#Tim got exposed to the Clench while trying to stop a mob alongside Nightwing
mzminola · 1 year
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Image: comic page, conversation between Bruce and Alfred: Bruce: Former mayor Armand Krol is dead. Alfred: After escaping the threat of the Apocalypse Virus? Bruce: He didn’t quite escape it. The symptoms of the clench recurred in him. But this attack was was more virulent. It killed him within hours. Alfred: But Master Tim was afflicted-- Bruce: I know, Alfred. I know.
Tim’s voice from off-page: You won’t believe who I met tonight, guys--
Final panel is Tim in front of Jason Todd’s memorial case, alarmed. Tim: What is it? Why’re you looking at me like that?
Found it! On the subject of Jason’s memorial case as narrative device, noted in tags that the case is also used visually to indicate that Tim is in danger: no matter how improbable with the layout of the cave, they show it behind him when it turns out the Clench can be recurring.
Wanted to find it for reference. It’s the end page of Robin 1993 issue 31, the one where Tim & Ariana go to a car show and meet Ted Grant (Wildcat).
...oh huh skimmed through the issue looking for this and found this panel
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Image: comic panel of part of a conversation between Wildcat and Tim: Wildcat: Call the cops? I thought you and the Bat jumped in where angels feared to tread and all that. Tim: Only when there’s no alternative. I got the job for my sense of caution...
They’re chasing car thieves who made off with a Waynetech prototype. After this Tim winds up jumping into danger anyway ‘cause Wildcat took the lead, but it’s interesting that Tim gets this line when the issue is going to end with a reminder of Jason’s death, and the virus Tim was exposed to while on the job as Robin.
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