#aindreas mistraso
iceemoondemon Β· 1 month
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Ah yes, it's the biological ocean themed siblings from both sea, and land ^^
Leena, and Aindreas 🐟🌊β˜ͺ
So here's some stuff about them
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Leena Mistraso πŸ’™πŸŒŠ
-18 years old
-Nationality: Asian American
-Occupation: A mage
-Specialization: Oceans, Tides, and waves
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Friend(s): Niko, Sabrina, Tobias, Aaron, and Milo
-Relatives: Aindreas (older biological brother)
-Romantic Interest: Yasumi
-Optional Inventory: A spell book, a bag of saltwater taffy, and a wand
-She met her biological brother. Aindreas, at the twilight zone of the sea, and she was happy to find him again on land
-She really loves magic, and sea life, so she wanted to use her powers to help others in need.
-She learned ocean themed spells at twelve years of age
-Spells: Boon of the Ocean, Concellious Waverous, Melodious Penitence, Waveous Meditacious
-Traits: Gentle, helpful, smart, caring, and generous to her friends
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Aindreas Mistraso πŸ–€πŸŸ
-25 years old
-Nationality: Asian American
-Panromantic Asexual
-Occupation: N/A
-Type of Sea Creature: An anglerfish
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Friend(s): Murete, Serephina, Linus, Niko, Sabrina, and Lewis
-Relatives: Leena (biological sister)
-Romantic Interest: Milanette
-Optional Inventory: Some snacks, a phone, a switchblade (just in case), and a journal
-Aindreas was in the ocean growing up with his sister, Leena, he got a chance to go up the surface, and see his sister
-He loves bunt cakes, he had bunt cakes for him, and Leena, and sometimes his lover, Milanette, to share while in the water, and on land
-He met Milanette at the sea, and with all his kindness, and his loyalty towards her, Milanette was starting to develop feelings for Aindreas, thus having a crush on him
-Abilities: Nightlight, Claw attack, Twilight Zap, and Shadow's Lurking
-Traits: A bit short tempered at times, kind, loyal, serious at times, and a peach at heart
Anyways, hope you enjoooooooooooy!~ ✨✨✨
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