#That Pretzel Dough cookies surprise bag
stenoodie · 3 months
Surprise Bags from Too Good To Go in February 2024
Surprise Bags from Too Good To Go in February 2024. #3bagsfrombakerynakamura #hkstylefood #thatpretzeldough #metrosnewdairybags #eggsinthedairybag #vermicelligalore
The new feature on Too Good to Go in February 2024 In February 2024, TGTG introduced a new feature where you can ask a friend to pick up a surprise bag on your behalf!  They can accept the chore or give it back to you too.  I’m sure this new tool is useful for those who want to ask a nearby friend or partner to pick up a surprise bag for them. (I don’t need to use it because my husband has always…
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moobell55 · 11 months
~A very short and sweet snippet of my drafted modern day Evajacks AU, they are both in college in this, featuring lots of Taylor Swift~
The cheap and somewhat illegal heater kicked on again. Filling the freezing dorm with much needed heat, but the sound of it only distracted Evangeline more. She slammed her English book shut and ran her hands through her pink hair.
They were already behind on studying, mid terms were only a week away. Jacks was most certainly prepared as he stressed and over planned every detail of college. However she had been fairly distracted this past semester, a certain someone had been keeping her busy.
That certain someone sat cross legged on her lofted bed. His worn Doc Martens lying beneath her bed where he'd kicked them off. A large pile of overly expensive text books were dropped next to them.
He looked almost out of place with the pink decor, his black pants and red button up clashed with almost every aspect of her room. He didn't mind though, he even preferred her room to his.
He looked rather handsome so focused on his books (some law books, even though she told him Legally Blond could've taught him all that.) A golden curl fell across his face as he flipped the page and he didn't bother to move it.
She was bored beyond belief and the sight of her overly handsome boyfriend wasn't helping. She knew the material for all her exams, Jacks just wanted them to be prepared for anything.
She looked at him and he finally looked up from his book and gave her a soft simile, sharing a bit of those dimples she loved so much.
"Do you want something to eat?" She found herself asking simply to break the silence.
He raised a eyebrow, "Tired of studying already?"
Rolling her eyes," Always, now lets have a snack break."
He stood silently and made his way to the crowded corner with her small mini fridge. It was filled with her essentials, coffee creamer, a package of Christmas cookie dough, a singular beer hidden in the back, and a bag of pre-cut apple slices. On top of her fridge was a half eaten bag of Lala's pretzels, Jacks grabbed them anyways.
"I still don't understand how either or you manage to live off this, even Castor and I have more than one beer in the fridge." His voice carried a mock distaste.
He made his way back to the bed and began eating his humble feast of whatever variety of apples he stole from the cafeteria.
Evangeline simply rolled her eyes and stepped onto the ottoman to reach him on her bed. It was truly unfair how tall he was sometimes. He quickly wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her close to him. Wrapping her both in his loving brace and his welcoming scent; fresh apples and those crisp Northern winters she loved. He was perfect.
He looked around her room, taking in the sight of his girlfriends slightly disorganized room. Fabric scraps from Lala covered her bed, Evangeline shoes were kicked off in every direction. Her Taylor Swift poster half hung off the wall from the heat of the space heater next to it.
His arm suddenly tightened around her and his icy blue eyes filled with even more love.
"I cannot wait for the day we move in together and then our house will be in a constant state of disarray," his gaze didn't look like he was living in the present with her. But imagine the future he wanted them to have. Her heart warmed at the thought.
"With your ability to leave your clothes everywhere and my lack of organization I'd say our future home isn't looking very clean."
He leaned down and placed a kiss against her forehead.
His next words surprised her.
"I was walking to class the other day, and I heard this song and it made me think of you." "In fact I heard a lot of songs that day that made me think about you." A faint blush rested on his cheeks, he was nervous.
Her grey blue eyes met his icy ones, and she swore in that moment she'd never felt more alive.
"What song was it?"
She watched as he moved his fingers back in forth against his palm, a worried habit of his.
"It made me think of the first time I ever met you and truly got to talk with you, it was called Enchanted. It made me think about how wonderful and hopeful I felt after getting to talk with you."
Her heart set on fire even more, her boyfriend thought about her while listening to a love song. And not just a love song but a Taylor Swift love song.
It surprised her too.
"You listen to Taylor Swift?" Her words held a question, and a slight accussation.
Her and Lala had spent hours on ticket master trying to manage to get tickets, to say they were fans was a small statement.
But Jacks was the kind of person who would hear Love Story and still not be able to tell you who sings it. Upon him finding out about Folklore and Evermore he asked the brilliant question, "I thought she only did Pop?" Evangeline didn't have many words for him after that.
He blushed a bright red, "Well I figured since you like her so much I could listen to more of her songs." "I'm still not very big on some of them but Reputation I think is very well done."
Evangeline growing grin was so infectious the biology majors could've done their thesis on it. After all the failed relationships and the trouble with her ex's, she'd finally done something right with her love life.
Not only did she find a man who loved every inch of her body and soul, but he listened to music she liked simply so he could talk to her about it.
"Have you listened to Lover yet? Well the album and the song?"
Evangeline was now extremely excited, it wasn't every day she got to drag someone into her favorite things. Or even find someone willing to listen to her favorite songs.
"I haven't listen to the song of the entire album but I did listen to Cruel Summer on the walk over."
"That's good, maybe we can listen to the rest together later," she paused and back tracked a bit suddenly nervous. "Or we could do it another time and we could study more."
"No absolute not, I'm tired of studying and I would rather spend time doing things that make my lovely girlfriend happy."
She smiled and a pink blush to match her hair covered her face, carefully she tilted her head up to kiss him.
Her lips were quickly slammed with Jacks as he met her midway to steal the kiss. Something he'd always done, not that she found it in herself to be bothered by it.
At last they pulled away breathlessly and the words found Evangeline's tongue before she could even speak.
"You know Jacks, I was Enchanted to meet you too."
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freddieslater · 3 years
Oh my gosh think about Lizzie being sad around the school post ep and bumping into Kaleb and they bond and he cheers her up
Hi!! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get to this. For context, this was about episode 6! (I think...) BUT I WROTE A THING FOR IT!! I'll put it below a "read more"! Thank you for this idea, anon, I love it so much!! (I'm actually tempted to write a little more for it...) 🧡
Lizzie lets the smile slide from her face only when she hears MG close his door behind her. Each step away feels heavier and heavier, and she has no idea where she’s even going. Back to her room seems to be the only option she has left now, but she also really doesn’t want to be reminded that Josie has left her by seeing her side of the room with all of her stuff. 
MG doesn’t want to spend time with her. She can’t exactly blame him; did she really just expect him to be sitting there waiting for her to finally be ready for him? Of course he said no. And Hope has a new friend. One who actually makes her smile and laugh. Lizzie honestly doesn’t think she’s ever seen her so happy before. 
She takes the stairs instead, walking into the kitchen. After all, she never got her ice cream. She finds the two bowls surprisingly still there, the ice cream perfectly intact thanks to the freezing spell she placed over them. Maybe she had been hoping that MG would take her up on her offer for just a late-night talk and she could suggest ice cream, and it would be there waiting for them already. 
Now she has two bowls and only one of her. With how she’s feeling, that’s probably better. 
Grabbing a spoon from the drawer, she siphons the spell back off of one of the bowls and hops up on the counter. Then she digs in with a desolate sigh. 
“I don’t know what’s more depressing,” a voice says from the doorway, and Lizzie looks over at Kaleb, standing there and eyeing her with pity, “the fact that you’re eating ice cream alone when there’s another bowl, or the fact that you’re doing it in the kitchen, in silence, at…” he checks his watch and raises his eyebrows, “... a quarter to midnight.”
Lizzie lowers her bowl into her lap with a shrug, swallows the lump of ice cream, and shrugs, saying bleakley, “Both. You just summed up my life, so.”
Kaleb’s eyebrows hike up higher and he sucks in air through his teeth. “Yeesh. That bad?”
He walks past her to get to the fridge, presumably for a late-night blood bag. 
Lizzie scoffs and stabs her ice cream with her spoon. Then she sighs again and says, “No, it’s just… this school is a mess. We only just have enough students to even qualify as a school! We’re probably in god knows how much debt at this point, which, I kinda thought would be enough for my mom to come back and fix, you know? After all, she is headmistress, yet somehow she’s just fine letting my dad make mess after mess of this place, and—”
“And you miss Josie.”
Kaleb closes the fridge, blood-bag in hand. He sends Lizzie a small smile when she looks over at him, and she deflates, because…
“Yeah,” she breathes out as Kaleb joins her at the counter, but leans against it instead. “I really, really miss her. And I hate myself for it, because she’s probably so happy there, and this is what she wants, and she has spent years doing what I want, so… I should be able to support her on this. Shouldn’t I?”
Kaleb shrugs one shoulder. “Yeah, you should,” he says, but to her surprise he continues, “but it makes sense that you’re gonna miss her like crazy. You two have never been apart. Like… ever. So, yeah, it’s gonna suck that she’s not here, and you’re allowed to be sad about it. So long as you accept that she's gonna do it anyway."
Lizzie stares at him. She wants to be glaring — she probably would have if this was a year ago, and she’d probably throw some snarky remark at him to cover up the fact that he’s right and she’s in denial. But she can only mush her ice cream sadly because she’s not in denial anymore and nod, looking down at her lap.
“I just…” She forces out a chuckle, closing her eyes. “Ugh, and I’m doing it again!”
“Doing what?” Kaleb asks, his brow crumpling. 
“Using people as my own therapists! I did it to MG for, like, two years, and now he’s pushing me away because of it. I did it to Josie our entire lives and she left. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why my dad prefers Hope over me, or why my mom won’t even return to the freaking country! And I’m still doing it to you! Oh my god.” She waves a hand at him. “You should go before I need to start paying you. Seriously, please.”
But Kaleb laughs. Not in a cruel, ridiculing way, but in a confused and slightly exasperated way. He doesn’t leave. Instead, he sets his blood bag down on the counter.
“You’re not using me,” he tells her. “Trust me, if I didn’t want to listen, I would’ve been out of here in a second.”
Lizzie just presses her lips together and gives a doubtful hum. It’s not fair that she keeps doing this. She just starts unloading without thinking, and people stick around because they feel bad for her. 
“Hey, we all need to vent sometimes,” Kaleb says, adopting a gentler tone when he realizes she doesn’t believe him. He gives her leg a little nudge with his elbow. “I got rejected today, if it’s any consolation, so I could use some free therapy time, too.”
Lizzie can’t help looking back over at him at that, but does at least try and put up a fight against her surprise. She fails. “Really? You were rejected? I mean, I understand MG rejecting me, but who the hell rejected you? Oh god, don’t tell me you tried with Alyssa again, I have had enough of that witch.”
It’s Kaleb’s turn for surprise but he does nothing to try and hide it. “Hold up. Rewind. MG rejected you? MG? My boy, MG, who spent all last summer talkin’ about you?”
“No need to rub it in,” Lizzie says bitterly, but there’s a small smile twitching the corners of her lips. “But come on. Fair’s fair. I’ll only tell you about my embarrassing rejection if you tell me yours.”
“So, you’ll show me yours if I show you mine?” Kaleb teases, cracking a grin. 
Lizzie rolls her eyes even as a laugh escapes her. She flicks her wrist; a drawer across the room opens and a spoon comes zooming out into her hand, the drawer closing back over. 
“Grab a spoon and take a seat, Mr. Hawkins,” she says with mock-seriousness. 
He laughs and shakes his head at her like she’s crazy — but in the good way. The kind of crazy that makes people smile so much they can’t stop until their face hurts. The kind of crazy that they want to be around because it’s fun and a little contagious and feels sorta like safety in a weird way. And the thought that he could feel any of that around her makes her feel a little less of the bad kind of crazy. 
Accepting the spoon from her, Kaleb hops up one of the stools, his leg brushing hers every time he moves. She doesn’t mind, just pushes the second bowl of ice cream across the counter and siphons the freezing spell off of it. 
“Go ahead,” she says, waving a hand at him, before digging back into her ice cream. 
“Cleo,” Kaleb says. 
Lizzie’s eyebrows raise and she hums around her mouthful of ice cream. She isn’t shocked. It was pretty obvious he had a thing for her the second he offered to try and get her to enroll at the school. And it was pretty obvious by the way she looked at him that her decision to stay was not going to be because of him.
“Maybe she just needs some time,” Lizzie suggests, shrugging. “After all, she only just got here. It’s gonna take some time to get used to this place. Maybe once she gets to know you?”
“Maybe,” Kaleb agrees, though he doesn’t sound too bothered. 
Lizzie frowns. “Or not? Do you not like her?”
“Nah, of course I like her,” Kaleb says, rolling his eyes, mushing his ice cream. Lizzie notices that he’s doing that thing where you make it smoother by mixing it a bit, the same way she does. “I just… it’s like you said. I don’t really know her, so it’s not… that big of a deal? She’s cute, and she’s interesting, and I could definitely catch some real feelings if she was into it, too. But at the same time, I’d rather just… get to know her.”
Nodding, Lizzie shrugs again. “That’s not a bad thing.” She pauses, narrowing her eyes jokingly. “So, technically you didn’t really get rejected. I should be taking that ice cream back.”
Kaleb pulls his bowl away from her with a look of offence. “How dare you try and take away my ice cream privileges. I am heartbroken!”
Lizzie arches an eyebrow. She just smiles and doesn’t argue as Kaleb smiles back, finally eating some of the ice cream. As soon as he does, he stops, making a face. 
“What — what is this?” he asks, a note of disgust in his voice. “Is this… peanut butter?”
“It’s Netflix & Chill’d!” Lizzie says. Then, when Kaleb just continues to stare in confusion, “Ben and Jerry’s? Peanut butter, pretzels, and brownie?” 
Kaleb just tilts his head and she scoffs.
“Have you never had Ben and Jerry’s before?!” she asks in disbelief. 
“Yeah! But it was, like… chocolate! You know, the one with the little chocolate fish? And, uh — the cookie dough one! You know, normal flavours. Good flavours.”
Wrinkling her nose, Lizzie says, “You qualify Phish Food as a good flavour?”
