#Wdym “throw them in” those are manipulated kids
I got a very disturbing Pjo idea after watching TBOSAS trailer and since nudging the people in the Ta server wasn't enough for me, I'm putting it out here.
(Very excited for that movie btw)
TW: Dehumanisation, murder, child death, general things you would see in THG
Okay so you know how THG was inspired by the Thesus and the Labyrinth myth?
And you know how the Games were started to punish the Districts for rebelling?
And, and what army was technically a rebellion? That’s right. The Titan army demigods.
So, what if instead of massacring the Ta kids; the gods put them thorough similar games. I mean Hephaestus TV is a thing, they canonically watch demigods as entertainment. Wouldn't be the first time they made them fight for entertainment either. Remember Bachus?
"After all, if they're so willing to raise up arms against their fellow demigodkind killing their friends and fellow comrades shouldn't be that hard, right?" — Zeus (and Kai thanks for the dialogue)
So those who didn’t immediately joined back the camps gets rounded up and imprisoned somewhere before they got thrown into the arena to fight monsters and eachother to death.
All the while the gods are watching their new family entertainment. Hey, it's free :D
Apollo takes it upon himself to do the interviews (like Ceasar) which half of it has to get censored before it reaches Zeus.
"Hecate, your son fucking bit me!"
"Good." — she's not happy about the situation at all.
Of course, they would group the kids and do more than one run: Prolongs their fun and the traitors's suffering.
Not that all of the kids are sent to fight. The Olympians who have children there are more likely to spare their favourite ones and hold it over their heads for the rest of their life. (And leave the ones they don't like to die)
Sponsorships still happen, it's an effective way to break the comradeship. You're more likely to receive one if 1) Your godly parent is an Olympian and/or 2) You’re more willing to put up with whatever the gods throw at you without a fuss.
The current run is broadcasted to the imprisoned demis as a further way to break their spirits, and so they can see their friends kill eachother, sometimes without hesitation.
The winners gets paraded around Mt. Olympus. They're free now that won the gods's bloody bullshit, right? Wrong. Sure they're being "celebrated" for killing their friends but they're nothing more than shiny trophies. Just props for entertainment :)
Of course, with the way things are broadcasted to the other members of army make it seem like one of their own being treated like a celebrity for turning on them, which further drives wedges between the victors and them.
The winners gets to watch their own run, too. They can't turn on Olympus if they're too busy self-loathing :)
The kids are prepped up before their interviews, a courtesy of Aphrodite (so what if some of her own children are there, they should've knew better than treason), but they’re sent to the arena with basic white chitons. The Olympians get nostalgic all right, they’re old. (And it does make the Ta demis feel even more degraded and patronised.)
The Arena itself is really pretty, too pretty for what's happening inside. I'm talking about polished marble Greek columns, giant statues of the gods, intricate carvings of silver and gold.
[It is of course designed by their newest architect. Not that Annabeth knows what it's going to be used for. They petition for "a shiny arena for godly games" and she does it. Not knowing it's going to be used for demigod bloodshed. She can't be imprisoned like her half-brother Daedalus however, they can't have either of the camps know about what's going on. (Those in Ta who knew her recognises her work, however causing them to think the Camp is on it) So, Hera kindly takes it upon herself to wipe the memory. She needed practice for her future exchange program anyway.]
"Why are you protesting that "we're forcing you to kill eachother" Torrington, we aren't the ones who are holding weapons."
[I will reblog with art later]
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RTC incorrect quotes but it’s just my shit texts
noel gruber:
“guess who set their shoe on fire”
“theater kids are the reason global warming exists”
“i feel like a couple who’s always on the brink of divorce but pretends to be in a happy marriage “
“in my on the verge of divorce era”
“have we as a community considered kissing my ass”
“lord strike me down and give me an std”
mischa bachinski:
“sometimes i think and then i cry”
“i’m so bored i’m going to rob the school cafeteria just for shits and giggles”
“cute date idea ! rob a bank and makeout in the employee room of a Walmart <3”
“i want to punt a toad “
“update i’m planning someone’s funeral”
“give head pls”
“about to rob an ikea what do u want”
“i hope she explodes”
“i want to meet a smurf and then drown it”
“i’m going to steal a kid off the street just to feel something”
“time to take out the shot glass”
ricky potts:
“how to become zolarian cat”
“what if i just throw a dog into a freezer”
“how do i turn into a rubix cube”
“i’m such a deceitful snake”
“why is luigi so submissive and breedable”
“my personality is a sad star with a little hat that says ass licker”
“my emotional support teacher isn’t here yet i’m going to swallow a cat whole”
“what if i just grabbed a cat and never gave it back”
“what if i swallow a bell”
constance blackwood:
“is breast milk diary free”
“how do i turn into a rubix cube”
“i sometimes forget that you’re an only child”
“she’s like obsessed with me (she has a crush on a boy)”
“if there’s a screen, ao3 will be seen. [insert picture of ao3 home screen on a Nintendo switch]”
“when ur so stupid you get shocked when your manipulative ex manipulates u again when u give her another chance”
“someone nut tapped superman”
“Is it safe to drink bleach”
“How to get rid of hickies”
“Yes actually, when I was gender fluid I grew a penis when I felt masc”
“Lord give me strength”
jane doe:
“the lives of erasers and rubber have come to me, begging for mercy. for a chance at life and peace. to experience the beautiful presence of true joy. but they forget mercy is earned through patience and worship. so they instead left with bruises of pure agony and despair. stories to keep their children and their childrens children cautious of who they bow to.”
“sad pyromaniac at its best tbh”
“i just disassociated while setting fire to my shoe”
“Oh ye I go by they/them now because fuck gender :]”
“i he!r t.H3 scrm,,s o’’f @lL m”y vctms b..egg!ng fr me t stp :3”
“!! i c,,Vt of d0!!$ h3aD ..!!”
“!! į w!lł t3!! th,, v0ics t0 nøt hVrt ÿ0ū >~<“
“i’m gonna eat someone’s eyeballs for a snack”
“stfu therapist i’m literally just being dramatic”
“about to suck someone’s soul wish me luck”
“what’s stopping me from eating babies”
“i’m in ur floor boards”
“i’ve been stuck with theater kids for like 3 hours save me”
“insanely hot (take away “ly hot”)”
“i don't eat food, i consume personalities snacks? no. souls.”
“i say i'm fine but i'm reality i feel like a black hole is eating my stomach”
“ya know sometimes my brain sounds like velcro
“wdym i cant commit crimes who's gonna stop me”
“was told i could drink bleach so if i start internally bleeding tonight don't ask questions”
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