#saint cassian choir rtc
RTC incorrect quotes but it’s just my shit texts
noel gruber:
“guess who set their shoe on fire”
“theater kids are the reason global warming exists”
“i feel like a couple who’s always on the brink of divorce but pretends to be in a happy marriage “
“in my on the verge of divorce era”
“have we as a community considered kissing my ass”
“lord strike me down and give me an std”
mischa bachinski:
“sometimes i think and then i cry”
“i’m so bored i’m going to rob the school cafeteria just for shits and giggles”
“cute date idea ! rob a bank and makeout in the employee room of a Walmart <3”
“i want to punt a toad “
“update i’m planning someone’s funeral”
“give head pls”
“about to rob an ikea what do u want”
“i hope she explodes”
“i want to meet a smurf and then drown it”
“i’m going to steal a kid off the street just to feel something”
“time to take out the shot glass”
ricky potts:
“how to become zolarian cat”
“what if i just throw a dog into a freezer”
“how do i turn into a rubix cube”
“i’m such a deceitful snake”
“why is luigi so submissive and breedable”
“my personality is a sad star with a little hat that says ass licker”
“my emotional support teacher isn’t here yet i’m going to swallow a cat whole”
“what if i just grabbed a cat and never gave it back”
“what if i swallow a bell”
constance blackwood:
“is breast milk diary free”
“how do i turn into a rubix cube”
“i sometimes forget that you’re an only child”
“she’s like obsessed with me (she has a crush on a boy)”
“if there’s a screen, ao3 will be seen. [insert picture of ao3 home screen on a Nintendo switch]”
“when ur so stupid you get shocked when your manipulative ex manipulates u again when u give her another chance”
“someone nut tapped superman”
“Is it safe to drink bleach”
“How to get rid of hickies”
“Yes actually, when I was gender fluid I grew a penis when I felt masc”
“Lord give me strength”
jane doe:
“the lives of erasers and rubber have come to me, begging for mercy. for a chance at life and peace. to experience the beautiful presence of true joy. but they forget mercy is earned through patience and worship. so they instead left with bruises of pure agony and despair. stories to keep their children and their childrens children cautious of who they bow to.”
“sad pyromaniac at its best tbh”
“i just disassociated while setting fire to my shoe”
“Oh ye I go by they/them now because fuck gender :]”
“i he!r t.H3 scrm,,s o’’f @lL m”y vctms b..egg!ng fr me t stp :3”
“!! i c,,Vt of d0!!$ h3aD ..!!”
“!! į w!lł t3!! th,, v0ics t0 nøt hVrt ÿ0ū >~<“
“i’m gonna eat someone’s eyeballs for a snack”
“stfu therapist i’m literally just being dramatic”
“about to suck someone’s soul wish me luck”
“what’s stopping me from eating babies”
“i’m in ur floor boards”
“i’ve been stuck with theater kids for like 3 hours save me”
“insanely hot (take away “ly hot”)”
“i don't eat food, i consume personalities snacks? no. souls.”
“i say i'm fine but i'm reality i feel like a black hole is eating my stomach”
“ya know sometimes my brain sounds like velcro
“wdym i cant commit crimes who's gonna stop me”
“was told i could drink bleach so if i start internally bleeding tonight don't ask questions”
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Guys I'm making all of the choir in Sims 4 and putting them in a tiny little house together. Do you all want updates.
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naturessupercorp · 6 months
Perfectdolls head cannons :3
-> Ocean 100% will fall asleep on Penny, like snuggled up to her and Penny will refuse to move from that position until Ocean wakes up
-> they have matching pjs and matching stuffed animals which they call their children.
-> Penny asked Ocean out and Ocean couldn’t answer because she was so flustered and exited that her answer ended up being her giving Penny a kiss!
