#akb vol 1
shysheeperz · 8 months
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2022f · 1 year
thomas_akb_deli:桃源郷 その名にふさわしい 桃畑が一面満開です  この景色の中で お育ちになられたのですね  素敵です🍑  #笛吹市 #御坂町 #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/Fj1jSNz1az [https://twitter.com/thomas_akb_deli/status/1641814654967226375] nneeeeeeji:本日までの集計が完了しました。ありがとうございます。現在49名の方々に参加いただいています。ほぼ目標に到達いたしました。リツイートなど票集めに協力いただいたみなさま、投票いただいたみなさま、本当に本当に感謝しかありません。 #アルバム選抜 #レミオロメン #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/nneeeeeeji/status/1641807755060350977] skms988739:オオカミ青年→月食 旅立ちの日→指先 日日是好日→かすみ草 北極星→愛を Acoustic2000-2010→電話 Sunshine→サヨナラ花束 Sunshine bonus→北極星  #アルバム選抜 #藤巻亮太 #レミオロメン [https://twitter.com/skms988739/status/1641802632892403719] _Hikarin_P:藤巻亮太 - サヨナラ花束 Liella! - Second Sparkle D4DJ All Mix - Around and Around TRIPLANE - 僕のたからもの 米津玄師 - LADY Omoinotake - オーダーメイド (イントロのメロトロンのフルートが素敵 ジャケットデザインも良い) 得田真裕 - 星降る夜に (チェロの音がすごく良い) [https://twitter.com/_Hikarin_P/status/1641794336030601216] _Hikarin_P:riya - 始まりの坂 riya - 折れない翼 NiziU - Paradise KANA-BOON - サクラノウタ (サビが歌いたくなる) 藤巻亮太 - 朝焼けの向こう 上原ひろみ - Impressions 北沢綾香 - 僕らの旅 湯木慧 - 春に僕はなくなる JYOCHO - グラスの底は、夜 (変拍子,フルート,好きが詰まってる) [https://twitter.com/_Hikarin_P/status/1641794126093127680] skms988739:参加させてもらいます!  フェスタ→フェスタ 朝顔→タクシードライバー ether→永遠と一瞬 HORIZON→蒼の世界 Flash and Gleam→MONSTER 風のクロマ→茜空 花鳥風月→花鳥風月 レミオベスト→アイランド  #レミオロメン #アルバム選抜 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/skms988739/status/1641791884715782147] konnyakubokujou:坂道AKB 三浦大知 CHEMISTRY 藤巻亮太 ゴールデンボンバー エレファントカシマシ Kis-My-Ft2 関ジャニ∞ ゆず Cocco 三代目 J Soul Brothers 尾崎裕哉 AKB48 浜崎あゆみ X JAPAN #Mステ [https://twitter.com/konnyakubokujou/status/1641786455042424833] konnyakubokujou:坂道AKB 三浦大知 CHEMISTRY 藤巻亮太 ゴールデンボンバー エレファントカシマシ Kis-My-Ft2 関ジャニ∞ ゆず Cocco 三代目 J Soul Brothers 尾崎裕哉 AKB48 浜崎あゆみ X JAPAN [https://twitter.com/konnyakubokujou/status/1641786413011341313] konnyakubokujou:/坂道AKB 三浦大知 CHEMISTRY 藤巻亮太 ゴールデンボンバー エレファントカシマシ Kis-My-Ft2 関ジャニ∞ ゆず Cocco 三代目 J Soul Brothers 尾崎裕哉 AKB48 浜崎あゆみ X JAPAN #Mステ [https://twitter.com/konnyakubokujou/status/1641786397895065601] konnyakubokujou:/坂道AKB 三浦大知 CHEMISTRY 藤巻亮太 ゴールデンボンバー エレファントカシマシ Kis-My-Ft2 関ジャニ∞ ゆず Cocco 三代目 J Soul Brothers 尾崎裕哉 AKB48 浜崎あゆみ X JAPAN [https://twitter.com/konnyakubokujou/status/1641786366630703104] konnyakubokujou:坂道AKB 誰のことを一番 愛してる? 三浦大知 Darkest Before Dawn CHEMISTRY PIECES OF A DREAM 藤巻亮太 3月9日 ゴールデンボンバー #CDが売れないこんな世の中じゃ エレファントカシマシ 悲しみの果て Kis-My-Ft2 Tonight 関ジャニ∞ なぐりガキBEAT がむしゃら行進曲 ゆず [https://twitter.com/konnyakubokujou/status/1641785873028227072] 39ra_marine_nao:3周くらい前のMステの藤巻亮太さんの3月9日のを見てる 卒業式に着てくれるなんてええなぁ [https://twitter.com/39ra_marine_nao/status/1641780973749829632] Specialthankssp:藤巻亮太さんになりたい〜 twitter.com/specialthankss… [https://twitter.com/Specialthankssp/status/1641776325567578112] rmori5901:日日是好日とかすみ草で一生迷ったし、北極星に至っては名盤すぎて血の涙流しながら選択しましたゼィゼィ…  #アルバム選抜 #藤巻亮太  オオカミ青年→ベテルギウス 旅立ちの日→指先 日日是好日→かすみ草 北極星→波音 Acoustic→春景色 Sunshine D1→オウエン歌    〃 D2→ Summer Swing [https://twitter.com/rmori5901/status/1641747852673314816] konnyakubokujou:/坂道AKB 誰のことを一番 愛してる? 三浦大知 Darkest Before Dawn CHEMISTRY PIECES OF A DREAM 藤巻亮太 3月9日 ゴールデンボンバー #CDが売れないこんな世の中じゃ エレファントカシマシ 悲しみの果て Kis-My-Ft2 Tonight 関ジャニ∞ なぐりガキBEAT がむしゃら行進曲 ゆず [https://twitter.com/konnyakubokujou/status/1641743554883256320] ittenshokun:SPEEDSTAR RECORDS 30th ANNIVERSARY『LIVE the SPEEDSTAR』ビクターロック祭り (幕張メッセ)  4月1日15時30分(開演16時) ユーネクストでライブ配信! 見逃し配信あり  出演 UA AA= 斉藤和義 スガシカオ 藤巻亮太 星野源 など  視聴方法はこちら 🔽 x.gd/gVprH  #スピードスターレコーズ [https://twitter.com/ittenshokun/status/1641734445177917443] HilaryDarwin12:noyuka そーなんだーなんかあのゆるい感じ面白いもんね😁そーなの⁉️TVerだとあの大事な部分カットなの⁉️それはあかん🤣🤣🤣藤巻亮太さん帰ったらみてくださーい🥹💕 [https://twitter.com/HilaryDarwin12/status/1641725924553945093] CLUBQue:\📺配信決定✨/ 4/20[THU] “下北沢CLUB Que & 宮田和弥 presents 「弾けば弾けるVol.6」”  ◆宮田和弥 ◆藤巻亮太 ◆佐藤タイジ(シアターブルック)  OPEN 18:15/START 19:00  🎫観覧=SOLD OUT 📺配信¥3,000 [bit.ly/3VugfVY] ~4/26まで pic.twitter.com/UkE4qZJMDZ [https://twitter.com/CLUBQue/status/1641710453306064896] J1FM:J1 HITS: [17:32] #NowPlaying Fukimaki Ryota (藤巻亮太) - Sunshine ~ 132 listeners #JPOP [https://twitter.com/J1FM/status/1641704978539528193] shinoyu28:藤巻川の🌸今年もキレイ✨去年は藤巻って名前に気づかずに行ってたwww #藤巻川 #藤巻亮太 #Sakura pic.twitter.com/vNufp75mXi [https://twitter.com/shinoyu28/status/1641695731605176320] myron970875:録画しないと!今朝、藤巻亮太さんが3月9日歌ってるの見て、マカロニ出んかなぁーって娘と会話したばっかり😎❤️‍🔥 twitter.com/macarock0616/s… [https://twitter.com/myron970875/status/1641693104574017537] ArlenGus5:藤巻亮太さんラヴィットで3月9日生で歌われてる🥹素敵…感激🥹ジェジュンとのThe Covers思い出しちゃう [https://twitter.com/ArlenGus5/status/1641689221021720577] magee915466:藤巻亮太さんラヴィットで3月9日生で歌われてる🥹素敵…感激🥹ジェジュンとのThe Covers思い出しちゃう [https://twitter.com/magee915466/status/1641680361267552256] rami1557:行きたい気持ちがむくむく湧いてくる! でもさすがに九州からは遠いか…  #藤巻亮太 #マウントフジマキ twitter.com/Ryota_Fujimaki… [https://twitter.com/rami1557/status/1641668889028472838] soRaguMO_hisei:#藤巻亮太  #レミオロメン  お散歩してて、ふと思った。 