#and going oh thank god she has an outfit that’s not the cult jacket
regallibellbright · 2 years
Alright! Decided to finally do a touchup of my KH3 Xion amigurumi after a while of being unable to work (due to two years of awful tendonitis) and it just slipping my mind.
I want to see if I still have a slightly better option for the braiding on her boots and figure out if I should actually do her belt buckle or if it is in fact black on black on black (as ever, SO annoying the only shots of this outfit being in Twilight Town and Destiny Islands at sunset in prerendered cutscenes, it makes things SUCH a pain in my ass,) but her face looked noticeably rougher than my subsequent Lea doll and by this point I think when I do Roxas and Namine (and Isa, probably) I’ll be doing similar strategies, so I wanted her to match. And so, before:
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[Image ID: Closeup of the face of a crocheted doll of Xion from Kingdom Hearts, in her outfit from the end sequence of 3, with light blue safety eyes and a black yarn ‘v’-shaped smile. End ID]
And after:
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[Image ID: Closeup of the same doll as before. Her smile has been made slightly wider and shorter, using thin black embroidery floss, and she now has an eyebrow above her left eye, the right side of her forehead being covered by spiky black bangs. End ID]
I’ll save the full-body picture and breakdown for once I’ve finished that touchup. Still SUPER proud of her as a doll, though, I figured out a LOT of specific techniques for those ruffles and pleats in this outfit and started work on her almost immediately after finishing III.
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buckys-other-punk · 3 years
What the Hell is The Catch?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve and Y/N are forced by their friends to go out speed dating. Little did they know they would find their perfect match.
Warnings: alcohol, fluff, teasing and cussing
Word Count: 2.6K
A/N: HI I’m back!! First off, sorry @stuckonjbbarnes that this was late, I wanted to write this on time before the due date but my classes were literally beating my ass (BUT I did actually get inspiration for this fic idea by my stupid interpersonal relationships class so i guess that’s a win?) Anyways thank you for letting me join your writing challenge and ILY.  Second, hello again! Hopefully my writing is still worth reading lol, since I have free time I will try to write more and hopefully complete my WIPs. As always, please ignore my minor mistakes (i’m lazy to edit) and lemme know what you think of this fic!
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Bucky and Sam had somehow convinced Steve to go on a speed dating event at a nearby bar. Steve wasn’t really in the mood to go out and mingle with horny women. All Steve wanted that night was to relax in bed and watch a movie about this group of people who dream hop (a/n: aka Inception lol i couldn’t think of an easier way to describe this movie). Steve sat on his bed ready to watch the movie then his friends bombarded his space about how lonely he is. As much as Steve wanted to brush the two off they annoyed him so much that he caved in. Now Steve was sitting at some bar with a pen and questionnaire in his hand.
Natasha and Wanda had somehow forced you to go on a speed dating event at your guys’ favorite bar. You, having no choice, rummaged through your closet looking for a good outfit. ‘At least I’ll be getting free drinks.’ saying to yourself. You picked out a black dress that has lace sleeves which accentuates your curves. Nat and Wanda of course approved the dress immediately, they gave you your red clutch and shoved you out the door.
You huffed as you got out of your cab staring at the bar dreading to ‘mingle’ with men. Walking into the bar a couple greeted you with obnoxious smiles.
“Hello! Welcome to our single’s speed dating night.” the woman said, handing you a name tag. You took note of her flashy diamond ring. You returned the smile and wrote a random name on the name tag. “Is this your first time, Twyla?” 
“Hmm?” you looked confused, then remembered your fake name. “Oh, Twyla! Me, I’m Twyla. Yes. sorry.” you replied.
“No need to be nervous dear.” the man next to her said. “We’re all here to have fun right?” he said with a smile looking around the area.
God, you hated being here already.”You two seem lovey-dovey. Did you two meet in one of these things?” you asked looking at the pair.
“Yes we did actually!” she said with a smile looking up at her man. “And just a few months later he proposed.” she added looking at her ring. You smiled then looked at the man, he looked behind you and quickly went back to his fiance. You turned slightly to “take in the area” and saw a woman with a flirtatious smile towards the man. 
Rolling your eyes and glancing back at the couple. You just wanted to get some free drinks and go back home. “Are the drinks free?” you asked the couple. 
“Yes, but-” the lady started to say but you waved her off grabbing the questionnaire on the table.
“That's all I need to hear. Thank you.” you said walking away from the pair and towards the bartender. “Hey, can I get a old fashioned please?” you asked the bartender who nodded and proceeded to make you drink. You scouted the area like you would on a mission and nobody was really peaking your interest. There was a woman who seemed right up your alley, but you had a feeling she wouldn’t swing your way. Sighing, you turned back to the bartender who handed you your drink. Taking a sip and pulling out your phone from your clutch you began texting the girls about how sad this event is and that you were ready to walk out.
“Can I have everyone’s attention please?” the lady from earlier said through the microphone in her hand. As you looked up from your phone you saw her fiance standing next to her with his own mic in his hand. His other hand holding the woman’s hand as he eyed a woman near him. 
‘Dear lord. He’s going to cheat on this poor woman.’ you said to yourself. You downed your drink and signaled the bartender for another one.
“We are going to ask the guys to pick a table with a number on it and stay there. Ladies please go to the table closest to you and begin talking with your partner. Once you guys hear this bell.” the lady’s boyfriend rang lightly. “You can move onto the next table going counter clockwise.” she added with a giddy smile.
“Alright love birds. Let’s get this thing started.” the man said to the crowd. You grabbed your drink and headed to the table closest to you. You saw the man who was seated at the table, on his phone not really caring about the event. He was wearing a leather jacket and dark shades. ‘This dude is a douche.’ you thought to yourself, downing your second drink as you stood across from him.
“So, you come here often?” he says not looking up from his phone.
“Oh god, no.” you replied with a fake southern accent. “I just came because my boyfriend turned into a mountain lion and tried to kill me.” you said politely looking at the man.
“Oh that’s nice.” he said but then realized what you said. “I’m sorry…” he began as he pushed his sunglasses a bit down to read your name tag. “Twyla? Did you say he turned into a mountain lion?” he looked at you concerned.
“OH, yes!” you said ever so sweetly. “You see, Caleb wanted me to join his cult and I refused. He got so angry that his eyes began to turn yellow and he started clawing at his face with his hands. Just when he finished turning into a mountain lion, the high priestess of his cult commanded him to capture me to be their sacrifice for their next meal.” you said with a straight face, looking dead into the man’s wide eyes. His mouth was hanging open, speechless. Just when he was about to ask you another question you both heard the bell. The man sighed in relief downing his drink as you waved goodbye to him and chuckled as you walked to the next table.
Steve was staring at his drink as a woman walked up to him. He noticed that this was the woman who was eying up the man who hosted the event. Steve smiled at the woman anyways as he introduced herself. He looked down at his questionnaire trying to figure out what to ask the lady. The woman who talked to him earlier just wanted a rebound and the woman before that didn’t even say anything to him.
“So, I noticed that you don’t really have any interest in being here.” he said kindly, looking at the woman.
“Yeah, I just did this so I can get my boyfriend’s attention.” she replied looking back at the male host.
“Your boyfriend seems to be a bit occupied.” Steve said as glanced at the man and back to the woman in front of him. “Are you sure he’s worth it sweetheart? I mean I don’t know your situation with him right now, but it seems that if he’s with that woman you’re not his main priority.” he added looking at the lady in remorse.
She looked up at Steve and pondered to herself. “You know, I think you’re right. I mean I’m practically his side chick when I want to be his main chick.” she said to Steve. “Thank you for making me realize that he’s not worth it and I should get my priorities straight, Steve. I’m sorry to leave you here alone, but I hope you find someone who deserves your kindness.” she said kindly, patting Steve's hand as she began to exit the bar.
You noticed the woman who the male host was staring at earlier left the bar. ‘Good for her. Realizing that man ain’t shit.’ you said to yourself as you downed your third old-fashioned. You wanted to change things up..so you ordered a long island iced tea. The man who was sitting in front of you was going off about his sex fantasies and how he was looking for the right woman to please him. The previous man you only talked about work and was completely monotone.
You were completely ignoring whatever he was saying and waited for your drink and the damn bell to ring. A waitress brought your drink over and you looked around the bar as the strange sex crazed man kept going off about his fantasies. Finishing your drink in one go, since you weren’t drunk enough for this, your prayers were finally answered as you saw the lady host ring the bell. She seemed to be looking for her fiancé who left the bar to run after the woman, but she didn’t know that. 
“Let’s make this next session a few minutes longer.” she said with a brief smile as she began to look for her fiancé. ‘Oh sweetie.’ you said to yourself feeling extra sorry for the woman. You grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter that was walking around the bar and sipped the drink as you walked to the next table.
While walking over to the next table not really paying attention to the man seated there, you were thinking of another crazy lie to tell the poor soul. Maybe lie about how you believe that an alien had taken over your body this very night and that the alien was looking for someone to bring back to their home planet. Or maybe that you believe that the world will be destroyed in exactly 24 hours from now and that the only way to save it is to kill a man who was at this very event. That idea might be too dark, but might scare them off. 
As you approached the table you heard a familiar voice.
Looking up at the man in front of you in shock.  “Steve? What the hell are you doing here?” you asked the man.
“Well, Bucky and Sam kind of convinced me to come down here and find a girlfriend.” he answered. “Why are you here?”
Right when you were about to answer he stopped you. “Wait, let me guess. Free drinks? Don’t you already raid Stark’s liquor cabinet every weekend?” he said with a smile.
“Hey, fuck you Rogers. I’ll have you know I was forced to come here by Nat and Wanda.” you said sassily but paused. “But I mean you’re right anyways.” you added chuckling.
“I guess our friends thought the same about our love lives.” he said while taking a sip of his drink.
“Yeah? And what’s that?” you smiled at him.
“We don’t have any.” he chuckled and you laughed along with him.
“I mean, you do have a point there Rogers.” you giggled as you finished your drink. You waved the waitress down ordering another glass of champagne.
“How many have you had?” Steve said motioning at your empty glass.
“I don’t know like 3 or 4? I’m not keeping count if they’re free.” you replied to the man.
“Well I don’t want you running off somewhere.” he said protectively.
“Rogers, you do know I have a strong alcohol tolerance” you asked looking at his blue eyes.
“Yes, but I still want you to be safe.” Steve replied as he drank his glass of water.
“Steve, I am literally an Avenger like you. I can take care of myself.” you huffed rolling your eyes. “You should live a little anyway, the drinks are free for a reason.”you added wiggling your eyebrows. This time Steve rolled his eyes and laughed.
“Fine, since you’re keeping me company for how long our little speed date is I’ll drink.” he smiled as he waved the waitress over and asked for a glass of whiskey. “But you do know that my alcohol tolerance is stronger than yours right?” he said, winking at you.
You giggled as your cheeks began to warm up. ‘Oh god, why is the alcohol now getting to me.’ you said to yourself as you gleaned around the room. You noticed that the host of your event went outside and found her fiancé. 
Steve thanked the waitress as she returned with your guys’ drinks. He looked up at you and his eyes skimmed over your frame. He had never seen you in that dress before, maybe it was new? Regardless, you looked beautiful wearing anything. Taking a sip of his drink he looked towards where you were staring at. He saw the host of the event talking to her boyfriend aka the man that was cheating on her. 
“I talked to the girl he was seeing.” Steve said.
“Yeah, I saw her leave the bar. Did you upset her?” you asked, looking back at the supers soldier.
“God no, I gave her advice.” he replied looking back at you. “I told her that he wasn’t worth it.” 
“Smart. I was thinking of telling our host, but she seemed so in love with him I didn’t want to hurt her. I mean I am a stranger to her after all.” you admitted taking a sip of your drink.
“Hopefully, she’ll find out.” Steve shrugged. “So find anyone interesting?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Nope, I’ve been trying to scare most of them off.” you giggled as thought back to your first date.
