#about hero’s shade and tp Link though. they really are related.
skyward-floored · 6 months
No that is sooo dumb. Threatening to break someone’s kneecaps is a very obvious joke thing that everyone on the internet says 💀💀💀 and it was against incest like??? That person needs to toughen up or leave the internet otherwise they’ll have a rough time 😩
Yeah I just. I don’t even know man. Just. Look. Hero’s shade and tp Link ARE related whether you like it or not?? Hero’s shade’s dialogue practically says it straight-up. And for Pete’s sake it was a joke!!! A JOKE!!!!
I cut out the angry rant I had here because I’m not in the mood to incur anyone’s wrath but gosh. I am so tired.
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dinonid123 · 2 years
I think its pretty funny how everyone loves to talk about the angst potential of Ganondorf/Demise, Zelda/Hylia, and Link reincarnating just to suffer for centuries on end and the angst you can derive from that but like,
1) this is basically not explored in the games to my knowledge (Having played only like 6, but, ya know)
2) Because of the timeline split and the fact that there aren’t actually that many games there’s really not that many canon incarnations, PARTICULARLY of Ganondorf bc off the top of my head I wanna say that at least OoT, WW, TP, and ALttP all actually just have the ONE Ganondorf born to the Gerudo before the events of OoT because of the Timeline Split Shenanigans who goes Ganon fulltime in Downfall and only as a final boss form in OoT and TP (Which are both Adult, I suppose)
3) I think only Ganon is really incarnating by soul anyway- I haven’t played Skyward Sword yet (getting there!) but if I recall it’s the rage of Demise hunting the ones with the blood of the Goddess (so all Zeldas are just related through the Hylian royal family to the original human incarnation of Hylia) and the courage/spirit of the hero or whatever (i.e. whatever kid happens to end up being the destined one, though not necessarily the same spirit reincarnated- how would the Hero of Time be the shade in TP talking to the Hero of Twilight then, unless it was like, his subconscious).
Don’t stop though, I do really like it! Particularly I think you can really do a lot with Ganondorf- poor guy hasn’t gotten the nintendo king villain redemption arc yet, and I’m almost doubtful that the cowards will ever do it. I was writing a fic about it, and I really should go back to it, of the idea of a young Ganondorf reincarnate (like a proper one, a male child born to the Gerudo NOT directly before OoT lmao) knowing of the destiny that is set out for him and actively being afraid of it, of rejecting it, because he’s not a monster, he’s just a man who wants to do his people right! But that little voice speaks inside his mind, more and more as he grows older, telling him to oppose those damn Hyruleans, and to take the power he deserves, that he is destined to wield. Or even better- it just happens to him as he grows- no voice, no seeming outside influence- he doesn’t become evil, he isn’t a cackling mastermind- just a man who wants to do his people right, and knows that the only way for him to do that is to fight Hyrule.
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All the hidden skills you learn from Grandpa Shade are all completely nonsensical and would instantly lead to your demise in an even slightly realistic setting, but they look cool so it’s fine
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0-racle-0-f-hylia · 3 years
Who did the Hero of Time end up with?
In every Zelda game I could always find some reason, convenient or otherwise, for Zelink to be present- every game except one.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 1998. Unlike games previous to it, it had several female love interests for Link. Saria, Ruto, Nabooru, Malon, and of course Zelda herself.
I never really considered the first three mentioned to be a good match for Link though.
Saria is a perpetual 10 year old
Ruto forced a 10 year old Link into an engagement with her (he didn’t even know what that was) and had him carry her around in her shoulders like he was her servant. (Not to mention if they did have any kids they’d be Zora, not Hylian)
Nabooru is at LEAST 7 years older than Link. I mean, she was an adult when they met and he was a little kid. (Also it is hinted at in game that she is Malon’s MOTHER)(think about that)
And then there was Malon. Initially, I didn’t think much of Malon to begin with. I mean, to me she was just the npc that gave you a horse, but whatever. I didn’t like her as a love interest for Link because I didn’t think she was good enough for him. I really HATE shallow-female-love-interest-characters that do nothing to support plot/Link and are only there to look pretty.
