#Rakell x Iren
ego-osbourne · 4 months
Sketches p.2
Some bloodier stuff
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First is a concept for a spoiler in TDI, but I’ll give a little bit — Ego is traveling a mysterious place with the help of Mora, whose assistance entails a lot of red. A bite to the head only ever hurt a little
Second is some Rakell x Iren shenanigans, but showing more of the depravity of their relationship, esp mid-marriage. Iren grew to be quite the cannibal in his autumn years, and Rakell was intrigued by the thrill. This was mostly just whatever doodles
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1800-talsnamn · 6 years
⚫ 248-319: 2017 (x)
Malin - 40575 (19) (↘12)
Birgitta - 38951
Linda  - 38338 (21) (↘19)
Barbro - 23118 (…) (↗2)
Irene - 12386 (4) (↘2)
Jeanette - 12968
Nina - 12202 (58) (↘49)
Sanna - 10024 (45) (↘41)
Vera - 9132 (436) (↗475)
Nora - 7287 (252) (↗298)
Tea - 6744 (234) (↘214)
Iris - 5895 (291) (↗310)
Karola - 4828
Irma - 4584 (67) (↘60)
Aina - 4537 (25) (↘12)
Mari - 4319 (6) (↘…)
Mary - 3790 (26) (↘19)
Mimmi - 3183 (28) (↗35)
Gunborg - 2781
Amelia - 2298 (164) (↗206)
Barbara - 2221 (2) (↘…)
Dagny - 1911 (14) (↘7)
Nancy - 1801 (12) (↘7)
Rakel - 1488 (16) (↗20)
Göta - 1058
Lucia - 845 (17) (↗25)
Magda - 683 (16) (↘12)
Estrid - 604 (48) (↗57)
Agata - 474 (2) (↗5)
Mait - 571
Louisa - 450 (16) (↘10)
Fransiska - 430 (2) (↘…)
Herta - 380 (3) (↗9)
Signhild - 336
Torborg - 303
Albina - 294 (2) (↘…)
Eda - 286 (5) (↗7)
Elvina - 222 (12) (↗13)
Florentina - 207 (2) (↘…)
Rosalia - 184 
Antoinette - 183
Altea - 174 (17) (↘7)  
Sissela - 164
Ingerd - 157
Almina - 135 (5) (↘4)
Magnhild - 126
Lavinia - 117 (6) (=6)
Milda - 116 (2) (↘…)
Antoinetta - 64
Adelaide - 61
Bina - 57
Hermina - 35
Zenobia - 24
Olu - 17
Augustina - 16
Eulalia - 16
Eljena - 13
Laurina - 11
Svenborg - 11
Bolla - 10
Edela - 5 (…) (↗2)
Lorentina - 5
Olava - 5
Oskaria - 3
Teodolinda - 3
Alfhilda - 1
Helfrida - 1
Oleana - 1
Ottiliana - 1
Gunhilda - 0
Gunilda - 0
Valfrida - 0
0 notes
ego-osbourne · 4 months
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Imagine: it’s ~10yrs before the Oblivion Crisis. You’re a kynmarcher who’s just heard the news that your clan is the biggest supporter of the (Daedric-named) Nirn Raid. You don’t agree with the notion, and formally leave your position to go enjoy the next few years on Nirn while it’s still around. You know enough Tamrielic customs to get by, but most people don’t want to approach you. You’re okay with living alone and just admiring the scenery of this plane before your Prince tears it to shreds.
And then an old Bosmer approaches you, pokes your arm, says “tag,” and runs.
That’s almost how it goes yeah
Rakell and Iren are. Very in love with each other
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ego-osbourne · 10 months
Cleaning Up
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Iren insisted a clean face would be much neater and more convenient, and eventually won Rakell over. The process was a bit shocking, though! Rakell probably hasn’t seen that part of his face in a few centuries.
