reolf · 4 months
Hi @abovethemists, It's me, Santa!
Happy secret santa! I wish you every bit of happiness and luck.
You gave me a reason to write again and I am thankful for that. I hope you enjoy your gift.
“rain, heartache, marriage of convenience”
– Heavy rain was pounding against the window of the carriage. Belle could hardly see anything of the landscape they passed. They were on the way to a ball. It was her 7th season and she was already considered a spinster. Her father absolutely hated it. He wanted her married and soon. Especially now they had financial problems. Belle couldn’t really say why she had stayed unmarried for so long. Was it her mother’s early death? Her absence making it difficult for Belle to navigate the balls and other social gatherings of the ton? Was it her father being an awful matchmaker, only introducing her to boring and dull men? Or perhaps it was just herself who was the problem? Maybe she was the odd one, as she loved to read countless books. It wouldn’t be the first time if she sneaked away during a ball to the library. It wasn’t ladylike, but Belle couldn’t help herself sometimes. – This ball, it seemed difficult to sneak away to the library. They were at the home of The Duke and Duchess of Misthaven. Lord David and his wife Mary Margaret were perfect hosts, but they were highly honored among society. Her father wished they had the social standing among the ton as they did. Her father was only a baron. Their family’s history has been shrouded by the multiple feudal lords waging wars they couldn’t win. It seemed Belle couldn’t win either.
While her father conversed with other Lords, Belle was stationed next to the dance floor. Her dance card remained relatively empty until she caught the eye of a broad shouldered man. He was tall and had dark hair. She felt his eyes on her during the third dance of the evening and by the fourth he had approached her already.
“I don’t think I have ever seen you before. What is your name?”
Belle introduced herself. He smiled and took her hand, kissing her glove. “ My name is Gaston, Lord of LeGume. Can I have this dance?”
As Belle couldn’t see a reason why not, she let him lead her to the dancefloor for the next round of country dance.
His presence was overwhelming. He grabbed her hands, hurting her more really. She also found he was terribly arrogant as he talked about himself and his lavish hunting parties. He insulted other ladies as they passed by. “That dress is ugly compared to her necklace. She is rather idiotic looking. Unless you, my Belle, you are stunning.”
Belle found herself getting more bored by the minute. She hoped the party would soon be over and she could return to her books.
It was when Gaston went to get her a glass of lemonade, she could finally breathe again.
She wanted to turn around and get lost among the corridors of the estate, no matter the social cost. She wanted to do just that as she bumped against someone. Hastily apologizing, she looked up into a familiar face. It was Lord Gold, Earl of the Frontlands.
“It’s no matter,” he answered in his brogue voice. “ I wasn’t looking where I was going either.”
Lord Gold was a mysterious person among the ton. He rarely was at the social events, only if he could make deals with other people. If not making deals, he was standing alone in a corner, cane between his feet. He had long brown hair with gray strands in between, which was unconventional for the fashion. She had spoken to him a handful of times, between standing at the sidelines and being ignored by the other members of the ton.
He was a relatively quiet man and Belle didn’t know why he was so standoffish towards other people. He had obviously a past and Belle liked to know his story.
She saw an opportunity. When she saw Gaston returning, she laughed like she had heard a funny joke and looked Gold in the eye, hoping he would get along. “You are a man of wit, my Lord”
Gold, who had seen Gaston approaching, smiled at her. “If you say so, Miss Marchland.”
Gaston halted in his steps when he saw Gold, but seemed to refind his feet and approached them. “Excuse me, my Lord. But the Lady belongs to me.”
Gold faintly smiled. “ Oh, is that so? Well, I seem to remember another Lady at another ball where I heard you say that exact same thing. How did that end for you?”
Belle looked between the two men, confused what they were talking about.
It seemed to work for now. Gaston wished her a good evening and walked off. Belle smiled at Gold. “Thank you for that. He was terribly arrogant and intimidating.”
Gold stared into her eyes and nodded. “From what I have seen, I cannot disagree.” He looked at his pocket watch. “Well, I must be off. Give my regards to your father.”
And he walked away, leaning on his cane. – Gold rarely attended social gatherings. If he did, it was for good reason. Balls were tedious affairs, but visiting the Gentlemen’s Club was even more exhausting. Listening to men boasting about their lives was… interesting to get to know their weaknesses, but exhausting nonetheless.
Right now, he was sitting in a corner, listening to the arrogant Lord LeGume, Gaston. And he was boiling with anger.
“I will tell you this, gentlemen. She is the one, the lucky girl I am going to marry.”
“The Marchland’s Baron's daughter? Isn’t she the odd one?”
Gaston shrugged. “She is the most beautiful girl in town.”
“I know, but…”
Gaston slammed his fist on the table. “I know she is the best, and I only acquire the best.”
He sat back, slightly more relaxed. “Besides, her father is practically bankrupt. He is desperate to marry his daughter. Her title will make it easier for me to get up in the social ladder. Once I save her father from bankruptcy, I will take his place and bam my family’s name will be entering the nobility.”
