damn now i gotta remember where i was in psychedelica of the ashen hawk
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