#That said I am very pleased with how Sylvia turned out in the first panel lol her Snoopy poses always get me bad <3
sysig · 9 months
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What if Peepers got left behind with the main duo tho (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Wander#Commander Peepers#Sylvia#Dynamics ✨#Technically I have more to this idea but it ended up a bit meandering so y'know how it is lol#One of these days I'll learn how to draw the actual main characters but it's not today lol#That said I am very pleased with how Sylvia turned out in the first panel lol her Snoopy poses always get me bad <3#She may not Like the cutes but she Is the cutes so there ♪#This is basically just a character swap The Little Guy but also that episode already happened? Idk I'll figure it out as I go lol#The important parts to me were Peepers in a position with no authority and already-established dynamics with these two#Westley growing to trust them is fun and all but Peepers already knows them interpersonally - from fairly early on! The Prisoner et al#He's not in danger - at least with Wander there lol he turns his back and Sylvia rears back and he turns again and Peepers is cowering#Poor lad haha ♪ They'll go off to fight by themselves at some point#Both of them having a proper sparring partner they're not afraid to hurt tho?? This is why their dynamic works honestly lol#But just the thought of him being equal parts defensive and trying to use them for safe haven until Hater comes back to get him lol#Unlike Westley they really can't function without him so they'd make a return trip once they noticed but how long would that take ♪#So until then he has to get cozy! (Impossible)#But really the thought of no Hater acting as his alarm clock no force to manage no paperwork no schedule - I think it would stress him out#He's a creature of habit! He's lost without his familiar-and-knowns! Waking up to birdsong and bright sunshine is alien and wrong!#Hell even sleeping to crickets and the soft and warm breathing of other bodies - it's all strange and uncomfortable ♫#Probably gets up in the middle of the night - carefully - to lay a trap that Chekov Gun-style foils him or Hater by the end lol#Anything to settle him! It would take way longer than the Skullship returning to sway his deep-rooted habits hehe
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Just an idea I've been playing with.
Area 52
It all started with a wolf's howl that pierced the night and one man with a camera. One who just so happened to enjoy exploring the desert area around his home during the night and especially during a full moon.
He'd heard the howl and, thinking perhaps one of the wolves had escaped from the zoo two hours away, decided to investigate. What he found, however, was far worse.
When he saw it, and at that only from a distance, he managed to catch it on camera. It looked like a very large dog, but moved faster and jumped farther than any dog should be able to. The footage wasn't very good of course, but it was enough to warrant an investigation from Fact or Faked after it was submitted.
When they investigated, they discovered the thing to be real–especially when it came near their camp, barking and growling to scare them off.
Shortly after, the government swept in, claimed it was all a top secret experiment, swore them all to secrecy, and the footage was never aired.
This brings us to a small abandoned gas station in the middle of a Colorado desert. Or so it appears, anyway, for if you were to wander inside, during the middle of the night on a full moon and stand silently near the back, close to the refrigerators, you'd hear the faint sounds of someone playing a guitar. And if you were to follow the sound, it would lead you to the very last door in the far corner of the building. Were you to open the door and press your ear to the back panel, the sounds would suddenly become much clearer and the door, for that's what the panel secretly is, would open–if you had the security clearance of course. Once through the door, you'd follow the staircase down, down, down until you reached another door and another security checkpoint. Once through that door, you'd find the whole of Area 52.
The sounds of guitar playing would now be joined by the sounds of someone singing and if you were to follow the sound, you'd find a man, a janitor to be more specific, sitting outside one of the cells, playing his guitar and singing to the thing inside.
Moving closer to the cell, you'd see a fairly large wolf lying on the floor, her tail thumping occasionally as she listens.
Aaron, for that was his name, reaches the end of his song and stops. When the wolf doesn't move, he carefully begins to pack his guitar away again.
She opens her eyes again at that moment and gets to her feet, barking loudly at him.
"Ah, come on, Tala," he says. "It's 2 in the morning and I'm tired."
She barks again.
He sighs. "Can I at least go get some coffee?"
She huffs, laying down on the floor again and resting her head on her paws.
"Thank you," he says before setting his guitar down and heading off, returning a few minutes later with a cup of coffee. He takes a sip as he sits down again and picks up his guitar.
"What do you want to hear next?" he asks as he sets the cup on the floor next to his chair. "'I Hold On,' Dierks Bentley?"
Tala growls softly.
"Alright how about 'Lovin' You is Fun,' Brett Eldridge?"
She growls again.