Now he’s staring at her like she’s the two-heads kind of crazy. It’s still not bad, she notes quietly, and warmly. It’s actually taking a lot of her self-control not to grin. 
“It’s chocolate and marshmallow!” Kaleb says. “How can you hate that?!”
“How can you hate peanut butter, pretzels, and brownies?” she counters. 
“Because that is way too salty!” 
“Oh, sorry, would you like a little more iron with that?”
They both pause. And then Kaleb starts laughing, and it’s like the first domino has been gently pushed as Lizzie starts laughing, too. Arguing over superior ice cream flavours at midnight is definitely better than eating them alone. 
Despite his complaints, Kaleb still loads his spoon with more ice cream and eats it as if giving it another go will change his opinion. Lizzie watches him curiously. His nose wrinkles again and she presses her lips together to hold back another laugh — a giggle — because seeing him trying to act like it tastes good is actually kind of adorable. 
He swallows and shakes his head. “Mhm. Nope.”
“There’s cookie dough in the freezer,” Lizzie tells him, putting him out of his misery. “It was Jo’s favourite as well, she always made Dad buy in at least two tubs in case of emergencies.”
“An ice cream emergency?” Kaleb questions.
Lizzie gestures around them, then at her own bowl. 
Kaleb nods. “Enough said.” He points at the second bowl as he gets up to move over to the freezer. “What about that?”
“Considering my day, two bowls seems fair,” Lizzie tells him. 
She dumps the contents of the second one into her own as Kaleb gives another chuckle. He retrieves the tub of cookie dough ice cream from the freezer and returns. When he takes a spoonful of it, his nose doesn’t wrinkle, and he gives a contented sigh and smiles, nodding to himself. 
“Now that,” he points his spoon at the tub, “that is good ice cream.”
“Honestly, you have no taste,” Lizzie jokes. “In anything except fashion. That, at least, I can respect.”
“I could say the same for you,” Kaleb quips. He glances up at her from beneath his eyelashes and maybe her heart gives a little flutter as a sly smile twists across his lips. 
She narrows her eyes, hiding it. Except he can hear it. But that doesn’t matter, she tells herself, because it’s nothing anyway. Probably brain freeze getting to her. Just… in her chest, instead.
“Agree to disagree,” she says. 
“Fine by me.” Kaleb then nods at her expectantly. “Right. Come on. Your turn.”
Catching on, Lizzie groans. “Oh no, I can’t. It’s humiliating!”
Even as she says it, she’s laughing again as Kaleb persists, trying to pull it out of her. In the end, it actually works, and she spills the whole nightmare to him. He listens. He laughs, of course, but only when she does, and he… doesn’t leave. 
Lizzie finishes both bowls of ice cream and Kaleb gets through his entire tub, then finally gets around to his blood bag as they keep talking. It’s well past midnight — maybe even past one in the morning, she can’t be sure — but neither of them even thinks about leaving. After the day they’ve had — hell, the weeks they’ve had — this was exactly what they both needed. 
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rachel1987 · 4 years
GWCFT Part 6
It’s the night of the big show! All our favorite Wonderlandians gather to show off their skills to June Hare. What acts has everyone chosen to perform? Will Hare be able to pull off his big show stopper? And what is Rabbit’s talent, anyway?
x posted on ao3 and FF.net
Hare stood backstage, his chin tilted up, Hatter's hands tying his cape around his collar. "You need to relax…" Hatter mumbled under his breath. "Everything is going to be just fine."
"How did I let you talk me into this?" he heaved, fingers twitching nervously at his chest. He had been alright all day with his mother, the shopping and monotony of it all making him forget about his nerves. But now that he was here and everyone was bustling around getting ready, a wave of nausea washed over him. He had become so nervous and preoccupied he kept knotting his cape ties and Hatter had to step in to help.
"You're last on the set list, don't worry!" Hatter said, brushing off Hare's shoulders and smoothing out the satin fabric. "Your mother is excited to watch you and you're going to be great. Besides you've never gotten nervous like this before a show before. Don't start this now."
Hare furrowed his brow and huffed a little, making him look like a child who was pouting because his mother wouldn't let him have cookies before dinner. Hatter chuckled and gave his bunny a quick smooch. "Why don't you go check on your mom, show her the pretzel machine? I have a few more things I need to do before the show starts."
"Alright," he grumped, giving the Hatter's hand a squeeze before going to his Mother's side. She was sitting in the front row by the Queen, chatting about something that probably didn't matter.
"Look at my boy!" June exclaimed, cutting the Queen off on whatever she was saying, causing her to "harumph" to herself. "You look just darling in that cape. Oh, I knew I should have brought my camera!"
Hare blushed and bounced his head around a little, rolling his eyes. "Thanks, Mom. Hello, your Majesty. Thank you for coming to our talent show."
"Yes, well," the Queen shook her hand in the air as she spoke. "I had a gap in my schedule today and thought it would be a good idea to spend some time with my subjects. After all, one needs to have a little fun from time to time."
"How true that is, your Majesty," Hare said, clasping his hands together by his chest as he spoke. "Would either of you, perhaps, like a pretzel or a drink before the show begins?"
"Yes, I would, thank you," the Queen cut in quickly, not even waiting for Hare to finish his offer before speaking. "Who knows where that Rabbit ran off to? He was supposed to bring me a drink twenty minutes ago and seems to have disappeared."
"Right away, your Majesty," Hare nodded.
"I'll go with you, son," June said as she got to her feet. "Please excuse me, your Highness."
The Queen dismissed them with a wave of her hand and turned her attention to other matters. She was watching the Tweedles spin around, practicing their routine on the other side of the courtyard and found them more interesting than anything else going on.
The pair walked to the pretzel machine that hadn't been turned on yet and Hare ran through it with his mom. "You put the dough in here, there's a salt meter and a unit that shapes, bakes and cools them so they'll be ready to eat when they come out. And a little bell you can ring when it's done."
"What are the lights for?" June asked, enchanted.
"Those are for fun," Hare smiled. "When you push them, they change colors." He then demonstrated them.
"And how do you turn it on?" she asked, brows raised in intrigue. She held her finger under her lip in a familiar pose as she listened, nodding as she took it all in.
"This knob here," Hare pointed. "But once it's on, you can't turn it off. Somehow we never figured out how to fix that. It'll just keep baking till it runs through the dough and then it'll shut down."
"Do you think…" June paused, feeling a little sheepish and her cheeks going pink. "Do you think I can turn it on?"
Hare smiled widely and guffawed. "Of course!" he hopped excitedly. "You just crank it to the left two turns."
June bit her lip and did as she was told and the machine came to life, mechanisms beeping and lights flashing. It didn't take long for the pretzels to start popping out of the contraption and Hare started piling them into bowls that were spread around the table. She seemed very impressed as she picked up one of the first pretzels, giving it a sniff and then a test nibble.
"This is delicious, son," she commended. "Not too salty, not bland. Excellent flavor. All we need is a fondue pot and this would be perfect."
"Why hadn't I thought of that…" Hare muttered to himself, thinking of his full fondue set sitting at home that hadn't been used in ages.
Suddenly, Alice was next to them, a little bit of a flustered expression on her face.
"What's the matter, Alice?" June asked, her motherly intuition rearing its head.
"Her majesty wants to know what's taking so long to get her some refreshments," she shrugged.
The three looked over at the Queen, who was shooting daggers in their direction, arms crossed over her bosom in frustration. Hare panicked a little, fingers flexing as he rushed to get her Majesty a pretzel and a wine cooler, cape whipping behind him as he ran. June and Alice followed behind, each taking some snacks and tea from the refreshment table, going to their seats casually.
The seats were filling as more of the talent and audience arrived. Caterpillar sat himself to the right of the stage, giving himself perhaps the best view out of everyone and Rabbit appeared with a gym bag which he stored behind the curtain for later. The Cat hovered over the crowd, probably already thinking of some sick burns to throw during the show to entertain himself.
Six o'clock rolled around and the Hatter took center stage, a wide smile across his face as he greeted everyone. He was looking extra spiffed up, his usual purple coat and tails speckled with glittering embellishments that sparkled as he moved.
"Ladies and gentleman, cats and Majestys! Welcome to the talent show!" There was a smattering of applause as people settled into their seats, the chatter dying down. "We have a wide array of acts lined up for you tonight. You'll laugh! You'll cry! You might not even believe your eyes! So sit back and enjoy the show." Another round of applause followed and Hatter waited for the noise to settle before introducing the first act.
"Our first act is the upbeat dance stylings of the Tweedles!" He casually stepped to the side, arm outstretched as the Tweedles came through the part in the curtain.
Dum set their oversized boombox to the side of the stage (volume set to 11) and pressed the play button, racing to center to hit his mark before the music began. They stood back to back, arms crossed over their chests, sunglasses covering their eyes for that cool hip-hop look.
The bass boomed from the speakers and they hopped into action, poppin' and lockin', ducking and weaving around each other. They synchronized their movements to each other and the music perfectly, hitting every beat with a gesture or pose that yelled nothing but hip-hop attitude. At one point they did a little rap battle, bouncing verses back and forth off each other with ease. The audience was mesmerized and feeding into their energy, getting hyped up and sucked into the show. Soon people were clapping to the beat and the Hatter couldn't stop himself from doing some dance moves from his seat just off stage. The Tweedles did some flips and jumps, landing just as the music ended, applause filling the area. They got to their feet and bowed, waving at the cheers as Hatter ushered them offstage.
"Thank you, lads. What a great first act, am I right?" Hatter said as he applauded, a bounce still in his step from the energy he gained from the show. "Really marvelous. Such a hard act to follow. But, someone has to do it! And our next act is a dramatic reading of a new story from none other than our resident storyteller, the Caterpillar."
The Caterpillar scooted his way closer to the stage, setting just off to the right of it. There was no way he was even going to attempt to get up on that tiny stage and nobody expected him to.
"Thank you, thank you…" he said to light applause that preceded him to the stage. His lowest set of hands applauded for himself, his middle hands were holding a book tightly and his top hands were moving in a downward motion, as if to settle a crowd of unruly children. "How am I meant to follow an act like that? Well, I would say, with a story." His middle hands passed the book up to his top ones and he flipped through the pages, going to one marked with a red ribbon. This was apparently his journal that his second pair of hands worked in (his best writing hands, if you'd asked him) and it was filled with all of the stories that he was working through.
"This is a story about a boy named Carl who thought it would be a good idea to go into the haunted house alone…" He read the story aloud, bringing the energy of the room down a spell from the last act. His second and third pair of hands worked with him, pulling items from a bag that was slung over one of his shoulders to act as props or sound effects as he read aloud. He droned out the story but somehow brought it to life and everyone felt like they could almost see the tale run through in their mind's eye. The story had twists and turns and one surprise after another. There was a jump scare almost ¾ of the way through that got a lot of them, Rabbit most of all. He almost hopped into the Queen's lap, causing her to make a little bit of a scene. But the Caterpillar reeled them back in to finish the story with a grim message.
"And, in the end, Carl learned that sometimes you must heed the warnings of others. Because, if you don't, the only friends you'll have are the worms in the ground who will feast upon that's left of your corpse."
The audience didn't know how to react to the story the Caterpillar chose to read to them. It was an enthralling tale, but one that probably would have been better saved for their Halloween Campfire session.
The Cat, however, loved it and howled with laughter as he applauded enthusiastically. "The little sucker got what he deserved, haha!" he boomed, tail swishing around with excitement. Everyone looked at him with confused expressions on their faces as the Caterpillar moved his way back to his original spot, Hatter taking the stage again.
"Ooh, spooky story, right folks?" he said with a nervous laugh. He was thinking that perhaps he should have screened the talent before allowing them to perform, but it was too late for that now. "I especially liked the part where the…" he paused and cleared his throat. "Anyway, thank you Caterpillar. We will keep our eyes open for when your next book is published and I'm sure we'll all be sure to grab ourselves a copy."
"I will be selling autographed anthologies after the show," he said as he settled. "Come and see me if you're interested. Oh, and no personal checks, please," he added with the wave of a finger.
"Righty roo," Hatter said with a chuckle. "Now, on to the next act. This little guy has traveled a long way from my tea table to perform his acts of daredevilry for all of you tonight! So please direct your attention to the center of the stage as I present to you: Danger Dormouse!"
Hatter pulled on a yellow cord that was to the left of the stage and the curtain went up, revealing a miniature driving obstacle course set up on a table. It was just below eye level, so even those in the back row had some sort of view of it. The stage, however, was empty of the small mouse with a motorcycle.
From off in the distance, the put-put-put of his motor could be heard and he zoomed in from under the gate door, coming up the center aisle and up a ramp and onto the stage. He was making great speed but was still visible to everyone as he hopped another ramp onto the table, doing a wheelie as his tires screeched. That earned him a surprised round of applause, most of the audience being quite shocked that the Dormouse had this sort of act in him.
About halfway through the routine, Rabbit got a tap on his shoulder and he jumped to see the Hatter there, tilting his head to the side to indicate that he was up next. Rabbit twiddled his fingers and nodded, getting to his feet and sneaking away to prepare himself without anyone noticing.
They watched the Dormouse weave through traffic cones, do a crossing on a narrow beam from one table to another and he even did a handstand on his little cycle while driving it. Every stunt he managed to land received more applause from the audience. And when he pulled off his final trick, jumping over 8 of the Hatter's tophats side-by-side, you'd have thought he had jumped the entirety of the grand canyon by the way the audience reacted. Dee and Dum were so impressed they gave him a standing ovation, thrusting their fists into the air and hooting as the little mouse stood on the stage beside his bike, bowing to everyone.
"Alright, little guy," Hatter said as he entered the stage, applauding his small friend and housemate. The curtain had been dropped behind him and there was a scuffling sound from behind it, if anyone had paid attention to hear it. "Everyone should watch themselves with this guy on the road, am I right?" That received a little bit of a laugh and the Dormouse climbed back into his bike, kicking the stand up before looking up at Hatter. "You be careful on your drive home, alright? I know you have quite a journey to make." The Dormouse chuckled and turned the motor on, zooming away and around the side of the hat house.