「朽ち果てたトタン屋根パタパタ鳴ったみんな朽ちていきながら生まれ変わる」  これはひさしと外壁だけど、 こういう風景を亮太さんはあんなに美しく歌い上げているんだな、と…  レミオロメン「蒼の世界」 youtu.be/bdZtjHWoAvQ pic.twitter.com/WtL4s4fnh6 [https://twitter.com/soRaguMO_hisei/status/1641645309045673984] mattan_1:@nneeeeeeji オオカミ青年→オオカミ青年 旅立ちの日→春の嵐 日日是好日→8分前の僕ら 北極星→愛を Sunshine→この道どんな道 Sunshine [Bonus Disc]→光をあつめて Acoustic Recordings2000-2010→昭和  #アルバム選抜 #レミオロメン #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/mattan_1/status/1641586624055382016] mattan_1:@nneeeeeeji 遅ればせながら参加します😆  フェスタ→まめ電球 朝顔→追いかけっこ ether→永遠と一瞬 HORIZON→シフト Flash and Gleam→モラトリアム 風のクロマ→透明 花鳥風月→花鳥風月 レミオベスト→Wonderful&Beautiful  #レミオロメン #アルバム選抜 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/mattan_1/status/1641582755204194304] griselda981537:今朝、たまたまラヴィット!を観ていたら、サプライズで藤巻亮太さんが登場し『3月9日』を生演奏してくれて、しかもフルサイズだったのでとても嬉しかった…良い朝だった… [https://twitter.com/griselda981537/status/1641573071663374337] J1FM:J1 HITS: [03:47] #NowPlaying Fukimaki Ryota (藤巻亮太) - Mahoroba (まほろば) ~ 47 listeners #JPOP [https://twitter.com/J1FM/status/1641497451876982784] DaleBill10:【ちょうど19年前】2004/3/9レミオロメンシングル「3月9日」発売11位 / 13.9万枚現在も卒業ソングの定番として広く親しまれている楽曲。「粉雪」が主題歌である翌年のドラマ「1リットルの涙」挿入歌。ボーカル・藤巻亮太は本日… [https://twitter.com/DaleBill10/status/1641492823064326145]
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kei139-line · 1 year
「#岡田奈々 まとめ」交際報道 岡田奈々がAKB卒業発表 - Yahoo!ニュース・岡田奈々が卒業発表“内規”が“鉄の掟”へ発展?AKBの恋愛禁止の
「#岡田奈々 まとめ」交際報道 岡田奈々がAKB卒業発表 – Yahoo!ニュース・岡田奈々が卒業発表“内規”が“鉄の掟”へ発展?AKBの恋愛禁止の
「岡田奈々」に関する情報をまとめています。お探しの「岡田奈々」は、見つかりましたか? 岡田奈々 – Amazon.co.jp や 月刊平凡GOLDEN BEST!! Vol.2 岡田奈々写真集 二度目の初恋 … などもあるんですね。少しはお役に立ちましたでしょうか? 岡田奈々 第 1 位 交際報道 岡田奈々がAKB卒業発表 – Yahoo!ニュース 交際報道 岡田奈々がAKB卒業発表 – Yahoo!ニュース:Google 1 日前 … AKB48岡田奈々(25)が23日、ツイッターを更新し、交際報道について謝罪した上で、グループを卒業することを発表した。 岡田奈々の落とし穴チャンネル – YouTube:Youtube +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-岡田奈々…
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nirooniyuihan · 6 years
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Yokoyama Yui (AKB 48) Kyoto Irodori Diary Volume 3 Boxset: elegent visit to "Beautiful Spring in Kyoto"
Special Photocard inside the box + from various Store special (HMV, Tsutaya, Yodobashi)
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odayoichiro · 6 years
180722 ポコラートvol.8 アーティストトーク文字起こし
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takasho2017-blog · 5 years
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元AKB・今泉佑唯のGカップがヤバイと話題にwww 1: 2019/03/29(金) 17:23:05.84 なぜか表紙には名前が無いのですが😂本日発売のFRIDAYにグラビアが掲載されています✨“blt graph. Vol.41”に載せきれなかったスペシャルカットです☺💗今泉佑唯ちゃんのグラビアの次のページからなのでそのままの自然な流れで観てもらえ... Source: まとめりー(芸能)
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sweetlittlelie48 · 7 years
[Translation] 100% SKE48 vol.1 Fukushi Nao
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This time it’s Don-chan, a die-hard fan who became member. Read this and you will understand both from fan’s and member’s perspective. 
I love how SKE management dares to choose this girl to be vice-leader.
Looking at young members in SKE right now....I can see promising future is waiting for them!!
Entering the group as draft 1st gen,
Becoming vice-leader of team E 2 years later…Fukushi Nao
From a supporter to a member and finally got appointed,
Only her can achieve these things
Don-chan who loves SKE48 more than anyone and the oath from her soul.
 I did it because I was a fan.
Let’s make SKE48 “DON!” (Boom!)
 The second time that my mind went blank
- This is a bit impolite but we never thought that Fukushi-san would become Team E vice-leader! We would like to know your vision on this, so we invited you here.
Don: Not that much. This is…*laugh*
- You are a former die-hard fan, but now you have the position in SKE48. That’s great, right? We would like to ask you to show us confidence as a leader a bit. Firstly, do you still remember the moment they announced this?
Don: For draft 1st gen in all 48group, 3 of us already graduated. Everyone said “the rest of you, do your best” At that moment, Matsumoto Chikako got her name announced as Team S vice-leader. I thought “it’s time for draft 1st gen!”
- That time you still felt like an audience.
Don: Yes. *laugh* Then, when they announced my name, I don’t remember much. Later, I heard from staff-san that the camera was shooting at me but I just disappeared from screen all of a sudden.
- You fell down.
Don: “it hurts as if I got punched in the stomach” *laugh* I realized this is how “my mind goes blank” feels like.
- How many times have you been like this?
Don: It’s 2nd time. The first time was when I got chosen at the 1st draft meeting. That time I thought “This evening, I’ll have Sano Ramen and just go back home”
- In other words, you already gave up, right?
Don: Suddenly, my name was announced. My mind’s gone blank. In the end, I didn’t have Ramen but Yakiniku *laugh*
- Celebrate with Yakiniku *laugh*
Don: From that time…though I once had experience of that feeling but when I became conscious again, leader-Suda (Akari) san was already there beside me. I was almost out of breath but everyone laughed! I thought “what are you guys laughing about!” *laugh* Maybe, it’s because I was an Wota before and now I’ve become vice-leader. This kind of reversal is funny, right?
- Of course, it’s funny *laugh*
Don: When they announced that (Saito) Makiko-san is captain, I already got a grip on myself. I felt “Oh Makiko-san is best!” but came to think about it, my name was also announced just a second ago.
