#Xiaomi Mi 9T
mohamedaladdin · 2 years
سعر ومواصفات الهاتف Xiaomi Mi 9T شاومي مي 9 تي
سعر ومواصفات الهاتف Xiaomi Mi 9T شاومي مي 9 تي
Xiaomi Mi 9T هو أحد الهواتف الرائعة منخفضة التكلفة التي تم إطلاقها بواسطة شركة شاومي، خلال الأعوام القليلة الماضية، حيث أنه يصل بمواصفات مميزة للغاية وسعر رخيص جداً، يجعله مناسب جداً لمن يريد هاتف جيد لتشغيل لعبة ببجي موبايل والألعاب الثقيلة بشكل عام بسعر لا يتخطى 5000 جنيه مصري، حيث يصل هاتف شاومي مي 9 تي بمعالج سناب دراجون مصنوع بتكنولوجيا 8 نانومتر، و3 كاميرات خلفية بالإضافة إلى كاميرا أمامية…
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Pin Xiaomi Mi 9T, BP40, Mi 9T Pro, Redmi K20, Redmi K20 Pro chính hãng. Bảo hành chính hãng 1 năm
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oqueemodovpnnator · 22 days
tiene el xiaomi mi 9t sistema vpn
🔒🌍✨ Obtén 3 Meses GRATIS de VPN - Acceso a Internet Seguro y Privado en Todo el Mundo! Haz Clic Aquí ✨🌍🔒
tiene el xiaomi mi 9t sistema vpn
Funcionamiento del sistema VPN en Xiaomi Mi 9T
Un sistema VPN en un Xiaomi Mi 9T funciona de la misma manera que en cualquier otro dispositivo. Una red privada virtual (VPN) permite al usuario navegar de forma segura y protegida en internet, al enmascarar su dirección IP y encriptar sus datos para evitar que terceros accedan a su información personal.
En un Xiaomi Mi 9T, el proceso para utilizar un VPN es sencillo. Primero, se debe descargar una aplicación VPN confiable de la tienda de aplicaciones. Luego, se selecciona el servidor al que se desea conectarse, generalmente ubicado en otro país para acceder a contenido restringido geográficamente. Una vez conectado, todo el tráfico de internet del dispositivo, incluidas las aplicaciones y el navegador, se encripta y se canaliza a través del servidor VPN.
El uso de un VPN en un Xiaomi Mi 9T puede resultar beneficioso para proteger la privacidad y la seguridad en línea, especialmente al conectarse a redes Wi-Fi públicas susceptibles a ataques cibernéticos. También permite acceder a contenido bloqueado en ciertas regiones y mantener la anonimidad en línea.
Es importante tener en cuenta que un uso irresponsable de un VPN, como para realizar actividades ilegales, puede tener consecuencias legales. Por lo tanto, se recomienda utilizar un VPN de forma ética y respetando las leyes y regulaciones locales.
Configuración de VPN en Xiaomi Mi 9T
La configuración de una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T puede ser útil para proteger tu privacidad y seguridad en línea al conectarte a redes públicas o al acceder a contenido restringido en internet. Configurar una VPN en tu dispositivo es un proceso sencillo que te brindará tranquilidad al navegar por la web.
Para configurar una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T, primero debes seleccionar el proveedor de servicios VPN de tu elección y registrarte en su plataforma. Luego, sigue estos pasos:
Ve a la configuración de tu Xiaomi Mi 9T y selecciona la opción "Redes e Internet".
Dentro de la sección de red, elige la opción "VPN" y luego selecciona "Agregar VPN".
Ingresa la información necesaria proporcionada por tu proveedor de VPN, como el tipo de VPN, la dirección del servidor, el nombre de usuario y la contraseña.
Guarda la configuración y verifica que la VPN esté activada.
Una vez que hayas completado estos pasos, tu Xiaomi Mi 9T estará protegido por la VPN y tus datos estarán encriptados mientras navegas por internet. Recuerda actualizar la configuración de la VPN según las recomendaciones de tu proveedor para garantizar una óptima protección en todo momento.
Configurar una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T es una medida simple pero efectiva para garantizar tu privacidad y seguridad en línea. Aprovecha al máximo tu dispositivo protegiendo tus datos y navegando de forma segura en todo momento. ¡No esperes más y configura tu VPN ahora!
