#Zio Takuya!!! NO!
ran-orimoto · 18 days
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[ Herissmon: I wish I could listen to italian curses…I don’t even know what they are. ]
Kou: You don’t say curses! Mamma and Papà don’t want that. Mamma gets very mad if I curse! She becomes scary! There is only a day I’m allowed to curse… ]
Izumi only allows Antifascist curses in her house. On 25th April, Italian Liberation day from Fascism.
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youviralart · 7 months
Ezio Battisti
18^ Festa del Cinema di Roma
L’ultimo film di Hayao Miyazaki. Animazione, Giappone 2023. Durata 124 Minuti.
Un film di Hayao Miyazaki. Con Masaki Suda, Takuya Kimura, Kô Shibasaki, Yoshino Kimura Uscita 1 gennaio 2024. Distribuzione Lucky Red.
La crescita psicologica di un adolescente attraverso le interazioni con i suoi amici e lo zio.
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Fruits Basket, la seconda stagione della serie animata arriverà nel 2020
Svelati altri due nuovi membri del cast dell’anime.
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A seguito della trasmissione del 25° ed ultimo episodio della prima stagione di “Fruits Basket”, è stato confermato che la serie animata tratta dallo shojo manga di Natsuki Takaya, edito in Italia da Planet Manga, ritornerà con una seconda stagione nel corso del 2020.  
Assieme all’annuncio sono state svelate altre due aggiunte al cast dell’anime.
Kakeru Manabe: Takuya Eguchi (Hachiman Hikigaya in Oregairu)   
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Machi Kuraki: Ai Kakuma (Isuzu Sento in Amagi Brilliant Park)   
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Il nuovo adattamento diretto da Yoshihide Ibata (Pikaia!!, FLCL Progressive), presso lo studio TMS Entertainment, coprirà l’opera nella sua interezza. La sceneggiatura è curata da Taku Kishimoto (Silver Spoon, Haikyu!!) e l’autrice in persona partecipa al progetto in qualità di supervisore esecutivo. Il design dei personaggi è invece curato da Masaru Shindou (Oregairu).
Kyoko, la madre di Toru Honda, perde la vita in un incidente stradale. Alle prese con la parentela maldisposta nei suoi confronti, Toru viene accolta senza entusiasmo nella casa del nonno. L'improvvisa necessità di ristrutturare l'edificio costringe però la famiglia a trasferirsi presso amici e parenti. Toru non vuole essere di peso a nessuno e, all'insaputa delle amiche Hana e Uo, opta per una sistemazione di fortuna: pianta una tenda in prossimità del bosco, senza sapere che quelle terre appartengono alla famiglia Soma. Una mattina, mentre va a scuola, Toru fa la conoscenza di Shigure, giovane e attraente scrittore che abita in una villetta poco distante, e scopre che si tratta dello zio di Yuki Soma, il ragazzo più carino della scuola. Yuki, tanto elegante da essersi guadagnato il nomignolo di Principe, ha la particolarità di avere i capelli argentei, ma non è questa la sola ragione a renderlo speciale: lui e la sua famiglia sono afflitti da una maledizione, e ogni volta che vengono abbracciati o urtati da qualcuno di sesso opposto al loro, si trasformano ognuno in un animale dello zodiaco cinese.
Il manga è stato serializzato fra il 1998 e il 2006, concludendosi con il 23° volumetto. L’opera ha ispirato nel 2001 una prima serie anime di 26 episodi, prodotta da Studio Deen. Dal 2015 è in corso il sequel del fumetto originale, intitolato “Fruits Basket Another” e conclusosi lo scorso dicembre con il 3° volume.
Autore: SilenziO)))
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ran-orimoto · 8 months
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I’ve been on this wheel for so long shaha. Three/two months, I guess?? It’s so sad to have finished it, because I’ve tied lot of beautiful feelings to it. But…It’s done ahaha. And I’m very proud about it.
My——— Junzumi-centered wheel🤣. All the fam💕💕💕. Zio Kouji, Takuya, Tomoki, Papà and Mamma Junpei and Izumi, the kids, Fairymon, Blitzmon, Ophanimon in their bby forms🤣, Herissmon and Jellymon (+ Pipimon because a dear Tw friend has introduced me to him and … Joy of the moment. Carpe diem. )
There’s a lot to explain, but there will be the chance to do it slowly and in a less overwhelming way. For now, just let me pollute the air in this way ahahah.
PSA: Next challenge: finally drawing all of the Frontier kids as adults because they are zii now🤣👏.