"Okay." He falls silent for a moment, thinking. "'I Don't Dance,' Lee Brice?"
Tala huffs and Aaron nods.
"'I Don't Dance' it is." He strums a few chords. "I can't do this one so well, so don't get mad at me if I screw up."
She only huffs again, making him smile as he starts playing.
"I'll never settle down
That's what I always thought
Yeah, I was that kind of man
Just ask anyone
I don't dance
But here I am
Spinning you round and round in circles
It ain't my style
But I don't care
I'd do anything with you anywhere
Yeah you've got me in the palm of your hand, girl
'Cause I don't dance."
As Aaron sings, he remembers when he'd first seen Tala. She'd been in a cage covered in a sheet, her howls echoing through the base.
He'd found out later that they'd tried tranquilizing her, but that hadn't worked and what had ensued was a heart pounding chase until she'd eventually been cornered and caged.
The sheet had been pulled away and he'd caught his breath.
Her fur was mostly white with gray tips and her eyes were as blue as ice. As a wolf, she was twice as big as an ordinary one and twice as strong.
Moments later the full moon had set and she'd changed, becoming human. If she'd stunned him as a wolf, she shocked him senseless as a human. She was slight with a soft face framed by shoulder length pale blond hair. Her eyes were just as blue as they had been when she was a wolf and filled with fear. He hadn't known her then, but he'd felt sorry for her all the same.
Sylvia, the lead scientist, had tried to take a blood sample, but been held off by the slight girl who was much stronger than she looked. It had taken three men just to hold her still and at that barely long enough for her to get the sample. Aaron still wasn't sure if it was because she was a werewolf or because she'd been scared.
If Syl hadn't still needed a sample of her as a wolf, they might have let her go then. But as it was, they wouldn't be able to do so until she shifted again during the next full moon. But it had come around and she hadn't let anyone get near her and no amount of men had been able to hold her still.
They'd tried different methods in the months following, but nothing had worked. So there she remained, trapped in her cell.
As each full moon came and went, she howled and barked all through the night, driving General Sebastian crazy until Aaron had come through one night singing one of his songs.
She'd immediately fallen silent and the General had instantly appointed him the task of keeping her quiet.
"I thought you hated country music," Aaron had said.
"I'll take your blasted singing over that animal's racket any day," he'd replied, so here Aaron sat during each full moon.
He finishes the song and seconds later, Tala takes human form again. The moon had finally set.
He studies her as she gets to her feet and moves over to her cot.
"You could let them you know."
"What?" Tala asks as she sits down.
"Let them have the sample."
She shakes her head. "They'd put a tracker in me and follow me around the rest of my life. I couldn't take that."
He puts his guitar back in the case. "They won't let you go until they get it," he says.
She doesn't respond right away. "I know," she says softly.
"Won't you at least think about it?" he asks. "Having them follow you around all the time has to be better than being cooped up in here forever."
Tala sighs and nods. "I'll think about it," she promises.
During the next full moon as Aaron cuts through the lab on his way to Tala's cell with his guitar, he's stopped by Professor Sylvia.
"That won't be necessary tonight, Aaron," she says.
"What?" he asks. "Why?"
"She's agreed to give us the sample," comes the reply.
Aaron stands unmoving for a moment, unsure whether to be disappointed or relieved.
"Can I watch?" he asks finally.
"Sure. As long as you stay out of the way."
He nods, setting his guitar against the wall before following the Professor to Tala's cell. The full moon is already up and the wolf inside watches everyone calmly.
Aaron studies her. She didn't look resigned or even defeated. She looked.....determined.
All at once the realization slams into Aaron. She was going to try and escape.
"Uh..General," he says, approaching him.
Tala's gaze swings to him and she growls low in her throat. Aaron looks over at her, faced with the decision of revealing her plan or keeping silent.
"Yes?" General Sebastian asks.
"Uh......good luck, sir," Aaron says.
The General rolls his eyes.  "We don't need luck," he says.
"Of course, sir. Sorry, sir."
"How many times have I told you, 'Never–'"
"'Apologize. It's a sign of weakness," Aaron says. "Yes, sir."
"And don't you forget it," Sebastian says, turning to watch as Sylvia puts in the code to Tala's cell.
Aaron watches Tala as her muscles tense, ready to move.
Sylvia leaves the door open slightly as she turns to take the syringe held out to her by one of her assistants. In that moment, Tala pounces.
She springs forward, shoving the door open and knocking Sylvia over.
