#air steelport
aezyrraeshh · 1 year
; wip day!
i was tagged by @arklay @nokstella @leviiackrman @nuclearstorms @florbelles and @unholymilf; thank you all so much! <3 tagging @aartyom @reaperkiller @indorilnerevarine @steelport @swordcoasts @girlbosselrond @honeysofte @devilbrakers @faarkas @shadowglens @calenhads @aelyosos @moiragf & whoever else wants to do this! surprisingly, i have two wips to share this week!
; vtm, sasha/candy, they are going through some shit, but dw they'll be fine. probably. 😶
Sasha hisses at the sharp pain once his back hits the cold wall. Harshly, brutally. The impact sends his head spinning, white flashes obscure his vision, again and again, making him even more disoriented. And for a moment there, it’s his sire standing on the other side of the room, and not his lover, but just a moment later a bitter thought sneaks itself into his mind– they are not your lover anymore. 
He’s coughing now, choking on his own blood, tasting metal on his tongue and smelling it in the air around him; images of his past cloud his mind, and he is panicked, terrified even, when a strong hand wraps itself around his neck, trapping him in place, but the sharpness and familiarity of the grip sobers him up, violently snapping him back to the present. His sire is long dead, and he knows exactly who is in front of him and why he is here. 
Despite his body screaming at him to allow himself at least a second to gather his footing, Sasha tries to lift his head and open his eyes only to feel the claws dig into his throat even harder, forcing him to shut his eyes again. The pressure on his neck is so strong that he can feel the waves of pain reaching all the way down to his weak legs. He’s trembling, aching, and not at all from fear. 
He should’ve planned this better, he should’ve known how they would react to his presence. Especially after what he’s done, but the guilt has been tearing Sasha from the inside for months now, getting worse and worse after each unanswered text, each declined call. He couldn’t take this madness anymore: the sting of heartbreak keeping him up day after day, the empty space in his bed that they used to share with him mocking him with their absence, their abandoned belongings in his closet, the memories of their eyes on him as they found out about his part in events that gave them nightmares every time they tried to get some rest, their shaking voice as they told him to stay away, the what ifs, the what ifs, the what ifs– 
What if he’d been honest? What if he wasn’t such a coward? What if he could have been enough?
Even if he meets the final death tonight, he needs to set things right. Just this once. 
Sasha finds the courage to look up at them again, and this time they don’t stop him, but he almost wishes they did. Candy’s eyes are wide and full of hatred, they glare at him like a predator eyeing a cornered deer. Their lips stretch into a scowl, displaying the sharpness of their teeth; he wants to grasp their shoulders and ease them with his touch like he’s done so many times before, but he doesn’t reach out to them. Not now, not when both of them wouldn’t be able to take it, even if he longs for any sort of connection with them– the feeling of their fingers, tearing the tender skin of his neck should be enough. He doesn’t dare to ask for more. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Their voice is hoarse, trembling with rage, it sounds almost broken, ruined. “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing yourself around me after what you did. I told you I would kill you if I see you again, I fucking told you.”
; pwotr, luna/daeran, prompt wip in which they are messing with each other.
Absorbed in thought, Luna doesn’t notice the presence of another, who’s watching her closely with barely hidden amusement. And when she does, finally, turn around she’s met with Daeran, sitting comfortably on a bunch of cushions with a wine glass in his elegant hands. The ties on his shirt are loosened and the curve of his lips is nothing short of inviting; it’s a familiar look on him, Luna’s seen it before, but she lets the moment linger nonetheless.
And he is all too happy to bask in her attention, judging by the way his eyes light up even more, yet when he speaks, it’s in that typical mocking tone of his, “Ah, my dearest Commander, you have finally decided to grace me with your presence. I’ve only been waiting for almost an hour now.”
Her reply comes in the form of a self-satisfied smirk along with words, laced in fake innocence. “Perhaps, I wanted to keep you in suspense a little, Count. Leave you helplessly guessing whether I shall show up or not.” 
Luna approaches him slowly, purposefully slowing down her steps, as she looks him up and down again– any hits of subtlety in her gaze are gone, and there’s a flash of sharp teeth in her growing smile. Once she notices Daeran’s eyes dart down to her lips, she instantly pretends to lose all interest in him, focusing instead on the bottle of wine which stands near him, but not without brushing her hand against his shoulder as she leans down to pick the beverage up.
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
i was tagged by @nuclearstorms @katsigian @nokstella @arklay and @morvaris thank you all soso much!!
tagging (if you already did this feel free to ignore me <3): @devilbrakers @uldwynsovs @girlbosselrond @steelport @reaperkiller @indorilnerevarine @risingsh0t @swordcoasts @calenhads @honeysofte @faarkas @moiragf @shadowglens @camelliagwerm and whoever else wants to do this bc i love reading your amazing writing mwah
i have two wips to share this time. incredible. a bit long but there's so much that makes me SCREAM here
1. vesper/fenix. year 2074, a few months before breaking up, they are going Through it. i picked two different moments in the wip bc i think it's interesting to see vesper's desperate and contradictory resignation vs fenix's bitter one
The walls of their apartment felt comfortingly claustrophobic, like a scaffold they willingly accepted to walk to; Fenix’s stuff was still scattered on the floor of the living room as when she threw it around–or maybe at him, she couldn’t remember. A few shirts, one of his favourite jackets, a bunch of bullets the sole of her shoes made her aware of as she trudged through the dim hallway of the house.
Fenix was holding her hand as he lead the both of them through the darkness–was it out of care? for her wellbeing, her decaying eyesight? dare she hope for the spectre of concern? He knew, he must. Volatility of chance? impossible…hope, hope…–and it felt almost intimate, to be able to experience the other’s touch after so long. Normalcy, among the mess. It could last only one moment, so it’s safe to make the most of it.
Neither dared to speak. Silence was in the wake of their steps and it felt quite strange to be in that room again with this new guest; the same space that a few hours earlier witnessed the opposite of peace. Yes, it was quiet now but the remnants of their pitiful spectacle still lingered in the air. In the dimmed light of the kitchen they forgot to switch off before leaving with a slam of the door, in the memory of the tears that wanted to escape but didn’t, in sharp glares and the persistent stench of pride, in the buzz that kept plaguing Vesper’s ears–be it the loud music of the club they just left or the memory of her voice turned strident as she yelled. Words she meant, words she didn’t; it didn’t matter any longer.
They walked through a place that should have the comforting title of ‘home’ like strangers, and no one dared to speak. The echo left by their shared anger was at home, not them. The echo spoke for them.
Then Fenix turned and Vesper felt his arms around her: again she didn’t fight it, not when he kissed her nor when they ended up in their room. An expected end, desired but mortifying nonetheless. Vesper wished she could’ve kept that unbreakable front, hold her ground, keep that anger inside her, but for what gain? It’s the last time, she reminded herself. Never again, right?
If love lasts one single day, then be gone in the morning. I will wait for the next one–No! She had to remember. Never again. But remembering was so difficult when it was drowned by a consoling embrace such as this one.
Rewind time. Erase him completely like the night they first met never happened. That, would be easier.
He threw the phone on the passenger seat and shoved his hands into the pockets once more. He needed a smoke.
Truth is, Fenix hoped she would answer with a big, enormous, ‘fuck you’ so that he could finally tear a reaction out of her. All the yelling and aggressive looks weren’t so bad after all, he experienced something worse which is the silence–the indifference–and now he prayed to hear the sound of one more interminable fight. Funny. Or something like that.