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
The burger poll reminded me of the reason why I struggle giving Takouji a kid. Would the bby starve? Who would cook for them? Takuya should seriously hire a butler or some private cook, which wouldn’t be a problem since he will be certainly rich, but he would get to that decision after having put the kitchen on fire with Kouji and having given the kid A THRAUMA🤣.
So many times, when both Dads are miracolously home, they will promise each other they will manage to cook something good for the bby, but they will end up fighting over who can cook the best meal and will forget about feeding the kid.
Probably, bby would be independent enough to call Zia Cook Izumi or Zio Junpei and order some pasta or pizza from the restaurant. What a pity in my hc Takouji live in Rome, Junzumi in Milan but Izumi can make those two behave by just yelling at them on the phone, I’m sure🤣.
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
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Happy Anniversary to my Junzumi family adventure lmaooooo. This time Kouji has joined because Junpei cares about his surrogate little brother, okay. Zio Takuya is obviously too busy with his football career to come over, but Zio Kouji has no excuse✨✨✨💕💕💕.
I want to thank everyone I have met here, not really because of the art support because that’s secondary, but mostly because of the colours you have given to my life with your net friendship. I’m really glad to have you all on my life and I’m sorry if sometimes I haven’t interacted with you all as much as I wanted. However, I promise I will try mending my mistakes this year!
Btw I wanted to draw Junpei and Izumi in their anniversary clothes and I’ve got this stupid idea about them actually wearing *similar* versions of those when they are adults in my story ahahah. Then, when they get to Digiworld they kinda get their clothes rearranged like in 02 (the coolest idea for a fashion lover like me, honestly). Of course, they will all receive this treatment except Kouji (and Takuya, but I ‘ll rarely talk about him for now ). Kouji passes from being Junpei’s surrogate little brother and the kids’ best uncle to being ……….. The dog the family has never got. THE WOLF, SORRY. But wolves can be good boys, right? I think Kouji would be a good boy. Maybe I would just delicately pick Toto up and keep him away from him for a while, because I think his Strabimon’s form lacks more patience than he already does as a human. But it’s temporary~ Just temporary.
PSA Toto is fine. He wanted to play “Bolero” on Zio’s head…Look at what he got.
PSA 2: A special thank you to the Takuya Anon💕💕💕💕. You made my year too💕💕. Someday you could show up because Kou adores those who idolize Zio Takuya✨💕✨. Please, don’t disappoint a poor kid…
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
I wanna know if possible: sexuality headcanons for the Uncle Frontier adults in your stories ? Izumi and Junpei are straight. The others? I want to know what they are like to the Kourantoto too. As uncles.
Hello, Anon! I don’t usually reply to these kinds of asks because I’m always afraid to be disrespectful about certain matters. Still, at the same time I don’t want to be rude and ignore an ask ahahha. So, I’ll try being very dry (a bit hard🤣q), but whatever….!
I’ll first talk about the sexualities!
• Takuya: Gay
I have been headcanoning he likes dudes since I watched the second Frontier episode and my thoughts intensified with the Tomoki’s nightmare episode. During these days I’ve been reminded writers didn’t keep themselves from giving both Takouji and Takunpei ✨ fantastic moments (yes, I ship both so hard, I’m not even sorry). They tried making him straight but they failed and it never worked before my eyes.
• Kouji: Bi
I believe he developed a preference over boys during the years, after having experimented dating girls (because in the drama it does sound like both him and Kouichi are popular among girls?). Like I’ve said many times, even if nowadays I ship Takunpei harder, I like headcanoning Kouji will get a little crush on Junpei in high school and it kinda lingers even after Kouji marries Takuya, then divorces him. Yet, Junpei only sees Kouji as a friend and also a brother at a certain extent, so…
• Tomoki: Ace
I used to see him as totally gay, but I frankly struggle to see Tomoki in any relationship somehow. Like, my most random ship ever is older Tomoki x Kouichi. It’s all due to some fanfictions really making it so nice to read about. Yet, I’ve landed on the ace territory for Tomoki, making him single and focused on his politician job like I think he would absolutely be.
• Kouichi: Het
Unlike Kouji, I headcanon him to absolutely prefer women over men, though. I’m not sure if he had a wife in my head before he died. Kouichi just gives me the vibes of someone who would get a perfect life as an adult, building his future very smoothly.
Yeah, maybe he definitely had a wife when he died.