A few of the guards try to move in toward her, but she's ready for them, moving quickly away and racing for the door.
The door that only opened via handprint scanner.
She tries forcing it open, but she only bounces off again, her right front leg buckling as she hits the floor making Aaron wince. That had hurt.
The guards rush toward her but she gets to her feet again, growling a warning.
They pause until one manages to gather his courage and move toward her again. She lunges forward, her jaws snapping shut on his arm.
He screams in pain as the bone in his arm shatters. Tala releases him and he retreats, holding his injured arm close to his body.
The rest of the guards are a little more hesitant to advance now.
General Sebastian sighs. "We don't have time for this! Just shoot it!"
They obey, drawing their weapons and taking aim.
"No! Stop!" Aaron yells, placing himself between the guns and Tala. "Just let me talk to her. Please."
Sebastian sighs once more. "Make it quick."
Aaron turns to look at Tala. "It doesn't have to be like this if you'd just–"
She growls, shaking her head.
"They won't let you go until you do," he says. “It's impossible to get out of here on your own."
She looks at him. Then help me, her eyes seem to say.
Aaron hesitates. He knew his handprint would open the door for her.
He nods. "Okay," he says before pressing his hand to the scanner.
The light turns green and she rushes through the open door and he follows, jamming the door shut behind him to delay the others.
She races ahead of him up the stairs, taking them in giant leaps of almost 10 at a time. He follows much more slowly, finding her waiting for him at the top as the door finally opens far below them.
Aaron opens the second door for her, breathing hard, and she slips past him into the abandoned station full of empty shelves, heading for the front door and the broken windows. All that remained between her and freedom.
"Tala," he says, and she pauses, looking back at him. "Good luck."
She bobs her head once in a nod before bounding out of sight. He leans against the door frame, catching his breath until General Sebastian and the guards reach him.
"Where is she?!" Sebastian demands.
"Gone," Aaron says.
The General punches a nearby wall, cursing. "You're fired!"
They head silently back downstairs and Aaron stands for a moment longer in the stillness.
A moment later a wolf's howl echoes across the moonlit desert and he smiles before following the others, shutting the door behind him again.
A Few Years Later
Aaron drives up the narrow moonlit mountain road, nursing a hot cup of coffee in an effort to keep sleep at bay. The horizon was already growing lighter and in a few minutes the full moon would be completely set.
He always thought about Tala on these nights, wondering where she was and if she was doing okay.
He suddenly gasps and slams on the brakes of his pickup as he rounds a bend and sees a massive wolf standing in the middle of the road. The animal hardly looks up at him, staring at something on the ground in front of it and it takes Aaron a moment to take in the coiled up snake barely 4 feet away from it.
He climbs out of his truck, hearing the rattle of the snake's tail.
The wolf still doesn't move. Aaron sighs, reaching under his seat for the pistol he kept there. You never could be too safe living in Colorado.
He shakes his head, forcing himself awake as he uses two hands to aim. He pulls the trigger and the shot echoes through the forest.
The wolf collapses in relief as the bullet tears through the snake's head, killing it instantly.
Aaron rushes over, afraid he'd missed and hit the wolf instead. He stops as the moon sets and the wolf before him shifts, becoming human. He takes in her pale blond hair and the ice blue eyes.
"Tala?" he says.
She looks up at him for the first time. "Aaron?"
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anneedmonds · 5 years
Life Update: Red Wine and Muffin Puppets
I always have such good intentions for this monthly life update post (in fact even writing the first part of this sentence seems very deja vu), but however hard I try to do things in advance I always end up compiling it at the nth hour on the 3rd day of the month. (It has been on the 3rd day of the month since Ted was born; before that it was the 17th of every month, Angelica’s birthday. I have never failed to publish my post before midnight on the right day – I’m borderline superstitious about it now.)
Many people would have thrown out the whole “stick to the same date every month” rule years ago, no doubt finding it ridiculously restrictive and unnecessarily stressful. But I seem to be at my most productive when life is ridiculously restrictive and unnecessarily stressful so go figure – if I didn’t have a set date for my life updates then you probably wouldn’t be reading these very words. I’d just never get around to it, like my cookery videos and the post about sunscreens that’s been languishing in drafts since May 2013.
(By the way, if you want to catch up on all of the life updates – and there are almost four years’ worth now – then you can find them by clicking here and browsing backwards to reach the older posts.)