Gold had heard enough. In no circumstances would he let Belle marry that oaf. She deserved a handsome man, yes, but she deserved someone wanting to be her partner, making sure she was happy, appreciating her sharp mind.
In all the years Gold had seen Belle at balls, he had never seen her with a real suitor. He knew she was beginning to be considered a spinster. Gaston was her first real chance of marriage.
Gold hated himself to do this but he had no choice. He was selfish. He wanted Belle safe.
That’s why he stepped into his carriage and made his way to the house of the Baron of Marchland. –
Belle didn’t know how her father had arranged it, but she was marrying. To Lord Duncan Gold, Earl of the Frontlands of all people! She could scarcely believe it.
It was a quiet affair: a priest in a small church, her father at her side, an exchange of vows and a small kiss on the lips.
She was a Countess now! Who had ever thought Odd Belle would be married to an Earl?
Her new husband was quiet on the way to his estate. He just looked outside the carriage window. When they arrived, Belle saw a gigantic mansion. It would seem the Earl of the Frontlands had a lot of money.
Gold helped her out of the carriage by offering his hand. A small boy came running down the front stairs.
“Papa! You are home!”
Gold smiled at the boy. Belle had never seen him smile like that before.
“Hello, Bae.”
The boy hugged his father. Gold nudged him to look at Belle. “Bae, may I introduce you to my wife, Lady Belle. Belle, this is my son, Baden Neal Gold.”
The boy looked at her with big brown eyes, the same colour as his father. He had black hair that was slightly curly. He seemed to be around the age of eight.
“Welcome to the Gold estate, my Lady.” Bae gave a small bow.
“Alright son, why don’t you give Lady Belle a tour of the house while I will see to her luggage being brought inside.”
Belle was slightly disappointed Gold wouldn’t be the one to lead her around, but the small boy before her was a good guide.
He showed her the drawing rooms, the dining room, the ballroom “which we never use but it’s here”, the studies, the gallery, the library (which Belle absolutely loved).
She could see herself living in this place. – Gold had made it clear to Belle they were only married in name and for financial reasons. Belle had stayed alone in her chambers on her wedding night. She knew it would be a marriage like that, but she couldn’t help being disappointed by his absence.
The days following their marriage she remained her only company. Bae was mostly occupied with his lessons with his governess. Belle took her meals alone, her walks alone in the gardens. If she encountered Gold in the corridors, he nodded briefly and hurried along. When she was in the library reading a book, he would enter, see her and walk out again.
He was avoiding her. Only, she had no idea why. – It was one winter evening when she entered the drawing room, she saw Bae play with a set of wooden soldiers in front of the fire. Gold was sitting in a chair, reading a book.
Upon seeing her, he went to sit up and close his book. Bae noticed, looking between his father and Belle.
“Papa, look at my general!”
Gold looked and nodded. “I see it, Bae.”
Belle saw an opportunity to enter the conversation.
“Can you introduce me to your soldiers, Bae? I haven’t played with soldiers ever before. Can I join?”
The boy happily showed her how to play and appointed her to be the captain of his troops while he was the general. From the corner of her eye, Belle saw how Gold was watching them. And for the first time since their wedding day, he didn’t run away. –
It was the first ball they were attending as a married couple. Belle was wearing a green dress with gold embroidered on the top. Gold was wearing a black suit with gold pin on his lapel. They matched.
It was the first time they would dance together, as was expected of the new Earl and Countess of the Frontlands.
When the dance floor cleared and a new song began, Gold took Belle’s gloved hand and brought her to the middle of the dance floor. His cane was still in his hand, but he had mentioned earlier he could still dance. Placing his hand on her waist, he started to lead the dance. Belle was careful with her steps, knowing how clumsy she was. She found they fell perfectly in sync with each other. She hardly had to take glances at her feet. The music faded away. Gold kept his gaze on her and Belle felt she could drown in those beautiful amber eyes.
When the music slowed and the dance stopped, Gold and her stood still, hands clasped together, their eyes not leaving. Belle felt her chest rise and fall as if she had run miles. His mouth was open and for the first time since her wedding day, she wanted to kiss him again. Her husband was handsome.
The clapping of people brought her back to the surface and she let go of Gold. He seemed to not know what to do with his hands. He opted to walk away, excusing himself to get her some champagne.
Belle nodded. She could use the refreshment.
She walked away to the side, off the dancefloor. She noticed how another person came to stand next to her.
“That was a beautiful dance, my Lady.” Belle looked up to see who was speaking. She did not recognize the woman. She had red hair and had blue eyes.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” She seemed vaguely familiar though.
“Oh my apologies, my name is Penelope. I am the wife of Colin Bridgerton.” She gestured to the corner with the food. “He loves a good snack in between dances.” She smiled at her husband who seemed to take an extra scone.
Belle suddenly understood. Viscount Bridgerton and his wife were the hosts of this party. Colin Bridgerton must be his brother.
