iren-n-ire · 7 months
Astrology Observation 14
🚩 Take note that I'm not a professional astrologer, I just share what I experienced (or observed).
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Neptune in the third house can communicate to spirits, a medium or they wanna try it because it's intriguing to them.
Neptunian Aquarius talks about astrology (or writes about it like me right now lol) all the time, anything supernatural or occult. I also see this as a believer of the two sides which one of the reasons' people's beliefs are split: Science vs. Religion, aquarius are connected to the Field of Science. In short, they are 50% on both sides and sometimes it causes a chaos because we all know duality comes with a price too, below will be a bonus if the native is into occult or divination:
Neptunian Aquarius in the third house always thinks about the future and fantasizes about it. This screams a huge psychic placement. Siblings have psychic skills too and it runs in the generation of their family (Pisces in fourth house). Their neighbors experience supernatural or doing things related to it and the same goes to the native because their Pisces in the fourth house
Aquarius in the third house talks and thinks logically, after all it's an air sign. Even if the native has water placements, they still prefer the logical side (like me lol) which shows that they convert their feelings into something a else: intellectualizing, hypothesizing etc., like a genius would do🤣)
Since their Libra is in the 11th house, most of their friends may be girls or has dominant feminine energy. Again, it's an air sign which denotes that their friends maybe logical, mbti has STJ, active love life, and their friends may fall in love with them?
I have a Leo Sun friend who had a past crush on me
Uranus in the fourth house native rebels against traditional stuffs, they will call out the dirty things of the tradition of or about families such as women doing housework, men not performing home chores because they're men, and
This is nothing special because it's already obvious but Pisces or Neptune in the third or fourth house can have Pisces siblings
I have 2 Pisces Sun siblings, (I'm a Neptune in 3h Aquarius native, Uranian Pisces in 4th: Tropical)
Jupiter in the seventh house have so many crushes or people are crushing on them, they may have multiple exes too; popular people even if they keep a low-key profile
Capricorn in the second house are the provider type in the family and in their other relationships, a living maneuver. Another indicator if their saturn is in the eighth house because they may also want to manage other people's money: Gift giving and acts of service is definitely their love language.
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💋 Be you, Do you, You are You! 💋
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ego-osbourne · 1 month
Dar-Ma you sweetie
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Doing an Iren playthrough for Oblivion, which involves the Dark Brotherhood quest line. Was in the middle of stabbing and being stabbed when Dar-Ma ran up just to freeze time and say hello. She is such a sweetheart
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komickrazi · 2 years
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Iren the Draptor
I originally made hands, feet and a tail, the customer later commissioned me for the head as well.Made with custom printed fleece from Spoonflower.
Also a fun unboxing and suit adventure video:
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strelles-universe · 2 years
The Packs of Strelles: The Five Howls
The Five Howls are the Great Wolves who Howled the World into existence long ago.
The first and most honored wolf is Iren, the Howler of the Moon. Seeing the land and the creature roaming it, she howled into existence the moon. The light of the moon drew the attention of all living creatures. When the first dogs chose to howl under the moonlight and call themselves a “pack,” she showed her approval by letting the moon shine even brighter. It’s said that Iren leads dogs in their dreams during times of great trouble. When she’s painted, it’s as a completely black wolf with white eye sockets. Her official title is “Irusudallun” which means, “one who howls the moon.”
The second most honored wolf is Atella, Howler of the Sun. She looked upon the moon and created it’s counterpart, the sun. She encouraged prey to group together in herds making it easier for the dogs to maintain their food stores and keep their pups well fed. Her official title is Etllasudallun (one who howls the sun) and she’s portrayed as a golden wolf with white eyes sockets. It’s said that while Iren sleeps during the day, Atella watches over the dogs of the world.
The Howler of the Waters and the Howler of the Lands worked in tandem. Realizing the prey had little to eat, the wolf of the lands Canta (Nantasudallun) Howled into existence the flowers, trees and caves. Mywel (Yunesudallun) the wolf of the waters Howled into existence the rivers, lakes and sea to provide the creatures of the world something to drink.
Canta is often depicted as brown wolf with either yellow eye sockets or one yellow eye socket and the other with flowers and vines growing from it. Mywel is shows as a blue wolf with blue eye socket and have a pool of water surrounding her.The final of the Five Howls is Iseca, the god of the dead and howler of death.
Respectfully referred to as Sulasudallun. As dogs died, they loitered upon the earth some becoming twisted and horrid creatures that began to attack their former packmates. Iseca took matters into their own paws, howling a hole into the world. Iseca then guided the lost souls into the realm of the dead, having their fellow Howls create a place for deceased spirits to rest. And so by guarding over those who died, Iseca protects the world from the continuing expansion of dog-spirit based Abominations.