Ventajas de usar VPN en Xiaomi Mi 9T
Una de las ventajas de utilizar una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T es la seguridad adicional que proporciona al navegar por internet. Al conectarte a una red VPN, tus datos de navegación se cifran, lo que significa que tu información personal y actividad en línea estarán protegidas de posibles hackers o ciberdelincuentes.
Otra ventaja importante es la posibilidad de acceder a contenido restringido geográficamente. Al conectarte a un servidor VPN en otro país, podrás desbloquear páginas web, aplicaciones o servicios en línea que de otra manera no estarían disponibles en tu ubicación actual.
Asimismo, el uso de una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T te brinda privacidad y anonimato en línea. Tu dirección IP real estará oculta, lo que dificulta que terceros rastreen tu actividad en internet. Esto es especialmente útil si deseas mantener tus actividades en línea privadas, ya sea por motivos personales o laborales.
Además, una VPN puede mejorar la velocidad de conexión y estabilidad de tu dispositivo al evitar la congestión de la red y optimizar tus rutas de tráfico en línea.
En resumen, utilizar una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T puede ofrecerte seguridad, privacidad, acceso a contenido restringido y mejor rendimiento de conexión. Es una herramienta útil y versátil que puede mejorar significativamente tu experiencia de navegación en internet.
Mejores aplicaciones VPN para Xiaomi Mi 9T
Si eres un usuario de Xiaomi Mi 9T y estás buscando proteger tu privacidad y seguridad en internet, una aplicación VPN es la solución ideal. Las VPNs, o Redes Privadas Virtuales, permiten cifrar tu conexión y ocultar tu dirección IP, protegiendo tu información de posibles ciberataques y garantizando tu anonimato en línea.
Aquí te presentamos algunas de las mejores aplicaciones VPN para Xiaomi Mi 9T que puedes utilizar:
ExpressVPN: Con servidores rápidos y una sólida política de privacidad, ExpressVPN es una excelente opción para proteger tus datos mientras navegas por internet.
NordVPN: Con un gran número de servidores en todo el mundo y funciones avanzadas de seguridad, NordVPN es otra alternativa confiable para tu Xiaomi Mi 9T.
CyberGhost VPN: Esta aplicación ofrece una interfaz amigable y servidores optimizados para la transmisión de contenido, ideal para aquellos que desean acceder a contenido geográficamente restringido.
IPVanish: Con una sólida protección de datos y una amplia variedad de servidores, IPVanish es una opción robusta para proteger tu información en línea.
Ya sea que desees acceder a contenido restringido, proteger tu privacidad o simplemente navegar de forma segura en redes públicas, una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T te brindará la tranquilidad que necesitas. ¡Elige la aplicación que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades y disfruta de una experiencia en línea segura y privada!
Seguridad y privacidad en Xiaomi Mi 9T con VPN
La seguridad y privacidad son aspectos fundamentales en el uso de cualquier dispositivo móvil, como el Xiaomi Mi 9T. Con el aumento de amenazas cibernéticas, es crucial proteger nuestra información personal y datos sensibles mientras navegamos por la red. Una de las herramientas más efectivas para garantizar la seguridad en línea es el uso de una VPN.
Una VPN, o red privada virtual, crea un túnel seguro entre tu dispositivo y la red a la que te estás conectando. Esto significa que toda la información que se transmite a través de la VPN está encriptada, lo que dificulta que terceros intercepten tus datos. Al utilizar una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T, puedes proteger tu privacidad al navegar por internet, especialmente en redes Wi-Fi públicas donde los hackers suelen acechar.
Además de proteger tu privacidad, una VPN también te permite acceder a contenido restringido geográficamente. Al conectarte a servidores en diferentes ubicaciones, puedes desbloquear servicios y páginas web que de otra manera no estarían disponibles en tu región.
En resumen, al incorporar una VPN en tu Xiaomi Mi 9T, puedes disfrutar de una capa adicional de seguridad y privacidad en tus actividades en línea. Asegúrate de seleccionar una VPN confiable y de calidad para garantizar una protección efectiva de tus datos mientras navegas por la red. ¡Protege tu privacidad y disfruta de una experiencia en línea segura con tu Xiaomi Mi 9T!
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gadgethacksde · 28 days
Wie entsperre ich den Bootloader auf dem Xiaomi Redmi Note 9T? Mi Unlock Tool!