-> they share earphones and have a mixed playlist that they will listen to 24/7
-> Ocean and Penny’s first pet was a pet dog, and they got a cat 3 years later
-> they both care for Ezra like he’s their child (because he basically acts like one)
-> they have a weekly calm date where they will go to a cute little café during sunset and Penny will sketch whilst ocean reads, but they always share a warm drink and a snack plate
-> when Ocean is sick, Penny is the most calm yet stern person whilst she cares for Ocean in the most adorable way. Yet when Penny’s sick, Ocean is a panicked mess whilst trying to care for her (Ocean will also probably get sick immediately after Penny due to her weak immune system)
-> sometimes Penny will just randomly pick Ocean up for the fun of it
-> Ocean buys Penny a new snack to try every week! And when she runs out of snack, she just buys the ones she knew Penny liked the best
-> Ocean is basically around Penny’s house 24/7
-> Ocean always steals Penny’s hoodies
-> Penny Braids Oceans hair
-> study periods consists of Ocean and Penny cuddling whilst Ocean study’s and Penny naps. Sometimes study period just becomes a mini fluffy make out sesh but that’s only once every month or so
-> Noel caught them doing it once, and he was so traumatised that he didn’t shut up about it for months.
-> the choir have made so many bets about their relationship aswell XD
-> Penny sleeps on the right side of the bed and Ocean the left so that when she lies on Penny, she can hear her heartbeat
-> Penny was the one who proposed! She proposed in a park next to the couple’s favourite lake. The whole choir (+Ezra) was there to witness it!
-> they have so much matching jewlry because they constantly buy them for each other
-> when Ocean forgets to eat/ drink/ sleep, Penny always helps her by like getting her food, or taking her out of class to nap etc.
-> Ocean Cooks for them both (+Ezra) because the Lamb siblings are horrible cooks
-> Penny does all the washing up though (mainly because Ocean is like allergic to most of the washing up liquids and stuff!)
-> when they were older, the pair ended up having 4 children (2 children + a set of twins. The twins were made using Oceans embryos and the other two (oldest and youngest children) were using Penny’s embryos). Ocean carried all the children and Penny was the biggest supporter (obviously)
-> Ocean is the most helpful person to Penny when it comes to her nightmares/ panics about the wear house
-> Penny once did her make up and everything to look like Jane-doe to scare ocean and it scared Ocean so so much. it scared her to the point where she was endlessly crying and apologising to Penny (whilst she was close to a panic attack). Penny immediately felt guilty and spent the next three days making it up to Ocean in as many ways as she could 😏
-> they cuddle each-other as much as they can, and they try to give each-other at least 20 kisses a day
-> matching winter clothing! Like matching ear muffs, gloves and scarfs.
-> there first date was to an aquarium.
-> the pair decorated penny’s ceiling with vines and fake flowers once as a mini inside date
-> when it comes to choir sleep overs, the pair are always sat next to/ stood next to each other.
-> Ocean is 100% clingy to Penny, but Penny is just as clingy
-> Penny is so protective of Ocean, like if she sees someone judging Ocean or like looking at her weird, then she will threaten them or do something threatening to keep them away from Ocean.
-> Penny buys them both morning coffee (or hot chocolate) and Ocean will buy their afternoon snack
-> Ezra was the flower boy at their wedding and it was the funniest shit ever. He just kept grabbing balls of flower petals and launching them at guests, there was a few of them on the floor luckily
->Penny will buy Ocean a lilac on the second of every month.
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cywhirlgates · 2 years
everyone is just whooshed back
they’re standing in line
they all look at eachother for a second before *scooching* out of line.
Ocean: Did you guys have that dream too?
*various yeah, yes, and nods*
Constance: Did we really die? I was so scared!
Ocean: It was such an unprofessional move of him to lie to us like that! “only one can go.” liar!
Penny: I’m just happy we are all alive.
Noel: Does this mean I have to go to work tomorrow? School too?
Constance: i guess so!
Ocean: it feels weird to know all of your thoughts… well, save for penny i guess.
Penny: I am so sorry I didn’t give you any insight into my mind, would you like me to tell you what I am thinking about right now? Currently, I’m wondering where my head-
Ocean: No! Im okay actually!!
Constance: I think this is a sign. We need to live our lives to the fullest!!
Penny: I agree with Constance. We could die at any second. We need to enjoy ourselves.
Ocean: I mean, we could but i don’t know how that would fit into my schedule…
Constance: Come on ocean! Live a little! We can’t be *most of* the Choir!
Ocean: Fine, i’ll figure something out. Only because i love you guys.
Noel: Vile.
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jklovesfandoms · 1 year
More Saint Cassian Dating Choir!!
Specifically how they get together!!! Yippee!!!!!
