#again it's not like Tobias cares about how he's perceived by the people he saves! (or if he's even perceived at all) but I can imagine
yeonban · 25 days
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It's lovely when I read a book and some random paragraph in it hits me in the face like a train at mach speed
#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#ask to tag#Before this I was catching up with the Doctors are Out webtoon too and atm it's an arc where an abuser#got back to his victim bc he and the authorities dgaf about upholding his restraining order like bro I GET it. I get it. I KNOW#Tobias showing up like that one surprise 'heyyy' girl meme gif bc he's the solution (<- getting rid of them Permanently): >:)#No matter where I look this guy manages to weasel his way in. I cannot escape#Now I'm thinking about how Wammy's orphans have such different perspectives on what they should do and what justice means...#to some of them (ex Near) it means catching sb legally by mostly lawful means and yeeting them into prison#to others (ex Mello) it means catching sb by any means necessary but still trying his best to avoid murder#and then to others (ex Tobias) murdering these people who he knows will escape sooner or later anyway is justice in itself#You try to put Wammy orphans down at a table to come to a collective agreement on how they should operate and they simply Cannot#Watari mildly fucked up when he made them ALL headstrong and under the belief that they're always the right one in the room#I bet any of them comes up w a cohesive plan and there's sb in the room IMMEDIATELY pointing out why that plan isn't it 😭#Obviously they'd still synch with each other if need be (ex Mello & Near) but forbid they work TOGETHER together as more than ~2 people#Tobias and Near would be such a funny duo esp. bc Near sees people resorting to murder as wrong and disgusting no matter if it's valid#meanwhile Tobias sees lawful justice as nothing but a farce because 99% of the time it does nothing besides giving a momentary#ego boost to the person who caught the criminal. and then beyond that it's no longer their business if the criminal escapes or not#but it IS very much everyone else's business; and why many live in terror daily wondering if their nightmare will return tomorrow#to be fair Tobias couldn't care less about their feelings 99% of the time either but Watari DID teach him to enact justice. and to him#getting rid of the root of the problem rather than locking it up IS justice. He perceives the problems from much closer than#other Wammy orphans ever have. He's RIGHT THERE in the middle of it whereas they're in some safe place far away from the victims#plus their backgrounds are far too different from his own to reach a consensus too... you can't make him believe prison = justice#just as you can't make them believe murder = justice. But I do think people would prefer Tobias' approach far more than idk Near's#again it's not like Tobias cares about how he's perceived by the people he saves! (or if he's even perceived at all) but I can imagine#going to sleep knowing the person/people/group/etc having it out for you no longer exists is a much more heartening sentiment than#hearing they've been sent to prison; from where they can send sb else after you or from where they can escape in due time
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age-of-shadows · 4 years
yet another Avantasia theory by yours truly on how all the albums are connected
*ahem* OKAY, fellow avantasian brothers, sisters, siblings... We’re all reunited here in this post because I had a big brain moment about a couple of hours ago and somehow managed to connect all of the Avantasia albums as well as uncover what the actual Avantasia world is apart from Tobi’s definition of it.
This post is probably going to be really long and I already would like to apologise if there’s anything you don’t understand because I didn’t phrase it right (english ain’t my first language so... there might be a lot of mistakes), plus, I’m not Tobias so I can be completely wrong about this but HEY, THEORIES. I don’t even know if anyone’s even thought about this but I’ve literlaly never read about it and trust me, I’ve done a lot of Avantasia research in this year. And I’m aware it’s very, VERY hard to get the album plots right (man... I’ve spent months trying to figure out The Wicked Trilogy and Mystery of Time/Ghostlights, and even if I now think I have a clearer idea of what they’re about, whenever I listen to them I discover new things about them); but I do know reading other theories help people understand the lore and I hope this helps in some way.
Here we go: what is Avantasia? Apart from it obviously being the name of the project, Tobias describes it as a “world beyond human imagination”. At first, this definition is actually very clear and direct, isn’t it? Specially in The Metal Opera since all the story is well written down, and besides, the lyrics are clearer. Anyway, I have just finished reading the story from the booklets (I have to look up the one from part one because I only own part two for now... whoops) and I can do a summary of it: 
"Many ways lead to Rome. Seven times one way for all that leads to a world beyond our inagination."