Schöpfen Sie das volle Potenzial Ihres Xiaomi Redmi Note 9T aus, indem Sie auf den Bootloader zugreifen. Mit einem entsperrten Bootloader können Sie benutzerdefinierte ROMs, Kernel und Mods installieren, um die vollständige Kontrolle über die Software Ihres Geräts zu übernehmen. Diese Anleitung bietet klare, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die speziell auf das Xiaomi Redmi Note 9T zugeschnitten…
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yunlog · 2 months
通信に関してはIIJmioで落ち着いておりまして。 音声SIMとデータeSIMを5ギガずつで2回戦使っている感じです。 元々OPPO Reno5 AにデータSIMを、Alldocube iPlay 50 Mini Proに音声SIMを使う形で運用していました。 音声をスマホで、データをタブレットで使うべきではと言うのは最もですが。。。 IIJmioはお安くて助かるのですが、データsimはeSIMがお得な価格設定になっていまして。。。 タブレットはeSIM非対応だったので、こんなイレギュラーな運用になってました。 (まぁこれとは別に楽天モバイルの回線が通話用にあるので。。。)
先日redmi note 12 turboに乗り換えてしまった為、スマホ、タブレット共にeSIM非対応に。 素直にeSIM⇒SIMに切り替えるでもよかったのですが、前から気になっていた5berを試してみることにしました。 前々から同じような製品でeSIM.meが気になっていたのですが、こちらは結構なお値段で試しにくかったのですが、 5berはだいぶお安かったので、この値段で行けるなら有難いって感じで。 https://esim.5ber.com/
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メーカーサイトからの購入で3週間ぐらいで届きました。 配送状況とかがわからなかったのがちょっと不安でしたが。。。 実はユーザ登録したときに割引のCode送ってくれていたのですが、見落としていてそのまま買ってしまっていました。 皆さん見逃さないように。。。
セットアップに関してですが、専用アプリを導入したうえでプロファイルを読み込みする形になります。 主な対応機種が出ているようですが、それ以外もイケるようですね。 Alldocube iPlay 50 Mini Proで試しましたが、問題なくIIJmioのデータeSIMの登録ができました。 いったんプロファイルの登録さえしてしまえば、そのSIMを差し替えることで別の端末でもそのまま利用できるようです。 プロファイルの登録や利用回線の選択のみ専用アプリが必要になるようです。
この専用ソフトの機種判定なのですが、カスタムROM搭載機は流石にダメ見たいですね。 Xiaomi Mi 9Tは(Redmi K20表記でしたが)対応機種になっていたのですが、 Linneage OS導入済みの端末では非対応となりました。 OPPO Reno5 Aは日本向けモデルだしどうかと思ったらリストにもいてアプリも使えました。 あれこれ試しているわけでは無いですが、ある程度チェックされてるんでしょうねきっと。。。
ちなみに最初eSIMのセットアップしたときにIIJmio側のプロファイルの発行のタイミングが遅かったようで 最初全然読み込みできなくてサポートのチャットに助けてもらいました。 土曜の夜だったのにクイックに対応頂いて助かりました。と言うか結局こちらのミスだったので申し訳ない。。。
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night-owl123 · 5 months
Softcase Glass Custom Case Foto Sendiri Bisa Untuk Semua Tipe HP - LIVE Tulis Tipe HP Di Catatan/ Chat Admin Casing Silikon
Detail Produk : 1. Bahan dari silikon/karet. 2. Presisi dan tombol mudah ditekan. 3. Tahan Benturan 4. Dicetak dengan mesin sehingga gambar real pict dan tidak luntur. 5. Gambar kekinian dan Bisa pakai foto sendiri.
