#USMLE Coaching Institute
mokshconsultant · 4 months
MOKSH USMLE Coaching stands out as a distinctive entity in the realm of USMLE preparation. Unlike conventional exams you may have encountered, the USMLE presents a distinct set of challenges. We recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach to training is inadequate for such a multifaceted examination. Each aspirant's journey toward success in the USMLE is inherently unique, with diverse backgrounds and aspirations converging toward numerous specializations.
Our approach to training is tailored to empower you to take control of your preparation. The Moksh USMLE training modules offer flexibility, allowing you to customize various aspects according to your individual needs. Whether it's adapting to your current year of MBBS, or focusing on specific subjects or topics that pique your interest, our modules are designed to adapt to your evolving requirements.
To truly appreciate the distinctiveness of the Moksh USMLE Training module, one must recognize the rare combination of elements it incorporates.
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searchmycollege · 9 months
Navigating Your Medical Dreams: Abroad MBBS Consultancy Services in Delhi
Studying medicine abroad is a dream for many aspirant doctors in India. Your Medical Dreams opens doors to global exposure, world-class teaching, and diverse educational experience. Delhi, being a hub of education and opportunity, offer a superfluity of abroad MBBS consultancy services to guide students through this transformative journey. We will travel around the very important role of Abroad MBBS consultancy services in Delhi and how they assist hopeful medical students in pursue our dreams.
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Understanding the Aspirant's Profile:
Abroad MBBS consultancy services in Delhi begin by sympathetic the student's educational backdrop, interests, and monetary capabilities. They behavior a thorough appraisal to settle on the most suitable countries and universities for the student.
University Selection:
Delhi-based consultancy services have wide knowledge concerning foreign checkup university. They help students select university that align with their goal, budget, and preference. This leadership ensures that students choose well thought-of institutions for their medical education.
Admission Guidance:
Navigate the admittance process in foreign university can be complex. Consultancies in Delhi provide gradually backing in preparing admission documents, including transcripts, recommendation letters, and personal statements. They also guide student through the application process, ensuring timely submissions.
Entrance Exam Coaching:
Many countries require standardized tests like the MCAT, NEET-PG, or USMLE for admission. Consultancies often offer coaching and test training services to help students excel in these exams.
Financial Preparation:
Pursuing MBBS abroad can be costly. Abroad MBBS consultancy services in Delhi provides financial psychoanalysis to help students plan their budgets, explore learning options, and secure educational loans if you need.
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Visa Assistance:
Obtain a student visa is a crucial step in studying abroad. Consultancies help students prepare and submit the essential visa documents for abroad, ensuring a smooth application process.
Pre-Departure Guidance:
Prior to departure, students may have several questions and concerns. Delhi-based consultancy services provide pre-departure orientations, cover aspects like somewhere to live, travel preparations, and indispensable documents.
Post-Arrival Support:
The support doesn't end once the student reaches their purpose. Consultancies often have tie-ups with local legislative body or alumni who can assist students with settling in, considerate local culture, and navigate campus life.
Career Guidance:
Some consultancy services extend their support beyond commencement by provided that career counseling and management, helping students make informed decision about their future in medicine.
Continuous Communication:
Effective announcement between students, parents, and the consultancy is maintained throughout the whole process to address any concerns or issues punctually.
Abroad MBBS consultancy services in Delhi plays a pivotal role in satisfying the dreams of many Indian students who become doctors. They complete guidance, from university selection to post-graduation career advice, ensures a smooth and successful transition into worldwide health check education. So, if you're considering studying medicine abroad, these consultancy services in Delhi can be your trusted companion on this extraordinary journey.
Source link:- https://www.articleswebhunk.in/navigating-your-medical-dreams-abroad-mbbs-consultancy-services-in-delhi/
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What are the steps to become a doctor after 12th in 2023?
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Becoming a doctor is a noble and rewarding pursuit, driven by the desire to heal, serve, and make a positive impact on people's lives. If you've set your sights on a career in medicine after completing your 12th grade, this article will guide you through the unique steps required to embark on this remarkable journey.
Step 1: Choose the Science Stream:
To pursue a career in medicine, it is essential to opt for the science stream in your 11th and 12th grades. Focus on subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics to build a strong foundation for your future medical studies.
Step 2: Prepare for Medical Entrance Examinations:
In many countries, aspiring medical professionals must pass rigorous entrance examinations to gain admission to medical colleges. Prepare for these examinations by enrolling in coaching institutes, self-study, and solving previous years' question papers. Some of the renowned medical entrance examinations include NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) in India, MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) in the United States, and BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test) in the United Kingdom.
Step 3: Research and Choose a Medical College:
After successfully clearing the entrance examination, research various medical colleges and universities that offer a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) or equivalent program. Consider factors such as reputation, infrastructure, faculty, clinical exposure, and opportunities for research. Pay attention to the admission process and deadlines, as they may vary between institutions.
Step 4: Complete an MBBS or Equivalent Program:
Once admitted to a medical college, the next step is to complete the MBBS program, which typically takes five to six years. During this period, you will delve deep into subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, and more. The curriculum also includes practical training through clinical rotations in various departments such as Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Psychiatry.