This is said in one of the seven books that is part of the seven books and seven seals. What are these seals and books even? Well, if you’re only able to listen to the music and don’t have access to the booklets like I did just now, you for sure have noticed the seals do have a big part in the plot. These seven seals were made to be able to enter the spiritual world in flesh and blood. And yes, you guessed it: the spiritual world is Avantasia. They were made by three magicians of the universe thousands of years ago because they knew mankind would be born and they would need this spiritual world for themselves to find peace, and they should also take care of it.
Now: the famous Avantasia Tower, what even is it? Well, some higher entity that can be concieved as a God, maybe not much of a good one, though, is sealed in this Tower. If the seven seals were brought to the Tower, Avantasia would be locked and this God would break free, bringing chaos to mankind. And what would happen if Avantasia is locked? Humans would lose this spiritual world, and when things get tough, they wouldn’t be able to turn anywhere to save themselves, and who knows if that would lead to their destruction.
So, Avantasia has to be kept alive and passed on to the newer generations. 
Also, one is also able to reach Avantasia with their spirit only (this is what Gabriel does), but it’s dangerous since it’s as if their soul trascends and so their body is left in our flesh and blood world. Could this also mean that, if a soul dies in Avantasia, it will never return to its material body? Who knows? Definitely not me, but anyway! Let’s keep going!
Now that we know what Avantasia is, how is it connected to the other three stories if it’s never really mentioned at all? How could we know? Again, this is just a theory and I’m probably wrong.
Let’s go into The Wicked Trilogy then, which is probably the most abstract album and also the hardest to understand, maybe. I already talked about my headcanons about Scarecrow in a post, but I definitely think he’s got some sort of mental illness and that’s why he does the things he does. Anyway... the setting is kind of confusing, but to get a clear starting point: Roy Khan’s character is named Psychiatrist, and he’s the first one that appears in the album along with Scarecrow. There’s a theory going around that this story happens in a hospital, or maybe a psychiatric, so we can guess Scarecrow is hospitalised because of this illness. However... does the rest of the story happen in the hospital physically? This is when Avantasia comes in:
I don’t believe Scarecrow’s journey takes place in the hospital... but in Avantasia. Taking into account almost all of the characters are his own feelings or just parts of him (aka, Bob Catley being Conscience, Jorn Lande being Mephistopheles as a form of temptation...) except for Amanda Somerville’s character, who definitely exists in real life as Scarecrow’s real love interest; it makes a lot of sense. But, oh, how can that world be Avantasia if none of the elements described in The Metal Opera aren’t there? Well, I won’t write the conclusion just yet, but the Avantasia world in The Wicked Trilogy really looks like how we can perceive Scarecrow himself: empty, cold, fucked up... Can you see where this is going?
And now, getting into The Mystery of Time and Ghostlights, there is a very, VERY clear reference to the Avantasia world we see in The Metal Opera, in Savior in the Clockwork. Our protagonist Aaron Blackwell is working non stop in a mantlepiece clock whose hands don’t move for some reason, he overworks himself to the point he loses conscience... or as he says in the booklet notes, he loses the conscience “he had been used to”; in anyway, he passes out on the table. This is kind of similar to how Gabriel gets into Avantasia, isn’t it? Plus, the lyrics of this song are very, very interesting...
“Now am I half asleep or half unconscious, Half 'adream'? I can't move as I am stuck in bright lucidity I can feel and hear and see But I won't comprehend I see fire that I won't decipher I see giant evil tower to a blackened sky I feel blessed with evidence of what I can't define Swinging blade of the lowering perpendicular I see clarity I won't remember Do I dream Is it only fantasy and matter just a thought I see And time is all they need to seal away eternity”
“Giant evil tower”, “seal away eternity”... Yes, that is definitely Avantasia, a version that’s more close to the The Metal Opera’s Avantasia than the one in The Wicked Trilogy. Aaron accidentally gets into Avantasia... the real Avantasia... and this, my friends, is why the Scientists and Magician go to Aaron and ask him for help: they somehow know he has seen the real thing.
This mystery of time... it has something to do with Avantasia, this is why they’re keeping it as a secret, just like the three clerics in The Metal Opera.