"Now, this next act was a last minute addition to the lineup, so even I'll be surprised by what we're about to experience," Hatter introduced as the put-put-put of the motor died away. "Let's give a round of applause for the Queen's right hand bunny, and one of my favorite furry friends, The White Rabbit."
Rabbit took the stage from behind the curtain in a black unitard, leg warmers on his fuzzy legs, sweatbands on his wrists and no roller blades. He carried a small boombox and placed a cassette tape into it, standing upright as he addressed the audience. "I will now go through a day in the life of Rabbit… through interpretive dance." He bent down and pushed the button marked "play", waiting till an early morning music started before he started bounding around the stage, waving his arms.
Everyone in the audience was completely aghast by what they had to sit through for the next few minutes. They followed Rabbit through his day, watching him mime cleaning and cooking and the various frustrations of his life, all through dance and bunny feet shuffling across the stage. Hare couldn't help but notice that his mother's eyes never left Rabbit once. It made him feel uncomfortable and he felt badly for teasing Rabbit about it at the Market the other day.
After what felt like the longest and most agonizing two minutes of their lives, everyone in the audience applauded weakly as Rabbit stood in the center of the stage, one leg lifted up behind him, his arms above his head, the music coming to an end. Rabbit later said the dance was rather invigorating. Dee said he'd rather poke his eyes out with a pencil than sit through it again. The Cheshire Cat couldn't stop cackling to himself over it, wishing he had recorded it for later viewing.
"Well, that was something, Rabbit…" Hatter said, applauding as he entered from stage right, his guitar hanging from his shoulder. He was dragging a stool behind him as he made his way to center stage. "Thank you for sharing that with us…" Rabbit gave one final bow, his ears brushing the ground, before picking up his boombox and exiting the stage.
"After that last exciting little display of talent," Hatter started as he took a seat on the stool, flipping the guitar around to his front and resting it on his knee. "We're going to slow things down a little with a song that I wrote for the occasion." There was still a buzz in the audience about the strangeness they had just experienced and they were having a little bit of a hard time focusing on the Hatter, but his calm demeanor was drawing them in slightly. Hatter strummed the strings on his guitar lazily as he spoke, warming up his fingers to play his new song.
"As everyone here knows, we have a special guest in the audience tonight: Hare's mother June. Give us a wave there, Junie. Righty roo… righty roo… She was in the paper this morning, I hope you all saw that. And so was Hare, but that's a whole other matter…" he cleared his throat, licking his lips as he plucked the cords. "And, in seeing her with Hare over the past day or two, it's gotten me thinking about my own mother: Mother Hatter. So I decided to write a song to her and I hope you'll all be patient with me as I sing it." He paused and his foot started to tap on the floor gently as he began his song with a slow and loving melody.
This was quite a departure from the wild and crazy Hatter that everyone was used to seeing. He was calm and collected, fingers moving away over the neck of the guitar, singing a sweet song about the love of a son for his mother. Hare gasped a little at the tenderness of it, his breath getting caught in his throat as he listened. This was a song directly from the heart and it was beautiful. Even the Queen had to wipe a tear from her eye because it touched her so. His sweet song filled the dimming evening with a tranquility that was surprising to everyone in the vicinity. Every act up until this point was full of energy and excitement (except perhaps for Rabbit's strange display) and this was just plain different.
The Hatter played his song through, hitting the final cords with perfect rhythm, earning him applause from everyone. Hare saw June dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief she had taken from her purse, her makeup smearing a little under her glasses. He returned his gaze to the Hatter, who looked at him and gave him a wink. God, he loved this man.
Hatter relished in the praise for perhaps a little longer than he should have, before he tugged the stool off stage. "Thank you, thank you, you're all too kind," he said with a wide grin, moving his hands in a downward motion to get them all to settle. "Still two more acts to go, folks. Does anyone need a refill on refreshments? More pretzels, we have plenty? No? Ah, righty ho. Well, you're all taking home the extras because I never want to see another pretzel again as long as I live."
Returning to the center of the stage, he maneuvered his guitar onto his back again, clearing his throat to catch everyone's attention. "Now, for a little something by our very own Alice."
Alice took the stage with a bright smile and flashing green eyes, her hands held behind her back as she addressed the crowd. "I'm afraid that I don't have a big flashy act or anything to share with you all tonight," she said with a little bit of a shrug. "But what I did bring to share are a few of my favorite poems from my world that I would like to share with all of you!"
The audience "oohed" as Alice cleared her throat and began reciting a number of poems she had taken the time to memorize over the past couple days. The poems she had chosen were by Robert Frost, TS Eliot, Emily Dickenson and Shel Silverstein, who were not completely unknown to the Wonderlandians. She never fumbled her words or paused to try to remember the next line she had to say, saying every word calmly as if she were making them up as she went along. The Queen shone with pride at the girl's display, nudging June next to her to say that she had helped her learn the words and practice them the day before. The Caterpillar made a mental note to talk to Alice about the talent who was TS Elliot sometime.
After finishing the last of her memorized works, she gave everyone a bow and stood center stage as Hatter came to join her. "Very nice, Alice! Wonderful job," he said, applauding her happily. "Everyone give her a hand!"
The audience clapped for her as she gave them one last bow, rushing to her seat beside the Tweedles in the back row. She passed Hare as she made her way, taking the time to whisper a "Good luck, mr Hare" and give him a reassuring thumbs up before taking her seat.
Hare smiled and nodded, adjusting his collar on his cape before turning his back to the audience. Normally he wasn't one to get stage fright. But this was a whole different set of circumstances. He was performing for his mother and he lacked confidence in his big finale. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, taking a moment as Hatter wound everyone up.
"Righty roo, everybody!" the Hatter said, a wide grin on his face as he introduced the final act of the night. "Everyone, hold onto your hats! This is the act we've all been waiting for! Well, I know June has, anyway," he said, giving her a playful wink, causing her to giggle from her seat. "I give you, the man of mystery, the illustrious illusionist, the Amazing Hair-raising Hare!"
Hare forced a smile on his face and turned around on his heels, holding his arms out so his cape draped over his form just right. There was a light bit of applause, a boost of it coming from where June was seated.
"Thank you, thank you!" Hare said aloud, trying to make his voice sound as confident as possible. He kept his eyes off of his mother, focusing on the other faces in the audience to put himself at ease. He found he kept eyeing Rabbit, which was obviously making the elderly bunny uncomfortable.
"For my first trick of the evening, I will show you one that may ring a bell!" He chuckled to himself, pulling from behind his back three sets of golden rings. He showed them to the audience, running his hand along the golden bands to prove that it was a continuous piece. After some fancy handwork, the three rings were linked perfectly, Hare tugging on them to show that the rings were still solid. He displayed them to the audience, walking down to the Queen and having her inspect them.
"I know gold rings and, yes, these are solid!" she said with a laugh, clearly impressed. Maybe it was the sparkle of the gold, but her eyes glittered a little.
"But what good are three rings stuck together, am I right?" Hare asked, licking his lips a little before taking two of the rings and rubbing them between his gloved fingers. Pressing hard with his fingertips, he felt the metal slip and pulled them apart with ease. He handed the free one to the Queen, before unlinking the second pair as well. Everyone applauded and Hare felt a boost in confidence as he took the three rings from the Queen, tossing them in his magic box behind the curtain and retrieving his next magical item and tucking it away in his jacket.
"For my next trick, I'll need a volunteer from the audience! And who better than my own Mother, June Hare!"
June's eyes widened as her son came down from the stage, taking her gloved hand and leading her up onto the platform with him. She stood there nervously, hands balled up and fingers laced in front of her as she watched him closely.
Everyone in the audience grew nervous when they saw Hare take the handcuffs out from his jacket pocket.
"Don't think about it, Hare!" the Queen pouted, making everyone laugh a little, causing the Hare's happy demeanor flicker a little. His eyes looked at his mother, who was beaming so wide you could see all her teeth. He put on a brave face for her.
"Worry not, your Majesty! This trick is foolproof!" Hare gestured his arm out, holding the handcuff aloft in his other hand. "I'm so confident in it, I would risk handcuffing myself to my own mother to prove that it can be done!"
It probably didn't come out the way it had sounded in his head, but his mother didn't seem offended by the statement and everyone in the audience took it as a sign that he was serious. In fact, his mother seemed a little overwhelmed by being pulled on stage. Quickly, he decided he needed to distract her and give her something to do to settle her nerves.
"But first, I will demonstrate that I can remove them from myself. Ma, if you would be so kind…" He gave her the handcuffs and she snapped them around his wrists nervously, fingers shaking a little as she did it. He took hold of her hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze before continuing. "Thank you…"
Holding his hands out in front of him, he tried to tug at the cuffs, showing that they were indeed locked onto his person. "The cuffs are securely fastened… but not for long?"
With the flip of his wrists, he twisted and turned, causing the cuffs to fall right off. Of course, all the Wonderlandians who went through the great handcuff ordeal knew how the trick worked, but Hare's mother was delighted by the trick and clapped her hands enthusiastically. Her hands reached out to inspect the cuffs for herself, eyes wide with wonder.
"As you can see, there's really nothing to it!" Hare said aloud, turning to his mother. "Now, the real test."
Hatter came on stage and assisted Hare in getting the cuffs around his and June's wrists, stepping aside to allow the act to continue.
"As you can see, the handcuffs are on tight," he raised his arm out and tugged against his mother, showing everyone that they were indeed locked and not going to move. "Now, on the count of three, the cuffs will come off as easily as they had been put on."
June watched as her son guided her in her actions without really realizing it, raising and dropping their connected arm as he counted aloud. She lifted her right arm as he counted, and on the count of three he moved his wrist, causing the cuff to rotate around hers, making them fall off easily. The audience applauded as the cuffs fell to the ground with a clatter. It seemed they were impressed that he'd actually managed to get the trick to work this time around.
Again, June clapped enthusiastically, examining her wrist as if it had been removed from her body and reattached again.
Hare ushered her off stage and back to her seat, Hatter standing on stage with a box and some more magic items when he returned.
"And now, some slight of hand!" he reached into the box and took out three small multicolored balls. With nimble hands, Hare tossed the balls up in the air, not missing a beat as the orbs did their dance. He tossed them high and low, over his shoulder and under his leg, adding a fourth ball with ease as the act went along. The audience was impressed by his skill. He was a clumsy hare and people often forgot that he was a master juggler.
"He sure knows how to handle his balls," the Cat said aloud, causing Dee to laugh out boisterously.
He continued to juggle, tossing the balls to audience members and instructing them to toss them back to him when he gave them the signal. Dum might have thrown the ball a little too hard, because Hare had to stumble back in order to get it, almost causing him to trip over his own feet. But he caught himself, adding to the suspense of the trick, a smattering of applause coming from the audience. After a little more of this, getting 5 balls in the air, he caught them all in a box and gave a short bow, mentally preparing himself for the final trick. Everything had gone well up until this point, he was feeling comfortable on stage, his nerves had gone to the back of his mind. It was now or never.
"My final trick for the evening will shock and amaze you!" Hare said, tossing the box of balls backstage and into a crate with the rest of his magic items. "Hatter, bring in… the box!"
The curtains parted behind Hare and Hatter appeared, dragging a large trunk behind himself. Hare moved around to help at the other end, positioning it in the center of the stage. Hatter gave Hare a reassuring pat on the back, before stepping aside.
"What you see before you is a plain, ordinary box!" Hare said, gesturing a hand toward the trunk in a flamboyant fashion. "This trick requires a volunteer. Alice, if you will, please come look at the box to make sure that it is, in fact, ordinary."
She looked at him and nodded, going to the trunk and investigating it. She opened it with the help of the Hatter and looked inside, tapping on the sides and the lid.
"Looks like a plain box to me." She announced.
"Wonderful, wonderful," Hare said, fluttering his fingers mysteriously for effect. "One more, thing. Did you happen to find something -in- the box?"
Alice took a peek in and pulled out a large velvet bag.
Hare's mother applauded joyously, causing Dum to lean over and say to her "I don't think that was the trick…" causing her to stop.
Hare forced a smile and took the bag from Alice, showing it to the crowd. "Now, Alice, inspect the bag for any holes or imperfections, if you please."
Alice came over and glanced over the bag, turning it this way and that and checking the inside before agreeing that the bag hadn't been tampered with.
"Thank you, Alice," Hare said aloud, taking the bag from her and placing it in the bottom of the box. "Now, Alice, stand in the bag!"
She looked at him, shoulders dropped, her jaw slack. "What?"
Hare's eyes widened and he smiled at the audience, hearing them laugh nervously, before turning to Alice. "Get in the box."
She blinked and shook her head a little, before the Hare put a hand out and guided her into the box, positioning her so she was standing in the bag.
"Now, Alice, I'm going to close you in the bag and lay you down in the box. Do not be frightened! You will come out of this, completely unharmed!" He accentuated the last bit by looking at the audience, gesturing an outstretched hand at them as if he were reeling them in, causing them to Ooh and Aah. Dee might have muttered something along the lines of "I hope Alice has health insurance" before being jammed in the ribs by his brother.
Hare helped Alice pull the bag up around her, seeing her give him a wink to signal him that she was okay, before tying the bag shut above her head. Then, with the Hatter's help, they helped her get in a lying position in the box before closing the lid.
"Now, Hatter, the lock please!"
The audience was on the edge of their seats as Hare put a comedicaly large lock on the front of the lid, jangling it around to show that it was, in fact, sealed.
Hatter came from the left side of the stage with a portable curtain on a rod. He switched it around, making it flutter in the wind, before handing one end to the hare. They walked around the box, before Hare stepped atop it.
"Now, don't look away!" he shouted, wiggling his fingers at the audience a little before lifting the curtain in front of him. Hatter stepped aside as the curtain shook and shimmered in the light, obscuring the view of the trunk from the audience. It continued to shake from side to side for a few moments, before falling to the ground, revealing…
Alice standing atop the box, arms outstretched and wearing Hare's cape.
The entire audience gasped as she was revealed, not missing a beat before they erupted into applause. Everyone jumped to their feet and roared, even the Queen had gotten swept up in the moment. They were all so impressed that they forgot to ask where the Hare went.
With Hatter's help, Alice hopped off of the box and took a bow, before taking a step aside and gesturing toward the trunk.
And nothing happened.
