#ahoge is still there also. fucking insane.
tillman · 8 months
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This outfit is just cute on its own btw. The joke is I just dress like that fucking corpse on a day to day basis.
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mindrole · 8 months
just wanted to say i like your attitude in general, fandoms can be really aggressive over "canon" so it's nice to see you take the attitude of "i don't care whether this is in character or whether "canon" contradicts it, this is fanwork and i think it's funny so that's all that matters". i also love your oc azuma, a fragment oc is a concept i've never seen done before but you love him so much and it's so nice to see. cringe culture is dead!! you should post more of him!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND MESSAGES NONNIE!!! i try my best to have fun with stuff and can be a bit individualistic in that way. i like to take a very laissez faire approach to my interpretation of characters because tbh ironically i feel that focusing on the details leads to flanderization. zooming out and seeing the big picture, probably still abstractly in character <-guy who flanderizes fictional characters like its his job saying some kind of nonsense to sound smart
also, azuma is not my oc ^^ hes a real character from the series! but he does not appear in person and is barely mentioned so its completely understandable he is obscure. im telling you his existence is practically debatable to the point where sometimes i wonder if im participating in some kind of mass hallucination, but he undoubtably exists. and i am an insane person. you are the normal one here.
i actually was not sure what you meant at first until i got the second message <-guy who struggles. but i will be answering in one message...!
im not sure how much spoilers you are ok with (probably fine since you scrolled down my blog but i want to be careful) but i can say as a baseline that azuma is one of those entities that are mentioned in the background of the story that don't matter. until they matter, like the mutsushikas or ditasword. azuma himself is an interesting case because of how deep the rabbit hole goes. like. its actually quite ridiculous how many pots he has his hands in. and no one even knows if azuma is two different characters or if he just changed names at some point (since fragmentation=not aging)
im just not good at ascertaining what is a spoiler and what isnt so just let me know how much i should lower the filter. but azuma really is special compared to the others fragments.
since azuma does not have a design i ironically try not to get attached to any mental image of him i may think of (because i hate being wrong) but i did edit a cap of bad anime sasami-san slightly as you possibly saw because i thought it was funny. i really needed a stand-in for the last chara in the photo redraw so i went fuck it, i'll use the barely edited design thats just sasami's brother (who holds a briefcase over his face at all times) but with a pink shrimp ahoge
yeah that's all we know about azuma's appearance aside from the obvious color combo. he has a shrimp ahoge. i think i might collapse
ill be reblogging posts ive made about azuma that are just my personal opinion so you can see what level of delusional and desperate im operating on
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Reader helps Nagito in his plan to expose the traitor
Came up with this one on my own, just something for you guys to see my style of writing for if you want to request :)
Category: Angst Imagine
Specifics: GN!reader, obviously takes place in chapter 5, reader is Ultimate Actor
Warnings: Gore, swearing
I legit finished this but forgot to save and had to rewrite it all over again-
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Nagito had told his lie of planning on blowing the island up. You, of course, saw through his bullshit, there was no way he had more than one bomb from the Ocagon. And he had just used it. So when you had stopped him walking away from the restaurant and confronted him, he let himself take his chances.
The boy had decided to confide in you after a minimal amount of convincing. There was no use in lying to you, especially when his time to execute his plan was limited. He told you what he knew. Absolutely all of it.
He told you how you were all Remnants of Despair, the 78th class’ killing game, Hajime’s “identity crisis”, about Junko Enoshima, everything. He even shared the fact that you had your left eye replaced with Junko’s while some other classmates, including himself, had other body parts.
While his claims were unbelievable at first, you could tell he wasn’t lying. He took you to his cottage and showed you the book he had received in the Octagon and he got some sort of poison. It was insane, yet it explained so much: Mikan’s behavior, Hajime being talentless, the swirls in Nagito’s and Mikan’s eyes when they got despaired, and so much more.
However, with this explanation, you had also gotten a hope/despair rant of how you all deserved to die for being Remnants. And for the first time, you actually agreed with his ideas. This part seemed to shock him slightly before he chuckled and explained what had to happen.
