greysdomain · 2 years
The ramones songs 1978
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By the time the album was released in late 1978, the Sex Pistols’ singer had already established his reputation as one of rock’s most snarling frontmen. John Lydon’s scream is different on Public Image Ltd’s First Issue. Smith paying respects to a band of his own generation) is powerful, but Eternally Yours reveals a band audibly challenging itself, and in turn challenging its colleagues and listeners to keep up. It certainly has songs built around both, and singer Chris Bailey’s condescension on the insistently tense minor masterpiece “This Perfect Day” (later covered by The Fall in the late ’90s, in a rare case of Mark E. Eternally Yours was one of the first major statements that “punk,” whatever that meant, could be much more than two or three chords and a sneer. The brass is a crucial addition to “Know Your Product” and “Orstralia,” two of the album’s best songs, and proof that bands should have been more ready to break through the already-congealed punk orthodoxy of the day. Josh JacksonĪustralia’s best punk band added a horn section for a few songs on their second album, bringing some R&B power to Ed Kuepper’s roaring guitar cyclones. and an album made for lazy days somewhere the sun is shining. The result was his highest-charting album in the U.K. But a more contented Marley could still churn out classics like “Is This Love” and “Satisfy My Soul.” Recorded in London just before he returned to Jamaica after an exile in the wake of an attempted assassination, the reggae legend may have been a little burned out on politics as two competing factions back home threatened to throw his island nation in chaos. These 10 tracks are mellow odes to love and pot, a smoked-out chill session after the revolution has wound down. Album opener “Easy Skanking” is, well, easy. The Bob Marley on Kaya is not the holy justice warrior of the early 1970s. We have exclusive live footage of several of these acts performing around 1978, including the Talking Heads, Bruce Springsteen and Parliament-Funkadelic. We’ve been taking a look back at music history in decade increments, beginning with the Best Albums of 1968 and continuing with each decade (19 are coming soon). And a handful of punk stalwarts would look to the looming ‘80s with a sense of pop adventure that came to define the radio hits of the next 10 years. Kraftwerk would quietly continue laying the ground work for an electronic revolution. Eddie Van Halen would inspire a generation of would-be guitar gods. Funk fans got their first annual festival in Chicago, “One Nation Under a Groove,” just a month after the death of Parliament-Funkadelic singer Glenn Goins at the age of 24. Blue-collar roots rock sold millions of records thanks to Bob Seger and Bruce Springsteen. In 1978, Keith Moon played his last show with The Who, while The Rolling Stones returned to form with Some Girls. Several of our favorite albums from 1978 appeared on our lists of the Best Post-Punk and Best Best New Wave albums. The rest of the Billboard chart was filled with lite-pop ballads like Debby Boone’s “You Light Up My Life” and Exile’s “Kiss You All Over.” But music was also in the midst of a post-punk revolution. Andy Gibb and the Bee Gees had five of the eight biggest singles of the year. Forty years ago, popular music was dominated by disco.
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imnotbroken-hearted · 3 years
“You've probably already been asked this a billion times this week, but which is closer to the true you: Soul Punk or Fall Out Boy?”
“Soul Punk. To be honest, I haven't been asked that. I feel like no one ever reads between those lines or thinks to ask those questions. I feel I'm asked a lot of the mechanical questions like "So what's up with Fall Out Boy?" "When are you guys getting back together?" "Have you talked to those guys lately?" "How are they doing?"
Totally Soul Punk because anytime you're in a band, it's a compromise. Not in a negative way, that's the nature of it. How many more records have the Rolling Stones sold than Mick Jagger solo? But there's probably a lot more of the actual Mick Jagger on a solo record than there is on a band record because his individuality is at the mercy of the band.”
from ‘Shattering The Caricature: Our Interview With Patrick Stump’ by Culture Brats
found this sweet article from 20th October 2011, right after Soul Punk’s release. thought you guys might want to read it bc we’re getting close to Soul Punk’s 10th
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seenashwrite · 7 years
Nash’s 200th Follower Celebration Challenge!
Get your spy gear ready. 
We’re gonna take inspiration from Archer, y’all. 
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I haven’t personally seen this used in a challenge [at least in my circle]. It is so full of potential, from snark to sexy times to knock-your-socks-off shock. Even if you aren’t familiar with the source, the prompts are so very tasty, I can’t imagine each & every writer won’t find at least ONE to gobble up.
*** 120 Prompts!  So just one writer apiece ***     ---> YOU KNOW WHAT?? SCREW IT!  Send me THREE!!!!
But! There’s a challenging bonus at the bottom [#121] with NO LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO WANT TO TRY IT! 
I’d recommend just a “scene” versus an entire fic, or tack it on to your actual entry in a weird prologue or epilogue, something of that ilk. It’s nuts. I’m not overselling the nuttiness, here. Weave some magic. EXAMPLE
Full guidelines at the bottom.
1. "Team Live Badass"? That's the best you could come up with?
2. Oh, I thought we were laughing at the dead people we set on fire. @wrenwritesometimes
3. AHHHH! The dust! It's like being shot in the eyes by a glitter gun!
4. Oh, you don't look like a whore... an idiot, maybe? Or both! Yes!      A whore-diot!  @jalove-wecallhimdean
5. --- What is this herpes business?     --- Bad joke... and a false alarm. @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps
6. Wanna try yanking on the pipe?
7. You ass, for the love of all that's green, take me and the rabbit to the lettuce store!   @wrenwritesometimes
8. Eat a buffet of dicks.  @hannahindie 
9. --- And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go kill some evil clowns.     --- [long awkward pause]      --- Do you have an erection?
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10. You're just gonna leave him with a grenade stuck up his ass? 