- Anyways, feedback from audiences was great.
Don: After that, we sang the last song “Nakama no Uta” and went down the stage to tag with audiences. I heard they said “do your best” “If it’s Don-chan, it will be fine”. It made me feel even more that ‘it’s good to be in SKE48’, although I was still confused.
- It’s been a while now since the day of announcement. Do you ever think ‘why me’?
Don: It must be a joke! The day before, they just announced that AKB49 will be played again and I got a role as an Wota. That time, I already thought that it must be a joke. In the next day, I asked Yuasa-san  “Is this a joke?” He replied “Not at all! I just think that if someone, who was a fan, like Fukushi becomes vice-leader, she would bring something new to the group for sure” Though that time I thought ‘so that’s how it is’, but to think of it now, I still somehow feel that it must be a joke. *laugh*
- What does vice-leader usually do?
Don: At present, leading engine before Koen starts and representing members to say thank you after Koen ends. On the days that leader’s absent, I take charge. Sometimes, when I said “let’s review again, the first song is…” everyone was like “Don is about to start…” *laugh* Anyways, they might see me getting serious so they wanted me to relax a bit. It’s that kind of atmosphere. Seniors are so kind.
 Make history with fans
 - That night, you wrote in your blog “I want to build the group that’s full of passion”, expressed your confidence like that. Would you please explain about it?
Don: That’s right…in Sae-san’s graduation concert, I cried till no tears left. But then, Jurina-san said “SKE48 is in pinch”, right? When I heard that, my tears fell down again.
- Even though you felt that there’s no more tear left already.
Don: Yeah, because I felt “it really is so”
- So, Fukushi-san could also feel the crisis.
Don: What made me feel it the most was when we couldn’t go to “Kouhaku” Last time, before the show started, Nakanishi Yuka-san and Sato Mieko-san said “Let’s get on this stage again”. After both of them graduated, everyone tried hard but never thought we wouldn’t be chosen at the end. I feel very sorry to them.
- To rise above this crisis, what do you think we should do?
Don: I think all members should look through themselves again - what they think about SKE48. I want the feeling that we have at the beginning to return. We have to think of how we want the group to be, how we want ourselves to be. If everyone is determined, with these thoughts combined, our group will absolutely get more popularity.
- When is SKE48 “at their best” for Fukushi-san?
Don: It’s when they performed “Pareo wa emerald” in Kouhaku (December 2012). At that time, I had fever and took a rest at home, watching TV. Around “Kataomoi Finally” (January 2012), I could feel that it almost time.
- They also performed in Music Station.
Don: Fans were really fired up at that time, so members tried their best not to lose to their fans. In concert at Gaishi Hall (Sae’s graduation concert), I also felt like that. SKE fans are so warm and united. In LINE live recently, they also achieved 1,000,000 hearts target. Before the program started, we still talked like “Up until now the best record is only 600,000 - can we really reach 1,000,000?”
- From your experience, what is the cause of fans getting fired up?
Don: Because everyone thinks “I want SKE to be better”. No matter what, there are lots of Hako-Oshi, including me. Though my original Oshi is Jurina-san…but when something happens, everyone will come together and rise up.
- “come together and rise up” *laugh*
Don: I want this group to be supported forever. I want to make history with fans. If we can make them feel that “we are one”, it would be great.
- With this vision, how do you see 2016?
Don: There was a moment that feels really bad. The worst was before and after (Matsui) Rena-san graduates. Fans also asked “will SKE48 be okay?” That time, I also didn’t know what to do. But first, I had to do as best as I can. Once we did our best, then we can think of doing for the group. No matter how many years have passed, this is the only way…When I was thinking about this, I got vice-leader position. So, I will try to spread this group around more.
- When you think that you only have to do as best as you can, what did you do?
Don: I went all out for everything I do. Even just a little thing, I feel thankful for it. Never forget that I can be here today because I got chosen in draft meeting. Never forget the feeling at the beginning.
- Not only Rena-san, but Sae-san also graduated. We must bring enthusiasm back.
Don: I will walk forward with Makiko-san. In fact, I’ve been waiting for Makiko-san to be captain for so long! I even think “why wait until now!?”
- Hahaha, you are speaking as a fan or a member?
Don: Both. When she was Kenkyuusei, she always summarized things for others, right? So, she has image like “Talking about SKE48, it must be Makiko” She’s good at dancing, always taking care of juniors. Though she looks scary *laugh* but we need this kind of senior to lead us.
- Where SKE48 is heading now, do you know?
Don: Yes. When Rena-san graduated, I felt “this is bad…she graduated” but now, everyone’s getting back up and fight. Also, it’s a great timing that Jurina-san returns to SKE48 (cancel concurrency with AKB). From now on, SKE48 will be fine.
- The good thing in (Sae’s) graduation concert was new captain announcement. SKE48’s form became more visible. After that, how did members felt?
Don: After the concert, everyone got better from sadness. After Toyota Stadium (Rena’s graduation concert), we didn’t know “what kind of feeling should we have when we sing from now on” but Sae-san’s graduation concert was different. Those gloomy clouds just suddenly disappear.
- If you are one of Wotas in concert that day, how would you be?
Don: I would call out “Makiko!!!!!” with tears *laugh* If I were at home, I would be busy searching “Makiko” on internet.
- So, this is Wota side of you *laugh*
Don: Come to think about it again, it might be Sae-san’s power that could end so lively.
- I see. Because of Sae-san’s liveliness, it became like that.
Don: That’s why, even we also felt sad that she graduated but it turned to be happiness. Miyamae (Ami) san is also graduating, but she does in order to follow her dream, right? So, I’m very positive right now.
 Nagoya is home
 - Next, the event that needs power from fans.
Don: ….that’s right.
- Where’s your cheerfulness gone? *laugh* What’s your goal in general election?
Don: It’s a big chance only once a year to make people remember us. We can also see that there are fans supporting us. My goal is getting in the rank.
- When you were Wota, what have you voted for and how?
Don: I vote for Request Hour. I vote for election sometimes but, of course, all for Jurina-san.
- We know it though you don’t mention *laugh* what about group’s goal?
Don: Being able to make people feel that ‘SKE48 is really the best’ again is enough. Though number of members in the rank is important, what’s more important is “who get ranked”. Getting in the rank is one way to gain popularity, right? For example, you didn’t get ranked in pre-lim result, but you actually get ranked in final result.
Do you count yourself as one of them?
Don: Eh? Not really…for me, I’d rather think about who would be in Senbatsu. First, Churi-san (Takayanagi Akane) should be…
- You returned to your Wota-self again *laugh* A moment ago, you mentioned that “I want to build the group that’s full of passion” what if someone asks “what kind of group is that?”, how would you say?
Don: An earnest group.
- Sae-san also said like that.
Don: The group that head for the same goal. Leaping forward, never back down until we achieve it.
- You left Toshigi for Nagoya, how do you feel?
Don: Once I got here, I really do as I like *laugh* Now, Nagoya is my home. Sometimes, when I come back from Tokyo, I feel “Nagoya is best!” So, no matter it’s SKE48 or Nagoya, I want more people to like them.
- You became Nagoya girl already *laugh*
 Just like “Gyaban” (T/N: Uchu Keiji Gyaban)
 Don: Here, I also have a question to ask, why do you want to put out a special issue this time?
- We think that once Sae-san graduated, members became more united. At the time like this, we want to gather all SKE48’s thoughts in one magazine. So, we invited main members, who possess strong thought to bring SKE48 forward, for interview. We think Fukushi-san has that kind of thought.