Cara Order : 1. Pilih motif yang disukai 2. Tanyakan admin ketersediaan stok tipe hp 3. Cantumkan Tipe HP di Catatan Jangan ragu untuk beli di toko kami dijamin berkualitas. READY INFINIX, IPHONE, OPPO, REALME, SAMSUNG, VIVO, XIAOMI CANTUMKAN TIPE HP DI KOLOM CATATAN ATAU CHAT ADMIN List tipe hp yang Ready sebagai berikut : IPHONE 5/5 6/6S 6+ 7/8 7+/8+ X Xs Xs max 11 11 PRO 11 PRO MAX IP 12 5,4INC IP 12 6,1INC IP 12 6,7INC IP 13 IP 13 PRO MAX IP 14 IP 14 PRO IP 14 PRO MAX IP XR OPPO A15 A15S A52 A92 A91 A31 A12 A31 A37 A3S A71 A83 A1K A5S A7 A5 2020 A9 2020 A39 F1S F3 F5 F7 F9 F11 F11 PRO RENO 2F RENO 3 RENO 4 RENO 4F RENO 5 RENO 5F A54 A74 4G A74 5G RENO 6 4G RENO 6 5G A16 A95 4G A95 5G A55 RENO 7 5G RENO 7Z 5G A55 A76 a57 2022 A96 RENO 8 4G RENO 8 PRO RENO 10 A38 A58 A78 REALME 2 2 PRO 3 3 PRO 5 5i 5 pro C1 C2 C11 C12 C15 7i/C17 C20 C11 (2021) C21 C21Y C25/C25S NARZO NARZO 20 NARZO 20 PRO NARZO 30a 8 8 PRO 8 5G NARZO 50A NARZO 50I 9 PRO 9 PRO+ 9 5G 9 4G C31 C35 50A PRIME C53 C55 10 10 PRO 11 11 PRO VIVO Y11 Y30 Y50 Y19 Y91C Y91 Y93 Y95 Y71 Y12 Y15 Y17 Y53 Y71 Y81 Y83 Y20 Y20S Y12S Y1S Y51 2020 Y51A S1 S1 PRO Z1 PRO V15 V11 V11 PRO V5 V7 V9 V19 V20 V20 PRO V20 SE Y51 V21 4G V21 5G Y21 Y21S Y21T Y21S Y21A Y21E X60 Y33S Y15s V23E Y75 5G V23 5G Y16 Y22 Y35 Y36 Y27 Y78 T1 T1 PRO V25E V25 V27 V27 PRO SAMSUNG A31 A21S A11 A51 A71 A10 A20 A30 A50 A10S A30S A50S A12 A02S J2 PRIME J2 CORE J7 PRIME J7 PRO J5 2016 J4 2018 J4+ J6+ J8 2018 A6+ S8+ NOTE 9 S7 EDGE M30S M21 A32 A52 A72 S20+ A22 4G A22 5G A03S S21 ULTRA M22 A03 M32 M31 A53 A13 A33 A23 A53 A73 A14 A54 A52S A34 A24 A03 A03S A02 A02S A04 A04E A04S NOTE 10 NOTE 10+ NOTE 20 NOTE 20 ULTRA S21 S21+ S21 ULTRA S23 S23 ULTRA XIAOMI Redmi 3 Redmi 4a Redmi 4x Redmi 6 Redmi 6a Redmi 7 Redmi 7a Redmi 8 Redmi 8a Redmi 5+ Redmi 9 Redmi 9T Redmi Note 10 Note 4 Note 5a Note 5a prime Note 6 Note 7 Note 8 Note 8 pro Note 9 Note 9 pro Note 10 Mi a2 Mi a2 lite s2 Note 10s Note 10 5G Note 10 Pro REDMI 10 POCO M3 PRO 5G NOTE 11 4G NOTE 11 PRO POCO X3 GT REDMI 10C REDMI 10A POCO M4 PRO 4G REDMI 12 12C 9C 9A POCO X3 POCO X5 POCO F4 POCO M5 POCO M5S NOTE 12 NOTE 12 PRO INFINIX HOT 12 PLAY HOT 11 HOT 11S HOT 11 PLAY SMART 6 HOT 11 SMART HD NOTE 12 NOTE 10 NOTE 10 PRO HOT 10 HOT 10S HOT 10 PLAY HOT 9 PLAY HOT 9 HOT 8 NOTE 8 SMART 5 SMART 4 HOT 12i NOTE 12 SMART 7 NOTE 30 NOTE 30 PRO HOT 20 HOT 20S HOT 30 HOT 30i NOTE 12 G96 NOTE 11 NOTE 11S Untuk tipe yang belum dimasukan ke list, tolong tanyakan kami dulu yah. Pastikan tipe hp sudah benar ya kak
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techstrendzzz · 5 months
The Galaxy XCover 7 is set to replace the Galaxy XCover 6 and will be superior in many aspects
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IP68, 4000 mAh, Dimensity 6100+, and 25W – for 400 euros. The Samsung Galaxy XCover 7 will be larger than its predecessor – and noticeably more expensive. The Galaxy XCover 7 is set to replace the Galaxy XCover 6 and will be superior in many aspects. According to an informant, the new model will feature a 6.6-inch Full HD display, 6 GB of RAM, and 128 GB of flash memory, priced at under 400 euros.