Rolling paper, filters and tobacco. He was running low on the latter but it was too late to come back to Night City now. Ignoring the disturbing spasms of his right hand, he laid the paper between his index and middle finger, and covered its surface with finely cut leaves.
Indifference…indifference…It plagued Fenix. His apathy? Justified. That’s the way I am – the easiest of justifications, he was lucky. But what excuse Vesper had? To be that silent and inert after unrestrained rage pushed her body even at the plainest of the provocations. Instead she didn’t move a muscle when he left. Laying motionless on the bed with her face stuffed into the pillow and the sheets balled up in her hands. Fenix was sure she wasn’t sleeping. He didn’t expect her to plead, to say ‘stay’, that’s fantasy. Yet he could’ve been happier if she at least gifted him one last heinous remark before he left.
There’s no love without someone crying, someone once said, and no one cried that night. Maybe he finally fucked up enough to make Vesper give up.
Weirdly comforting, when someone gives up on you. No one left to disappoint. Unsettling. I’ve loved wrong my whole life, he noted as he watched the tobacco fall on his jeans when his fingers turned paralyzed by the pain, there’s nothing else I could do. Justifications are so incredibly easy.
2. violante&ruven in their younger days and their toxic codependency, a quick little physical abuse mention tw
Among real wounds and the ones that were committed by her own hands in honour of a humble desire–witnessing remorse into those beautiful eyes of his–which one was he staring at?
“Did you want her to hit me?” The question was viciously insinuating, Violante knew exactly where to lead her little game. Her fingers were digging into the bruised flesh of her left cheek where her sweet mother's hand inflicted the real pain, the shame, as she waited for the answer.
Ruven exhaled a heavy breath, tired, bored by the conversation. “I want you to learn.” Pretentious, as no one else could be. “To never trust. Not even myself.”
Heart of a devil, he had. Violante fed on that rotten insides of his for far too long to let something so small faze her, and yet rancor shined bright in her golden eyes, as her false, soft gaze turned into one of an executioner. “Who could ever trust someone as atrocious as you, unloved even by that whore of your own mother…a snake, a–”
“You.” His words were deafeating, more than ever when accompanied by the sweetest smile anyone ever spared for Violante. Unloved by your own mother and anyone else in the world, just like myself, my own mirror of rot.
With disarming calm, Ruven extended his arm towards Violante and offered her an open palm. She should’ve answered with hostility–she hoped she could–but his offer was ever so comforting, tempting. Companionship. Violante didn’t think it twice as she reached to unite her hand with his. My own mirror of rot.
“You will thank me, in time,” Ruven added with honeyed voice “for the venom.”
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ruvviks · 2 years
>> oc tragic horror trope quiz
was tagged by @strafethesesinners, @shellibisshe, @jillvalcntines, @aceghosts and @swordcoasts to take this test for my ocs, thank you so much!! tagging @reaperkiller, @steelport, @arklay, @aartyom, @cultistbase, @morvaris, @brujah, @aelyosos, @faarkas, @druidgroves, @devilbrakers, @dickytwister, @adelaidedrubman, @henbased, @florbelles and anyone else who wants to do this :D <3
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you turn the door handle. you call out, "who's there?" and the crowd has the audacity to groan, to get frustrated with you. as if the gift of hindsight was something you had. how the hell were you supposed to know you were born into a horror movie? no one bothered to tell you. say, if instead this was an action film, or a fantasy, would they still be telling you how silly of a mistake it was to press further on your quest? they would've commended you for your bravery. you thought you were going to be saving a princess in a tower, not getting stabbed in the back by a killer in the shadows. how is that fair? it isn't, and none of that was ever your fault. it is not wrong to believe things are good. your trust, your optimism, it shouldn't ever be mistaken for ignorance or stupidity. we need more people who open doors. how else are any of us gonna move forward?
director's commentary: i know i haven't talked all that much about aubrey yet but this result is killing me because in the story he's part of he is LITERALLY the one who opens the door :D aha :D it luckily doesn't kill him but there's something insane about how an accident turns into literally his worst nightmare and every time he asks himself "how could this have happened?" the answer is very simple. you opened the door babygirl
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it's an odd thing, to feel so far from grounded and yet trapped, tethered, unable to escape. there's more you have to do! so why can't you move? i'm sure you have an answer to that, at the very least in the back of your mind. people love to say that ghosts hold grudges or haunt for revenge but they always get it wrong; you're stuck because something or someone chained you down and left you there. you try and reach out to all those bright people who pass through your life, but it rarely feels like it does much more than knock a cup off the table, blow some papers into the air. i need you to trust me- they see it. they're listening. they'll keep looking for you and, eventually, they'll be able to see you too
director's commentary: cassidy was basically on autopilot for some years and his desperate attempts at connecting with people never worked out for him which is. exactly what this result describes and i'm not normal about it <3 for years he literally was just a ghost moving through life. i'm in hell
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this plight is the simplest of them all: you did not ask for this. you were never given a choice. no part of yourself feels human, just a collection of traits you've picked up from mirroring anyone you could, even the people you meet through a television screen. it's alienating to live that way- yet someone has called you the alienating one. maybe too many people to count. maybe they treated you so uncomfortably inhuman that it's all you can understand now, or you've dug yourself into such a deep hole in an attempt to keep safe that you can't remember a person living in the home of your body at all. being alive is confusing and painful and lonely and loud but living is all there is to being human- you're already there. just take air into your lungs and breathe. close your eyes and picture a beautiful sky. you made that. you painted that yourself
director's commentary: yet another result that's already painful on its own but hits different when you keep the whole relic thing with johnny in mind aha xoxo the way the whole incident just alienated vincent from his own body is insane to me especially considering he's also trans. there's a lot going on there. much to think about
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kikidewynter · 1 year
so i’ve been thinking. steelport is an industrial city, why do they have a nuke plant? going off my theory that stilwater was a mining/fracking outpost until the ‘earthquake,’ i want to say the same for steelport. both cities have industrial roots. maybe they both sit on oil or gas deposits. they were first settled to collect these resources, then, in steelport especially, steelworks popped up around the energy plants. the companies built worker accommodations, families moved in, schools had to be built, etc etc. and bam you have yourself a city. but i’m rambling. so why does steelport have an apparently abandoned nuclear plant? well i’m going to say it’s not nuclear. it’s called ‘burns hill’ for godsake. it was definitely a fossil fuel plant back in the day. why is it abandoned now? well i can’t find results for how far nuclear power can be used from the source bc google is an absolute shitshow. so i’m going to say that steelport (being close by) runs on the power from stilwater’s nuke plant. this change is a result of fears that steelport would meet stilwater’s fate and get sunk below sea level. but the change meant the burns hill plant had to close, and thousands were put out of work. and since i don’t care about canon, i want to say that ultor was an industrial corp long before they started selling sunglasses (which was possibly a move to destigmatize the brand name). the stilwater nuke plant was built decades before sr2. and the people of steelport have been harbouring distrust and outright hatred for ultor ever since. but ultor continued to spread like a disease on steelport, despite resistance. chemical plants were set up (that pollute the air and water). more and more of the original factories and plants shut down in steelport, a city dominated by these structures, and thousands put out of work. the central island has been wiped clean of the remnants but the eastern island was only remodelled. there, the bones remain, dressed up as bougie nightclubs or art studios. now only a small amount of these original factories are still in use, in the poorest parts of the city, where houses are crammed in between and the air is choked by black smoke. there are slums, the old original company housing now falling apart from rot and age and structural faults. the old burns hill reactor lights up at night, the home to an underground club, where the city’s downtrodden gather to let loose. now that ultor has firmly set its sights on the entirety of steelport as a possible holiday destination, a beacon of luxury and entertainment for the rich, they intend on expanding their ‘revitalisation’ project
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thedeadthree · 2 years
hi! i was tagged by the darlings @risingsh0t, @blackreaches, @chuckhansen, @leviiackrman and @dihardys to do this cutest tag game for a few loves! ty so much! <3 (x)
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @queennymeria, @marivenah, @confidentandgood, @yennas, @aartyom, @swordcoasts, @florbelles, @shellibisshe, @jackiesarch, @jacobseed, @belorage, @virassan, @shadowglens, @heroofpenamstan, @multiverse-of-themind, @celticwoman, @inkrys, @adelaidedrubman, @roofgeese, @steelport, @flyntz, @arklay, @roberthouses, @aceghosts, @alexandbear, @pheedraws, @loriane-elmuerto, @rosebarsoap and you!