This was mostly an excuse to be able to do some clean lineart again since I haven’t done that for a while. And also to get more Rakell and Iren content out on my blog!
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ego-osbourne · 10 months
Hunt’s End
(Writing excerpt below)
The week-long hunt had been tantalizing and tiring. Though Rakell had no interest in the Nirn Raid and was itching to find any excuse to get away from it since the beginning, he wondered if chasing after this slippery elf would be worth more of his time than the slaughters of Cyrodiilic cities. This hunt was something entirely different than his usual escapades. He was used to following the scent of fear and sweat as his prey ran for their lives, fast and far, always seeming to catch a sense of false security once they were a certain distance away, as if the dremora didn’t still chase them. But this elf… somehow Rakell always felt so close and completely off the trail at the same time. There was no fear or anxiety, as if the Bosmer had done it a million times before and knew all of Rakell’s tactics. It annoyed the dremora to no end, but more importantly it intrigued him twice as much; Rakell had never been so stumped in a thousand years.
And just when he thought it was over, he was spat at by the reality of the situation. He finally found a clear trail of where the Bosmer traveled, following like a dog with his head down and his nerves making him twitch the closer he got. A small clearing laid ahead with a rock wall taller than many of the extravagant buildings of Imperial City acting as a shield to many of the weather’s uncertainties — a perfect spot to set up a camp. Low and behold, there, in the shadow of the wall was a tidy collection of camping assortments. The Bosmer’s scent was everywhere, but he was nowhere in the clearing.
A short whistle caught the dremora’s attention above. There, standing as a silhouette against Masser’s rays was the elf, far too high to reach. For a moment Rakell’s head shot from side to side, looking for any way up the wall, but he quickly realized that there would be no easy way up. He huffed as the elf chuckled, meeting his gaze. “Tough spot, Daedra.” It was the first time that Rakell heard the Bosmer’s voice. It’s gentleness was undermined the moment he realized that the elf purposefully led him here to this impossible-to-chase location, only to laugh in his face. “Better luck next time,” he cooed, turning with a snarky wave and disappearing over the cliff.
Strangely, Rakell felt no anger. He was hardly even frustrated. He realized, right then, that this was much more than a simple cat and mouse chase. This was a hunting game, where his prey was crafty and calm and clearly enjoying himself more than Rakell was. It was something that the dremora had never seen. As he took off his helmet to get a fresh breath, he realized that this hunt wouldn’t end with blood. Rather, maybe, a conversation, where the dremora might learn more about the Bosmer’s wits.
And maybe even get his name.
Ehehe lets hope tumblr doesn’t completely kill the quality of this little video. Short and sweet, a real learning process for how I might do animatics/animations further ahead. There were some complications toward the end with lighting, especially, but overall it was a fun project that didn’t threaten my sanity so, woo! Enjoy Rakell and Iren’s first meet :]
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ego-osbourne · 11 months
Iren (CW: Blood, Cannibalism)
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Was going though some of my WIPs and pulling out individual doodles from sheets that wouldn’t be touched again, just so these drawings don’t get left to collect dust. I’ll separate my finds into a few posts. Firstly, though:
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Meet Iren! I’ve mentioned him a few times before in regards to Rakell. He was Rakell’s old husband, and they met on some uh.. less-than-convention means, lets say.
Warning: Things ahead tread heavily into NSFW territory. Content warning for talk and show of violence and cannibalism.
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Rakell was drafted into the Oblivion Crisis to act as a foot soldier / cannon fodder during the attack. He was very disenchanted with the whole idea, bored of his position and tasks, and quickly found himself distracted very early into his service. He was deployed with a few other dremora to attack a small town in Cyrodiil, and he ended up giving chase to a fleeing bosmer. What he thought would be an easy attack would eventually turn into a month-long chase as the wood elf outran and outsmarted him time and time again. Rakell was thrilled to finally have something intriguing and challenging to do, and he gave into the chase, far from angry about the bosmer even leaving hints and taunting him as he followed his trail.