-Switching to them as uncles (🤣🤣🤣 help me)
• Takuya is the cool uncle being a football star and making Kou get sparkles in his eyes. Kou wants to watch every football match featuring him and can get really sad whenever the teams Takuya is in lose. Takuya makes sure to send Kou lot of football gadgets whenever he can, from t-shirts to photos too, and I actually always draw Kou’s room to be full of football stuff. Not to forget Kou also plays football at school to be like Zio Takuya.
Still, I don’t think Takuya is the cool Uncle to Ran’s fantasies too. Ran can’t stand it when people treat Junpei badly, and let’s say Takuya and Junpei never lost their tendency to have intense brawls (now using italian swearing, why not🤣). Both have got their faults in the varied occasions, but Ran will always be convinced Papà has done nothing wrong and once she will also cry and shout at Takuya to leave Papà alone.
• Passing to Kouji, Ran is actually more affectionate to him than Kou, because Kou considers Kouji “lamer than Zio Takuya” , since he’s much calmer and isn’t that sociable at a first impact. Ran, instead, really loves listening to Kouji’s tales about his travels and Kouji will take a while to get used to her bursting curiousity. In truth, Kouji won’t find getting used to the kids that easy at first, despite having been a parent in the *cough* past (my Takouji having experiences🤣). He gets flustered at the kids being so excitable, so lively, so touchy, but Junpei and Izumi adore seeing Kouji melting a bit when it comes to them.
Junpei wants Kouji to understand they all are his family loving him despite him being such a free spirit. Kouji………….Kouji eventually gets attached to his uncle role in the depth of his heart. He just knows that if someone dares to touch the kids they will be doomed. Samurai Uncle🤣💕.
• Tomoki is kinda the too caring and fussy single uncle always coming up with pep-talks, and let’s say the kids aren’t that fond of that side of his, his baby homonymous, either. When Kou moves to Japan along with Izumi and Toto, Tomoki, who still lives there, starts visiting the family more often to get to know about how school is going for Kou. Since in his politician carreer he still deals with the issue of bully in Japan, he’s aware returnees have got no easy life. So, he wants to know everything about Kou’s new school experience, any detail, sometimes also instilling doubts in both Junpei’s and Izumi’s minds, making them wonder if Kou is really feeling that comfortable about the changes in his life.
When Kou gets involved with a circle of bullies, the kid gets so scared of the idea of just running into Tomoki. He knows what a calculating intelligence Uncle has got and it wouldn’t be nice, at all, if he got spotted pulling his pranks by him.
• Kouichi………… Kouichi dies of heart attack after having overworked himself during Covid period. He doesn’t get to know any kid, but Izumi and Junpei take the children to the cemetery sometimes, often telling them about their Kouichi uncle who has died as an unsung hero.
PSA: To me…Junpei could be bi, but the fact is that he has never got t explore his sexuality because of his crush on Izumi.
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
I’ve left a kudo on your newest story because you deserve it. You wrote a little story full of love I’ve converted full into J.P x Zoe. I was already checking your kids on here but I was proud of my couple before. I think J.P and Zoe would do so great not only as Thunderwind but they also mix Lightfire😭. And your kids remind me of the Frontier group. Koujirou is Kouji, Miranda is Takuya, Tomoki is Tomoki.
Awwwwwwwwwwww, thank you, Anon💕. I loved reading this! Glad you liked that trash💕! It makes me so happy to know, even if I admit I feel such a bizarre sensation reading about people starting shipping my babies thanks to my stories… I can’t explain…🤣💕.
Anyway, I find the Light/Fire theme so nonsense, because it’s obvious the true balance and main theme of the whole Frontier story is Light/Darkness. A tw friend and me did show how it would have had more sense as a division, also because Light and Darkness aren’t natural, physical elements like the other ones. It would have been such a good move to make Kouichi and Kouji the leaders of each team, but they wanted to keep Takuya as a second main character (while in the second half he was surely shadowed by the twins XD).
Look at the TRUE balance they would have created BETWEEN the teams. Connections.
• Light. >> • Darkness
• Fire. >> • Ice
• Thunder >> • Wind
Now that I’ve expressed my hatred for Frontier writing again and also the utter mess the bonfire speech is in my opinion, I’ll say I do like exploiting that frame for my Junzumi purposes, at least. In some sense, I love how they were talking about balance without knowing they were going to belong to different teams, so that’s also why I love them together. They aren’t only tied by their elements like in the V-pet game, but they also represent a mixture of Light and Fire like Takouji would.