Don: That’s right. Recently, I went with Umemoto Madoka-san for dinner. It was the day after she announced graduation. She asked me “Don-chan, what are you gonna do next?” since I don’t want to be in entertainment industry, I just want to be in SKE48, I replied “my goal now is to live my life to the fullest each day” If SKE48 grows, I will grow, too. Nevertheless, I just want to do my best for SKE48. Rena-san said to me once that “Don-chan, you need to protect your beloved SKE48” This is my biggest goal. Though, now, there’s only me who think like this, but from now on, I would like to have more comrades.  
- So full of passion, have you been like this since you were a kid?
Don: I like to watch “Gyaban” when I was a kid.
- “Space Sheriff Gyaban”!? That’s from the 80s!
Don: My dad loves it. And I really like the opening “farewell to tears, say hi to bravery”
- This is what SKE48 needs right now! Never thought we would find the most important thing here. Thank you for interview with us today.
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shysheeperz · 8 months
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Team 8 3rd Anniversary Book: The power of an idol who doesn’t know the top-- Solo Interview Vol. 1 Oguri Yui’s Growth
Entering a single senbatsu, doing work as a fashion model, being ranked as number one in the Renacchi senbatsu and getting a center position… She even had a solo concert during the New Year, the scope of activities she’s participating in has widened, Oguri Yui has leapt forward as a team ace, she will not only reflect on this past year but also the goals for the next four.
 ----You had a lot of big activities this year, but out of all of them, which left the biggest impression on you?
 Oguri: It has to be the solo concert, I was really happy I got to do that.
 ----Over two thousand people came just to see Oguri-san, were you nervous?
 Oguri: I was nervous, at first I was worried that no one would come to see me but a lot of people came. It’s the most memorable thing for me.
 ----Usually when you perform on stage, it’s with everyone in the team, so how was doing it alone?
 Oguri: Having to do the singing, dancing, and MCs, everything on my own, I had to keep focus the entire time. I even had to make sure that I had a focused face on the entire time. I wasn’t too worried about the MCs, since I just had to be myself, but everyone laughed so I was relieved.
 ----There was also a Team 8 concert around that time.
 Oguri: Doing lessons for both was exhausting, I was really busy. At that time, it felt kinda tough, but I think it was a great experience to put effort into both.
 ----The setlist was decided by you and Sashihara (Rino)-san, what sort of experience was that?
 Oguri: When I first entered senbatsu she approached me. She calls me “Uiui” and we started getting along really well. I also really love Sashihara-san, so I was really happy. And then Sashihara-san said “I want to help make your setlist”, and we came up with it during the waiting times between recording for a music show.
 ----What advice did you get from Sashihara-san?
 Oguri: A lot, really… Like how to fire people up, like she taught me how to say “Everyone, let’s fired up!” like the feeling of saying that with a rising tone.
 ----What songs did you want on the setlist, Oguri-san?
 Oguri: I felt that I definitely wanted to do “Soredemo, suki da yo” and “Warukii”. When I was practicing “Soredemo, suki da yo”, I asked Sashihara-san to perform it for me to see… It’s her song, so it was embarrassing, and I was worried about being able to do it well. By the time of the performance I had seen it several times.
 ----So how did it turn out?
 Oguri: I saw her in the audience getting really excited, and seeing that I felt like I was going to cry.
 ----Sashihara-san was in the audience then, so it all came together.
 Oguri: When I was singing “Avocado ja ne shi” I was passing out avocadoes to the audience. And then Sashihara-san gave me a “please” gesure, because I was worried that I should give them out to the fans, I didn’t give her one. Giving them to the fans is better after all, but during the encore, I did get to give her one so I was glad.
 ----And I hear you gave her chocolates for Valentine’s Day.
 Oguri: I made chocolate for all of my senpais, but I put all of my feelings of gratitude into Sashihara-san’s and made the biggest chocolate pie and gave it to her. She ate it and said it was delicious… I was so glad!
 ----Are there other senpais you have strong impressions of?
 Oguri: When I was giving chocolate to Sashihara-san, Kojiharu-san said “Ah, this is super delicious.” I’d just given Kojiharu-san her chocolate, but I thought she probably wouldn’t eat it, so I was really happy I made it!
 ----I heard that in preparation for your solo concert you got piano lessons from your older sister.
 Oguri: The plan was for me to get a piano teacher, but there’s a piano at my house, so my sister started giving me lessons before that happened. I can’t read sheet music, so my sister taught me how to, and how to move my hands.
 ----Do you have any prior experience with the piano?
 Oguri: Not at all. The only thing I’d played was “The Flea Waltz” (lol). It was definitely tough for my sister to try to teach me, but she still helped me a lot. Right before the concert I was practicing the piano part and sent her a video of it. She replied with “You got so good” and cried. After, Mama told me “Papa cried while watching your concert.” I’ve never seen Papa cry, so I was surprised.
 -----Recently on “AKB Team 8 Bunbun! Daihousou”, you did a skit challenge, but you ended up crying when you couldn’t memorize your lines. Are you bad at variety?
 Oguri: At that time, the lines were short and yet for some reason I couldn’t remember them. I probably couldn’t remember the words that I didn’t know the meaning of. I just couldn’t memorize the lines, and the real thing kept getting closer and closer and I was worried about what to do… But then Yokochan and Hijirin told me “It’s okay” and taught me ways to remember the lines. I was so happy I cried.
 -----But there’s no way you’re not good at skits, right?
 Oguri: Totally. Skits are tons of fun and I love them. So it’s frustrating when I can’t remember the lines. The next chance I get, I’ll definitely remember the lines!
 ----Last time we interviewed you, Oguri-san, you said you wanted to become a model, and this past year you had your modeling debut.
 Oguri: I became an exclusive model for Love Berry, and I’m so happy. One of my dreams has come true. They even put me on the front page, but I would be happy to be on the front page of any magazine. My friends bought the magazines too and everyone was like “Amazing--!”
 ----You also ranked first in the Renacchi Senbatsu.
 Oguri: When I learned the results of the Renacchis I cried. It was the first time I’d become the center, so “Happy End” is a very important song to me. It was also the first time I’d worked on a photobook like that, so I challenged a lot of things for the first time, it was a huge chance and it really opened up this year for me.
 ----During this year, what are some of the points that you feel you’ve grown?
 Oguri: Compared to before, I feel that my self confidence has gotten better. I centered the Renacchis song, entered the single senbatsu in “High Tension”, had a solo concert… These experiences have been huge. A little while ago, I was watching a video of a live from one year ago and my facial expressions were totally stiff. They might even be stiff still.
 ----So what do you think has changed the most since you entered Team 8?
 Oguri: Hm…. I wonder. Oh, my height really shot up! When I’d just entered I was around 150cm and since then I’ve grown over ten centimeters. I’ve always wanted to be a model, so I’m glad that I’ve grown so tall.
 ----As you greet your fourth year in Team 8, what things do you want to do in this coming year?
 Oguri: Rather than just having a cute feel, I want to show off a cool side, too. I love dancing so I’d love to do “Escape”, or some other song with clean dance moves and a cool style, I want to try challenging many different things.
 ----You have a cute image in your LoveBerry work, would you like to try challenging things like boyish style clothes?
 Oguri: Actually, I tend to wear boyish clothes for lessons and recording and things like that. For my plain clothes gravure with LoGiRL I wore a hat that I borrowed from my brother. I do like fashionable clothes, and there are times when I go out wearing fashionable clothing, so I’ll do my best to become Team 8’s fashion leader. I want to challenge to wear lots of different clothing styles at handshake events.
 ----From this April on, you’ll be a highschool student, do you have any goals for this first step into adulthood?
 Oguri: I’m bad with mornings, so I want to try to properly get up on my own every day. My mom wakes me up at my house. I really rely on her a lot… But for work when I’m staying overnight in a hotel, I have to make sure I wake up on my own, and at least have my eyes open an hour before.