Alice had a strained smile on her face and Hatter was starting to look nervous. She gestured back to the box and still, nothing happened.
"Uh… mr Hare?" Alice asked, going to the box and tugging on the large lock, finding that it was still stuck shut. "Uh oh…"
There was a thumping and banging from inside the trunk as the noise died down and people started to get the feeling something had gone wrong. The box shook a little and scooted around as Hatter bowed down next to it.
"Hare? Are you in there?"
"I can't get out!" Hare shouted from inside. "I can't get the thing open."
"Oh dear…" Alice gasped, hand going to her mouth as she bent down beside the Hatter.
Hatter hit against the back of the trunk, finding that the secret door was stuck. He reached for the lock with his giant hands and gave it a yank, straining to pull it off. After struggling for a few moments, the crowd had gathered at the foot of the stage to get a better look at what was going on.
"Where is the key?" Rabbit asked, pointing at the lock. It was the most obvious solution, why hadn't they thought of it already?
Hatter patted his sides down, but he didn't have it, so he bent down and shouted at the box. "Where's the key, Hare?" he asked, holding his ear against the lid of the trunk to listen for an answer.
"It's in my pocket…" came the response.
June looked like she was about ready to either faint or pull the lid off the trunk with her bare hands. To say she was getting frantic was an understatement. "Did he just say they're in his pocket?"
Hatter laughed and shook his head. "No, he couldn't have!"
"He did, Mr Hatter…" Alice said, biting her lip.
"Oh… well, this is quite a pickle here, isn't it?" Hatter said, scrunching up his face and putting a hand to his hip. "Well, only one thing to do." He got to his feet, everyone having their eyes trained on him as he walked in through the IN door and immediately through the OUT door, holding an ax in his gloved hands. The group parted as he stood at the front of the box, lifting the ax above his head and was about to swing down, when…
"I don't think so!" June exclaimed, putting her arm out.
"But, June! How else are we going to get him out of there?" Hatter asked, still holding the axe above his head.
"A mother has her ways…" she said, raising her hands to her head and pulling two hairpins from her updo. Kneeling down at the lock, she straightened the pins and shoved them into the lock, moving them around with expert fingers. They sat for a few minutes, Hare tapping on the lid of the box every minute or so to let him know he hadn't passed out. Eventually he started making casual conversation with those outside the box, asking what the outside world was like and if the price of gasoline had dropped because it was much too high. He also asked if it would be appropriate for him to sing a song when he got out of the box (they told him no) so he started singing a song about being stuck inside it instead.
A few minutes and broken hairpins later, the lock clicked open and fell to the floor.
"She got it!" Dum exclaimed, jumping to his feet in excitement.
"I'll be damned…" Dee added under his breath as June wrenched the lid open.
She found her son scrunched up inside the box, trap door knocked off its hinges on one side, tied up in the sack.
"He did it!" Hatter rejoiced, giving Alice a hug. "He finally got inside the bag this time."
Desperately, Hare clawed at the mouth of the bag, pulling it down over his sheepish face. The view from inside the box was one he didn't think he'd ever forget. All his friends were looking down at him, expressions varied from surprise to anger to trying to hide laughter.
"Ta-da!" he shouted, with a little bit of a nervous laugh. He wanted to climb back into the box and die right at that very moment. Instead, he allowed Hatter and the Tweedles to help him get out of the box and to his feet, dusting himself off as Alice gave him back the red cape. June fussed over him, giving him a once over to make sure he was alright. If you had looked at her while she was picking the lock, you'd have thought she was keeping very calm, but on the inside she was frantic with worry. Now that her son was sitting on the lid of the box, sipping a calming cup of tea, she was starting to relax.
"Where did you learn to do that, mrs Hare?" Alice asked, very impressed with how well she dealt with the situation. And her skill with a pair of hairpins was very intriguing.
"I'm sorry, dear," June said with a friendly smile, once she realized Alice was talking to her. She was watching Hare from a distance now, just making sure he was okay. "What did you say?"
"I was curious about how you knew to pick the lock, mrs Hare," Alice said, taking a seat beside the elder bunny.
June couldn't keep the shy smile from her face. Her cheeks turned a little pink as she bent toward Alice.
"Let me tell you," June whispered to her, patting the child on the knee. "When you have a son who would accidentally lock himself in rooms as often as Hare did, you had to get good at picking locks," adding a playful wink at the end, she held a finger to her lips to tell Alice it was a secret. The girl nodded and returned with a wink of her own.
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mangohealth · 6 years
My 13 Favorite Low-Carb Foods (and 3 to Avoid)
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Finding low-carb foods that actually taste good and aren’t chock full of fake, chemical-laden ingredients is a tough pursuit—one I’ve been on since I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes nearly twenty years ago. But I never gave up! And now I’m going to share a few of my favorite products and recipes that will help you keep your carb intake low, keep your tastebuds happy, and fill your body with mostly whole, real delicious food!
Soft & Fluffy Bread Rolls from The Diet Doctor (recipe)
These are a staple in my house. I eat two or  to three small rolls every day and let me tell you, not only do I not need insulin for them (unless I melt some chocolate chips on top in the microwave), they also make your digestive tract sing thanks to all that fiber. While you may have to do a little shopping around to get the right ingredients (I highly recommend ordering Anthony’s almond flour and psyllium husk on Amazon for a good price), once you make them the first time, they become really easy. I make a double batch every few weeks and store them in the fridge and freezer so I can eat them every day!
Edamame Fettuccine Pasta from Seapoint Farms (product)
I’ve tried a lot of low-carb pastas. And there are a few good ones out there, but...this one is the best. First of all, you could eat half the box and only consume 22 grams of non-starchy carbs after subtracting the dietary fiber. The texture, the taste, the fact that you can’t over-cook it and accidentally turn it into mush—it’s just so good.  Even my stubborn father-in-law ate it and loved it! Honestly, I won’t bother buying any of my former low-carb pasta choices because this one is so exceptional.
Edible Cookie Dough from Lions Pack (product)
This peanut butter based “dough” is scary delicious. And sure, if you eat the whole jar, the carb count isn’t low anymore, but if you keep this tucked in the fridge for a spoonful (or two) after dinner each night as your “dessert,” the carb content is wonderfully low for something that tastes like a strawberry poptart or a s’more or a cinnamon roll or...Oreos!! Every flavor is gluten-free and vegan, and the flavor options are endless. It’s not cheap, but if it helps you stay on track and avoid the real Oreos, it might become a worthwhile staple in your home.
Bread, Bagels and More...from The Great Low-Carb Bread Company (product)
I love everything this company makes, but am especially impressed by the bagels -- which even my husband liked. Their breads are soft, fluffy, and look and taste like bread. Their low-carb recipe secrets focus primarily on a highly effective combination of oat fiber, almond flour, flax meal, and stevia. Did I mention many of their products are also gluten-free? Their hamburger buns and pastas won’t take away from enjoying those classic meals. They even have low-carb soft-pretzels. You’ve gotta check these out. Delicious, I promise!
Discover Chocolate from Discover Confectionery (product)
Oh, this stuff is good. Many of their flavors are deliciously unique (probably because this is a UK-based product), and it tastes and feels and looks like real chocolate! An entire bar will deliver about 13 grams of low-impact carbs, and is filled with real food ingredients--not chemicals and fake junk. The only flaw of this product is the price.
Flaxseed Muffin in a Mug from a variety of sources (recipe)
This muffin is one of my morning go-to recipes. It takes less than 5 minutes to make a single serving. It’s full of real ingredients, super healthy fats, lots of fiber, and sometimes...chocolate chips! Mix ingredients in a dry coffee mug. Microwave for 70 seconds. Pop it out onto a plate. Cut into 3 slices and add a little butter or...whatever! My favorite version of this includes a tablespoon of chocolate chips to get my chocolate fix without breaking the “carb bank.”
Quest Protein Bars from Quest Nutrition (product)
While I wouldn’t want to encourage using protein bars as a meal replacement (‘cause let’s be honest, they are definitely not made of “whole” food ingredients), these are a great go-to if you’re trying to avoid real desserts, or when you need on-the-go “Oh, my gosh, I’m starving” kind of food from the bottom of your bag. They come in a billion flavors, including birthday cake, cookies ‘n cream, and cinnamon roll. After subtracting the fiber, the remaining carbs are pretty low-impact, and they’re plenty satisfying.
Spiralized Veggies from a variety of sources (product)
Even if you don’t have the “as seen on TV” veggie spiralizer, you can buy pre-spiralized zucchini and carrots to make a your own low-carb “pasta.” (Yes, carrots contain some carbs, but hose carbs are coming from a source that’s a whole food, high in fiber, and packed with essential vitamins.) You can find them in the fresh produce aisle at your grocery store, or in the freezer section at Trader Joe’s, along with frozen cauliflower rice. Simply throw them in a large saute pan with a little oil, add some herbs or sauce, and you have a low-carb and super healthy “pasta” dish.
Really, Really Easy Breadsticks from Kirbies Cravings (recipe)
Ditch the starchy breadsticks and even the pizza crust and make this effortless zero-carb flatbread instead. Literally, you just toss eggs, cheese and herbs into a food processor. Zap zap zap. Pour that batter onto parchment paper in a cookie pan. Bake. Voila! 
Chia Seeds from a variety of sources (product)
Chia seeds are definitely trendy these days, but for a good reason: you can make delicious breakfast or dessert pudding with this little seed from Mexico. Soak in just a couple tablespoons overnight in your milk of choice (low-carb milks like coconut or almond would be ideal), and by morning you’ll find you have a thick cup full of chia seed pudding that only contains about 1 gram of carb after subtracting the fiber. You can make it sweeter with your preferred alternative sweetener, or jazz it up with a little peanut butter and a tablespoon of real chocolate chips. Checkout more easy recipe ideas from GnomGnom.
Zucchini Pizza Bites from LowCarbYum (recipe)
Honestly, you don’t even need to know how to read to make these. It’s so easy, and so customizable, too! Chop zucchini into medium-thickness slices and top with a little pasta sauce (check your label closely to avoid buying a high-sugar sauce), a little cheese and 1 slice of pepperoni per slice of zucchini. Pop them in the oven until the cheese is fully melted—delicious low-carb pizza night. Kids will like them. Picky husbands who don’t care about their carb intake will like them. I haven’t offered them to my father-in-law yet, but I bet he might even enjoy them, too!
Romaine Lettuce! No...seriously! Swap it for all bread....
The easiest way to cut the processed, starchy carbs from a sandwich or tacos or even a hamburger is to simply keep a giant stash of romaine lettuce in your fridge at all times. Lay strips of bacon with chopped tomatoes and mayo on romaine for a low-carb BLT. Ditch those corn-laden taco shells and turn Mexican night into a fresh crunchy salad by filling a bowl with fresh crunchy romaine lettuce. Add a little salsa, a little hot sauce, maybe a little more cheese...taco night never tasted so good! (And did you know, romaine lettuce is just as loaded with awesome nutrients as spinach and kale? )
Shirataki Noodles
Okay, some people must love these, but I’m not one of those people. While they don’t contain carbs, these “noodles” are also  void of basically any nutrition whatsoever and come in smelly liquid with an unpleasant taste that takes a lot of rinsing and a lot of sauce to cover up. They also have a texture that makes me feel like I might be accidentally chewing on someone’s ear cartilage. If you’ve never tired, you should...at least once. But don’t surprised if you find yourself needing to make something else for dinner after the first bite.
Julian’s Bakery Breads from Julians Bakery (product)
These seem like a dream come true...before you’ve actually tasted them. I’m sorry to say that these extremely low-carb bread varieties are not only not tasty but even  hard to even swallow. I choked on the first bite, to be honest. They are dry, weirdly textured, and void of any real flavor (at least a flavor you’d enjoy eating). There must be diehard fans out there, because this company has been around for a while...but I’ve never met them.
Diet Soda
Many people will disagree with me on this one, but at least hear me out. A diet soda here and there--let’s say, once a week--is no big deal. But if diet soda has become your go-to source of hydration every day of the week, not only are you consuming a heck of a lot of chemicals, you’re also only going to make your sweet tooth crave more and more sweet things. When I finally quit drinking diet soda, things with no sugar in them at all started tasting deliciously sweet--like flavored seltzer with a dash of apple cider vinegar. There’s also a great deal of conflicting research on the safety of many artificial sweeteners, and on whether or not they may be increasing a person’s insulin resistance, because their bodies to need more insulin, not less.
About the author:
Ginger Vieira has lived with Type 1 diabetes and Celiac disease since 1999, and fibromyalgia since 2014. She is the author of Pregnancy with Type 1 Diabetes, Dealing with Diabetes Burnout, Emotional Eating with Diabetes, and Your Diabetes Science Experiment. Her background includes a B.S. in professional writing, certifications in cognitive coaching, Ashtanga yoga, and personal training, with several records in drug-free powerlifting. She lives in Vermont with her husband, their two daughters, and their dog, Pedro.
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The posts on this blog are for information only. They are neither intended to substitute for a relationship with your doctor or other healthcare provider, nor do they constitute medical or healthcare advice of any kind. Any information in these posts should not be acted upon without consideration of primary source material and professional input from one’s own healthcare providers.
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I have to start insulin for the gestational diabetes. This happened with my last pregnancy as well so I expected it.
My feet and ankles are suddenly so swollen they can’t fit it any of my shoes and now I need to go buy a new pair of flip-flops so that I can wear shoes. My blood pressure is great, so it’s just pregnancy swelling and I don’t think the heat helps as it got really hot these past few days and we don’t have good air conditioning. The swimming pool should be ready soon though and I actually love swimming so I plan to get as much use out of that as possible before the new baby arrives.
I still have hyperemisis gravidarum. I can sometimes keep small amounts of foods down. I drink a lot of powerade zero right with occasional nutrition shakes. Foods I usually keep down currently are watermelon, cookie dough poptarts, french fries, and pretzel sticks. Not great. I still feel sick everyday and forcing food in is a struggle.
I have gained a total of 14 pounds this pregnancy at almost 34 weeks. When pregnant with Liam I gained a total of 50 pounds and I did not have hyperemesis. Most of my maternity clothes are still loose on me this pregnancy and I even fit into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes still.