“I remember us standing together once at the side of a ballroom a few years ago. Two wallflowers as they called us. And look at us now, both married. Who would have thought?”
Belle smiled, remembering the woman now. “Indeed, I certainly hadn’t seen it coming. But my father arranged it.”
Penelope cocked her head to the side. “You know, it is touching to see you and your husband so smitten with each other. The love was palpable from where everyone else was standing. You are a lucky woman.”
Belle didn’t know an answer to that. Her husband was smitten with her? Love?
Before she could open her mouth, Penelope was called by another lady.
Her husband soon joined her side again to give her the glass of champagne. Refreshments indeed. –
The weeks following the ball and the conversation with Penelope Bridgerton, Belle had noticed how Gold was more open towards her. He no longer avoided her during meals, now they took every meal together. He didn’t run away when they met in the corridor. He invited her in his study to look at his work. He even brought her tea when she was reading in the library. It was very sweet and Belle loved this small attendance. One day, she invited him to read with her. Soon they began talking about the books they were reading. Heavy discussions followed, each sharing their thoughts and opinions. Belle had never met a man who was interested in her thoughts like that. He really listened to her. And when she challenged him, it seemed like he came alive and brought more material to the table. It was wonderful.
And as his library was very large, the conversations never seemed to stop.
This afternoon he was reading from a book called Fairytales. He had opted for the story of Rumplestilskin. To make her laugh, he used silly voices and made extravagant hand gestures.
“And while you are my servant, you will skin the children I hunt.” Belle gasped, not realising the story would turn so dark and her hand that was holding her cup of tea let loose. The cup fell on the ground, spilling the tea over the carpet.
She looked in shock at her husband, while he looked almost sheepishly at her.
“That was a quip, that is not seriously on the page.” “Right,” Belle let out a sigh of relief. She looked down and realised the mess she had made. “Oh, I am so sorry,” she picked the cup up, “ it is chipped.” “It’s no matter. It’s only a cup.” Her husband set the book aside and stood up. “We can fix it.” –
Things only improved for their small family. Bae was home for the holidays and Belle loved nothing more than to sit with her husband and Bae in front of the fire reading stories. Mostly it was Gold who read, but sometimes both father and son looked at her with their big brown puppy eyes to convince her to read. She gladly did.
One evening, Bae was already gone to bed. But Belle wanted to read to her husband. So while going through the study of Gold to get the book for reading -she had left it earlier there in the day while Gold was working- she saw a letter lying on his desk.
Normally she wouldn’t look at his desk, but something about the handwriting caught her off guard. It was her father’s.
Her father had practically never let anything heard from himself after she had married Gold. So it surprised her to see a letter addressed to her husband instead of her.
She read it. And gasped.
Her father had practically sold her in turn for money to raise his standing in society. He was only letting Gold know how much money he still owned him for his daughter. It hurt to see her father write about her like that. Was she nothing more to him? A price for a suitor to be won so he could forget about her and go on about his life?
And her husband… she had known from day one she was only in this marriage for financial reasons, but still Gold had never mentioned anything about this. Was she really only a price in his eyes? She remembered how cold and distant he was in the beginning.
Confused and heartbroken, she went to sit on the settee. – Gold entered the study to see his wife distraught.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” It was the first time he used the endearment, but it slipped from his tongue.
Belle let out a sob. Suddenly, Gold saw the letter she was holding and understood.
Her father had been so cold the day he had gone to ask for Belle’s hand. He knew he was only accepted because he was an Earl. The Baron of Marchland was only too happy to accept it. But he had a price. A steep one. He had wanted everything Gold could offer him to give him the opportunity to further his social standing.
Gold knew he was being blackmailed. But he didn’t care. He realised Belle was surrounded by men who didn’t care about her at all.
He knew he was buying her and hated himself for it. He wanted to give Belle everything she deserved, but he couldn’t even do that. At least he could save her from her fate being married to Gaston. So he did pay the price.
Only, Maurice started to demand more and more money each month. It was exhausting and illegal. Gold knew that, but he was afraid and a coward. At first, he paid because he felt guilty for shackling Belle to be his wife. But lately since they had grown closer, he had realised just how much out of pocket the Baron was acting.
He was planning to put an end to it.
How to explain all of that to his wife? – Belle stared at her husband, her eyes full of tears.
“My father doesn’t care about me.” She sobbed.
“No, he doesn’t,” Gold answered. “I recognize the patterns with my own father now.” He went to sit next to her. “At first, I didn’t realise it, but it’s true.”
And he explained to her what her father had done. What he had done.
She didn’t know why everything surprised her so much. Except the story with Gaston. She had always known he was an oaf.
Gold looked at her and smiled. “I should have told you this sooner. I am sorry, Belle. It was never my intention to do this to you. I have grown to care for you so much and…,” he seemed to breathe in, “I love you. I want only to protect you.”
Belle stopped breathing. “You love me?”
He nodded. “I love you with every beat of my heart. You brought so much life into our home. With me, with Bae. I am so thankful for you, my Belle.”
