#Yangchen: Oh ANOTHER combustion bender? Splendid. I'll be sure to wipe them all out this time :)
sillyfudgemonkeys · 22 days
Avatar vs Antagonist switch up
Aang: Hey, what if we like, did a whole antagonist swap thing? Like instead of me fighting Ozai, I get someone else, and someone else gets Ozai? Korra: Oh god yes, let's do it. Roku: That's not really fair, Korra has a lot of enemies. Kuruk: Says the guy that what? Had Sozin? Kyoshi: I call Sozin! And Ozai! Wan: Wait are we really doing this?! Korra: Kyoshi are you sure? What if it's during the comet? Kyoshi: Comet-shmamet. The fight's mine regardless. Kuruk: Kyoshi you seem a little too gungho about this Kyoshi: I have beef with Fire Nation Royalty. Roku: Kyoshi I don't think that's the best mentality- Kyoshi: I don't care! I'm ending their bloodline! *_* Roku: They're still really strong! Kyoshi: I'm stronger! Easy-peasy lemon squeezy! I'll kick their ass over easy! Yangchen it's your turn! Yangchen: I will take Zaheer and P'Li. :) Korra: Are you sure? They're kinda- Yangchen: I'll take out the combustion woman first, giving myself a head in the fight. Kuruk: A....head. Wait, you don't mean you're gonna blo- Yangchen: After that, I'll marionette her corpse in front of that fraud airbender to show him what a real earthly teather is. Then, I'll show him how the pros rip air out of people's lungs. Aang: Jesus Christ what is the matter with those two. Kuruk: I'm taking Vaatu I guess. Both of them. Korra: Why do you want Vaatu? Kuruk: I don't think anyone else here is capable of taking them on, except you, me, and Wan. Korra: Oh fair. Wan: So like both of our Vaatus on at the same time or- Kuruk: Oh spirits no, I'm 1V1ing them. I'm not crazy like Kyoshi or Yangchen. Tho I suppose I'll have to deal with Unalaq too. Korra: Fine, I'll take all of Kuruk's fights then. Kuruk: You sure about that kid? Korra: Yeah I'll just spiritbend, it'll be fine. Aang! Wan! Roku! Have you figured out what you wanna do? Roku: I guess I can take Jianzhu? Wan: Um......the other two Red Lotus I guess? Don't worry Roku, I'll keep the lavabender away from you. ;) Roku: Thanks Wan. :/ Aang: I'm sorry, but are we seriously going to ignore what Kyoshi and Yangchen said?????!
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