Step 5: Prepare for Licensing Examinations:
 After completing your MBBS program, you must clear licensing examinations to obtain a medical license to practice. These exams assess your theoretical knowledge, clinical skills, and ethical understanding. For example, in the United States, you need to pass the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) series, while in India, you must clear the FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduates Examination) if you intend to practice after studying abroad.
Step 6: Choose a Specialization:
Medicine offers a vast array of specialties and subspecialties to pursue. Take time to explore your interests and decide on a specialization that aligns with your passion and career goals. Options include Cardiology, Pediatrics, Dermatology, Neurology, Orthopedics, and many more. Depending on the chosen specialization, you may need to complete additional years of residency training and fellowships.
Step 7: Residency and Fellowship Training:
To gain practical experience and expertise in your chosen specialty, you must complete a residency program. Residencies typically range from three to seven years, depending on the specialty. During this time, you will work closely with experienced doctors, further honing your clinical skills and knowledge. Some specialties may also require additional fellowship training for further specialization.
Step 8: Obtain Licensure and Certifications:
Once you have completed your residency and fellowship training, you will need to obtain the necessary licensure and certifications to practice as a specialist. These requirements may vary depending on your country and specialty. Stay updated with the regulations and licensing boards in your region to ensure compliance.
Becoming a doctor is a challenging yet fulfilling journey that demands perseverance, dedication, and a genuine desire to serve others. By following these unique steps, starting from choosing the science stream in high school to completing your specialization and obtaining licensure, you can lay the foundation for a successful medical career. Remember, the path to becoming a doctor requires continuous learning and growth, but the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives makes it all worthwhile.
To get more information about other medical courses, visit Docthub.com.
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orisoverseas · 1 year
Study MBBS In POLAND For Indian Student
Poland is one of the greatest and most popular MBBS study abroad locations for Indian students. The pricing structure of overseas medical programmes is significantly lower than that of MBBS in India. There are several fantastic chances for individuals to study medicine in Poland.The medical degree from Poland is widely regarded around the world and permits students to practise as doctors in any European country.A big number of Indian students are going to study MBBS overseas. This is due to a variety of issues with the Indian medical education system. Indeed, MBBS in India is becoming increasingly expensive over time.
All Polish institutions offer a well-structured and internationally recognised curriculum for students to follow. The ECTS learning system is central to the curriculum. In Poland, the overall duration of MBBS is six years, including one year of internship. The medical programme in Poland is taught in both English and Polish. Students are free to choose their preferred medium of teaching. Nonetheless, Indian students are recommended to study MBBS in Poland entirely in English.
Indian students with low academic performance, such as 60% in PCB in 10+2 exams, are eligible to pursue MBBS in Poland. However, the admission standards for each country and university vary. In addition, the candidate must have passed the NEET test. Students are not required to take any type of entrance exam, but must participate in an online interview with university admission officials.The interview is not tough at all. The interview questions for MBBS in Poland are simple and cover disciplines like physics, chemistry, biology, and a little math. The questions are based on Indian 12th standard exams. Another interesting aspect of studying MBBS in Poland is that students are not obliged to pay any kind of capitation fees in order to be admitted.
ADMISSION PROCESS : HOW TO APPLY FOR MBBS IN POLANDThe admission procedure for MBBS in Poland varies by university, as do the eligibility criteria. On the whole, the admission process for MBBS at Polish medical universities is the same.
When choosing on a university in Poland for medical studies:
The candidate must complete the application form.
He/she must then submit it to the university administration, together with the necessary paperwork and passport information.
Advantages of Studying Medicine in Poland
There are several private universities in Poland, as well as governmental institutions. As a result, there are various advantages to studying MD/MBBS in Poland. The advantages of studying MBBS in Poland cannot be overstated. The following are some of the key advantages of studying medicine in Poland:
Low-cost  tuition costs and a fair cost of living
Coaching for the MCI Screening Exam, FMGE, USMLE, and PLAB at Poland's top medical schools
MBBS Programs at Top-Rated Medical Universities in Poland
The residences of Polish medical colleges are securely guarded with a 24-hour security system.
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brighteduworld2 · 1 year
Scholarships in China for MBBS
MBBS hopefuls and students must currently pass the National Exit Test in order to get a "Dr" tag next to their names. It serves as both the national medical postgraduate test and the licentiate exam. Your MBBS preparation will be strengthened if you start studying how to study for the NEXT exam as soon as feasible.
One of the world's oldest civilizations is said to have originated in China. In addition, China is ranked second in the world for delivering quality medical education. China is the best option for students who want to pursue their dreams of studying abroad.
 Financial aid for students
The most economical tuition structure for students aspiring to become doctors is provided by China. For students from other nations, China is a suitable destination. The nation has a ranking of the best medical schools in the globe.
 * Academically ordinary 10+2 students are no longer required to feel frustrated.
 * If you receive a score of at least 75%, China Medical Universities will offer you a seat in the best medical schools.
 * In order to be admitted to medical colleges in China, there is no admission exam.
 * More than 45 colleges use English as their primary language of instruction and communication.
 * The majority of university programmes are funded by the government.
 * The medical studies, however, qualify for a discount.