And a never gave Malon a second thought because it seemed to me that during the game, Link had a stronger connection to Zelda than he did Malon.
Zelda gave him the Ocarina of Time, an essential tool for his quest
Guided him after his seven year sleep as Sheik and taught him the teleportation songs
Helped him in the final battle against Ganon
Had a heartfelt goodbye as she sent him back to relive his childhood
To me, there are two legitimate reasons why people ship Malink. One being that, in the manga, Malon had a crush on Link and dreamed he was the “Prince” she was waiting for. Two, in Twilight Princess, Link, a descendant of the Hero of Time, lives in a ranch. So people naturally assume that since Malon herself is also a rancher, the Hero of aTime married Malon and hence all his descendants are ranchers.
Now, since the Manga isn’t canon, the first reason is void, but the second? It does seem pretty solid doesn’t it?
And for the longest time, I couldn’t find any reason to deny that, even if it made me want to pull my hair out because I couldn’t find anything to prove it was wrong.
Every Zelda theorist I knew, claimed that Malink was canon and I COULDN’T DISPUTE IT.
But after looking through both OOT, TP, and every trusted Zelda resource that I know-
I’ve come to the conclusion- that it is far more likely the Hero of time married Zelda not Malon.
I do find it believable that Malon or Talon founded Ordon village as it is the closest thing TP has to LonLon ranch, sharing many similarities in culture. And it is logical to think that Malon’s descendants would live in Ordon village.
So, in conclusion, the Hero of Twilight, descendant of the Hero of Time, is related to Malon because he lives in the ranch-centered village of Ordon!
Yes, it’s the perfect theory! No flaws in it whatsoever.
. . . except for one thing- TP Link- is not an Ordonian.
It’s a tiny detail most people seem to miss. In Twilight Princess, alongside all the other races of Hyrule, there are two kinds of humanoids:
Hyruleans: the non-magic people of Hyrule with round ears.
Hylians: with long ears, gifted with the ability to “hear the gods” and possess magical ability, as said in the Hyrule Historia.
Link is from the latter category, as he has long, pointed ears. And while it is possible one of his parents or grandparents was Ordonian, there is no way to prove this as he looks the same as any other Hylian. Meaning, it is likely that Link had no relation to the Ordonians by blood.
There are no other Hylians in Ordon besides Link, which leads me to conclude that Link’s parents were from castle town, the only other place in TP where Hylians reside.
In the beginning of the game, Rusl does say that Link has never been to Hyrule. But that merely implies that Link has ever been outside the village in his memory or since Rusl has known him.
Meaning his parents may have lived there when he was a baby. Or he was found/given to the Ordonians after his parents death or disappearance. Similar to how the Hero of Time was raised as Kokiri because his Hylian mother brought him to Kokiri forest and died soon after.
Epona is another factor that needs to be accounted for. It could be argued that as TP Link has a horse named Epona, this ties him to Malon, as the original Epona came from LonLon ranch. But it is a null point as the Hero of Time owned Epona even if he didn’t marry Malon and therefore his descendants, wether or not they are related to Malon, could have a horse that is related to, or named after Epona.
Now I’ve stated a couple reasons why I think Link didn’t marry Malon, but I haven’t given any reasons why the Hero of Time would marry Zelda. But I’m getting to that :)
One of the reasons why I believe the Hero of Time married Zelda is due to his appearance on TP, specifically, the Hero’s Shade.
Besides his ghostly, skeletal figure, the most intriguing thing about him is his armor. Comparing his elaborate armor to the much simpler armor of the guards or soldiers (not knights, as some people think) in Ocarina of Time, makes me believe he is much higher ranked , probably an esteemed Knight or something similar.
Which makes sense, considering he was the one who warned the king of Ganondorf’s treachery and possesses amazing swordsmanship skills. It is also hinted at in Hyrule Historia, that Link’s father was a knight as well, making Knighthood, Link’s inheritance.
Another detail I find interesting is, though faded, you can tell that the Hero’s Shade’s armor was once gold with red detailing. The armor’s color scheme, red and gold, is typically used by kings of Hyrule.