Eventually, the chase came to an end after the elf got into an accident that injured his leg, making him much slower and much easier to catch up with. Instead of killing him, though, Rakell assisted in healing his leg and got to know the bosmer. His name was Iren, an old elf without a family, having lived much of his life traveling and escaping trouble just like he’d done with Rakell. He settled in Cyrodiil once his age started to make his traveling life difficult, until the Oblivion attack. Iren was extremely calm and easy-going, living serenely and happily even as he was being hunted, and Rakell found it charming. Not wanting to return to his duties, and not wanting the hunt to end, Rakell helped patch up Iren’s leg completely and gave him a head start on a new hunt.
Rakell and Iren would continuously do this, finding each other again and spending longer and longer days with each other, eventually forming a romantic bond and agreeing not to kill each other. However, things weren’t bloodless. Iren always seemed to get into trouble because of his cannibalistic habits, and invited Rakell to participate with him. The dremora did just that, and the two of them lived out nearly two decades together, marrying in a small shack they built together, in the privacy of the woods where they hunted animals and the unlucky bandits that passed by them.
They would also, of course, perform their acts on each other. Iren had a wish that he wouldn’t die of old age, but rather in a glorious exchange of gore, and he asked Rakell to carry out that wish. One night, Rakell fulfilled that promise, and killed Iren in one last act of “love,” but regretted his actions nearly immediately upon the elf’s death. He made a grave for him by the shack they used to live in and visits it occasionally.
Iren was Rakell’s first and only love at that point, and continuing on he had trouble distinguishing love from hunger because of it. Rakell kept the ring and kept partaking in cannibalistic habits as a twisted symbol of gratitude and remembrance to his late husband.
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ego-osbourne · 11 months
I love your fucked up little guys, so much
Chipping away at some asks, this one was given right after that Iren and Rakell post, so I assume you’re talking about them! Here’s a little doodle of them for you
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ego-osbourne · 4 months
Sketches p.1
Did that thing again where I drew a whole BUNCH of bases/sketches in a short period of time, then was slammed with massive art block, and as I crawl out from the depths of creative fallout I am overwhelmed with WIP guilt.
BUT THIS TIME. I am resisting the demon of shame. My art doesn’t have to be finished to post it, I don’t always have to be satisfied with it. So, for the next couple of posts, I’ll be posting my back log of things ,:] Hope you don’t mind
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Why not start with some SITW shenanigans?
First image is Shares-His-Bounty, and Argonian pirate allied with Velehk Sain. He inherited his ship from his late mother, who was good friends with Velehk. Bounty took on his mother’s tracking services, becoming an excellent hunter and finder of goods and other lost things. He earned his name from his generosity among his allies.
Second image features the start of a very toxic and defo does fall apart ship between a younger Velehk and Lorelei (belonging to @liches-covered-in-lich ). This is what happens when you combine a gay man and a lesbian with a very strained boss/employee relationship. They get better but uh. Not together LOL. It’s for their own good
Last image are some doodles that Rakell makes! When you get to live as long as him (4000yrs [dremora, remember]), keeping a few journals to track everything is very handy. Drawing doodles makes remembering certain people even easier. These are just a few people that he’s taken the time to sketch:
First is a doodle of himself, with the Daedric spelling “wem,” — it’s (my own) fake Daedric meaning “me/myself.” Next is Hera with the staff, then Velehk with the sword (with Daedric spelling “Sain,”) then Kynreeve with the lute, Lubber the cat (Daedric spells “Lubb”), Erandur (the Daedric above his name spells “cherzek,” which is more fake language for “mentor”), Lorelei with the sickles, Iren with the antlers, and Ego with the axe.
Hera belongs to @mellowscrolls
Kynreeve belongs to @the-troll-of-the-bridge
Lubber belongs to @bforblitz
Lorelei belongs to @liches-covered-in-lich
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