Belle laughed. The tears still in her eyes, she went to hug her husband. “I love you too!”
She thought back to what Lady Penelope had said. “How is it that it took us this long to admit it to each other?”
Gold laughed. “I genuinely don’t know.” He looked serious suddenly. “May I kiss you, Belle?”
She nodded in her enthusiasm. “Yes, yes!”
And they sealed their lips again. Finally. – It was late in the night. The moonlight shone on their bed. She was finally truly married to Duncan Gold. They had shared their bodies for the first time. Belle hadn’t realised how much she had missed before. She loved being intimate with her husband. He had jokingly suggested they would only make use of one bedchamber together from now on. Still naked, they were cuddling in bed watching the windows. The curtains were still open.
It started snowing heavily.
Gold whispered in her ear. “Bae is going to love this.”
Belle laughed. “What? The snow or us being together?”
Gold kissed her ear. “ Both.”
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Chipped Cup Awards - Voting is LIVE!
Before we get started, we would like to thank every member of this fandom.  Whether you create, enjoy, reblog, comment, or vote, you are the driving force behind this fandom.  Without each and every one of you, this event wouldn’t be possible.  
We had a great turnout this year, and we really hope that you enjoy the wonderful works of fic and art on the ballot this year.  As a reminder, you may only submit this ballot one time, so make sure to make it count!  In order to allow you to peruse this year’s offerings, a complete list of all nominated works is under the Read More cut.
Voting goes on from now until February 8th, so make sure to get your votes in.  Without further ado, here is the ballot form!
Chipped Cup Awards Voting Ballot
“To Drive The Dark Away” by @bibliosauruswrecks
“An Unconventional Gift“ by @shadowedoracle
“The Dark One Doesn't Get Sick” by @shadowedoracle
“In Sickness and in Health“ by @jackabelle73
“A Present of Love“ by @reolf
“The Bedroom Chronicles” by @serenalyon
“Illness” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Other Fork In The Path“ by @jackabelle73
“Finding You” by @silwenworld
“Like An Open Book” by @serenalyon
“So You Want To Build A Sex Room” by @peacehopeandrats
“Memory” by @peacehopeandrats
“Come Together” by @abovethemists
Best First Time
“Red Lights” by @rufeepeach
“Curfew” by @emospritelet
“Sunshine” by @peacehopeandrats
“Rack 'Em Up“ by @eirian-houpe
“All the Poisonous Thoughts“ by @serenalyon
“One Word, Many Meanings” by @peacehopeandrats
“In the Shadows of Others” by @peacehopeandrats
“Things Unknown” by bellegold
“Strong For Belle” by @desperatemurph
Hurts So Good
“Beyond the Door“ by @jackabelle73
“Field” by @peacehopeandrats
“Received” by @peacehopeandrats
“Ritual” by @peacehopeandrats
“Unexpected But Not Unwelcome” by @tickletorso
“On Our Way to Fall” by @nerdrumple
Best Date (Overall)
“How to Date a Librarian” by @peacehopeandrats
“Lost and Found” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Worst Date” by @jackabelle73
Best Courtship
“One Thing Forever True“ by @deliriumsdelight7
“Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere” by @chick-with-wifi
Best First Meeting
“Click” by @jackabelle73
“Midnight Flowers” by @serenalyon
Best One-Shot
“Amends” by @shadowedoracle
“And Then, One Thursday Night” by @jackabelle73
“Awakening” by @eirian-houpe
“The Angel and the Devil” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Golden Fleece” by @eirian-houpe
“The Weakness Inside Him” by @tickletorso
“Warming the Chill” by @peacehopeandrats
“Gilded” by @eirian-houpe
Best Series
“Beauty...” by @eirian-houpe
“Golden Dreams” by @peacehopeandrats
“Growing Up” by @peacehopeandrats
“Lover’s Leap” by @eirian-houpe
“Precious Moments” by @jackabelle73
“The Language of Flowers” by @eirian-houpe
Best Novel Length
“Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Witness Protection” by @eirian-houpe
Best Short Fic
“Warming The Chill” by @peacehopeandrats
“Babysitting” by @timelordthirteen
“Distractions” by @shadowedoracle
“Family Photos” by @shadowedoracle
“Rain, Ruin, Roses” by @kelyon
Best Holiday-Centric
“Snow Bunnies” by @peacehopeandrats
“Comfort and Joy” by @emospritelet
“To Drive the Dark Away” by @bibliosauruswrecks
Best Remix
“Those We Left Behind” by @peacehopeandrats
“Our Masks” by @lotus0kid
Best Crossover
“A Blade for Belfrey” by @eirian-houpe
“The City That Never Sleeps“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark Castle
“Amends” by @shadowedoracle
“An Unconventional Gift“ by @shadowedoracle
“Distractions” by @shadowedoracle
“Marble” by @peacehopeandrats
“Snow Bunnies” by @peacehopeandrats
“Storm” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Dark One Doesn’t Get Sick” by @shadowedoracle
“The Weakness Inside Him “ by @tickletorso
Best Storybrooke
“Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere” by @chick-with-wifi
“Golden Thread” by @chick-with-wifi
“Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Beauty And The Beast“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best “Missing Years”
“An Unexplored Realm“ by @jackabelle73
“Unconventional” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Tent of Infinite Adventure“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Pop Ins” by @peacehopeandrats
“The City That Never Sleeps” by @peacehopeandrats