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Sammobile believes the price will be exactly 400 euros (or 399), making the Galaxy XCover 7 about 100 euros more expensive than its predecessor. However, it will have a much larger screen (the Galaxy XCover 5 only has a 5.3-inch HD+ display), a more powerful platform, newer software, increased charging power from 15W to 25W, and a battery capacity boost from 3000 to 4000 mAh. In general, it’s a significant upgrade from the previous model. However, the Galaxy XCover 7 will retain the IP68 protection and will still be certified to meet the requirements of the American military standard MIL-STD 810. Roland Quandt fully disclosed the cameras of GoPro 9 Black and GoPro 10 Black before their announcement, revealing their exact costs, as well as published precise renders of Nokia G21, Xiaomi Mi A3, Xiaomi Mi 9T, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4, and many other smartphones. The Samsung Galaxy XCover 7 is an upcoming addition to Samsung's lineup of rugged smartphones. Here are its detailed specifications: - Design and Display: - Display Type: AMOLED, 1000 nits (peak brightness). - Size: 6.64 inches FHD+ with an 82.5% screen-to-body ratio. - Resolution: 1080 x 2408 pixels, 409 PPI pixel density. - Refresh Rate: 120 Hz. - Build: Glass front (Gorilla Glass Victus), plastic back, plastic frame. - Protection: Corning Gorilla Glass Victus, IP68 dust/water-resistant (up to 1.5m for 35 min), and drop-to-concrete resistance from up to 1.5m. - Features: Always-on display, 1B colors, Dolby Vision. - Dimensions and Weight: 169.2 x 77.3 x 8.8 mm, 213 g. - Networking Technology: - SIM: Single SIM (Nano-SIM) or Dual SIM (Nano-SIM, dual stand-by). - Supported Networks: GSM / HSPA / LTE / 5G. - Connectivity: WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/mc/6e, tri-band, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth V5.3, A2DP, LE, aptX HD, GPS, GLONASS, BDS, GALILEO, QZSS, NFC. - Ports: 3.5 mm Audio Jack, USB Type-C 3.2, Charging connector pins. - Other Features: Loudspeaker. - Camera Features: - Rear Camera: Dual setup with a 64 MP, f/1.8, wide lens, and a 13 MP, f/2.2, 123˚ ultrawide lens. - Video Quality: 4K@30fps, 1080p@30fps. - Front Camera: 16 MP, f/2.2, wide lens. - Additional Features: Dual-LED flash, HDR, panorama. - Performance: - Operating System: Android 13, One UI 5.1. - Chipset: Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 2 5G (6 nm). - CPU: Octa-core (1×2.4 GHz Cortex-A78 & 3×2.2 GHz Cortex-A78 & 4×1.9 GHz Cortex-A55). - Graphics: Adreno 710. - Battery and Storage: - Battery Type and Capacity: Li-ion 5000 mAh, non-removable. - Charging Capacity: 45W wired charging. - RAM: 8GB LPDDR4X. - Internal Storage: 128GB UFS 2.1. - Memory Slot: microSDXC (dedicated slot), up to 256GB. - Sensors and Other Features: - Fingerprint Sensor: Side-mounted. - Other Sensors: Accelerometer, Gyro, Proximity, Compass, Barometer. - Samsung DeX Support: Yes. - Model Information: - Model Number: SM-G556B. - Colors: Black. - Release Date: Expected on April 22, 2024. - Price: Around $620 USD. - Variants: 8GB/128GB. The Samsung Galaxy XCover 7 appears to be a robust and feature-rich device, designed to cater to the needs of users looking for a durable yet high-performance smartphone. Its rugged design with advanced protection features, powerful chipset, substantial battery capacity, and versatile camera setup position it as a strong contender in the mid-range smartphone segment. Read the full article
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santiagocomputers · 6 months
2022 Unlocked Main Mobile Board Mainboard For Xiaomi 9t Mi9t M9t Mi 9t Pro REDMI K20 Motherboard With Chips Circuits Flex Cable
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droidmaxthaiteam · 11 months
Vip Co-matic รวมลายวงจร
กดปุ่ม Ctrl + F ที่คีย์บอร์ด แล้วใส่รหัสโมเดล รุ่น ยี่ห้อ สมาร์ทโฟนดาวน์โหลดรวมลายวงจร XaiomiMi_PadPoco x2Redmi K30 4GRedmi K30 5GRedmi Note 4GXiaomi M3Xiaomi Mi2Xiaomi Mi2AXiaomi Mi4s ( Aqau )Xiaomi Mi9 LiteMi CC9Xiaomi Mi A2Mi 6X ( wayne )Xiaomi Mi A3Mi Pad 2 ( Latte )Mi 1SRedmi Note 9 ProXiaomi Mi 2sMi 5 ( gemini )Mi 8 Lite ( Platina )Mi 9 ( Cepheus )Mi 9T ProRedmi K20 Pro ( raphael )Mi 10Mi…
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alimorattab · 11 months
شماتیک (Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro / Redmi K20 Pro (raphael
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شماتیک (Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro / Redmi K20 Pro (raphael
در این پست سخت افزاری ما برای شما فایل شماتیک شیائومی Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro / Redmi K20 Pro )(raphael قرار داده ایم . امیدوارم این شماتیک ها در امر پیدا کردن مسیر مدارهای برد گوشی ، همچنین روش باز کردن گوشی های مختلف و تعمیر گوشی های معیوب شما رو کمک و راهنمایی کند .