As seen in Wind Waker and the Minish cap. King Gustaf, King Daltus, and King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule all wear red and gold.
Another peculiar detail about the Hero’s Shade’s armor is the shape of the breastplate resembling that of an owl’s head. Owls are associated with wisdom. In OOT, Zelda holds the triforce of WISDOM.
In TP, you can buy an item called magic armor in castletown. It’s design is reminiscent of Zelda’s appearance in the game. Including the design of the crown pauldrons and tassel. This makes me assume it once belonged to a prince of Hyrule. This is further backed up by its red and gold color scheme, colors associated with the king of Hyrule.
The most obvious connection between Hylian royalty and the Hero of time is concerning the magic armor. Specifically, the long, red cap included in the outfit. Compared to the rest of the armor Link gets in the game, the magic armor just doesn’t seem to fit.
The hero’s clothes have a green cap because it’s what the previous hero wore, Kokiri styled.
The Zora armor has a blue cap because it is made to resemble the Zora’s long head fin.
But the magic armor? Something made for royalty? In all the other games, no other Hylian royalty is depicted with a long cap, so where could this style have come from?
Well, if the Hero of Time married into the royal family, perhaps his unique style would have carried over into the traditional Hylian royalty get-up, as he become a prince. Creating an outfit that includes the royal colors, crown, tassel and the Hero of Time’s long cap.
On a side note, may I remind everyone that in Majorca’s Mask, when the Skull Kid was attempting to bring down the moon the first time, Link flashed back to his last moment with Zelda?
Sure he could have just been remembering the song of time and yes, the fact that he has Epona means he did go back to LonLon ranch to see Malon.
But one, he probably just went to LonLon to get his horse to travel with
And two, he didn’t flash back to his last moment with Malon, did he?
And three, the fact that he rembered how Zelda reminisced about their time together and he didn’t just recall the song of time just go’s to show how strongly he felt about their relationship.
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ladyjenise · 4 years
Legend of Zelda midnight thoughts post!
This is actually something I’ve been thinking about on and off for awhile, and I’m not sure I’ve discussef it:
Reading the Twilight Princess manga, and knowing its canon that the shade that teaches TP Link is actually OoT Link, it kinda amuses me that even though Ganondorf was threatening OoT Link and Zelda at the end of OoT, OoT Link managed to find a proxy to fight Ganondorf again through. I don’t think the various Links are related but more like reborn in different people, but not even quite that since of course OoT Link wasn’t reborn, he’s just become this undying shade. So its more like the idea of Link is reborn.
I do think its interesting that we see OoT Link go from this boy, suddenly to a man, then back again but still has all his memories, carries the secret of Ganondorf and stuff with him, continues to be a soldier/warrior, presumably lives to become an older man, dies, becomes some kind of Force ghost (its probably shouldnt be a surprise that Akira Himegawa worked on that official Luke Skywalker manga: Zelda has a lot of Star Wars influences), and then is helping the new Link defeat Ganondorf.
I like to contrast Link with Ganondorf and Zelda because the latter two I see as the origin of the Triforce snd subsequent battles over it. Of course, the three goddesses created the triforce, its just that Ganondorf/Demise and Hylia/Zelda fight over Hyrule/Triforce, inadvertently causing their own reincarnations.
I consider the origin of the goddess Hylia into Hyrule’s royal bloodline to be canon (Hylia mourns Link and his sacrifice and wishes to be reborn whenever he is, this sealing both their fates). I consider it canon bc it was included in Hyrule Historia. You must remember that Nintendo is really filled with nerds who live this stuff, and Akira Himegawa have worked with Nintendo for over 22 years now. I actually can’t think of any artist contractors who have worked with them longer. At this point, they’ve worked on Zelda for almost two thirds of the time the franchise has existed. I used to argue with people on this point, but let’s use the star wars rule: if it doesnt explicitly contradict the games, its canon.
Anyway, what I’m really trying to get at here is also how much we actually know about Ocarina Link compared to other Links. We may actually have a fuller idea of his life and afterlife than any of the others, which I think also speaks to the enduring popularity of that specific game, but everyone has their favourite games.