Now... Ghostlights, which is more symbolic than this previous album... and I think you can now guess why: it mainly takes part in Avantasia, during Let The Storm Descend Upon you is when it happens, precisely. I have no idea if the Mystery of a Blood Red Rose video can serve as a clue, but Aaron falls unconscious in the end so... perhaps he entered the Avantasia world in the spiritual form, however... that’s not the same Avantasia world he had been to previously, this is more like Scarecrow’s Avantasia in a way.
In this Avantasia world, it’s where Aaron finds these Ghostlights, as well as some of his Scientists mates, did they get in all together? Perhaps it was the Magician who let them into this sort of spiritual world. This whole album really does seem to happen in another dimension, I already talked about the final tracks in my Aaron-Entity theory post, but they make it seem as if Aaron trascends to another plane completely. And the voices calling Aaron? Very much similar to Gabriel’s inner voices in The Metal Opera.
Last but not least, my favorite: Moonglow. We’ve got this Misplaced Entity, who’s thrown into a world they have no place in. They seek shelter in the night, the only place they’re comfortable in, until, when we reach the time the album is set in, they run to never come back to that one place, hiding from the dawn.
Now... How does Entity enter Avantasia? Easy: They enter in Ghost in the Moon, pretty quickly I must say. Let’s say... the glow of the moon is they gateway to Avantasia. Realized how they start talking about turning into a different being? That happens when you enter the spiritual world through your actual spirit, just like what happened to Gabriel (his appearance changes to fit the world). All the night, mysterious, eerie world in Moonglow is Avantasia.
I think all of this is enough to reach a conclusion:
There’s not only one Avantasia... there’s thousands, millions, even. Though, there is one real Avantasia, which is the core: that’s the Avantasia that appears in The Metal Opera, and the one Aaron sees when he passes out. Then, what are the other Avantasias? Easy: the connection each human has to the core, which means each human has a unique way of experiencing that connection; that is how the core of Avantasia is kept alive, even without letting every human into this core (let’s remember, it could be dangerous if the core of Avantasia was locked by humans).
This way, we can deduce how each of the protagonists experiences Avantasia: Gabriel goes to the core; Scarecrow and Entity experience Avantasia as a gateaway from their real, tormented lives and try to find happiness there instead of in the flesh and blood world; Aaron gets into the core by accident but, later on in Ghostlights, he explores his own connection, related to his thirst for knowledge... Remember?
"Many ways lead to Rome. Seven times one way for all that leads to a world beyond our inagination."
I think this is it for now... It is now 1am and trust me, I’ve tried my best to explain myself, so I hope you can understand this!
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sevrustobias · 5 years
First name: Severus Surname: Snape Middle names: Tobias Nicknames: none Date of birth: January 9, 1960 Age: Eighteen
Height: 6′2″ Weight: 163lb Build: Slim Hair colour: Black Hair style: Medium/Long, Straight Eye colour: Dark Brown Eye Shape: Almond Glasses or contact lenses: N/A  Distinguishing facial features: N/A Which facial feature is most prominent: Nose Which bodily feature is most prominent: Long legs Other distinguishing features: N/A Skin: Sallow/Pale Hands: Long and thin Make up: N/A Scars: Various small scars scattered across his body Birthmarks: Cluster of freckles on the back of his left forearm Tattoos: Dark Mark Physical handicaps: N/A Type of clothes: Simple fabrics, dark colors, prefers robes to casual clothing How do they wear their clothes: Neat and crisp What are their feet like: Practical shoes, usually steel toed, always black Race / Ethnicity: English/White Mannerisms: Curt, Sharp-tongued, Standoffish Are they in good health: Yes Do they have any disabilities: No
What words or phrases do they overuse? Not many, since he has an extensive vocabulary, maybe some small phrases to end a conversation Do they have a catchphrase? N/A Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimistic Are they introverted or extroverted? Introverted Do they ever put on airs? Yes, he likes to come across more unaffected than he feels What bad habits do they have? Smoking What makes them laugh out loud? Nothing How do they display affection? Sharing books and knowledge, showing patience Mental handicaps? N/A How do they want to be seen by others? Cold, calculating, intelligent How do they see themselves? Not good enough, yet still somewhat better than others  How are they seen by others? It varies between respect and dislike, few consider him a real friend Strongest character trait? Intelligence Weakest character trait? Independence  How competitive are they? He likes to be better than others, but doesn’t usually feel the need to prove it in blatant ways Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? Both, depending on the situation. He is controlled more by his emotions than he would like, but takes the time to consider in most cases. How do they react to praise? Either accepts it silently, or