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schematic-Diagram     شماتیک موبایل چیست و چه کاربردی دارد ؟ شماتیک گوشی در واقع همون نقشه سخت افزاری گوشی هست و شماتیک هر گوشی با گوشی دیگه فرق میکنه . امروزه نیاز به تعمیرات سخت افزاری و شناخت کامل قطعات و مسیر های ارتباطی قطعات گوشی خیلی مهم هستن. معمولا تعمیر کارایی  که تاحالا یه مدل گوشی تعمیر نکرده به سختی میتونه اونو تعمیر کنه یا نمیتونه حتما باید نقشه گوشی رو داشته باشه مگر این که مدل های مشابه گوشی مثلا یکی دو مدل بالاتر یا پایینترشو تعمیر کرده باشه. Read the full article
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bestbuycyprus · 1 year
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Buy the Ringke Fusion-X Xiaomi Mi 9T/Redmi K20 Space Blue For €19.99 at bestbuycyprus.com with free delivery !!
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gsmiletisim · 1 year
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Xiaomi Mi 9T batarya değişimi nasıl yapılır bu video ile izleyebilirsiniz.
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gadgethacksde · 1 month
Wie entsperre ich den Bootloader auf dem Xiaomi Redmi 9T? Mi Unlock Tool!
Schöpfen Sie das volle Potenzial Ihres Xiaomi Redmi 9T aus, indem Sie auf den Bootloader zugreifen. Mit einem entsperrten Bootloader können Sie benutzerdefinierte ROMs, Kernel und Mods installieren, um die vollständige Kontrolle über die Software Ihres Geräts zu übernehmen. Diese Anleitung bietet klare, Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die speziell auf das Xiaomi Redmi 9T zugeschnitten sind. Wir…
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birmeneksecom · 1 year
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iamayansarkar · 1 year
What happened to Redmi K series in India & POCO F Series??
This blog was originally available on Revue (by Twitter) & was written back in June, 2022 before the launch of Redmi K50i,
As the Revue is getting discontinued, I am making this interesting thread available on Tumblr,
I have tried some alternative platforms to continue my blogs & finally decided to do that on Tumblr. This will be the place, where I will share the details which I can't share on any Community
My Twitter handle will be my primary platform to communicate with everyone & everything that I would do in other platforms will be shared to there.
Many of you must be wondering what Redmi is doing like literally after Redmi K20 Series launch in 2019, they are going to bring back Redmi K series as Redmi K50i in 2022 in India (it’s the renamed version of Redmi Note 11T Pro for India) & why POCO is rebranding original Redmi K phones under POCO F series, right?
Give me a chance, I am explaining what has actually happened in past few years. If you found this article useful, informative & interesting then please share to your friends & family members who might be interested in this.
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Why this has happened?
Xiaomi's thinking of flagship market in India: -
Redmi in India always had the plans to bring the successor of Redmi K20 Pro in India, as POCO had for POCO F1’s successor as in form of POCO F2 originally in 2019 (yes, you read it right) In Q1, 2020, we had the Covid outbreak throughout the country. Redmi K30 4G was introduced to India as POCO X2 for POCO’s comeback.