“Why the hell would you do that?!” Steve laughed when he finally noticed your name tag. “Twyla? Y/N, you really didn’t want to be here huh?” he asked as he looked at you.
“Well, clearly no if I was messing with these poor men.” you chuckled while finishing your drink. “Why don’t we play a game since I don’t wanna mingle with anyone else right now.” you said as you looked up at Steve.
“What, now? What the hell is the catch?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed as he stared into your glistening eyes.
“Why does there have to be a catch? I’m just suggesting something to do, unless you do want to mingle with one of these women?” you replied with a quirked eyebrow. 
Steve shook his head, “Not really, but I feel like you’re up to something.” 
You shook your head no. “Come on it’ll be fun.” you begged.
“Ok fine. What did you have in mind.” he sighed as he looked at you.
“An easy game of Fuck, Marry, Kill.” you said with a smile. The alcohol was now affecting and building your confidence. You saw Steve’s Adam's apple bob as he nodded. 
“Kill? That’s a little harsh.” Steve said as he looked at you. 
“Seriously? Kill is harsh, but fuck is ok?” you whined at him and he nodded. ”Fine, then avoid instead of kill, you baby.” you added shaking your head.
“Who are your picks then?” he asked as he downed his drink.
“Simple, the lady you gave advice to, the woman in the very short dress and me.” you smirked as you took a sip of his water. 
“Ok, avoid short dress woman, marry the woman I gave advice to and then have sex with you.” he answered honestly staring at you. You blinked in astonishment by his answer.
“Damn, Rogers you answered that way too quickly. Can I get an explanation as to why your answers came so easily?” you asked, staring at the blond.
‘Well, short dress woman I would avoid because I talked to her earlier and I was not feeling it. I would marry the woman I gave advice to because she seems to have good intentions.” Steve said confidently. “And I guess that leaves me to fuck you because I want to.” he added with lustful eyes.
‘Holy shit! Did he just admit he wanted to fuck you?!’ you thought to yourself as you sipped some water.
“Some bold words coming out of your mouth Rogers.” you said trying to think of something or anything to get more information about that last thing he said. 
“Why is it bold, when it’s the truth.” he said looking dead into your eyes.
“Well then fuck me already.” you whisper winking at him.
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A/N: Was that good? I hope this was good. I feel like there should be a second part to this with some smutty action 🤔 Again if you wanna be tagged in future fics, have any requests or just wanna chat hit me up! 
Taglist: @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @sebtheromanianprince @aquabrie @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan  @anbrax5553 @wintersoldierissucharide @caplanbuckybarnes @miraclesoflove @kitkatd7 @saiyanprincessswanie @chaoticpete @fandomsandxfiles @hailmary-yramliah @coffeebooksandfandom @thefallenbibliophilequote
^please lemme know if you wanna be added/removed for future tags or dm me if I forgot you^
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 years
You see the real me
Hey @komorebirei, I’m your @lukadrien-winter gifter! Before we got our assignments, I had been rereading a lot of Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot books, so this is kinda based on Sarah Dessen’s book Just Listen. If you have read it, don’t worry, I made sure it didn’t have any of your triggers in it. I hope you like it. I based it off one of my favourite scenes from the book. Mentions of ‘the cult’ and Nathan are from Divergance by @depressed-teacup-inc and @sarcasticsparkles (TwiglightMaster15). Hope you enjoy!
Clara Nightingale played from the speakers of Adrien’s computer as he dialled the number for the radio station.
“MIRC Radio.”
“I wasn’t at the mall to see Clara Nightingale; I actually know her,” Adrien defended. He then realised Luka would just use it as an excuse to tease him more.
“That doesn’t exactly clear you of being there,” Luka said. God, he walked right into that one.
“I had a meeting for the fashion show? I’m surprised Rose didn’t tell you.”
“She was more focused on seeing you and getting all that stuff from the swimsuit store. Also, why is Paris’ biggest model doing a fashion show at a mall?”
“You mean, the biggest mall in Paris that holds a total of 30 different stores that sell my father’s clothes? Kinda don’t have a choice.”
“Woo of being a model. Any chance you get to choose what you eat?”
Adrien raised an eyebrow. “Lunch on Friday was a bag of chips. What do you think?”
“Fair enough. Come get breakfast with me. It’s a tradition after every radio show. Nathan’s paying.”
Adrien thought of the red-haired bundle of energy. “Sure.”
“We’ll be at your house in 20. See you then.”
Adrien hung up and closed the webpage that had the radio’s website on it. Usually, he would sleep in on weekends, unless he had any photoshoots. But like many things that changed after the summer, waking up to listen to the radio was a new thing. All Adrien wanted was to get through school without any issues. Not that a certain person would make that easy. And of course because he made stupid decisions that pushed away any friends he could have had, Adrien was alone. It was like when he started school again.
Then…Luka. After a confrontation he’d rather not relive, Luka came to check on him. Even after seeing him hide in the boy’s room and actually get sick, he was there with tissues and water, asking if he was ok. It had been so strange then. To everyone, Luka was the weirdly silent kid who hung out with a ‘cult’, but would apparently beat up anyone who looked at him wrong. Adrien still remembered when one of the seniors had tried lording over him. Luka dropped his guitar case, punched the guy in the face and then walked off. He should have been terrifying. But like people started to believe the rumors following Adrien about him, he realised he had been the same for Luka. Luka was just a guy so in love with music and had trouble expressing himself without it, so he’d done it with his fists. But Anger Management had helped and now he actually had words and Adrien just couldn’t help but feel stable around him. 
Everything else in his life was going crazy. The rumors, the actual truth behind said rumors, Felix and issues with his mom and Adrien’s father, his loneliness because he couldn’t just talk to the people he’d been friends with for so long, the pressures of still doing modelling, everything. Luka made sense and even with his incredibly odd taste for music and odd sayings pulled from Anger Management classes, Adrien felt happy. Of course the crush that was growing might have also added things. He tried ignoring it, and maybe ignoring Luka, but the idea of losing him wasn’t something he wanted, so he accepted it. Whether or not he’d act on it was the question, but who knew.
The mansion was quiet. His parents were still out of town, Felix was no doubt still asleep and Nathalie never got up before coffee was made. He did find Gorilla in the kitchen doing just that though.
“Hey, I’m going out for breakfast. A friend is picking me up,” he told the towering silent man, who nodded after miming at him to have his phone.
He walked outside, already finding two motorcycles sitting outside the gate. Luka had his spare helmet waiting for him, his own visor pushed up.
“Question, how do you feel about bacon?”
“You know, pork product? Smells amazing? Best part of breakfast?”
“I mean, it’s not usually one of my list of things I can eat, but I guess I can deal.”
“Excellent, get on.”
Adrien had gotten very used to Luka’s very fast driving and before he knew it, they were pulling up to a large restaurant. Nathan was bouncing in place waiting for Adrien and Luka to get off the bike before he darted off to the front door. The restraint was modelled after an American diner and it was freezing inside.
“Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot to mention how cold they have it in here,” Luka said, pulling off his jacket, which Adrien tried to wave off. “Trust me. They keep it cold in here so you don’t stay all day.”
He took the jacket, taking in how warm it was. Luka’s scent wafted up, almost covering up the heavy smell of bacon inside the restaurant.
“Why does it smell like a meat store in here?” Adrien asked, sitting next to Luka.
“Well this place has always been the place we get breakfast from after the radio show. Ever since the first one. But they got a competitor not too long ago,” Nathan started to explain.
“With crap pancakes and service.” Luka interrupted.
“Yes. So to counteract it, they made every day double bacon day. Whatever you order, you get a double order of bacon.”
“Which he of course has to pay for.”
Nathan pouted. “You try asking for what I want.”
“I have.” Noticing Adrien’s confused face, he explained. “We’ve got a friend who makes D&D characters and she designs all of ours. Nathan here has a specific look he wants but he thinks it’s too embarrassing to ask for. I told him if he asked, I’d pay for breakfast forever. If he doesn’t, then he will. We’ve had two redesigns in the past year or so and he’s still chickened out.”
Nathan stuck his tongue out like a child. “Leave me alone.”
Adrien shook his head. This was his life now, with a music loving former rebel and an overactive redhead. This he would gladly deal with.
While the others ordered large platters, Adrien played it safe with a waffle and bacon, though Luka let him steal some of his eggs. Funnily enough, if Nathan tried, he’d get a slap on the back of the hand. He tried not to preen at the special attention.
Nathan had to head to work, so it was just the two of them as they drove back towards Agreste Mansion. It was still quiet in the streets and it seemed like there was no movement in the house.
“Thanks for breakfast.”
“No problem. If I had known playing pop songs would get your attention, I would have done it sooner.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “No you wouldn’t.”
“Ok no cause I hate that music but still. You said you won’t be at school on Monday, right?”
“Yeah, it’s the only time an outfit fitting could be scheduled. So Tuesday then?”
“Tuesday. I’ll see you later.”
Adrien had already entered through the gates when he realised that he was still wearing Luka’s jacket. He turned to try and give it back, but Luka had already sped off. Adrien started to pull it off anyway as he made his way through the door when he felt something in the coat hit against his leg. Inside one of the pockets was Luka’s iPod. His pride and joy. Adrien couldn’t remember a time when Luka didn’t have it on him. 
That first day of school, when Adrien avoided the lunch room or any of the lunch benches out on the quad, he sat next to Luka against a wall. He had his earphones in, eyes focused on a book. Adrien still didn’t know him then. If he’d been told at that time that Luka Couffaine would become his rock, his best friend, his, well, crush, he would have thought that person was insane. But here he was.
Felix was leaving the dining room when he went inside, looking surprised to see Adrien.
“When did you leave?”
“Early this morning. I got breakfast with a friend.”
Felix raised an eyebrow. “Same one who delivered that pizza before?”
One of Luka’s jobs was as a delivery person for a local pizza place. When Adrien had tried listening to one of Luka’s many made CDs for him – so he could be educated on the right type of music – and fallen asleep, it led to Felix meeting Luka for the first time. Adrien hadn’t been looking for it but it sounded like Felix approved and that gave him a feeling of happiness.
Felix let out a hum before heading to the stairs. He was happy he didn’t say anything more. Adrien wasn’t sure what he’d say anyway.
He collapsed onto his bed, ready to fall asleep again. He couldn’t though, because of a certain item. Luka’s iPod. He was never seen without it. Luka said the silence made him itch, like everything was too much to handle. So the thing that helped him was never far out of reach. It turned on, still a half full battery available. There were many playlists, the names making no sense, but one caught his attention.
He knew sneaking around on it wasn’t the best idea but…he couldn’t help himself. He pressed the center button and the list of songs that appeared where a mash of a lot of things. Things that looked very familiar. Because they were all the songs he and Luka ever talked about. Luka had a playlist of all the songs they talked about and it was a lot.
He wanted to know if the way he felt was the same. If he was making things up or wishing too hard. He wanted answers. It took all of his energy to not go running after Luka and asking. He fell asleep after several minutes of slowly scrolling through the list of songs Luka had under his name.
Adrien climbed out of the car, watching as Gorilla pulled out his phone. He meant to leave the house earlier. He distracted himself with homework before he went to ask Gorilla to take him to Luka’s house, when he was interrupted by a mighty crash from the kitchen. Felix was attempting to cook. Adrien stayed back to help and eat with him before he left.
He crossed the gangplank onto the deck of the house boat. The deck was empty, though there seemed to be music playing in the area above. He didn’t remember the whole look of it from the last time he was here, but he was sure that was a sitting area. He knocked on the door below the deck, which swung open. Rose, Luka’s sister’s girlfriend, let out a shriek when she saw who was standing on the other side.
“Adrien! What are you doing here?”
“Is that Adrien Agreste?” A girl with dreadlocks, some strands of different colours, looked at him in awe. There was another girl with red hair and glasses and another with a baseball cap and Juleka. They were all staring at him.