When pregnant with Liam I had some blood pressure issues in the end and PUPPS rash but do not have those this time.
I have mine and the baby’s hospital bags mostly packed. I have almost everything I need for her except a couple small items. It’s been difficult getting ready for her with how sick I am and these annoying preterm contractions. I have been doing my best to get things done around the house, work on my career as a writer, and taking care of Liam.
I still have a lot of preterm contractions, another thing I did not really have last pregnancy. I had some back labor contractions for the first time and thought I had a kidney issue they hurt so bad. I went to the hospital but I wasn’t dilated still which is good. 
And fatigue has returned. Fatigue is another thing that has been bad this pregnancy and I did not have fatigue much with my last pregnancy.
I will miss my belly and feeling her move. Though with Liam I felt him move a lot and Laura doesn’t move much. Her movements are a lot more subtle too, more like she is stretching a lot rather than giving hard kicks. It could be my anterior placenta this time around or maybe she is just a lazier baby. Liam was hyper in the womb and is still full of energy.
Me and my sisters took Liam to the beach for the first time. I could only stay an hour but it was fun. Poor Liam was afraid of the ocean and too afraid to walk on the sand. He still had fun though. He was even afraid of his little kiddie pool that I dragged out and filled up for him again this summer. He’s probably going to be afraid at first getting back into the big pool again too but hopefully he’ll get used to it fast. He wasn’t afraid last year.
Liam is trying to say more words. He is full of energy and constantly moving. He loves Paw Patrol and climbing on things. He loves running around outside. He still is a very picky eater and though he gave up the binky after chewing through his favorite one, he is still attached to the bottle. I keep trying to get him to let go of the bottle but it’s a struggle. He is quite stubborn. But he can also be very sweet. He likes to cuddle with me and read books with me on the couch when I’m resting. He thinks my big belly makes a good pillow. He will be awfully surprised when he gets a new baby sister soon.
I still wish I could have enjoyed this pregnancy more like I enjoyed being pregnant with Liam, but I have accepted it. I have accepted that this will be my last pregnancy and am grateful for the two kids I will have. Being a mom is the best thing in the world and I’m so blessed, especially since I thought I would never be able to be a mother. I love Liam and this little girl more than anything. I look forward to meeting her. I look forward to feeling better physically and being able to eat normally again after she is born. I look forward to trying breastfeeding again and hoping it goes better this time. I’m not exactly sure what to expect having two kids but look forward to figuring it all out.
I haven’t had an ultrasound in a long time now but will have one next week and every week until she is born. Now that I’m on insulin I will get two appointments a week- twice weekly stress tests and once weekly ultrasounds. The same when I was pregnant with Liam. I am eager to see her face and how big she is now and if she looks like Liam. I love her so much already.
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celebritylive · 4 years
Winter is fully here, so you know what that means…it’s officially cuffing season. You know, that time of the year when you’re extra motivated to find someone to cuddle with and eat ice cream by the pint while you watch The Bachelor?
Regardless of relationship status, though, Ben & Jerry’s new “Netflix & Chilll’d” ice cream flavor will allow people to get their daily dose of binge-watching without feeling too lonely.
The Vermont-based ice cream company is collaborating with Netflix to release the new flavor, which is made with a peanut butter ice cream base mixed with sweet & salty pretzel swirls and fudge brownies.
Netflix & Chilll’d is already popping up in grocery stores nationwide for around $5 and comes in both dairy and non-dairy versions. (PEOPLE got a chance to taste-test the treats ahead of time and can confirm that they are, in fact, delicious, creamy, and the perfect partner to eat with and use as a crutch during every episode of reality TV.)
RELATED: What’s Leaving Netflix in January
While you’re waiting for your local grocery store to start stocking the new flavor, you can also check out Ben & Jerry’s snackable packs of sweet cookie dough chunks.
RELATED: Ben & Jerry’s Is Now Selling Snackable Packs of Their Cookie Dough Chunks 
If you’re the kind of person who forages for those chunks of dough in your ice cream, then you might be surprised to learn that Ben & Jerry’s actually sells them by the half pound in three different flavors: Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, and Vegan Chocolate Chip. Each one comes in a bag with about eight servings per container.
According to Innovation Manager Jody Eley, fans had been asking for “just the chunks” for a long time prior to the new product’s release back in April 2019. “During a short market test in Vermont last summer, fans snatched up the dough in record time. Bags flew off the shelves in mere days and stores could not keep the delicious dough bites in stock!”
WATCH: Ben & Jerry’s Co-Founders Arrested During Protest at the U.S. Capitol
The snackable dough bites are safe to eat raw, unlike regular cookie dough, because they are made using pasteurized eggs and heat-treated flour.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2tanb3r
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kushflycom · 5 years
Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott Celebrate His Birthday With Kiva Confections
Kylie Jenner recently threw Travis Scott a birthday party because for his 28th birthday on Tuesday, April 30th.  The celebration was Cactus Jack themed featuring Cactus Coolers, Hennessy Slurpees and cannabis treats by Kiva Confections.
Kylie Jenner found her way around the “no smoking inside” venue ban and created a special hack with cannabis laced edibles.
The reality TV star ensured Travis and all the guests at the birthday party were in the happiest mood ever, as she supposedly arranged to get a truckload of marijuana edibles to be dispersed as party favors.
Kiva Confections was contacted as Kylie wanted a huge quantity of pot laced treats for Travis and birthday party guests since the venue for the celebration didn’t allow any smoking inside the building.
Kiva Confections apparently came through and brought a massive supply of cannabis surprises to the party that were handed out to the guests.
Related: Kiva Confections Review
The treats included 100 types of edibles from Kiva’s full line of merchandise, including gummies and chocolate bars.
Kylie allegedly ordered every single flavor of chocolate bar and over 50 bags of Kiva’s Camino cannabis-infused gummies. The cosmetics mogul also ordered limited-edition 4/20 Munchies Bars, pretzels, potato chips and cookie dough.
Kylie and Travis are not the only KarJenner’s to show love for cannabis, her sister Kim Kardashian just had a CBD-themed baby shower for her fourth child.
The party also featured a gas station themed room with Cactus Jack-themed cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, motor oil and more items. In another room, pairs of Scott’s new Nike sneaker hung from the ceiling. Kylie also gifted Travis Scott with a huge Air Jordan 1 cake.
Kushfly is a legal delivery company, and operates under all mandatory licenses required in the state of California.  If you are in LA and looking to legally purchase marijuana flower, CBD, edibles, or concentrates for delivery, register with Kushfly here.
The post Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott Celebrate His Birthday With Kiva Confections appeared first on Kushfly.
from Kushfly https://kushfly.com/blog/kylie-jenner-and-travis-scott-celebrate-his-birthday-with-kiva-confections/
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darrencpritt · 5 years
Birthday Party favor ideas guests will remember
Birthday Party Favor Ideas Guests will Remember
Party favors are one of the best areas to help your guests remember your party and leave with a smile. Not to mention it can be a lot of fun to showcase your creativity and style. Often when people think of party favors they think of bags of candy almonds or goodie bags for children, but really party favors can be a lot more than that. They can be fun and whimsical or fancy and elegant. This article will hopefully share with you a few ideas for party favors that you can use for you next upcoming party.
Customized Candy Wrappers –
Fits almost any theme and any type of party. You can order these from many different sites online or print them out yourself. I created my own and printed them out for my wedding and I can’t say how many compliments we received from them.
Mixed CDs –
Take some of your favorite songs and burn them on CDs for your guests. It’s something unique and will last long after the party is over. You can even add a printed label to match the theme of the party too.
Spices –
Many spice stores have wonderful and delicious (and often salt free) spice mixes that are unique and fun to share.
For children you don’t always have to give candy. Play dough is a great choice.
Flowers or Plants –
Boys, girls, adults, almost everyone would enjoy taking home a little cactus or plant.
Frisbees –
Fun for children and teenagers alike.
Mugs –
You can fill them with fancy tea bags, cocoa mixes, even small packages of flavored coffee. They also are great to hold candy, chocolates, or gift certificates.
Surprise Ball of Yarn –
If you have a small party favor like a toy or ring you could wrap it up in brightly colored yarn – making a fist sized ball or bigger. Then your guests will have fun making a mess and unraveling what is inside. This can also be turned into a game where the first person holds onto the end and then everyone takes turns tossing it back and forth between one another as it unravels.
Chocolate Dipped Anything –
Pretzels, cookies, strawberries, orange wedges, or even marshmallows.
Balloons –
Many balloon artists and entertainers can make balloons at an event to entertain, but they can also make sculptures ahead of time to be given away to guests. So, whether it be entertainment or a delivery piece, balloons can be a great gift to give for almost any occasion. Use our contact form if you’d like a balloon twister or other type of entertainer at your event.
Be creative and have fun. Your favors should reflect your birthday theme and how you want your party to look, but also your desire to sincerely thank each guest for coming.
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seanskeithley · 5 years
Birthday Party favor ideas guests will remember
Birthday Party Favor Ideas Guests will Remember
Party favors are one of the best areas to help your guests remember your party and leave with a smile. Not to mention it can be a lot of fun to showcase your creativity and style. Often when people think of party favors they think of bags of candy almonds or goodie bags for children, but really party favors can be a lot more than that. They can be fun and whimsical or fancy and elegant. This article will hopefully share with you a few ideas for party favors that you can use for you next upcoming party.
Customized Candy Wrappers –
Fits almost any theme and any type of party. You can order these from many different sites online or print them out yourself. I created my own and printed them out for my wedding and I can’t say how many compliments we received from them.
Mixed CDs –
Take some of your favorite songs and burn them on CDs for your guests. It’s something unique and will last long after the party is over. You can even add a printed label to match the theme of the party too.
Spices –
Many spice stores have wonderful and delicious (and often salt free) spice mixes that are unique and fun to share.
For children you don’t always have to give candy. Play dough is a great choice.
Flowers or Plants –
Boys, girls, adults, almost everyone would enjoy taking home a little cactus or plant.
Frisbees –
Fun for children and teenagers alike.
Mugs –
You can fill them with fancy tea bags, cocoa mixes, even small packages of flavored coffee. They also are great to hold candy, chocolates, or gift certificates.
Surprise Ball of Yarn –
If you have a small party favor like a toy or ring you could wrap it up in brightly colored yarn – making a fist sized ball or bigger. Then your guests will have fun making a mess and unraveling what is inside. This can also be turned into a game where the first person holds onto the end and then everyone takes turns tossing it back and forth between one another as it unravels.
Chocolate Dipped Anything –
Pretzels, cookies, strawberries, orange wedges, or even marshmallows.
Balloons –
Many balloon artists and entertainers can make balloons at an event to entertain, but they can also make sculptures ahead of time to be given away to guests. So, whether it be entertainment or a delivery piece, balloons can be a great gift to give for almost any occasion. Use our contact form if you’d like a balloon twister or other type of entertainer at your event.
Be creative and have fun. Your favors should reflect your birthday theme and how you want your party to look, but also your desire to sincerely thank each guest for coming.
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yteeventsblog · 5 years
Birthday Party favor ideas guests will remember
Birthday Party Favor Ideas Guests will Remember
Party favors are one of the best areas to help your guests remember your party and leave with a smile. Not to mention it can be a lot of fun to showcase your creativity and style. Often when people think of party favors they think of bags of candy almonds or goodie bags for children, but really party favors can be a lot more than that. They can be fun and whimsical or fancy and elegant. This article will hopefully share with you a few ideas for party favors that you can use for you next upcoming party.
Customized Candy Wrappers –
Fits almost any theme and any type of party. You can order these from many different sites online or print them out yourself. I created my own and printed them out for my wedding and I can’t say how many compliments we received from them.
Mixed CDs –
Take some of your favorite songs and burn them on CDs for your guests. It’s something unique and will last long after the party is over. You can even add a printed label to match the theme of the party too.
Spices –
Many spice stores have wonderful and delicious (and often salt free) spice mixes that are unique and fun to share.
For children you don’t always have to give candy. Play dough is a great choice.
Flowers or Plants –
Boys, girls, adults, almost everyone would enjoy taking home a little cactus or plant.
Frisbees –
Fun for children and teenagers alike.
Mugs –
You can fill them with fancy tea bags, cocoa mixes, even small packages of flavored coffee. They also are great to hold candy, chocolates, or gift certificates.
Surprise Ball of Yarn –
If you have a small party favor like a toy or ring you could wrap it up in brightly colored yarn – making a fist sized ball or bigger. Then your guests will have fun making a mess and unraveling what is inside. This can also be turned into a game where the first person holds onto the end and then everyone takes turns tossing it back and forth between one another as it unravels.
Chocolate Dipped Anything –
Pretzels, cookies, strawberries, orange wedges, or even marshmallows.
Balloons –
Many balloon artists and entertainers can make balloons at an event to entertain, but they can also make sculptures ahead of time to be given away to guests. So, whether it be entertainment or a delivery piece, balloons can be a great gift to give for almost any occasion. Use our contact form if you’d like a balloon twister or other type of entertainer at your event.
Be creative and have fun. Your favors should reflect your birthday theme and how you want your party to look, but also your desire to sincerely thank each guest for coming.
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carolunea-matea · 5 years
Wish List
A/N: Well this is my first time trying out a writing challenge.  And of course, I take on a 12-part challenge. @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and @thing-you-do-with-that-thing are running Kari and Ida’s 12 days of SPN Christmas.  Most if not all of these are going to feature the Characters from my current story Steak And Potatoes. Though they are not necessarily part of the story. This is day four (Though I am posting it on Day 3 so I can participate in the Tumblr BlackOut Tomorrow). Wish List
I wrote a wishlist every year. It wasn’t a wishlist of gifts I wanted. It was of things I wanted to do with of for my loved ones. This year wasn’t any different.
1. Take Jade Christmas shopping for Sam, Dean and Castiel.
We hit the mall, even though I really really hate malls this time of year. I may or may not have taken a few shots to prepare myself. It’s ok, Jade was driving. We roamed from store to store trying to find the perfect gifts for Jade to get everyone.
She found a framed photo collage of 67 Impalas for Dean, two ugly Christmas sweaters covered in angels for Castiel (we couldn’t stop laughing at the thought of him wearing them), and bought a whole load of lingerie to wear for Sam. She had already gotten them both tickets to a new museum exhibit, but wanted to throw in a little bedroom fun.