Whilst everyone else was on a wild goose chase for the bombs, the two of you got to work. You were told of the traps he already set up the night prior. He had you tie a spear above him, tie his legs and arm, and finally, made sure no one could hear him through the duct tape. You weren’t completely aware of why he needed that last point, but you guessed you would find out soon.
When leaving the warehouse to “meet up” with the others, his last words before you left had sent chills down your spine;
“Just make sure no one can hear me screaming, Y/n..”
You had finally met up with your classmates just after they left the plushie factory where Nagito set his video message. You discreetly led them to the warehouse, using your talent as a shield of sorts. The domino fire trap had been set off, then they found the grenades in the break room, all according to plan. You made sure to stay back and not throw any of the grenades in case you screwed it up and took the poisoned one.
Once the fire died down, you had entered the next phase of this plan, the part you had to complete alone. You carefully led the group to Nagito’s body, not having to act as the shock of his self-mutilation took over you. Quickly shaking the nerves off best you could, you focused on the rest of the plan. Before you knew it, everyone was in the trial grounds being led by your lies.
That is, until a certain protagonist decides to call you out.
“Y/n, you don’t usually speak up so much during trials,” the boy gulped a bit and suspiciously looked to you. “Especially since you weren’t there until after we found the video.”
“I just want to help as much as possible,” you bit the inside of your lip nervously, “and like I said, I was in my cottage the whole time to avoid being blown up.”
“Then how did you know to lead us outside of the warehouse?”
Shit, shit, shit...
“I-I..” You had to think fast. So you did the only thing you could think of. Besides, all they had to do was vote incorrectly, right?
Lowering your gaze, you let your voice take on a dark tone, forcing a visible smile to tug at your lips.
“Because I killled Nagito.”
The room went dead silent for a moment. It was almost amusing. But you had to finish this plan out.
“I think we can start the votes now Monokuma, I killed Nagito-”
“No that’s wrong!”
Hajime’s voice rang out like an annoying alarm. You looked towards him and raised a brow for an explanation.
“Y/n, I don’t think you killed Nagito. I think you’re covering for something.” Hajime was getting closer to the truth, but thankfully your classmates were short tempered at this.
“What the fuck do you mean?! They already confessed!”
“Buddy, they already said they did it!”
“Hajime, they have just confessed their crime!”
“I don’t get the fuss, just start the voting!”
Their voices tangled together, most ready to start the vote. Unfortunately for you, Hajime apparently had backup.
“Y/n, if you did kill Nagito,” Chiaki’s voice had silenced the others, “then please give an explanation of what exactly you did.” You felt your chest tighten but remained calm on the outside.
Taking a breath in, you relaxed and focused on using your talent to complete your mission.
“When Nagito told us he’d blow up the whole island, I could tell he was lying, so I went to confront him. I knew there was no way he’d get a bomb large enough to take out the whole island. At least, not without any of us knowing beforehand. Plus he already used a bomb, and there was no way he had a second.”
You stated with a truth as you always did before delving into your lies, carefully weaving the two together. You were ready for this rebuttal battle.
“He refused to tell me anything, so I dragged him to the warehouse and tied him up. There, I tortured him to tell me the truth. When that didn’t work, I threatened a painful death.”
The thoughts of having to commit the actions you were describing caused you to pause for just a moment before continuing your faulty explanation.
“He began to mock me, saying I wouldn’t do such a thing. I decided to prove him wrong. I stole the key to his cottage off him and forced him to hold the spear above him. To keep him from screaming for help, I covered his mouth in tape.”
You felt yourself grip your trial stand just a bit tighter.
“I took the poison from his room and placed it in a granade for later. From there, I had set up the rest of the traps like Hajime said. All I had to do then was lead you all along and throw the grenade with the poison into the room-”
“I’ll cut through those words!”
Ignoring the odd word choice Hajime had been using in every trial, you turned to him, annoyed and nervous.
“Y/n, you’re the only one who didn’t throw a grenade,” the ahoged boy pointed out.
“Hey wait a sec- Hajime’s right!” Kazuichi joined in, “You were standing behind us the whole time!”
“So why the fuck are you lying to us?!” Fuyuhiko swore.
“They’re acting a bit like Nagito in the first trial..” Sonia was quiet but you still heard her.
“Do you know who the culprit is or not?!” Akane shouted from across from you.