What I really liked about BoTW was that the game fleshed out Link and Zelda more. Why is Link so quiet? I enjoy the fan theories, especislly because i appreciate how people have been able to project themselves into Link, which was one of his original purpose. I also appreciate when he is coded in a way that gender is less hard coded. It’s helped that Miyamoto himself has sometimes spoken of Link being played live by a woman. But in BoTW, learning that Link speaks so little due to anxiety, it feels very familiar. It takes Link from mythic hero to very human. I also appreciated that it is one of the few games where Link and Zelda start off more or less as enemies. At least, Zelda is hostile to him, even more so than she wasas Tetra in Wind Waker, probably the only game before BoTW that saw Zelda as less a helper than something of an antagonist.
I hope Nintendo continues to explore these characters through different lenses and situations. There’s so much potential. Also: I miss Ganondorf.
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bxstiae · 4 years
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i sat ( && slept ) on this for a bit because i really, REALLY, wanted to discuss this. i just didn’t know how or when the right time was for this. since i am a mun who is reactive rather than being proactive, i just needed a good reason to talk about it. well, you all can thank @hyaciiintho​​ for that because after i posted that ask from them, i had the strong urge to talk about not JUST the hero’s shade, but also the hero of TIME. 
in a way, this HC post will be a 2-part piece. like i said, i didn’t know how to tackle this. if i wanted to really make two posts, i could, but the hero’s shade & the hero of time are so interwoven together that you can’t just write about one without the other -- mainly because they are the SAME person. it is impossible to talk about one without the other. thus, i have decided to talk about the both of them in this post instead.
keep in mind that this is going to be a very LONG post -- i cannot sum it up for you either. if i, at any point, think or want to write about more of the shade or of time separately & at some late date, i will. just know that this will be considered the og post. any & all other things i write about in regards to this ‘subject’ will always refer to this post. 
now without further ado, let me begin under the cut.
A KEY for you just in case you get lost because i will use the shorthand terms:
the hero’s shade : the Shade the hero of time : Time the hero chosen by the gods ( TP Link ) : Twilight , Twi , Link
first & foremost: the hero’s shade = the hero of time. no doubt about it. this isn’t up for discussion, this predecessor is the one & only hero of time. that being said, the Shade =/= Time. Rather, Time & the Shade are two different entities that you need to consider -- which i will discuss. know this though:
the Shade is Twilight’s teacher & predecessor. Time is Twilight’s incarnation ( one of them ) & therefore is also a predecessor by default.
these are TWO different people to Twilight. & yet they are the same person. I don’t want to keep going back & forth between them though as each one has a lot to unpack. so i will start with the Shade because you clearly have a more definite & canon interaction with the Shade than you do with Time. 
i know there are some people who don’t really know the LOZ franchise well enough -- as somebody who also hasn’t gone much outside the realm of... like TP, SS, BOTW, MM & Warriors, i can kind of relate & understand. but unfortunately, i don’t want to spend every moment of this post explaining things to people because, i genuinely want to get into the real thing that this post was meant to be. That being said, i will give you a few things that you can look into. i do suggest you go down that rabbit hole. there’s so MUCH to unpack really. so here is this: 
Just ONE link to the Hero’s Shade ONE link to the White Wolf ( which i personally call & prefer as the Golden Wolf )
Twilight is introduced to the Shade near the beginning of the game -- like when he first sets out on her journey AFTER he restores Faron from the Twilight. Right from the START, you can tell that the Shade has mixed feelings about Twi. Like, he WANTS Twilight to learn & grow, yet at the same time, you can see his frustrations with Link as well. the Shade wants to be his teacher! He wants help him so that he doesn’t make the same mistakes & so he can actually learns to BE the hero of courage. But it’s not just that. it’s also for a slightly selfish reason too... the shade wanted Twilight to learn the skills that Time knew of but was never able to pass down. in turn, that selfishness can also be seen in the form of IMPATIENCE with link. You can tell that the Shade can get incredibly frustrated with him at time. You see this when ( in game ) you don’t do what the shade asks you to do, or you do the wrong skill -- or when you take too long to learn a skill. 
