electricea · 2 months
Closed starter for @shattered-protectors!
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"Still out on your motorcycle, huh? Doesn't it get chilly this time of year?"
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mused-like-roses · 7 months
Continued from here ~ @shattered-protectors
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"Then why in the hell did you ask to laugh in the first place?!" His tone raised a little as he was caught completely off-guard, his facial expression turning a bit sour in the process. He felt baffled at the sudden swerve in this situation, let alone ticked off considering his temper.
Angry AND Confused Zoro noises? Certainly!
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meastro-balan · 2 years
A sharp shot visitor has entered the theater.
This shouldn't be hard, visitors came in all the time and he had always managed to help them so he didn't expect this to be any different. Sure, each person had a different problem but no problem was to big for him to help with so long as they were in the theater. So as the new visitor entered he was immediately ready to help, he just needed to get this person to the wonderworld as he normally would. With a twirl to face the new visitor and a slight bow he was looking at the new person. "Welcome!"
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vicsmusehub · 2 years
“Just a second!”
A cheery voice calls out with a heavy Irish accent. Entering the Richards family shop is a wonder in of it self. Inventions the world has not yet seen, little clockwork mice wondering about and a winding tower with cogs turning all around. Speaking of the tower, a platform lowers from the ceiling revealing a busy Sarah pulling up her goggles to great the 
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“Greetin’s me dear! Welcome to Richard’s family industries! How can I help ya?”
@shattered-protectors​ liked for a starter!!
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hollowxport-moved · 2 years
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“Oh! Excuse me!? Miss?” 
Daisy rushes up to the stranger, gently taking her wrist. She normally would let the new face go on her marry way, but with how dangerous this area of Hollow Port is, she’s very likely to run into trouble...Hopefully none of The Blue Phantoms saw her with the intention of starting trouble...
“You really shouldn’t be in this area, isn’t the safest to be in!”
@shattered-protectors​ liked for starter!!
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automaton-otto · 2 years
Cherish hugged Otto closely.
( Thanks for the ask @shattered-protectors )
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Otto couldn't bring himself to say anything. There was this pit inside of him that was making speech difficult. He could feel tears stinging at his eyes once Cherish began to embrace him. That kindness touched him. It reminded him of what he still had. What could keep him going. Love. So long as he had that. He was still Otto...right?
The automaton's hand slowly reaches up and softly grasps the mamodo's hand. It was his way of saying...thank you
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musesarcade · 2 years
"Tundra, I'm having fun in Russia" Cherish smiled.
"I'm Glad that you have a wonderful time," Tundra man said smiling.
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electricea-archive · 2 years
Closed summer starter for @shattered-protectors​!
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“...Guess this is the last time I take a nap on the beach, huh...?” His head droops pathetically down to glimpse his left arm, zig-zagged with bright spots of red and pink.  “...My arm looks like it’s just been cooked by the sun.”
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infiniteplayers · 9 months
@shattered-protectors continued from x :
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"Aw you don't have to be so formal with me, Cherish! Being king is great and all but! I still wanted to be treated like an equal!"
Zatch beamed while he rocked on his heels a tad. Glad to know that Cherish is still helping out the smaller mamodos with Ted. She is really like a mom that Zatch ever wanted. If he doesn't know what happened to his mother. Just a lady caretaker that well, made sure that h was toughen up. He was making his daily rounds around the town. Being in a huge castle by yourself was boring! He might of snuck out without telling anyone else. Mischievous little mamodo he was. He will explain later on why he wasn't there for his kingly lectures.
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"Glad that you, Ted, and the others are doing swell! Feels like I haven't seen you in forever!"
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godfrey-industries · 1 year
"Listen Yarbert. I'm not the best at expression my emotions" Nicole sat down "But, I love you so much. I know I don't say it or show i that much, but you know why I have a hard time. You manged to wiggle into my heart and been so understanding. You mean the whole world to me and... I'll never hurt you"
( Thanks for the @shattered-protectors )
Yarbert looks at Nicole confused. This isn’t like her at all. The ranger was usually so relaxed and calm. Yeah she had her moments of letting her walls down but this time was different. She’s never been this open about her feelings before.
