#Timkin Heks
So when Councillor Terik fakes an ability it's all fine and dandy but when I, Timkin Heks-
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doodle-do-wop · 4 months
posting my entries for the Keeper Sexyman
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(left to right) Quinlin Sonden, Sandor the Goblin, Timkin Heks, Jurek, Grady Ruewen, William Foster, Durand Redek, Cadfael the Orge, Barth the Reaper (gnome)
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lilliesandlight · 2 months
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exillium · 3 months
(not counting the main 5 characters because that would heavily skew the results
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sillyguy-supreme · 2 months
the heks as a family are so interesting to me especially when you compare them to the dizznees (under a read more bc it got long lmao).
for example, timkin and vika are aware of the unfairness of the matchmaking system, but rather than fighting the system that keeps them apart, they instead make it seem like they follow the system, rigging it in their favor and then maintaining the status quo. this is especially interesting when you look at vika’s treatment of kesler in the first book. despite being ready to marry a talentless man, she still sees kesler as below her. in fact, she even calls dex a bad match in the first book even though stina would not be that much different from dex if not for timkin having a brother in law at the matchmaking offices.
stina is also interesting in this regard, because she has never had her worldview challenged in the series. despite her own parents literally bribing the system to marry, stina constantly holds the status of dex’s parents above his head. and throughout the series, she never challenges her views on the match system. she never apologizes to dex for being actively bigoted to him. she just. stops being mean to that group specifically. when she and dex begin to work for the council, she just stops being mean to him. when she works with sophie, she does not face any of her views on the elven world, she just cooperates with the group. in fact, in the ninth book, she shows distaste for rayni’s parents rigging the system in their favor, despite her own parents literally doing the same thing. she knows her father is coiffe and expresses to sophie that she wants sophie to save the gnomes, but outside of that, she does not ever tackle her flawed views.
in conclusion: what do the heks stand for? what does the status quo hold for them?
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
I was going to make a post saying something like "rip to timkin but I'd simply lie better and never get caught if I was faking an ability" but then I got to thinking about the fact they literally sent him to exillium. they created a system that prioritized abilities so much he felt his best option was to lie about having one and then punished him for the situation they placed him in. and then Timkin managed to come back? to re-enter society semi-respected having worked hard enough to come back from Exillium? sure he's grumpy sometimes, but Timkin knows what's up. so sorry they caught you king but I believe in you. except for that weird alicorn thing that one time that was rude but otherwise you're ahead of your time <3
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
Who's your least favorite KOTLC character and why?
Least favorite IN UNIVERSE or least favorite AS A CHARACTER?
Because in universe, I have so much hatred for Lady Gisela that it isn’t even funny. How could you do ANY of this to your son. Like even Vespera, who is insanely ruthless, has the whole numb-empathy-making-it-so-nothing-feels-like-hurting-people thing making her 1% more sympathetic (she still sucks majorly—don’t get me started on the thing with the humans). But Gisela just does all of this to H E R. S O N. I dislike Cassius of course but Gisela was just cruel, especially for showing at least a little affection……and then always having been manipulating him and then CHANGING HIM WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION IN A WAY THAT COULD HAVE KILLED HIM??? Also who seals a creepy doorway with their tiny son’s blood that’s just SO MESSED UP. Like, NO. Stop being the way you are. Just stop. This isn’t even just because I love Keefe. Even if you hate Keefe you should despise Lady Gisela. I hope Keefe gets to stab her. Or Sophie. Or actually Fitz that could be so good, his act on behalf of his best friend who he hasn’t talked to enough lately. Actually all three of them could stab her. Actually the whole crew could do an Ides of March and just totally Julius Caesar her…. All of them get to stab her.