So, a bit of context
- I personally believe that the entire choir gets brought back, they spend a bit in the hospital, but they are all alive
- Some people in the polycule get together a lot earlier than others
- Ricky uses a wheelchair primarily, but also uses canes and forearm crutches! Also uses an AAC device to communicate! He also goes to physical therapy to strengthen his muscles
Noel, Ricky, and Mischa get together first, specifically over the summer before the accident. They go on a lot of pool and picnic dates together!! (When Noel isn't working, and Ricky isn't in pt) They try to keep it as much of a secret as possible, since small rural town, going to a Catholic school, yk that whole situation. The choir didn't even know. (Also Mischa is still engaged to Talia, and she adores her fiance's boyfriends, like she ships it hard)
Ricky and Jane/Penny get together pretty much immediately after the accident, like within the week they wake up. Basically September 18-20th.(I personally will use Jane, bc I hc that she feels more disconnected from name Penny after the accident, and likes having a nickname that the choir and only the choir calls her)
Mischa and Jane get together on September 28th, and Jane actually asks Mischa out. Like Mischa drives them out into the country, so he can ask her out underneath the stars, and Jane beats him to it.
Constance joins the polycule on Halloween! They were originally going to invite both Ocean and Constance, but Ocean was "sick" (Ocean has a big fat crush on the rest of the choir {-Noel obvi} and was nervous that she'd confess or show her feelings too much) so they only asked Constance out instead! (Constance also has a big fat crush on her now partners, and Ocean, and had since the accident for most of them, or for Ocean, since she was 7) they spent Halloween making brownies, handing out candy, and making out.... A lot of making out. Ocean spent it in her room, wishing that she had just risked it, and just being curled up, sad in her bed. But also being too stubborn to ruin their night by showing up after rejecting the invitation. (When she was later told that Constance joined the polycule, she may or may not have cried herself to sleep that night, bc she also had a crush on Constance since she was 7, and quickly developed a crush on the rest of the polycule between the accident and Halloween.)
After that, Ocean really stops hanging out with the choir as a group. She stops showing up to the weekly 'post-death therapy sessions' which was really just the choir ranting about things. She obviously still attends choir practice, but instead of staying behind and running through music or doing homework, or even just talking to the choir about the rehearsal like she used to, she almost runs out of the choir room when they finish. The polycule begins to wonder if they messed up. Did they do something? Ocean still hangs out one on one, or sometimes with 2-3 other members of the choir, usually Constance, sometimes Jane, and/or Noel. Occasionally Ricky and Mischa too, but never the whole group. So the polycule devises a plan, bc everyone except for Noel still loves her romantically (Noel loves her in a "I hate you, but like I couldn't live without your personality balancing mine" platonic kinda way), and still wants her to join. So on the first day of winter break, December 17th, Constance texts Ocean, and asks if she wants to hang out.
Ocean joins the polycule on December 17th, bc Constance did a little tricksy. She invited Ocean over, while the polycule was already there (since it was winter break, they had been there since school ended the previous day, hanging out and having a very long sleepover/hangout over the break) and Ocean was obviously not expecting them. (I will be coming out soon with a whole fic about how this+Constance's invitation went, along with more stories, bc it's my brain and it won't shut up) She may or may not have a breakdown, bc she still feels guilty for the person she was before the accident, and feels undeserving. But she does join, and the poly! choir is complete!!
More will be coming, bc poly!choir is rattling around in my empty little brain, and I must write and talk about it. At. All. Times. I simply am required to, legally. Bc damn it, if no one else is making the content that my empty little skull is begging for, I will!
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freakytozier · 2 years
My ride the cyclone head canon or please someone write this fanfic (unless it’s already made? Please link it asap )
Okay but Jane/Penny being given a second chance, but when she is back into the world of the living Penny remembers everything about being Jane doe? On top of that she can see the other side, including 5 spirits who are attached to her hip. It just follows Penny learning how to live life to the fullest with five devils on her shoulder/her new besties for life.
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misconceivedcapricorn · 5 months
It's kind of whack to think about but do you think any of the other choir members have brothers and sisters? Like we know Constance has a little brother because she mentions him, but what if some of them just had siblings and we never knew??