the Shade is a rather stoic entity with a bit of pride as well ( as he ought to be ). while that makes him a bit flawed as a character, its really understandable that he is that way! remember, he died not being able to pass things down & not being remembered. he even admits that to Twilight when you first meet him. That being said, though, the Shade is very commanding & bossy. it’s not a ‘can you’ or ‘will you?’ its very much a ‘no, you WILL learn this.’ he’s not at all as humbling as like.... Twilight when you play the game. & Twilight just.... does it. he just listens. cause he naturally tends to do that anyway.
Twilight’s thoughts on the Shade though? honestly. he kinda sees him sometimes as a grumpy old man. he’s sometimes annoyed with him too. Mainly because he wants to learn from him! but the Shade, at times, just seems to always put him down. he wants to do good for him, he wants to make him proud. he doesn’t want to disappoint him. he looks up to the Shade as a teacher! he really does. even through his own frustrations, he can SEE the other’s pain and desperation. in a way, there are times when he wants nothing more but to LOOK for him because he feels like of all the people in the world -- the only one who can understand his own doubts is the Shade. 
you that feeling you get when you have all of these people that surround and love you, but you feel like there’s nobody in them that would truly understand how you feel? yes, THAT is what Twi often feels, and that is why he sometimes SEEKS out the howling stones or any other way to see the Shade. cause from all of the people in the world, he feels like there is absolutely nobody else that can understand. ( which is, in theory, WHY the shade wants to teach & help him because he DOESN’T want Link to end up in his shoes ) & yes, there will absolutely be times where.... link THINKS or prays to the Hero’s Shade instead of the Gods because he just has moments of doubt but it’s in THOSE times that he wants the Shade to know that he REALLY is trying his hardest. He really is...
it also makes his last interaction with the Shade all the more upsetting. because here is this ghost of his predecessor. a spirit that has been with him from like the VERY beginning of his journey, & now he has to say goodbye? just like that? that can’t be. he couldn’t have learned them all already. there HAS to be more. why would he leave him alone? he can’t do this alone, please don’t leave him. 
what Twilight doesn’t understand though (at first), that the Shade does, is that Twilight doesn't NEED him anymore. yes, he taught him what he knew, he’s ready. he’s more than ready. staying longer will only HINDER him. he has to go. Besides. he technically had been alone this entire time. since twilight was just a reincarnation of the Hero of Time. the Shade was only teaching another version of HIMSELF. staying any longer would create problems. Twilight is not of Time’s world. the Shade had only lingered for so long due to his past life’s regrets. now that he taught him all he needed to know, he has to go. he can leave now, and be with the people he loved in his own time. to stay would not only hurt Twilight, but it would hurt himself. the Shade KNOWS that Twi will eventually come to understand, but it doesn’t make it any less painful.
But honestly, i digress. i think, it hits link THE MOST when he fights ganon. like, it’s always been in the back of his mind. and there are moments throughout the battles that remind him of the Shade ( the shield block, for example, when you battle zelda as Ganon’s Puppet -- at least i think so it’s been a hot minute ). but it’s that FINAL blow that hits him the hardest. it’s a skill that he’s grown to just NATURALLY do without second thought. but when he stands there, over ganon, after dealing that fatal blow, that he just has that sudden && SINKING feeling that he KNOWS. After all of this time, it gets to him, & while he understands everything now, he cannot help but to shake at the thought. his very CORE trembles at it. 
just that, oh ,   gods.... moment. 
thanks to THIS post honestly for reminding me :’]
& while he should understand and accept it, things just hurt EVEN more. more than they should. 