 * In China, MBBS programmes are already very affordable when compared to those in other nations.
 * The cost of medical studies abroad is at its highest level.
 * You can receive standard-quality education in China with the exposure you'll need in the future.
 Banner for MBBS Admission in Belarus
 China's government offers scholarships
In China, there are four different types of scholarships available.
Government of China Scholarships
Confucius Institute Scholarship
University scholarships and scholarships from the local government.
The official announcement about the NEXT pattern will be declared by the NMC, NBE, or NTA soon. Conducted for final year aspirants. It is an online-based MCQs examination. The Best platform to start with Online Coaching for NEXT exam (National Exit Test) NEET-PG /FMGE /USMLE & all other medical entrance exams.
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trendingone · 2 years
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itscarlawthac · 4 years
PLE Adventure
This is a blog entry to help PLE takers studying for the boards.
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It is in the mindset. That powerful thinking that you will pass and so does your whole batch. I was very lucky to pass the PLE September 2019 together with my batchmates. We got that elusive 100%, we were ranked 1st together with Cebu Institute of Medicine and Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health. It was that idea of “No One Being Left Behind” and that mantra at the beginning of your review, will help each one of you. You will pull each other up, push each other to their limits and together you will all emerge victorious because you were in it to win it, TOGETHER.
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First things first. How will you go about the studying process? Of course, you need a plan. My plan was of course is getting a slot from Topnotch Medical Review coz everyone is saying that they are the best. They have the highest percentile of passers. Plus, my boyfriend also suggested that to me. Knowing how he does not like studying and yet he passed, speaks volumes haha so choose well. You may opt to study on your own (I have batchmates who did), go with your medical school’s review (we had a refresher but I did not go) or other review centers (UST and Cracking the Boards). But for me, why risk it? This is not the NMAT where I could risk getting a low score (I studied by myself). This is it. It is now or never. Failure is not an option for me. I have been very lucky for every major examination I took (MaSci entrance exam, UPCAT, ACET, USTET, DLSUET, PLM CAT, NMAT) I have always passed. And for this exam, I could not rely on luck alone. I need a solid strategy and Topnotch did strategize well for all of us.
I enrolled in Topnotch and realized that there are a lot of good teachers out there. Different strategies being used in different medical schools. Different materials for studying. Different learning styles and teaching styles. I was amazed. My 2 day surgery lecture by Dr. Loubomir Antonio was enough to cram all 2 years of medschool surgery! The Anatomy lectures of Dr. Vibar were so helpful and organized! Biochemistry became easier and understandable because of THE Ronibats! And my favorite was Ian De Vera’s pedia lecture. The teachers were so good and they imported only the best from different schools. Listen and don’t take the lectures for granted even if you hear poor reviews from other classes! Attend and show up! They are high yield!
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I rented a condo at San Juan together with 3 roomies from UERM (recommended by my college friend). They were so dedicated in studying so I was motivated! We did not chat much but instead focused on studying. I think that also helped because less distraction. I walk for 5 minutes to go to the lecture proper. We start at around 8am per session and usually finish by 7pm or depending on the schedule. The schedule was very flexible so you cannot really plot a definite plan. 
MY ROUTINE (Lecture Days): Wake up at 5am, fast shower, fast breakfast + prepare food for class, walk to the lecture place (arrive an hour before so that I can get good seats) then take morning coffee courtesy of topnotch, LECTURE, go home/grocery, dinner, answer 1 chapter of Robbins Pathology (3 hours), re-read lecture for the day til around 2am x repeat til cramming fest. aka PEARLS.
MY ROUTINE (Rest Days): Wake up at 10am, shower, STUDY, eat while STUDYING, sleep at 4am then repeat. Just read and read and read. That is all that is asked of you during these months. You focus and study so that you won’t be that person who won’t be happy at the wee hours of the morning when they release the list of passers. You study so you will have a face to show to your alma mater. So that you can attend the Thanksgiving mass. So that you can have your face placed in a tarpaulin. You study, and you study hard and smart.
Quality Time: Sometimes, I do go on study dates because my boyfriend would surprise me by coming all the way from Manila during weekdays! We go to Rob Mag or to the nearby cafe to study. He would then bring me back to the condo and he will be on duty the next day. That’s how we maintained our relationship for almost 2 months. He was preparing for his Residency In Service Exam while I prepare for the boards. *see my IG stories for my board dates hihi* My parents were very supportive as well. They visited me every week and we would go to different churches (Sta Clara, St Jude, Manaoag) and eat at Rob Mag or SM Sta Mesa whenever I need unwinding aka near breakdown. Because I swear there were moments where I would literally just cry and sulk. They would go to my condo ASAP whenever this would happen and for that I am very thankful to have the most supportive parents and boyfriend. Whenever I am in LP, my bestie would also join me to study. 
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My resources: Topnotch reviewers (read it around 2-3x first reading for highlighting and fast reading, 2nd during the lecture, third reading for focused review), Robbins Review of Pathology (answer then check the rationale at the back), USMLE (to fully grasp the correlation between the anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology per system it is discussed in such a way that you would understand it better), IM Platinum (fast checking), Surgery Platinum, Legal Med Question Bank (during mini breaks), FM Platinum, PLM OB transes (best transes!).