Now you knew you were in deep shit. If you couldn’t keep the culprit’s identity safe, you would’ve failed. You would’ve failed to keep the world safe from the remaining Remnants.
After a few moments, you had your next course of action planned out. You lifted your head once more and smiled sickingly sweet. You were going to follow what Sonia had said.
You were going to play Nagito.
“Heheh..” Keeping the same dark but nonchalant tone as he always did, you continued, “Yes and no, Akane..”
“What do you mean, Y/n?” The plain boy seemed confused as ever.
“Well you’re the smart one Hajime, so I’ll give you one hint that should pull this together for you..”
The group had gone silent once again, awaiting your words.
“He used our talents to find a certain someone.”
Your head tilted to the side in false glee. Hajime had gone into his own mind for a minute, processing your claim. Once he figured what you meant by that statement, he turned to the group in shock.
“You’re telling us, that Nagito set this up?” He almost looked scared to say such a thing.
“Indeed I am,” You gave a crazed look, “I’m sure you know who the culprit is now, Hajime, don’t you?” The boy gulped once more.
“It’s the traitor.” Hajime looked down, “He was trying to kill the traitor.” At that, you erupted into Nagito’s signature laugh.
“Not quite, Dating-Sim-Protag.” You let out one more chuckle at your teasing. “It wasn’t the traitor he wanted to kill. It was everyone but the traitor!”
You continued your cackle. Having to laugh in his way made you feel guilty for your actions and words. You were hurting everyone. But what had to be done had to be done.
“They’re messing with us like Nagito did!” Kazuichi seemed more freaked out than everyone, as per usual. “Just tell us who the traitor is!”
“Not so fast, Kazuichi,” Chiaki once again calmed down the commotion, “I think Y/n isn’t lying. Nagito wanted the traitor to kill him and be the blackened, right?”
“Y/n,” Hajime kept his gaze towards the floor, “did you really know where the poison was?”
“In the grenades? Yes.” You felt this as your chance to come clean, convinced they couldn’t find the traitor. “Which one, however? I had no clue.”
“Then how would the traitor have known which one it was in?” Sonia was so close to getting it, but Hajime sealed their deal.
“They didn’t, Nagito used his luck.”
“Correct.” You decided to drop the Nagito facade, deeming it unnecessary now. Your face instead fell solemn.
“Why the hell did you help him, Y/n?!” Fuyuhiko’s voice called out.
“I’m sorry, I really am,” You let yourself speak the truth, “but it was what had to happen for the world to be safe. Safe from-”
“Ah, ah, ahhhh!!” Monokuma jumped in, “We wouldn’t want spoilers, now would we!”
You grit your teeth, feeling even more horrible that you couldn’t explain your actions. Although there would be no need to once the vote had started.
“Just..” Your voice fell weak, “..know all but one of us deserve painful deaths. And we’re about to get those as I assume the traitor wouldn’t reveal themselves.”
The room was completely silent. Even Monomi kept her usual whimpering to herself. Monokuma probably would’ve jumped up again if it weren’t for said traitor speaking up.
“I killed him.”
Chiaki’s voice made your head snap up. She must be lying right? No, there’s no way she’d help you and Nagito.. right?
“Chiaki what are you talking about?” Your voice trembled, knowing you won’t know if she’s helping you or everyone else until after the vote.
“I’m the traitor.” She smiled sadly, “Hajime, you want to do your usual run down of the case?”
Hajime’s face was in complete shock along with the rest of us. He quickly shook himself out and nodded. You could tell he didn’t want to vote on his (what you assumed to be) girlfriend. Nevertheless, he gave the story of it all.
“Here’s everything that happened: The person who actually arranged this incident was... the victim, Nagito Komeada. He kept a specific item inside his cottage that he needed for his plan. Monokuma's Special Poison, which he brought with him from the Octagon.
“Using the gloves and gas mask that he got from he military base... Nagito swapped the contents of a fire grenade he took from the Plushie Factory break room with that poison. When he did that, a specific item was left as evidence: the blue aluminum seal on the grenade.
“With that, Nagito finished making the poisoned fire grenade, took it with him to the factory... and put it back with the rest of the grenades in the break room.