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homemade bread, throwing seeds out for the chickens, a tabby cat, patchwork quilts, puffy skirts, ceramic dishes, fresh flowers in a glass jar, herbs hanging from the ceiling, freckles, grey eyes, Athena, old recipe books, a cookie tin filled with recipe cards from grandma, home-sewn pillows, a plate of cookies, the smell of rosemary cooking in a pot of water on the stove, a floral tea pot, salt and pepper shakers, pansies, bartering with neighbors, biking to town, stained glass windows
Zen Gardencore
rocks raked with precision, bonsai trees, holy temples, moss covering statues of gods and godesses, reading ancient texts, being blessed by your ancestors, trusting and family devotion, watercolors on paper, ink on skin, poetry and art, hot springs, cherry blossoms, little flames flickering behind paper curtains, the smell of incense burning, figurines carved from jade and gold from centuries ago, rain, a mist seeping around your ankles as you make your way to school, a chalkboard, scraps of cloth made into art, origami, your father’s heirloom sword you long to one day pick up like your favorite Disney Princess, tranquility and peace, stubborn and proud
exotic animals, tree house, waterfalls, learning the calls of native birds, bright colors and natural materials, bracelets made from wooden beads and bones and feathers, collecting mushrooms (if you know you know), shirts with the sleeves cut off, leaving plastic bottle caps out full of water for frogs to soak in, cutting jeans to make them into shorts, wading in the river, cutting your own hair, bamboo wind chimes, upcycled art, fish in plastic jugs, air plants, climbing up trees using the vines, harvesting your own fruit
deep silences of the oldest trees, darkness, log cabins, deer antlers mounted on the wall, rearticulated skeletons, hand-dried pelts, pots of stew cooking over a fire, pancakes in a cast iron pan, brown boots worn from hiking, an old walking stick, bonfires at night, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores, strange markings carved into the bark of trees, ferns that curl up when touched, hearing animals dart here and there but never being able to catch more than a quick glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye, finding half-eaten acorns and mushrooms, large tracks from something you can’t identify, bow hunting
seashell collection, model boats, jars of sand, windswept hair, the feel of the wooden boardwalk on your bare feet, big sunglasses, light blue walls, rope hammock, pillows with anchors embroidered on them, flip flops, shining sun, fish tank, sea animal plushies, a steering wheel from a boat on your wall, plates and mugs with seahorses on them, bracelets with plastic shell and dolphin and turtle beads on them, postcards from the ocean, wind chimes made of sea glass
watching the rabbits down in the valley, reading a book in a window seat, checking the sky for storms, knitting heavy quilts for the winter, many layers of clothing, waking up to see the sunrise and sitting outside for the sunset, enjoying the company of ones-self, mountain goats, clovers, laying in the tall grass underneath the sun, field mice, crystal and gemstone collection, a tin filled with buttons and sewing needles and thread, fresh-brewed coffee in the morning, scones
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homemade bread, throwing seeds out for the chickens, a tabby cat, patchwork quilts, puffy skirts, ceramic dishes (prefers gold), fresh flowers in a glass jar, herbs hanging from the ceiling, freckles, grey eyes, Athena, old recipe books, a cookie tin filled with recipe cards from grandma, home-sewn pillows, a plate of cookies, the smell of rosemary cooking in a pot of water on the stove, a floral tea pot, salt and pepper shakers, pansies, bartering with neighbors (if she wants for something she will have it), biking to town, stained glass windows
Zen Gardencore
rocks raked with precision, bonsai trees, holy temples, moss covering statues of gods and godesses, reading ancient texts, being blessed by your ancestors, trusting and family devotion, watercolors on paper, ink on skin, poetry and art, hot springs, cherry blossoms, little flames flickering behind paper curtains, the smell of incense burning, figurines carved from jade and gold from centuries ago, rain, a mist seeping around your ankles as you make your way to school, a chalkboard, scraps of cloth made into art, origami, your father’s heirloom sword you long to one day pick up like your favorite Disney Princess, tranquility and peace, stubborn and proud
exotic animals, tree house, waterfalls, learning the calls of native birds, bright colors and natural materials, bracelets made from wooden beads and bones and feathers, collecting mushrooms, shirts with the sleeves cut off, leaving plastic bottle caps out full of water for frogs to soak in, cutting jeans to make them into shorts, wading in the river, cutting your own hair, bamboo wind chimes, upcycled art, fish in plastic jugs, air plants, climbing up trees using the vines, harvesting your own fruit
deep silences of the oldest trees, darkness, log cabins, deer antlers mounted on the wall, rearticulated skeletons, hand-dried pelts, pots of stew cooking over a fire, pancakes in a cast iron pan, brown boots worn from hiking, an old walking stick, bonfires at night, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores, strange markings carved into the bark of trees, ferns that curl up when touched, hearing animals dart here and there but never being able to catch more than a quick glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye, finding half-eaten acorns and mushrooms, large tracks from something you can’t identify, bow hunting
seashell collection, model boats, jars of sand, windswept hair, the feel of the wooden boardwalk on your bare feet, big sunglasses, light blue walls, rope hammock, pillows with anchors embroidered on them, flip flops, shining sun, fish tank, sea animal plushies, a steering wheel from a boat on your wall, plates and mugs with seahorses on them, bracelets with plastic shell and dolphin and turtle beads on them, postcards from the ocean, wind chimes made of sea glass
watching the rabbits down in the valley, reading a book in a window seat, checking the sky for storms, knitting heavy quilts for the winter, many layers of clothing, waking up to see the sunrise and sitting outside for the sunset, enjoying the company of ones-self, mountain goats, clovers, laying in the tall grass underneath the sun, field mice, crystal and gemstone collection, a tin filled with buttons and sewing needles and thread, fresh-brewed coffee in the morning, scones
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homemade bread, throwing seeds out for the chickens, a tabby cat, patchwork quilts, puffy skirts, ceramic dishes, fresh flowers in a glass jar, herbs hanging from the ceiling, freckles, grey eyes, Athena, old recipe books, a cookie tin filled with recipe cards from grandma, home-sewn pillows, a plate of cookies, the smell of rosemary cooking in a pot of water on the stove, a floral tea pot, salt and pepper shakers, pansies, bartering with neighbors (a waste of time), biking to town, stained glass windows
Zen Gardencore
rocks raked with precision, bonsai trees, holy temples, moss covering statues of gods and godesses, reading ancient texts, being blessed by your ancestors, trusting and family devotion (HUGE NO), watercolors on paper, ink on skin, poetry and art, hot springs, cherry blossoms, little flames flickering behind paper curtains, the smell of incense burning, figurines carved from jade and gold from centuries ago, rain, a mist seeping around your ankles as you make your way to school, a chalkboard, scraps of cloth made into art, origami, your father’s heirloom sword you long to one day pick up like your favorite Disney Princess, tranquility and peace, stubborn and proud
exotic animals, tree house, waterfalls, learning the calls of native birds, bright colors and natural materials, bracelets made from wooden beads and bones and feathers, collecting mushrooms, shirts with the sleeves cut off, leaving plastic bottle caps out full of water for frogs to soak in, cutting jeans to make them into shorts, wading in the river, cutting your own hair, bamboo wind chimes, upcycled art, fish in plastic jugs, air plants, climbing up trees using the vines, harvesting your own fruit