POCO F2 was originally planned
Long before, people had asked the Xiaomi team to bring flagships to Indian market. This had happened till Mi 5. But Xiaomi India wanted to focus on majority share of Indian Smartphone market which is in budget segment (>₹5k - ₹15k), so they established the identity of “M-I” as budget friendly brand & missed the great opportunity for flagship competition with OnePlus in India. 
Observing people’s request for flagships priced at aggressive pricing Mi MIX 2 was introduced. But this didn’t set that great impact on the Indian industry. And for this Xiaomi India didn’t bring that much flagships till 2018, later in 2020 with the introduction of Mi 10 in Indian market, this thing got changed.
In 2018, to change the scenario POCO brand was introduced. F1 did that what we all know. Looking at the success of POCO F1, Xiaomi decided to do the same on with Redmi. So, they introduced Redmi as their 2nd sub brand after POCO during the launch event of Redmi Note 7 series in Q1 2019. (Source)
POCO was the reason for the birth of Redmi K
Redmi K series was introduced to walk on the same path of POCO F1. Few guys still don’t know that how “K20” word came up. This actually made up from “Flagship Killer 2.0”. 
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POCO's point of view on this: -
Many people must not know that POCO F2 was a thing. Yes, it was planned to be launched back in 2019 in its original form. This was scheduled to happen just after Redmi K20 series India launch/ Mi 9T series global launch. After this device got launched to Global markets, few days later this was planned to be launched as Redmi K20S for Chinese market. But, very sadly this plan was cancelled. If this had happened, we shouldn’t be seeing POCO to be called as “rebranding brand”. We may have seen the alter reality.
I have covered POCO F2 in POCO Community India (Here’s the link of that thread, I have shared the details in here), and after getting the invitation for the beta testing of it, my first ever thread was on POCO F2 (by this I think you guys can get an idea how I am emotionally attached to POCO, I even had made this silly Tweet once, now don’t take this Tweet seriously 🙈🙈)
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POCO F2 Black variant Prototype
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POCO F2 Green Variant Prototype
POCO was also determined to re-enter the Indian & Global smartphone market.
Redmi in India always had the plans to bring the successor of Redmi K20 Pro in India. In Q1, 2020, we had the Covid outbreak throughout the country. Redmi K30 4G was introduced to India as POCO X2 for POCO’s comeback. 
You guys must know that Redmi K30 Pro came to global markets as the POCO F2 Pro. But this wasn’t planned for Indian market. C Manmohan had said POCO F2 Pro won’t be coming to India & this won’t be POCO F1’s successor. (This is the source article confirming my statement. In this article you will see that C Manmohan had addressed this on an interview with Amit Bhawani.)
During a fan meet-up at this same time, Manu Kumar Jain had said that Redmi K30 Pro was coming to India as Redmi K30 Pro only. The source of this statement is from Techno Ruhez’s Tech news (at that time I didn’t know about Mi FCs & that the people in these FCs get chance to meet/ talk with Xiaomi officials, so after knowing this I joined the Mi FC Kolkata Telegram group actually🙈🙈. And during this time like a normal fellow, I used to watch Tech Youtuber’s contents daily)
Redmi K30 Pro was coming to India as Redmi K30 Pro only
But, as the Covid situations got worse & the lockdowns got extended, launching a ₹40K phone right after Mi 10 was big gamble for them.
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In an online meeting on Zoom, Manu Kumar Jain was talking about Redmi K30 Pro (Screenshot taken from YouTube)
At this time, many people came to online (who weren’t that much active on internet before), online classes, job meetings, more OTT contents consumption happened like never before. So, people preferred budget smartphones for this & it’s the same reason why Android Tablets are back again in the market.
So, observing the industry needs of that, Redmi K30 Pro was dropped for Indian market. Maybe Redmi K30 5G/ Redmi K30i could have been in their plans to bring as non pro version of Redmi K30 Pro in India, I don’t know about this.
Redmi K30 Series was planned to be launched for India
Even Mi Note 10, Note 10 Lite were in their plans for bringing in the Indian market, but this decision was also dropped.
They focused on budget Redmi 9 series & Note 9 series for the demand of public back in that time (and Mi Community India ban also happened by this).
Later Mi 10T series was brought to Indian market as to provide the essence of budget flagship (but it lacked Amoled for which it didn’t receive well response)
In the meantime, POCO originally had the plans to bring F1’s successor to India, introduce M series right after X2’s launch. But, Covid + Lockdown hit their plans. It’s believed that they had the plans for recreating POCO F2 for India. Redmi K30 Ultra was planned to be brought as the “POCO F2”.
