#Twilight Town Amigurumi: Xion Edition
regallibellbright · 2 years
Time to try something Experimental and almost certainly ill-advised with yarn.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Alright! Decided to finally do a touchup of my KH3 Xion amigurumi after a while of being unable to work (due to two years of awful tendonitis) and it just slipping my mind.
I want to see if I still have a slightly better option for the braiding on her boots and figure out if I should actually do her belt buckle or if it is in fact black on black on black (as ever, SO annoying the only shots of this outfit being in Twilight Town and Destiny Islands at sunset in prerendered cutscenes, it makes things SUCH a pain in my ass,) but her face looked noticeably rougher than my subsequent Lea doll and by this point I think when I do Roxas and Namine (and Isa, probably) I’ll be doing similar strategies, so I wanted her to match. And so, before:
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[Image ID: Closeup of the face of a crocheted doll of Xion from Kingdom Hearts, in her outfit from the end sequence of 3, with light blue safety eyes and a black yarn ‘v’-shaped smile. End ID]
And after:
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[Image ID: Closeup of the same doll as before. Her smile has been made slightly wider and shorter, using thin black embroidery floss, and she now has an eyebrow above her left eye, the right side of her forehead being covered by spiky black bangs. End ID]
I’ll save the full-body picture and breakdown for once I’ve finished that touchup. Still SUPER proud of her as a doll, though, I figured out a LOT of specific techniques for those ruffles and pleats in this outfit and started work on her almost immediately after finishing III.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
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b[Image ID: The first image is a screenshot from the ending of Kingdom Hearts III, showing Isa, Lea, Roxas, and Xion sitting atop the clock tower in Twilight Town, eating sea salt ice cream together and raising it in greeting to their other friends. Roxas is wearing his outfit from the prologue of Kingdom Hearts 2, and Isa, Lea, and Xion finally wearing clothes that aren’t black leather trenchcoats marking them as members of Organization XIII. For Xion, this is her first non-trenchcoat outfit ever. (Isa and Lea were previously depicted in civilian clothes in Birth By Sleep, where they were teenagers.)
The second image shows an amigurumi of Xion in her outfit from this scene, a black blouse with ruffled sleeves and a belt, a short white pleated skirt, and dark brown boots that go up to mid-calf with laces crossing the lighter brown cuffs on top. The amigurumi has light blue safety eyes, and a v-shaped smile embroidered in black yarn. She is sitting on the side of a light fixture, with her legs bent off the side, in front of a box of Cheez-Its. This picture was taken of the amigurumi as originally made in about March 2019.
The third image shows the same amigurumi with some minor modifications. Her face has been modified, as shown in the fourth image, there is now a dark gray square buckle marking her belt, and her boots now have laces running up the tongue, bows tied at the final laces across her cuffs, and two pairs of silver studded buckles.
The fourth image shows a closeup of the amigurumi’s face, showing a small smile embroidered in black embroidery floss, and an embroidered black eyebrow over her left eye, the right portion of her forehead being covered by her bangs.
The fifth image shows the Xion amigurumi, next to a matching Lea amigurumi, sitting atop a jewelry box. Lea is posed so that his left leg is raised slightly off the jewelry box, while his other leg dangles off the edge. Xion sits neatly with her legs dangling off the edge of the box. Both of them have their right arms raised, waving at the viewer. End ID]
Alright, this took a moment to break down in full and get the pictures I wanted for her, but here she is! My KH3 Xion amigurumi, now slightly spiffed up! (Lea will get his own post.)
This gets a LOT more in-depth under the cut, as I break down what I did, and also precisely why her outfit is fantastic but this project was a labor of deepest, deepest love.
First, some technical specs. She’s about ten inches tall all told, and has wire inside to make her posable, as you can see. My original design for her took... eh, a couple months? I started almost as soon as we finished Kingdom Hearts 3. This is actually my second Xion amigurumi - my first was a lot smaller, my first attempt at doing something this ambitious without a pattern, and made in winter 2018 before she finally had a non-cult outfit. (So, yes, I finished one and then almost immediately started a second.) This refurbishing took about three days, and most of that involved my subpar embroidery skills.
I was proud of her before, to be clear - she’s some of my most ambitious work, especially given I’d only been crocheting for about a year and change when I made her, and I went to a LOT of effort getting screenshots of the two scenes it appears in from the ending cutscene. Which are both lit in sunset, making properly gauging the colors difficult. I realized after the fact that I’d missed the buckles on her shoes (as opposed to the laces, which I deliberately simplified,) and figured I’d add them later. Then when I started seriously working on Lea about a year later in summer 2020, I made a couple more detailed additions to his face (He kind of needs eyebrows with that widow’s peak, where the size of Xion’s bangs when crocheted meant I could get away without,) and they’re likely to be details I continue adding for the rest of the set now that I’ve cleared up enough of the tendonitis I got MAKING Lea. So I wanted my favorite character to stand up to her friends.