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At about a week before the actual exam, I went home to Las Pinas to focus so everyday I would go out and study at the nearby Starbs (which is my go to place here in LP). I would start at 10am until 8pm then continue cramming at home. By this time I am already reading the Pearls Handout and Q&As. My clerkship group would hold Q&A nights where anyone would ask questions and anyone could answer. It was our way to support each other and to check on what we might have missed that seemed important to others.
Topnotch would also coach you on how to properly answer the questions plus feed you and give you motivation. They won’t give you leakages but they promise to take care of you so that you won’t think of anything else but to study. 
Board Exam things to bring: your Notice of Admission, Mongol pencils, Stabilo/Staedtler eraser, Ballpoint pen, snacks aka empanada and candies and water, reviewers (for peace of mind when you check answers haha I know it’s not healthy but well...), clear envelope (1 big, 1 small -- trust me!), fan, paracetamol.
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So there you have it, my sort of guide and story telling of my boards experience. If you want to ask me for specifics, you can message me here! Remember that this is the last hurdle before you reach your dreams (although residency is so tough!). Pass the boards and you will have the freedom to do as you desire. May it be pursuing residency, work as Doctor to the Barrio, go moonlighting, or starting a family, when you get that MD after your name for real, you can be anyone you want.
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That’s it for now. I’ll go on duty in a few hours. Keep safe. Wear masks.
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jacobhamill84-blog · 4 years
MBBS in Bangladesh for Indian Students
Searching for  MBBS in Bangladesh ? Every single MBBS aspirant dreams of receiving admission in the right fed government secondary education in China, numerous everyone's desires really do not turn out to be reality. This Doctor with Medicine and also Master about Surgery can be honored as a general postgraduate study qualification in identified medical-related colleges as well as schools, as soon as the health related convention about Commonwealth countries.
Down to the particular announcement for abroad combination on the Basic Medical-related Local authority or council, typically the honored MBBS college degree right from a number of the associations is certainly eligible to fill out an application for sign up in Usa Kingdom.Bangladesh is becoming one of the most favorite locations for World students going after the MBBS degrees.
There's a lot of correct why Bangladesh can be thought of as the leading areas for you to carry on with MBBS certifications in a low priced price.Many Foreign students of various nationality currently have applauded the assistance which is available from the actual Best Health related Research institutes from Bangladesh.
The various students would become MBBS admission in Bangladesh but they are dealing with some a few conditions together with when they get home many wouldn't get hold of MBBS admission in his or her superior college.Don't stress about MBBS admission really email usa, people help you to generate MBBS admission in Bangladesh.Bangladesh is undoubtedly famous amidst Indian students majorly given that the products coaching, competing payment shape and fewer paticulars tend to be associated with the less logic behind why for Indian students looking for the land for bigger education.Contradictory to other countries, you don't need to have any specific mastercard so that you can study in Bangladesh.
Moreover, a community, meals practices plus lifestyle can be put towards quite a bit one of the keys for India.This mostly facilitates any students exactly who graduate on the market healthcare educational facilities in Bangladesh to generally be permitted seem for large checks much like the USMLE, PLAB as well as the security scanning testing performed from the NBE Of india, underneath the paying attention regarding Health Council associated with Asia (MCI) and rehearse in virtually all lands along the globe.The typical from education is nice as well as the same as the other one established countries.
Finest health universities in Bangladesh supplies world-class certification utilizing high-quality requirements as well as well-experienced staff.The graduated pupils provided by top rated health-related research institutes in Bangladesh pick up the method to go to many different worldwide seminars and also conferences.This would help in his or her growth simply because good upcoming doctors.Study MBBS in Bangladesh utility admission method for Indian candidates.
MBBS through Bangladesh is changing into a trend within Indian students who seem to would like to study MBBS abroad.MBBS in Bangladesh is about the best opportunities for students thinking of running a global health care position ahead.Studying MBBS in Bangladesh isn't really really expensive for some intercontinental college student for all.
That they will give you the mainly because though you're scrutinizing MBBS in India. For Bangladesh has become the very useful choices.MBBS at Dhaka Bangladesh point is absolutely not very difficult to master admission as can rival different nations. 
The subsequent important factor is a tremendously cheap associated with degree when compared with the particular professional medical colleges in India. In addition to the even more useful stage is the fact that for students with several SAARC countries, your entire tuition fee might be waived out in every colleges comprising the most beneficial medical-related colleges in order to study MBBS in Bangladesh. Therefore, the student has only to carry these existing will cost you, which is like a dream become a reality for students using a qualifications with minimal means.
Subsequently MBBS Fees in Bangladesh, being a Indian MBBS measure holder aiming found at doing specialisation in Bangladesh , you ought to request outside accessibility throughout the Bangladesh system of health-related certification at the final step, in which eventually leads in to the mandatory license. Afterwards you possibly can search out some automobile not to mention study for specialisation. Based on ones own specialisation, that reviews use five to six years and years, in the bottom that you could get typically the certificate to help try out as a specialist.