makes a snide comment, depending on the situation How do they react to criticism? Brush it off and insult the giver’s intelligence What is their greatest fear? Being forgotten entirely What are their biggest secrets? That he still cares deeply for Lily and some of his old school friends, that he’s not entirely sold on the Death Eater’s cause What is their philosophy of life? It’s just something you have to deal with When was the last time they cried? Third year What haunts them? Their past mistakes, specifically calling Lily a Mudblood What are their political views? Death Eater, slightly conservative What will they stand up for? His own spellwork and potions Who do they quote? Classical authors, poets, famous wizards Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? More indoorsy, although he has a great respect for nature and enjoys it as well What is their sinful little habit? Smoking cigarettes  What sense do they most rely on? Smell and sight How do they treat people better than them? It can vary greatly depending on the person. He either lashes out at them or shows respect How do they treat people worse than them? Poorly, usually What quality do they most value in a friend? Intelligence, loyalty What do they consider an overrated virtue? Innocence, honesty If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Social standing What is their obsession? Potions, Dark Arts What are their pet peeves? Complacency What are their idiosyncrasies? Picking his nails, biting his bottom lip
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Small - just his estranged mother and father What is their perception of family? Negative, he has never had the feeling of a close family bond Do they have siblings? Older or younger? No Describe their best friend. It used to be Lily - kind and gentle, while still full of spirit. Now he has no best friend, but is closest to Lucius and gets along well with Barty Ideal best friend? Quiet, understanding and intelligent, someone he can have deep discussions with and open up to without being judged Describe their other friends. Mostly Death Eaters, superficial friendships made for mutual advantages Describe their acquaintances. A lot of people know him, but he has very little time for people that are of no use to him Do they have any pets? A black banded owl named Cerberus Who are their natural allies? Death Eaters, Purebloods Who are their surprising allies? Old school friends, although he is not willing to admit it openly
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? Quiet and meek, trying to blend into the background Did they grow up rich or poor? Poor Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Neglected What is the most offensive thing they ever said? Calling Lily a Mudblood, although he says offensive things regularly to people he dislikes What is their greatest achievement? Creating various spells and potions, learning Legilimency and Occlumency What was their first kiss like? Meaningless, a means to an end What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Calling Lily a Mudblood What are their ambitions? Becoming more powerful in any capacity, becomes a Potions Master  What advice would they give their younger self? Be stronger, stand up to your father What smells remind them of their childhood? Alcohol, the dirt after rain, honeysuckle What was their childhood ambition? Become a powerful wizard, have friends What is their best childhood memory? Meeting Lily What is their worst childhood memory? Having to go home Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? Yes When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? When Lily started showing an interest in James Potter What past act are they most ashamed of? His history with Lily What past act are they most proud of? Getting accepted as an apprentice to a notable potioneer Has anyone ever saved their life? No Strongest childhood memory? The way his father smelled when he came home from work
[ LOVE ]
Do they believe in love at first sight? Not anymore, although he used to Are they in a relationship? No How do they behave in a relationship? He’s never had a serious relationship, and in the few casual ones he’s had he’s been distant and uninterested  When did you character last have sex? A few weeks ago What sort of sex do they have? Unemotional Has your character ever been in love? Yes Have they ever had their heart broken? Yes
How do they respond to a threat? With a smile Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue, although he’s not above a physical fight either  What is your character’s kryptonite? Lily Evans If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? His notebooks How do they perceive strangers? As a threat until proven otherwise What do they love to hate? The Maruaders What are their phobias? N/A What is their choice of weapon? Wand What living person do they most despise?  James Potter Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes Where do they go when they’re angry? Personal laboratory Who are their enemies? Order of the Phoenix, Marauders 