“Leaving Storybrooke“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Golden Lace
“Hot Cocoa and Stolen Kisses“ by @kelyon
“The Angel and the Devil“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Rack ‘Em Up” by @eirian-houpe
Best Woven Lace
“One Word, Many Meanings” by @peacehopeandrats
“Morning” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Woven Beauty
“Prima” by @eirian-houpe
“Gift” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Afterlife Fic
“Morning” by @peacehopeandrats
“Awakening” by @eirian-houpe
Best Drama
“The Monster in the Storm” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Spirit of the Trees” by @woodelf68
“Ad Lucem” BY @reolf
Best Supernatural/Sci-Fi/Horror
“Live Wire” by @kelyon
“Mortuus Loqueris Ad“ by @jackabelle73
Best Comedy
“The Rare Books Crises“ by @tickletorso
“The Third Wheel“ by @tickletorso
Best AU - Original
“Two Could” by @eirian-houpe
“Rain, Ruin, Roses“ by @kelyon
“Wild” by @peacehopeandrats
Best AU Based On Other Media
“A Full Imagination“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Hatter” by @eirian-houpe
“In The Shadows Of Others“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Creature
“Fallen” by @eirian-houpe
“In The Moonlight Deep” by @jackabelle73
Best Unexpected Twist
“The Rare Books Crises“ by @tickletorso
“Inheritance” by @eirian-houpe
Best Trope
“Love and Happiness” by @jackabelle73
“Beauty Compelled” by @eirian-houpe
“Wounds and Scars” by @peacehopeandrats
Rumbelle Secret Santa
“Come Talk To Me” by @serenalyon
“Deck the Halls” by @eirian-houpe
“The Best of the Season” by @lotus0kid
Best Belle
“Beauty Enlightened” by @eirian-houpe
“Compromises” by @tickletorso
“Love and Happiness” by @jackabelle73
“Unexpected But Not Unwelcome“ by @tickletorso
Best Dark One!Belle
“Dark Mistress” by @kelyon
Best Lacey
“Hot Cocoa and Stolen Kisses“ by @kelyon
“Stroll” by @peacehopeandrats
“Wax” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Spinner!Rumple
“Dark Mistress” by @kelyon
“Outside In” by @lotus0kid
Best Dark One Rumple
“Compromises” by @tickletorso
“Inheritance” by @eirian-houpe
“Gilded” by @eirian-houpe
Best Mr. Gold
“The Third Wheel” by @tickletorso
“Missing Person” by @eirian-houpe
“Received” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Detective Weaver
“Forgery” by @peacehopeandrats
“Doppelgänger“ by @celticheartedfangirl
Best Baelfire/Neal
“Dark Mistress” by @kelyon
“Welcome to Storybrooke“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Gideon
“The Visitor” by @jackabelle73
“Looking In From the Almost Outside“ by @eirian-houpe
“A Christmas Present For Mama“ by @shadowedoracle
“Monster In The Storm“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best (Worst) Villain
“The Dance of Love” by @mellkat1986
“Requited Love” by @mellkat1986
“One Thing Forever True” by @deliriumsdelight7
Best BFF/Wingman
“Wounds And Scars“ by @peacehopeandrats
“How To Date a Librarian” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Graphic Art
“If Alternate Universes Exist“ by @jackabelle73
“Rumbelle Mr. Nobody AU“ by @serenalyon
Best AU in Art
“Ally Craig and Nicholas Rush AU“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle Mr.Nobody AU“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle EF AU“ by @serenalyon
“PrisonerBelle!AU“ by @serenalyon
Best Fluff Art
“Girl, Tell Me All of Your Secrets“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle x Cockblock Brigade“ by @serenalyon
Best Angsty Art
“I Kissed Someone It Wasn't You“ by @serenalyon
“You Can Hate Me If That Helps“ by @serenalyon
Best Video
“Dance Me To The End Of Love“ by @jackabelle73
“Rumbelle x AO3 Tags“ by @serenalyon
“Lachacey“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle Wedding“ by @personinthepalace
“Rumbelle and Whofaldi Parallells“ by @personinthepalace
Best New Artist
Best Author
Best New Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
“Beauty and the Beast” by @peacehopeandrats
“Skin Deep” by @bookwormchocaholic
“In All Things” by @timelordthirteen
“Love and Happiness” by @jackabelle73
Best Anyelle Fic
“(In)discreet Math” by @eirian-houpe
“Manifesto” by @emospritelet
“Passions Made Of Nothing” by @killingkueen
Rumbelle Lifetime Achievement Award
46 notes · View notes
kelyon · 6 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @abovethemists. Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Once Upon a Time
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Golden Cuffs
Golden Rings
Dark Mistress
Hot Cocoa and Stolen Kisses
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, even if it's just to say "Thank You!" I regard responding to comments as a way to remind people that there is a person behind the fics, that I read the comments, and that they really do brighten my day.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My motto is "angst with a happy ending," so most of the sadness comes before the final resolution. Technically speaking, I guess Golden Cuffs has the saddest ending, since Belle and Rumple know that all the happiness they've worked for in the Enchanted Forest will be taken away from them once Regina casts the curse.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm gonna say Dark Mistress. That's the one where the happy ending strains credulity the most, in my opinion. You just kinda have to go along with the fact that all of Rumple's social stigma is gone and they never have any problems on the farm and both of the new marriages go well and none of them ever get sick or hurt in what I've taken a long time to establish as a pretty bleak world. Nope! Once they get married and become a family, no one ever has problems again.