What exactly lots of people are holding out for ? Call people to obtain more details. Bangladesh is designed with a medico for example a syllabus plus study blueprint that is thought of as the most successful types in well being teaching everywhere over the universe. Bangladesh gets to be a preferred location for students coming from nations including China, Nepal and so on for getting his or her's MBBS degree. Bangladesh indicates an enjoyable success in circumstances in instruction.
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riaoverseas · 5 years
Indian Students Studying MBBS in Philippines at top Medical Universities!
The Indian students who aspire to Study MBBS in Philippines have to remember that the students across the globe apply to these colleges and universities, the seats are limited and the admission to these seats are done on the basis of first-cum first serve basis.
Medical Science is the science that deals with the preservation of health as well as the prevention and treatment of disease. It is related to maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, treatment and possible prevention of disease. MBBS profession is one of the noblest professions now days that goes with utmost humane and selflessness. It is more of an art as well as science.  
Medical education is a regular debated issue in India with respect to the controversies and complex procedures associated with it. The number of Government colleges has not been increased over the years while the new private medical colleges are established each year, many of them with dubious infrastructures and have dubious dealings. These colleges demand obscene amounts of donation and allow rich people who can afford the excessive fees to bypass entrance examinations. Then, some of them are riddled with quota system and money. In view of such obstacles, the diligent students have to head for studying MBBS abroad. Today, MBBS in Philippines is found to be one of the preferable and affordable destinations for Indian MBBS-seekers.
Why will you Study MBBS in Philippines?
The Philippines, officially known as the Republic of the Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of thousands of islands and is circled by crystal clear blue water and unique coral reefs, having been divided into three main geographical divisions such as Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Manila is the capital and main city of the Philippines. It is the centre of the country's economic, political, social, and cultural activity.
Being the 4th largest English-speaking country in the world, Philippines offers ample knowledge resources, up-to-date curriculum, and multicultural learning atmosphere with a literacy rate of 94% that is better than India.
MBBS Universities in the Philippines and other medical institutions are ISO-certified and are also recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI) and World Health Organization (WHO). They are identified as centres of excellence and development.
In addition to leaning in a remarkable and flawless education system, foreign students will find healthy living conditions in the country. Apart from world-class education system, the country is known to be offering quality medical education cost-effective way.
Highly advanced and modernized USA system of education
World-wide recognition for MBBS degree from Philippines, including MCI
Easy and simple admission procedure MBBS in Philippines for Indian students
MBBS education in the Philippines is reasonably priced and affordable.
Excellent exposure to patients during clinical rotation or internship
No donation for MBBS admission in Philippines
Free coaching for USMLE
High-salary jobs for Indian students after completing MBBS in Philippines and has the opportunity for practising in USA
No need for IELTS or TOEFL scores for MBBS Admission in Philippines.
High-ranking Medical Universities in Philippines
The medical course in the Philippines is MD that is Doctor of medicine. The MD program in Philippines is equivalent to MBBS of UK, India, Pakistan and many other Commonwealth countries.
This MD degree consists of medical theory, practicals and internship for bringing better exposure to the students. The degrees obtained from MBBS Universities in Philippines are approved with World Health Organization and Medical Council of India. The first class practical sessions and experienced teaching staff in Medical colleges of Philippines are proven to be extremely beneficial for Indian students and have gained significant popularity around the world. The high-quality educational infrastructure facilities of the medical universities, the updated curriculum and ambience of the colleges of Philippines make it a preferred location for MBBS education for international students.  Top- rated Medical Universities of Philippines:
AMA School of Medicine, Metro Manila, Makati Campus
University of Perpetual Help
Angeles University Foundation
Our Lady of Fatima University
University of the Philippines, College of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine & Surgery Center- University of Santo Tomas
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Centre - University of the East
Saint Louie University - College of Medicine
Procedure for Admission in MBBS in Philippines
Step 1: Appear for the National Medical Admission Test (NMAT), the national level admission test is required to be qualified to get admitted to MBBS in Philippines.
Step 2 :  If you’ve cleared NMAT, you have to apply online by filling the online application form.
Step 3: Once the medical institution approves your application form, it will send you the letter of acceptance.
Step 4: You have to deposit the required tuition fees.
Step 5:  Apply for the student visa
Step 6:  Joining the MBBS program
Fees Structure of MBBS in Philippines (2019-2020)
Philippines is the home to many high-class universities who charge between 20-25 lacs (Indian INR) for a total 6 years of MBBS, MD courses. Living costs in the country will be between US $150-200 per month.
Advantages of studying MBBS in Philippines
Top MBBS Universities in the Philippines have been approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI) and they’re listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools.
The medium of teaching is English in all the Medical Universities of Philippines. Philippines is the fourth populous English speaking country in the world.
Cost-effective education, accommodation & budget-friendly living cost.
Philippines education system of education is designed around the American Style of Curriculum. The eligible students have to clear all three steps of USMLE to practice in the USA.
The students who have graduated from MBBS, MD courses from the Philippines are known to have 100% success rate, in the region under USMLE.