What is their current job? Apprentice to a Potioneer What do they think about their current job? He likes it well enough and enjoys the solitude it brings most days What are some of their past jobs? N/A What are their hobbies? Reading, experimenting with spells and potions, learning everything he can Educational background? Hogwarts Intelligence level? High Do they have any specialist training? Professionally, only potions Do they have a natural talent for something? Potions, Dark Arts, Legilimancy and Occlumency  Do they play a sport? Are they any good? N/A What is their socioeconomic status? Middle class
What is their favourite animal? Owls, octopus Which animal to they dislike the most? Cats, dogs What place would they most like to visit? South America What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? A perfectly brewed Draught of the Living Death What is their favourite song? N/A Music, art, reading preferred? Reading What is their favourite colour? Red What is their password?  Tormentil Tincture Favourite food? French What is their favourite work of art? Monet’s Poplars Who is their favourite artist? Da Vinci What is their favourite day of the week? Monday
What is in their fridge? Leftover takeout and alcohol, mostly What is on their bedside table? Dreamless Sleep potion, current book What is in their purse or wallet? A couple coins, various notes What is in their pockets? Wand, notebook and quill, empty phials What is their most treasured possession? Wand
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? Himself Do they believe in the afterlife? No What are their religious views? Atheist What do they think heaven is? He’s not sure he believes in Heaven, and if he does he’s not sure what it would be  What do they think hell is? Reliving all their old mistakes over and over again without being able to make them better Are they superstitious? Not really What would they like to be reincarnated as? A hawk How would they like to die? Peacefully What is your character’s spirit animal? Bat What is their zodiac sign? Capricorn
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Losing all control What is their view of ‘freedom’? Being out from under anybody’s thumb, not having any sides to have to choose between When did they last lie? Very recently What’s their view of lying? It’s a means to an end, a necessary evil, and at times it’s even fun When did they last make a promise? A very long time ago, he doesn’t make very many promises Did they keep or break their last promise? Broke it
What are their eating habits? Usually three meals a day, although it is often he gets busy and inadvertently skips meals. Lots of takeout and cold leftovers Do they have any allergies? N/A Describe their home. Currently, he lives in a studio apartment in muggle London close to where he works. There’s little adorning the walls and it stays rather dark throughout the day. The furniture is second hand and the water usually runs cold Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Grab a strong cup of coffee - no sugar, just milk What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Chores that were neglected through out the week, any shopping that needs to be done, and reading/experimenting when the rest is done  What do they do on a Friday night? Have a cup of tea and go to bed early if there are no meetings to attend What is the soft drink of choice? He doesn’t drink soft drinks What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Whiskey or gin
What is their character archetype? The Shapeshifter Who is their hero? Tom Riddle What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? He wouldn’t Are they comfortable with technology? No If they could save one person, who would it be? Merlin If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Barty Crouch Jr What is their favourite proverb? He doesn’t know any What is their greatest extravagance? Potions ingredients, and his single set of dress robes What is their greatest regret? Lily Evans What is their perception of redemption? Unattainable, and at the moment, unwilling to try What would they do if they won the lottery? Run away What is their favourite fairytale? Little Red Riding Hood What fairytale do they hate? Cinderella Do they believe in happy endings? No What is their idea of perfect happiness? A quiet room and a good book What would they ask a fortune teller? He wouldn’t go to one If your character could travel through time, where would they go? Backwards, to the Middle Ages What sport do they excel at? Chess What sport do they suck at? Quidditch If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Invisibility 
What is their Hogwarts house? Slytherin What is their patronus? Bat What is their boggart? Death What is their wand? Blackthorn and dragon heartstring, unyielding, 13 1/2 inches What is their blood status? Half blood What is their political leaning? Death Eaters What is their stance on muggles? Strongly dislikes
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the-jennisms · 5 years
Not So Bad
**This story has themes of abuse and extreme cruelty so be prepared**
Tobias hadn’t slept well the night before.
He’d tried. Lying in bed and fruitlessly tossing and turning before giving up and biding his time. He couldn’t shake the anxious tremors that left him feeling raw and irritable. Even now.
This rescue had been a long time coming. Too long, as far as he was concerned. They’d received several complaints and concerned calls about this certain bitty adopter and after meeting him, Tobias wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to hold himself back.
They hadn’t even seen the bitties yet.