BUT. Gisela is a great character. So who do I hate as a character? Probably Timkin Heks actually. His existence just angers me and there isn’t any great redeeming value to him, other than the fact that he gives background to Stina’s family and that stuff gets a little interesting. Which probably means Shannon is doing a GREAT job with the way she write him cause we’re not supposed to like him. Or wait wait wait. Councillor Alina!! GET RID OF HER. We don’t need her. GONE. POOF. She serves a purpose in the story sure, but I don’t have to LIKE IT.
I would never choose to make Gisela vanish from the story—I would choose to let the Keeper crew get their revenge (especially Keefe) and destroy her entirely. But if I could never have to meet Timkin Heks and just know that he exists for plot reasons, I’d be chill with that. And if I could poof Councillor Alina out of existence, I totally would!! Sure there would have to be another council member being gross and annoying, but I have so much beef with this woman, like honestly I hope the rest of the council just banishes her.
Anyway those are my thoughts
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confessionsofkotlc · 1 month
stina is so funny to me in the first few books bc shes like giving dex shit for being the son of a bad match and how his dad is talentless and im like girl😭😭 YOUR dad is talentless too??? he got fucking banished??? where do you get off giving dex shit over this YOURE A HYPOCRITE??? (ik thats kinda like part of her character but its just so funny to me 😭)
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sugarshackpeasant · 2 months
timkin should’ve just faked descrying send tweet
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purplesoup-lad-le · 1 year
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Family! convos over tea <3
doodle under cut
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Things that are definitely Elven propaganda (and definitely not bad world building)
everyone gets a birth fund. only nobility children get them, and if they don’t manifest they get all of their money wiped. every noble grows up child is told that everyone gets one, so most nobles believe that it’s true. the lie started so the nobles wouldn’t feel guilty so thier egos would stay in check and they wouldn’t act entitled which worked amazingly. not. (also there is no way that a economy can function like that)
everyone is perfect. those with birth marks, glasses, verliltigo, albinism, not “perfectly skinny”, are allowed to go to Foxfire. but are bullied by mentors and prodigy’s alike and some end up hiding their imperfections. they can get into nobility just fine but the snobby nobles don’t like them and the counselors don’t use them as the face of nobility.
no Disabilities. there are disabled elves, asthma, autism, cerebral palsy, speech impediments, learning disabilities, being born with out a limb, deaf, blind, etc. they are more rare than for humans but still exist. they are allowed to to school but are not offered any accommodations. so a lot of them end up being expelled or don’t go to school at all. a lot of parents end up hiding their kids in their houses and refuse to acknowledge that their child exists to anyone that asks, because only bad matches make disabled kids.
Banishment is fair. while we already know this is false but i want to expand on it. banishments are not lifted fairly most talentless, multiples, bad matches, disabled, and imperfect elves are banished much more easily. for talentless and disabled waywards their parents are brought in when the graduate and asked if they want to have their child’s banishment be lifted and have to deal with the scorn that they will bring to their families. a lot chose for their child to stay banished permanently
no poverty. as we have already seen at Exillium banished elves live in poverty. a third of the population is talentless because all talentless where banished at one point, twins where as well. while a few villages thrive, most are lot that are in extreme poverty. not to mention there are a lot of kids that where born in the neutral territories, and have never stepped foot in the lost cities. they have bigger families because there’s no easy access to birth control. parents or siblings end up making deals or joining Neverseen, among other things, just so their families can eat.
there have been only like 100 Elves that have died. it’s not a lie, but honestly with how many elves are probably banished, and deep they are in poverty i have no doubt that they die much more often. starvation, the elements, lack of medical supplies, light leaping accident, the Neverseen making an example of them. everyone out there knows someone who died but a lot lost someone in their family. babies have and young children have a high mortality rate.
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doodle-do-wop · 6 months
Wild Raynes (Timkin and Vika)
I was originally just going to draw Timkin and Vika but then it became a whole story.
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Happier summer days when life seemed so simple.