But after observing the situation which wasn’t right in that moment, the plan was again dropped. Their main focus was to work on their biggest product for 2020 “POCO X3”. This is why C series was introduced. As the C series was introduced in the 3rd Generation, that’s why it has “POCO C3” naming. (If you guys follow me on Twitter, then you guys should have seen that I have explained their nomenclature & recently discussed about the updated naming scheme in their 4th Generation, I’m sharing the link of that Twitter thread)
C series wasn’t planned in the first place
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The things we started seeing from 2021: -
In early February 2021, Redmi K40 series was launched in mainland China. In March 2021, Redmi India introduced Redmi Note 10 Series Globally.
In this year, Xiaomi India had planned to differentiate their products in Xiaomi & Redmi brands.
I can still remember that we had been invited in the “Redmi Note 10 Series Indian launch Event Watch Party” which was happening on over a Zoom Call arranged by Gitansh Anand Sir.
After the Launch Event was done & all of us went wild after watching the prices of Redmi Note 10, Note 10 Pro, Note 10 Pro Max, a Q&A Session on these products was arranged with Raghu Reddy Sir (Ex CBO, Xiaomi India). In that session we were given a hint that “Redmi K40 Series was coming to India”.
Later you all know that Redmi K40 became POCO F3 for Global & Mi 11X for Indian market and Redmi K40 Pro+ became Mi 11i for Global & Mi 11X Pro for Indian market.
Finally, Redmi K40 Gaming got launched in Chinese market & this came to Indian market as POCO F3 GT.
Why rebranding happened?
From 4th generation of K series, Redmi made it as budget flagship with aggressive price point. Since in global markets the og “Xiaomi” phones & various accessories do sell well, that’s why og Xiaomi products work in global markets.
POCO Global introduced F3 as almost at the same price of Pocophone F1, they were able to utilise that opportunity. And POCO India had brought POCO X3 Pro as the successor to POCO F1, but to redefine POCO F, they needed to go with K40G as POCO F3 GT.
In other hand, Indian smartphone Industry has the mammoth share of market in “₹7k - ₹15K”, the >₹20K market has slightly evolved & people who were buying flagships were directly preferring phones >₹40K. Phones at ~₹50k were placed as flagships by Oneplus (iQOO wasn’t in the competition before this). If one was going up >₹55K, then people were preferring Samsung Galaxy S in Android & Apple iphones.
So, bringing actual Xiaomi branded Mi 11, Mi 11 Pro was like a gamble which Xiaomi India understood with Mi 10. So, budget flagships with aggressive pricing were their choice to go with. That’s why, Mi 11X series happened.
This is why we are watching og Redmi products in Indian market with either Xiaomi or POCO branding nowadays.
And for Global markets POCO is launching the Redmi Products with their customizations to bring in aggressive pricing.
POCO-Redmi was planned with POCO F2 - Redmi K20S from 2019
This is why we have now POCO F4 series.
Return of Redmi K in India: -
I have said in this blog that, Redmi India has always tried to bring the K series back to Indian market. But since, Redmi K series is flagship offering from “Redmi” brand, now Redmi in India can’t put the K in their desirable price point, this can become too much expensive & a crazy gamble in 2021 right after lockdowns of 2020.
So, finally in 2022 the Redmi K is coming back to India in the form of “Redmi K5Oi”. Here “i” stands for “India”, i.e., “i = For India”.
Well, this is an unreleased product at the time of my writing, so I should not be talking about it that much, but I can assure that in that price segment where it’s coming in, will be the “most powerfull smartphone” and gamer’s delight. For your kind information Redmi Note 11T Pro which is launched in Global markets as POCO X4 GT & this is coming as Redmi K50i in India.
This was also planned to be launched as POCO X4 GT in India as the successor to POCO X3 Pro’s performance icon, but Redmi needed this device to reboot K series for India.
Hope that you guys liked my blog & understand what has happened in past 3-4 years with POCO F & Redmi K. I also hope that you have understood why this happened. I tried my best to make this in simple language with interesting & informative presentation.
I have one request, if you guys liked & found this blog as helpful, please share this to your friends & family members who are also interested in Xiaomi & POCO.
I personally want all Xiaomi & POCO Fans to know about this Globally. I have explained those topics which used to be unknown/ not understandable to most of the people. Hope that everyone read this blog.
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xiaomipontianak · 1 year
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