“Adrien is my friend! Oh, come in!” He was yanked inside where music seemed to be echoing on the walls and the living room was a mess. “We’re having a fashion show sleepover. You have to stay and help us with our looks.”
“Oh, well, you see.”
“Rose, are you ready yet? I have…” Luka walked in with a DSLR camera around his neck. “A show to plan? Adrien, what are you doing here?”
“He’s here to help us with our looks.” Rose said, pulling Adrien further into the house. He sent a pleading look to Luka who shrugged. He had a feeling that telling Rose ‘no’ was a hard thing. He was dragged to Juleka’s room, though Luka’s was separated with a curtain that was currently pushed back. Juleka’s taste in decorating was darker than her brother’s, but a lot of things seemed to be similar, such as the guitar and bass sitting in their stands and the posters of Jagged Stone. Some pictures didn’t really fit Juleka’s theme. Pictures of models, both male and female.
“Look, these are you.” Pictures from his father’s brand, from cologne ads, from sporting wear, even from that department store ad, with the tux for the dance, the perfect outfit and hair after fencing, the perfect outfit to study in the library. “I loved that ad so much and its story. You were so cool. You were like…”
“The guy who had everything.”
“Rose, come on. I have a show to plan. Are we going to do this or not?” Luka said, finally pulling her attention away.
“Alright, alright. Who has the order lists?” 
The girls started to leave the area, but not before the one in the baseball cap turned and quickly slapped the back of Luka’s butt, causing them all to burst into laughter as he let out a startled yelp. They quickly disappeared when he turned to glare at them. Adrien couldn’t help but stifle his laughter. It had been a high pitch squeak.
“Not a word out of you,” Luka ordered upon seeing him laugh.
“Course not. Here, I wanted to give this back to you,” he said, handing over the jacket.
“Oh, I could have waited until Tuesday to get this.”
“I know. I’m just sure you couldn’t wait for this.” He pulled out Luka’s iPod from one of the pockets, watching his face light up.
“Oh I would so miss this! Thank you.”
“I had a feeling you’d flip all of Paris to try and find it.”
“Very true. So what commercial was Rose talking about?”
Adrien pointed to the pictures from the different scenes of the ad. “It was from the department store for their back to school campaign. I’m the guy who has everything. Don’t feel like it though.”
“Doesn’t really look like you.”
Adrien looked over at him feeling a little insulted. “You don’t have to like it.”
“No, I mean, I’m looking at it and I see this picture-perfect person and think, ‘that’s not my Adrien’. It just doesn’t look like the real you.”
Before Adrien could ask him who the real Adrien was, Rose called from what sounded like above deck. Luka looked pained as he turned, heading towards the stairs.
“This is gonna end in tears. Just you watch.”
It took a while but it turned out Luka was right. Adrien had been in his corner of the sitting area on the deck above surrounded by mountains of makeup when one of the girls, Mylène, burst into tears.
“I don’t want to do this outfit anymore! I’m always in this one.” It was a beachy outfit; which Adrien guessed her dreads played a part in. Everyone else had changed a good number of times, but Mylène always seemed to be in different versions of the same outfit.
He quickly swooped in and took Mylène downstairs. She directed him to the clothes she brought over and it took a bit of prodding to find an outfit. He sent her off to the bathroom while he rooted through the pile of shoes to find a pair that would fit her. He looked up to see Luka leaning against the post that acted as the centre between his and Juleka’s rooms.
“You’re good at this,” he said, smiling down at Adrien.
“Modelling does lead to tears. Just find something to distract them and give them lots of chocolate after. Works every time.” Adrien finally found the shoes he wanted and stood up to see Luka pointing the camera at him. Covering his face with his hand, he said, “No. I don’t like having my picture taken.”
“But you’re one of Paris’ biggest models.”
“I know. Trust me, getting cameras shoved in your face is not as glamorous as it seems.”
“Oh, come on. Let me at least show you what I see.”
Remembering what Luka had said earlier about the ad pictures not looking like ‘his Adrien’, he brought his hand down and relaxed his body. He felt the smallest smile come to his face as Luka brought the camera back up and clicked the shutter. He walked over, leaning close to Luka as he brought the picture up. The lighting wasn’t the greatest and in the mess of helping Rose, his hair and clothes were a bit messy, but…he understood what Luka was saying.
“This is the real you,” Luka said, his words just brushing Adrien’s cheek, that’s how close they were. “This is my Adrien.”
My Adrien. It wasn’t weirdly possessive. It was comforting and with every insane thing that was happening in his life, to be picked by someone just for being himself, that made his heart happy. 
Maybe that’s why when he looked up and saw Luka staring at him, eyes moving down to his lips, he kissed him. He felt Luka kiss back. Adrien wanted to grab hold of him because the kiss made him feel weak in the knees, it felt that good, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
“How do I look?”
The two sprang apart, Luka hitting his head on the post. Mylène looked worried and a bit confused, but thankfully it looked like she hadn’t seen.
“Are you ok?” she asked.
“Luka! We’re ready for group shots!” Rose called from above deck.
“He’s all good. Here, put them on quickly,” Adrien said, handing her the shoes and pushing her towards the stairs. He could tell she was confused, but thankfully she didn’t ask.
They didn’t get a chance to be alone until the photoshoot was done and Luka had gotten the call that his mom would be home soon and the house was a mess. Luka walked Adrien to the gangplank, still waving off his offers to help clean up.
“Don’t worry about it. The girls will take care of most of it. Thanks again for bringing my iPod.”
“Of course.” Adrien hesitated, wanting to ask if the kiss was a fluke or if it was real when he realised Luka was moving closer to him, gently pulling his fidgeting fingers apart and linking them with his own.
“This ok?”
“Yeah. Perfect.”
Luka was leaning down and Adrien started to go up on his toes when they heard Rose. She came bounding over with pictures in her hand. The one that Luka took of him was on top.
“Here, so you can decorate your wall.”
When she finally went back below deck, Adrien gave Luka the picture he took of him. “That way you always remember what I look like. I might be coming to school in a few makeup looks next week.”
“Bet you’ll still look amazing as usual. I’m very tempted to test my luck a third time, but I can wait. Would you be ok if I came and picked you up on Tuesday?”
Adrien nodded, taking everything in him not to pull Luka in for a kiss, no matter who was watching.
“Awesome. I’ll see you then.”
Adrien had to bite down his smile when he eventually pulled himself away and got into the car. Kissing his rock should make him afraid of messing things up, but how could he when everything felt so right? And if Luka came to get him for school on Tuesday morning and Adrien noticed that his lanyard that had his student ID on it also had the picture of Adrien, well. How was he supposed to argue with that?
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dallonm-archive · 3 years
Hi! I love ur WIP oh revelations revelations, and I was wondering if you could give ur characters physical descriptions?
hi thank you so much!!! not gonna lie i ~suck~ at character descriptions (really I’m just not confident in them) and the ones I do aren’t overtly detailed and feed a lot more into showing their personality combines with appearance. Plus as a reader I will create my own image in my head if I don’t get something from the author lmao. So this will just be some rambles with some picrews and IRL photos (I don’t do official faceclaims and will get into that, but I do use some to help visualise what’s in my head), and also fashion because I love fashion and I love 80s fashion and I have to stop myself from writing 389424 outfit descriptions <3 feat. some barely edited prose!! 
only doing the “main five” (are they truly the only main characters? I have no self control <3) because I lose track of which characters I’ve talked about so this is far from all the cast! And picrew/photo limitations mean these aren’t how exactly they look but it gives you an idea! Also I wrote this out and then lost it t w i c e :) Here are the two picrews I used: x x
My KING. It’s kinda funny to me because his description comes from the POV of a man who’s going to fall in love with him so whilst it’s not like “oh my god he’s so hot” I feel like you can DEFINITELY tell there’s something there. Beau and Felix aren’t exactly a slow burn couple lmao
Beau mirrors his mother. Same complexion, same smile, the only difference is his eyes are lighter and his curls are wilder, one absentmindedly coiled around his index. He wears a pistachio coloured button up with palm tree prints, oversized. A necklace with a shell charm, a brown beaded bracelet. He still grins at Felix, charmingly, as he continues to ramble about the music. Beau is effortless. He swims in the San Francisco colours.
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This picrew captures him pretty well although I wish they had a facial hair option as he does have a bit of stubble
It’s all about the curls! He has a head full of them and they’re my favourite thing about him. This is a good example of where I don’t have a faceclaim but I do have pictures of a model that help visualise what I see: these pictures of Miles Frank were the first that resembled what I saw in my head, but only these two resemble him lmao. He’s not his faceclaim. Again, it’s all about the curls! (and the leather jacket)
He kinda has an athletic build not not overtly? Like he’s not muscular but he used to do a lot of sport as a teenager and he’s 100% the type of person who wakes with the sunrise to go on runs. Cannot relate but good for him! He’s around 5′10/5′11
Style is definitely important for his self expression but he also values comfort over fashion. It’s all about the oversized printed button ups (I found one in a thrift store that looks EXACTLY like the one in the description and I didn’t buy it I’m so mad!!! I failed both Beau and the queer community in that moment). He will wear All The Colours but he especially likes greens and pinks/reds. Leather jacket is a staple when the weather allows it. 
He also loves jewellery, especially bracelets, especially homemade bracelets. 100% makes friendship bracelets.
Dorothy and Felix
I’ll put these two together because they’re not identical but like, they are twins lmao. Life hack: if you hate description for the POV character give them a twin and make them lowkey hate each other so you can ~compare~
Brother and sister. Born minutes apart on a dreary January night that wheezed rain. Bundled in identical bloodstained blankets, porcelain limbs and faces indistinguishable - but as they grow, the mirror their reflections share starts to crack. Dorothy grows taller, then Felix overtakes at 16. Dorothy’s features soften, but she grows a glare that digs deeper than Felix’s ever could. Dorothy aims for the moon; Felix accepts that he’ll never leave. Dorothy maps out a survival plan for the outside world; Felix maps out how he’ll work for the Church. But they still share the cinnamon hair, the freckles peppering their nose and cheeks, the grey-blue irises and heavy eyelids. They grew into different people with the same face made of different stitching, the same blood infected with different sin.
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Dorothy is the only one who kinda has a faceclaim but not really? I struggle with faceclaims beyond inspo/resemblance because like I said, I don’t have the most exact image in my head but I am still very picky so I can look at a pic and immediately be like YES or NO lmao. But also, an issue I have is that a lot of faceclaims come from models/actors; I have no issue with pretty characters (I would call mine pretty lmao but it’s never like. a character trait), but there is that element of conventional attractiveness as well as editing/posing/lighting for professionally shot photos. That’s just me personally though, love them for helping visualise ideas! Since Dorothy was really difficult to get an image of, a “faceclaim” really helped. I made her after Felix so her only descriptor was “brown hair like her brother, similar facial features”, until I saw these pictures of Jane Birkin from the 60s. Again, not an official faceclaim (Dorothy isn’t as skinny as her), but that was where I first got an image of her as an individual character and was definitely the foundation. Her hair looks exactly like that!
She doesn’t really wear makeup, it’s not a statement or anything I just don’t think it suits her haha. 100% wears astronomy themed jewellery though
Her favourite colours to wear are red and violet. I’d describe her fashion as quite casual and flowy? She loves blouses, especially ones with floral prints. 100% rocks double denim (we are pro double denim here). I’d say her style is also more 70s inspired than 80s 
She’s 5′9 which makes me 😳
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I first made Felix because of a picture of Luke Powell, and I have to laugh because he is SUCH a common faceclaim on Pinterest but also suddenly I was just like ??? NO???? I held onto him as a FC for way too long when they don’t really look alike  
Fluffy hair! Floppy hair! This isn’t canon in the book yet because I’m not sure how to present it beyond a bunch of hair descriptions, but I can see his hair being much shorter whilst he’s still in the cult and then he slowly grows its out (not much longer, just messier and unkept until its like the picrew) - again I have no idea how to show it in prose but I think in a movie/TV Series that’d be a cool way to show passing of time but also him settling into his identity. If he wasn’t a coward he’d grow it to mullet length
He and Beau are similar heights - 5′10/5′11. I love height differences in couples but I don’t think that suits them? They’re more likely to argue over who’s the taller one because the inch or so difference is so subtle they can’t even tell LMAO 
I know this man just has the ugliest fashion taste but like in good way? Like you know when you see a sweater in the store and you’re like that’s so UGLY I need it? 100% owns both of these:
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I think he’d wear a lot of yellows/oranges/browns but also blues. Would love a brown corduroy or bomber jacket, or dark/moss green??
