#Scenaria II
Current Music Obsessions: May 1 - 16, 2017
I know I’m a bit late on this, but I was so busy throughout the week, but here are my obsessions for the first half of May! I’ve fallen behind on videos again, so there are gonna be quite of few of everything. ANYWAYS, let’s get into it! Here are the honorable mentions.
Trail of Tears - The Haunted Cadaveria - Mater Tenebrarum Skarlet Riot - Feel Admirabilis - Stay Strength in Numbers - Times of Grace Shvpes - False Teeth Carach Angren - Charlie Zuberoa Aznarez - Luna Emerald Mind - Distant Lands The Compromise - Days are Gone Cold Insight - The Light We Are Control the Storm - Twisted Truth Ilinca feat. Alex Florea - Yodel It Blanche - City Lights Exist - Take My Picture Metalwings - Fallen Angel in the Hell Drone Epidemic - Separate Chalice - Solitary Waves Seven - Skyline Divided Trail of Tears - When Silence Cries The White Swan - North Carolina Seven Kingdoms - Kingslayer Dorothy - Raise Hell Unleash the Archers - The Matriarch Perfume Genius - Slip Away Blackbriar - Preserved Roses Fairy Bones - Pink Plastic Cups
Here come the obsessions, and a little heads up, several are from Eurovision.
1) Node - The Plot Survives
This song is rather simple, being mainly an instrumental song. The only singing is brought by guest singer, Lisy Stefanoni of Evenoire (which I discovered this song through her), but even then it's just vocalizing. But that and her flute solo are what makes this song so wonderful. The simplicity of it and the atmospheric metal vibe that it gives off is wonderful.
2) The Great Discord - Darkest Day
This is the first single off of their upcoming album and I am so hyped for it! I discovered this band last year and immediately became obsessed with them. They're a progressive metal band with djenty moments (even though they call themselves progressive death pop, which oddly suits them) and lyrical themes that are similar to Ghost. So if you're like me and can't get into Ghost, but want something similar, check them out. ANYWAYS, this song is absolutely epic and Fia looks AMAZING in the video!
3) Elantris - Ellie
Elantris is a symphonic metal band from the US that is actually really great! I came across these guys after finding out they're one of the openers for Epica's Universal Principle tour in the States later this year and decided to give them a listen and I am hooked. This band is a force to reckon with and I can't wait to hear more from them and I HOPE I can go to the Universal Principle tour!
4) Ethereal Dawn - In Your Theocracy
This song is absolutely epic. I love it so much when bands bring in middle eastern musical influences into their music. I don’t know why, I just do, and this song does just that. It’s such an amazing and bombastic power metal track with such strong middle eastern influences and I absolutely love it.
5) Florence + the Machine - Cosmic Love
I came across this song through a friend sharing it on Facebook. It's so lovely. I haven't heard a bad song from Florence + the Machine yet and I don't think I ever will. Their music is just so pleasant and wonderful, and this song is all of those things.
6) Scenario II - Rapture
I discovered these guys a few months ago and I am loving them. This song is so pretty and so aggressive. So good. It's also rather simple, but the execution of it is absolutely amazing.
7) Oracles - Dawn of the Sycophant
THIS. IS. EPIC. This song is very different compared to their debut album, yet very much still on brand for them. It has a bit of a symphonic black metal feel to it and it is awesome. I cannot wait to see what else they bring and if they're going to continue is this blackened symphonic direction.
8) Helion Prime - Remnants of Stars
This is their first single featuring their new front woman, Kayla, and it is amazing. It's so good! I was a bit worried that Kayla wouldn't be able to match up to Heather, but she does and has a similar sounding voice and has a bit more power than her. I'm so excited to see what else they bring with her. Also this song has a huge sci-fi/space theme to the lyrics which I truly adore.
9) The Anix - Hollow
This song is so wonderful and a great song to veg out to. It has a slight new wave feel to it and the whole vibe of it just makes you feel so relaxed. I'm definitely am going to check out more from these guys, for this song has definitely grabbed my attention.
10) DOOL - Oweynagat
I discovered this band through Charlotte Wessels of Delain, for she made a post on Facebook giving them a shoutout, so I figured I'd give them a listen. I'm so glad I did, because this is something unlike anything I've ever heard. It has a classic rock feel, but is also rather doomy. I am definitely am going check out more from them.
11) Lucie Jones - Never Give Up On You
This was the UK's entry for Eurovision this year. This was the first year that I TRIED to keep up with the competition, but since I live in the US, that is near impossible since I don't think they air it on TV here and most of the videos on ESC YT channel are blocked here. ANYWAYS, this song is absolutely gorgeous and I loved it.
12) Kasia Mos - Flashlight
This was Poland's entry for Eurovision and it's definitely one of the more different songs that made it on there this year, being that it's a more experimental track. This was my personal third favorite entry this year. So good and so lovely.
13) Anja - Where I Am
Denmark's entry was so good! Such a fun and upbeat song compared to all the ballads and slower songs that happened this year. Her voice is absolutely wonderful and she looked so gorgeous in this video. This was my second favorite this year. So good.
14) Slavko Kalezic - Space
This was Montenegro's entry and it was the gayest one on this year and I fucking love it. I knew they wouldn't win, but the fact that it's such a fun song and the video just screams the gay club scene made me fall in love with it. Also can we talk about that fierce ass ponytail? YAS BITCH!
15) Tamara Gachechiladze - Keep the Faith
THIS WAS MY FAVORITE THIS YEAR. The drama, the power, the message; it's so fucking good! I can understand why it didn't make it far, but it's my number one favorite entry. You all should know this by now: the more dramatic a track is, the more I'm going to love it. And Tamara looks absolutely STUNNING in this video.
16) Elyose - Rédemption
I've known of this song for a while now, but I saw it pop up and decided to listen to it and started obsessing over it. It's such a great song. It's like a blend of prog, industrial metal and a little bit of symphonic metal. It just throws me off that the singer looks so adorable and tiny, yet she has such a strong and powerful voice. So good. So good. HIGHLY recommend it!
That’s it for the first half of May. The second is probably gonna be just as long or possibly longer, sooo yeah.
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