deep silences of the oldest trees, darkness, log cabins, deer antlers mounted on the wall, rearticulated skeletons, hand-dried pelts, pots of stew cooking over a fire, pancakes in a cast iron pan, brown boots worn from hiking, an old walking stick, bonfires at night, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores, strange markings carved into the bark of trees, ferns that curl up when touched, hearing animals dart here and there but never being able to catch more than a quick glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye, finding half-eaten acorns and mushrooms, large tracks from something you can’t identify, bow hunting
seashell collection, model boats, jars of sand, windswept hair, the feel of the wooden boardwalk on your bare feet, big sunglasses, light blue walls, rope hammock, pillows with anchors embroidered on them, flip flops, shining sun, fish tank, sea animal plushies, a steering wheel from a boat on your wall, plates and mugs with seahorses on them, bracelets with plastic shell and dolphin and turtle beads on them, postcards from the ocean, wind chimes made of sea glass
watching the rabbits down in the valley, reading a book in a window seat, checking the sky for storms, knitting heavy quilts for the winter, many layers of clothing, waking up to see the sunrise and sitting outside for the sunset, enjoying the company of ones-self, mountain goats, clovers, laying in the tall grass underneath the sun, field mice, crystal and gemstone collection, a tin filled with buttons and sewing needles and thread, fresh-brewed coffee in the morning, scones
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homemade bread, throwing seeds out for the chickens, a tabby cat, patchwork quilts, puffy skirts, ceramic dishes, fresh flowers in a glass jar, herbs hanging from the ceiling, freckles, grey eyes, Athena, old recipe books, a cookie tin filled with recipe cards from grandma, home-sewn pillows, a plate of cookies, the smell of rosemary cooking in a pot of water on the stove, a floral tea pot, salt and pepper shakers, pansies, bartering with neighbors, biking to town, stained glass windows
Zen Gardencore
rocks raked with precision, bonsai trees, holy temples, moss covering statues of gods and godesses, reading ancient texts, being blessed by your ancestors, trusting and family devotion, watercolors on paper, ink on skin, poetry and art, hot springs, cherry blossoms, little flames flickering behind paper curtains, the smell of incense burning, figurines carved from jade and gold from centuries ago, rain, a mist seeping around your ankles as you make your way to school, a chalkboard, scraps of cloth made into art, origami, your father’s heirloom sword you long to one day pick up like your favorite Disney Princess, tranquility and peace, stubborn and proud
exotic animals, tree house, waterfalls, learning the calls of native birds, bright colors and natural materials, bracelets made from wooden beads and bones and feathers, collecting mushrooms, shirts with the sleeves cut off, leaving plastic bottle caps out full of water for frogs to soak in, cutting jeans to make them into shorts, wading in the river, cutting your own hair, bamboo wind chimes, upcycled art, fish in plastic jugs, air plants, climbing up trees using the vines, harvesting your own fruit
deep silences of the oldest trees, darkness, log cabins, deer antlers mounted on the wall, rearticulated skeletons, hand-dried pelts, pots of stew cooking over a fire, pancakes in a cast iron pan, brown boots worn from hiking, an old walking stick, bonfires at night, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores, strange markings carved into the bark of trees, ferns that curl up when touched, hearing animals dart here and there but never being able to catch more than a quick glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye, finding half-eaten acorns and mushrooms, large tracks from something you can’t identify, bow hunting
seashell collection, model boats, jars of sand, windswept hair, the feel of the wooden boardwalk on your bare feet, big sunglasses, light blue walls, rope hammock, pillows with anchors embroidered on them, flip flops, shining sun, fish tank, sea animal plushies, a steering wheel from a boat on your wall, plates and mugs with seahorses on them, bracelets with plastic shell and dolphin and turtle beads on them, postcards from the ocean, wind chimes made of sea glass
watching the rabbits down in the valley, reading a book in a window seat, checking the sky for storms, knitting heavy quilts for the winter, many layers of clothing, waking up to see the sunrise and sitting outside for the sunset, enjoying the company of ones-self, mountain goats, clovers, laying in the tall grass underneath the sun, field mice, crystal and gemstone collection, a tin filled with buttons and sewing needles and thread, fresh-brewed coffee in the morning, scones
#only if you want to of course! 🖤#oc: lioslaith mac ruaidhrí#oc: adda de trastamara#oc: zoya de tancarville#oc: holland willoughby#leg.ocs#leg.tagged#leg.txt#if you have done this already please feel free to ignore! and if i missed you please take this as your tag!#THANK YOU SO MUCH BELOVEDS <3#i will for sure be doing this with more ocs..! this was so cute to do!#ajsnkak lioslaith in the last two sessions on picking mushrooms IM SCREAMING.. she wishes not to kansxkajs#(they are at times fae affiliated and alive and like.... as the heir of an empire she wishes not to make enemies of potential allies..?)#i also realized i liked zoya better (the name meaning is more fitting! its 'from zeus' and her being descended from ->#a vampiric divine being her name meaning 'from a god' FIT SO WELL for her you know?)#i still need to figure out what her class is but ill get to play her in 3 days so ill determine that then! <3#i love that holland aligned with so many of the aesthetics here <3 that ex personal assistant was MEANT for life in stardew <3#zoya LOATHING beaches and cottages asnjkhnxdk but that dearest the most in love with the zen garden..! love that for u!#even the chaotic/lawful evil aligned (it varies on her mood that day ajnxksn) need *peace* u know <3#also SCREAMING how much zoy VEHEMENTLY loathes trusting anyone especially her family.. so that's why that was a HARD no asnk#given her back story its so on brand! also loving for adda that she also felt the most at home with the garden aesthetic!#shes also lawful evil aligned jsanxn (at times lawful neutral bc though power hungry she still loves her people <3)
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arklay · 2 years
tagged by @nuclearstorms @aartyom @leviiackrman @denerims & @indorilnerevarine to do this quiz for some of my ocs – thank you all so much ily! ♡
tagging: @brujah @calenhads @cultistbase @florbelles @montliyets @morvaris @nocticulas @reaperkiller @risingsh0t @shadowglens @shellibisshe @solasan @steelport @stormveils @swordcoasts @trvelyans @voerman @windupcharibert & anyone else who'd like to do it, feel free to tag me. as always no pressure to do these ever! ♡
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— poetry.
you choose your words carefully and your words will be heard. you're smart as hell. you know it and so does everyone else and you carry yourself with a sort of confidence. you're a bit of an artist yourself, even if unintentional. you can find beauty in mundanity but you also know when to be a realist. people fall in love with you because you are a confident mystery and they're dying to find out more. you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely in curiosity and nothing else.
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— music.
you are a breath of fresh air. you are soft and free. you disappear as quickly as you appear, and everyone wishes you had stayed around longer than you did. your voice is what makes people fall in love. everything you say is in harmonies and codes, and only the most experienced listeners can fully understand you. your presence is always enjoyed but you aren't always given the praise you deserve; people will let you stay in the background. all you want is for someone to really listen to you.