 ----Have other members offered to wake you up in the mornings?
 Oguri: Ah, when I’ve roomed with OdaEri, Nanase-chan, and Ayane-chan, they kind of spoiled me. The three of them are kind of like moms… uh, no that’s wrong, I guess more like big sisters.
But to avoid being an annoyance to them, I’d like to wake up on my own!
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engekikotaro-blog · 7 years
 昨年の7月3日に「ココロノセンリツ ~Feel a heartbeat~ Vol.0」が横浜アリーナで開催され、会場を満員にした有安杏果さんであるが、会場にきた観客のほとんどが「ももクロ」の有安杏果さんのファンであり、モノノフあるいは杏果ノフなどと呼ばれる特異な緑の衣装を着た一団が新横浜を占拠していた。実はコンサート前に「緑では来ないでほしい」という話が出回り、一部ファンと軋轢が生じていた。この騒動はコンサート前に緑を許容したことで事なきを得て、当日の会場は緑一色に染まった。しかし、コンサートの中では、立ち上がったファンを座らせてじっくり聴かせるという演出がなされ、ももクロの楽曲であるゴリラパンチで大盛り上がりするファンを見て悔しがる有安杏果さんの姿があった。
 このソロ・コンサートで彼女自身も多くのモノノフも現時点ではももクロあっての有安杏果であり、ももクロを抜きにしては成り立たないことを痛感した。そして、有安杏果さんはきっと「ももクロ」抜きのソロコンで成功することを誓ったのだろう。そして、「ココロノセンリツ ~Feel a heartbeat~ Vol.0.5」の構想を練ったことだろう。
 約5ヶ月後の11月26日に大分で「ココロノセンリツ ~Feel a heartbeat~ Vol.0.5」が開催された。熊本と共に大地震に襲われながら注目される事の少なかった大分での開催であったのはコンサート客誘致という一種の社会貢献だったのであろうが、そのことを宣伝として使わなかった運営も有安杏果さんも素晴らしかった。当日、別���駅から会場までタクシーに乗ったときに運転手さんに緑の一団のことを色々と聞かれ説明したが、コンサート客がそのまま観光客となり、お土産などにお金を落とす事で生まれる経済効果はとても大きい。例え、会場のキャパシティが前回の横浜アリーナの半分に減ったとしても5千人以上が別府を訪れ、お金を落とした。
 さて、ソロコン2回目となった「ココロノセンリツ ~Feel a heartbeat~ Vol.0.5」であるが、「ココロノセンリツ ~Feel a heartbeat~ Vol.0」の追加公演という位置付けのためか、「ココロノセンリツ ~Feel a heartbeat~ Vol.0」と被る部分が多かったが、脱ももクロ色が濃くなったように感じた。新曲でチャリティーソングの「小さな勇気」はとても良い曲である。有安杏果さんはバカ騒ぎするももクロのメンバーの中で常に一歩引いた位置にいる。ポジティブになりきれない部分を持っている。0歳から芸能界にいて、紆余曲折や挫折があったのだろう。大人の言う事を聞く良い子であろうとずっとしてきたのだろう。「私なんかで良いのだろうか」という思いが常に心の片隅にあるのだろう。そして、ソロコンによってこれらの殻を破ろうとしている。大学の卒業を控えた時期とソロコンが重なり、子供の殻を脱ぐ時期にいることを自覚しているのだろう。
 今年の6-7月に東名阪ツアーとして「ココロノセンリツ ~Feel a heartbeat~ Vol.1」が行われている。3カ所で合計5回のコンサートであり、それぞれの会場のキャパは小さくなっているが、のべ動員数では過去2回をしのぐだろう。筆者は大阪公演のチケットがやっととれたが、会場が小さくなった分、チケット争奪戦は激しくなった。今回のコンサートを前に有安杏果さんは髪の毛を切った。これは覚悟の表れであろう。セットリストもももクロ内でのソロ曲はあったものの、ほとんどがももクロではない自分の歌であった。このツアーが終わった後は、自分の歌で観客を満足させた実感で自信がつくことだろう。今後も自分の歌の中で自己主張をしていってほしい。
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genron-tomonokai · 6 years
[友の会メール]暑い夏には、熱いトークイベント! ゲンロンカフェは豪華企画が目白押し!
[友の会メールvol.300] 暑い夏には、熱いトークイベント! ゲンロンカフェは豪華企画が目白押し! 
こんばんは、スタッフの堀内です。 連日、うだるような暑さが続いておりますね。 厳しい夏はまだまだこれから。お体にはくれぐれもご自愛ください。
『ゲンロン8 ゲームの時代』好評販売中です! Amazonランキングの思想誌部門では40日間(5/24〜7/3)連続1位! また都内主要書店の売り上げ上位にもランクインを続けております!
6/20(水)に開催した『ゲンロン8』刊行記念イベントも大反響! 日本最大級の総合ゲーム情報サイト「4Gamer.net」さんには、 当日のイベントレポートが掲載されました。 https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20180621050/
『ゲンロン8』特設サイトも公開中です! 本誌収録の記事や関連コンテンツを試し読みできるほか、 サイン放送動画もご覧いただけます。 https://genron-tomonokai.com/genron8sp/
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明日7/4(水)は、21世紀以降の現代音楽のゆくえに迫ります! 音楽界の最前線で活躍する川島素晴さん、渋谷慶一郎さん、新垣隆さん、 司会には今年4月刊行『やさしい現代音楽の作曲法』編著者である木石岳さんをお迎えします。 皆さまゲンロンカフェには初登壇! 大きな話題を呼んでおります! https://peatix.com/event/396294
7/6(金)は、超豪華SFイベント! 昨年、日本SF大賞を同時受賞した飛浩隆さんの『自生の夢』と小川哲さんの『ゲームの王国』。 『自生の夢』は『SFが読みたい!2018年版』でも1位になり、また『ゲームの王国』は山本周五郎賞を受賞。 いま最も活躍するSF作家の2人に、大森望さんと東浩紀を加え、日本SFの現在地とゆくえについて徹底討論します! https://peatix.com/event/394198
7/13(金)は、さやわかさん、大井昌和さんのマンガ批評家&作家コンビによるマンガトークシリーズが開幕! 第1回のテーマは「マンガ賞」について。 昨年の各マンガ賞受賞作を振り返りつつ、さらに受賞作を超え、いま面白いマンガについて全力で語ります! https://peatix.com/event/397195
7/20(金)は、三中信宏さんの『系統体系学の世界』『統計思考の世界』の刊行を記念して、大型イベントを開催! 聞き手を務めるのは、『ゲンロンβ』の共同連載「人文的、あまりに人文的」でも知られる山本貴光さんと吉川浩満さん。 「知はいかに体系化されるか? 」ゲンロンカフェならではのエキサイティングな鼎談です! https://peatix.com/event/399494
7/23(月)は、いま再び大きな注目を集めている漫画家「岡崎京子」について徹底トーク! ご登壇いただくのは、西島大介さん、ばるぼらさん、姫乃たまさんという超濃密な組み合わせ! まもなくチケットも発売です! 2010年代のいま再考する「岡崎京子」とは!?