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prettyglitterygirly · 2 years
guys i had a thought
so like you know how everyone’s unsure of what happened with penny lamb’s resurrection
what if it were like a mandela effect thing, where everyone in uranium was so certain that there had been a sixth death in the cyclone incident but when anyone looked at a newspaper all they could find were “our FIVE saints”
and no one knew who she was when she died, bc she was a jane doe, so everyone just assumed there had been some mix up with printing or something
and so at st cassians there’s just this new girl, penny lamb, who for some reason is really enthusiastic about the chamber choir
and the staff were planning to shut down the choir since the tragedy but for some reason this girl is super enthusiastic about keeping it alive to honor the victims who she COULD NOT have known… right?
anyway that’s just some more rtc brain rot for the soul
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hibiscus02 · 11 months
I just read Legoland and I decided to compile some helpful tidbits about Penny's character, for all your fanfic writer needs!
If you want to write RTC fanfic using her canon personality and backstory, this is the place for you. I apologize if someone has done something similar!
•Let's start with her basic introduction in the play;
"PENNY is a young woman wearing French braids and a private school uniform; she has a bright smile." "PENNY: Hello. My name is Penny Lamb, and I am an aspiring animal conservationist." "PENNY speaks at an incredible speed, being an immensely nervous and self-conscious teenager. She literally trips over her words -- a volcano of passion and eloquence."
Now I'll give you some backstory and character info without getting into Legoland's plot. This is so people who don't have an interest in the story itself can still grasp the basics of Penny's character.
Both Penny and her little brother (Ezra) were homeschooled. They grew up on the Elysium Community Farm, just outside of Uranium City.
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When Penny turned 13, she was already getting "itchy" to see the outside world (kids were not allowed to leave Elysium until they turned 16). She thought she knew what to expect after reading 'Anne of Green Gables'.
The Lambs snuck out to a Walmart and found out it was very different from what they thought it would be. They tried to strike up conversations with people but everyone seemed weirded out by them (they snuck out several times to try and "strike up friendly chats")
Eventually the manager called the police who drove them home. That's when "all that trouble happened"
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Penny's parents got 15 years in prison for cultivation and trafficking of narcotics. Her and Erza were sent to Saint Cassian Catholic School (which as I'm sure you all know is the same school that the choir members attend, obviously, since Uranium City isn't big enough to have more than one school). It is stated to be a boarding school in this so that's some extra lore for us I guess.
"PENNY: The instant I see the boys staring at me like gaping fish with their heads cut off… and the girls looking at me with those Queen of England smiles… Oh, little Penny wasn’t in Kansas anymore… Uh-uh… I was sent to the charred black bowels of everlasting Hell!"
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Despite her homeschooling education Penny is actually very smart, but the values taught to her don't really go over well with a catholic school system. She also likes to use 'big words'.
Penny gets sent to the school psychiatrist, and allegedly diagnosed as Bipolar and manic depressive (to me it seemed implied that the psychiatrist was a crook, but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Do with this information what you will).
She does go through a depressive episode though, or what sure looks like one; "PENNY: Like, sleeping in my room all day… tearing my hair and throwing up, kind of suicidal and depressed and everything… So, one day a bunch of girls were setting fire to my school bag -- second time that week -- and I wasn’t even crying anymore… because, you get to a point… when you’re waaaay beyond crying."
Penny can play the ukulele and she also composes songs (or, she writes at least one during the play, but y'know)
She seems to be very against cussing, just as much as Ocean is, and reprimands Ezra whenever he cusses throughout the play.
Penny is a pescetarian.
She goes on this insane cross-country trip with her brother to the US, and whenever they get to a new state she always recites how many endangered species they have there. I just thought this was cute, and very Jane-like.
So yeah, without getting too much into it, Penny throws hot coffee on this guy and uhhh, bites him? Apparently? The assault charges get dropped and she gets extradited back to Canada, but the story was leaked to the media and she was famous for a little bit.
The way Penny and Ezra got money to travel to the US in the first place was by selling his ADHD prescription meds, so she goes to trial for drug dealing, and gets probation (they don't specify how long she's on probation for in the play).
At the very end of the script, Penny states she'd like to say something about true love. I wanted to include part of what she said because it's quite lovely (and oh y'all can make so much fanfic with this); "In a world where we are ultimately alone, and die in our own arms, love is the closest you come to another person… because it is the closest you come to being another person. So be very careful what you love."
*this quote is apparently also in some versions of rtc, I assume as an easter egg of sorts.