11. It would be rude not to eat her pie, which I assume is not only hot, but also moist... although hopefully not flaky. 
12. Nothing can make up for almost killing me over a briefcase of what I can only assume is either plutonium or a human soul.
13. Oh don't worry. He may be a vain, selfish, lying, and quite possibly alcoholic man-whore, but gambling is one vice he doesn't have.  @fanforfanatic
14. I want it on record that I think this is a terrible plan.  
15. They say the devil's in the details... and silk pajamas.
16. All I've had today is, like, six gummy bears and some scotch.  @wrenwritesometimes
17. For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen. @butiaintgonnaloveem
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18. --- Every single time we come here, we have to help you get rid of a dead body.       --- Well, you've only been here twice.  @senselesssamii 
19. Swear to god, you people make me want to pump nerve gas through the vents.  @impalaimagining
20. Why is your instinctive response to run toward explosions?  @impandagrl
21. On second thought, I very much prefer to be taken alive. Just let me clear the ol' browser history aaaand...
22. Is it murder if they were my own clones? I'm seriously asking.  @littlegreenplasticsoldier
23. I've always wanted to fight on top of a moving train. @amanda-teaches
24. I've never seen an ocelot! You guys, look at its little spots! Look at its tufted ears!
25. If this doesn't work, we just paid a hundred bucks for liquid fart.
26. Oh my god - I'm gonna die in a toilet stall, just like the gypsy woman said!
27. I swear, if you throw that computer on the floor one more time, you’ll wake up in a mental ward with total amnesia under someone else’s name!  @idreamofhazel
28. You just killed, like, ten pirates.
29. -- Grilled cheese.       -- What?       -- Grill me a cheese.       -- I'm not grilling you a cheese.   ME!
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30. The Russians turned me into the unholy abomination of metal fused with flesh that now stands before you.
31. --- I swear, if anyone saw me in this awful van...       --- How could they, with this illegal-ass window tint? Dude, this van is like, rolling probable cause.
32. Not really the explosive climax I thought it was gonna be.
33. There's a zoo here?
34. What in the name of pre-paid venereal disease do you think you're doing?!
35. Are you not rampaging? I thought you were rampaging.  ---> AVAILABLE AGAIN!!!!
36. Hundred people surveyed, number one answer's still on the board: Name the douchebag who's in charge!  @roxy-davenport
37. Why would you think it's okay to share that?
38. You do realize there's a finite supply of Vaseline in the universe.
39. --- So then it's settled. We're a-go on Operation... what should we call it?       --- Dick Sledge.
40.  I saved her life! Go ask that dick I set on fire!
41. You want me to take a baby to a murder?  @impalaimagining
42. You do realize you're in huge trouble - and now I have to spend my first Friday off in forever devising some bizarre punishment for you?  ---> AVAILABLE AGAIN!
43. Have you no sense of decency? That bathroom’s like a… a war crime.
44. Hey, you awake? ‘Cause this is about to get weird. @klaineaholic
45. That's disgusting - if I wanted to look at your bare feet, I'd sneak in and do it while you were asleep.
46. Better pill up - you're assisting with the surgery.
47. --- Frickin' head's poundin', I'm sweatin' booze and my mouth's killin' me!       --- You're the one who stuffed four pool balls in it. 
48. Holy shit, you geeks are badass.   @uselessace
49. You're ruining your life, you idiot! And making it hard to drop a deuce.
50. Right, because you walked into Strippers’ Discount Warehouse and said, “Help me showcase my intellect".   @butiaintgonnaloveem
51. I've had good results with Ether.
52. Hey, will you choke me a little bit?  @littlegreenplasticsoldier
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53. That stolen lemur bit one of your prostitutes right in the face and she says she can't go to the hospital because she's, quote, "tripping balls”.
54. --- Jeez, you're still taping bum fights?!       --- No, now I'm into something... darker.
55. That is my foot in your face - smell the embarrassment.
56. Oh! And, uh, by the way, try not to be unconscious for too long - it's super bad for you.  @withstarryeyes
57. Both of you imagine shutting up!   @uselessace
58. Idiots doing idiot things, because they’re idiots.
59.  --- Please tell me that's a smoke grenade.        --- Okay... it's not, though.  ----> AVAILABLE AGAIN!!!!!  :)
60. Sorry - I was picturing Whore Island.  @kayteonline
61. Somebody smells like they ate the ass-end out of a northbound cow.
62. I don't know... sometimes I think I'd like to adopt a little baby... so I could abandon it at a mall.
63. Well, he died doing what he loved - getting shot. @withstarryeyes 
64. Baby, I was emotionally shattered - which turns out to be kind of a panty-dropper.  @hannahindie
65. Now what am I going to spread on my toast? Your tears?
66. Sorry, that’s just a, uh, sympathy boner. @pinknerdpanda
67. Holy shit! Yogurt is amazing! Why have I never tried yogurt?!   @littlegreenplasticsoldier
68. Seriously, call Kenny Loggins - 'cause you're in the DANGER ZONE.  @kayteonline
69. I’m afraid the lemur got into the pudding cups.
70. I'm sorry, are you addressing me? Because your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass.  @kittenofdoomage
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71. Does internet porn know you're cheating on it?  @klaineaholic
72. No, it's too dirty - it's full of whatever alligators shit out, which I can only assume is people.
73. Oh my god! What shade is that? Crack whore red?!
74. Man, if I don't get some spaghetti and meatballs, I may literally die.
75. You used-panty vending sons of bitches!
76. Thank you both for all that you did do which, again, was nothing. @pinknerdpanda
77.  Damn, dog! That’s inappropes! 
78. If a single one of these has left the building, I will personally sew you into a canvas bag full of rats and throw that bag into the river.  @littlegreenplasticsoldier
79. Who do I have to murder around here to get this damn thing to make some ice?  ----> AVAILABLE AGAIN!!!!  :)
80. I'm sorry, what's that? I can't hear you over the sound of my deafening awesomeness.  @amanda-teaches
81. Don’t try to body-shame me, dog tits.
82. Is it just me, or does it smell like finger?
83. Ahahaha, man, you never rent a mule - ya lease that surly bastard.
84. When we first started going out, I may have... injected a tracking device into your body.  @fanforfanatic
85. And I don't want another one of your sullen whores using my medicine cabinet like a Pez dispenser.
86. Because I've been lying in scorpion piss for two hours in the sun-blasted shit-hole which is Texas, waiting for a stupid truck.