7/30(月)は、大好評の「ボルボ スタジオ 青山」イベントの第9回! ゲストに作家の高橋源一郎さんをお迎えして、東浩紀との豪華対談をお届けします。 会場の「ボルボ スタジオ 青山」は、美味しいシャンパンや珈琲も大人気。 くれぐれもご予約はお早めに! https://peatix.com/event/401229
8/3(金)は、「建築にとって日本とはなにか」に迫るイベント! 7月に『建物が語る日本の歴史』を刊行する新進気鋭の建築史学者の海野聡さん、建築史・建築批評の第一人者である五十嵐太郎さんをお迎えします。 森美術館の「建築の日本展」も話題のいま、建築から日本のあり様を考える、熱い対談です! https://peatix.com/event/400708
勿論、すべてのイベントはニコニコ生放送で生中継(イベント終了後1週間まではタイムシフトで視聴可能)! 遠方で足を運ばれない方や、用事が重なった方は、ぜひ放送をチェックしてください! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sGPIJhhnhFzsBS4K5-0JozcNQbK6AqLkObFKJkbHEjo/
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◆◇ ゲンロンカフェからのお知らせ  ◇ーー◆ーー◇ーー◆ーー◇ーー◆
◇◇ 今週・来週の放送情報 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
◆7/4(水)19:00- 【生放送】川島素晴×渋谷慶一郎×新垣隆 司会=木石岳 「『現代音楽』に未来はあるか? ――『やさしい現代音楽の作曲法』刊行記念イベント」 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313920650
◆7/5(木)13:00- 【再放送】西田亮介×曽我部真裕 「なぜ選挙は茶番になるのか?」 (2018/2/27収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313978007
◆7/5(木)18:00- 【再放送】大森望×飛浩隆×東浩紀 「『自生の夢』刊行記念トークイベント」 【大森望のSF喫茶 #23】 (2016/12/10収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313978302
◆7/6(金)13:00- 【再放送】小川哲×山形浩生×大森望 「暴力の歴史から未来のゲームへ ――小川哲『ゲームの王国』刊行記念イベント」 【大森望のSF喫茶 #25】 (2017/11/28収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313978466
◆7/6(金)19:00- 【生放送】小川哲×飛浩隆×東浩紀×大森望 「日本SFの新たな地平 ――日本SF大賞同時受賞&『ゲームの王国』山本周五郎賞&『ポリフォニック・イリュージョン』刊行記念イベント」 【大森望のSF喫茶 #26】 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv314061880
◆7/10(火)18:00- 【再放送】高橋源一郎×東浩紀 「『論壇』はどこにあるのか」 (2015/7/10収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313978558
◆7/11(水)19:30- 【生放送】高橋源一郎×佐々木敦 「高橋源一郎についての評論を執筆せよ」 【ゲンロン 佐々木敦 批評再生塾 第4期 #3】 【チャンネル会員限定・生放送】 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv314084721 【無料生放送・講評】 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv314085403 ※無料放送分についてはタイムシフトを公開しません。
◆7/12(木)13:00- 【再放送】野中モモ×ばるぼら×野口春美(DIGITAL BISCUIT) 「『日本のZINEについて知ってることすべて』刊行記念トーク ーー90年代テクノ編」 (2018/2/20収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313978750
◆7/12(木)18:00- 【リクエスト再放送】黒瀬陽平×坂上秋成×東浩紀 「美少女ゲームとはなんだったのか ――『AIR』発売から15年、萌えと批評を総括する徹底討議」 (2015/8/11収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313978857
◆7/13(金)13:00- 【再放送】生井英考×宮本大人×西島大介 「撮る戦争、描く戦争 ーー『ディエンビエンフー TURE END』第1巻発売&IZU PHOTO MUSEUM「澤田教一:故郷と戦争」開催記念!」 (2017/9/15収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313978947
◆7/13(金)19:00- 【生放送】さやわか×大井昌和 「さやわかと大井昌和のニッポンのマンガ #1 ーー2018夏の巻」 【四天王シリーズ #3】 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv314061966
◆7/17(火)18:00- 【再放送】大澤真幸×大澤聡×東浩紀 「批評史から考える『観光客の哲学』 ――『ゲンロン0』読書会第2弾! 」 (2017/6/16収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv314201234
◇◇ 現在視聴可能なタイムシフト ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
◆7/4(水)23:59まで 【生放送】高野秀行×広野真嗣 「世界遺産が黙殺した『最後のかくれキリシタンの島』 ――広野真嗣『消された信仰』小学館ノンフィクション大賞受賞記念イベント」 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313772002
◆7/5(木)23:59まで 【再��送】さやわか×中森明夫 「AKB商法は音楽を救ったのか ーー『僕たちとアイドルの時代』刊行記念」 【さやわか式☆現代文化論 #15】 (2015/2/21収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313531406
◆7/5(木)23:59まで 【生放送】松永天馬×姫乃たま×吉田豪 「SNSとアイドルのゆくえ ――サブカル新時代の生き残り戦略会議」 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313626178
◆7/6(金)23:59まで 【再放送】三浦基(地点)×佐々木敦 「現代演劇の到達地点 ーー舞台上の言葉、舞台上の身体」 【ニッポンの演劇 #9】 (2017/8/8収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313531496
◆7/6(金)23:59まで 【生放送】東浩紀×上田洋子 「廃墟とユートピア ーーチェルノブイリツアーのアクチュアリティ」 【ゲンロンカフェ at VOLVO STUDIO AOYAMA #8】 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313626314
◆7/8(日)23:59まで 【生放送】大谷能生×速水健朗 「<俺による永久革命>の復活 ーー『平岡正明論』刊行記念イベント」 http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313916442
◆7/10(火)23:59まで 【再放送】佐々木敦×柴那典×輪島裕介 「ヒットの崩壊の、その先に ーー日本の音楽カルチャーの『内と外』を問い直す」 (2017/3/30収録) http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv313916975
◇◇ 今週のおすすめアーカイブ動画  ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
◆【vimeo】磯部涼×Kダブシャイン×吉田雅史 「ヒップホップは何を変えてきたのか」 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/genron20171226 (2017/12/26収録)
◆【vimeo】中島隆博×東浩紀 「カントと孟子が語り合う ーー『道徳を基礎づける』講談社学術文庫版刊行記念トークイベント」 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/genron20180118 (2018/1/18収録)
★ゲンロンカフェ Vimeo On Demand 公開動画一覧 https://bit.ly/2sybMGS
◇◇ 発売中の会場チケット ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
◆7/4(水)19:00- 川島素晴×渋谷慶一郎×新垣隆 司会=木石岳 「『現代音楽』に未来はあるか? ――『やさしい現代音楽の作曲法』刊行記念イベント」 https://peatix.com/event/396294
◆7/6(金)19:00- 小川哲×飛浩隆×東浩紀×大森望 「日本SFの新たな地平」 【大森望のSF喫茶 #26】 https://peatix.com/event/394198
◆7/13(金)19:00- さやわか×大井昌和 「さやわかと大井昌和のニッポンのマンガ #1 ーー2018夏の巻」 【四天王シリーズ #3】 https://peatix.com/event/397195
★New!★ ◆7/20(金)19:00- 三中信宏×山本貴光×吉川浩満 「知はいかに体系化されるか? ――『系統体系学の世界』『統計思考の世界』刊行記念イベント」 https://peatix.com/event/399494
★New!★ ◆7/30(月)19:00- 高橋源一郎×東浩紀 「平成のおわり、文学のおわり」 【ゲンロンカフェ at VOLVO STUDIO AOYAMA #9】 https://peatix.com/event/401229
★New!★ ◆8/3(金)19:00- 五十嵐太郎×海野聡 「建築にとって日本とはなにか ──海野聡『建物が語る日本の歴史』(吉川弘文館)刊行記念イベント」 https://peatix.com/event/400708
◆◇ 五反田アトリエからのお知らせ   ◆ーー◇ーー◆ーー◇ーー◆ーー◇
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◆◇ 東浩紀 執筆・出演情報   ◆ーー◇ーー◆ーー◇ーー◆ーー◇ーー◆
◆『日本経済新聞』夕刊「プロムナード」欄に、東浩紀が毎週金曜日にエッセイを連載! 最新の第25回は「困難と面倒」です。 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO32210480V20C18A6FBB000/
◆『AERA』の巻頭エッセイコーナー「eyes」に、東浩紀が連載! 最新の第35回は「“首相の嘘”は『囚人のジレンマ状況から生まれた構造的なもの』」です。 https://dot.asahi.com/aera/2018060600038.html
これまでの記事は朝日新聞のウェブサイト「.dot」で全文をお読みいただけます。 https://dot.asahi.com/keyword/%E6%9D%B1%E6%B5%A9%E7%B4%80/
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chnuru · 7 years
http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1491571098/ 1: 47の素敵な(玉音放送 typeR) ©2ch.net(9段) 2017/04/07(金) 22:18:18.55 4月分ってことは撮影は3月だよね HKT48 net shop(HKT48ネットショップ) | AKB48グループ グッズ通販サイト http://shopping.akb48-group.com/top/3 下記の商品を4/8(土)10:00より販売します。 ・HKT48 2017年4月度net shop限定個別生写真5枚セットvol.1 http://shopping.akb48-group.com/selection/list/3/2153 ■HKT48 2017年4月度net shop限定個別生写真5枚セットvol.1 兒玉遥…
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tomoevo4wo7 · 4 years
【速報】 8/10・AKB チーム8 出演 「六本木アイドルフェスタ2020」 ライブ配信 キタ━━━ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ━━!!