“The next morning, Nagito appeared before us and declared that he hid a bomb somewhere... However, one of us wasn’t fooled. That person was Y/n L/n. Through some sort of convincing, Nagito had told them his plan and the two of them got to work.
“While we were looking for the bomb, that's when Nagito and Y/n headed over to the goods warehouse. In order to set up a fire, the two arranged the Monokuma panels in a line going from the door... to the curtain, and placed an oil lighter in front of it. From there, Nagito set his insane plan in motion.
“First, he hung the spear that he took from Nezumi Castle from the ceiling girder by its cord... then he had Y/n tie his arms and legs at the back of the warehouse with rope. However, they burnt off the rope on his right arm beforehand.
“In doing so, they made sure that only his right hand was free while his remaining arm and legs were tied up... As he gripped the tip of the rope hanging over the ceiling girder with his left hand... He laid down face-up, just beneath the dangling spear.
“But this was just the beginning of Nagito's plan, and then...he did something no one could've predicted. First, he covered his mouth with duct tape, and after making sure he was unable to scream... He made Y/n leave and stabbed himself with the knife multiple times in his left arm and in both of his thighs.
“Finally... He propped the knife on the plushie, and slammed his right hand onto the blade! He didn't just want us to think he was tied up, he also wanted us to think he's been tortured... Through all this, Nagito never let go of the spear. His plan still wasn't over...In fact, it was just about to begin.
“Meanwhile, we finally arrived at the plushie factory and found Nagito's message... After seeing his message, we instantly made our way to the warehouse, Y/n leading us there even though they had shown up after we left... But that was part of Nagito's plan. We opened the door to the warehouse, which inadvertently started the Monokuma panel domino effect...
“The panels fell, one after another, until they reached the lighter, tipped it over, and ignited the curtain. Shocked by the sudden fire, we rushed to the factory's break room to obtain some fire extinguishing grenades.
“We then aimed for the fire's origin point, which was the curtain, and unloaded the entire supply. It never occurred to us that one of those grenades was the poisoned grenade that Nagito had prepared... But because Y/n knew it was there, they made a crucial mistake in Nagito’s plan and their later lies... they didn’t throw a grenade.
“The poison sank to the floor, instantly vaporizing due to the intense heat, and spread everywhere... The poison gas quickly drifted to the curtain at the back of the warehouse, where Nagito was. Also, Monokuma's poison has a unique quality in which it becomes heavier than air when vaporized. That poison gas completely surrounded the area where Nagito lay face-up on the floor.
“There, Nagito inhaled the poison, and if it didn't instantly kill him, he certainly lost consciousness... Which caused him to let go of the rope in his left hand, and the falling spear plunged into his stomach.
“But even then, his plan wasn’t completely over as his accomplice, Y/n, had to lie in order to voting wrong. Unfortunately for Y/n, the traitor did something they couldn’t expect... the traitor revealed themself.
“This is all the information related to Nagito's plan. His true intention was to set one of us up as the killer... At the time, we didn’t know who the killer was... Because the killer wasn't aware they killed someone. Try as we might, if the traitor hadn’t revealed herself as Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, we could not reach that truth... That was Nagito's trap.”
You could feel yourself shake as the rest of the trial went on. You didn’t trust your voice to not get all shaky if you attempted to speak. Instead, you simply listened as arguments were made on Chiaki really being the traitor. As well as the insults occasionally thrown your way.
Soon, though, the guilt of failing Nagito and the world settled in as Monokuma declared that Chiaki was indeed the traitor, and possibly worse, correctly voted as the blackened.
As soon as Chiaki’s execution had ended, you made your way out of the trail room and to your own cottage. You didn’t want to end up tied in the warehouse like they did with Nagito in the restaurant so many weeks ago. So when there was knocking at your door, you didn’t answer it.
The knocking continued, but you stayed in your curled up position on the bed. When the knocking finally ended, you sighed in relief, that is, until you heard Hajime’s voice.
“Y/n.. please come out and eat.. you haven’t had anything since this morning..”
That certainly wasn’t what you had expected to hear. You expected scolding, anger, anything other than concern. Hearing a sigh from outside the door, you decided to slip out for just a moment.
When you did open the door, you saw Hajime as he was about to turn and leave. His form seemed stressed, like he’d definitely been crying.