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— paintings.
everything you do is a work of art. you are beautiful without even trying, simply lounging around looks like you’re posing and waiting for someone to sketch you. you come off as light and easy but you are often misunderstood. people don’t tend to see you for who you really are, and focus too much on how effortlessly you appear to navigate the world. there's some kind of darkness behind your eyes that only some can see under all the layers of paint.
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— films.
you are wild and there's no way for your essence to be captured in a frozen format. you are a character and the only way to describe you is to capture you in motion. you are electric. people are naturally drawn to you because you exude confidence. everything you do, you seem to know what your next step is. you are the muse to many, even if you don't know it, but deep down you do. people tend to fall in love with the idea of which i'm sure can be exhausting.
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masschase · 1 year
1 and 8 for Matt and Casey🙏🏽
Ship ask meme (still accepting but will get to the rest tomorrow as it's 1.30am :))
Sorry I took so long and sorry it's a big read again 🤣 but their first date is important to me. Really important.
1. Describe their first date.
So once again we have the um... *lovely* situation that their first proper date was between 2016 Casey and 2022 Matt. But I love it nonetheless.
During their travel from Steelport to Stilwater they wind up stopping in Harrisburg for the night. They're still a "just sex" arrangement at this point.
They get to their hotel rooms. He asks for adjoined ones because he's trying his best to keep things detached, which surprises her but she goes along with it. They reach their rooms.
“Do you want to go out for dinner or something?” “Are you asking me out on a date?” she said teasingly. He looked at her, obviously trying to assess her intent. “Yes.” he replied confidently. She looked back at him. She felt a small smile creep across her face. “Then yes.”
They need to remain inconspicuous but she doesn't want to wear sunglasses all night so she teases her hair up, lines her eyes really heavy, borrows some black lipstick, and goes full goth for the first time. Seeing her makes him not want to go out after all, but she reminds him she'll look just as hot after dinner.
They take a cab then walk along the river for a bit and manage to find a little creperie. I based this on a real life place called Au Bon Lieu located at... 1 N Third Street. Matt mentions that he used to go on holiday to France and when the waitress overhears and ends up getting into a conversation with him about it.
Past Casey, a little but not overly jealous, later frames this as 'flirting', and while the waitress does ask if the Boss is his girlfriend, she seems sympathetic when he replies "Non... um...Si seulement" ("No... um... if only.") and wishes him luck. They have a nice meal of savoury and then sweet crepes.
“Thanks Matt...” she said as he paid the bill. “This was... real nice.” There was a very minor chill in the air as they stepped out into the summer evening. Matt offered her his cardigan without her even mentioning that she was cold. “This seems suspiciously like gentleman territory, Matt.” she remarked. “Nope, definitely not, a gentleman would have a jacket.” he insisted, draping it around her shoulders. “Ohhh... then I guess I can accept.” she acquiesced, wrapping herself up in it like a blanket, enjoying the warmth where he’d been sitting against it in the restaurant. “You sure you don’t need it?” “Yeah, I'm too warm anyway.” “Then why’dya fuckin’ bring it?” she asked, realising he’d not worn it the entire time they’d been out. He shrugged and gave her a smile.
They walk back down Third Street. They pass the State Capitol building and she discusses her concerns around the presidency and how it's nice to just feel normal tonight. They keep walking and reach a bar that's "all dark wood, bright lights and pool tables." which really makes her miss her friends. It's quiet so they head inside for a cocktail. She notices him watching her.
“What?” “Nothing... you’re just so beautiful.” “C’mon Matt...”. She looked down, smiling but embarrassed. “You gotta stop saying that...” “Oh...” he looked surprised. “Sorry... I’m sure you hear it a lot... I didn’t mean to annoy you.” She shook her head. “Uh... no... I don’t... look people call me hot, fuckable... dangerously depraved comes up a lot.”. She smirked thinking about it, then frowned. “But not fuckin’ beautiful Matt.” “But... you are though...” he looked at her, puzzled, and brushed her face with his hand to encourage her to look him in the eyes again. “You must know that, right?” “Matt.” she warned, shaking her head, but she could feel her face heating up. "You’re blushing again...”. He smiled softly and leaned into her a little. “...and you’re not even drunk this time.” “Shut up...” she laughed, and kissed him to make sure he did; slowly but passionately, one hand on his thigh. His hand that was still on her face slid into her hair, and she felt the other upon her waist. Despite their location, neither of them were pulling away and his grip tightened as his tongue probed desperately into her mouth. When his restrained moan spilled into her mouth he suddenly became aware he’d gotten carried away and pulled back. “Let’s finish up and get out of here.” she whispered as they broke apart. He picked up his glass and downed his drink in one, eyes fixed on her wantonly, then smirked. “Jesus, Matt.” she chuckled as she picked up her own cocktail, but she sucked on that straw like it was sitting in the last cup of water in a fucking desert.
Obviously they end up fucking again when they reach her hotel room. But afterwards, he leaves to go to his own room, explaining he thought maybe it'd be best to have some boundaries. She calls his name just before the adjoining door closes but it's too late. He's gone.
So she goes back into her room, putting on his shirt that she ripped all the buttons off a little while ago, and curls up in bed. She feels so cold and lonely and empty. But she fights it. Until she gets a text.
"Tell him." it says, with nothing more. She might not have a clue who it's from or why it was sent, but it's all the persuasion she needs by this point. She goes in and attempts to explain, getting tied up as she always does with emotions. Matt gets a little worried about her, but she manages to continue.
She pulled her head out of her hands, sat up straight and took a breath. “Matt... I don’t think this is just sex anymore.” “What?” he asked, sounding even more concerned. “No, it is...” he reached out to grab her arm reassuringly. “It has to be.” She looked down at his warm hand on her arm. “I know it has to be.” she said, hearing the frustration in her own voice. “But it’s not.” She turned to look at him, kneeling beside him on the bed. “Look...” he said carefully “I’ve... I’ve tried my hardest, I’ve done everything I can... to...” he trailed off, looking at her sadly. “I've indulged my attraction to you and tried not to think about how I feel because... I just want you to be happy. That’s...” he swallowed. “That’s all I ever want.” “Yeah, well... maybe you’ve done too good a job.” she said gently, causing him to look at her, confused. She sighed, and everything came out at once.. “Because I need you. Even though we already fucked, I still fuckin’ need you. Right now... all I want is for you to hold me. I just want to be fuckin’ held by you and... fall asleep in your arms and all this shit that confuses the fuck outta me.”. She saw his eyes widen before she looked away, unable to meet his gaze after coming out with all of that. “Wait, you’re saying...” he spoke as if he was considering his words very carefully. “Are you saying... it’s not just sex because... you have feelings for me?” “That’s... about where I’m at, yeah.” “Fuck.” he responded, staring at her. There was silence for a moment. Then his face and tone suddenly changed from stunned to horrified. “Fuck... but... I’m leaving in... less than 3 days!” “I know.” she said. “Maybe that’s why my stupid brain is getting so attached to you.”. He looked thoughtful at that. “Because you know it can’t lead to a relationship?” She nodded. “Yeah.” “Yeah, that's probably it.” “Matt. I need you to be honest with me. Do you... have any sorta feelings for me, too?” “Well... yes, of course I do. I mean... at first I thought we were having this chat because I’d made it that bloody obvious.” “Maybe a little...” she smiled. “But I... I have to go back. I have to.” “And I’m not askin’ you not to.” “Then what do you want from me?” “...I’m not makin’ that fuckin’ speech again.” He looked at her. She shrugged at him. He pulled her in gently by the collar of the shirt and kissed her gently. “Maybe we can just... discuss this in the morning.” he suggested hesitantly. He started pulling the sheet out from under her so she could get in. She slid underneath it and towards him, and he laid back down to face her. He looked at her with just a tinge of concern on his face, then gently embraced her while she wriggled to let his arm under her neck. He was only in his boxers yet he was so warm. She finally felt herself starting to calm. She fell asleep in his arms, just like she’d asked to.