87. If I cared about what you do on the weekend, I'd stick a shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger with my toes.  ME!
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88. Punk-ass bitches!  ----> AVAILABLE AGAIN!!!! :)
89. And instead of doing my job, I was here - half-drunk and having amazing sex.
90. Well, no wonder this all went tits-up.
91. Right? And I know it sounds crazy, but I like them as much as cocaine!
92. Next time, remind me to get shot in the head.  ME!
93. You were the one yapping your head off about my damn teacup pig!
94. Who wants their ass beat first? And before you decide, keep in mind that I'm gradually going to get more tired, but also gradually more Berserker.
95. So you're not planning to blindfold me and hide me in a bomb shelter with limited oxygen and send my family cryptic notes about how to find me in a race against time for my life?
96. Who are you supposed to be, Topper Bottoms? Stern yet sensual skipper of the U.S.S. Rough Service?
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97. You better pray to god it wasn't you who hit me. Because whoever it was hits like a little bitch of a girl, who was born with some kind of bitch of a birth defect, so that instead of a fist, she just has this tiny bitch of a nubbin.
98. I don't care! Having said that, would you please come into this dirty toilet stall and have sex with me?
99. Because you - prolapsed rectum that you are - are infatuated with her, whose cobwebby old snooch, by the way, I can smell from here!   @butiaintgonnaloveem
100. --- The thought of me dying gives you an erection?         --- Just half of one - the other half would have missed you. @kayteonline
101. I swear to god, you could drown a toddler in my panties right now. ME!
102. Stop - my penis can only get so erect. ME!
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103. Can you not rub your dick in my mother's pantyhose, please?
104. --- Oh my god! You killed a hooker!          --- Call girl! She was a----          --- No, when they're dead, they're just hookers!
105. Vincent Van Go-fuck-yourself. 
106. Okay, we're off to get our scrotums waxed!  
107. --- Well, maybe you're lame!         --- Maybe you should shut your dick holster.
108. You’re a large-diameter dickhole.
109. First, see if he wants a beej...
110.  Water? Oh, never touched the stuff. Fish fuck in it. @kayteonline
111. --- Oh god, it tastes worse than it smells!         --- Man, if I had a nickel for every time I heard a guy say that. 
112. Who, me?! No! No, I've been up here the whole time, having some phone sex! Just jackin' it, on the telephone.  @fandommaniacx
113. I am literally wet with jealousy. @klaineaholic
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114. Why does this chair have no seat... and WHAT IS IN HIS ASS?!  And unless it was the creepy-old-people-bondage-sex police, why would anyone break in here and shoot him?!
115. Because I have sex with actual women! My girlfriend's not equal parts the internet, a tube of Kentucky jelly, self-loathing, and a sock.  @hannahindie
116. And what part of your job, exactly, is groping my ass?  @wideawakeandwriting
117. --- Maybe you should've thought about that before you blew it!         --- I blew jack shit!         --- Name-dropper.
118. After this, I am going to go home, watch NCIS, and masturbate until my fingers bleed.   @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps
119. --- Was that before or after you got caught fondling a teenager?        --- Well, obviously before - after, it was all French Armed Forces and dick stitches.
120. You can't put a price on good pussy.   @wideawakeandwriting
121.   No no no no - Like, a big, sweaty fireman carries you out of a burning building, lays you on the sidewalk and you think – Yeah, okay, he's gonna give me mouth-to-mouth – but instead he just starts choking the shit out of you, and the last sensation that you feel before you die is he’s squeezing your throat so hard that a big wet blob of drool drips off his teeth, and just –  flurp – falls right onto your popped-out eyeball.
Bravery incarnate(s):  @kittenofdoomage  @fanforfanatic   @uselessace   @butiaintgonnaloveem
1. Supernatural only, please-and-thank-you [adjacent is fine, too - such as having O.C.s carry the bulk of the dialogue weight because we’re seeing the story through their eyes while, say, being hunters working with S & D or Jody & Donna or whatever your heart desires]
2. Pick your faves & any back-ups [and if you’re gonna take a run at #121] ---> shoot ‘em to me at DEAR NASH & I’ll hit you back with a confirmation 
3. Write & post your thing ---> don’t forget to tag me somewhere & use this in your first handful of tags: #Nash200
4. Have it in between June 11th - June 17th [about 6 weeks from original posting]  ---> TAKE TIL JULY!  SOUND GOOD????  ;)
5. Definitely Do: the “theme” you are most comfortable with / feel you write the best / have the most fun on - these prompts lend themselves to snark and/or sexy times, but lord knows y’all angst-devotees will find a way [that’s fine, too!]
