My Hero Academia Love History-Girl from nowhere
Chapter 1- New begining
The young woman sighed looking at the huge building in front of her. She stood in the middle of the entrance gate, where around her other boys and girls of her age entered without stopping, ready to take the entrance exam for the best hero academy in Japan.
Someone said while bumping into her shoulder.
-I´m sorry....! 
She saw the one that hit her.It was a tall blonde boy.He walked past her without even looking at her...he just told her to get out of the way rudely. On the other hand, he was right, she had been left standing in the middle of the huge gate...although there was still much more room to go through.
She rubbed her arm and finally decided to move forward and cross to the other side. Some people had already grouped up and were talking to each other; she saw the blond boy from before, she was talking to a boy who seemed to be as scared and nervous as she was; green, messy hair and a face full of freckles.
-Deku!- the blonde yelled- get out of my way or I'll liquidate you!!
-M-Morning good luck on the test! -said the other boy stuttering
The blond grunted and walked past her ignoring the other boy.
She was reaching the green-haired boy's height when she heard two people discreetly point at the blond and comment:
-Isn't that Bakugo?....the one from the fight with the mud monster?
-It is true!! -commented the other
Then she remembered that she had seen something on the news, and that her co-workers at the hotel she cleaned also commented it with fear and disgust on their voices, unlike her, none of her co-workers had quirks, and this whole thing about villains and monsters scared them a lot. .
The young woman quickened her pace and entered the large building. She was counting on the fact that this UA test would not take too long, since she had to go back to work... it had already cost her part of her salary to be allowed to leave work to go do the test.She was sure that was illegal,but didn´t dared to complain.
The guy from before stumbled on his own feet.
-¿You ok?...
Another girl came forward asking the same thing, but she held him in the air thanks to her quirk.
Seeing that none of them had noticed her, she did not stop and continued forward.
The auditorium was almost completely full when she entered. She took a seat in a free place, towards the back of the auditorium.
-Welcome young heroes! ....welcome to my live performance!! everyone say "hey"!!
The auditorium fell silent, but Present Mic did not lose his enthusiasm and continued to welcome everyone.
-Now I will explain everything you need to know about the practical test, are you ready?!!!
Again the icy silence.
Seiko leaned back in her chair, resting her left hand on her chin.
-It's the vocal present mic hero! I hear it every day on the radio! he is so cool!!
Without moving from her position, she looked towards the origin of the voice, it was the boy with green hair, and next to her was the unpleasant blonde from before.
-Shut up-Bakugo said.
-As I think you already know, now we will proceed to a practical test of 10 min outdoors
Seiko saw the small identification that was sent to her.It figured her photo,false details of her "old school" and a number addressed with a letter,that identified where she would have the test.....area B she read.
She nearly fell off her chair in fright.
-Kaja!-She suddenly lowered her voice as she remembered where she was- what are you doing here? how did you find me?
-I have been sent to find you so that you can return to the Red Room.
-No way," she whispered.
-Hey! you two!-exclaimed the boy from before-I want to talk!! also goes for you ... yes, you! the boy with wild hair and a normal face!!
Kaja grunted and Seiko did the same, her face twisting in embarrassment as the audience began to laugh. The boy cleared his throat and began to speak.
-In the brochure it says that there are four types of villains and such a mistake is not worthy of UA High!! ...It is unacceptable!! we come here to ......
Kaja's lip curled.
"He talks too much... I don't like him" said Kaja
Seiko shrugged, still embarrassed from earlier.
-Have you left the red room for this?...with our training that test is child's play for us, Seiko...
Kaja rolled her eyes and slumped back in her chair.
-Wait....-Seiko whispered.-Do you also participate?
Kaya nodded.
-Wherever you go I go, my friend... I also have to watch you
Seiko frowned.
-We'll talk about it
Kaja shrugged as she looked at her identification to take the exam.
-OKAY!!!! Candidate 71111!! you're right!! this is a special type of villain that does not give points!! they are to be, so,just let them be.... they tend to appear in places with little space, and are scattered throughout all areas! so.....I would tell you to ignore them!! you can beat them, but that doesn't give any points...
The boy sat down, and present mic kept talking.
-For my part, everything has already been said! as Napoleon Bonaparte said!! ...a hero is one who perseveres in the face of misfortune!! Good luck to all, and PLUS ULTRAAAAAAA!!!
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