Of course, some of you may recall Casey sees pancakes as a bad omen by late 2021 and I make it a point in my writing to subtly suggest she's right. In this case? They both get killed by the end of the night. Until 2022 Casey sends that "Tell Him" message. It averts their deaths by causing her to not be in her room when the hitmen attack. Good job future Casey remembered, right?
Actually, when she sent it, she didn't know she was averting that yet, as that memory had not yet been written. Instead she was poring over that night in her head. The last thing she remembers is being curled up and alone and cold, and she wants to do something about it.
Except... was it wrong to interfere? What if it just led to another argument? He hated being woken up, if he was already asleep, and he was quite practical about these things, he would know it was unwise to get involved when he had to come back. She had no doubt that he would come back, either; his loyalty to her was unwavering. But there was a soft side to him too; a sweet side. With all their stupid jokes, he had these moments where he said and did the nicest things for her. Really, that was what was most special about him compared with her other friends. They all had their kind sides for sure. It was just that Matt was the only one who seemed to realise how much she needed that. It seemed like that kindness was extended to her other self too. Because sure, maybe gentleman didn’t bring cardigans on dates. But neither did pretty boys who remained way too hot on summer’s evenings because they’d grown up in London. But pretty boys who cared a great deal for pretty girls... girls who were always cold because they spent most of their childhood bundled up in four layers and a snowsuit, girls who always forgot to bring a jacket, girls who wouldn’t accept gentlemanly offerings... ...they might. This was only going to complicate things. But she was going to do it. Because she’d been through a lot of rough shit that she didn’t often talk to people about. With an adult perspective and some serious therapy, she saw a confused, neglected child who didn’t deserve it, and someone needed to give the girl a freaking hug. For all those times, there was nothing she could do. But this time, this one time, she could. Thank god this app was so easy to use. “Tell him.” she texted.
So that's how it all came about as it did. They have another first date once they're actually dating, where they time jump to Italy to get pizza(they were originally supposed to have pizza together in front of Nyte Blayde on the day he ends up having to time jump).
But it's obvious they both see their first date as that night at the creperie. That's why Matt chooses to recreate it for a rather important simulation.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
I know I'll probably miss some here but I'll just throw in what I can think of off the top of my head.
Casey thinks Matt is the coolest person ever with his goth shit and his flawless ability with tech and the fact he seems to know all of the cool music, all of the good video games. Casey loves that Matt is very attentive to what she wants and needs, very caring, very patient with her. She loves that he's so intelligent but never makes her feel stupid. She loves that he realises when she's fine to just tease and mess about with and when she needs seriousness or softness. She loves that he can cook for her and drive for her and protect her through the tech he builds. She loves that he is so loyal, and that even when he's scared, he still manages to push on and do what he fears. She loves that he couldn't give less of a fuck about gender norms which in some way makes him the manliest man she knows. She likes that he's not afraid to correct her but does it in a way that's not hurtful.
Matt thinks Casey is the coolest person ever with her doesn't-give-a-fuck attitude and her near-invincibility and her flawless skills with a gun. Matt loves her quick-wittedness and her bad jokes that are still kind of funny and that she's so intelligent without an ounce of pretentiousness about it. He loves that she is so badass and yet she has this huge heart, this endless devotion to her friends. He loves that Casey listens to every word he says and remembers his interests. He loves that she gets excited about robots and Jane Austen and card games and space and guns. He loves that she will let him pick him up and hold her anytime even though she could easily do the same to him, but knows it makes him feel strong. He does just feel stronger with him by his side, and it's not just because he protects him, its because her presence just kind of quells the fears.
But above all, for both of them, I think it's that they are so, so kind to each other. Matt's used to people ripping on him for not fitting in, or seeing the standoffish or egotistical way he comes across at first and treating him accordingly. Casey's used to people thinking she's too cool, too untouchable, too intimidating, or that she's so badass she doesn't need comfort.
They make time to be kind and soft to each other and when one of them says or does something sincere, especially Casey, I often have them expect the other one to tease them about it, but they don't. They respond with equal sincerity and the more they do that, the more it becomes a thing that they can just talk openly around each other in a way I don't think either of them ever quite reaches with the other Saints.
And that is one of the reasons why I love them.
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morvaris-archive · 2 years
; oc god quiz!
i was tagged by @nuclearstorms to take this quiz for my ocs; thank you so much bones!
tagging: @arklay @aartyom @aelyosos @avallachs @brujah @ianeiras @steelport @shadowglens @montliyets @cultistbase @camelliagwerm @faarkas @reaperkiller @celticwoman @swordcoasts & whoever else wants to do this!
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; force of flood
It’s torture. You feel every blade of grass, every kitchen tile, every little set of running feet as you consume the land. You don’t mean to! You’re so angry! Why do they treat you this way!? You were an ocean spirit once, calmly sending waves and rains inland. The people were happy, you were pristine. Now every summer they have only built more, dumped more, stole more from you, WHY COULDN'T THEY BE HAPPY WITH THE RAINS AND GRASSES? "I WILL WASH AWAY YOUR ROADS! I WILL SOONER WIPE YOU FROM THE EARTH THAN SUCCUMB TO YOUR SLOW POISONING!", you bellow from roiling brown flood plains.
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; mirror god
You are a reflected God, trapped by a curse. Changing form as interesting things pass your little window into the world. You emulate the beautiful faces you see as they get made up and powdered before airing on television. You emulate the quaint little farms that run on commercials for cranberries. You copy these bits and pieces of media, these TV people, these ideals, into an identity. You know you are something quite different.. but do not remember what you were or what you liked before becoming a reflection. You know one day you will leave this mirror and you will not look the way you wish to, it scares you. Why does it scare you?
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; god across the pond
You often appear as a small green light, constant as the North Star in the eyes of longing souls. There you are across the bay that separates lovers. There you are, a faint green landmark on top of a mountain, inexplicably radiating a great ache for ‘home’. Many have tried to find your source and all have failed. It saddens you that you must leave before they reach you, but you have yearnings of your own. You are looking for your lover, looking for your home, every night.
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anautisticaquarius · 3 years
Pro-tip for literally anyone in Saints Row The Third and Saints Row The Third Remastered.
Either complete everything on Arapice Island really early on in the story, or use the City Takeover bonus on that area as soon as you can. Trust me. You'll regret it later if you don't.
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wlwaerith · 2 years
˗ ` ♡︎ oc associations. ❜
⠀ —— ⠀ i was tagged by @annahenriettagf​, @camelliagwerm​ & @maykr​ to fill this out for some ocs! some other people may have tagged me, but my goldfish brain can’t remember. if you were one of them, i’m very sorry!
⠀ —— ⠀ tagging, under 0 obligation, @engferth, @shimmering-shield​, @arklay, @aartyom, @astarixn-n, @alistairs, @baldurians, @leopardmuffinxo, @ianeiras, @windupzenos, @liurnia, @calenhads, @steelport, @noonfaerie, @witchrenna, @varresbouqvet, @mendev, @scarlet-rot, @fenharel, @cryptcombat & @latenna! as well as, of course, anyone else who’d like to do this!