Top medical colleges in Philippines
Cebu Institute of Medicine
University of the Philippines College of Medicine
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila-College of Medicine
Mindanao State University College of Medicine
West Visayas State University College of Medicine
Saint Luke's College of Medicine
Lyceum Northwestern University
Cebu Doctors University College of Medicine
UERMMMC College of Medicine and Cagayan State University College of Medicine
Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. College of Medicine
University of St. La Salle College of Medicine
Eligibility Criteria for MBBS in Philippines
To get admitted into MBBS Education in the Philippines is very simple and easy. Though the eligibility criteria for Indian students stay more or less the same, but the minimum aggregate marks that is required for application varies with few universities. The following
The applicant must have secured minimum 50 % in aggregate in the major subjects as Physics, Chemistry and Biology in 10+2.
The applicants should abide by the laws (in the international quota)
He or she should be of the age between 17-26 years.
The applicants must be NEET-UG Qualified.
Students will have to produce all the certificates such as mark sheets, school leaving certificate, etc. to authenticate their qualification while applying for admission
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way2overseas · 3 years
About Perpetual Help University
About Perpetual Help University
The University of Perpetual Help (UoPH) is a catholic, co-ed private university located at Las Piñas, Manila. Established in 1975, it is a renowned university with its main campus in Manila. The School of Medicine at the University of Perpetual Help began in 1996 and now this university hosts around 12,000 students and employs about 1,500 teaching and non-teaching staff.
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Why Manila?
Manila is the capital of the Philippines and thus is also one of the largest and one of the most populous cities in the Philippines. It is a thriving hub for trade and commerce as well, with a booming health industry sector. The Philippines has one of the best education systems in Asia and Manila offers high-quality medical education right in the center of this wonderful country. English is issued as a medium of instruction in higher education in the colleges of Manila, making it comfortable for international students.
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MBBS in University of Perpetual Help
The medical course at the University of Perpetual Help is four years long and is called “Doctor of Medicine (M.D)” which is equivalent to MBBS in India. After their academic course, the students will have to intern in an affiliated hospital for one year. The practical clinical exposure that the students receive during their final year is of great importance to help their careers succeed.
The University of Perpetual Help is listed and/or recognized by the following institutions in the World: Medical Council of India (MCI), CHED Philippines, WHO, Medical Board of California (USA), USMLE, FAIMER, General Medical Council – UK, etc, setting it on the list of colleges most preferred by Indian students who want to pursue MBBS abroad.
If you want to practice in India, MCI Screening Test Coaching is also provided.
It has an anatomy dissection laboratory, animal research laboratory, library, hostel, canteens, and grounds.
Recent graduates of the University of Perpetual Help (UoPH) have a 100% success rate in USMLE. Many graduates of the University of Perpetual Help (UoPH) are currently practicing in the USA.
The campus of the University of Perpetual Help, Las Pinas, is sprawled across four hectares of land.
There is also a hospital on the campus, University of Perpetual Help DALTA Medical Centre with over 500 beds.
Classrooms are equipped with modern, world-class facilities that assist students in practical learning.  
Fees Structure
University of Perpetual Help (UPHSD), Manila tuition fees applicable are approximately INR 3,00,000 per year, which is highly affordable. There are no donations added, so Perpetual medical college fees are very low compared to other countries.  
If you proceed to fill your applications for the admission process through Ways2Overseas, we will assist you through the entire admission process at the University of Perpetual Help. Let us help you realize your doctor dreams!
Student Accommodation
The hostel rooms of Perpetual Medical College are huge and spacious. They are air-conditioned, fully furnished, and equipped with beds, fans, air conditioner, sofa, dining table, microwave oven, fridge, washing machine, study tables, and cupboards. There is also a ground and a food court, which also provides Indian food, situated within the hostel campus. The University is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, having its own athletics track, an indoor basketball court, lawn tennis, table tennis provisions for an active lifestyle. The hostel facilities have twenty-four hours of security for the students’ safety.
For More Useful Links :- perpetual medical collage
perpetual medical collage admission
perpetual medical collage fees
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medicoabroad · 3 years
"Medico Abroad is good institution and reliable" says parent | MBBS @ Belarus through Medico Abroad
For MBBS aspirants, Belarus country is the best choice destination and Gomel State Medical University is the most renowned for its quality medical education. Medico Abroad Consultants, Hyderabad, India (www.medicoabroad.com) function as the official representative for admissions from India.
Having 18 years of rich experience in medical admissions to top grade foreign medical universities; directly linked to universities; operating from own premises in prime location of Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, India; and guiding innumerable middle income group students fulfil their dream to became Doctors at affordable costs.. the firm 'Medico Abroad Consultants' earned household name by word of mouth and achieved wide reputation among parents and students in twin Telugu states as well as across India. The Brand ' Medico Abroad' standards for Reliability, Trust and Quality of Services. Students and their Parents are welcomed as members of ever expanding " Medico Abroad Family".
Gomel State Medical University, Belarus has high reputation of top grade medical education in Europe. With 100% attendance system,  Teacher ratio @ 1:10, Highly qualified teaching faculty with credentials of international exposure, Campus coaching program by Indian faculty for FMGE/USMLE training, American Observer ship program from 4th year onwards, there is tremendous scope for high academic achievement by students besides bright career in Europe / US / India.  Gomel State Medical University with more than 400 Indian students is the Best Choice for MBBS studies by Indian Students as it offers quality education at affordable fee.  