Sorry this is so long. I love Penny Lamb a lot and I also think she's insane <3
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me, after seeing the end of RTC:
*emma voice*
i have little evidence, but hear me out:
the saint cassian chamber choir is stuck in a loop for their afterlife.
It's just a ride, has them going back into the rollercoaster.
The last line, sung by Penny/Jane is “I hear this dream of life is never ending, that it goes on and on and never ends,” which is how Ride The Cyclone starts.
Take the lyric in Noel's Lament, “my life's one never-ending carnival,” which could imply a time loop.
“But Kiara, Jane got resurrected at the end”
EXACTLY. THAT'S why no one recalls who she is. Jane/Penny is still living, but the other members are dead, it's their afterlife.
Jane/Penny still dies on the coaster and gets decapitated, but only the first time, then she's resurrected and it plays the same for her.
It's a bit convoluted atm so feel free to reblog and add any criticism/other proof/etc
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https-hunter · 5 months
Headcanons of the saint cassian kids and what they do during church
Definitely not inspired by me having to go to my hometown church over thanksgiving break
At any given time, there are only three kids listening to Father Marcus’s homilies: Ocean, Constance, and Tammy
Ricky just zones out, like, the whole time, making Zolar lore
Mischa is fighting the nuns about wearing his hat in the church (for ppl who didn’t grow up catholic, men CANNOT wear hats in the church)
Ezra became an altar server for the cool robe, but does not pay attention and always misses his cues
I had this headcanon during my rtc/nischa fixation that Noel and Mischa hold hands during mass and people just think they’re in prayer together. This could be any of your rtc ships
Penny is doing everything but listening. Probably singing seven-up songs in her head. The only bible passage she cares about is noah’s ark with the animals
Let’s say that the choir sings the hymns. These kids are not on time and you can hear Noel and Ocean arguing through the mics
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teliathetv · 4 months
my oneshot for @idk-tbh-idk for the rtc secret Santa!
Today was the day she joined the choir!! Penny Lamb, a rather new student at Saint Cassians Catholic High School wanted to join the school choir, wanting to be known as more than just a “feminist lesbian” as all the girls called her. Lucky for her the day she joined was the day they went to perform for a singing competition against different schools. Well maybe not as lucky considering she didn’t know any of the songs they were singing but Penny worked great under pressure!!
As they arrived at the fair she looked at all the rides. Never had she ever seen so many flashing lights and colors. The competition went horribly (getting 3rd place when they were only competing against one other school). But it didn’t matter it was her first day in the choir after all, and she wanted to go on all the rides she wanted to. They went on a few nauseating rides before a short girl with fluffy hair named Constance said she wanted to go on the Cyclone, everyone agreed and next thing she knew she was flying through the air when a piece of metal slammed into her, wiping her head clean off.
She woke up in a strange looking warehouse that smelled humid and she couldn’t remember what happened, who she was, what her name was, or anything about herself. Her mind went blank for a while next thing she knew, she was walking into a bright light with everyone staring at her. After letting the light engulf her.
She woke up, cold sweat on her forehead, her chest heaving. Oh thank god it was just a dream!!!
She got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, grabbed her younger brother and started walking to school. Penny couldn’t stop thinking about her dream. She hadn’t really spoken to anyone in the choir, well, maybe except that flamboyant boy in her English class, he was very nice and was one of the only people in that class that wouldn’t call her a “lesbo”. Or that short girl who always seemed to have the best pastries in her biology class. And of course she had talked to ocean. Who hasn’t talked to that suck up.
As she got to school she looked at the small field infront of the school and saw a small group of people dressed in black with pictures of , what seemed to be students? She walked closer and saw, it wasn’t a dream, those kids in the choir, they were gone, she really had come back. It wasn’t a dream.
It wasn’t a dream
It wasn’t a dream
Penny immediately became nauseous and ran away from the funeral as fast as she could. Leaving her brother, Ezra, behind. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door.
She didn’t know what to feel. Happy because she came back? Sad because some of the only people that didn’t mercilessly bully her died? She never really talked to them but in that hour and a half when she was with them, she felt more connected with a group of people than she ever had in her life.
She didn’t know what to feel and she probably never would.
my gift was slightly late so my bad :/ but better late than never!! sorry if this oneshot was a little too long (oh well) anyway merry Christmas !!!