6. Hard Pass: dom/sub; “kinks”; alpha/beta/omega; Wincest/any incest; real person fic [no Jensen/Jared/Misha/etc.]
7. Length can be anywhere from haiku to vignette to... well, keep it around the max length that you’d want to read if it were your challenge, ‘k? And don’t you dare spend more than a weekend on it - if it becomes laborious for you, holler at me, we’ll find you another prompt or you can drop out, no worries.
PS:  If you wanna stick Archer characters into the mix? Bring. It. On.
PPS: Walls of text & bulk of text not behind “read more” = An Unhappy Nash + An Unhappy Dash
P3S: And because it’s my party, if Dean is in your story and he calls someone “Sweetheart” ? If it isn’t in a jerk-face, patronizing manner, I’m gonna foam at the mouth
THANK YOU for coming along with me on this ever-evolving funtastic SPN fandom ride! -Nash.
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torinspeer-blog · 7 years
1. What’s your first name? Torin 2. What are you listening to right now? 
The ambient noises of my property. OH! SHIT! Uhhh... punk rock Spotify playlist-punk pop's not dead 3. What was the last thing you ate?
Tuna fish sandwich 4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 
"Attention: important seniors!" Medicare 5. Do you drink? 
🤤🤤🤤 6. Do you smoke? 
Only to give myself cancer!👍👏👏🙌💯 7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? 
I think it depends on the individual? I mean I'm an intuition dom and have ADHD so it's not like I notice🤷‍♀️ 8. What is your hair color? 
Very dark brown 9. What is your eye color?
Hazel 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? 
Reading glasses 11. Dogs or cats? 
dogs no shit you ever seen a kitters run around like a little glob weeaboo? Uhuh I didn't think so hun! 12. What’s your favorite animal? 
ANY ANIMAL THAT CUDDLES ME AND MAKES ME FEEL LESS ALONE!!!!! 13. What’s your favorite television show? 
Parks and rec probably (seen the ending? On the emotional level it's more like parks and rekt am I fucking right guys? YEET!) 14. What’s your favorite movie? 
Farris buellers day off what am I a hipster? 15. What’s your favorite band/singer? 
19. I'm old enough to know a thing or two. Like, literally. I know one thing and maybe another but no more than that. 17. Do you have a crush on anyone? yes... don't worry. I burry my feelings deep inside my soul just like every other well adjusted adult 18. What’s your sexual orientation? 
I thought I was bi but then a bi guy said hi from behind and that thought ended 19. What’s your favorite color?
blue? Red? Purple? I'm more of a... ummm... shit 20. What was your most embarrassing moment? 
😂😂😂 ok, so there was this one time, I was born, and it got soooooyyyt awkward!!😂😂😳 21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? 
Oh god I have enough extisensial dread as is holy shit take that to someone else 22. What were you like when you were a kid? 
Lazy, stupid, and never gonna accomplish anything with a work ethic like that hahahaHAHAHAHA SOMEBODY TAKE THE PAIN AWAY 23. What would your dream house be like? 
A little house in the prairies where I can sit in the front yard with my wife in a rocking chair and watch my grandchildren play 24. What last made you laugh? 
My last joke, bitch 25. What is your favorite word? 
Romp... hehehe. It makes me think of cute little bunny rabbits hopping along in the woods 26. What is your least favorite word? 
ME NOT BEING ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE PEOPLE (holy shit I mean these are jokes but like god do I need therapy? Holy shit). 29. What is your star sign? 
Sometimes, when I'm lost, I like to look for a sign to know whether I'm standing in the light of the word, or its darkness (the joke is that I use the sun as a sign for if it's daytime hartyharhar). 30. What are your favorite books? 
 31. Do you have any siblings? 
two brothers and two sisters 32. Do you like to dance? Depends if you count air guitar and awkward lanky jolting as dancing cuz if yes THEN YA IM THE FUCKING MLG TRICK SHOT KING OF THAT SHIT. 33. What is your definition of cheating? 
Summoning help in dark souls 34. Have you ever cheated on someone? 
Nope 35. Do you regret anything? 
Who the hell doesn't? Regret is a natural and essential piece of the human condition. It's horrible, but it teaches us how to live. 36. Do you have any phobias? Tight spaces high spaces suffocating in spaces (pluralized by virtue of multiverse theory) standing in line waiting to talk getting cut off cutting someone off cutting myself my memes not being fresh enough you know normal people stuff 37. Ever broken any bones? Sadly, no😔 38. Ever come close to death? 
I mean I almost killed myself several time soooo... (guys before you ask I'm ok now don't worry I'm just figuring my shit out😂😂) 39. What is your religion, if any? 
I worship at the holy grail of Cthulhu ahem check your privilege 40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? 
Yes. I had a crush on her. Refer to question #27 41. Are looks important in a relationship? 
They aren't the most important thing but yes I like being sexually attracted to people I'll potentially fuck exclusively for the rest of my life 42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? 
I refuse to identify commonalities 43. What is your favorite season? 
Springs, or fall. I don't pay attention but I live in Arizona so whatever time my balls aren't stuck to my pants🤗 44. Do you have any tattoos? 
No but if I did it would just be "[]" because it's basically "[insert here]" brackets so I could tell people it's for or means or is about anything I want to. 45. Do you have any piercings? 
No. But I have pierced myself IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN😂😂🙌💯 46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 
1? One lasted four days does that count? Cuz then it's 2. God... I need to get laid. OR HAVE AN ADORABLE HUNAM TO CUDDLE AND TALK TO AND DO THE DIRTY WITH AS THE CHERRY ON TOP OF HER CHERRY😂😂😂 oh god I kill myself😂 47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? As MBTI lore would suggest (I'm an enfp btw howdy), my soul belongs to sexy anime babes. 48. Who is your celebrity crush? ... that just made me feel lonely and I don't know why 49. Are you a virgin? 😉 50. Do you get jealous easily? Depends on the situation. I always keep it under wraps though. 51. What is your favorite type of food? 