(In case you’re wondering: Hypermobility plus tendonitis plus not having a hypermobility-trained PT when you first realize you have tendonitis equals ‘having tendonitis for two years because the PT exercises you were given were working the wrong muscles’. Whoops. Good news is that has since been sorted.)
Let’s start with the new work first. The changes to Xion’s face are pretty straightforward - cut off the old smile, spent like an hour deciding what the best expression and placement for her new smile was, added an eyebrow. I don’t really need a new photo for that.
The bulk of it goes in the shoes, anyway.
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[Image ID: A closeup of the Xion amigurumi’s boots, showing they are dark brown with lighter brown cuffs, black laces going up to the cuffs with bows tied between them, and two pairs of silver buckles across the bridge of each shoe. The lower buckle of each pair is smaller than the upper buckle. End ID]
I’m not particularly good at tying knots by default - my shoes are all slip-ons or buckled with Velcro, and my embroidery skills are pretty limited because I struggle to do any of the ornamental knots even though they’d be VERY useful for me. So instead of actually tying the embroidery off into bows, which seemed kind of risky, I figured out how to tie a handcuff knot, tightened it enough to serve the purpose, and then sewed them on VERY thoroughly. It looks a bit messy, and it probably is still not the most sturdy method here, but it should serve my purpose and it’d be relatively easy to remake and resew if need be.
I put A LOT of work into getting those crosses straight. Especially across the cuffs, which isn’t even visible anymore with the bows sewn on, but hey. I know I did it.
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[Image ID: Closeup of Xion’s boots from the clock tower scene, showing the laces, cuffs, and that the studs on the upper buckles are larger than the studs on the lower set. End ID]
Like I said, I knew I’d missed some kind of braiding or the like on Xion’s boots a while ago. The wikis didn’t have great images, so I checked Youtube for the reMind version of the ending and screenshotted them myself.
Yeah, that’s not braiding. Those are studded buckles. ASYMMETRICALLY studded buckles.
This is far from the worst ‘this outfit is gorgeous but shouldn’t be made in crochet’ moment, compared to things that I had to deal with in the original design (and Lea, we’ll get into HIM later,) but it is definitely a pain. Especially since, with the scale of the doll as she is, I couldn’t simply embroider the smaller studs on - the stitches are too big for that. So instead, I took my three-strand, medium weight acrylic silver yarn, unraveled it, crocheted with the individual unraveled strands, and hoped desperately that it would maintain structural integrity long enough to sew them to the boots, especially because I have a habit of leaving too long a tail to sew on because I misjudge how long everything will need. But this worked! Yay. They’re not strictly accurate, but they do give the same detailing the buckle studs do, and it’s about the closest I can come given the scale of the doll and the work I’d already done - to make her entire body properly scaled, the boots are in the same medium-weight yarn as the one I had for her skintone, since they are her feet, and that means the stitches are a certain size as well. Besides, I’m about to get into the main details of her outfit, or:
Why Xion’s KH3 Ending Look is GORGEOUS, But A Nightmare To Crochet.
  For those of you who don’t crochet, there are a couple things to keep in mind for this.
First, crochet stitches are inherently different from knitting. By default, they tend to have a stiffer structure than knitting. This makes it the more popular craft choice for amigurumi, since it’s easy to make three-dimensional, rounded shapes that hold their shape in crochet. For example, a doll’s head or body - Xion’s head and torso are all one piece, with the arms and legs stitched on separately and the outfit crocheted overtop her main body. (The skirt is actually attached to the main structure of her torso, not just sewn on. I’ll get into that later.) Or that boot shape. What this doesn’t do well is drapery, like say... pleats. It’s also pretty iffy on ruffles, though scalloped shell patterns aren’t that bad. So you know, two of the most distinctive aspects of this outfit texturally are things that the medium isn’t very suited to.
The second thing is that while you can have some VERY elaborate stitch structures and varieties with crochet - just look up granny squares or crocheted lace - allowing for some interesting textural detailing, black yarn tends to eat ALL detail. It just doesn’t show. Not on crochet, at least, and certainly not with the medium-sized yarn weight I was using to match the size of the skintone yarn. (You can find black yarn at pretty much all sizes in any craft store without issue. Finding shades of beige or brown can be harder, especially in smaller sizes.)