As soon as we walked into the library at the bunker Dean wrapped his arms around me.
“You ok, Babe? I know that had to be stressful.”
I sighed into his chest, “I’m better now.”
2.  Have an all-day Harry Potter Marathon just me and Sammy.
I had popped the popcorn, made homemade soft pretzels, ordered pizza, and went crazy in a candy store. We had tea, water and soda to drink. Everything was set out and ready for our Harry Potter day.
Sam walked in and smiled, “This is awesome! My favorite little sister and a day full of Potter!”
Dean stopped in just as we were settling in on the couch.
“Ok, Dumbledorks, I am going to get my Christmas shopping done today so I don’t have to witness all…this,” he motioned around wildly with his hands, “You take care of my girl, Sam.”
I rolled my eyes as Sam put his arm around my shoulder. Dean walked over and gave me a kiss before he left.
I was bouncing with excitement as the opening music played.
3. Teach Castiel how to bake chocolate chip cookies.
“Ok, Cass. Take your dry ingredients except the sugars, salt, and baking powder and mix them together.”
I had set everything up in a pretty foolproof way. Everything was premeasured in separate bowls. Dry ingredients on one side and wet on the other.
Castiel carefully dumped all the dry ingredients into the first mixing bowl. He gingerly mixed them together with the wooden spoon I had handed him.
“Now put the butter and sugars in the bowl for the mixer. Set the mixer on low and wait until they are combined. Then add the vanilla, baking powder, and salt,” he carefully followed each step as I spoke them, “Ok now one egg at a time.”
Sam and Dean walked into the kitchen as we were putting the first tray in the oven.
“What are you two up to?” Sam asked looking around at the mess we had made.
“Caroline is teaching me how to bake chocolate chip cookies,” Castiel explained.
“He’s a good student,” I affirmed as I tasted the dough.
The boys stood in awe as Castiel continued to scoop little balls of dough onto cookie sheets. I nodded as Castiel asked if he was doing it correctly.
When the timer dinged Castiel grabbed a kitchen towel and took the first tray out before replacing it with the next one.
“Let them cool for about five minutes before moving them onto the cooling rack.” Castiel nodded staring at the cookies while a began the cleanup.
4. Spend the day just driving around with Dean.
“This is what you really want to do? Just drive around all day?” Dean asked me trying to contain his excitement not wanting to get excited if it was a joke.
“Yes, very much so. Drive around listening to these,” I held up mix tapes I had made using his cassettes and Christmas cassettes I had found at a thrift store.
“Woman, you are full of surprises!” Scooping me up in a hug as I was trying to put my boots on.
I finished putting on my boots and we headed out to the Impala. I popped in the first tape as we headed out to grab coffee for our drive.
It was a beautifully cold day. Dean hit the highway and just drove as we sang along to the music. We laughed as we made up words to parts of songs we didn’t know. Sometimes I just stared out the window, enjoying the scenery.
Mostly I watched Dean drive. I loved watching him drive. It was like breathing to him.
The sun started to set and Dean pulled me into his side, putting his arm around me.
“This was just what I needed. I day with my two favorite girls, out on the road, heading nowhere.” He kissed my temple and looked back at the road smiling bigger than I’d seen in a while.
“Let’s make this a tradition. Every December, we take one day just to drive,” I suggested.
“How did I get lucky enough to find you?” Dean never took his eyes off the road.
I settled into his side and felt my eyes drifting shut.
“Go ahead, close your eyes. I’ll get you to bed when we get home.” Dean whispered.
I smiled as I drifted off to sleep.
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keijay-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://cookingtipsandreviews.com/watch-us-make-whipped-shortbread-cookies/
Watch Us Make: Whipped Shortbread Cookies
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Rachel SeisOctober 26, 2018
Five simple ingredients transform into tender and adorable whipped shortbread cookies.
   Get the recipe for Whipped Shortbread
When cookie season’s in full swing, sometimes the simplest recipe gets the biggest smiles, like these irresistible Whipped Shortbread cookies from Jane Ficiur of Bow Island in Alberta, Canada. These little gems come together with only five ingredients and are so tender they literally melt right in your mouth as soon as you pop one in. Their not-too-sweet flavor makes them a welcome change of pace to cookie platters everywhere. Trust us.
Deck yours out with merry red and green nonpareils, candied cherries or your favorite festive sprinkles. Jane says they’re a tradition to serve at Christmas time, but they’ve become so popular she just can’t help but make them for tea parties and wedding showers all year long.
This simple cookie recipe whips up more than eight dozen…making plenty to tote around from party to party while still leaving enough to nibble on yourself. Add it to the rest in our list of cookie-swap favorites, and you’re all set for a season of sweet snacking.
More Holiday Cookies!
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Buttery Spritz Cookies
This tender spritz cookie recipe is very eye-catching on my Christmas cookie tray. The dough is easy to work with, so it’s fun to make these spritz cookies into a variety of festive shapes. —Beverly Launius, Sandwich, Illinois
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Chocolate Reindeer Cookies
Add a touch of whimsy to your holiday spread with these chocolaty treats. They’re perfect for getting little ones involved. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Holiday Cutout Cookies
The only limit to these fun cutouts is your cookie cutter collection and your imagination! If you prefer crisp cookies, sprinkle with colored sugar before baking and skip the frosting. —Anne Grisham, Henderson, Nevada
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Chocolate-Strawberry Pretzel Cookies
Every year I come up with a new recipe, and this is one that’s been requested over and over. Who would have ever thought that pretzels could be so in cookies? —Isabel Minunni, Poughkeepsie, New York
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Gingerbread Men Cookies
No holiday treat platter would be complete without gingerbread man cookies! This is a tried-and-true recipe I’m happy to share with you. —Mitzi Sentiff, Annapolis, Maryland
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Hot Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
This is a variation of the cookies my mother made when I was growing up. Now my 13-year-old daughter and I bake them together. They’re always a huge hit! The taste is like rich hot chocolate baked into a scrumptious cookie. —Larry Piklor, Johnsburg, Illinois
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Gooey Caramel-Topped Gingersnaps
Making these cookies is therapeutic for me. I often watch a movie while I put them together. I take a lot of cookies to fundraisers, and these gingersnaps are quite popular. If you’d like, you can make variations by changing the cookie base or varying the nuts. —Deirdre Cox, Kansas City, Missouri
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Lemon Shortbread Trees
Here’s a fun holiday recipe children can help with. And no cookie cutters are needed! I just shape the dough into a triangular log, refrigerate it and cut it into tree-shaped slices to bake and decorate. Broken pretzel sticks form the tree trunks. —Phyllis Schmalz, Kansas City, Kansas
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Butterscotch Eggnog Stars
These yellow star-shaped cookies with a “stained-glass” center are almost too pretty to eat! But they have a rich eggnog flavor that is irresistible. Although they take a little time and patience to prepare, they’re worth every minute! —Cheryl Hemmer, Swansea, Illinois
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Pecan Roll-Ups
This recipe is so delicious and is sure to become a favorite of your family. The pecans make them so rich.—Lee B. Roberts, Racine, Wisconsin
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Italian Holiday Cookies
Many of our holiday traditions center around the foods my mother made while I was growing up. These cookies, which we called “Strufoli”, bring back wonderful memories. —Sue Seymour, Valatie, New York
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Chocolate Mint Dreams
Since chocolate mint is my favorite flavor combination, these dainty frosted treats are hard to resist. But I manage to save some for guests, because they make my cookie trays look so elegant. —Anne Revers, Omaha, Nebraska
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Snowman Cookies
Wrap these chocolate-topped snowmen in colored tissue and place them inside holiday containers. Like real snowmen, they disappear fast! —Betty Tabb, Mifflintown, Pennsylvania
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Cherry Almond Snowdrops
As soon as I was old enough, I helped make these distinctive almond cookies. You can freeze the dough, so they’re perfect for the busy holidays. —Trisha Kruse, Eagle, Idaho
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Honey-Nut Christmas Cookies
My sons, Aaron and Zach, adore these at Christmastime and like to warm them in the microwave before they eat them. They’re well worth the time they take. —Glenda Herz, Lawrence, Nebraska
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Glazed Ornament Cookies
A few ingredients and a tube of cookie dough make these luscious treats a breeze to whip up. The beautiful swirled colors will look gorgeous on your holiday cookie tray! —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Pistachio-Walnut Cookies
I’ve had this cookie in my rotation for many years, and it never fails to please. I prefer pistachio nuts and black walnuts for sprinkling over the cookie cutouts, but it’s fine to use whatever nut you prefer.—Lorraine Caland, Shuniah, Ontario
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Chocolate Linzer Cookies
Living in the town of North Pole, it’s no surprise that I enjoy Christmas baking! My mom and I used to make these cookies together. Now that I am married and living in Alaska, I love to bake them for my own family. They remind me of home. —Heather Peters, North Pole, Alaska
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Citrus Gingerbread Cookies
Orange and lemon zest give gingerbread cutouts a refreshing twist. Brushing a honey glaze over the top adds a subtle shine and an extra touch of sweetness. —Monique Hooker, DeSoto, Wisconsin
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Grandma’s Raspberry Rugelach
I remember sitting on my great-grandmother’s couch with a pad and pen in hand as she told me each ingredient and measurement for her special rugelach. Her recipe stands apart because it’s a fun twist from typical versions. —Dalya Rubin, Boca Raton, Florida
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Holly Berry Cookies
What would Christmas be without overflowing tins of cookies? These festive filled cookies are the all time favorites of my family. Back when our children were small, we began baking them the day after Halloween and put them away in the freezer. —Audrey Thibodeau, Gilbert, Arizona
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Lemon Snowdrops
I save my snowdrop cookies for special occasions. The crunchy, buttery sandwich cookie has a puckery lemon filling. —Bernice Martinoni, Petaluma, California
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Lime Christmas Tea Cookies
Brighten your holiday cookie tray with these tangy frosted fir tree that are flecked with pistachios and flavored with lime juice and vanilla. The festive treats are almost too pretty to eat! —Mary Ann Taday, East Lyme, Connecticut
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Cherry Chocolate Chunk Cookies
These rich, fudgy cookies are chewy and studded with tangy dried cherries. It’s a good thing the recipe makes only a small batch, because we eat them all in one night! —Trisha Kruse, Eagle, Idaho
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Cranberry Pecan Tassies
A traditional pecan tassie is a small tart with nuts. This holiday version adds cranberries. How festive! —Peggy West, Georgetown, Delaware
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Nanny’s Fruitcake Cookies
My grandmother always made a holiday fruitcake. I turned her recipe into cookies that are perfect any time, especially with a cup of tea. —Amanda Digges, South Windsor, Connecticut
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Frosted Anise Sugar Cookies
These soft, cake-like cookies have a pleasant anise flavor that’s distinct but not overpowering. I add red and green sprinkles for Christmas, but you could decorate them to suit any occasion.—Janice Eanni, Willowick, Ohio
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Santa Claus Sugar Cookies
I’ve used this recipe for almost 40 years and love it because it’s a little different than most. My mom always made Santa cookies, and we’d put them into little clear bags tied with ribbon to hang on the tree.—Ann Bush, Colorado City, Colorado
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Chocolate Cutout Cookies
I love gingerbread cookies, but my grandchildren don’t like the ginger flavor. Now I use chocolate and watch them smile as they take that first bite. —Nancy Murphy, Oneonta, New York
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Cherry Snowballs
A juicy maraschino cherry is the secret center tucked inside these special cookies. My mom was inspired to create this by a recipe she clipped out of a newspaper more than 30 years ago. —Evy Adams, West Seneca, New York
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Peppermint Biscotti
Dipped in melted chocolate and rolled in crushed peppermint candy, this flavorful biscotti is a favorite. It’s one of the many sweets I make for Christmas. —Paula Marchesi, Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania
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Vanilla-Butter Sugar Cookies
These are one of my favorite cookies to bake for Christmas. The dough recipe is versatile and you can use it for other holidays, too. Children like to help with decorating. —Cynthia Ettel, Hutchinson, Minnesota
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Folded Hazelnut Cookies
We first made these cookies when my boys were small, and they would always end up covered in flour and with Nutella on their faces. Such good memories! —Paula Marchesi, Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania
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Crinkle-Top Chocolate Cookies
When I baked these moist, fudgy cookies for the first time, my three preschool children went wild over them! But I like them because they’re lower in fat and easy to mix and bake. —Maria Groff, Ephrata, Pennsylvania
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Red Velvet Peppermint Thumbprints
Red velvet cookies and cakes are so pretty, but I always wish they had a bigger flavor. I infused these thumbprints with a peppermint pop. —Priscilla Yee, Concord, California
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Linzer Tarts
With a creamy chocolate and hazelnut filling, these decadent Christmas cookies look and taste amazing. Guests will never guess how relatively easy they are to make. —Mary Maddox, Bellmore, New York
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Scottish Shortbread
Scottish settlers first came to this area over 150 years ago. My mother herself was Scottish, and—as with most of my favorite recipes—she passed this on to me. I make a triple batch of it each year at Christmas, to enjoy and as gifts. —Rose Mabee, Selkirk, Manitoba
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Peanut Butter Christmas Mice
With their black licorice tails, candy noses and peanut ears, these chewy “mice” were always a hit at classroom parties. My children are in their teens now, but they still ask me to make these cookies for the holidays. —Nancy Rowse, Bella Vista, Arkansas
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Neapolitan Cookies
My sister shared the recipe for these tricolor treats several years ago. The crisp cookies are fun to eat one section at a time or with all three in one bite. —Jan Mallo, White Pigeon, Michigan
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No-Bake Christmas Wreath Treats
Cornflakes take the place of traditional rice cereal in these sweet no-bake treats from our Test Kitchen. Dressed up with green food coloring and red candies, they’re a fun addition to cookie platters and dessert buffets. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Coconut Cranberry Yummies
When my husband came home from the grocery store with six bags of fresh cranberries, I launched a full-scale effort to creatively use them all. Bursting with tart cranberry and sweet coconut flavor, these tasty bites are my favorite result from that experiment. —Amy Alberts, Appleton, Wisconsin
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Mint Chocolate Wafers