Hell ya my dude! 53. Who was your first kiss with? 
My first girlfriend. 54. Have you ever been cheated on? 
... 55. What is your idea of the perfect date? 
No idea. Just as long as we connect really well and I have the sense of finding someone who actually makes sense as a person and does that in a way complimentary to who I am. Talk about life I guess. NO HOLY SHIT TALK ABOUT LIFE FUCK YES!!!! 56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 
Introverted extrovert😉😉😉 57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? 
I doubt it but I believe in a neighboring universe where Hitler doesn't have a mustache soooo.... 58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? 
Self esteem 59. What is your saddest memory? 
Hahahaha... no 60. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
no but I do believe in getting your jimmies rustled on first sight😉 61. Do you believe in soul mates? 
I'm a nihilist. I believe in finding someone who fits you well enough that the tear in your soul is mostly ignorable, but not anyone who's made for you 62. Have you ever dyed your hair? 
No 63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? 
So one of the definitions for my name in urban dictionary is "Torin: likes to masturbate with the slimy sea creatures of the sea to get that real pussy feel. Synonymous with 'squids'."... apparently that escalated from fiction to fact very quickly. 64. Would you go against your moral code for money? 
It depends. Ends justify the means. For example: I would stomp several puppies to death in an absolutely brutal fashion in order to save the lives of millions of children starving to death in Africa. 65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? 
I've struggled with depression since 8th grade. I'm fairly certain their are missing pieces of my personality, which would explain why there's a different version of me for every person and why I forget who I am after just like 2 days of being alone. I don't cry a lot but it's not for healthy reasons. 66. Who are you jealous of?
Basically everyone 67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? 
NO BUT NOW I WANT TO I JUST GOT ALL WARM AND FUZZY FEELING 68. How long was your longest relationship? 
About six months 69. Is the glass half empty or half full? 
It's in the eye of the beholder. It doesn't really matter which one it is though, it only matters what you do with what's left. 70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? 
😳 I'll wait to tell you until the third date😉 71. Who are your closest friends?
Currently a college friend who's out of state. I tend not to stay particularly close to people for too long tho... ok well shit now I'm sad 72. Are you in a relationship? 
Nope 73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? 
I don't even have a joke wow fuck I'm lonely 74. Are you a bad person? 
STOP MAKING ME THINK ABOUT THIS SHIT IF I DO AND I DECIDE IM NOT I WILL SLIP INTO A SEVERE DEPRESSION that sounded funny in my head holy shit no it was not 75. Are you a lover or a fighter? 
I fight for love💁 76. What did you do on your last birthday? 
Some stuff my mother wouldn't be proud of 77. What is your favorite quote and why? 
“Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it a thousand times." -Mark Twain. It illustrates some things I'm not in the mindset to process 78. If your best friend died, what would you do? 
NUUUUUUUUUU FUCKIN STAAAAHHHHHPPP I WILL CRY 5EVR 79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? 
Beat my bitch ass (holy shit I need to process stuff stop asking me these questions I thought I had a healthy-ish self esteem but clearly not #sendhalp) 80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? 
I have ADHD, so probably process everything at once and feel to panicked to do anything. That or the stimulation would be enough that I'd do everything and anything I wanted with no inhibitions. 81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? 
One time I sucked on this hot chicks nipples and not only did it taste nasty but the nipple grew and stabbed my fucking throat OMG I DEEPTHROATED A NIPPLE THAT JUST CLICKED WTF 82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? 
In a relationship, if it's with the right person. 83. Who were you in a past life? 
Mark Twain Bitch! 84. What is your happiest childhood memory? 
I have no idea. None of them exist in a vacuum. They only matter in context of everything else. 85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? 
The majority of my life since my first boner yes. 86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? 
Oh I had like fucking 10 but they were all tv show characters except for one and I didn't like him that much. 87. If you were the president, what would you do? 
I would gather as much information as possible about the most important matters and work down from there. 88. What is your ideal career? 
Rn, comedian 89. What is your political affiliation? INDEPENDENT BITCH! 90. Are you conservative or liberal? 
I'm left leaning. I identify more with liberal values but both are important in order to balance eachother out (that's why our political atmosphere is so volatile. Used to be we'd have a democrat then a republican and they'd switch every year, but congress would have the opposite orientation as the president. Now we have a switching one party system every year.) 91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? 
No. I'm constantly aware of everything going on around me so I need some privacy. 93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? 
humans can choose super powers (I'm keeping this one from the last guy's answers fucking savage dude) 94. Where would you like to live? 
NEW YORK CITY 95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? 
NEW YORK CITY EXCEPT I STAY THERE 96. Describe yourself in one word. 
eclectic 97. Describe yourself in one sentence. 