They hadn’t even gotten through the front door.
And it had been almost a month since the first call.
That first interaction was still fresh in his mind. Tobias and Sonya had driven to the adopter’s home and told him about the concerned calls and asked to see his bitties. Not only did the old asshole refuse to let either of them inside but he spent ten minutes raging at Tobias about how it was ‘None of their business’ and how the bitties ‘belonged to him’ and if they didn’t leave, he’d call the cops.
And when they refused to leave, he did.
Bitty laws were complicated, often how a bitty was perceived changed depending on the country you were living in. Or sometimes, even the state or city. People, pets, or property. It all depended on who you asked. Unfortunately, the police officers they had asked didn’t see the situation the same way and they were threatened with possible jail time if they didn’t leave.
They hadn’t given up, of course.
They’d been back, with laws to back up their claims to see the bitties. In this state, they were considered more as pets but even pets had rights. But instead of being allowed to see the bitties themselves, the cops went in and looked. When they came out saying that things were fine, Tobias was seeing red.
It only got worse from there.
But things were going to be different this time.
“Stop the car here.”
Sonya came to a stop a few blocks down the road. “This is a bad idea. Maybe we shouldn’t do this.” She was fiddling with the band-aids on her hands that she’d gotten from a particularly irritable Edgy. “If we’re caught-“
Tobias didn’t wait to hear the rest. “Just be ready to move. This won’t take long.”
He’d already made up his mind.
He pulled the black ski mask out of his pocket as he cut through the backyards over to the asshole’s house. He lived in a decent neighborhood for a piece of garbage. And even in the dark and wearing full black, Tobias probably stuck out like a sore thumb. He slipped on the mask just before jumping the final fence into the asshole’s yard.
The lights weren’t on in the home. He worked the graveyard shift at a factory, so he’d be gone for hours. If the guy hadn’t been such a scumbag, Tobias might have felt bad for practically stalking the guy for weeks. Tobias knew where he worked, how long, and most importantly-
He knew where he hid an extra key to the house. In the backyard, under the cushion on the lawn chair.
Tobias was able to slip in easily, closing the door behind him.
The house was quiet. So quiet it made him uneasy.
Were they already dead? Is that why the old asshole wouldn’t let them in?
…Even if they were dead, Tobias wasn’t leaving here without them. Even if the best he could do was take their dust with him and scatter it somewhere better. Somewhere peaceful. Away from the hell that they’d left behind.
Tobias didn’t bother turning on the light and even though the old man had heavy curtains that blocked the windows, he avoided them. He couldn’t risk being seen. If he hadn’t been already.
He searched each room with the same meticulous care that he’d given when caring for the bitties at the shelter. Careful to not disturb or break anything while taking in every detail. Treating everything he touched as if it were a stained-glass antique, that might shatter if held too tightly, before putting it back exactly as he’d found it. Even if he was wearing gloves, he didn’t want to risk leaving something behind that would get Sonya or the clinic in trouble.
If the worst happened, he would take the blame himself.
He’d covered the living room, laundry, kitchen, heading deeper into the home when he stopped.
A sound.
Small, barely audible…
He found the master bedroom door open, and further in…
The bathroom.
Tobias stepped closer, listening carefully. The quiet sobs were coming from inside.
There was a gasp and clatter on the other side. Barebones on the tile floor. A bittybones. At least one inside.
“I’m sorry I scared you.” He added quickly. “I’m not here to hurt you. My name is Tobias, can you tell me your name?”
Silence. Then more clattering, but softer. “YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE.” The voice was high pitched but hoarse. “YOU WEREN’T INVITED IN, WERE YOU?”
“No.” Tobias confirmed. “I’m here to help you.”
“H-HELP?” The voice quavered.
“The man you’re living with. He’s not a nice man, is he?” Tobias tried to keep his voice soft and low.
“…NO.” More sounds of sniffling. “HE USED TO BE A LOT BETTER THAN THIS… WELL, MAYBE NOT A LOT. BUT HE WAS BETTER. AND I… I’M SURE HE’LL BE… HE’LL-“ The voice broke off again, into sobs.
“I want to get you out of here. Take you someplace safe where people won’t hurt you anymore.” Tobias moved closer to the door. “Can I open this door?”