For Admission inquiries to MBBS in Belarus visit Medico Abroad Office at Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, India or Contact Mob: 9959114545, 9391015407 | E-mail: [email protected] or visit website www.medicoabroad.com
About Medico Abroad Services: https://youtu.be/qNJluiWaeXc?list=PL58RUPu2vFy7wTDo81Oph01bpOT0BTYPw You Tube: https://youtu.be/l3MRVDUjNyM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/medico.abroad.9 Twitter: https://twitter.com/
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mokshconsultant · 5 months
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Refer the Link for Complete details about USMLE Step 2 CK Exam, below is the highlights.
Introduction The USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) exam, administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), is a one-day assessment that gauges a medical student's application of clinical science knowledge, skills, and understanding essential for supervised patient care. Emphasizing illness prevention and health promotion, this exam is a critical component of medical education.
Eligibility Criteria for USMLE Step 2 CK The eligibility criteria for USMLE Step 2 CK include the following:
Graduation from a US or Canadian medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) or current enrollment as a medical student at one of these institutions.
Compliance with the qualifying standards of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and graduation from or enrollment in a medical school outside the United States and Canada listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools.
Successful completion of USMLE Step 1.
For medical students outside the US and Canada, possessing current ECFMG sponsorship is mandatory.
To schedule the Step 2 CK exam, an account must be created with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). The eligibility criteria for Step 2 CK are subject to change, and it is advisable to check with the NBME for the latest information.
Registration for USMLE Step 2 CK To register for USMLE Step 2 CK, follow these steps:
Log in to your NBME account.
Click on the "Register for an Exam" link.
Choose the "Step 2 CK" exam.
Review eligibility criteria and exam details.
Select a test date and time.
Complete the registration fee payment.
Upon registration, a scheduling permit will be provided, which is essential to bring to the test center on the exam day. Consider the following details when registering for Step 2 CK:
The registration fee for Step 2 CK is $1,000.
Registration can be done up to 6 months in advance.
Rescheduling is allowed up to 30 days before the scheduled test date with a fee of $90.
Exam cancellation must be done at least 30 days before the scheduled test date, incurring a cancellation fee of $100.
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bright-eduworld · 3 years
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Here are the reasons to study MBBS abroad
Becoming a doctor is one of the most worthwhile endeavors in the world. As a doctor, you get an opportunity to help people who are in their most vulnerable state. You can touch the lives of many people when you are a healthcare professional, and you can help the world in a myriad of ways.
In recent days there are many students who prefer to study MBBS abroad. It is definitely a boon for medical students to pursue MBBS from a foreign university. But why? Here is a brief insight into the reasons to study MBBS abroad.
To become a doctor is your longtime dream and to get that opportunity, you have to cross many barriers. After work-hard to score hard in your 12th Grade, you study day and night just not to clear your NEET exams but to score high and secure a seat in government medical universities.
With limited seats in government medical colleges, your dream turns to be a big question. If you don’t get admission in government colleges you will have to spend lakhs and lakhs; at times even in crores. In order to spend so much of amount, you can better do your MBBS degree from a foreign university. Also, it is a boon for the middle-class family in India is to afford the fees structure to study MBBS abroad. Hence, the scope to study MBBS in abroad at an extensively lower rate becomes a great relief to them.
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With the introduction of low fee structure at some of the MCI approved universities abroad, it has enabled a large number of students to pursue MBBS abroad. Studying MBBS abroad has become more easy and comfortable than ever before. It has some added advantages over the study programs in India.
The medical schools in the Carribean have become a recent favorite destination for the students who want to pursue medicine. Did you know that there are a variety of honorable Caribbean medical schools which will give you a higher likelihood of acceptance and an excellent education?
No Capitation Fee- Admissions to private colleges in India demand huge donation in addition to the annual fees. But most universities abroad do not require capitation fee which is definitely a win-win situation. This definitely calls for an intended attempt to grab a seat in one of the renowned universities abroad. Caribbean medical schools typically cost less than U.S. medical schools and also Indian medical universities.
Global Exposure- It is a quite evident fact that studying abroad will enhance international exposure which fetches new opportunities helping to settle down. The interaction with fellow students from other countries also improves the adaptability to other cultures. In today’s global society, students who are able to have a global medical education have an advantage in residency applications while they become physicians.
Reputation- While you decide to pursue their dreams outside your home country, at international medical schools the reputation matters much and also US and Canadian medical schools are too selective, because they can only take a small number of students, and don’t admit enough people to fill the demand for doctors in the US. For those students, there’s still a good chance you could into Carribean med schools fulfill your dream of becoming a doctor
Excellent Infrastructure- You will enjoy the benefits of a world-class infrastructure since the campuses are equipped with modernized facilities with the aim to provide a high standard of living.
Affordable Living Cost- The cost of living is affordable in countries like Guyana, South America compared to the popular destinations like USA, Europe, Australia, etc. which accounts to $800 to $1200 per month. It only costs around $200 to $300 per month in Guyana which is almost similar to India.
Clinical Rotation Opportunities- There are clinical rotation opportunities in the U.S and Guyana. The universities are affiliated with numerous teaching hospitals, which help students to participate in clinical rotations in the United States or Guyana.