【速報】 8/10・AKB チーム8 出演 「六本木アイドルフェスタ2020」 ライブ配信 キタ━━━ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ━━!!
1: (東京都) (7級) 2020/08/03(月) 13:57:59.06 「六本木アイドルフェスティバル2020」ライブ配信の詳細が発表! https://toyota-team8.jp/news/kanto/20200803-114062626733433.php
8月10日(月・祝)にAKB48チーム8が出演する「六本木アイドルフ���スティバル2020」ライブ配信の詳細が発表されました! 「六本木アイドルフェスティバル2020」
[会場] EXシアタ-六本木
[開催日時] ◯Vol.1 2020年8月9日(日) 開場16:00/開演17:00 ◯Vol.2 2020年8月10日(月・祝) 開場11:00/開演12:00 ◯Vol.3 2020年8月10日(月・祝) 開場16:30/開演17:30
[ライブ配信] ライブの模様は「テレ朝動画・EXシ…
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akashicrecords19 · 4 years
【速報】 8/10・AKB チーム8 出演 「六本木アイドルフェスタ2020」 ライブ配信 キタ━━━ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ━━!!
【速報】 8/10・AKB チーム8 出演 「六本木アイドルフェスタ2020」 ライブ配信 キタ━━━ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ━━!!
1: (東京都) (7級) 2020/08/03(月) 13:57:59.06
「六本木アイドルフェスティバル2020」ライブ配信の詳細が発表! https://toyota-team8.jp/news/kanto/20200803-114062626733433.php
8月10日(月・祝)にAKB48チーム8が出演する「六本木アイドルフェスティバル2020」ライブ配信の詳細が発表されました! 「六本木アイドルフェスティバル2020」
[会場] EXシアタ-六本木
[開催日時] ◯Vol.1 2020年8月9日(日) 開場16:00/開演17:00 ◯Vol.2 2020年8月10日(月・祝) 開場11:00/開演12:00 ◯Vol.3 2020年8月10日(月・祝) 開場16:30/開演17:30
[ライブ配信] ライブの模様は「テレ朝動画・EXシアタ-オンライン」にて生配信!
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tomoevo4wo9 · 4 years
1: 47の素敵な(帝国中央都市) (8段) 2020/07/20(月) 16:42:41.15 ワニブックス スペシャルエディション @wani_sp \!!マーク数量・期間限定販売!!/ 永尾まりや×大和田南那 直筆サイン・シリアルナンバー入り特大写真パネル
グラビアムック『UTB:G Vol.3』スペシャルコラボカバーを記念して、2人の特大パネルの限定販売!!
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: none:none:1000:512:: EXT was configured
続きを読む Source: HKTまとめもん
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sweetlittlelie48 · 7 years
[Translation] 100% SKE48 vol.1 Takayanagi Akane
Tumblr media
Here goes another interview of this volume. Churi’s spirit is always fired up and I love her for that!
Dear all Churi fans, let’s do our best for this year, too!
*note* This interview is from last year (2016).
“We are out of crisis”
Though many members said that
But Takayanagi Akane is still “not satisfied”
She has gone through the days of glory and the days of pitch-dark slump
That’s why she can feel the crisis
Unshakable believe that is burning inside her chest keeps her walking forward
 The life in SKE48 in these 7 years, the only answer I got
is “doing with all my might”
 A thoughtful running for general election
 - In 100%SKE48 deluxe edition this time, we mainly ask 2 things. Firstly, let’s start with general election.
Churi: Why does BUBKA-san invite me for interview every time there’s general election? *laugh*
- It became tradition *laugh* Please start with the reason that made you run for election this time.
Churi: Last year, I got 14th. I got works as AKB48 Senbatsu, showed at Music station and 24 Jikan Terebi. Fans were overjoyed because of this. It was unforgettable summer in my 48 life. It was so fun. However, after that, there were many frustrating things. So, if I want to enjoy with fans again, maybe general election is the only way.
- I understand.
Churi: But, I also hesitated a bit because my position in SKE48 Senbatsu is still not as expected even though I got 14th. I can’t truly say that I work for SKE48 to the fullest. Last year, I thought “I have to make people aware of SKE48’s Takayanagi Akane again” “I want to do more various things”, so I ran for election. Anyways, those goals are not all achieved. That’s why I’m so thoughtful about running for election.
- This must be the thing that made you worried. To be honest, when I knew that Takayanagi-san will participate, I thought “Here’s Churi!” because last year, I felt like you would never participate again.
Churi: There are many people said that “Did you say last year would be your last!?” but I’ve never said “last” at all. I also didn’t think about this when I participated last year. It’s just that if last year I got into Senbatsu and had a big change, that might be the last time.
- If there are more works as SKE48 and you see your own new direction…
Churi: That’s right. If there had been more individual works, if I had chosen which way to go and if my position in SKE48 had been clear, last year may have been the last.
- 2 days ago, when you were hosting your regular program “Umarete kono kata” with Matsui Rena-san, you also talked about general election.
Churi: Actually, I didn’t prepare to talk about it. The time when we record it was the same time as application period. I still hadn’t decided yet whether I should apply or not. But, the topics that staff-san provided me, there was “consulting about Churi’s worries” At first, I thought we would talk about election privately, never thought we would talk on air *laugh* Rena-san told me that “No matter how it will turn out, it is still general election” These words saved me.
- Just applying or not, you worry that much?
Churi: Since they applied candidacy system, it’s never been the same. If I didn’t apply, I would be asked “why didn’t you apply?” and if I applied, I would be asked “why did you apply?” Though I thought about it real hard but they said “maybe you should step down for juniors already”. Of course, there weren’t many who said that. I think that’s too kind. Shinoda Mariko-san also said “members who can’t step up unless someone hand over positions to them will never win in AKB”. I will not back down…moreover, my position in SKE Senbatsu is still behind juniors, so I think “since I’m still at the back in Senbatsu, at least, I will be at front in General Election!”
- That’s right!
Churi: I’ve been participated in General Election all along. Even though Jurina-san and Rena-san from SKE48 didn’t rank at the first election, when I saw those 2 seniors ranked wonderfully, I deeply felt “I want to stand on that stage, too!” That’s why I also want juniors to look at me on that stage and think “I want to get ranked, too!”
 I only have NOW
 - Understood. Speaking of phenomenon of this year’s election, it must be that SKE48 members withdrew one after another, especially, members who are close to Takayanagi-san and members who got high rank last year, also.