“You aren’t gonna tie me up, are you?” You tried to joke, but your voice was hoarse, your own crying to blame. Even so, Hajime let out a tired chuckle.
“No, I did have to stop Kazuichi and Akane from trying though..” He scratched the back of his neck. A small, breathy laugh of your own forcing it’s way out of you.
“Why aren’t you siding with them?” You looked downward towards your shoes. “I mean I did quite literally act as Nagito and try to get us all killed..” At that, you felt a hand on your shoulder, forcing your gaze back to Hajime.
“If your reason behind doing that was good enough for Monokuma to stop you from revealing it, I think it’s justified.” He gave a weak, but reassuring smile, “The others agreed with me once I pointed that out.”
“Let me guess,” you attempted to lighten the mood once more, “Sonia agreed with you so Kazuichi just magically changed his mind and Akane was forced to join?” The two of you shared a small laugh as he pulled his hand away and to his side. There was a short, awkward silence that followed before Hajime spoke again.
“Just.. please help us figure out what’s going on. With the information you now have, you may not be able to directly tell us, but you can help so much more.”
You felt yourself nod, slightly ashamed. “In that case, there’s something I need to show you and the others. I can go get it-”
“Let’s wait till you get something to eat, okay?”
Hajime, no, everyone was really willing to give you a second chance after you essentially killed two classmates? You couldn’t believe it. But it was the truth. A small smile made it’s way to your mouth and you nodded once more, this time more assured. This made Hajime smile in return.
“Now how about we go eat something before Akane gets to it all, Y/n?”
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keirangoldenwatch · 5 years
Exalted Secret Santa ‘19
One year later, still as much a nerd as then.  Let’s get the ball rolling~
So once again my pool is smaller than I’d like, but I’m adding an older Exalted character (and even an NPC from our long-running campaign!!) that I’d love to see art of. 
1. Qiu Yue Jin - Lunar, Half-Moon Caste - The Prince’s Steward
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(Fuller view [here]!)
Qiu Yue was once a slave of the Realm, until her House sold her to a trader who brought her into Malfeas.  Although she was surrounded by demons and poisonous miasma she still escaped and survived an entire week as a human alone in the depths of Hell.  Luna granted her an Exaltation for her struggle–a Luna Moth for rebirth and renewal.  And yet despite her gift from the moon, it was Ligier, the Prince of Malfeas, who claimed her as his chosen.  She’s not quite an Akuma but she’s still following his beck and call.  
He even gifted her the vitriolic moonsilver tattoos embedded in her skin.
Qiu Yue is a lithe 5′4″ woman with Realm skin, compound eyes, and hair that’s way too freakin’ long.  The two “antenna” atop her head are literally that–her tell being them and her eyes–and they act as ears that allow her to hear above mortal capabilities.  I’ve never actually drawn her before!!  But she’s from a one-shot my group did and I loved playing her, so I’m throwing her up for art-ing.
2. Feather the Traveler - Sidereal, Chosen of Battles - Demon of Red Snow
(Putting a link to her main outfit here because it’s a huge picture and a reference to her “traveler” outfit below since it’s just easier to post.  ^^;)
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Feather is the sort of warrior who sets way, way too many traps on the battle field just to see the enemy die in horrible ways, and enjoys it in a purely intellectual manner.  What I’m saying is that Mars might have gone a little overboard with this one.  She’s driven by the desire to see herself in power–any kind of power–and doesn’t hesitate in whom she has to remove in order to get to that point.  Unfortunately for her, her team is full of Solars, a Lunar, an Abyssal, and one very-well-hidden Infernal all with dreams of their own, and she’s not even the strongest among them.  So she’ll just have to be a little more subtle with her plans of domination…but she will not be a shadow ruler; she has to be the one in charge, damned be what Fate tells her to do.
Feather is about 6′0″ on the mark with tanned skin and Mars’ signature red eyes. Her hair is shorter in the back than it is in the front, growing in a gradual wave to reach her chest in length, not unlike the wings of the Strix she keeps as her pet and companion.  She favors Realm-style clothing (read: Chinese-cut dresses most of the time) and does like tea and friendly banter between bloodshed.  She’s just also a huge combat sadist who’d rather banter while beating your face in with her giant fuck-off scythe (illustrated beautifully by Path about three years ago [three years?????]).  So…she’s a Battle’s fighting with an Ending’s weapon and using Journey charms to turn her Strix into a dragon on occasion.