My grandmother gave me a cookbook stuffed with recipes. This is a slight twist on one of the first—and best—recipes I made from the book. It’s best to store these in the refrigerator. —Mary Murphy, Evansville, Indiana
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Roly-Poly Santas
I tuck one of these fanciful Santas into every gift cookie tray I make. They’re a guaranteed hit with kids—young and old. And I like that they’re not too difficult to assemble. —Andrew Syer, Oak Ridge, Missouri
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Pecan Meltaways
These sweet, nutty treats are a tradition in our house at Christmastime, but they are great any time of the year. —Alberta McKay, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
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The history of this whimsically named treat is widely disputed, but the popularity of this classic cinnamon-sugar-coated cookie is undeniable! —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Grandma’s Star Cookies
My husband’s grandma would only make these butter cutouts with a star cookie cutter. I use various shapes for celebrations throughout the year. —Jenny Brown, West Lafayette, Indiana
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Fruit-Filled Spritz Cookies
From the first time I baked these cookies, they’ve been a lip-smacking success. Old-fashioned and attractive, they make a perfect holiday pastry. I’m the grandmother of six and stay active with a German folk dance group. —Ingeborg Keith, Newark, Delaware
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Chocolate-Nut Pinwheel Cookies
As a little girl, I made these with my mother every Christmas. Now I make them every year with my daughters-in-law, daughters and grandchildren!—Sedonie Zeitler, Luxemburg, Wisconsin
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Almond Raspberry Stars
The first Christmas that I baked these, I ended up quickly making a second batch! The whole family enjoyed them. —Darlene Weaver, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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My Great-Aunt Hilda makes this recipe every Christmas, and everybody loves them! Kipplens taste a lot like Mexican wedding cakes, but I like my aunt’s version better. —Susan Bohannon, Kokomo, Indiana
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Gingerbread Cookies with Buttercream Icing
When it’s time to start the cookie-baking season, this recipe always kicks off the festivities. My mother-in-law first shared it with me, but it’s too good to keep to myself! You can tint the buttery gingerbread cookie icing a cheery pink or green and pipe it on with a decorating tip. —Ann Scherzer, Anacortes, Washington
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Cashew Cookies
Some “dairy” merry snacking is guaranteed when you pass out these cashew-packed goodies! I found the recipe in a flyer promoting dairy products years ago. It’s been this farm wife’s standby ever since. —June Lindquist, Hammond, Wisconsin
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Hidden Mint Morsels
Is it a cookie or a candy? No matter which answer folks choose, they find these minty morsels yummy. The recipe makes so much that you can whip up tons of gifts at once. —Adina Skilbred, Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin
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Holiday Sugar Cookies
Katie Koziolek of Hartland, Minnesota adds a hint of lemon to these delightful sugar cookies. For make-ahead convenience, freeze the dough up to three months, then thaw in the fridge before baking and decorating them. —Katie Koziolek, Hartland, Minnesota
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Candied Fruit Cookies
These no-fuss candied fruit cookies are both nutty and fruity, so they’re always a hit at holiday time. —Florence Monson, Denver, Colorado
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Snow Angel Cookies
Get a little snow at the holidays, no matter where you are. Head to the kitchen and bake a batch of angel cookies swirled with heavenly frosting. —Carolyn Moseley, Dayton, Ohio
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Cannoli Wafer Sandwiches
My family loves to visit a local Italian restaurant that has a wonderful dessert buffet. The cannoli are among our favorites, so I just had to come up with my own simple version. These are best served the same day so the wafers are still nice and crisp. —Nichi Larson, Shawnee, Kansas
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Christmas Lights Cookies
What better way to brighten chilly winter days than with light-shaped cookies? My classic dough recipe has been a holiday tradition in our family for years. —Carolyn Moseley, Dayton, Ohio
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Reindeer Track Cookies
I loved finding deer tracks in snow when I was a kid. One day I was looking at coffee beans, and I realized they look like little hoof prints. That’s how I came up with this fun recipe.—Crystal Schlueter, Northglenn, Colorado
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Peppermint Twist Kisses
As rosy as Santa’s cheeks, these merry morsels with chocolate kisses on top are a delightful yuletide favorite and one of my most-requested recipes. —Traci Wynne, Denver, Pennsylvania
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Italian Christmas Cookies
A single batch of these mouthwatering cookies is never enough. I usually make one to give away and two more to keep at home. Adding ricotta cheese to the batter makes the morsels extra moist. —Doris Marshall, Strasburg, Pennsylvania
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Gingerbread Sandwich Trees
Fun and festive, these cookie sandwich trees will be a huge hit with kids of all ages. They’re a super-cute holiday treat! —Steve Foy, Kirkwood, Missouri
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Buttery Ganache Cookie Cups
Our family wanted to share our love of ganache-filled cupcakes, so we made them into cookies. Even better: we bake the cookies in muffin cups, fill with ganache, and get the best of both worlds! —Adela Srinivasan, Parker, Colorado
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Triple-Chocolate Peppermint Treats
Santa is sure to stop by your house if you leave these minty chocolate cookies waiting for him. They’re quick and easy for the whole family to make together. —Teresa Ralston, New Albany, Ohio
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Mom’s Buttermilk Cookies
I treasure my mother’s recipe for these comforting cookie pillows. The tender treats are topped with thick frosting and a sprinkling of chopped walnuts. —Jane Darling, Simi Valley, California
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Berry-Almond Sandwich Cookies
Almond shortbread cookies cradle a delightful berry filling for this Christmas cookie favorite. The recipe is undeniably good. —Helga Schlape, Florham Park, New Jersey
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Holly Wreaths
I’ve never come across another spritz cookie like this – one calling for cream cheese as an ingredient. That helps to keep these wreaths moist a long time, while also adding a delicious flavor. —Dee Lein, Longmont, Colorado
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Eggnog Cookies
This cookie’s flavor fits right into the holiday spirit—pick your favorite cookie cutter shapes to make them even more festive! —Myra Innes, Auburn, Kansas
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Pistachio Buttons
This cookie recipe makes a big batch, which comes in handy during the holidays. The green center adds a festive touch. —Nella Parker, Hersey, Michigan
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Gooey Butter Cookies
As a native of St. Louis, I wanted to make a cookie version of the famous gooey butter cake. And although many gooey butter cake recipes use a cake mix, my cookies are made from scratch.—Julia Nouss, Richmond, Virginia
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Sugar Doves
I enjoy making these beautiful cookies and I love to spend a cold evening decorating them. Pretty little sugar doves are sure to get you into the holiday spirit! —Peggy Preston, Fenton, Iowa
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Hazelnut Yule Logs
Besides being irresistibly nutty, these travel well and are a snap to make! — Barbara Burge, Los Gatos, California
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Cream Cheese Spritz
A hint of orange and cinnamon highlights these Christmastime classics. I like to add colorful sprinkles before baking them. The recipe is from a booklet that came with a cookie press in the 1950s…and I still have the press! —Sarah Bedia, Lake Jackson, Texas
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Homemade Chocolate Shortbread
This recipe has been in my files for a long time…probably from when I first learned to bake. Any chocolate lover will like these melt-in-your-mouth cookies. I make them year-round with variations. They’re even richer with a thin coat of icing or as a sandwich cookie with frosting in the middle. —Sarah Bueckert, Austin, Manitoba
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Salted Caramel Cookie Cups
When I brought these salty sweet cookies to a potluck, I overheard people talking about how wonderful they were. I’m not sure if it was the cookie, the caramel or the chocolate that they loved best.—Priscilla Yee, Concord, California
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Callahan Christmas Wreaths
When my family asked for good old Norwegian wreath cookies, I studied several recipes for ideas, then added my own special touches. — Cassidy Callahan, Fitchburg, Massachusetts
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Easy Mint Thins
My friends often try to guess the ingredients, but I never tell them how simple they are to make. They taste just like the Girl Scout cookie, and they’re perfect for Christmas and bake sales. —Jennifer Setser, Morgantown, Indiana
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Elf Cookies
A sweet frosting glaze, colorful candies and well-placed almond slices turn these sugar cookie diamonds into a big batch of Santa’s helpers. TIP: Bake a batch of the adorable elves as a classroom treat or use a few to brighten each of your cookie trays. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Peanut Butter Spritz Fingers
My family loves these cookies because they satisfy the need for chocolate and for something crunchy, sweet and nutty, all in just one bite! —Irma Lowery, Reedsburg, Wisconsin
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Red & Green Pinwheels
My mom used to make these cookies every Christmas, and I still love them. They are so colorful. You can use different food coloring for different seasons.—Jill Heatwole, Pittsville, Maryland
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Chocolate Walnut Crescents
I use a round cookie cutter to form the crescent shapes for these nutty favorites. They’re so pretty sprinkled with sugar and drizzled with chocolate. —TerryAnn Moore, Vineland, New Jersey
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Classic Candy Cane Butter Cookies
To make cookies that look like candy canes, we color half the dough in classic red and twist away. They’re fun to hang on the side of a coffee mug, or you can devour them on their own. —Shannon Roum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Spiced German Cookies
These buttery spice cookies are a cross between sugar cookies and gingerbread, creating the best of both worlds. —April Drasin, Van Nuys, California
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Marzipan Cups with Currant Jelly
These bite-size beauties look and taste gourmet, but they’re easy to make and boast a delicate almond flavor. The hidden jelly surprise and pretty nut accent make them a nice addition to any treats tray. You can make them in advance and freeze them for up to three months, if you like. —Lorraine Caland, Shuniah, Ontario
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Cranberry Shortbread Stars
My family loves shortbread and I love cranberries, so I decided to put the two together. The star shape is a festive addition to my holiday cookie tray. —Sonya Labbe, West Hollywood, California
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Italian Honey Clusters
My mother made these treats flavored with cinnamon and anise for neighbors, teachers and anyone who stopped by. Make sure the honey doesn’t boil longer than a minute or it could burn.—Sarah Knoblock, Hyde Park, Indiana
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Greek Butter Crescents
I had to bake something from my heritage for school. I made these little drops of heaven called kourabiedes. —Rebecca Sprague, St. Louis, Missouri
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Silver Bells
My mom and grandma are known for their signature Christmas cookies. I decided to create my own, inspired by one of my favorite Christmas songs. Edible shimmer dust gives them their iconic shine. Look for the dust in the cake decorating section of craft or grocery stores. —Crystal Schlueter, Northglenn, Colorado
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Gingerbread Yule Logs
I was never fond of gingerbread until I rolled it up with Nutella. These logs make a fabulous addition to any cookie platter.—Terri Gilson, Calgary, Alberta
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Gingerbread Snowflakes
Cutting my favorite gingerbread cookie dough into snowflake shapes and decorating them with white icing was ideal for my theme get-together. I save these crunchy treats to enjoy on the way home from our Christmas tree outing. —Shelly Rynearson, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
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Molasses Cookie Mix
These spicy, old-fashioned treats are sure to be a hit with your family and friends. For holiday gift giving, I put a batch of this cookie mix in an attractive basket along with the recipe and a festive tea towel. —Barbara Stewart, Portland, Connecticut
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Holiday Cornflake Cookies
I can’t seem to make enough of these cornflake wreaths around the holidays. The cookies firm up quickly, so you’ll need to place the Red Hots right away. —Kathleen Hedger, Fairview Heights, Illinois
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Fruit ‘n’ Spice Rounds
While I was looking for a way to use up an abundance of dates, I came across this recipe. Made with raisins, walnuts and a delectable lemon glaze, these quickly became a family favorite. —Allison Bell, Helena, Montana
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Walnut-Filled Pillows
These tender cookie pillows, filled with a delicious walnut mixture, are my husband’s favorite. He says it wouldn’t be Christmas without them. —Nancy Kostrej, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
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Molasses Crackle Cookies
You can treat yourself to one or two of my crackle cookies without guilt. Most molasses cookies are loaded with butter and have way too much sugar, but not mine. You would never know these are so low in fat.— Jean L. Ecos, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Jeweled Cookies
Candied fruits give a stained-glass look to these cookies that taste like shortbread. —Ruth Ann Stelfox, Raymond, Alberta
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Gingerbread Snow Globe
I make a big batch of these gingerbreads every Christmas to give to co-workers and family. For a festive decoration, arrange cookies in a large clear jar to look like a snow globe. —Kelly Kirby, Westville, Nova Scotia
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Frosted Maple Pyramids
The cute shape of these cookies makes them a splendid sight on a Christmas cookie tray. You could use star-shaped cookie cutters in place of the round ones. —Wanda Goodell, Kent, Washington
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Nuts-About-You Cookie Sticks
These cookies make a fancy meal finale that couldn’t be quicker to whip up. Start with purchased Pirouette cookies, dip in a rich creamy chocolate and peanut-butter coating, and dust with nuts or sprinkles. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Raspberry Almonettes
Sometimes that “missing ingredient” idea comes to me in my sleep, and I have to jot it down. The surprising filling in these cookies makes them fun to bake and even more fun to eat! —Angela Sheridan, Opdyke, Illinois
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Santa Claus Cookies
Store-bought peanut butter sandwich cookies become jolly Santas with white chocolate, colored sugar, mini chips and red-hot candies. —Mary Kaufenberg, Shakopee, Minnesota
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Peanut Butter Chippers
The smell of peanut butter and chocolate always brings my cookie-hungry family running to the kitchen. The recipe is so quick and easy, I often stir up a batch while making dinner. —Pat Doerflinger, Centerview, Missouri
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Cherry Kiss Cookies
Topped with a chocolate kiss, these cherry-flavored cookies look super cute on a dessert tray. Share them with family and friends. —Joy Yurk, Grafton, Wisconsin
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Touch-of-Gold Christmas Trees