Xion’s blouse, of course, is black details on black panels on black. You can’t embroider the buttons on, because it’s black. The belt buckle, once I checked, is also black. Everything’s black. And tragically, my plan for the buttons when I was first crocheting her (using very small safety eyes, which would be shiny) failed because anything small enough to work was too small to stay in the stitches. I added some textural details where I could, but they don’t show up at a distance. So since I was already going to rework her a bit to add a smile and the shoe buckles, I decided I’d add a dark gray belt buckle as well just to add a little visual variety to the blouse, even if it’s probably inaccurate, strictly speaking.
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[Image ID: The first image is a closeup of Xion in a later scene from the ending, showing her kneeling on a beach. Image is focused on her blouse, showing details like the size of the sleeve ruffles (very small), the collar and paneling, two lines of six buttons each running above and below the belt, and the belt buckle, which is almost certainly black. I chose to ignore this because literally no other details would show up.
The second image is a closeup on the Xion amigurumi’s blouse, taken when I originally finished her, showing that she has a collar, a closer look at the ruffles, and black raised sections marking both the central plackett of her blouse and the belt. These are not very visible from a distance, as seen in that second image way back at the beginning.
The third image shows the blouse again, now with a dark gray buckle embroidered on, as well as the white pleated skirt. End ID]
The collar exists - it’s even sewn on - but not very visible, because black. I think I just added them in by working into the side of the blouse, which was a separate piece from the head, torso, and skirt. The plackett and belt are both lines of surface crocheted black, in different directions for each. Embroidering the belt buckle was all about placement. It still took me like half an hour to place it in a way I was happy with it, but it’s straightforward.
I actually didn’t make a note at the time how I made the ruffles, but I’m fairly confident it’s the same technique described here by Shiny Happy World - Single crochet increased enough per round to make a ruffled edge. The end ruffles are still proportionately bigger than the in-game outfit, but I don’t think it’s POSSIBLE to make them smaller at this scale. Plus, I’m happy with it.
And then there’s the skirt. Like I said before, it’s actually part of the main body - I’d have to check my notes to be sure, but I’m pretty confident Xion’s body was made from the bottom up, with a white section at the beginning and then switching to tan in a row where I worked back loops only where the skirt would begin. When I was ready to make the skirt, I then attached white yarn to the front loops and searched for a method to crochet pleats.
I will note once again that crocheting pleats is REALLY difficult, and shoutout to this tutorial by Sick Lil Monkeys and this tutorial from Tales of Butterflies detailing two techniques - the first technique is identical to the previous link’s, but the extra pictures helped a lot. The end result is a skirt that’s successfully pleated and holds its shape even while Xion does what she is meant to do - sit atop tall things with her friends. The particular design makes dolls that are pretty top-heavy, though, so getting that effect tends to require something behind her to brace. (Don’t be fooled by that picture - Xion has the obvious box backing her up, but Lea is also being braced by a small plush keychain. It’s just that his posture is already compensating for his MASSIVE hair.)
At some point I really need to make some little sea salt ice creams for everyone. Probably once I finish the set - I’m thinking I break back into the dollmaking with Namine (who I wanted to make anyway, as she deserves love and friends and ice cream, and who is by FAR the easiest of the group to crochet,) and then I think it will finally be Roxas’s turn. (Unless I put him off a bit longer to do Ahiru as Princess Tutu, since I already have the yarn for that after stumbling on a PERFECT shade of pink for the underskirt. But I’ve kept the trio un-reunited for quite a while.)
MAN that outfit’s gonna be tricky, though. And the hair spikes.
I have yarn picked out so I CAN eventually do Isa but he will absolutely be last of the five. He knows what he’s done.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Good news: I have
A: Located my crochet project notebook (which after two years of hypermobility-induced shoulder tendonitis and then only doing premade patterns with a stitch counter on hand, I hadn’t been keeping with my projects) and
B: Located where in the book I took notes on the dolls, so I have a baseline for Namine. (Though given the yarn I’ll be using for her is a lighter weight, I may have to improvise length and such.)
Bad news:
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[Image ID: Handwritten pattern notes on a piece of notebook paper, most of which are just labeled by the particular piece of a project and consist of tally marks and numbers above and below said marks marking the number of stitches in a round. End ID]
I was not expecting to go back to this project after a two-year hiatus. I at least DO recognize what I was doing, mostly, so I can probably compile these and what I was referencing at the time into something easier to follow. And there are easier-to-read notes for Lea, and the more detailed notes on the shoes will be helpful, but I was hoping I’d have better ones for Xion since she’ll be the base for Namine.