What a mess.
3. Theron Ruinseeker - Lunar, No-Moon Caste - A Very Unlucky Toad
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The fellow in the poncho.  Not Seren, obviously (she got such lovely art last year so she’s off of the list this time!).  He’s an NPC from our long-running campaign but he is my character’s Lunar mate/boyfriend/unfortnate-lover-of-a-Scourge so I adore him so very much.  So he’s in the running too! 
Theron and the rest of his class probably had the worst senior trip in all of Great Forks history…he and most of his class of students went off on an expedition to a haunted tomb and he’s the only one who came out alive.  But at least he got the skills to perform Necromancy out of it?  After a few years working for a Scavenger Lord company and continuing to fake his own death to avoid explaining what happened (coward), the PCs invaded town.  Now he’s roped into their nonsense–some good, like his relationship with his bondmate Seren, and some bad like how we accidentally killed one of his best friends oops–and has to stop running long enough to avoid getting himself, or his friends, killed.  
Theron is 6′2″ with olive skin, jaw-length brown hair, and toad’s eyes (his tell),  
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as seen here.  He also has an ahoge because I drew it on him one time and it was funny and now it’s stuck.  xD;;  His signature clothes are the green poncho seen above which is 99% patchwork, 1% a frog-hoodie (yes the hood has frog eyes–look, his mother made it for him after he told her he was a Lunar so he really cares about it) and his insane amount of necromancy regents kept at his belt or tied around his torso.  His tattoos are, uh, complicated (slight nsfw warning).  Thankfully the poncho hides most of them. He also fights with a daiklave shaped like a shovel. This goddamn nerd.
You can find more of him in his tag [here]!
And those are my nerds for this year!  Haaaaaaaave fun!
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sanctferum · 7 years
Dangan Ronpa V3, chapter 3 free time!
Time to explore!
There’s a hidden Monokuma in Kaede’s lab. Ryoma’s lab’s been cleaned up by Monokuma, and the shower room is inaccessible because Shuichi doesn’t need to take a shower. The gym has also been cleaned up, and the inner tube in the pool has been neatly put away.
OK, the blackboards show different things in different chapters when you go into search mode. Or maybe it’s because we’re playing as Shuichi? I didn’t check them last chapter.
Monokuma knows. He knows that in order to be a Dangan Ronpa player character, an ahoge is necessary.
Another hidden Monokuma’s in the boiler room.
Oh, we can retry the escape game, huh?
Well, that didn’t work. I wonder what would even happen if we completed it successfully?
Found another Hidden Monokuma near the Kumasutra Hotel. I bet the last one is in the racing minigame again…
The casino minigames now include Mind Mine and Psyche Taxi equivalents.
Treasure Hunter Monolith: the music reminds me WAY too much of Chiaki’s execution music from DR2…
Outlaw Run: I am still very bad at this minigame. Give me Logic Dive back!
Don’t know how to unlock any category besides “Kind” for these minigames. Betting max coins didn’t work, getting an S rank didn’t work. Advancing a chapter hasn’t worked for the Hangman’s Gambit one, either.
Oh, did the exchange always sell Monopad themes?
Anyways, on to the actual free time! I’m gonna hang out with Kaito.
Kaito is still upset people are lumping Maki and Kirumi into the “murderous fiend” category. Let’s calm him down with this moon buggy model!
Kaito tell us about how astronaut training is super intense, and it’s a lot of work…but the universe is a harsh place. He’s got to be able to handle crazy situations if he wants to explore it. For the first two years of training, he learned the basic skills needed to be an astronaut – medicine, engineering, scuba diving, linguistics, survival training…pretty much everything.
There’s a training facility for astronauts at the bottom of the ocean? The most important thing for an astronaut is communication and teamwork. No one person can hope to explore space by themselves…you need a team, and you need to trust in that team. The facility at the bottom of the ocean helps people learn to work as a team. Also, as part of communication training, you have to master other languages and cultures…Kaito is fluent in Japanese, English, and Russian. He might be an idiot sometimes, but Kaito sure is incredible…
Bedtime already? I wonder if trying the escape game took up a portion of free time?