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-17 01 MUSIC now
Brooklyn Vegan
Run the Jewels headlining Adult Swim Festival, share "Oh Mama" video (ft Rick & Morty)
Gabrielle Smith of Ò (fka Eskimeaux) responds to allegations of rape and emotional abuse
watch Shopping, Ezra Furman, Flasher & more play BV's Thursday SXSW day party
Five Notable Releases of the Week (3/16)
tix on sale: Arctic Monkeys, Mew, Paul Simon, Alice Cooper, Sea and Cake, more
Consquence of Sound
“Weird Al” gives polka remixes to Portugal. the Man’s “Feel it Still” and “Live in the Moment”: Stream
Yo La Tengo return with new album There’s a Riot Going On: Stream
Run the Jewels share Rick and Morty-starring video for “Oh Mama”: Watch
Q-Tip and Demi Lovato cover Elton John’s “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”: Watch
Nickelodeon to reboot Clarissa Explains It All with Melissa Joan Hart
Fact Magazine
Inga Copeland releases new Lolina album The Smoke
Visit MJ Cole’s gin factory-turned-studio in east London
Influential South African artist DJ Spoko has died, aged 35
Behringer shares prototype of Sequential Circuits Pro-One synth clone
Google has designed a DIY controller for its AI synthesizer
The Sun In Your Cold World
Took Me For A Ride
At My Leisure
What Is This Force
Hopes Or Holidays
Daya Joins Forces With RL Grime On Their Earnest “I Wanna Know”
New Music From Troye Sivan, MØ & Jack Antonoff On ‘Love, Simon’ Soundtrack
Hayley Kiyoko Unveils Her Heartrending, Effervescent “Let It Be”
Nicole Millar’s “Gimme A Break” Is A Perky ’80s Throwback
Sean Paul, David Guetta & Becky G’s Neon-Drenched “Mad Love” Video
Listen to This
The Sugerman 3 - Stand Up [Funk/R&B] (2008)
The Mighty Imperials - Jody's Walk [Funk] (2001)
Stop the rain - - everend [scottish] [pop] [rock]
O.B.F & Charlie P - Ghetto Cycle [World/Dub] (2018)
Shannon and the Clams - The Boy [Garage Punk/Indie Rock] (2018)
Saluting the artwork for PRETTYMUCH’s Healthy
Louisa Johnson interview: “We went, ‘oh, fuck it, let’s just get drunk’”
Popjustice’s Spring Statement: Key Points
New Music Friday: Vera Blue’s Lady Powers are still strong
New Music Friday: When it’s time to put Andrew WK at the top of the playlist it’s time to put Andrew WK at the top of the playlist hard
Reddit Music
Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore - Mars Volta [Prog Rock]
Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence [synthpop]
St. Vincent - Masseduction [Indie]
Conan O'Brien (with Hank Azaria & the Gay Men's Chorus of L.A.) - The Monorail Song [Simpsons Showtune]
Soul coughing - super bon bon [rock]
Rolling Stone
10 New Albums to Stream Now: The Decemberists, Meshell Ndgeocello and More Editors' Picks
Rich Homie Quan Reveals New LP Made With 'Hennessy, Weed, Fruit Snacks'
Watch 'Rick and Morty' Slay Aliens in Run the Jewels' 'Oh Mama' Video
Review: Decemberists Shake Up Their Artisanal Folk Rock on 'I'll Be Your Girl'
Hear Parkland Survivors' Inspirational Song for Shooting Victims
Slipped Disc
The next Mahler cycle will come from … Minnesota
Alberto Vilar is out of jail
How the other tenth live
In this weather, a quartet needs its emergency wellness pack
Berlin calling? Yoncheva breaks into Medea
Spotify Blog
Spotify Launches Self-Serve Advertising Platform in the UK and Canada
Spotify Announces Launch of Line-In
John Hancock and Spotify Give Runners Everywhere Access to Custom Playlists and Tips from Some of the World’s Fastest Marathoners
Spotify Kicks off Women’s History Month with the Launch of ‘Amplify,’ a New Hub Spotlighting Causes & Community Voices
Spotify’s Electrifying Concert Series “RapCaviar Live” Returns with a New Tour Lineup featuring Migos, 2 Chainz, Tory Lanez, DJ Mustard, Lil Pump, and more
We Are the Music Makers
The Secrets of Chords (Pop Theory)
Just got ez drummer 2
Recommended books for song arrangements?
Musical Theory
/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Weekend Collaboration Thread
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newmusicmonthly · 6 years
It has been a whole year without a monthly mailer, hence this now being a yearly mailer.
I hope you’ve all had a great year (and that said monthly mailer hasn’t been missed too much… or has it?).
Anyway, below are my top ten picks of the year, plus my five track picks per month for the whole year (which I have sequenced and arranged roughly chronologically, for your listening pleasure, and because I like lists).
Normal monthly service will hopefully be resumed next year.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Roger
LCD Soundsystem – how do you sleep?
The Killers – The Man
Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Anthem for No State (Pt.I-III)
The War On Drugs – Pain
The Horrors – Something To Remember Me By
Spoon – Whisperi’lllistentohearit
The Orange Drop – The Curse of Kukaka
Endless Boogie – Back in ‘74
Chris Forsyth – Have We Mistaken the Bottle for the Whiskey Inside
Ron Gallo – Young Lady, You’re Scaring Me
LCD Soundsystem – american dream
The Horrors – V
Endless Boogie – Vibe Killer
The Orange Drop – Stoned In Love
The War On Drugs – A Deeper Understanding
Mount Eerie – A Crow Looked at Me
Broken Social Scene – Hug Of Thunder
Michael Nau – Some Twist
Boubacar Tarore – Dounia Tabolo
Richard Dawson – Peasant
Special mention to the best compilation of the year, Various Artists – Wayfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares
31/10/17 – Godspeed You! Black Emperor, The Troxy, London
16/03/17 – Glass Animals, Brixton Academy, London
29/10/17 – The Horrors, KOKO, London
09/12/17 – Marilyn Manson, Wembley Arena, London
01/09/17 – Interpol, Alexandra Palace, London
04/11/17 – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Brixton Academy, London
17/06/17 – The Stone Roses, Wembley Stadium, London
11/02/17 – Matthew Logan Vasquez, Islington Assembly Hall, London
13/06/17 – Prophets of Rage, Brixton Academy, London
26/09/17 – Kirin J. Callinan, Hoxton Bar And Grill, London
Special mention to the best festival of the year, quite clearly Glastonbury.