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eumeliafeu · 1 year
Quick random post.
My Headcannons for which section each member of the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir is in(based off of their notes) by an actual choir kid
Jane Doe/Penny Lamb: Soprano
Ocean O'Connell-Rosenberg: Mezzo Soprano(think Soprano but can't sing quite as high, also knows as Soprano 2 or Alto 1)
Constance Blackwood: Alto(it is confirmed in an in character interview)
Noel Gruber: Tenor
Ricky Potts: Baritone(In between Bass and Tenor)
Mischa Bachinski: Bass
Depending on the song Ocean and Ricky go to one part or the other to support the part that is quieter(usually Constance and Mischa(usually the lower you go, the harder it is to sing in that pretty choir voice loudly, you either have to belt or have another person/more people on your part to make it match the others. Also in my experience as a Soprano, Sopranos and Tenors are usually the loudest))
I just did this because I've seen some people mention how Ocean is a Soprano but Jane/Penny can sing higher. I honestly think people should educate themselves more on choir parts so they can not only understand all the parts of any musical but especially ones that have to do with choirs(like rtc).
Anyways, that's all I have to say.
Edit: I'd like to note that I am currently a Sop 2 however I should be Sop 1. My choir teacher suck me on Ocean's part when I can sing Penny's part(and her song). It's been a fun challenge and I pity every Sop 2 ever.
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pansexualhell · 8 months
this production of rtc that we're watching rn made me glad that the saint cassian chamber choir is dead
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weltato · 5 months
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Category: Gen Relationships: Jane Doe | Penny Lamb & The Amazing Karnak, The Amazing Karnak & Saint Cassian Chamber Choir Members
Characters: The Amazing Karnak (Ride the Cyclone), Jane Doe | Penny Lamb, Constance Blackwood's Parents (Ride the Cyclone), Constance Blackwood's Brother (Ride the Cyclone), Talia Bolinska, Saint Cassian Chamber Choir Members, Noel Gruber's Mother, Mischa Bachinski’s Adoptive Parents
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Human The Amazing Karnak (Ride the Cyclone), he got revived instead of jane, she gave him that, Exploration, im sorry the choir don't get individual mentions so they're clumped together :/
Chapters: 1/1
Series: Part 2 of 'The 12 Fics of The Holidays (2023)' & Part 3 of 'RTC What Ifs'
Summary: A 'what if' scenario story.
What if Karnak got a chance to live instead of Jane?
I am procrastinating, pls send help .^.
Here's a silly little thing I did about Karnak, enjoy!
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jklovesfandoms · 1 year
Pov, it's poly!choir time!!
I've decided to nickname them the "Saint Cassian Dating Choir" bc I think it's funny. Also, still don't know the actual ship name (or know if they even have one)
Noel- Dating Mischa and Ricky, bffs with Constance and Jane, and best frenemies (they show their love through violence towards each other) with Ocean
Mischa- Dating everyone, lol. Like, literally everyone. Ricky, Constance, Jane, Ocean, Noel, and Talia, bc hell yeah he is
Jane- Dating Ricky, Mischa, Ocean, and Constance. Bffs with Noel (they do each other's nails and makeup) (and gush about their partners)
Constance- Dating Ocean, Jane, Ricky, and Mischa. Also bffs with Noel (also gushes about their partners, along with Jane) (does Noel, Jane, and her own hair, a lot, but does everyone's hair, bc she slays)
Ocean- Dating Constance, Jane, Ricky, and Mischa. Is best frenemies with Noel (duh) but is very nervous and shy about physical contact, and emotional needs when it comes to the choir (she tries to be the rock of the relationship when she's actively having a breakdown, just look at her) (also very insecure, bc she feels really bad about the person she was before the accident, and doesn't feel like she deserves all the love she's getting)
Ricky- Dating Noel, Mischa, Ocean, Constance, Jane, and the entirety of Zolar. "guys, I love you, but I'm kinda their God. I KINDA GOTTA BE DATING THEM" "Ricky.... Babe.... They are space cats. WHO WE REPRESENTED" "I know, but like. Noellll. They were my first loves!" *puppy dog eyes* "why am I even dating you" "bc you love me" And from the other room, Jane just yells "we're trauma bonded, that's why!"
You will be getting more ranting about this bc poly!choir my beloveds <33333 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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