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The reaction to a plot twist in Golden Cuffs haunts me to this day. Though I would never call that hate. They didn't hate the story, they hated me for doing bad things to characters they loved. I get it. For me, it was a valuable lesson on the distinction between kinkfic and darkfic and how swapping genres in the middle of a work can upset people.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Tee hee. Yeah, I'm all about smut, particularly kink. As a real-life BDSM enthusiast, I take it as my responsibility to convey these experiences as accurately as possible, both physically and emotionally.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have one crossover to my name, and it is very crazy. Storybrooke Marblelympics is the one where I re-imagine the people of Storybrooke as athletes in a version of Jelle's Marble Runs. @wayamy27narf made some great art of everybody as marbles.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No? No one's told me about it, at least.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The aforementioned Storybrooke Marblelympics was a co-creation with my wife. We also have an idea for a fic we want to write together someday.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I mean, I'm gonna finish Nephila someday. I just have no idea how.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People tell me I get the characters right, which is really important in fanfic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and exposition. At least, this is where I most often wonder what the heck I'm doing, if I'm telling too much or not enough. I don't know how to introduce the audience to something that is so normal for the characters that it would be weird if they spent time thinking about it. (Like, if I'm sitting in my living room, I'm not looking at it like I've never seen it before.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In my perfect version of On the House, Belle's dialogue with Gaston would be in flawless, period-accurate French, with witty wordplay and innuendo. Alas, it has been a very long time since my last French class.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Digimon, though Teen Titans (the old/good one) was my gateway into real internet fandom.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I feel like Golden Cuffs is the most complete. Like, it tells the story it wants to tell and doesn't get hung up on other things. But I also love Golden Rings for trying to fit in the Season One canon. It's hard for me to judge WIPs because I don't know how they'll turn out, but I really do love thinking about On The House.
Tagging @deliriumsdelight7, @comradegiddybiscuit, @eirian-houpe, and anyone else who wants to do it.
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abovethemists · 2 years
Alright, new blog name. Back to my original from way back when. 
thatravenclawbitch >>>> abovethemists
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.5--Episode 12
I have watched through S1E13; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for those further behind than I am.
So, @abovethemists, I hope this review satisfies your curiosity, I do my best! Your slightly ominous reply had me really anticipating this episode, and I must say I was not disappointed.
—First of all, how many times can I say “sexy” in one post?
—Rumplestiltskin’s saunter is just heavenly. I know I’ve already devoted entirely too much time to agonizing over the beauty of his body language, but that is absolutely the walk of a man who knows he owns whatever room he’s in. Also, that saunter just looks so gosh-darn good on him.
—Bit weird of Rump to always be spinning his web of deals when he could probably just smite everybody. Maybe he just thinks this is more fun? (It is, btw.)
—I love his clothes. Other characters’ costumes, particularly in the fairytale world, are generally mid-tier, with an occasional foray into either excellence or disgusting, but Rump’s clothes are always gorgeous. The leather pants, not everyone could pull off (but he does, trust me). The vests, whether they’re leather, crocodiley, and/or embroidered, have outstanding collars and cuts. Actually, the vests are the highlight of Rump’s wardrobe. And those satiny-type blouses are exactly the kind of blouse I dream of wearing.
—Mr. Gold looks great wearing sunglasses. I love the Rump content; that and coffee power my life at this point, but Mr. Gold has got it going too. So I guess my motivation in life at the moment is about 67% Rumplestiltskin, 12% coffee, and 21% Mr. Gold.
—Mr. Gold’s house is gorgeous. I would love to live there. The stained glass, the green-and-salmon paint on the outside…it’s just exquisite.
—Okay, so we got to see more of Mr. Gold’s mean streak in this episode, which to be honest is the main draw for me. Rump gets to be cutthroat all the time, but this is the first time Mr. Gold has really been ruthless.
—Actually, he’s a bit frightening. I think “menacing” describes him best; he’s surely more subtle than Rump—most of the time—but he’s still scary. I would not double-cross that man.