Image 1 from L to R: Tiergan, Timkin, Jurek (he's a Heks in my hc) and Wylie
Image 2 from L to R: Prentice, Cyrah, and Vika
Zoom In's under cut
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I'm really really proud of how everyone turned out here, especially Cryah's full-body design, I'm really happy with her dress
But for the stars of the show, Timkin and Vika Heks
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worldsunlikemyown · 8 months
Keeptober 2023 #15 — Foxfire
I used to love Foxfire. 
   Love it, I mean. Properly. There was no other place that felt as right as it did. Home was home, houses were houses, cities were cities, but Foxfire was my place. I had friends. I did well at my classes. Everything was great. 
   And then I lost it all. 
   Was it my fault that I had no abilities? That I was Talentless? I didn’t even have siblings, so it wasn’t my parents’ fault either. 
   It wasn’t fair. All I did was take things into my hands. 
   So?! What if I was faking an ability? Alright, a Councillor’s ability, but still?! I could have done Conjuring, but my telekinesis was nowhere near good enough, and besides, what was Descrying? Vibes-reading? I don’t know how they even caught me. And what was one fake Descryer? (Possibly one more fake Descryer but I’d rather keep anti-Council theories to myself for now.)
   Exillium was what got me hating Foxfire. I was someone at Foxfire, and then suddenly no one in the midst of several someones. It was as if being just no one was a crime there. 
   And now that I am someone again, and life is back to normal again, I keep asking myself — why does Foxfire make it so important for us to be someone?  
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So anyways the kids who went to Exilium are able to kill without hesitation and I think it explains a lot about canon
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moonlarked · 1 year
in your opinion, who's Sophies dad? why do you think so, how do you think he'll be introduced, will it be a big deal to the story? im sure you've talked about this before but I on't remember so
my theory is Timkin Heks. it just makes sense
It’s gonna be a pretty big deal. Forkle said that if the identities of her parents we revealed, it would be a huge revelation, not just for Sophie, but for the entire Elvin world. This makes sense with Oralie, because she’s a Councillor, and Councillors aren’t supposed to have kids or be affiliated with a rebel group. Realizing that one of the rulers of the world had not only violated the no-kids rule but also had helped an illegal rebellion operating against the Council is big.
So, whoever Sophie’s dad is, the reveal will be major. I’d bet it’ll be even bigger than Oralie’s because we’re getting into the last book(s) of the series and the reveals are going to get bigger and bigger at this point as we built to the climax.
Timkin Heks is an interesting theory. He’s a fairly minor character who is shown to be antagonistic to Sophie but also helps her cause even if he disagrees with the Black Swan at points. He’s characterized as an unlikeable but not awful person who understands the need for change - he’s haughty at times but understands his status and what he had to do to get to where he is now.
If he was Sophie’s dad, she would have to grapple with someone who has been antagonistic to her being her parent. It would be sort of the opposite of Oralie - not a betrayal, because she never trusted Timkin like she did Oralie, but a revelation in a different way.
However, it would feel anticlimactic. The identity of her parents are kept secret because they could shatter the Elvin world. You could argue that Timkin being Talentless could play into this, but I don’t see it being big enough.
It would be interesting for character dynamics, but I don’t see it working in the larger narrative.
One of my favorite dad theories is Fintan Pyren. What if Fintan was a member of the Black Swan at first? The Black Swan is supposed to be centuries old - what if he joined them, but left after disagreeing with their methods about how to deal with humans?
He wouldn’t even have to know about being her father. The Black Swan could’ve gotten his dna before he left and then used it in Project Moonlark.
The revelation that he was her father could “shatter their world” because Fintan is a pyrokinetic, former council member, and a member of the Neverseen. And him being her father would add additional conflict to both of their characters.
My favorite dad theory is a human.
Sophie’s father being a human would be amazing. A half human half elf connecting the two worlds together? Bringing to the forefront all of the human-elf issues that have been brewing in the background of this series?
Think about the conflict this would bring! The way so many characters would have to confront their prejudices and worldviews and confront the fact that the person bringing change to their world is part human!
Thanks for the ask!
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