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“Nics, is everything okay? You’re usually not this affectionate. Not that I mind. People getting on your nerves again, I presume?” He walks over to the brunette and embraces her, “There there, I love you too. You mean a lot to me as well.”
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immediatebreakfast · 26 days
Well, the consequences for Jonathan's disobedience were quite terrifying, on top of destroying an aspect of Jonathan's beliefs as a character.
We already have seen plus noticed how Jonathan identifies with what femininity, and women represented in the 19th century. He is a male character that expresses so much love for the ideas of safety, and comfort that the feminine entails without the narrative trying to paint this in a derogative light anywhere.
So, it's not wonder that the visit from the Weird Sisters (a.k.a. the speculated brides, and housemates of Dracula) left him totally traumatized. Nothing that Dracula has done so far has gained such huge reaction from Jonathan.
Great God! merciful God! Let me be calm, for out of that way lies madness indeed.  ... for now, feeling as though my own brain were unhinged or as if the shock had come which must end in its undoing, I turn to my diary for repose. The habit of entering accurately must help to soothe me.
In his journey as a gothic heroine as he is trapped in the castle, Jonathan has been surviving by employing the same ideas used by fictional heroines he admires and looks up to in dire times, and he has comforted himself with Mina's memory, and his undefying love for her. Everything that Dracula represents regarding masculinity means danger for Jonathan, he is scared how the power that the Count holds over him; not as a man towards another man, but as a man towards a conceptual woman within Jonathan's mind that is part of his being.
All of this concludes in Jonathan taking a nap in the ladies' chamber room, away from Dracula's aggresive masculinity in his tainted designated room, and inside what he now deems a safe space because women lived there.
Then the Weird Sisters appear in their ethereal, beautiful glory, and as Jonathan recalls the incident in his diary, the feeling of angry loosing sanity is written with an underline tone of pure defeated betrayal. It feels as if Jonathan keeps asking himself "why did they do that to me? Aren't they in the same position as me?"
The feeling of what Jonathan calls repulsion cut through the sexually charged scene like a knife. All of the soft adjectives to describe the Sisters' appearance, Jonathan's attraction to them as he shames himself for thinking like that because of Mina, the emphasis of voluptuos charm laced with danger, all of it gets cut when Jonathan realizes what the Weird Sisters are planning to do.
There was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck she actually licked her lips like an animal.
The ladies that he thought were a dream at first are there to use him the same way that Dracula has been doing... the only difference is that the vampire ladies made very clear that they will kill him. So out it goes the kind language to describe women, and what enters is the language that Jonathan uses to describe the Count.
The femininity that Jonathan felt comfort in to shield himself from the horrors he has seen is now fractured to incorporate the monsterhood of the Weird Sisters. It's a realization that shatters him, not all women are soft, and kind, these women would have killed him if not the Count arriving, and if Jonathan cannot go to the Weird Sisters for safety against Dracula, then it means that the only being who stands between his death and life is the Count himself.
The man who is keeping Jonathan as a prisoner in everything but name is who he has to run to if Jonathan wants to keep living... What a nightmare indeed.
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electricea · 11 months
Closed summer starter for @shattered-protectors!
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"Guess we had the same idea with riding our bikes on such a nice summer day, huh...?"
He lifts his head up cheerily, hand reaching to adjust his helmet as he's perched on his ordinary red bicycle, the paint fading slightly in certain places, but still a very well loved bike.
"Gotta admit, yours is a lot cooler than mine, though!"
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fear-ne · 10 months
no no no you don’t understand. there is just something about ashton “i punch things for money” greymoore (who has been reduced by circumstance into being a tool for brutality, who has LITERAL stone hands and a glass hammer and a hardened heart, who is the product of years of cycles of violence) taking a look at other people and being ineffably gentle with them
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matchafroggy · 3 months
vox struggling to put on a screen protector has been living rent free in my brain for too long
i had to get it out
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[made in procreate] [3/3/2024]
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spectral-musette · 2 years
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The prompt from the list today was "magic and mirrors", so I did both with Sypha hijacking Vlad's Moving Castle
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ilostyou · 1 year
“evan, i don’t know what you expected us to do!”
“……….love me anyway”
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