And yeahhhhh! That too, Anon. I’m stunned you came up with this but it’s true. I’ve ended up making Junzumi give birth to a family where each member has got faint connections with the Frontier team🤣. To be honest, Kou is connected with both Kouji and Takuya because he admires ZIO TAKUYA so hard, and him being nicknamed Kou is also a way to tie him to the late (cough🤣🤣) Kouichi. But Kou is also tied to Izumi, because of the Wind, and to Junpei because he’s got ton of him. I can say the same about Ran and Toto too, even if Ran dislikes Zio Takuya and loves Zio Kouji ahahah.
Let’s say the weakest bonds are the ones related to Kouichi and Tomoki. No wonder they’re my least favs and I have no fun in writing them sns. Tomoki is only present in the family thanks to Toto’s full name, a bit like Kouichi in Kou’s nickname.
Thank you a lot for the kind words, Anon💕! My mission on Earth is to spread Junzuminess ~~~~
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ran-orimoto · 2 years
headcanon about Kou? Just one?
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Finally I’ve drawn Kou again and I can reply without finding myself and my posts too boring and colourless.
Anyway, I’m not going to talk about Junzumi eldest son interacting with a rookie Fairymon (and she’s smaller than she’s supposed to be because I can’t digest Tinkermons are not little like Tinkerbell! She can’t speak either because I say so.)
I want to talk about how stupid I am with my headcanons, really impossible; close me in jail. They call the kid Koujirou because of ✨ Zio Kouji✨ -Junpei and Kouji will become besties , absolutely, top headcanon🤣! -. But Koujirou (Kou) is a goofball like Papà, he lacks self-esteem, he can’t do maths (okay, we don’t know if Kouji can do maths but he should be more clever than Kou🤣!), he can’t even speak in a normal way because he misses some teeth due to soccer practices. He’s the perfect being that can be given a name inspired from Kouji.
Yes. He admires Zio Takuya for Junpei Papà *cough* ‘s joy.
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Fruits Basket, nuovo promo in attesa della seconda stagione della serie animata
Il nuovo anime tratto dal popolare shojo manga di Natsuki Takaya tornerà sulle tv giapponesi nel corso del prossimo anno.
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In occasione di un evento speciale dedicato al franchise, è stato diffuso un nuovo video promozionale di “Fruits Basket” che anticipa alcuni degli eventi dell’attesa seconda stagione della serie animata. 
L’anime tratta dallo shojo manga di Natsuki Takaya, edito in Italia da Planet Manga, ritornerà con i nuovi episodi nel corso del 2020.  
Per la seconda stagione si aggiungono al cast:
Kakeru Manabe: Takuya Eguchi (Hachiman Hikigaya in Oregairu)  
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Machi Kuraki: Ai Kakuma (Isuzu Sento in Amagi Brilliant Park)  
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Il nuovo adattamento diretto da Yoshihide Ibata (Pikaia!!, FLCL Progressive), presso lo studio TMS Entertainment, coprirà l’opera nella sua interezza. La sceneggiatura è curata da Taku Kishimoto (Silver Spoon, Haikyu!!) e l’autrice in persona partecipa al progetto in qualità di supervisore esecutivo. Il design dei personaggi è invece curato da Masaru Shindou (Oregairu).
Kyoko, la madre di Toru Honda, perde la vita in un incidente stradale. Alle prese con la parentela maldisposta nei suoi confronti, Toru viene accolta senza entusiasmo nella casa del nonno. L'improvvisa necessità di ristrutturare l'edificio costringe però la famiglia a trasferirsi presso amici e parenti. Toru non vuole essere di peso a nessuno e, all'insaputa delle amiche Hana e Uo, opta per una sistemazione di fortuna: pianta una tenda in prossimità del bosco, senza sapere che quelle terre appartengono alla famiglia Soma. Una mattina, mentre va a scuola, Toru fa la conoscenza di Shigure, giovane e attraente scrittore che abita in una villetta poco distante, e scopre che si tratta dello zio di Yuki Soma, il ragazzo più carino della scuola. Yuki, tanto elegante da essersi guadagnato il nomignolo di Principe, ha la particolarità di avere i capelli argentei, ma non è questa la sola ragione a renderlo speciale: lui e la sua famiglia sono afflitti da una maledizione, e ogni volta che vengono abbracciati o urtati da qualcuno di sesso opposto al loro, si trasformano ognuno in un animale dello zodiaco cinese.
Il manga è stato serializzato fra il 1998 e il 2006, concludendosi con il 23° volumetto. L’opera ha ispirato nel 2001 una prima serie anime di 26 episodi, prodotta da Studio Deen. Dal 2015 è in corso il sequel del fumetto originale, intitolato “Fruits Basket Another” e conclusosi lo scorso dicembre con il 3° volume.
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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