—Mr. Gold using his cane as a weapon was pretty cool.
—Rump’s house in the fairytale world is even more gorgeous than his “real” world house. I mean, it’s on a snowy mountain, and it’s huge, and very elegantly-decorated. The rugs are beautiful, and I love the sheer size of the rooms. And his furniture, what we’ve seen of it, is highly tasteful. Oh, and the curtains are stunning.
—I have no choice but to stan Belle, as I, too, would fall in love with Rump.
—I appreciate that we’re getting to see a little bit more of Rump and the Evil Queen’s deal in the fairytale world showing through. Although, if all he has to do is say “please” and she does whatever he likes, he could get so much more than he’s currently using that for.
—I’m sorry, but I just can’t take the Evil Queen seriously when Rump is in the same room or vicinity. He’s so much more powerful, and frankly more clever.
—While Mr. Gold became a bit more vicious, Rump got some new feelings. I love a good anguish-of-love storyline (even if I’m not entirely convinced yet that I like the romance angle for Rump). Him being the Beast in Belle’s story is pretty fine, though. I didn’t see that one coming.
—Speaking of pretty fine….
—Just kidding! To hear me talk, you’d think nothing but Rump happened in episode 12 (though he was the most important part) but I’m very happy for Ashley and her guy. They deserve to get married and have their happily-ever-after.
—I have nearly given up on remembering which spelling of Shawn/Sean/Shaun, or if that’s even his name in the “real” world.
—Almost forgot—what the heck is up with the Evil Queen locking Belle in the hospital basement?!! That’s insanely creepy!
—At least now I know for sure that both Mr. Gold and the Evil Queen are aware of who they really are.
—Rump covering all of the mirrors in his house so the Evil Queen can’t spy on him is top-tier brain usage. Although, one might wonder why he keeps mirrors in his house at all.
—Referring to my earlier side note, I have rather complicated feelings on romance being part of Rump’s motivation. On one hand, romance is a wildly cliche motivator for villains. Now, of course I have to acknowledge at this point that I have put Rump on a pretty high pedestal, but he deserves to be there. He’s much better-written, charismatic, and convincing than most villains I’ve seen. However, I’m pleased that romance is not what started him on his villainous path; in fact, having it be a secondary motivator is a somewhat fresh take on the cliche. I also have to add that it adds another dimension to his character, and that having his anger renewed at a point I’m assuming is years after his original turn to villainy is a clever idea. The problem is that when a love story enters the chat, it usually takes over, for any variety of character. If Rump escapes without being depicted as little more than a lovesick weakling, I predict that I will be, in the end, most pleased with the turn his backstory has taken.
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emospritelet · 2 years
WIP ask game
Rules: post the names of all* the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag some people. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
*okay you don’t have to do all of them if, like me, you have a truly obscene number of fics cause  aintnobodygottimeforthat
Tagged by @ishtarelisheba in this post. My WIPs (the term is used extremely loosely in respect of some of these) are titled as follows:
Closing the Circle
Desperation sequel
new rumbelle fic
Homecoming latest
Crystal Tears
DTF 13
Small World verse
Original Sin 4
The Watcher
SQ fic
I tag @abovethemists, @peacehopeandrats and @mrs-stiltskin
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deliriumsdelight7 · 5 months
Cherry and grapes, OUAT fruit, please.
And the Black Swan for the titles, thank you. :)
Thanks for the asks!
What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Nothing gets me like writing a character who has to learn how to accept love. Maybe they’re a codependent people pleaser who can’t let someone take care of them. Maybe they haven’t had a chance to learn that love doesn’t have to hurt. Maybe they’re cast out, or invisible. Maybe they’ve lost love before, and closed themselves off so they can’t get hurt again. No matter what it is, that is my CATNIP.
Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Mmmm… no, not really. I mostly deal in AUs, after all (which is funny because I HATED AUs before I discovered Rumbelle).
For The Black Swan… well, first off, all credit goes to @abovethemists for the fic idea. It was their RSS prompt a couple years ago, and it inspired me. I’m actually only a chapter and an epilogue away from finishing. I could probably get it done by next month. But you know me - endings scare me! Still, I’d love to wrap it up soon.