Ah, well. Nothing for it.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
I’m gonna take a nap rather than do a full writeup and breakdown but aaah, Xion’s touchups are done and I am so pleased with myself.
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regallibellbright · 1 year
Well, Xion got about a week, maybe two? Back home on the bookcase before she was needed once more for size comparisons.
Good news is, I can confirm to myself I’m using the right hook this time - Roxas and Xion are IDENTICAL in sizing based off the pattern, so I’ll only need her again while I’m checking proportions for the legs. (Arms are basically a matter of eyeballing relative to legs.)
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regallibellbright · 1 year
This is one of the more bizarre bits of shaping I’ve done, I’d most likely want to tweak on this pattern if I ever do it again and would DEFINITELY do so before writing up a pattern to give to other people, and I am SO glad I wrote this shit down because I have to do it twice, but: Behold!
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[ID: Two images, one from the side and one from the bottom, of a crocheted amigurumi’s foot, wearing light blue sandals with short heels. End ID]
It looks a bit wonky from the other side and at the closure - again, would want to refine it if I do it again - but it’s definitely a defined heel. Score one for me.
#crafting with regalli#crochet#twilight town amigurumi#twilight town amigurumi: namine edition#wips#I don't think I could use this exact method retroactively for Xion#DEFINITELY not for Lea whose limbs are too noodle#(I'm pretty sure I needlesculpted his anyway. Or tried to because again: SMALL)#but theoretically I could modify it a bit if I really wanted to#both of them also have chunkier heels than the sandals anyway#I might just to try it out since it would be easy enough just to frog and discard if I don't like the results on the other two#I'd just need to find the yarns I used for their shoes#it's not like they NEED heels because they are not dolls that can stand on their own#they need support to sit upright with their large heads#but this outfit is SO EASY on the whole that I wanted to see if I could do it#and it makes the sandal base look a bit nicer#plus okay yes I am trying to figure out the hair and hitting the obvious issue of how wispy and loose hers is#versus the fact that I do hair as shapes and not strands#I'm gonna do her bangs next probably to get back into the habit of Long Triangles and I have the back section mostly done#it's just that the front/side bit has to have the branching so it's going to be the trickiest part#likely of this whole doll#also yeah you can see the straps I did for the sandals those were trial and error but my initial idea basically worked#it's just a matter of patience and weaving in a shitload of yarn ends#I do still need the stars but I'm pretty sure those will be embroidery floss in some way shape or form and am getting that tomorrow#need to see things in person#if it IS going to be proper yarn it needs to be a lighter weight than what I have in this color#the dress is going to need me checking a couple methods for which looks best for the lace edge#and I will decide how I want to close it and attach the arms and do the straps once it's made. But that is IT.#everything else still to go? Arms and ears and assembly? totally standard.#hair's the last real challenge
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Today ended up being more Namine Prep than Namine-making, as the yarn I’ll be using for her body is a lot lighter than Xion and Lea’s (not having nearly enough left of the stuff I used for Xion for a full doll, and family members being concerned about “hey was some of this yarn just uncomfortably scratchy or was it actually giving you hives?” Which… is a fair question, granted, though I’m reasonably enough sure it WASN’T a problem for that particular one I’ll try and get more for Roxas.) So I’m testing it on the Ideal Sphere pattern I modified as a base for Xion’s head and figured I can compare what they both look like at 16 rounds and then frog and scale up.
This is basically going to be the hardest part of this doll except MAYBE her sandals, so I’m not that worried about burning a week or two to figure that part out.
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Pictured, with thumb for scale: Three rounds of a Proto-Namine, and yarn.
Yeah this one’s gonna need to be at LEAST eight rounds bigger, calling it now.
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regallibellbright · 1 year
Namine now has a structurally (if not entirely) complete leg!
I’ll be doing the bulk of the sandals once they’re both done, and I have to do the wire and thus sewing on with both. Nonetheless, her dollness is intensifying.
And my desk looks a bit like a mad scientist’s lair but with yarn, but I mean what else is new?
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Okay! While I’m alternating between several projects (particularly since I had to cancel PT this week when I woke up with a sore throat and realized I almost certainly had the bug Dad was just getting over), I am on track to finish the main head/body segment of Namine in a session or two. I should probably brush up on how to do wire skeletons, the one in their torsos isn’t AS important as the arms and legs but it definitely helps stabilize their large round heads.
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