The Monokubs sure look beat up…well two of them at least. Monodam sure is harsh…
Time to train with Kaito! On our way out, we see Angie, who’s still trying to convert everyone. She claims to be prepared to work with everyone to make the Academy a paradise on Earth. Considering how well her last attempt at that went…hmmm.
Shuichi shows up to the usual training spot, but Kaito is nowhere to be f-
Oh. There he is, dragging Maki behind him. Well, I guess we’re all training together, huh?
Kaito kept ringing her doorbell till Maki answered. Then he dragged her here.
Maki thinks the whole idea is stupid and heads back to her room. Kaito tries to convince her to stay by…Kaito. Kaito, that’s stupid. You aren’t the hero of this story, and Maki isn’t gonna be willing to be your sidekick.
Kaito does say that from his perspective he might be the hero, but from our perspectives, we each are the hero of our own stories.
Maki knows from experience that this will all end in tears. But Kaito calls her out on the what he believes is the real reason she isn’t interacting with anyone. She’s afraid. She’s running away, when she should be standing tall and fighting.
Maki is getting pissed. Kaito, this is…
…going to work out well after all. Maki agrees to train, just so Kaito will stop bugging her about it.
And now. 100 pushups! Shuichi’s body is in hell, Kaito is going along…Maki is almost done. You don’t become an assassin by being out of shape.
Kaito tells her to show up for training tomorrow too. Maki ignores him and walks away.
Ah, so it ties back into what he was saying in the free time event. Teamwork…if you see someone who is weak, you help them become strong. Someone is suffering? You can’t just walk away. Kaito mentions that Shuichi and Maki’s cases are a bit different. Back to the rest of the pushups.
Monokuma Theater ti-
…Monodam Theater time.
He’s wearing a leather jacket and Kamina shades.
Morning announcement. Everyone will gather in the gym to get along, huh? Assembling in the gym is usually a rather bad thing. I’m not sure what to expect.
Kiyo mentions how he overslept, but is usually up by 6 AM and ready to go at 7:30 AM. A half hour to get ready? Is it because of his uniform? Kaito is also around but not going to the gym yet. He’s gonna make sure Maki comes with him to the gym, since everyone needs to show up. If someone doesn’t, who knows what could happen.
Outside, Himiko is complaining about having to go to the gym so early in the morning. Shuichi is apprehensive about all this, and Himiko mentions a student council meeting. What? Oh. Oh boy. Angie wants to throw a party…Atua decreed it would be a pool party?
Monokuma shows up. Looking awful still, huh? Is he gonna tempt us to peek on the girls’ pool party? Is this the scene that the Man’s Desire Gun or whatever unlocks?
Monokuma just stares at us until we randomly have a fantasy come up in our mind. A Man’s Fantasy, to be specific. Oh boy. Shuichi finds himself unable to resist it. Swimsuits…a zany-yet-romantic scene…yet, on the other hand, if anyone saw him, Tenko would beat him half to death twice…oh well, if such is the price we must pay…
Inside the Academy now…Keebo’s also worried about the sudden summons. Another motive, most likely. Keebo is determined to stop anyone from killing, no matter what!
In the gym, which again, has been cleaned up post-trial, we find everyone else. Miu talks about the computer on the 4th floor…the specs are insane…
Keebo is jealous of the computer. Godammit, I know Miu was being super suggestive at you, but…come on. You’re basically a computer yourself, anyways.
Kokichi is unnerved by Maki’s presence, and immediately begins trying to ruin the fragile atmosphere. Then Gonta shows up. He’s about to tell us something serious about the courtyard, possibly something that will help us make sense of “horse a”? Then the Monokubs show up before he can finish his sentence.
Monodam has a motive, all right. A motive to get along?
Tsumigi and Keebo…I’m getting the feeling Angie brainwashed them into her Atua cult too…Himiko was already in, but, um…
The motive will inspire fear like never before…forcing the Ultimates to unite to fight against it. Monotaro and Monophanie prepare to present, on Monodam’s behalf, the motive! It’s…a transfer student. What?