You can decorate these pretty Christmas trees with other types of sprinkles if you don’t have the gold dust. The filling alone makes the cookies special and so delicious! —Linda Sweet, Cornwall, New York
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Peppermint Meltaways
This recipe is very pretty and festive-looking on a cookie platter. I often cover a plate of these meltaways with red or green plastic wrap and a bright holiday bow in one corner. And yes, they really do melt in your mouth! —Denise Wheeler, Newaygo, Michigan
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Nice ‘n’ Soft Sugar Cookies
My family’s all-time favorite Christmas cookie has had a million shapes over the years. Little ones have fun making their own icing designs. — Cathy Hall, Lyndhurst, Virginia
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Holiday Rum Balls
I use this recipe for special occasions with my wonderful family and friends. They’re so easy to make and pack a festive rum punch. — Diane Duschanek, Council Bluffs, Iowa
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Dipped Sandwich Cookies
With a lemon filling and chocolate coating, these buttery sandwich cookies are often requested at my house, particularly for special occasions. —Jane Delahoyde, Poughkeepsie, New York
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Meringue Candy Canes
These red-and-white striped treats get lots of compliments for their cute looks and minty taste. The seasonal confections are easy to make and so light that they melt in your mouth! —Anne Lindway of Indianapolis, Indiana
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Sugar Cookies
This sugar cookie dates back to a Swedish woman born in 1877! Her daughter, Esther Davis, shared the recipe with me and she came up with all the exact measurements, since the original cookies were mixed by feel and taste. These are my favorite cookies and I hope they’ll become yours as well. —Helen Wallis, Vancouver, Washington
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Pinwheel Cookies
These pretty pinwheel cookies have tempting swirly layers of orange and chocolate. I really mess up my kitchen whenever I bake a batch, but the smiles on the faces of family and friends enjoying them make it all worthwhile. — Paulette Morgan, Moorhead, Minnesota
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Snowman Christmas Cookies
Get the kids in on the action when you make these cheesecakey cookies—just roll away. The snowmen look adorable on a cookie tray. —Cathy Medley, Clyde, Ohio
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Almond Bonbon Cookies
These bonbons remind me of England, with a touch of America. Dip cooled cookies into one frosting or each side into different frostings. Have fun adding any kind of sprinkle toppings you like. — Teri Lee Rasey, Cadillac, Michigan
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Pistachio Cream Cheese Cookies
My son-in-law is a big fan of pistachios. He looks forward to these buttery cookies at holiday time, but I make them for him more than just once a year. —Lily Julow, Lawrenceville, Georgia
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Snowman Butter Cutouts
I have fond memories of baking and frosting these cutout cookies with my mom. Now I carry on the tradition with my kids. It’s a messy but fun day!—Sandy Nace, Greensburg, Kansas
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Holiday Cookie Dough
We created this make-ahead dough recipe to help ease the stress of the Christmas baking season. The buttery cookies are sure to melt in your mouth. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Chai Tea Sandwich Cookies
You’ll love these cookies filled with a dreamy chai-infused ganache. They’re great after a meal, with a cup of tea, as a breakfast treat—or anytime at all. —Lauren Knoelke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Holiday Shortbread Cookies
This special Christmas treat came to me from Scotland through a relative. I compared this recipe with one a friend makes, since her husband is of Scottish descent, and found this shortbread to be quite authentic. —Erma Hiltpold, Kerrville, Texas
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Tiny Tim Sandwich Cookies
When I was growing up, my mother and I created special Christmas memories in the kitchen preparing these cute, bite-size cookies. Vary the food coloring for holidays throughout the year. —Eudora Delezenne, Port Huron, Michigan
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Chocolate Lebkuchen
Having lived in Germany, I try to keep my German cooking as authentic as possible. This lovely lebkuchen recipe is a culinary Christmas custom. —Cathy Lemmon, Quinlan, Texas
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Spearmint Thins
No time to bake cookies from scratch? Create a tasty treat in little more than half an hour by doctoring butter-flavored crackers with vanilla chips and mint candies.—Kathleen Felton, Fairfax, Iowa
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Stacked Christmas Tree Cookies
Using prepared cookie dough gives you a nice head start to your own little forest of Christmas trees. Get the kids involved in this holiday craft to keep them busy making memories.—Sue Draheim, Waterford, Wisconsin
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Butterscotch Gingerbread Cookies
Every time I make these wonderful cookies, the spicy aroma takes me back to my childhood. I helped Mom make them and delivered them to neighbors. —Kara Cook, Elk Ridge, Utah
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Cranberry Port Cookies
This is my version of a recipe I tasted years ago—my family loves it. The flaky cookies are filled with a scrumptious combination of dried cranberries, cinnamon, lemon and a hint of port wine. —Leslie Forte, Oakhill, Virginia
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Scottie Cookies
These decked-out doggies are all bundled up in colorful sweaters for the holidays. The frosted sugar cookies are almost too adorable to eat! — Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Apricot-Filled Sandwich Cookies
I bake these delightful cookies every year for Christmas and when I share a tray of my homemade treats with the faculty at school, these are always the first to disappear! I’ve even had requests to make them for wedding receptions.—Deb Lyon, Bangor, Pennsylvania
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Hungarian Walnut Cookies
As a child, I always looked forward to eating these goodies at Christmastime. Now I make them for my own family. —Sharon Kurtz, Emmaus, Pennsylvania
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Holiday Reindeer Cookies
Gather ’round the tree on Christmas Eve and feast on these adorable reindeer cookies. If you listen closely, you might heard reindeer hoofs on the roof! —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Crescent Chip Cookies
With their cute curved shape, crescents always make charming additions to a Christmas platter. I dip the cooled cookies in chocolate and sprinkle on walnuts. —Ann Eastman, Sacramento, California
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Meringue Santa Hats
My grandkids love it when I make meringues shaped like Santa hats. If they are here, they love to help—they like to put red glitter on the meringue and take such pride in knowing they have helped Grandma.—Bonnie Hawkins, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
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Fig & Almond Cookies
In our family, holiday cookies—like these nutty fig ones—are a big deal. I’m so proud to be passing on this Italian tradition to my two boys. —Angela Lemoine, Howell, New Jersey
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Cream Cheese Turtle Cups
Sometimes the best thing about a cookie is the memories made. My daughter and I love to make and eat these “turtles.” —Lesa Renner, Kingsport, Tennessee
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Cherry Cheese Windmills
These pretty cookies look fancy, but they are really not much work. They’re perfect for any occasion. —Helen McGibbon, Downers Grove, Illinois
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Red Velvet White Chip Cookies
These cookies are soft, chewy and taste as good as they sound. The first time I baked them, I took them to an aunt’s yard sale. Now they’re my go-to for any special event. —Samantha Gstalder, Montoursville, Pennsylvania
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Cherry Pecan Dreams
Packed with fruit, nuts and vanilla chips, these goodies are sure to please. If you prefer, replace the cherries with cranberries or apricots. —Mary Ann Mariotti, Plainfield, Illinois
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Thumbprint Butter Cookies
These buttery little rounds add beautiful color to a platter of treats. Fill the thumbprint in the center with any fruit preserves you like. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Date Swirl Cookies
My granddaughter nicknamed my mother Cookie Grandma because she made wonderful cookie—including these crisp and chewy treats. —Donna Grace, Clancy, Montana
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Meringue Kisses
There’s a nice chocolaty surprise inside these sweet kisses. They’re my husband’s top choice each Christmas.—Tami Henke, Lockport, Illinois
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Cranberry-White Chocolate Cookies
These are one of my favorite cookies to make for the holidays. I prepare a batch early in the holiday season and freeze them. —Sherry Conley, Noel, Hants County, Nova Scotia
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Cranberry Slices
The holidays wouldn’t be complete without a plateful of homemade cookies to give family and friends. Try these for gifts.—American Dairy Assoc, Stacy Duffy, Chicago, Illinois
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Hazelnut Dream Cookies
I sampled these goodies at a Bible study and knew from the first bite that I had to have the recipe. To my surprise, the rich cookies require just four ingredients. —Julie Peterson, Crofton, Maryland
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Apricot-Hazelnut Triangles
These crispy cookie treats can be changed up—try different nuts and jams, and dark or white chocolate depending on the holiday. —Johnna Johnson, Scottsdale, Arizona
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viralhottopics · 7 years
11 Easy Recipes That Use Just 3 Ingredients You Probably Already Have At Home
Since resolving to order delivery food less,and not being very experienced when it comes to the kitchen, I’m always on the lookout for super easy meals I can make like the yummy3-ingredient recipes below.
In fact, looking over the short list of ingredients, I totally have most of them in my cabinets and fridge just waiting to be transformed into a scrumptious dish!
I especially want to try out the ones that will let me bust out my slow cooker and let it do all the work for me. It’s basically become my best friend since starting this kick to cook more of my meals.
The only trouble is, I don’t know which one I want to whip up first.
Have you ever created any simple 3-ingredient recipes for your family to enjoy? Or made any of the easy options below?
Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE these awesome recipes with your friends and family!
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1. Red Mac And Cheese
Flickr / indigotimbre
Lisa from Thrive Style explains how this spin on regular mac and cheese was a staple in her house growing up.
Ingredients: 14 oz. tomato soup 4-6 oz. sharp cheddar cheese 2 cups elbow or shell pasta
Instructions: Cook the pasta and heat the tomato soup in separate pans. Add the cheese to the tomato soup and stir until melted. Drain the pasta and add to the soup mixture, mixing well.
2. Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken
YouTube / Chelsea and Sungkyul
The whole family will love biting into these juicy, crunchy chicken tenders fromWry Toast.
Ingredients: 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken tenders 1/2 cup honey mustard 1 1/3 cups crushed pretzels
Directions: Place the tenders in a large bowl and pour mustard, stirring to make sure each one is covered. Let this marinate in the fridge for about an hour.
Pre-heat the oven to 350 and grease a baking sheet. Crush your pretzels with a food processor or by placing inside a snack bag and breaking apart.
Coat the chicken with the pretzel crumbs and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until crispy.
3. Pulled Pork
Flickr / Graeme Maclean
You might be surprised by this recipe’s surprising use of soda, but you won’t be able to deny the scrumptious results.
Ingredients: 2 lb. pork tenderloin 1 can of root beer 1 bottle barbecue sauce
Instructions: Put the tenderloin in the slow cooker on low, then pour the root beer over it. Allow to heat for about six hours or until the meat shreds easily.
Drain the root beer, then return the meat to the slow cooker and pour barbecue sauce over it, stirring until completely mixed.
4. Mozzarella Sticks
Wikimedia Commons / cyclonebill
This twist on traditional mozzarella sticks can be baked or fried for a yummy snack.
Ingredients: Egg roll wrappers String cheese 1egg
Instructions: Lay the egg roll wrapper withthe corners pointing out like a diamond, then place the string cheese on the bottomcorner and roll to the top tucking in the sides.
Beat the egg for an egg wash, then brush over the rolls. Heat in a greased pan until golden brown.
5. Orange Chicken
Flickr / Bordecia34
Jamie from Totally the Bombgot creative with another fizzy beverage for this simple recipe.
Ingredients: 4-5chicken breasts 1 can orange soda 1/3cup soy sauce
Instructions: Place all of the ingredients in a gallon-sized freezer bag, then allow to marinate in the fridge overnight.
Pour into your slow cooker and heat on low for six to eight hours.
6. Creamy Potato Soup
Flickr / Robert Judge
Using pre-made frozenpotatoes for this recipe from AMom’s Take helps cut back on prep with onions and peppers already added in.
Ingredients: 1 package frozen Potatoes O’Brien 1 packet of country gravy mix 4 tsps. chicken bouillon or 32 oz. chicken broth
Instructions: Add all of the ingredients in a pot and mix well. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and allow to simmer until it thickens.
7. Cream-less Creamed Corn
Flickr / Michele Frazier
I’ve never been a huge fan of creamed corn, but I would probably ask for seconds of this recipe from theNew York Times.
Ingredients: 4 large ears of corn 2 Tbsps. unsalted butter 2 Tbsps. minced shallot or red onion
Instructions: Husk the corn and grate into a bowl using the large holes of a box grater. Melt one tablespoon of the butter in a saucepan and add shallots or red onion, cooking on medium heat until they’re tender.
Add the corn and mix well, then cook for another five minutes. Stir in the rest of the butter and remove from heat.
8. Baked Ham And Cheese Rollups
YouTube / In The Kitchen With Jonny
Georgia from theComfort of Cooking recommends dipping these rolls in some mustardor horseradish.
Ingredients: 1 ball pizza dough 8 oz. thinly sliced ham 1 cup shredded mozzarella
Instructions: Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees, then roll out the pizza dough on a floured counter. Press it into a rectangle shape, then arrange the ham in an even layer on top.
Sprinkle the cheese on top, then roll into a log, pinching the seam to seal. Bake on a greased pan for about 50 minutes.
9. Dried Beef Dip
YouTube / eHow
You can add some sour cream to this recipe by Jamie from My Baking Addiction if you’d like a thinner dip.
Ingredients: 16 oz. whipped-style cream cheese 1 jar chopped, dried beef 4 sliced green onions
Instructions: Use an electric mixer to smooth out cream cheese in a medium bowl, then stir in the onions and dried beef until completely mixed.
Cover and let chill in the fridge for at least two hours.
10. Ravioli Casserole
Flickr / Steven Depolo
I would definitely sprinkle a dash ofparmesan on top of this cheesy pasta bake from theTasty Kitchen.
Ingredients: 1 bag frozen ravioli 1 jar marinara sauce 2 cups shredded mozzarella
Instructions: Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees, then greasea rectangular baking dish. Pour 3/4 of the marinara sauce on the bottom, then layer half of the (still frozen) ravioli on top. Sprinkle half the mozzarella on top of that, then repeat withanother layer.
Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake for about 30 minutes, then remove the foil and bake for another 10-15 minutes.
11. Zucchini Salad
Flickr / Jessica Spengler
This springy salad from the New York Times would totally hit the spot as a quick side dish.
Ingredients: 2 medium zucchini 2 Tbsps.white wine vinegar 4 Tbsps. corn oil
Instructions: Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees, then wash, trim, and slice zucchini into 1/4-inch thick rounds. Lay them out in a single layer on a cookie sheet and bake for five to seven minutes.
Pour them into a bowl and toss with the vinegar and oil.
Do you have your own three-ingredient recipes you rely on for a fast homemade meal?
Let us know in the comments and be sure to SHARE with your friends!
Read more: http://ift.tt/2n4D8k4
from 11 Easy Recipes That Use Just 3 Ingredients You Probably Already Have At Home
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