˗ ` ♡︎ aelius. ❜
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animal(s): common crow, black fox
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month(s): october, november
song(s): godhunter • domina • prologue to the count of monte cristo
number(s): 27
plant(s): angel’s trumpets
smell(s): woodsmoke, rotting leaf litter
day or night: day; specifically the first light of dawn
gemstone(s): indian ruby
season(s): autumn & late summer
place(s): the harz mountains
food(s): pickled ginger
drink(s): watered-down red wine
element(s): fire, earth
˗ ` ♡︎ ithlinne. ❜
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animal(s): albatross, orca, coral reef snake
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month(s): february, april
song(s): the gallows jig • the wave-soaked maiden • hymn of the high seas
number(s): 39
plant(s): water hemlock, foxgloves
smell(s): ocean spray, old treated wood, parchment
day or night: night; the last rays of evening light
gemstone(s): turkish jade, aquamarine
season(s): summer, early spring
place(s): any & all coastlines, the open ocean
food(s): dried mutton
drink(s): double aged scotch whisky, spiced rum
element(s): water, air, ice
˗ ` ♡︎ varinia. ❜
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animal(s): snowy owl, white fox
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month(s): december
song(s): cartouche • star above the garter/monaghan’s jig/water under the keel • shadow of the moon
number(s): 14
plant(s): tropical white morning-glory/moonflower, hyacinth, lupine
smell(s): petrichor, honey, chocolate liqueur
day or night: midnight
gemstone(s): turquoise, sapphire
season(s): winter
place(s): the swiss alps
food(s): baklava, ginger marmalade
drink(s): sweetened coffee, black tea with honey
element(s): ice, wind, light
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jacobseed · 2 years
tagged by all the lovelies @quentinbecks and @indorilnerevarine​
tagging just a couple bc i think everyone's done it but just in case @bigbywlf  @ginadotjpg @gorotakemura​ @chuckhansen @queennymeria  @lalosalamancagf @steelport
step 1 -> create your oc (or ocs) in this picrew
step 2 -> list 5 songs that inspired (or captured the feel of) your oc. if you choose multiple, feel free to pick your favorite or do songs for all of them! (and feel free to list fewer or more songs if you want)
THEO WARD // Far Cry 5
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NOT DEAD YET - Lord Huron
you got holes in your clothes and booze on your breath, you look like hell and you smell like death
HORNS - Bryce Fox
she’s the fire in the sin, and i burn breathing her in
LEGACY - Matt Maeson
and you’re headed for the gallows, sin around your throat and no one’s near
oh to hell with you and all the shit you spew, hope you enjoy the view, honey you're already screwed
blinded by the lightning and the white-hot power or love, rain and thunder washing me under and i’m cursin’ the skies above
EDIE HEWITT // House of Wax
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THIS IS LOVE - Air Traffic Controller
you’re no good, you’re no good, you could kill me and you should
LOVE YOU TO DEATH - Fickle Friends
wanna hold you real tight ‘cause you running through my mind, watch the air escaping your lungs i wont let you go for no one
living for the world that you showed me, stay a little longer and hold me, i was there for you
PEACH - Future Islands
there’s death in this tunnel, still hanging on me, still begging of me
i feel it’s been a pleasure to bathe in my own discomfort, when i’m on my knees and i feel a little spontaneous
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OUR LOVE - Curtis Harding, Jazmine Sullivan 
like sunday i’ll pray our love will always stay pure, ooh while the world turns around, he hold me down for sure
i guess you never learn ‘til you live and you lost it, how could you let them turn you into a monster?
i’m having bad dreams, and nothing you can do will keep the bad things away from me until i fall asleep
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
i was tagged by @nuclearstorms @morvaris and @arklay to do this quiz for some of my ocs, thank you so much everyone!! i’m giving all of you a kiss
not sure who did this already so feel free to ignore it! i’m tagging: @cultistbase @ianeiras @aelyosos @montliyets @faarkas @reaperkiller @keevan @swordcoasts @steelport @camelliagwerm @avallachs @jacobseed @denerims @shadowglens and whoever else wants to do this!
You are a reflected God, trapped by a curse. Changing form as interesting things pass your little window into the world. You emulate the beautiful faces you see as they get made up and powdered before airing on television. You emulate the quaint little farms that run on commercials for cranberries. You copy these bits and pieces of media, these TV people, these ideals, into an identity. You know you are something quite different.. but do not remember what you were or what you liked before becoming a reflection. You know one day you will leave this mirror and you will not look the way you wish to, it scares you. Why does it scare you?
(+ i took it twice for vesper because i was so hmmmm about the result and now the two combined are making me sob)
Void Ghost
You have not yet been born into belief. Why don’t you believe in yourself? It's very critical to existing at this stage. You're floating around, for now, looking for your place in the new and rapidly changing world of humans.
– FENIX HAYES: God of the Unused Fireplace
You are a very powerful fire demon (you think so anyway). Since this house was built in 2008 with an electric heater, the occupants have never called upon you. You wonder what you would do if they lit you up (burn the place down probably). You want to roar ferociously and combust into a fire the size of the sun! For now, you lay in the hearth invisibly next to unlightable decorative candles and wait.
You were born free! As free as the grass grows! You could go in so many directions right now you might pull yourself apart trying. There are kites to fly and wheat to whip through and birds to knock around and- Oh no, you’ve tornadoed an old woman’s garage sale sign away. Go pick that up!
You have not yet been born into belief. Why don’t you believe in yourself? It's very critical to existing at this stage. You're floating around, for now, looking for your place in the new and rapidly changing world of humans.
– ZEFYR:��Force of Flood
It’s torture. You feel every blade of grass, every kitchen tile, every little set of running feet as you consume the land. You don’t mean to! You’re so angry! Why do they treat you this way!? You were an ocean spirit once, calmly sending waves and rains inland. The people were happy, you were pristine. Now every summer they have only built more, dumped more, stole more from you, WHY COULDN'T THEY BE HAPPY WITH THE RAINS AND GRASSES? "I WILL WASH AWAY YOUR ROADS! I WILL SOONER WIPE YOU FROM THE EARTH THAN SUCCUMB TO YOUR SLOW POISONING!", you bellow from roiling brown flood plains.
#tag games#for now i put the ocs banners on timeout bc i don't like them anymore but i have no time to do them but i also wanted to this so yea <3#i will proceed to scream now. like we all do.#VESPER RESULTS HAVE ME SOBBING TEARS. but also Thinking u know? i'm like. this makes sense if you think of the whole johnny problem slowly#killing her and erasing her. so THROWS UP. but in general i feel like ves sometimes is so focused on OTHERS that sometimes she forgets she's#a person on her own too and mmmh urghhh i gotta think of this. fenix result is sooo good. just let me say that this man could be way more#unhinged than what he shows. i think that if he Snapped for good smth terrible would happen. let's leave him to chill really..#daniel well..he's free. he really is but the tempest he brings with his freedom can be scary and bring disaster and like ok funky little man#we enjoy to see you end up in trouble but what if one day your actions will bring consequences to your loved ones? ever thought of that?#violante being void ghost...won't go into here bc i might cry. she never had a place where to belong i'm uGH WE WILL NOT TALK. and zefyr..oh#zefyr my beloved...they are just a complete vulcano of rage and death and this is already too long but i sooo see this with their background#and just I SEE THIS PERFECTLY. YOU GO FUNKY LITTLE TIEFLING MAKE EVERYONE SUCCUMB!!#also was i the only one to get void ghost for my ocs?? DID I FUCK THEM UP THAT BAD THAT THEY ARE VOID GHOSTS?? HELLO????#oc: vesper#oc: fenix#oc: daniel#oc: violante#oc: zefyr
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kikidewynter · 18 hours
ok the luchadores lore. this starts off similar to canon but takes a pretty different route. eduardo pryor, a mexican lucha libre, “accidentally” kills his opponent in the ring. he uses his power and money to try and sway the court but is found guilty of manslaughter. with the help of his father, an influential holy man, he flees the country and ends up in steelport, a hub of unconventional entertainment where laws are more lax. there he uses his infamy to establish murderbrawl, what would eventually become the only lethal bloodsport to be aired on television. at first it was an underground thing, then he managed to make it a major event (a pilgrimage even) and the hype grew so that it made it to tv—though it can only be aired at night and has been banned in more than a few states, leading to pirate broadcasts. murderbrawl is real. contestants work their way through opponents (who can choose to tap out if they’ve had enough) before facing the previous year’s champion in the final match in which only one can survive. killbane has been the champion every year since its invention but that’s rumoured to be due to doping and rigging.