The way she was LITERALLY meant to be the main antagonist and then I was like wait but she’s hot lol. Jolie is a very interesting character to me - she won’t be in the next update but she’ll be talked about a lot in the one after 👁️ (Not obvious in the excerpt but the idea is Dorothy’s listing the “colours” of Jolie)
High waisted, baggy jeans distressed at the knee; matching denim jacket rolled up to the elbow. Faded blue. Cheap band print shirt. Blondie. Kitchen scissor-cut fringe. Bleached – originally chestnut. Chipped nails. Cherry lacquer. Round glasses with scotch tape around the bridge. Silver. Triangular face, straight nose. Pale. No makeup besides red lips. Whatever the cheapest red shade at the drugstore was in 1984. Combat boots with heels nobody else would travel in, but Jolie would. Leather black. 5’2. She smiles at Dorothy with her teeth. Lipstick stains her incisors.
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Jolie’s been the hardest to nail appearance wise and it honestly this picrew is the only thing that visualises what’s in my head. 
At 5′3 she’s the shortest out of these five. She’s plus sized, which is another thing I find a lot of picrews don’t show very well unfortunately
She bleaches her hair just before we meet her in the book, and later on we see her cut her hair into a messy mullet style, before that it was shoulder-length. Would never pay for a haircut because hairdressers cannot give her what she wants
A lot of her style is a blend between masculine and feminine. She has a very complicated relationship with her gender identity which she navigates through her expression but she does embrace some elements of femininity, although to her it’s redefined to suit her perception of it. Her style is very similar to Jamie’s from Bly Manor. I think she’d also be influenced by punk and rock fashion.
She’s a gardener and it shows, definitely the type to tuck a little flower behind her ear. 
No character description for him because I scrapped and am currently rewriting the whole chapter where he’s introduced so :( but I will make sure to include it in the next writing update! I love him, he has such pleasant vibes
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There is one picture that is very similar to how I see him, especially because the person in it is wearing a denim jacket and an oversized denim jacket is an Isaias STAPLE. The only problem is the photo is in black and white, also I’d like to see him smile.
I’ve been struggling to nail his hair but the picrew shows it quite well, albeit in a cartoon style. It’s all about the long side part
Besides the denim jacket he wears a lot of turtlenecks when the weather allows it, otherwise he’s a big fan of dress shirts. Loves to wear deep blues and purples. Depending on the weather, he’d also layer up with two jackets over a dress shirt. On the flip side I can see him wearing a pastel coloured blazer as well, like lavender? LOVE that. 
He’s a pretty average height, not short and not very tall. Around 5′8? 
Pretty much always has some kind of bag/backpack with him because he likes to have his notebook on him at All Times. 
I’ll stop myself there because this is getting long! Like I said, I don’t have exact images in my head but I do have well, an image lmao. I do like the idea that people can develop their own image in their head too based on what I’ve described so I hope that was interesting! I’d also love to do some art of these guys so I can show better what I see, but unfortunately my tablet is at my dorm and I’m at home and we are on strict lockdown for the foreseeable future :( someday! 
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Who you callin’ sweetheart?
Roger Taylor x Reader
Wc: 3.2k
A/n: Hope you’ll like it! Request stuff, ask stuff, reblog stuff.
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The Circuit.
It was a little hole in the wall bar that Queen plays at often. Thought they're in the early stages of their careers, they're the talk of the town. There is no doubt in your mind that they're good but after a certain amount of time of hearing the word “Queen” fall from the mouths of those around you, you just want to punch the person that named the band Queen.
You and your band just came back from a meeting with the record producers and they had said what you did with recent songs are good but they wouldn't match with what Queen was doing. That ended up leading to you break a glass cup after you threw it at the wall. Which now that you think about it wasn't a good idea but you were just so mad that you and your band was constantly being compared to Queen. You're band (The Cult Classics) were more of a Thrash Metal rather than a hard rock. The record producers had no right to compare a Thrash band to a rock band. (When you think of thrash think of metallica).
That's why you rode here, to The Circuit on your motorcycle for a drink. Even if that meant seeing Queen playing here you needed a drink. The engine revved as you came closer to the bar. Inside people's heads turned at the sound. Especially, Roger Taylor's. He was the flirtatious drummer of Queen. You met him on different occasions but he didn't exactly pique your interest. You were a guitarist and he was a drummer, and well you couldn't relate to his problems. You could relate to Brian’s but you hadn't talked to him since high school.
You met Brian in chemistry and you both bonded over your favorite chemical equations as nerdy as that sounds. He was your best friend but as time went on he and you parted ways when uni came. You changed due to problems your parents had which inevitably rubbed on you. You became more closed off to people and well just wasn't the cheery person you were back in the day.
You got off your bike and went inside. You looked around saw the mass of people inside waiting for Queen to play. Somehow, you made your way over to the bar and sat yourself down at the bar. Guys came up to you and you sent them away with a smile or most likely a snarky comment.
The band came on stage, and the girls around you screamed in your ear. No doubt blowing your eardrum out. Brian settled himself on stage as did the other members. “Hello lovely people.” a man with dark hair said. “we're queen. That Brian and john.” He pointed to the guitarist and bassist. “And I'm  sure you lovely ladies know Roger.” Girls cheered and some people even wolf whistled at him. And he was smirking, eating up what the crowd threw at him. “sadly we do, mister.” you mumbled under your breath.
The band played well much to you dismay. You stayed and finished what was your second drink. You had to be up early tomorrow and didn't need a rocking handover to hold you back. Just as you stood up a figure bumped into you. “Oh my mistake.” He said before looking you up and down, not even trying to be subtle. “Hey mate my eyes are up here.” You sneered. He chuckled, “my mistake. What's your name? If you don't mind me asking.”
You sighed, “y/n but that's none of your business is it?” you asked rhetorically.  “Oh sassy. Why don't I introduce you to the rest of the band?” he said putting his hand out. You thought about it for a moment before going the other way. “come on sweetheart.” You whipped around to look at him. “oh I know you're not talking to me. I ain't your sweetheart but that's surprising to you since you practically have girls falling at your feet.” You said annoyed. “now if you'll excuse me I need to find my friend which just so happens to be your guitarist.”
“well Sweetheart,” oh now he was just going it on purpose. “I can't lead you to him unless you ask nicely.” He smirked and you debated just not seeing Brian. But He was your best friend and you hadn't seen him in years. “Oh Roger can you please take me to Brian?” you asked dripping your voice in sarcasm. He took your hand and led you backstage. As you walked he ignored all the calls from other girls and he just smirked.
You finally got backstage and there he was, your best friend from high school standing right in front of your eyes. “Brian?” Roger asked and the tall giant whipped around to see you in front of him. “y/n? God it’s been too long.” he said before enveloping you in a hug. “God you haven’t changed a bit.” that was a lie and he knew it. Back in high school you wore simple neutral colors, never experimenting. Now you dressed in plaid bell bottoms paired with a simple white shirt, and some black platform boots. And your signature black leather jacket. Your hair was let down and was longer, going down to mid-back. “Jeez how’s it goin’?” He asked before leading you to sit down on a couch. “Good, uh i’m in a band too.” you said quietly. Roger who was talking to a girl was fully invested in your conversation and just left the girl alone. “what band and what do you play?” Roger asked impatiently. You looked at him with a brow raised but dismissed it quickly. “uh we’re called The Cult Classics. And i play guitar.” You said. Roger’s face formed an ‘o’ shape before going into another room. “We need to see you play. When and where do you play next and i’ll be here.” He said. You chuckled, “We play at Mister’s next friday.”
Mister’s was a club of sorts that had live music that allowed teenagers to go to. When you and Brian were teen you’d go there often and not to mention people also thought you were dating. So you both often brought your own dates so people wouldn’t think you both were dating.
“Done. I’ll be there.” He said before standing up. “oh let me introduce you to the guys. John! Fred! Get out here!” He shouted. Two men with long hair came out next to Roger. “Guys this is my friend Y/N. Y/N this is john and Freddie.” He introduced. “Nice to meet you both.” You told them. “darling might I just say, I love your outfit.” He told you. You didn’t feel as though he was trying to hook up with you. He had a calm spirit and somehow you trusted him. “Thank you. I love yours too.” You told him. John didn't really speak but you just guessed he was like that.
You stood up after a while of talking with the boys. “well it’s been fun but i have to get up early tomorrow to head to the studio.” You told them. You began walking out when you heard Brian say, “Mister’s on Friday, expect to see us there.” You turned to smile at him before walking out the bar, getting on your motorcycle revving the engine and speeding away. As you left, Roger and the boys were watching you as you maneuvered your way home, in awe. “I didn’t know she had a motorcycle.” Roger said. “Neither did I.” Brian said.
“What was that about Mister’s on Friday you were telling her about?” John asked. “She’s in a band and we re going to see her on Friday. And yes we all are going.” Brian said looking at Roger. “Ah that’ll be fun.”Freddie smiled nudging John a bit.
Friday was finally here and honestly you forgot you’d be seeing the boys today. “Can’t you help me?” Chris, the drummer asked as he lifted up part of the drums. You sighed loudly before getting off of the car and helped him drag the drums inside.
Though there was barely any people in the bar some stray guys still felt it was necessary to whistle at you as you tune your guitar. You were dressed in a pair of white bell bottoms, a black button up shirt that you decided not to button up fully and your black platforms. Though it was your signature to wear your black leather jacket, it didn’t go with the outfit so you decided against it.
Backstage you and Jones, your bassist, were playing poker. While Chris and Jack the divas of the group were fixing their hair. “All i’m saying is that y/n is an actual girl and she doesn’t spend nearly as much time on her hair as you two bozos do.” Jones said making you laugh. Jones was your best friend out of everyone in the group. He was funny and sarcastic and was the only person to ever out wit you in an argument/ battle of the wits.
“Guys, you’re on.” A man said clearly disregarding you not being a guy. Jones and you stood up as you abandoned your game and Jack and Chris let out sounds of ‘oh shit’ as they quickly fixed their hair. You shook your head and them before putting your arm on Jones’s shoulder.
Out there, Brian and the boys were sitting at the bar waiting eagerly for the band to come out and play. Roger was talking up a girl. And Brian was talking about all the dumb shit you and him did in school. The lights dimmed and people started to head over to the dance floor. You guys weren’t exactly a group that made dance music but people still found their way to dance to it. You and the boys filed onto the stage and people started to cheer. The Cult Classics were regulars here. Jack made him way to the mic and started to introduce the band, “Hello everybody, how we doin’ tonight?” A roar of whoops and cheers erupted from the group. “alright so this is Jones our bassist” he waved to the crowd before some girls wolf whistled at him. “This is y/n our guitarist.” You did a peace sign to the people and guys started to whistle your way. In the back Roger was looking at you in awe. Leaving the girl angry that he wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. “She has such good fashion sense.” Freddie sighed.
“The guy behind the drums is Chris-” People cheered for the ladies man of the group. “you guys know him. Alright we’re going to start off with a song called Am i Evil?” He told the crowd. (Listen to Am i Evil? By Metallic right now)
You waited for the solo portion a the beginning and in Roger’s eyes you were fucking godly.
As you played more and more, you started to loosen up more. Bopping your head to and fro.  
“My Mother was a witch” You sang.
“Thankless little bitch”
“For the tears I cried”
The song was about to end and you and Jones were pressed together back to back playing to the crowd.