lets not forget to mention that Link already has survivor’s guilt from the battle with ganon. I’ve discussed this in another HC post -- which i won’t really discuss here. but i suppose it should be extended that the Shade if one of the REASONS why he has that guilt as well. Because, unlike the Shade & the Hero of Time, he survived. & gods, as much as he grew to appreciate & care for the Shade, he also can’t help but to be SPITEFUL towards him as well. throw in the fact that Midna, another person who was there the entire time, decides to go home & DESTROY the mirror of twilight? its just a god damn triple-whammy for Twilight now in such a short period of time. like LOOK at the people in his life that are now GONE:
he killed ganon -- probably the only person to understand the pain and trials he’s been through. the hero’s shade passed on -- literally the ONLY person to understand because he IS him. midna goes home -- she’s been there since the beginning & should understand him cause she was THERE
nobody can ever tell me otherwise that Link is NOT a grumpy asshole. 
like of all the rabbit holes of the Zelda franchise? TP is the ONE rabbit hole that i understand the most, and good GODS, Twilight is one of the more COMPLEX characters in the LOZ series by FAR. ( Time surpasses him, but he should anyway, that’s okay, i didn’t say Twi was the MOST complex one ) 
I get is, link is considerate, he is sweet. he CARES for his friends. & yes, i understand that! i really do. yes, i still find him to be humbling, even if he’s tired, but that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t learned. he has. & he’s just VERY tired. of all the mental/emotional baggage he has, he’s just kind of done. he’s done his duty, now he just wants to be left alone. 
But anyway, i am GOING off on a tangent. lets get back on track.
in regards to the hero’s shade? link appreciates him. he looks up to him, hell he MISSES him. even if he’s a little bitter towards him, its not like he does’t understand. he’d be happy to see the hero’s shade again, but honestly, he doesn’t know if he’d WANT to see him again. its a mixed relationship with the Shade cause all he’s ever known him to be was this pushy, grumpy old dad of a man ( which i say very, VERY lightly cause he doesn’t think of Time in the same way like AT ALL ). not that Twilight considers the Shade a father -- he really & absolutely does NOT -- but you know, honestly he can really relate to him. & he really is THANKFUL for him. but he’d be DAMNED is he saw the hero’s Shade again -- there would be a lot of anger towards him & with good reason. 
Anyway. lets now dive into the OTHER part of this post.
CLASPS HANDS TOGETHER cause people know i’m a heathen for potential stuff. like???? interactions with links meeting other links & content OUTSIDE the world of canon? i’m not talking about canon divergence or anything like that. I’m not talking about AUs, verses or crossovers. while they may fit under the same boat? just imagine a world where they all meet.... kinda like in Hyrule Warriors. but instead of like different character and changing the plot lines of characters (COUGHMIDNACOUGH) its... more like they all just meet one another as they are? 
honestly, i think this is known, but linkeduniverse does this well enough. yes, i can enjoy that uiverse very well, but i keep it RATHER separate from what i would consider my own ‘canon’ for how Time & Twilight would interact. Granted, this probably is biased already mainly cause of a certain somebody who should know what i am talking about ( i mean this in the nicest way possible ), but you know what? i really don’t care cause in all honesty? there are so many different ways to go about this. & yes, i do actually have ideas for how link would interact with Time is he met Time as his older, more tired self -- in other words, he met Time like right before his supposed ‘death’ or after Time grew worn & lost an eye. yes, i HAVE consider possible interactions for that. but NO that is now how i automatically see Twilight interacting with Time.
The way i see it, I see Twi interacting with Time as Time is as an adult. ( be it whether he has experience as a child or not idk & idc but he sees Time as..... an adult regardless ) it could also because i’ve seen really good art from ruebird that makes my heart kinda go doki doki. not to meantion that honestly??? the tag for tp link??? ooof oooooooof my heart... it gives for..... two (2) heroes.. ( yes, 2, fight me, i love.... them..... & i love Time more than i should.......... despite not knowing ANYTHING about him )
ANYWAY..... so yea. Twilight would see Time in his obvious ‘better’ days. But that isn’t saying much cause, you know, shit’s fucked in the world. Time has had a hard time too. But what did i say before? Time is JUST as complex character as Twilight is -- if not he’s probably the champion & king of complexity lbr. when i say ‘better’ days, i really just mean they’re probably close in age & can really relate to one another. 