The Orange Drop – The Curse of Kukaka Strictly speaking this was released late last year; an exemplary psych wig-out.
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Nuclear Fusion Ever wondered what people mean by playing behind the beat? Well you can hear the two drummers play both behind and in front of the beat… in the same song! Mentally groovy!
Dead Horse One – Insight Again, released at the end of last year; a wonderful droning compressed psych embrace.
Miles Mosley – Abraham Man alive this band have chops, a fantastic piano-led soul/funk work-out.
Small Feet – A Winter Coat On Bare Bones I think Stockholm band-leader Simon is special singer/song-writer somewhat reminiscent of Neil Young; a song for lonely winter walks.
Loyle Carner – The Isle Of Arran Great rapper, inspiring lyrics, awesome performer, and one of the best samples all year; nuff said.
Sinkane – Telephone Subtle this is not; big dance grooves.
Ron Gallo – Young Lady, You’re Scaring Me Part White Stripes, part Two Gallants, part Rival Sons,; all rock n roll!
Tinariwen – Sastanaqqam The elder masters of ‘desert’ blues always hit the spot.
Strand of Oaks – Everything Punchy boisterous rock, with a few Elvis/Josh Homme ‘Huhs!’ thrown in for good measure.
All Them Witches – 3-5-7 Love this band; rolling heavy stoner rock grooves.
Chicos de Nazca – Never Ends Even woozier than the above, sun washed tequila haze guitars abound.
Great Ytene – Locus Post punk but also four to the floor rock, interspersed with, and descending into, gnawing nervous, and bordering on atonal, washes.
Cameron Avery – C’est Toi Crooning ‘standards’ love song authentically made modern; big baritonevoice, strings and cinematic appeal aplenty.
W.H. Lung – Inspiration! This is a stellar find, coming across as a mix up of Neu!, Talking Heads and Hookworms, exceptional!
Spoon – WhisperI’lllistentohearit Really good album but it is the propulsive drumming which is absolutely stand-out brilliant on this track.
Tamikrest – Wainan Adobat New masters of ‘desert’ blues in my opinion, this is a great up-tempo number.
Mount Eerie – Ravens One of the most difficult and most emotionally affecting songs I’ve ever listened to. Painfully sad and personal, as real as a portrayal of grief as I can imagine.
British Sea Power – Praise For Whatever A tale of two songs in one, with the first half given to atypical British Sea Power songwriting, before mid-way through out stomps an enormous bass lead groove wig out.
The Black Angels – Half Believing Modern psych kings back on form with this menacing yet mournful track.
Betrayers – Belong Here Raga No idea how I found this, but it’s a chugging bluesy number, although not sure it qualifies as a raga.
Matthew Logan Vasquez – Same Stomping, grooving funk soul rock.
Jane Weaver – Did You See Butterflies? Jane laying down those now trademark motorik bass and beats and ethereal vocals, this time concerned with butterflies.
Thurston Moore – Exalted A slowly unfurling melodic opening gives way to some molten guitar workout, before some almighty build and release crashes, and then comes the vocals; immense.
Ho99o9 – United States Of Horror Speaking of immense, these guys are fucking awesome; turn it up to 11, atop spitfire politically charged lyrics, but unlike anything else out there.
Endless Boogie – Back in ‘74 Boogie-tastic with perhaps my favourite lyrics of the year about a kite flying contest at a Kiss concert in 1974.
Pumarosa – Red Beautiful vocals float above a glorious melody and some seriously tight grooves.
Aldous Harding – Blend Sparse, confessional sounding, but altogether quite beautiful.
Minotaurs – Hipswinger Now I know I go on about grooves, but seriously, this is just groove-tastic, when it drops around 0:55, I mean, hell yeah I’m gonna swing my hips; with added brass.
Richard Dawson – Weaver This is a very unique album; it is a concept album, I’ll say no more; this was the track I returned to most often.
Hey Colossus – In A Collision Chugging rock which also manages to sound ominous and delicate at the same time.
Floating Points – Kelso Dunes Ambient instrumental post rock that really taps into a driving motoric groove, that borders on space rock!
B Boys – B Boys Anthem Arty, brash, tight rock song barely over a minute
Michael Nau – Good Thing The sound of this album is a joy, with warm tones and an obvious hiss akin to old records; this track is the most lovely of the lot.
Peter Perret – Living In My Head This is real climbing up the walls, in your head, blues-esque stuff; how Peter Perret has come back from the brink to deliver this kind of great music is anyone’s guess.
Broken Social Scene – Vanity Pail Kids Industrial pounding opening and a soaring indie chorus.
Holy Fuck – Chains Oh Holy Fuck; this is scary techno, which piles on the layers of noise and pounding beats until your ears bleed; it has it’s time and place, but I love it.
Public Service Broadcasting – The Pit Top band, with another great idea for an album; battle like drums and swelling guitar swirls and strings.
Dan Croll – Tokyo Classy pop song-writing with an absolute earworm of a motif.
Jesus on Heroine – Neu!comers A glorious bed of guitars and gentle swells.
Kacy & Clayton – The Light of Day Some 70s folk sounds, bordering on country vocals, warm yet clear.
Chris Forsyth – Have We Mistaken the Bottle for the Whiskey Inside There is that groove; reminds me a bit of a favourite from last year, The Wave Pictures, in the instrumentation, except this has more drawl.
LCD Soundsystem – how do you sleep? So fucking good; the definitive 101 on how to create a build in a song; ominous percussion, unnerving strings, savagely brilliant lyrics (perhaps a touch Bono-esque), which has drop after drop as each instrument is introduced, building to the brilliant titular pay-off; my only gripe is that James didn’t fucking play it live!!!