“Alright we’re going to play something different. Something that doesn’t go by the rules of the record company. Something that isn’t Queen enough to be released.” You said which raised the interest of the men in the crowd, your old friends. “This is Saucy.” (Listen to Saucy by Polyphia right now)
You, and Jones were playing guitar shoulder to shoulder while Jack was having the time of his life dancing behind you while playing. This was new to the people and they loved it. You were leading the group with your awesome skills and Roger, and the rest were entranced. You looked out to the crowd smirking and you saw Queen’s mouths hanging open.
You finished playing and made your way backstage again. But you went to the bar where you had seen queen staring at you in awe. Well not at you but at the band. “So did you guys like it?” You asked when you reached the bar. “Y/N that was fucking amazing.”Brian said. “Thanks. Do you guys want to head backstage to meet the guys?” they nodded and you led them backstage. When Chris saw Queen, he screamed like a girl and you and Jones doubled over laughing. When you composed yourself you said, “guys this is Brian, Roger, Freddie and John. Guys this is Jack and Jones. The girl over there that screamed when she saw you guys is Chris.” Chris made his way over to you and smacked your arm. “So enlighten us, how were we?” Jones said as he pointed to the game. You sat down in front of him and resumed your game of poker. “You guys were so good. I never knew you could do that with a guitar.” Brian said. “It’s calling experimentation- YOU FUCKING ASS!” You shouted as Jones showed you his royal flush. “That’s ten bucks, please.” He said smugly as he stuck out his hand. You groaned as you stood up to get your wallet. “MAte you got destroyed.” Roger said as he saw you take out the money. “Oh fuck off.” You said angrily. “Take your money you dick.” He laughed at you.
“so if you guys don’t mind me asking what’s next for all you guys?” Jack asked. “Well new album, new things, new songs.” Roger said. You looked up at him from your spot on the floor. “That’s super fucking vague. Could at least tell us what it’s called.” You told him. “If i tell you, you tell us yours.” He bargained. “Deal?” He stuck out his hand to shake. You shook his hand and told you, “A night at the Opera. You?”
“Dream Theater.” You told him. “Well we should be going now.” Freddie noticed the way Roger was looking at you and almost smacked Brian for saying anything. The equipment was already in the car luckily so you could just leave if you wanted to.
Walking out to the parking lot, you and Roger actually acted like civil humans, “So you happy with the way your band is turning out?” He asked you. You leaned against  car that wasn’t yours and talked to him. “Yeah. But the record company isn’t.” You told him. He furrowed his brows, “and why is that?” You debated making something up and not telling him but you decided to just tell him. “they think we aren’t Queen enough.” You sighed, “We are a thrash band not a rock one. There’s a difference they can’t seem to see it. and they want us to be like you and it’s so frustrating because we want to our own selves but we are constantly being reminded that we can’t be original because it’s bad. Needless to say that record companies fucking suck.” He laughed because he could relate. You stared out into the street and poked Roger to tell him to look, “ISn’t that the car you came in?” You asked. He sighed and ran his hand over his face. “Yeah.” You chuckled. Next thing you saw was your own band leave you. “Well seems as though my guys left me too. Want me to drop you off at your house?” You asked him but he shook his head.
“My keys are in the car.” He told you. “Come one then.” You said walking to your motorcycle. “Where are we going?” He asked. you turned back to look at him. “To my house. Now hop on.” You gave him the helmet and he shook his head. You sighed, “Stop being so damn stubborn and take the helmet. I don’t need it anyways.” You told him. He hastily put the helmet on and you sped down the street to head to your apartment.
“Didn’t know you could scream like a girl.”You teased when you got inside your apartment. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, darling.” He told you. A weird feeling erupted inside you as he called you darling. You walked to your room and half expected him to follow you. When he didn't you turned back and looked at him, “you coming?” You asked. He followed you into your room and sat down on the bed. You threw a pair of sweats at his face and he let out an oof sound. “They're Jones's but they were too small on him so he gave them to me. You can wear them tonight.” You explained. “Do you want a shirt or are you ok?”
He licked his lips, “I'm fine without a shirt if you're ok with it.” He told you. You grabbed your own pajamas and started to unbutton your shirt when you realized he was still looking. “Rog can you turn around please?” You asked. He hesitantly turned around to give you privacy.
“I’m going to head down to the couch to sleep.” He said getting off of the bed starting to walk towards the door. “Rog, i highly doubt you will sleep on that ratty old couch. You can just stay here, it’s not like I mind.” You told him as you pulled on your pajama shorts. “Plus a)it just cold at night and b) even though you tried to talk me up back at The Circuit you’re good company.” He smiled. You sat down on the bed holding your comb in hand to brush your hair. He got under the covers next to you and leaned on his arm to support him while he talked to you. “So,” He said trying to start up a conversation. You chuckled, “why all of a sudden you’re shy? You weren’t like this last week.” You told him. He shrugged, “ I only get like this when i really like a girl, i guess.” His words made you blush. “SO then that’d mean you like me?” You said but it sounded like a question. “god how narcissistic of you y/n” He teased. You shoved his side and laughed. “c’mon man.” He sighed but there was still a smile present on his face, “yes i just so happen to like you.” You put the comb on your nightstand and got under the covers. You leaned on your arm to support yourself and looked at Roger. “Hmm, isn’t that a coincidence. I just so happen to like you too.” You smiled.
he leaned closer to you and pressed his lips on yours slowly trying to see if you’d pull away. BUt you didn’t. You closed your eyes and leaned forwards to meet his lips in the middle. Soon enough, you pulled away to to lack of air. He mouthed a quick “wow” and you nodded. “We should probably sleep.” You told him. You shimmied lower under the covers and leaned on your side. But roger had other plans. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to him. You nuzzled into his side and placed your head on his chest. Maybe now that you both said your feelings, maybe you’ll let him call you sweetheart.
A/n: Request stuff, ask stuff, you know the drill.
Taglist: @sleepybesson @shewantstobreakfree @ixchel-9275
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blauregen · 5 years
fav ♀-releases in 2018 (in no particular order)
so, since i started this list like this last year too, here we go: i know little to nothing about music, i have weird (may i say b a d) taste and my reasonings are - as expected from a subjective list - Super personal ,, also i dont follow every female k-artists so there are definitely blind spots for me too! that said ... LETS GET GAY! LETS GO LESBIANS!
Wind (바람 ) - Heize
suprise surprise, its Heize again. i was rarely this excited about a comeback this year as i was about Wind ... i adore this mini. i really love Heize’s voice, especially now that she is playing around with rapping And singing more than ever, its just ,, i hear her voice and i just, immediately calm down and feel a warm glow in me rising and --- this is getting really cheesy, isn’t it.
my fav tracks have to be Sorry and wish you well (feat. DAVII), however i can listen to this whole album without a problem - of course Jenga as the title was amazing as well, Dahye’s voice works really well with Gaeko’s as well. additionally i loved the ~design for this album, the photoshoot is stunning and the whole aesthetic is very much up my alley.
+ First Sight (첫눈에) - Heize
as expected, i love her winter single release as well. again, a Lovely mixture of her singing and a solid very groovy amazing rapping part. i did like her mini a lot more lyricwise (lots of it is really sad but Sorry has such smart lyrics!!!), however as a “”simple”” winter release that is meant to fit this season, this is amazing.
...... also have i mentioned how Beautiful she is, jfc.
Deine - Ha:tfelt
Oh Boy. Here we go.
this is hands-down my Favorite Release of this whole year. i don’t know if its clear, but i adore yeeun. i adore her as the person park yeeun, who is an activist and very outspoken about her position of a woman in the industry, her experiences in one of the most successful girlgroups Ever, her views on feminism and sexism, the fact that she collabed with a drag organizer for her exhibition, etc etc etc. however, i also love yeeun as Ha:tfelt and adore her music. Pluhmm is such a sensual, fun and soft and yet strong song about her Own Desires and a woman that Wants to flirt and be in love and have fun and Be sensual and its so so so lovely and warm and playful and confident? i died a little at the MV because Ha:tfelt is a Woman and is portrayed as such, she is sensual and sexy and its portrayed by yeeun dancing around a flat in the sexiest dress and feeling herself and. its just Wonderful. so wonderful. i love her. Cigar is super touching too, very smooth and slick and polished and yet it has a vulnerable touch to it and is just ,, such a good song ....... thank u yenny.
Warning - Sunmi
ANOTHER AMAZING WOMAN. if i had to choose a soloist that is more active and actively promotes and performs on music and award shows etc, i’d definitely go for Sunmi. first of all: sunmi is outstandingly hardworking, talented, tough, brave, but also so so so kind and sweet and self-aware (seriously her twitter account is my social media highlight of this year, she is beyond ADORABLE and wonderful and funny) and of course she is fucking beautiful. this album is AMAZING - i can listen to the whole tracklist without skipping a single song. i adore Siren (aesthetically its my favorite title track of hers, though i do think Gashina is a little more catchy, esp together with that choreo - but i Love Siren’s horror-esque MV with the, well, siren-mermaid-imagery, so good!) but personally my favorite SONGS are ADDICT and Black Pearl - both sound very different actually, one being completely in English, but it just shows how well Sunmi can pull of different styles. god ... have u seen her on stage? shes a m a z i n g.
KHAN - I’m Your Girl ?
I started following Euna and Minju already before they debuted ... but what really made me fall in love with both their voices, be it singing or rapping (cause both are quite good at both ,,) was their DNA cover! generally the fact that they keep posting really cool covers on their youtube channel is beyond lovely and these two really managed to make me like a version of DNA ... (probably my least favorite BTS title track, lmao ,,)
their actual debut was just lovely. the song is great, soothing and super smooth and groovy and easy to listen to, their voices are stunning in it, the MV is VERY GAY, the choreo is fun and their outfits for promotion stages were such a lovely fresh wind and i really enjoyed seeing them perform a LOT. i just really like that KHAN already is quite unique and m so so so looking forward to future comebacks!
no highlight list without Jieun. the lyrics to this track were solely written by her and it shows - IU is an outstanding songwriter, i adore her hard work and experience and talent. the sound of the track itself is fun and bubbly and groovy and Very catchy, but my highlight is how this conflicts so beautifully with the lyrics that are quite ... critical and rough and basically show a very very sweet lovely middle finger to the rumour-netizen-culture around her ,, i am super excited for future full releases from jieun, though i still listen to Palette a lot and think she should take all the time she needs!
Bad Boy - Red Velvet
sadly, i didnt not really enjoy Red Velvets later release this year and neither did i really dig their summer release, but what i do adore to the moon and back is their The Perfect Red Velvet - The 2nd Album Repackage, though thats a lil bit of cheating since i already mentioned their Perfect Velvet album last year ,,
Bad Boy is my favorite title track of theirs this year, the styling is OUTSTANDINGLY GOOD MY GOD and the sound is just, smooth and cool and sexy and just ... damn.
also, Red Velvet definitely has some of my favorite jacket photoshoots of this year, the quality and beauty of their photos is amazing, i could spend hours just looking at those ......... and maybe i did.
What Is Love? - TWICE
the nations girl group powered through this year and released so many catchy awesome songs that i had a hard time choosing one ,, but What Is Love is definitely my MV highlight of the year and also the song itself is so so fun and lovely and cheerful and just makes me feel happy ... thank u for making me happy, TWICE!
You And I - Dreamcatcher
i have to admit: Dreamcatcher is not really my sound. their tracks remind me a little too much of Very Loud Stressful Anime Openings, so i accept that its just not my music taste ,, HOWEVER i actually really really like You and I. the song is very catchy and has this one part right before the chorus that i really love, its a very cool mysterious “dark” awesome track. moreover though i love the Whole Package that is Dreamcatcher (again, this horror-esque style of theirs is Really Up My Alley) - their styling and choreos are so clever and SEXY and goth-y and different, its just so fucking fun to watch them perform, especially the Choreo to You and I is so so so so so cool!
(also they r somewhat of a lesbian cult and m Very Appreciative of that, my god.)