Resurrect one of the four people who’ve died so far…? How? Using the computer? Are we gonna resurrect Kaede? Or perhaps Kirumi, since she’s important to the world? Rantaro, so we might learn his talent? Ryoma…probably wouldn’t care to be resurrected. Anyways, what the fuck, and also, that’s the meaning behind the chapter title.
The Necronomicon? We’ve got a copy of that?
Once resurrected, we can welcome the student back, or, if we want to, kill them off again immediately. They’ll be part of the game again, in other words. Thanks for telling us that, Monotaro.
Monodam has no such thanks. Monotaro blames his exposition of killing on old habits.
Monodam instructs Monophanie to punish Monotaro…this is a complete reversal, the students are being spared and it’s Monotaro and Monophanie who are in deep shit. Monotaro doesn’t want to be punished by Monophanie, since he mocks for dumb shit all the time. Monophanie, remembering those times, decides sure, she’ll do it. Then the Kubs leave.
How can anyone believe that the dead can be resurrected? Well, Kiyo thinks that not believing it to because it’s scientifically impossible is folly in and of itself.
Funeral ceremonies…like the one we saw of ourselves…
Sending the dead to the next world. HMMM.
Kiyo believes souls are real…but they can’t be reached once the person is dead. Resurrecting the dead is impossible.
Angie believes it isn’t so strange, though. It’s not so much bringing the dead back to life as returning the dead to us…the difference is, the crime scenes were cleaned up perfectly. Perhaps the dead…had their deaths faked by Monokuma or themselves? In which case, they’re alive? Could the bodies have been fakes? If Monokuma and the Exisals can exist, is it possible for realistic corpses to?
Shuichi wants all this to be true, but he can’t believe it really is. To do so would be to turn away from the truth.
Gonta brings up that if the students were alive, they’d have to be here somewhere. Maybe one of them wrote “horse a” in the courtyard. He was gonna tell us something about the courtyard. Was it that the message is now longer?
“Twnm I”?
I see. The horse message wasn’t meant to be read  from top to bottom. It was meant to be read from left to right. TH, WOR, SE, N, I, MA…?
And the Monokubs left the Necronomicon here for us. It’s definitely a motive…but what kind? Maybe it’s a motive like this: we ignore it and the four people who are still alive somehow die for real? Angie is very appreciative of Gonta’s story…she goes over and hugs him…is she…she’s trying to get him to believe in Atua. Soon she’ll have brainwashed like half the survivors.
A gentle grandma? Isn’t Atua a handsome man? Himiko says Atua’s appearance depends on who’s looking. Kokichi thinks that sure is suspiciously convenient. Angie invites Gonta to the student council that Himiko mentioned. Apparently it’s part of Angie’s plan to stop the killing game. Keebo, Himiko, Tenko, Tsumugi, and Angie all met up and agreed to make the Ultimate Academy Student Council. Angie came up with the idea, and is Student Council President. Which means Atua is the one really in charge. Of course. Kokichi declares them brainwashed…Kiyo agrees. The Ultimate Academy, under the conditions of the killing game, is the perfect breeding grounds for a cult. And this has all the markings of a cult. Keebo, Tenko, and Tsumugi, and now Gonta, have been taken in by this nonsense…Tenko even put aside her love for Himiko to give her love to Atua instead.
Maki points out how clear of a trap the resurrection ritual is…but it’s to no avail. The Student Council members are beyond the reach of logic or reason. Meanwhile, Kaito’s been really quiet this whole time, and I’m somewhat worried about him.
But there’s no time to be worried…we need to head to the pool and spy on the girls, pronto!
Two girls wearing only bikini bottoms. One girl wearing pantaloons. And Tenko, fully in the nude. Enjoy the view, Shuichi, I guess? (Or, you could just ask Miu to flash you? Where is she anyways? Was she not invited? Guess not, student council girls only)
Himiko would rather conserve her MP than use them to grow her boobs as big as Tenko’s. She’s awfully jealous. Tenko reassures her that Himiko’s boobs may be small, but they’re nicely shaped. Angie, meanwhile, is trying to grope Tsumugi’s boobs. Shuichi witness it all and immediately remembers that this is morally wrong and stupid. Too late, dude. Too late.
Afterwards we return to our room. Time to go hang out with people! Not sure who, though…Himiko, maybe. Next time!
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