We. That confirms there’s more than one. “If I open the door, then you didn’t do anything wrong, right?”
There were a few more seconds of sniffling. “I… I GUESS THAT’S TRUE.”
“Be sure to back away, I don’t want the door to hit you.” Tobias waited a few seconds. “Ready?”
Tobias pulled up his mask to uncover his face. The last thing he wanted was to frighten this bitty more than it already was. Then, he carefully opened the bathroom door and quickly spotted the bitty standing nearby, clinging to the door jamb.
It was a papy. Clothes were old and full of holes, probably unwashed for who knows how long. The poor bitty was trembling and his face-
Tobias bit the inside of his cheek to hold back the rage that suddenly overwhelmed him.
The bitty face was cracked. Something had hit him in the face so hard that his jaw was crooked with a large crack from his chin to his right eye.
The bitty shrank back as if he had sensed the intense anger flooding Tobias.
Tobias did his best to smile reassuringly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Please, come back.”
The papy slowly returned, shivering. “YOU… YOU REALLY WANT TO TAKE US?” There was so much hope in that little voice.
“Yes. I work at a shelter for bitties just like you.” Tobias reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture from his wallet. When he had been swarmed by bitties Sonya had snuck a picture of him on her phone. Tobias held It in front of the little bitty, letting him take in the sight of the happy, smiling faces of the others.
“…WHAT ABOUT M-MY BROTHER? CAN YOU HELP HIM, TOO?” The voice was becoming more shrill, boarding hysterical. “PLEASE, IF YOU CAN, TAKE MY BROTHER!”
“I’m not leaving either of you behind,” Tobias replied firmly. “Is it just the two of you?”
The papy nodded. “YES.”
Which brought up the question Tobias had been dreading. “Where is your brother?”
Large tears streamed down the bitties broken face as his body started to tremble. “DOWNSTAIRS. HE’S BEEN THERE FOR TWO DAYS. I KEEP ASKING TO SEE HIM BUT MISTER BEN WON’T- H-HE WON’T LET-”
Tobias moved carefully to take the wailing bitty into his hands before carefully stroking the poor things back with his thumb. “Let’s go get your brother okay?”
The Papy clung to his fingers as his sobbing died down. “PLEASE…”
Tobias checked his phone. He’d only been here almost forty minutes, should still be plenty of time.
Tobias carefully followed the little Papy’s directions to the basement door, at the end of the hall. It was dark down there too. Tobias still didn’t want to risk turning on a light, and possibly alerting the neighbors, but took out his cellphone and turned on its flashlight. He moved down the stairs as carefully as he could.
No answer. No sign of anyone.
That was when the light fell on a crumpled figure laying on the cement floor of the basement.
The Papy gasped and nearly leaped down to the floor but Tobias just barely managed to keep hold of him before kneeling next to the bitty curled up on the floor.
The Papy immediately went to his brother holding him tightly. It was a sansy, and he looked to be in even worse shape than his brother. Multiple broken bones. His legs, ribs, arms-
This bitty was missing an arm.
Tobias couldn’t keep the rage off his face this time. He bit the inside of his cheek again, and barely registered the taste of blood.
For a moment he indulged in the idea of waiting until the old man got home and beating him within an inch of his life. The idea was very… tempting…
But that wasn’t why he was here.
Saving these innocent lives was more important than punishing that piece of shit.
Moving very carefully, he took both bitties in his hands. The little one did not wake up or stir in the slightest. He was still alive, or else his body would be dust, but he was in terrible shape. Beaten and malnourished in this prison without hope.
Not for one more day.
Not for one more second.
Tobias left the hellhole behind with both bitties in tow, and never looked back.
The old man knew who did it. And Tobias pulled double shifts be sure that he was there when the old man showed up with an officer demanding his bitties back. But with no evidence connecting them to the crime or warrant to search the premises, there was nothing either of them could do and the two left the rescue center after about an hour. It was a small victory. Painfully small.
Tobias and Sonya had taken it upon themselves to contact every bitty adoption center and rescue clinic they knew of and warned them about the old man. Giving them his name and a detailed physical description so no shelter would ever allow him to adopt another bitty. Tobias hoped that would be enough.
It was warm.
