#Queen Arabella Thornolia
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Salon Fréluire, Palais de Thornolie: 18 May 1850, 15:30
Monseigneur Oliver: Why did it have to be Mademoiselle Aubert?
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La Reine Arabella: You must be seen actively pursuing a match. Eleanor has rejected your invitation, and because you cannot show up unaccompanied I had no choice but to make the invitation.
Monseigneur Oliver: [Scoffs] But Aubert? You could have issued an invitation to practically anyone else, Maman.
La Reine Arabella: Perhaps-
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Monseigneur Oliver: You do realise she and I have already agreed not to pursue a match?
La Reine Arabella: That may be, but-Adelaide, is something the matter?
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Madame Adelaide: I...I'm afraid not. I feel a bit unwell. Pardonnez-moi...[Leaves]
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La Reine Arabella: Adelaide-
Monseigneur Oliver: Let her go. She's suffered an emotional week.
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La Reine Arabella: What do you mean?
Monseigneur Oliver: I'm not at liberty to say.
La Reine Arabella: [Sighs] The two of you and your secrets...I'll go check on her. Meanwhile, do try and not to look so heartbroken. While I cannot do much regarding Eleanor's rejection at present, I have invited her and the rest of their family for tea tomorrow so that we may discover the root of the problem. So please try and be patient. [Leaves]
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Le Roi Gaspard: She speaks wise words, Oliver.
Monseigneur Oliver: I've already made my decision.
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Le Roi Gaspard: [Sighs] Your heart may have made a decision, but have you-
Monseigneur Oliver: The decision is made, both by heart and reason.
Le Roi Gaspard: Then explain it me. Why her?
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Monseigneur Oliver: [Sighs] I've known Eleanor for almost my entire life, Papa. There is nothing about her I do not know, and that includes all the things she doesn't wish to put on display for anyone. She possesses the greatest strength of character, a keen mind...a true queen in every sense of the word. She is steadfast in her resolutions. She is gentle in her presentations. But...
Le Roi Gaspard: Quoi?
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Monseigneur Oliver: I need her to see it...
Le Roi Gaspard: Hmm...
Monseigneur Oliver: Papa?
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Le Roi Gaspard: See that she does.
Monseigneur Oliver: Quoi?
Le Roi Gaspard: You've given me a great deal to think about. Thornolia will need all of those qualities, and more, in her next Madame la Reine in order to secure and maintain her future. Without someone as strong as the mademoiselle you described...you will not be able to face what lies ahead. Excusez-moi. [Leaves]
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Monseigneur Oliver: What lies ahead? What do you mean? Papa?
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