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saxgoddess25 · 6 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by @kholran
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Once Upon A Time, Harry Potter, Torchwood. I've dabbled in a few other fandoms long in the past, but those works are not online right now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Busted! (331)
Wakey Wakey (230)
Where Angels Fear To Tread (222)
The Darkest Hour Before Dawn (222)
Trading Places (192)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do. I just don't always get the notification that they're there until sometimes weeks or months later, so sometimes I'm very late with my response.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
There are three that are angsty in different ways. Where Angels Fear to Tread is angsty in a major character death sort of way, but only if you read the epilogue. Claimed by the Wolf is bleak and hopeless angsty. The Hardest Part is just sad.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm not sure I could pick one. My Little Princess, maybe. Or perhaps one of the holiday ficlets I've written. They were fun.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not hate per se. Sometimes I get somewhat ignorant comments on my fics that deal with polyamory. Nothing too bad thus far. Though I guess I get the normal kind of "I HATE YOU!!" comments on the sad stories. Heh.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
All the smut. All the time. LOL. I kid, but yeah, I write a lot of smut. And I'm kinky, so some of it is kinky. There's a fair amount of the regular kind too though. I used to write almost exclusively m/m slash, then when I started writing for OUAT, I started writing femme slash and a bit more het.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't yet. I don't have anything against crossovers, but I've never had a plot bunny for one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I have, nobody has told me about it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing that ended up published. Lots of roleplay though.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Snape/Harry or Snape/Lucius. Also a big fan of Swan Queen or Dragon Queen from OUAT. Xena/Gabby. Jadzia Dax/Kira.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have hopes to finish all of them. Whether ADHD-induced writer's block will let me though is another question! Gifted is probably the one least likely to be finished at this point because I've lost my notes, but if I find them again, I'll try to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Hot Hot Smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Abuse of adverbs. Formerly, using a lot of epithets, but then I learned that was not necessary (and looked down upon), so I started cutting those out. Other than those two, just getting the dang thing finished.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't written any that I can remember. Well, I sorta made up some bits of an alien language in my Torchwood fic, but that was just for a dash of flavor. I wouldn't have any major conversations in another language, mostly because I'd be afraid of getting them wrong.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm pretty sure it was Xena. It was just a tiny little ficlet and I'm not sure I even still have it. It's probably in a notebook packed away in a box somewhere.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think the favorite fic I've written is one that I've never published. I haven't even finished it and I don't know if I ever will. It is the story of Severus Snape and Regulus Black when they were at school and the relationship that developed between them. It's one of those stories that I started and then sort of became daunted by how long it was going to end up, so it is languishing in a file on my computer. Maybe one of these days I'll get back to writing it.
Tagging @ussjellyfish @abovethemists and anyone else who wants to do it!
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
Tag Nine People You Want To Get To Know Better
Favorite color:  Light lavender/lilac shade of purple
currently reading: Duncton Found, by William Horwood
last song:  The Final Battle - Lord of the Rings Musical - Christopher Nightingale; Markku Lepisto, Lassi Logrén, Janne Lappalainene, Susan Aho, Mari Kaasinen, Johanna Virtanen from Värttinä, Shaun McKenna and Matthew Warchus.
last series:  Glow up.
last movie:  (Bits of) The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies
sweet/spicy/savory:  Yes/No/Yes
currently working on:  Disparate Pathways - Chapter 46
I was tagged by @deliriumsdelight7
I will tag: @peacehopeandrats @jackabelle73 @emospritelet @comradegiddybiscuit @phoenix1987 @reolf @abovethemists @beastlycheese @celticheartedfangirl @desperatemurph
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quessalda · 4 years
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Above the Mists
This is the underground fighting arena in the city of Phoenixflame. One of the PCs visited here in their background, shortly before the city erupted. They haven’t yet returned.
Painting thoughts
I couldn’t work out how to join up the left and right hand side of the picture, so I put a giant pillar in the way. This was probably a mistake.
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taitjoe · 6 years
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Supplemental Content: Caspar-Yng-David Friedrich. The Goddamn Dave Hill Show Art Show! The Goddamn Dave Hill Show, with @mrdavehill Monday's at 9 on @wfmu #davehill #author #comedian #musician #actor #wfmu #thegoddamndavehillshow #valleylodge #painteddoll #witchtaint #prideofcleveland #jamesfernandez #dez #yngdave #yngmom #caspardavidfriedrich #thewanderer #abovethemist #abovetheclouds #germanromanticism #bonghits #weedsmoke #art #digitalart #photomontage (at Bensonhurst, Brooklyn)
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quessalda · 4 years
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Above the Mists
I’m running a game using the Exalted Rules and a custom setting. It takes quite a lot of inspiration from various final fantasy games. Particularly with regards to the mists which corrupt normal animals and people into hideous monsters.
This is the city Dawnrose, it’s the only city that isn’t completely covered in mist, because it is on the coast. It’s the gateway between the mist covered continent (full of monsters and magical materials) and the rest of the world (will pay for magical materials).
Painting thoughts
I’ve not painted much for quite a while, but it was surprisingly easy to get back into it and I’m particularly pleased with the way all the houses turned out. (The water looks good too, but was easy).
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quessalda · 4 years
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Above the Mists
Looking out into the misty darkness from the city of Diamondfalls, named after the glowing fish that swim in the river and waterfall.
Not pictured, the fogsharks that were attacking the city when the party arrived at it, or the undead which were defending it.
Painting thoughts
The misty darkness is mostly just dark and misty, so I probably should have focused more on the pretty glowing river. This is not going to make a good zoom background.
I have also used the last of this particular pad of paper, which is sort of canvasey. So the next painting will be on a different type and size of paper.
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