After that semi-apologetic introduction, which is now pretty much mandatory, let’s get down to business. Or pleasure. Or a mixture of both. I can tell you what hasn’t been a pleasure and that is the twelve days (and counting) of suffering from minor ailments that have been popping up with almost comical regularity. It’s become a standing joke, almost, that every morning brings a new gripe and I can’t tell whether I’m missing some sort of vital nutrient or mineral and need urgent fixing or if this is just what it feels like to get older.
Do I moan and demand that the GP takes my ailments seriously (“but how do you know that my stomach acid isn’t something to do with my eye strain and my running nose and they’re not all related and I have one great big super-illness?”) or do I moan (default setting) and accept that multiple ailments, aches and pains are just an inconvenient way of life. And be grateful that I’m generally well. And alive.
I mean I am always acutely grateful to be alive and not have any serious illness or disease – I’m actually very mindful of checking myself in that respect and reminding myself that every day is an absolute blessing, but by God it’s hard to keep perspective when you can’t breathe through your nose, isn’t it? If there’s one thing that makes me furious with the world it’s a blocked-up nose. Few things are more cruel. Being forced to mouth-breathe through the night, as the inside of your throat dries into something resembling an ancient piece of parchment from Caesar’s journal and then feels as though it’s been set alight, is one of life’s great injustices. Why someone hasn’t invented a sort of irrigation/misting system for the mouth I do not know; a little tube, perhaps, that just spritzes the tongue and throat with water when you have a cold – or better still, a glycerin/honey kind of affair that stops tickly coughs in their path and provides lubrication.
Coming soon on Dragons’ Den.
Anyway, the toothache/headache/stomachache/bottomache/throatache/cough has been exhausting and I would just like a whole week off. To reset. Preferably somewhere hot but not too hot (Greece? Spain?) and with a kids’ club run by Mary Poppins. Or the Greek/Spanish equivalent. Maria Haciendo Estallar. (Google translate has possibly let me down there.)
But enough of me, I must leave some time to talk about Headstrong Ted (two years and four months old) and Pre-Teen Angelica (turning four in a couple of weeks). They are chatting away to one another now, Angelica in perfect, surprisingly crisp English and Ted in his own strange little alien language that likes to elongate vowels and completely miss off the beginning consonants from words. “Ooooo!” is zoo. “Armer!” is farmer. “Iraffe!” is giraffe. But we now have sentences, sort of, or at least the seeds of sentences – the intention’s all there.
“Go! Go! Gaga’s ‘oom! ‘Ide! ‘Olf!” is, obviously, “Go! Go! Angelica’s room! Hide! Wolf!”
Apple is “pull”. Snack is “ack” and baby is “dee dee”. And all of this is monumentally boring to other people so I can’t quite believe I’m writing it. Next I’ll be telling you about the knee operation that my Mum’s brother-in-law’s friend had before Christmas and how he’ll always set off the beeper at the airport. I am turning into the woman I always dreaded, though I haven’t started wearing fleece tops or saving eggshells. Why do people save eggshells? I want to say it’s something to do with slugs but I’ve had a large glass of quite a fine Chianti (no fava beans!) and my brain has gone soft.
Oh but I do have to tell you about my favourite Angelica-isms. Can I? I promise I’ll be quick. She now  understands just about everything so I rarely have to stop to explain – in fact a lot of the time she can tell if I’m oversimplifying things for her and she pulls me up on it. So it makes it even funnier when she gets things wrong. My favourite is this one:
“Mummy I’m going to paint my face but not poke the brush in my eye bulbs.”
Eye bulbs! I think I prefer eyebulbs to eyeballs – I may adopt it. At any rate I can’t bear to correct her because it’s so sweet. She still says coldsnore for coleslaw, and then there’s the one that had me in stitches the other day: Muffin Puppets. Guess what Muffin Puppets are? She was desperate to watch a film we had saved on Amazon Prime and it was about Christmas with the Muffin Puppets. I had absolutely no idea what she was on about. “You know Mummy, the Muffin Puppets at Christmas. With Scrooge.”
She was talking about the Muppets. Muffin Puppets!
If someone doesn’t form a band and call it that I’ll be very upset. Maybe Angelica should form a band – her and Ted are becoming quite the duo when it comes to singing their little ditties and putting on dance performances. Granted, Ted just sort of spins about on the spot and then falls over, but Angelica is full-on Sylvia Young jazz-hand material. She even introduces herself in a (slightly creepy) man’s voice before she begins her show. “Ladies and Gentlemen, my performance is about to begin.”