LOOΠΔ - just, the whole thing.
SO - it took me until this year to really get into Loona. i knew them beforehand and was intrigued by the unique pre-debut “schedule” that their company was doing and checked out some songs but never got into them deeper. however, this year i truly listened to the Broad Amazing Variety that Loona offers and i just Have to include them here. all the girls and the subunits are super interesting and diverse and i love how especially the solo songs all sound different and lots of things were tried out and the AESTHETICS ARE OFF THE CHARTS. their full group debut was a little too ... they played it too ~safe for my taste, however i still adore lots of LOONA songs and can only recommend them!
(my favs are So Boring, i love Egoist and Heart Attack and Singing in the Rain and New and ... i’ll get back to this once i develop an actual Interesting opinion lmao)
i Can’t possibly end this list without some honorable mentions, because girls are amazing:
- (G)I-DLE are amazing rookies and performers and just such an awesome new girlgroup. Soyeon’s stage presence is just ,, wow, she is such a good rapper and performer, but the other girls are also so amazing and m so glad they are so successful and loved so far. favorite track of this year is def HANN (Alone), though all their songs are mighty good.
- Oh My Girl. maybe i dont listen to their songs as much but m in deep love with their visuals and stages and man ... call me, Yooa, please, m free almost every night.
- fromis_9 had such a cute quirky hyper Love Bomb comeback, i loved it!
- Momoland similarly had such catchy fun songs, i gotta mention them too!
- Hyuna - i love Hyuna and i wish her all the best and happiness and love and success and i hope to see her on stage again soon! (i especially loved her in Triple H, since i was actually quite a fan of that trio and the retro funky sound they went for ...... big sigh @ cube)
- Yubin ... again, not really my sound, but man. kill me Yubin, just do it, cmon.
- EXID is back to OT5! m so happy!!! I Love You was really fun, but I definitely enjoyed DDD last year more ,, but i still wanted to mention them, such a fun, diverse, different girlgroup that offers lots of different sounds and visuals and stands out to me a lot, so so good!
- Chungha ... m still in the process of falling in love with Chungha but oh god .... have u seen her? her dancing skills are out of this world, her beauty is stunning, she is so so sweet and kind and tough and her songs m so eager to properly discover and also a rly niche point but: I LOVE HER ALBUM DESIGNS SO SO SO MUCH.
- Minseo is another new amazing soloist ,, i discovered her at first through my fav photographers instagram (@ mu_gung) who took just. outstanding pics of Minseo but i also Adore her voice and she has done Amazing covers as well, her Why So Lonely is my absolute favorite and id dare to say i like it just as much as the original ... check her out, her MV visuals and concepts are Super interesting and beautiful and fun as well!
and many many many many more that i missed or forgot!
just know: girls are the best.
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stoopsbookstore · 6 years
Drive (Part 2)
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"He said he doesn't trust DK. I'm telling you, Y/N, Seungcheol doesn't hate you, he likes you, but his pride gets in the way," Nayoung confessed.
"Really, Nayoung? Is that why every race I go to, he glares at me, annoyingly calls me Strawberry, he always has to say something about the 'Socs','Preps' and 'Greasers'," Y/N put the phone down to look through her closet for an outfit.
"I'm telling he's mostly harmless. If it doesn't work out with DK, give S. Coups a shot."
Y/N contemplated, "maybe."
Y/N, who was doing her makeup, could hear Nayoung cheering on the other end of the phone.
"Hanging on you, Na."
"Tell me everything that happens! Love you!"
"Will do, love you too."
Y/N decided on a simple cat-eye liner and her signature bright pinkish-red lipstick completed with a mid-thigh length dress with a light tan cardigan. As she was putting on her finishing touches, her phone buzzed.
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The door opened to Y/N's room and she turned to see DK, holding a bouquet of flowers, wearing leather pants, a nice light blue polo and his signature dark green jacket.
"Wow," both said. DK began to blush while Y/N turned back to her mirror.
"I'll be ready in a second."
"Take your time, we have 2 hours before the movie starts. Woozi and The8, uhhh Minghao, saved us some spots in the back row and we have our own space. I also have my dad's pick-up truck," He said with his signature smile.
"Pulling out all of the stops, huh?"
"Well, I've been waiting to ask you on a date for a while, but I thought you were with S. Coups, like a fuckbuddy type of dating, or with Jun."
"Dear God, no to both of them," The girl said, laughing, "Jun is a friend, albeit a very flirty one, he does that shit with everyone."
DK looked at Y/N, "that's good news to hear. You ready to go?"
Y/N grabbed his hand, "let's go."
As DK pulled up to the drive-in, he saw some of the guys, Woozi and Jeonghan, waiting in the spots.
"Look, it's lover boy and his princess," Jeonghan nudged Woozi.
"Just because you don't have someone to fuck you on the regular doesn't mean you can give shit to DK for having one," Woozi says, pushing the older man off the car.
"Where's Wonwoo and The8?" DK asked.
"Snack bar," Jeonghan and Woozi said in unison. Jeonghan looked Y/N up and down.
"At least it's not a Soc. I'm gonna go help Wonwoo and Minghao," he mumbled, running off to the snack bar.
"If you two do anything, please be quiet. This movie is a cult classic and I don't want it tainted because Seokmin couldn't keep it in his pants."
"What's the movie?" Y/N asked.
DK grinned at his date, "'Heathers'. And it starts in about 30 minutes, come on, let's get comfortable."
The 3 guys came back to the group a few moments later, carrying with them hot dogs, nachos, cotton candy and the stereotypical junk food for a movie. Wonwoo handed some nachos and cotton candy to DK as Y/N cuddled up to him, as the movie begun.
"You're not with S. Coups?"
"I already told you I'm not."
"Good, because I'd like to take you on a few more dates."
"Maybe if this one goes well," Y/N winked at DK. The tall boy looked over at his friends to see if they were watching them or the movie. Jeonghan was, unsurprisingly, asleep, Woozi and Minghao were too engrossed by Veronica and J.D. poisionsing one of the Heathers while Wonwoo was reading a book on his phone.
DK positioned himself to where he was on top of Y/N, in between her thighs. He leaned in to start kissing her as the movie hid any moans from Y/N. The two laid there, making out for a good chunk of the movie until Woozi throw a box of candy at them.
"Keep it in your pants until you two get home, you asshat."
Y/N and DK were giggling in the back of the truck as Minghao started to whoop at the two. The movie ended soon after and DK drove Y/N home.
"Is that your favorite word?"
"I really like you, Y/N. But.."
"You're scared of the Socs?"
DK drove silent until a small little "yea" came out.
"Well, it's your choice if you do or don't want to be with me because some asshole with a pride issue says we can't."
DK smiled at Y/N, "give me a little time. I promise you I'll get over my fear of him, the big scary S. Cou-"
"DK, stop the car!" Y/N yelled.
DK immediately put his foot on the brake pedal, seeing the scene in front of him. A house fire, Y/N's parents outside as the firefighters were working to put out the last flames. Y/N unbuckled her seatbelt, running out to her parents, followed by DK.
"Y/N honey," her mother called out, hugging her daughter.
"What happened?"
"The next door neighbor was having a bonfire that got a little too much out of control, everyone's fine, everything's fine, the worst damage was to me and your father's room. We're gonna be staying in a hotel for the time being."
"Which one are we staying at?"
Y/N's dad walked over, "Your mother and I will be staying there, but you're going to Seungkwan's. I just talked to Seungkwan's grandma, she offered, seeing as you and Seungkwan have known each other for a while, said that while the house gets repaired, you're more than welcomed to stay in the guest room."
"Can I get clothes or anything?"
"Not until tomorrow, sweetie," her mother said, kissing her forehead, "oh sorry, you must be DK. I'm sorry to meet you like this."
"It's alright, ma'am. I'm just happy to see everyone's okay. I can take Y/N to Seungkwan if you'd like. I can also lend her some of my mother's clothes, I don't think she'll miss some old clothes."
Y/N's dad scoffed, looking DK up and down, "Betty, are we real-"
"Yes, Franklin," she told her husband, "thank you so much, DK, that would be very nice for you to do. Y/N, call me when you get there."
Y/N got back into DK's truck without another word, only hugging her parents, riding to her friend's house in silence.
"My mom keeps her clothes in the backseat, feel free to look through them."
Y/N grabbed a bag and looked through it, finding some old basketball shorts belonging to DK, or Wonwoo, or Jeonghan, or one of his friends, and a hair metal t-shirt.
DK drove up the parkway to see Seungkwan sitting outside, waiting.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry, it's gonna be okay, the hou-" Y/N walked past his best friend, finding the guest room right away.
"Sorry, Kwanie. I just want to sleep. I'll see you later, DK."
DK and Seungkwan were left awkwardly standing, no one wanting to say the first word.
DK spoke up to the younger male, "just make sure she's okay."
Seungkwan stared at him, "I'll let you know what's going on. She gets like this sometimes and it's not good. So, how was the date?"
A chuckle came out of the tall boy, "it was great. She's really amazing."
"Just be kind to her, Seokmin. I'm not saying this as a Soc, I'm saying this as Boo Seungkwan, Y/N L/N's best friend, no matter what Nayoung says about that. Y/N looks tough, acts tough, but really, she needs someone to lean on. Her parents are almost always gone and she's had to taken care of herself for a while now. I don't understand why that bastard, Seungcheol, hates her when she has done nothing to him."
DK stood in shock, "I promise."
"I suggest you get out of here before he yells at you."
The tall boy nodded, leaving the house of his "enemy", thinking about the girl he just spent the night with.
Y/N was sitting in the bed of the guest room, holding back the tears. She keeps telling herself it could've been way worse, but she still feels all this guilt. Her phone kept buzzing and she tried her best to ignore it.
Seungcheol heard what happened through Nayoung. She ran into his room, crying.
"Seungcheol, Y/N! Something happened! I lost my phone, I can't find it. Mingyu is downstairs, freaking out, Seungkwan texted him.”
"Fine," Seungcheol said, totally unmoved, "I'll text her, but I don't want any more favors for a month."
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mag--pie · 6 years
PART TWO TO MINI’s BIRTHDAY GIFT @minichen123 [AO3 Link]
Yoshiko stared up at the beauty in front of her. It was like she was looking at a  painting. The woman’s long auburn hair fell into a cascade going down her back. Her burning honey eyes stared into Yoshiko’s magenta eyes. The woman smirked as Yoshiko crawled backwards.  She got closer and backed Yoshiko into the girl’s bedroom wall.
“So, what have we got here?”
“U-Uh… I…”
The woman placed a finger on Yoshiko’s chin and forced her head to look up at her. “Who are you?”
“I know for sure that’s not your real name,” the woman said.
Yoshiko’s body shook with fear as the woman’s face got closer. “Cute little thing we have here, huh? So girl, tell me your name.”
“You’re human, right?”
“There’s others out there?!”
“Yeah there aren’t. You just summoned a normal human from a summoning circle. Obviously there is,” the woman deadpanned.
“Of course,” Yoshiko said, facepalming.
“Now, tell me, why would you go through the dangers of summoning a demon? You could have gotten some creepy one. Like Nico. God she’s a bit of a problematic one.”
Yoshiko couldn’t believe any of it. A real, actual demon. Right in front of her. It didn’t help that the demon was hot too. It was even a surprise the ritual from some dumb website had worked. Sure, Yoshiko had to traverse to the dark web but it was somewhat worth it. After all, there was a beautiful woman right in front of her.
This had all started when Yoshiko had asked Hanamaru about cult books. Of course, the other girl had known a whole lot of different cult books. One of them had caught Yoshiko’s attention. It was titled ‘The Grand Grimoire’ and only God knows why Hanamaru knew about this book. The book had promised it would summon Lucifer but Yoshiko had taken it as a joke. It was a book from the 1400’s afterall.
Yoshiko set up the summoning ritual and a large spark appeared during it. It was a bright pink flash that basically blinded Yoshiko while it happened. All of a sudden, the demon had come out of the flash with smoke coming from the floor. It was surreal how quickly it happened.