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bithubi · 1 month
Iris Energy Presents Company Progress Report
IREN (Iris Energy Limited)(IREN) had a business update today. 2024 expansion now fully funded $301 million in cash, zero debt 460 megawatt data center capacity and 20 exahash Bitcoin mining capacity per second in 2024 Following the successful completion of the share offering program in the targeted market, the expansion was fully financed IREN kicks off quarterly financial reporting Starting…
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thebiballerina · 1 year
Hello, Sherlock Holmes adaptation writer. I have trapped you in this room. It is fully furnished and comfortable. On the table, you will notice a copy of A Scandal in Bohemia by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, of which redistribution is perfectly legal, as the work is in the public domain. You will notice it is rather thin. You have 24 hours to read the approximately 8,550 words in this story. To exit this room, all you must do is summarize the plot of the story without referring to Irene Adler as a seductress or implying she is attracted to Sherlock Holmes. Good luck.
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der-saisonkoch · 4 months
The Guard
“Das ist aber sehr gefährlich!” “Sie als FBI-Agent sind es gewohnt, auf Frauen und Kinder zu schießen.” The Guard – Ein Ire sieht schwarz
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editorialstaff2020 · 4 months
EfficienTO parte dalle scuole: il piano Iren per il risparmio energetico
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EfficienTO abbatterà 20.000 tonnellate di emissioni di CO2 ogni anno. Più o meno l’equivalente di quanto inquinano 17mila auto in Italia in 12 mesi
Riqualificazione energetica degli edifici, attività di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria, messa a norma degli impianti, fornitura di energia elettrica, gas, teleriscaldamento. Questi i tipi di interventi previsti nell’ambito di EfficienTO, il piano di Iren da 110 milioni di euro in 7 anni – si concluderà nel 2029 – che prevede l’efficientamento energetico di 800 immobili nella città di Torino.
A realizzarli è la controllata Iren Smart Solutions, società certificata E.S.Co. (Energy Service Company) che offre soluzioni integrate per l’efficienza energetica rivolte a imprese e settore terziario, ma anche a condomini, alla pubblica amministrazione, ad enti no profit e assistenziali. Questo il bilancio del primo anno: quattro interventi eseguiti e già conclusi nel 2023, altri 11 con fine lavori prevista entro il 2024.
EfficienTO si è mosso a partire dalle scuole. La maggior parte dei lavori avviati e in conclusione tra 2023 e 2024, infatti, riguarda plessi scolastici. Strutture a cui il piano Iren ha assegnato la priorità, insieme a uffici, edifici culturali e religiosi e impianti sportivi, per il loro uso pubblico e sociale. In tutto 500 edifici, quasi i due terzi del totale che sarà soggetto a riqualificazione energetica.
I primi tre edifici scolastici sono già completati con la sostituzione dei corpi illuminanti interni, l’installazione di valvole termostatiche sui radiatori, l’installazione di un nuovo sistema per il Building Management System nella centrale termica per la supervisione e la gestione da remoto, e la sostituzione dei gruppi di pompaggio con nuove elettropompe con inverter.
Altre 9 scuole vedranno ultimate le opere per l’efficientamento energetico entro la fine del 2024. Per alcune è previsto anche l’isolamento degli scambiatori di calore posto sul sistema di teleriscaldamento, in altri plessi saranno eseguiti anche lavori di coibentazione verticale delle pareti e orizzontale della copertura piana.
Gli altri interventi con orizzonte 2024 riguardano l’efficientamento energetico della sede dei vigili urbani, dove è collocato anche l’Ufficio Ambiente Verde, di via Bologna e l’anagrafe di corso Corsica: in entrambi sarà anche installato un nuovo impianto fotovoltaico. Mentre sono già terminati i lavori al’impianto sportivo di viale Bistolfi.
Quando sarà consegnato l’ultimo edificio riqualificato, nel 2029, EfficienTO garantirà un risparmio energetico del 33% rispetto allo storico dei consumi termici ed elettrici. Il Comune di Torino si troverà a pagare diversi milioni di euro in meno. Quando Iren presentò il piano, nel 2020, la valutazione batteva intorno ai 7 milioni di risparmio.
Ma con la crisi dei prezzi dell’energia il dato è da rivedere: ai prezzi del 2022 sarebbero 14 milioni di euro risparmiati. L’entità del risparmio, prevede Iren, permetterà di rientrare completamente dell’investimento complessivo di 110 milioni, totalmente a carico del Gruppo.