The Sansy couldn’t remember the last time he really felt warm.
He had to be dead, right?
Everything felt so soft and warm.
Maybe death wasn’t so bad.
Actually, this was pretty good.
He was more than ready to let his mind drift away…
When his stomach growled.
Apparently, he wasn’t so dead after all. Dead people probably don’t need to eat.
But he was so comfortable.
Just a little longer, please.
Let this dream last a little longer. Let him feel warm and comfortable for just a little longer before coming to on the basement floor. The hard cement floor had felt like ice underneath him, sapping all his strength after the human threw him down the stairs before slamming the door behind him. He didn’t want to wake up to that again. Cold and alone. Hadn’t he been through enough?
He wouldn’t leave his brother alone with that human.
It took all his strength to force his eyes open.
What the hell was this?
 He wasn’t in the basement, he was in a dark room he didn’t recognize.
He wasn’t on the floor, he was in a bed. Wrapped in a soft, warm blanket.
And he wasn’t alone.
His brother snapped to attention at once, his eyes filled with tears and immediately pulled the Sansy into a crushing hug.
Sansy took a moment to just enjoy the feeling. He hadn’t seen his brother in days, but it felt like weeks. Time gets weird when you’re alone in the dark.
“where are we?”
His brother pulled back, smiling wider then he’d ever seen before. “IT’S OKAY! WE’RE SAFE NOW. YOU’LL LOVE IT HERE, TOBIAS AND SONYA ARE REALLY NICE AND-“
The Sansy shook his head. “wait- wait, hold on. just… go back and explain it to me. where are we? how did we get here?”
It took a while for the Sansy to get a clear picture. His brother kept getting distracted, talking about how great and safe this place was and how happy they would be here…
He remembered old Benny complaining about being hassled by some annoying kids. But besides having to deal with Benny’s anger after their visits, he hadn’t paid too much attention to it. After everything that happened… the shelter felt surreal.
More than enough food, warm beds, other bitties.
And the humans. Always smiling.
Except Tobias. He didn’t smile much. Didn’t really talk much either.
But they were all kind to his brother, and him too, which was enough.
And the two were able to heal most of there scars.
But even after months had passed, he was still waiting.
Waiting for the penny to drop.
They’d never really had names, the two of them. Old Benny had called them ‘names’ but they weren’t particularly nice ones.
It was around that time when Tobias started calling him ‘Joker’. A little on the nose, in his opinion, but when his brother got the name ‘Ace’, he had seemed very pleased with it. So, Joker and Ace it is.
It was better than nothing.
He and Ace were good with new Bitties. Even those shell-shocked, traumatized bitties from similar situations as them. Abandoned on the streets, abused, you name it.
But still, he was waiting.
Waiting for the happy little family act to fall away and reveal something ugly underneath. And when it happened, he was gonna be ready. It wasn’t going to be like last time, letting himself get his hopes up, only for it to all come crashing down around him.
Fool me once shame on you.
Still, it was better than before. And fake kindness was better than real cruelty.
Even after a year, Joker couldn’t shake these thoughts.
 On the anniversary of their escape from the hell house, Tobias brought Joker and Ace into a room alone with him and Joker couldn’t ease the sense of dread that welled up in his soul.
Here it was.
Here it comes.
“Do you want to come live with me?”
Joker froze.
Wait, what? Had he heard that right?
Ace gasped. “REALLY!? YOU WANT US?”
Tobias nodded. “Yeah, you can come live with me. If you want.”
Joker wondered if this guy had a cold, dark basement.
“And, if you want, you can come back to the clinic every once in a while, to visit your friends and meet other new bitties.” Tobias seemed to speak directly to him. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Joker considered going with his gut with a flat out ‘no’.
…but then he saw the hopeful look on his brother’s face.
Ace really wanted a new home. A new human. He’d always be so excited when a new human came in to see the bitties and so depressed when they left without them.
Joker took a deep breath.
His brother deserved a home.
He was immediately pulled into his brother’s arms.
Yeah …this wasn’t so bad.
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I don’t think I’ll do that many of these written ones but I hope you like it. XD
Not really happy with the pic. Because I can’t do backgrounds lol. Oh well.
Origin stories 1 out of 5, check.
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