“S-So uh, miss….”
“You may call me Riko.”
“Alright, Riko, so how are you here?”
Riko frowned. “You summoned me?”
“I didn’t think it’d work…. Also, isn’t it bad or something for you to give me your name?”
“First of all, dark magic is very real and still very alive. Nico had to answer to five different calls in the last couple days. Sucks for her being one of the more popular demons in pop culture. And secondly, no because you need my full name,” Riko explained.
“But I tried summoning Satan? Lucifer?”
“No one ever wants to summon ‘Satan’ because big scary demon lord will murder or something. It’s kind of boring in all honesty. I expected more people. Even if they were crazy enough to try, they always used the wrong ritual.”
Yoshiko’s jaw fell. “So if I’m getting this right, you’re Satan.”
“Holy shit. I just summoned Satan. And it was on complete fucking accident,” Yoshiko muttered.
“Well, what do you want?”
“Uh, what do you mean?”
“People usually have a reason for summoning demons.”
Riko sighed,”Since you just wasted my time, you’re going on a date with me.”
“A-A date?!”
“Yep. This is my first time out of the underworld in a while so you’re entertaining me. Plus, you’re cute.”
“M-Me? Cute? Uh R-Riko I-I honestly think you-” Yoshiko stammered.
Riko giggled,”Yup, cute. So I’ll see you in two days! Prepare for our little date.”
Riko winked as she opened a portal. Yoshiko could see a different version of her room that was dark and eerie. As soon as Riko stepped through completely, the portal disappeared. Yoshiko stood with her mouth hanging. She really had encountered Satan or, her actual name, Riko.
You would think that coming up with date ideas would be easy but Yoshiko had never done anything like this before. She was planning a date for Riko too which made matters even worse.
The first day she spent trying for this was mostly internal screaming. How do you even plan a date for the lord of the underworld? Yoshiko’s search history had been a bit questionable. It ranged from ‘why does the the grand grimoire work’ to ‘how to plan a date with satan’.
The second day, or the final day, Yoshiko decided she would take the normal approach and take Riko out to an amusement park. So once she decided that, she stressed over what to wear. It was very tempting for the girl to wear her fallen angel outfit but she was scared it would offend Riko. She opted for a burgundy skirt with a white long sleeved shirt. The shirt had a large pink heart on it. On top of it all, she wore a leather jacket.
On the day of the date, Yoshiko woke up to Riko standing in her bedroom. The girl jumped before Riko started to laugh.
“Well good morning to you too,” Yoshiko mumbled.
“Yes yes, Yoshiko.”
“Its YO~HA~NE!”
Riko stayed silent for a moment,”How about Yocchan.”
“That doesn’t sound very intimidating.”
“I get you need to be edgy but its cute!”
Yoshiko huffed,”Alright then.”
“So where are you taking me?”
“This amusement park nearby. It's pretty nice.”
Riko giggled,”What a cliché.”
“S-Shut up,” Yoshiko said, embarrassed.
Yoshiko hadn’t been able to look at Riko’s outfit until now. It looked absolutely amazing on the girl. Riko wore a purple dress shirt with a black vest on top. The girl also wore black slacks. To top it all off, there was a black tie on her. Yoshiko was stunned.
“Y-You look nice.”
Riko winked,”Thanks, you look wonderful!”
Yoshiko felt her heart leap out of her chest and crawl back in. She didn’t know if she could handle being around Riko for another five minutes let alone an entire day.
Riko grabbed hold of Yoshiko’s hand. “Let us go now.”
“R-Right… so today we’re going to the amusement park down by the city.”
“It’s not very big but, its still really nice!”
“Well I’m intrigued. Take us then,” Riko said.
Yoshiko led the taller girl through the streets of the city. It wasn’t as big as Tokyo or New York City but, it was still impressive. There were buildings that grew to the sky. Different types of stores were set up along the sidewalk. Yoshiko knew a few of the stores but most of them were almost alien to her.
“Are we almost there yet?”
“It’s right there.”
Pointing to a group of buildings, Yoshiko was able to see a large ferris wheel above the rooftops. It was a block down the street and Riko’s face showed great interest. Yoshiko stepped up to the admission booth and bought the two of them tickets.
Once they entered, it was like another world. Everything was colorful and cheery. Many of the rides looked exciting to go on but some of them seemed a bit out of place from the happy amusement park.
“I want to go on that one!” Riko said. The amber eyed girl pointed at one of the more thrilling rides.
“That seems a bit… big.”
“I know. It looks fun!”
“You might regret it…”
The two step into line of the ride. It wasn’t long as most people were sane enough not to step anywhere near it. In almost a few seconds, they were at the front of the line. Yoshiko gulped. She knew this would end badly for her.
They sat down into one of the cars and strapped in. Yoshiko could see Riko bouncing up and down next to her. Once they reached the top, Yoshiko took one last glance at the auburn haired girl. She was pale and her knuckles were white.
“I regret this so-”
The coaster flew down the ramp and Riko screamed. After what seemed to be an eternity, they finally stepped off the ride. Riko sat down on a bench just outside the exit.
“I-I don’t think that was fun.”
“Yeah. A bit.”
“We should go on other ones. None like that though.”
The duo went through the park riding nearly every ride they had to offer. Of course they had skipped the more intense ones. It was nearing evening when Yoshiko grabbed Rikos hand and pulled her towards the ferris wheel.
“This is super cliché but go here.”
“Yes. Very cliché.”
The two stood in line once more. They were seated into a cabin soon enough. The ride slowly reached near the top before Yoshiko stared at Riko.
“Is something wrong?”
Riko smirked,”There’s something up with you.”
“N-No nothing at a-”
Yoshiko was cut off by the sensation of lips touching hers. Feeling her face go red, she leaned into the kiss. It felt like an eternity before they parted.
“Yocchan, you’re great.”
Yoshiko stayed silent, her mouth hanging open. The ride came to an end and Yoshiko stumbled out of the cabin, Riko close behind her. The duo left the park together and headed to Yoshiko’s home. Riko stopped the other girl before she could go in.
“Thanks for today.”
“Y’know,” Riko started,”I really like you.”
“O-Oh really…”
“Yeah, so I’ll come again some other time. Talk to you later,” Riko said with a wink.
The auburn haired girl disappeared as soon as Yoshiko blinked. In her hand was a note.
“Call me -Riko.”
Yoshiko sighed,”Now Satan wants me to call her.”
Nevertheless, she did.
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nanyoky · 6 years
hey gang guess who’s sick in bed and therefore not drinking but is definitely getting Fever Weird which is the next best thing really
No it’s not i’m sick as a dog and fucking miserable and probably not going to be as much fun as usual, full disclosure. Instead of sushi and cider like my usual wednesdays, i’m having tang and saltines so.... cheers.
also i want you all to know there were no working links so i had to wait for the official cw stream to go up like a pauper come on team it’s 2018 we’re better than this
mayor mac and the lodges are still in cahoots and now v knows why but you know who doesn’t yet? ME THAT’S WHO
oh wow so that’s penelope’s deal now
this is- in a darkly hilarious way- the photo negative of season one keller boys “no cruising guys today kiddo” “good GAWD dad”. “i may be a widow but i can still fucking PULL” “good GAWD mom”
i should not be laughing but oh my god CHERYL’S FACE jesus h christ
it’s veronica’s job to keep next gen riverdale chill “when the news breaks” ruh-roh
did archie say he’s going to start a band “of redheads”? so just- him on guitar and cheryl screaming into the mic like a kraken? that’s the only possibility i can envision
“are you upset?” “upset? ronnie, i’m crazy about you” that is a suburban white mom level of non-answer, archie- stop hanging out with alice cooper
awkward betty and archie eye contact is almost as obvious as veronica’s stilted forced “we should probably all stay calm....” to the room at large
((the saltines went over pretty well so i think i’mma try some chicken nuggest pray for me team))
“my home is a dickensian nightmare- i won’t have my school turn into one too!” there is just... so much here. short version: cheryl’s origin story is that of the classic highschool bully: not in control of her home life, so enacts violent control over her school. in this way she has not changed. also jesus christ she’s so fucking dramatic i love her like this is in any way her problem but she’s automatically FURIOUS about it. but also just: wow cheryl hates poor people.
“of course. we’re fine.” kevin’s skeptical face (tm) is mint. top shelf. the good shit.
“jones- this is very lovecraftian, which i’m sure was the intention.” toni has jughead Figured Out, and i’m not sure he’s comfortable with that. 
*jake peralta voice* toni- first off your insinuating voice is way too high you sound like meryl streep in mama mia
oh my god sweetpea and fangs are just so dumb. so pretty and so dumb. just because you two wear leather jackets and flannel doesn’t mean you’re not dumb jocks. i’m calling it: sweetpea/reggie. can you imagine the angry makeouts???? so much angry repressed sexuality.
toni’s face of “oh god why are you morons celebrating” is some of the best we’ve seen of her so far my hopes are high for next gen serpent characterization with this plotline
POLLY MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wow yeah actress must have gotten a better gig or something and is only available for a cameo or two if a show as drama loving as RIVERDALE is keeping the birth of twins offscreen
“juniper and dagwood” *betty face*
also yes polly you are in a cult get your babies and LEAVE. go hang out with smithers and joaquin whom i command are safe and happy and healthy wherever they are
“that’s mine by the way” FUCKIN COLD.
FINALLY someone other than the sheriff’s office is getting involved in how fucking SHADY this “small” town is
oh nevermind one seed of doubt and he’s back. poor boy. sweet boy. dumb boy.
oh nooooo freddddd
fp in his adorkable pop’s uniform smugly nudging about betty is a great moment everyone deserves an in-law that loves them like fp loves betty
please tell me “doctor beeker” is their actual science teacher’s name
we all know that finding the lost cooper brother is going to do ANYTHING but make alice a happier, more stable person right this is not going to end well
i mean even if he wasn’t a minor and using him to get information from a dangerous criminal was a profoundly shitty thing to do, the fbi could have picked literally anyone in town that would have been a better double agent because this is.... not a subtle conversation.
GREAT SONG CHOICE FOR THE SERPENTS’ INTRO TO RHS ((my mom had a tape with this song on it that she’d play to get me pumped for kindergarten))
okay i’m only going to say this once and then probably once more in the scorecard but: how much better would this mixed school plot have been if JOAQUIN WAS STILL IN TOWN?!?!?! the joy and comedy if he and kevin got back together?? the ANGST IF THEY DIDN’T?!?!?!?!?! i am CHEATED. LAID LOW. BITCHSLAPPED.
THAT BEING SAID: this is so good already. serpents swaggering in. veronica’s stepford forced cheer. cheryl and reggie STRUTTING to create conflict.
toni’s face upon gazing at cheryl once more is just so very gay. angry gay. furious that she has to see those mile long legs again.