UNLIKE the Shade, though, link honestly, doesn’t spite Time. in fact, he finds him more pleasant to be around. not that he’s distrustful of the Shade, but.... he feels like he can be a bit more open to Time? I wouldn’t want to say that he’s doting or affectionate to Time, but you can CLEARLY tell that he treats Time & the Shade as TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE ( despite the fact that they are one in the same ). 
the shade was his TEACHER, but Twilight see Time as a PEER & a friend. He see’s him as an equal above all else really. there isn’t any of this professor stuff that he would see with the shade -- he CANT. the shade is old.... timeless. Time is.... not...  
this is why, when Twi see’s Time for the first time, he’s so THROWN off by him. mainly because, well.... the shade is SO different??? not just on appearance alone!! personality wise too! it’s just so VASTLY different? he can’t help but to consider them different?? more to that too -- Twi would much rather prefer to be accompanied with Time than with the Shade ANY day.
He may not understand everything about Time’s world or what Time feels, but he does understand that they share at LEAST similar pains. That much he can understand. They are both more.... focused heroes anyway. Both DO actually have their sass & sarcasm, without a doubt. but they both are very humbling in their own way. These two are INCREDIBLY soft, so yea, i can see why Twilight would just be so NATURALLY comfortable with Time & would be really open & honest with him. While they both may be the chosen hero of courage ( just from different times ), & ( in theory ) are each other, its like no other person can truly understand their pain & what they are feeling. 
Sure, maybe one is better with their emotions -- i can tell you right now that i may not know anything about Time, but Twilight IS NOT good with his own emotions. Twi is very much emotionally stunted & doesn’t know a thing about what he feels sometimes. This is why Twilight can be rather standoffish at times ( he’s a bit of a tsun ), but that doesn’t mean that he HATES what he feels. he just doesnt understand what he’s feeling & it’s easier to deny or ignore them. whereas with Time? I just feel like Time is just more in tune with them and is more accepting of them.
They should be the same incarnation. but... they arent???rather. they hold the hero’s spirit. but they are not at all the SAME person. they are two different people who just happen to embody the SAME thing: the hero of courage.
anyway. Twilight really does appreciate Time, a lot more than he leads on tbh. & Time probably will/would never know unless he ASKS. not that twilight would give him a straight answer, lbr here twilight is not the best with words -- he really isnt! he doesn’t know how to express his thoughts in the form of words. you would be better off asking him to draw his emotions out. twi is very much a hands on person ( very technical ). & yes, while he smiles, laughs, gets mad, etc. its more due to the fact that its reactive ( except save for a few things like crying, he doesn’t tend to cry -- well he tries to hold it in ). Though for the most part, Twi is VERY stoic. sure he may look surprised or furrow his brow but, at the end of the day, he’s a serious guy. But... Time..... on the other hand.....
Well. Time is Time. there’s no other word for it.
& since Time is Time, Twilight feels more comfortable. 
Twi has a sense of belonging & familiarity with Time -- as he does with ALL of his incarnations ( as you can kinda see with Wild as well ). i think what is so special & unique with Time is that he sees him as an EQUAL. this isn’t about being a teacher, a brother, a parent, a guide.. this is him seeing the other as a peer. which speaks VOLUMES cause.... i think at this current moment, he doesn’t see any of his incarnations the same. ( perhaps maybe sky though? but that’s for another day ) he honestly loves that about Time the most though, because he doesn’t have to feel responsible or FORMAL with him. ( like after that first ‘stiff’ phase he has with him, he’s pretty chill with him ) he can just be.... himself... which means a lot for him because he can’t really do that often -- especially not after the battle of ganon.
take this as you will though. i’ve said what i’ve had to say about this. but i’m honestly more than happy to answer anything that anybody may want to ask me about the  subject though! i love looking at lore & character development! there’s so much potential of a lot of interactions. i know some people are more quiet about it than others, but this is why i’m over here posting what i think about it, cause i want people to know that i’m very OPEN to talk about anything.
i have a friend who knows first-hand that i can discuss things with others and see certain things in a certain light. it just takes time with me. :)
anyway, you know the usual. yadda yadda yadda. my inbox is open for discussion. :’]
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