as in the game, killbane presents himself as a philanthropic celebrity. here he has a charity set up, various gyms and camps, where underprivileged youths are taught wrestling etc etc. in actuality these facilities are used to indoctrinate new members into killbane’s gang. he’s kind of like a cult leader. a larger than life figure, charismatic, influential, frightening. he needs this gang to support his gambling rackets and steroid smuggling, which in turn generate the finances needed to pay off officials. it’s through this system that he meets angel, a young man from steelport’s small puerto rican community. angel is good. so good that killbane keeps him from the dirty work and has him train to become a professional wrestler. but killbane has a fragile ego, and soon he becomes jealous, paranoid. the press reports on angel, speculating that he might one day be the one to knock killbane off the top spot at murderbrawl. angel’s training gradually becomes more and more brutal until it’s clear he’s just being abused. soon after the report, angel suffers an ‘accident’ that ruins his career and he disappears from the public eye
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thedeadthree · 2 years
tagged by the dearests @blissfulalchemist @celticwoman, and @sunsetseasons to list some associations for my loves! ty so much y'all are the sweetest!
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @marivenah, @cameronburke, @florbelles, @chuckhansen, @preachercuster, @leviiackrman, @jackiesarch, @belorage, @shellibisshe, @adelaidedrubman, @steelport, @jacobseed, @theotherwiseman, @wayhavenots, @risingsh0t, @taliaferros, @feywildchild, @loriane-elmuerto, @yennas, @trvelyans, @rosebarsoap, @amistrio and @maeflower and anyone that would like to do this! 🤎
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seasoning: hot pepper, cinnamon
weather: downpour of rain, subtle gust of wind, foggy evening, the static electricity feeling in the air before and after a thunderstorm
color: electric blue (if u know u know *cough*), deep blues, dark grey
sky: grey, foggy, stormy, twilight
magical power: telepathy (of course!), mind control, shapeshifting or puppeteering, tech manipulation
house plant: hyacinths and white genetically modified roses
weapon: her telepathy, throwing knives
subject: psychology
social media: twitter account that has almost no tweets and only follows one person and that's their very popularly followed boyfriend.
makeup product: concealer, black eyeliner
candy: coffee candy
fear: admitting vocally she loves ortega back kjdsnka, going back to the farm again, her past, being alone
ice cube shape: teardrops
method of long distance travel: expensive car with a driver
art style: surrealist
mythological creature: strix (a bird of ill omen)
piece of stationary: faded photographs and tear stained love letters
three emojis: 😠🎭🥺
celestial body: a star just before it's to supernova
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seasoning: cayenne, bourbon vanilla, burnt sugar
weather: chilly foggy mornings, snowfall
color: icy blues, white, black
sky: grey, clear and starlit in the evening
magical power: mind reading, emotional manipulation
house plant: venus fly trap
weapon: sniper rifle, hidden blade, kitana
subject: manipulating men, political science and psychology, business
social media: instagram, politics twitter
makeup product: black eyeliner, designer mascara, lipstick
candy: champagne gummy bears
fear: takemura dying in that decrepit apartment, dying, losing her standing/place in society
ice cube shape: sphere, snowflake
method of long distance travel: av, expensive sports car
art style: minimalism, futurism
mythological creature: revenant or siren
piece of stationary: pen, wax seal with a family symbol embellished
three emojis: 🔪📟❄️
celestial body: a comet or a solar flare
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morvaris-archive · 2 years
; wip day!
i was tagged by @arklay and @mendev; thank you both so much! ♡
tagging: @aartyom @nuclearstorms @aelyosos @reaperkiller @cultistbase @montliyets @shadowglens @steelport & whoever wants to do this!
“Do you know how to open locks?” Dove grumbles, taking the instruments in her hands and trying to pick the lock again. Another unsuccessful attempt and she’ll probably smash the door open. Now that would be entertaining.  Candy takes a cigarette in their mouth and lights it, exhaling the smoke in Dove’s direction. On purpose, of course. The Nosferatu glares at them, but they just blow another puff of smoke. “Sure, you do it with a key.” “Very funny, you have hilarious written all over you.” “You set yourself up for this one.” Deciding that they haven’t annoyed Dove enough, Candy tosses the lighter up in the air, again and again. After it flies up once again, Dove catches it in quick sharp movement, looking extremely annoyed. Candy smirks. “But your lucky day has finally arrived– I do know how to pick this thing.” Dove shoves the lighter back at them, and they stagger back a bit. Seems like they’ve finally pushed her buttons as much as she did theirs during the ride here.“And you didn’t bother to tell me this earlier, after I’ve been trying to open it for so long?” “I wanted to see when you’d become desperate enough to ask me.” 
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xoxoangel · 3 years
i wanna hear about your boss !!!
i just saw this BUT basically my blueprint for literally all male ocs since forever was my boss ! his name is ezra anoki andd he’s a trans bisexual man ! hes indigenous and grew up in stilwater :0 in my au the saints are a band to coverup their crimes so 😭 in sr1 he’s the drummer, sr2+3+4 he’s the lead vocalist and guitarist. in canon hes written as morally gray and i would say he’s more like the sr2 boss who can be both menacing and light hearted. i’ll just drop some fun facts
- has a sister !! her name is sage and she’s a #girlboss in steelport during the events of sr2. she has lore w kiki and viola
- after lin’s death he got into racing and tuning and has a tricked out car kinda like suki’s from 2 fast and furious (that movie is so cool solely bc of devon aoki)
- i hc him being close w shaundi, in sr2 they’re together
- endgame ship 4 him would probably be viola and him tho
- featured on pierces mixtape
- pierce & him have a big bromance and they basically come to each other and talk to each other for everything
- sr2 gang is basically just a big happy family
- his style for sr1/2 is inspired by the anime nana. think leather jacket and pants, vivienne westwood necklaces, sweater vests and spiked highlights, piercings all over his ears. a little streetwear too, loose jeans and air jordans and air forces, sporty glasses, think gat + pierce + shogo
- style for sr3 is more preppy, new york high fashion with sweater vests again, loafers, more designer pieces, sunglasses and turtlenecks (viola and him twin a LOT)
- he has tattoos! two marks on his neck similar to vampire bites, ‘3rd street’ circling above his belly button, and a tramp stamp matching shaundi’s 😭 he also got a cat for gat, cross for carlos, racing flag for lin, microphone for aisha and a fleur de lis for the gang.
- shares a pet fish with pierce bc pierce kept killing his own, and one cat named carlos
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