“no one invited facist barbie to the party” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "ragamuffins” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh archie. so pure. so ineffective. as always.
did jughead just sidehug sweetpea away from conflict are they there now
i haven’t been paying enough attention to outfits so far but the placement of cheryl’s iconic spider broach not over her heart like a normal broach, but ON HER SHOULDER LIKE IT’S CRAWLING was a topnotch choice by wardrobe
again this is some classic response to sexual assault in the category of “well that’s unfortunate” until it’s about someone close to you come on archie you’re better than this.
which of course reinforces cheryl’s “me against the world” attitude because NO ONE SEEMS TO FUCKING CARE that she was attacked except veronica and the cats
“of the park avenue lodges” juggie. not helping. although i’d like to think jughead has mentioned veronica enough that toni knows this is just mild teasing between unlikely friends
josie’s awkward “now just... josie...” BROKE MY HEART
“joaquin and i used to hang out. talked about you all the time” OF COURSE HE FUCKING DID THAT POOR BOY WAS *ELIZA SCHUYLER VOICE* HELPLLLLLEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS. also i’m so happy joaquin has FRIENDS that hopefully still keep in touch please just someone check on him i miss my gay biker leo
godfuckingdammit reggie
“no more serpent jackets” okay- okay- i really need to ask the writers to go to a real high school just once. once. in what world would they have not made this a rule already???? i got in trouble in middleschool for wearing a bandana okay and i was a weird horse girl and LOOKED IT.
is josie hanging out with the core four+kevin because cheryl’s weirdness was scaring her off and the cats have cut all ties? has she lost her entire support network??? i’m worried about alpha kitty guys include her in stuff
jughead is #worked up and toni is having none of it thank god for toni
“i just need to borrow one of jason’s blazers” thank GOD they haven’t abandoned creepy ties between jason and archie. please someone share my half baked conspiracy theory that they were switched at birth and archie is the real blossom twin
juggie. i love you. i genuinely do. but you are being a prime fucking asshole right now. 
i was rolling my eyes so hard at jughead’s bullshit i almost missed sweetpea’s turtleneck which would have been a TRAGEDY
this separation between jughead’s attitude and the rest of the serpents is finally bringing to light what has bothered me about his plot this season so far. he’s so fucking desperate to fit into his role as the heir apparent to the gang but he doesn’t actually know shit about being in a gang and being in danger all the time. for all he grew up poor his has this really privileged attitude and i can’t wait for toni and co. to just tell him to sit down and shut up because believe it or not his actions have consequences
i was going to say “what they didn’t call ahead???” but of course not. cooper women do not call ahead
i mean we all knew this wasn’t going to go well and i think a lot of us thought it might be a possibility but...... umm.... heavens.... golly.... that.... that uh... looks like.... ayoungblondskeetulrich. .....jinkies.
oh god why do we have two prostitution plotlines in one episode why why is this a thing in riverdale now
on a lighter note they are hitting into my nostalgia funny bone hard this ep with the game in the whyte wurm being mortal combat ii it’s been years since i’ve gazed on those pixilated icons of my childhood
fp giving you advice on doing the smart thing instead of your kneejerk reaction to a shit situation is a real lowpoint i hope you realize that juggie
again, as heavy as it is, i’m glad they don’t shy away from the dreaded “R” bomb with this nick plotline. like characters seem hesitant to say it in a realistic way, but they do use it which keeps it from feeling like the creators trying to write around controversy
i like that they’re acknowledging it’s pretty shitty of archie to not care until it’s about veronica it feels like brewing #character development
I mean don’t get me wrong, i love seeing nick get beat up as much as anyone else, but archie should have def talked to veronica before all that and she’s right to be upset
yess betty goin to rescue her bro and showing up in the suspiciously convenient nick of time i love it
archie being a good boy and clearing the air about the kiss before things get out of hand but also.... not mentioning the fbi agent after her dad is such a very riverdale thing to do
god this poor lost cooper boy this is the most awkward situation ever because you know alice and hal are not going to handle this well and you know betty is going to try too hard to make it work and you know chic is probably involved in some stuff that will be Plot (tm) later on and this is just A Lot
chic..... (we’re supposed to find this threatening, but psych, chic is noticing all the suspiciously different features they have almost like they might be half siblings instead of full siblings.....)
Episode Scorecard:
# of Sick Beat Drop Editing Sequences: None
Do I Still Miss Joaquin: Do i have to fucking elaborate YES okay goddammit someone better be working on a “joaquin never left” au to fit in with this serpents at rhs plot as we speak or i will be MOST CROSS.
Episode Hair MVP: Toni’s was looking particularly nice today
Episode Outfit MVP: sweetpea’s turtleneck. hands down. but with a close second being the placement of cheryl’s spider.
Episode Cast/Crew Shoutout: soundtrack was better than it has been this season- good choices there.
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Rewatching “Gotham” S2E3
Gonna squeeze one of these in before the end of this week... if y’all don’t mind...
P.S.  I’m pretty sure I’ve spelled like half of the character’s last names wrong but I don’t have the energy to go back and fix all of them :/
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
*Someone gets thrown out the window*  Oh!  My God...
Valeska killed a friend of ours. Anybody hides him, anybody protects him, they go down too, you got it?”  Hoo hoohoohoooo...
*jaw drops when Jim shoves the guy out the window*
Daaaaaaaang, guys!
“[Tabitha] Bring back bagels.”  *scoffs*
Oooh, are those cookies?
*Tabitha kisses Barbara goodbye*  Theo’s like “Really?”
“You two [Tabitha and Barbara] seem to be getting along.  I'm so glad.“  Yeeeeep, yep, they’re gettin’ along all right!
Norm Lewis?  Did I just see his name in the freaking- what, Norm Lewis is in this episode?!?  Get out!
AN:  He plays Deputy Mayor Kane
“[Barbara] Did you know my [Theo’s] family built this city?”  *starts singing “We Built This City” by Starship with a mouthful of chocolate cookie*
“Look, I'm [Harvey] just saying, I'll chuck mopes out of windows until the cows come home, but at some point, we got to go see Penguin.“  Nooo, you don’t gotta go see Penguin!
I like reassuring Lee better than Evil!Lee at the end of S3 and most of S4
Freaking Harvey!
“Not to interrupt your weirdly timed make-out session...”  Hahaha!
Oh, it’s Cicero!
*hisses in panic when Cicero unknowingly stops beside Tabitha*
I see you, costume designers!  You gave Jerome a green scarf!
What’s the point of the tassels on the back of Tabitha’s jacket?
Aesthetic?  That’s like half this show!
What the...
What’s with the letters?  Were the letters between.. Cicero and Jerome?
AN:  They were faked in order to frame Cicero for the breakout
“Cops are dumb.”  Not Gordon!
“[Jerome] Your legacy will be death and madness.“  Hoo hooo...
“Ha.  Ha. Ha.”  Whoooo hoo hoo hoo...
Slow motion door kick!
*Jim and Harvey find Cicero’s body*  OHHH!
Oh, the knock out gas!
*Jim snaps out of the haze of the knockout gas and goes after Jerome*  Oh, there you go!
“...I’m [Jerome] sensing... anger...”  Nooo dip, Sherlock!
*jams out to the gala music*
Why are there cameras everywhere at a children’s gala?
“Besides there's gonna be a magician.”  Ooohhh, a magician!
“I [Bruce] hate magicians.“  Hahaha!
I like this music in the background!
“I hear there’s gonna be a magician.”  Hahaha!  Is Alfred hitting on Lee?  That’s amazing!
“So these people are here for a good cause.”  “Me [Selina] eating is a good cause.“  *nods*  Eating is a good cause.
“How'd that go?  You [Bruce] get into that guy's safe?”  “Yes. Though things didn't turn out quite like I planned. A lot's happened since then.“  Yeah...
Ominous gargoyles... on the rooftop!
Barbara, I like your hair in this episode!  Wow!
“Great cape!”  That is a really nice cape!
“Uh, and could you please tell your [Tabitha’s] brother that when a handsome billionaire appears out of nowhere, people get curious.  Where'd he come from?  How'd he make his money?  Who's he dating? My [Deputy Mayor Kane’s] wife would kill me if I don't get something a-a tidbit.”  “He's a monster in the sack.“  WHAT?!?!?
*trying not to laugh*  WHA.... what... wha?!?
Please don’t tell me it’s like the Lannisters between them [Theo and Tabitha]
Yeah, Alfred’s crushing on Lee!  OH my God...
“You know, I don't really get nights off..”  HahahaHAHAHA oh my gosshhh!  Oh my gosh!
Ooooohhh my God!
“I [Lee] hope you'll [Alfred] stay for the show.”  “I wouldn't miss it for the world.”  Oh my gosh!
Alfred, she’s taken!  But it’s cute that you’re trying!
Hahaha Bruce!  Hahaha!
*Jerome comes onto the stage in his magician disguise*  That outfit’s like really nice too!  Dang!
OK, so Jerome’s actually a pretty good magician!
Bruce is like “I wanna go... I wanna leave...”
“... I [Jim] don’t think it was his [Jerome’s] father that broke him out.”  Yeah, there we go.
“First thing tomorrow, we’ll go see Penguin.”  No, you should not go see Penguin!
Yeah, how the heck do they do the sawing in half trick?  Optical illusion?
Oh my gosh, Jerome is wearing a velvet top hat!  Holy crap!
“Is there something... familiar about those two?”  YES!
*Lee gets captured*  Crap!
*jaw drops when Jerome throws a knife into Kane’s chest*
Oh, go Alfred!
Bruce?  Run!  Maybe you should run!
Oh my gosh, what is with Jerome’s hair?
“This is live television after all!”  Yeah, why is there live television at a children’s gala?  I mean, I can imagine a little bit of press for like local news, but why is this such a huge thing?
“[Jerome] You son of a bitch.”  “True...”  Hahaha!
“...I [Jerome] think that went well.”  Hahahaha!
This [confrontation between Theo and Jerome] is so staged!
*mimics Jerome’s little sarcastic bow toward Theo*
Can I just point out that Jerome is also wearing maroon combat boots?  Underneath his magician clothes? 
*imitates Jerome saying “I’m gonna shoot you... in the face!”*
“I [Theo] know there is some human decency left in you [Jerome].”  Human decency?  In me?  It’s less likely than you think!  Free PC Check!
“Selina... I [Bruce] miss you.”  Aaawww!
*pats chest in pain*  Oh my God!  Oh, feels!
*Jerome shoots an apple off a guest’s head*  Oh!
“Well clap!”  *hesitantly claps*
Tag yourself, I’m Lee the whole time going “...oh my God..”
“Within a year, Jim and I [Barbara] will be back together.“  No...
“We both have a dark side.”  No...
*Lee manages to kick Barbara in the crotch*  Oooohhh!
*Barbara punches Lee across the face in return*  Ohhh!
What’s the ten minutes for?
“Where is... Bruce... Waaaayne?”  craaaaaAAAAppp...
That stock crowd gasp in the background!
*Jim emerges from behind the curtain*  Ooooohhh!!
*slaps desk*  That is an entrance, Gordon!
“What do you say, Brucey boy?  Want to boost our ratings, huh?”  YOU GUYS ALREADY DO ANYWAY!
*jaw drops when Theo stabs Jerome in the throat*
Well I know he [Jerome] lives anyway but WHOA!
“You [Theo] said... I [Jerome] was gonna be...”  Gonna be what?
How did no one hear Theo talking to Jerome?
Oh my God...
“See, someone like that [Jerome] has no interest in building things.“  Uh, yeah!
“He's not part of a tradition.”  *nods*
“It's chaos for chaos' sake.”  Exactly!
“Perhaps I [Oswald] could use a new laugh.“  ...no.
Can we point out in this scene that Penguin is wearing bright white spats?  Like, kudos.
“Well then again, when there’s smoke...”  There’s fire...
“He [Jim] and I [Oswald] are good friends.”  Really?
[Harvey] Punch him [Oswald] in the face.
“Call yourself [Oswald] whatever you want, man!  The King of Gotham.  But, to me, you'll always be that little umbrella boy.“  Whoooooo....
“And if you come after Jim Gordon, you got to come after me.“  *claps*  Yes!  Harvey!
“And I still owe you for Fish.“  Hooo!
“It was all of us.  We were a team.“  Yes!  Team Batman!
*yells in panic when Alfred asks Theo if he could do anything for him as a thank you for helping save Bruce*
Hahahaha Jiiimm HAHAHAHA! 
“Kiss me.”  *starts singing “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer*
*Alfred and Bruce start arguing whether or not Bruce knew that Lee was already spoken for*  HAHA!
Who’s the new commissioner after Essen?
“Poor Jerome.”  “Yes, very sad.  Such a compelling character.  But limited, you know?  He was never gonna last long.“  *grimaces*
Oh, this is the start of the Jerome cult, isn’t it?  Yeah!
“You will be a curse upon Gotham.  Children will wake from sleep screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death and madness.“  Ohh my Godd!
*jaw drops*  WhhhAAAATTT?!?!?
*boogies the crap out to the ending theme*
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