Tra cappotti, sistemi di isolamento termico, impianti solari termici e fotovoltaici, sostituzione delle centrali termiche con caldaie a condensazione, rifacimento dei serramenti e dell’illuminazione degli edifici, Iren stima che EfficienTO sarà in grado di abbattere 20.000 tonnellate di emissioni di CO2 ogni anno. Più o meno l’equivalente di quanto inquinano 17mila auto in Italia in 12 mesi.
C’è poi il capitolo delle ricadute sociali del piano. La mole di investimenti mobilitata dal progetto consentirà di impegnare circa 100 persone nella gestione delle varie attività e fino a oltre 400 lavoratori nella fase di maggiore operatività. A cui, a cascata, vanno aggiunti i risvolti positivi per l’indotto e per l’economia locale. LINK: https://www.rinnovabili.it/energia/efficienza-energetica/efficientamento-energetico-piano-iren-torino/
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ccoocckk · 7 months
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omwtsd · 10 months
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some kissin 🤡
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iren-n-ire · 5 months
Astrology Observation 17
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If you had a conflict (fight, misunderstanding et.al) with a person who has Lucifer 7h, honey don't expect them to say sorry that fast and if they did (I bet they imagine you doing it like in shows or comics where a character is imagining a moment of supremacy), trust me there's a bitterness to it lol
Juno in the second house is like Taurus in the seventh house, they want their ideal I.T BOY or GIRL to be spoiling them with wealth or material things and don't forget that they must also be good looking.
A person who has Lucifer 7h indeed simps for Lucifer lol, it's a plus to them if their suitors has Lucifer's qualities or vibes. Overall, their type embodies his aura
Is it just me or fire signs (especially Scorpio) has a thing for breaking things or relationship. It satisfies me in some way (for e.g. burning paper, throwing stuffs, deleting people in my life) lol like some sort of refreshment hahaha
Neptune in the third house, siblings have psychic abilities or a member of the occult and so does their neighbors.
Me and my siblings all have it, I feel sorry for our occult community because some imbecile witches who use magick for evil purposes are a disgrace, that includes are neighbors and they are using for income and to feed their jealousy. Witches like them don't deserve to be a part of the community.
Asmodeus in the eight house, the champion of freaks lol but they hide it still. They don't mind exploration in the bedroom, I think if they are in the medical field, they can be a segg therapist, researcher et.al.
Saturn and Pluto dominants really said to them by the Universe to learn it the hard way 💀
People whose chart ruler is Saturn or Pluto is like a neverending test of patience 💀
I can say that as a Native with Saturn in the eighth house, I want my chaos to be in order lol
Meanwhile if your Gemini is also in eight house like mine, I enjoy the Chaos is some way lol. The people who enjoys playing with fire and it's a bonus if your Venus is here too.
Asmodeus Gemini, if you want someone playful in the bedroom then this is it, booster if it's also in the eighth house (also if Eros asteroid here or in the seventh house)
Leo in the big 3, degrees, or stellium, are you like me who loves to play king, queen, empress, emperor or in short, you're a ruler when you were little?
Neptune in the third house natives definitely love playing fantasy in their head, when they were still a little child, their favorite character maybe also Ariel xD cause I do (Sleeping Beauty too xD)
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ego-osbourne · 3 months
Sketches p.2
Some bloodier stuff
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First is a concept for a spoiler in TDI, but I’ll give a little bit — Ego is traveling a mysterious place with the help of Mora, whose assistance entails a lot of red. A bite to the head only ever hurt a little
Second is some Rakell x Iren shenanigans, but showing more of the depravity of their relationship, esp mid-marriage. Iren grew to be quite the cannibal in his autumn years, and Rakell was intrigued by the thrill. This was mostly just whatever doodles
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hanavbara · 6 months
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chill kill 🔪🌹🦋 #RedVelvet #레드벨벳
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ffverr · 23 days
A family doesn't need to be a husband a wife and two kids, sometimes it's a lesbian terrorist couple, a flying brick from Mississippi, a Catholic German and a Cajun thief. And I think that's beautiful
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
commiato dal musicista antonello neri
Il commiato dal musicista Antonello Neri, scomparso il 28 maggio, si terrà domani, martedì 30 maggio alle ore 15 al tempietto egizio del Verano, dove sarà proiettato il documentario Antonello Neri, di suo figlio Federico Ayrton. Antonello Neri: Iren – ImprovvisAzioni vesuviane (29 maggio 2010) Konsequenz (KNZ012) Musica e pianoforte: Antonello Neri Fair…
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igniszzz · 4 months
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