One of the things that I wanted to write about this month was how intense it was all becoming, looking after two small kids. Sometimes I feel as though we’re on a treadmill and it’s stuck on the highest setting and we just can’t stop running, you can’t even shift your gaze to the control panel to find the slow-down button, let alone reach a hand towards it.  You’re desperate for someone capable to lean over and adjust the speed, give you some breathing space, but it’s relentless. I thought that the newborn phase was hard, and it is, but for such different reasons. Because it’s new, because you don’t sleep, because your brain and body are completely mangled. But then they get older and the guilt becomes a thing, and you have to try and navigate your way through disciplining and educating and trying to instil in them the values and behavioural traits that you find acceptable and it’s a BLOODY MINEFIELD!
Why is there not a course on this? Parenting? I mean for the love of God! You learn about algebra (haven’t needed it once) and you learn how to read maps (hello? Sat nav?!) and you do classes on 1066 at Hastings and the six wives of Henry VIII and all sorts of things that are inarguably interesting; but surely there should be some basic bits and pieces on kids? Like what you should do when you shout at them and they just laugh in your face, or what to do when NO, NO, I SAID NO! doesn’t work, or how to get yourself out of the black hole of doom that is the “using ice cream and treats as bribes for good behaviour” hole.
I’m sure it’s all basic psychology, but it’s the sort of stuff I needed drilled into me from teen years onwards; I don’t have the energy to learn it all now. It needed to be second nature. If I took my eye off the ball for long enough to read up about parenting now, the cat would probably have been shoved into the oven and the walls would be bright green with bits of dried pasta glued all over them. And we’d have no floor, because Ted would have picked the lock on the cupboard with the cleaning products in, managed to mix two highly flammable solutions together and blown a hole in the ground. All in the space of nineteen seconds, which is the time frame in which he can achieve pretty much anything, including climbing two flights of stairs, mounting a window sill ledge and unlatching a window that requires the skill and dexterity of a professional bank robber.
Right, I’m onto my second glass of red which is almost unheard of for me, but it has been a testing kind of week(s). Not that I’m going to make a habit of it – two glasses and I’m a felled woman the following day, I can barely tie my shoelaces. But I have a new book to read and it’s a sort of biography and I feel that it calls for slight tipsiness and perhaps some light weeping. I’m too embarrassed to tell you what the book is at the moment, it’s a daft sort of thing, but I do feel a separate post coming on. I have a weird connection with the woman in question – perhaps it’s a nostalgia thing – so I’m really looking forward to curling up and getting stuck in.
On that mysterious note, I bid you all farewell until later on in the week, which is how long it will take me to recover from my two glasses of wine! So it’s goodnight (or morning, depending on when you’re reading) from me and goodnight from the Muffin Puppets – if you have any funny malapropisms of your own then please do pop them into the comments below. They don’t even have to be kid ones – my parents still call memory foam mattresses the “Tempura Mattress”.
The post Life Update: Red Wine and Muffin Puppets appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Life Update: Red Wine and Muffin Puppets was first posted on June 3, 2019 at 10:00 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Life Update: Red Wine and Muffin Puppets published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Tuesday 29th May 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  Off to Malaga again this morning, Sandra is performing surgery, for people with Cataracts.. She does it every week…. Me? I shall spend time showing Sylvia Babusch around the wonderful city of Malaga until Sandra has finished her operations.. well it sounds like a plan to me! .. but here we are Bella and I walking the streets of Estepona at 4:00am … looking at a star filled heaven, even have a meteor shower to enjoy today, as shooting stars streak across the early morning skies, giving me that Spielberg moment before the day starts…..
FRANCE WINE AUCTION: 1774 VIN JAUNE FETCHES RECORD PRICE…. A bottle of wine dating back to 1774 has sold at auction in eastern France for a record €103,700 ($120,800). The bottle of Vin Jaune (yellow wine) comes from the eastern Jura region and was made using grapes harvested during the reign of King Louis XVI. At the same auction, another bottle of the same vintage fetched €76,250, and a third was sold for €73,200. The three 87cl bottles of Vin Jaune were made by the winemaker Anatoile Vercel. They were in the possession of his descendents in Arbois, the winemaking heart of the Jura region, and are believed to be among the oldest existing wines in the world. The buyers were Canadians and someone who used to purchase wine for Americans with links to France, AFP news agency quoted auctioneer Brigitte Fenaux, of the Jura Encheres auction house, as saying. "I didn't think that these bottles would sell for so much. The last record set in 2011 was €57,000," she said. "There were winemakers in the room who applauded, who were happy, it was moving." AFP reports that in 1994, a tasting panel of 24 wine experts rated the wine as a 9.4 out of 10.