The Horrors – Something To Remember Me By Great band, great album, and an absolute banger.
The War On Drugs – Pain Guitar solos; hummable, glorious, soaring guitar solos.
The Killers – The Man This is the best song of the year (except LCD obviously); a groovalicious squelchy lyrical monster; it’s USDA certified lean!
Thee Oh Sees – Animated Violence The heaviest Thee Oh Sees (or whatever they’re calling themselves these days) have ever been; a giant slab of heavy sludge interspersed with bizarre guitar arpeggios.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Anthem for No State, Pt.III I consider myself lucky to be here at a time I can see Godspeed play live; they are truly peerless. This best track from their latest album comes across like an apocalyptic mariachi song, with strings, guitars, drums, building to a trademark cacophony before the subtle transition at 6:20 which carries you away; beautiful, mournful noise.
Neil Young – Captain Kennedy Not strictly new music, but from the unreleased ‘Hitchhiker’ album released earlier this year, this is Neil at his folky acoustic best.
Juju – And Play A Game A bizarre but wonderful song built upon one repetitive bass line, which literally has about a dozen genres stuffed in it; stick with it though, and from roughly 2 minutes in it is motorik gold.
Marilyn Manson – SAY10 Manson doing what Manson does best; that chorus is one of the hookiest things I’ve heard all year, and the guitars sound absolutely on point, just the right about of crunch.
St. Vincent – Smoking Section I think of this as Annie’s broadway showtune of sorts, like ‘A Man Needs A Maid’, but it’s more than that, it’s personal, mournful, and yes theatrical, but also has a wonderful send off.
Courtney Barnett, Kurt Vile – Fear Is Like a Forest Much as I struggle with Courtney’s vocal delivery, she does sound great here, and with Kurt layering on the Crazy Horse guitars, it’s just a great track.
Curtis Harding – Ghost Of You Smoky soul and grooves.
New Candys – Tempera Reverb?! Can we get anymore reverb?! Solid psych under 3 minutes!
Baxter Dury – Miami Perhaps the best bassline of the year, slinky and disgusting at the same time, with the lyrics to match depicting a grotesque character amped up to 11, but absolutely delicious.
Baltic Fleet – A la Mortal I have a penchant for crescendo focused instrumental ambient rock, which is exactly what this is.
Pete International Airport – Flowers Of Evil Languid grooves buried beneath ambient textures and Robert Levon Been’s (of BRMC fame) trademark sing/sneer, but transitions into a gentle and quite beautiful outro.
Pretty Lightning – The Rhythm Of Ooze With a distinct whiff of Archie Bronson Outfit, this takes a blues riff and pushes it to the max.
Boubacar Traore – Dis lui que je l’aime comme mon pays Absolutely fantastic acoustic blues from the legendary Malian bluesman; it’s the same progressions and structures but with a vital energy and magnificent instrumental interplay which is as rousing as it is impressive.
0 notes
imnotbroken-hearted · 3 years
Therapists Pumping Through Our Speakers: You Had A Little Bit Of Bad Luck, The Lights Shining On You From That Moment Onwards (i couldve just write five words but i dont think that's enough)
re: nervousbreakdance 's 'We Liked You Better Fat: Confessions Of a Pariah'
It's ridiculous how people are just waiting for our fall. yeah? lmao. As an outcast (kinda) myself, in this little circle of society that I live in, it has always been a trouble to fit in. They will always give you side eyes, judging silently. Why did they dressed up like that, who is their parents, they didn't teach their kids? Even with trivial things.
This is where something that YOU didn't realize; YOU saved lives, provided comfort. Through words that are sung accompanied with rhythms.
You might see it, might not. Things can get worse, they do. I believe things can get worse. But, when you're clouded with these kinds of things (I don't even know how to explain) . you're not really seeing how far you've gone.
As much as these so-called 'fans' back then, claiming they love you yet throwing you under the bus, there's always few back there, back of the room, smiling to you because they know it is better for you that way and they're proud of you, proud of your achievements.
I am talking about this in general.. its. really subjective. people might like it. might not. But, the important thing is, you did it. you achieve want you wanted. you know what is better for you and you went for it.
10 years of Soul Punk and i wish i could ramble all day long how this little project you made back then had given me hope and safety when i needed it the most but im no good at words (no really, im relying on mental dictionary). The messages you were sending through tracks were really strong. strong enough to get me going with hope and promise that it'll get better. it does. it does get better eventually.
Not to be such a cliche, but somehow, i find comfort through Soul Punk (lets put it that way. its late and i don't use lights).
(Once again i could ramble all day about that one 11 tracks album released in 2011 but we dont have time here.)
To put it easily, track 10, 'Coast (Its Gonna Get Better)',
"I keep making mistakes but it takes some time to get anything right. right?"
a line. and that really speaks through. you might mess things up several times. But with more hard work and focus, you'll get it eventually.
Back to my point, (adhd mind melt here) you, Mr Patrick Vaughn Stump, had given so much positive vibes through the years youve been a musician. and singer. and lyricist. (wiki help me). I am thankful you're still here with us, creating what you love, doing what you love. because by the end of the day, you are what you love not who loves you. (srar moment) i am proud of you, your past self, and your future self. you've gone through a lot, and you made it. and from that i wish i could take notes from your journey.
and, Soul Punk. you outdid yourself back then, she was way too early for the time. Thank you for composing her from scratch to a complete album with a deluxe edition (mind you). Long live my beloved. (oh and Truant Wave EP too, hehe love u)
Things get bitter but it'll get better eventually. Thank you for still believing the world.
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