It is very important to consider some of the key features before deciding upon which university to get admitted to. There are several educational institutions across the globe which offers a number of facilities and advantages. And that is where the trick lies, in choosing the right one for you. It might seem a mammoth task. But, with proper guidance and knowledge, you can definitely crack this grueling situation.
At Texila American University, we make things easier for you. We are a renowned university in South America. Texila American University helps you to expand your professional horizon by doing your graduation. A far-reaching network of regional resource centers or specialties is a vital element in the creation of the student’s research grid. You will gain world-class education and experience that will make you build a successful career from one of the leading medical Universities in the Caribbean. Our vibrant residential campus is built to develop skills.
Consider reflecting on the following points as to why choose Texila American University.
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Texila American University is MCI approved. This means we are recognized by the Medical Council of India.
We hold a strong record of 96% pass percentage in Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) or MCI Screening Test.
English is one of official language in Guyana which simply signifies the fact that there is no language barrier. This suddenly sounds a relief! Isn’t it?
We facilitate inbuilt training for FMGE and United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).
Guyana has a similar disease pattern like that of India. Hence, it is an added advantage for the students as they receive extensive learning about prevalent diseases and treatment.
Above all, you get a chance to study in US track and thus you get an opportunity to settle in US.
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If you are giving serious thought about studying MBBS abroad then you must register with us and attend our free webinar on Study MBBS in Private Indian Colleges vs. Study MBBS Abroad at 4pm-4:30pm on 25th May 2019.
With Texila American University’s affordable tuition fee you actually live your academic dream-career. On top of all the question that lingers your mind is safety on the accreditation of Texila American University. This is all about the security of your life on the whole. National Accreditation Council of Guyana accredits Texila American University. It is also listed by the World Directory of Medical Schools, Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates and Medical Council of India. They also offer USMLE and MCI exams coaching for the students to pursue their future as doctors in the US and India respectively. They are also provided with clinical rotations at prestigious universities and thus you gain hands-on experience.
Overall, Texila American University provides you a student life that you have ever dreamt of. Experience this in reality by enrolling into one of the top medical universities of Guyana- Texila American University
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sushsharma-blog · 5 years
The University in association with China MBBS Educational Institution (CMEI) promote Campus Coaching by expert teachers for MCI Screening Test, PG Entrance Exams, USMLE.
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mbbsdirect-blog1 · 5 years
MBBS in Russia Quick Facts
MBBS in Russia Quick Facts
Recognition of Universities:
Listed on the WHO, IMED directory,  recognized throughout European Union, UK (GMC), US, Canada, India (MCI),  Saudi Arabia (Medical Council)
Language of Instruction:
MBBS Course Duration:
5.8 years
Mess facilities available at  university hostels
Living Cost:
Approximately 8,000 Rupees per  month (including accommodation)
Average Temperature is -8 °C;  Average Annual Rainfall is 100 mm
The country has several international  airports
Total Fees:
Rs. 20-30 Lakh for 6 years  (approx.)
MBBS Course Structure:
5.8 years of study with clinical
Application Deadline:
15 Oct
Admission Procedure:
No Entrance Test
Currently, Russia has become one of the emerging destinations for international students for pursuing MBBS from abroad. Since Russia is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe, the country’s development has got global attention. This has also led to international flow of about 46,000 within a short while from across the globe to this country providing low cost education and further opportunities of immigration to other European countries. There are several considerable medical universities and institutions in Russia presently, for Indian medical aspirants to look forward to. There are many students who are now opting for MBBS in Russia over MBBS in India. Russia definitely gives students a wonderful opportunity to study medicine while developing cultural connections in a thriving Russia country.
Benefits of studying MBBS in Russia:
FMGE or MCI Screening Test coaching, including Mock     test, is provided.
Student can look forward to low cost MBBS education in     Russia.
Simple online admission process without any entrance or     admission test.
High quality of education provided in English medium.
Top medical colleges of Russia are among world ranked     universities.
Indian students applying for MBBS in Russia are     eligible to appear for various licensing exams, such as- MCI screening     test, USMLE -1, PLAB in UK, etc.
Cost of living is extremely low in Russia as compared     to any other countries.
Russia offers moderate weather conditions and Indian students     studying MBBS in Russia get an opportunity to interact with the local     people of Russia.
 Qualities of MBBS in Russia:
Student can practice medicine all over the world     including UK, India, US, Canada, Middle East, and many more, after     completing MBBS in Russia. Also, they can run their own private practice     or clinics.
Study program is entirely instructed in English and     designed to meet the European Union, USMLE and MCCEE standards with their     internationally accredited exams. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)     is applicable too.
Free training classes of USMLE part1 and part2 are     provided for students who want to take residency options in the USA.
Indian National Science Academy has also signed an     Agreement with the Polish Academy of Sciences to celebrate the 25th     Anniversary of Cooperation in Path mechanism, Diagnosis, and Therapy of     Lymphatic Diseases.
Russia has also introduced the Blue Card for highly     skilled professionals, which would allow them to work and settle in the Russia.
The student can work throughout the Russia and apply     for permanent settlement in 5 years.
The student also has the option of staying back and work in Russia once MBBS in Russia completed.
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