BRITISH BAR WORKERS IN MAJORCA 'AT RISK OF MODERN SLAVERY'…. Young Britons could be at risk of modern slavery if they work as touts outside the bars of Majorca, the Foreign Office has warned. An undercover investigation commissioned by the department found that many of the workers had their passports seized by employers, were charged high rents and paid low wages. It discovered 20 of the 25 Britons in prison on the island were former touts. The Border Force is carrying out a week-long campaign to raise awareness. Touts - also known as PRs - are employed to encourage customers to come into their bars with drinks deals and to ensure they stay. The investigation was conducted by criminologists, who also found women were subject to sexual abuse from customers and men were attacked or bullied when working to bring people into clubs. Lloyd Milen, the British Consul for Barcelona and the Balaeric Islands, said: "We wanted to understand what factors were at play, and then how we could prevent it. "We commissioned some independent research, which showed us that many PR workers ended up in serious debt, many were working illegally, some had their passports retained and others faced repeated sexual harassment and assault." The research also revealed that some of the touts took up drug dealing to make ends meet, whilst others began to have problems with alcohol. Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes said: "By highlighting the issue we want to ensure that those contemplating PR work in Majorca, many of whom are tourists tempted by the idea of an extended stay in the sunshine, do not find their summer turning into a nightmare."
PADDLE STEAMER MV OLIVER CROMWELL SINKS OFF ANGLESEY COAST…. A Mississippi-style paddle steamer and riverboat hotel has sunk off the north Wales coast while it was being towed to Northern Ireland. The vessel, called the MV Oliver Cromwell, started sinking on Friday about 12 miles (19km) west of South Stack near Holyhead, Anglesey. Holyhead Coastguard was called just before 14:00 BST but could not stop the boat sinking into the Irish Sea. No-one on board was injured and no pollution was caused. The RNLI's Holyhead coxswain Tony Price said: "It was very sad to see such a lovely vessel sink like that, but no-one was endangered and the lack of fuel on board meant there were no environmental issues." The Oliver Cromwell was first built as a Dutch barge in 1922 and was converted to a riverboat hotel in 1993. It was on its way to a new home in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, after being moored in Gloucester Docks for the past 25 years. It was put up for sale by English Holiday Cruises last year with a £245,000 asking price. Richard Clements, the company's managing director, said: "We were looking to forward seeing the vessel getting a new lease of life in Northern Ireland and are very upset that this will no longer happen. "We are grateful that nobody has been hurt and no pollution has occurred. We have sent commiserations to the buyers in Northern Ireland."
POLICE FIND $28M CASH IN RAIDS LINKED TO MALAYSIA EX-PM NAJIB….Malaysian police say they found $28.6m (£21.3m) in cash stuffed in bags during a search of several apartments linked to ousted leader Najib Razak. The raids were related to an investigation into state development fund 1MDB, from which billions of dollars were allegedly stolen. Mr Najib himself was accused of pocketed $700m, but was cleared of wrongdoing by Malaysian authorities. His political party has said the cash found by police is campaign funds. United Malays National Organisation (Umno) said it included party contributions and money left over after Mr Najib's shock election loss to his former ally Mahathir Mohammad this month. In a statement, Unmo said the funds were in the process of being transferred to the party's new leadership when they were seized. It said the party would "seek to recover" the money to help it rebuild after its defeat. Fresh investigations into the 1MDB case have begun following Mr Mahathir's election. Mr Najib has been questioned twice this week by the anti-corruption commission.
AN EGG A DAY TO KEEP THE DOCTOR AWAY?.... A study of nearly half a million people in China suggests a daily egg may reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. Experts stress any egg consumption needs to be part of a healthy lifestyle to be beneficial. But fears that eating too many eggs can be bad for you appear to have been laid to rest. "One can deliberate on the many limitations and caveats of nutritional research, but the take-home message of this research from a large study from China is that at the very least up to one egg a day is not linked with raised cardiovascular risk, and at best up to one egg a day may even have health benefits," says Prof Nita Forouhi, of the University of Cambridge, commenting on the work. The study, in the journal Heart, follows years of bad press for the humble egg - from salmonella scares to cholesterol fears.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, Tuesday morning… …
Our Tulips today are a profusion of colour... don't you just love them...
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Tuesday 29th May 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #Tulips #Robertmcangus
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