Churi: (Ishida) Anna from 2nd gen and (Oya) Masana-san from 1st gen decided not to participate. They had their own reason, so I will not talk about that much. In fact, you need to be very courageous to decide like that. During application period, the thought in the morning and the thought in the evening are totally different. You may change your mind every hour.
- apply, not apply, apply, not apply…right?
Churi: Yes. When night falls, you would be panic. There were lots of time to think. I also saw fan’s feedback from blog and Twitter. Of course, I was scared to face the result but I already promised my fans. No matter how frustrated I will be, I will not cry. I will not cry regardless of the result.
- As you mentioned, Masana-san didn’t participate this year. When you know the news, you said you’re “shocked”, was that because you feel lonely?
Churi: Yes. Although I never told her, Masana-san has the goal to be in Senbatsu same as me. Since “namida no seesaw game” (Undergirls song in 2010), we’ve been in Undergirls together. If there’s Masana-san, I would feel relieved.
- To be honest, what’s your goal this year?
Churi: About this, I’m still worried whether I should say it clearly. I want to hold a meeting with fans.
- Why is that?
Churi: I want to talk with fans directly for quite an amount of time. Just writing blog, it’s hard to express my feeling to them. They also don’t know how I feel when I write it. Some may say “there’s handshake event, anyways” but I think you can’t speak it all in just few seconds.
- I understand.
Churi: I also want to hear what my fans say, speak to them openly. If that can align my fans’ feeling, that would be good. The time that I can be idol is limited. During this time, I want them to like me till the very end because I only have ‘NOW’. Anyways, once I say like this, it may seem I already decided to graduate. Please don’t worry, I am going to graduate soon *laugh* but I’m thinking about many things. I don’t know what’s right, maybe nothing is right.
 Takayanagi Akane’s status at the present
 - Then, let’s move to next topic. Actually, you already mentioned about it. It’s related to last topic, also.
Churi: It’s about “SKE48 from now on”, isn’t it?
- Including that, but what I would like to ask is what “status” do you think you are now in SKE48?
Churi: I see. I also want it to be clear.
- That’s great. Takayanagi-san was always KII leader. You were discharged from this position. You’re also neither vice-leader nor captain.
Churi: It’s been 2 years already.
- That’s right. Then, where do you think you should be?
Churi: In my opinion, for SKE48, except for Jurina-san who is center, others have no fixed position. Members, aside from those promising juniors, are also like that. But AKB48 is different. For example, Kojiharu-san is model, Paruru-san is actress, Watanabe mayu-san is the face of AKB48, Mion-chan is the next gen center. If it’s AKB48, everyone clearly has her own job. But for SKE48, only jobs in the group that’s clear…
- Like captain and leaders, those are jobs in the group, right?
Churi: Yes. But outside jobs are not clear so I don’t know what I should do, wouldn’t it be better if it’s clear?
- I think so, too.
Churi: Ah! I want to tell everyone that “If you think about live performance, it must be Takayanagi Akane” I’m in charge of heating up the live performances. I was gone wild at national tours *laugh*
- I went only at Ibaraki, it’s really lively.
Churi: The time when I could be myself the most is when I stand on the stage. If I could be the one that everyone thinks “rest assured, this girl is here”, that would be good.
- Current national tour switches between each team and Kenkyuusei, right?
Churi: I want everyone to be together, explode with full strength. I want to tell them “you can go a bit wilder” Both (Suda) Akari and Yakata Miki-chan also said to me“ If there’s Churi in the live, it gets fun” My comrades who were in the same team said this to me, I’m so glad.
 All for SKE48
 - Last summer, Rena-san graduated. I would like to know how Takayanagi-san’s feeling has changed since then.
Churi: First of all, once Rena-san graduated, I felt “I’m alone now…” Rena-san, Miepii (Sato Mieko), (Furukawa) Airi, everyone’s gone.
- Those whom you are close to graduated one by one.
Churi: It’s sad without the ones who are close to me. I also thought that I don’t want to get close to any members again. Last autumn, I was always alone in KII dressing room. Everyone was so kind to me, anyways. They asked “Churi-san, anything wrong?” such as Arai Yuki-chan, Kitano Ruka-chan and Ego-chan. They saved me, brought me back to resume trying again.
- When Rena-san graduated, how has the group changed?
Churi: Last autumn, there was next gen unit “Love Crescendo” This spring, there were many children at the front in “Chicken LINE” I think that was result from Rena-san’s graduation.
- Takayanagi-san, how do think personally?
Churi: I got to be in “Transit Girls” unit. When I knew that “Transit” means “change”, I didn’t think it represents me well. I didn’t want to change or anything yet.
- Still waiting at the airport *laugh*
Churi: Yeah *laugh* Though I felt discontent a bit, I didn’t say it out.
- How about “Chicken LINE”?
Churi: It was very cool song. If not from Takayanagi’s point of view, it was a great song.
- And your point of view was?
Churi: I was frustrated. In fact, I thought I would spend the time teaching juniors which I’ve been doing all along, but no one came to audition to be behind juniors.
- No one would.
Churi: Like (Takagi) Yumana, she likes SKE48 children, wants to support each and every one of them. That’s wonderful. But for me, I dream to be idol that shines. Of course, there are juniors I like. I also want them to get more attention.
- Could you please tell me the name?
Churi: For example…I couldn’t tell*laugh* I already said to those children because I saw potential in them. At times like this, I couldn’t tell their name.
- How many of them?
Churi: Yeah, there are some which I want them to get to Senbatsu and some that are already in Senbatsu but I want them to get praised more…many of them.
- Takayanagi-san, Jurina-san and Rena-san were called “JRA”, maybe around 2011-2012, how did you feel at that time?
Churi: That time, there was nothing to be afraid of because I got the position unexpectedly. When I got in “Aozora kataomoi” Senbatsu, I felt pressure from seniors like “ah! Crap!” *laugh* After that, I was so glad that I got to sing with Jurina-san and Rena-san. I like them and respect them for a long time. Getting to sing with them, but…what did I think at that time? I don’t remember at all. Maybe, wanting to be center?
- The reason why I ask is that I think the answer may lead juniors a way.
Churi: I can only tell that I do it with all my might to be center someday. Effort you put today will get back to you someday. I did it with that thought in mind. What I can say is “Though effort doesn’t payback, since you’re here, you only have to do more, don’t you?” Don’t think too much. That’s the only thing I can proudly say. These 7 years that I’m in SKE48, no matter it’s working time or private time, I always think of SKE48 except only when I play with birdies at home.
- That time, please leave it *laugh*
Churi: But I really love birds so I want to work involving with birds. If birds get protected and live happily, that would be good.
- You think that far!?
Churi: Yes. I want bird population to increase. I want people to love these birds because they can live only around 10 years…we need to talk about this.
- Maybe next time *laugh*
Churi: Anyways, what I want to tell is I do it for the sake of SKE48. In order to avoid misunderstanding, I didn’t attend coming of age ceremony. I also didn’t walk with brothers when my family gathered during new year holiday.
- That’s “SKE48 people” *laugh* By the way, Saito Makiko from the same gen got to be captain.
Churi: I told her that “you need to be yourself. No matter what happens, we are with you” She’s been a good model for everyone all along, just do like she always does.
- As I asked many members from interviews this time, everyone said the same thing “the feeling of the group has changed, not stagnant anymore” What Takayanagi-san thinks?
Churi: I still feel that it doesn’t change much. So, we need to continue changing, try something new. For example, when center was changed in “12 gatsu no kangaroo” but that time, it was NMB48 that changed first.
- If we try something new, we want to be the first, right?
Churi: That’s right. Actually, I want regular TV program *laugh* Up until now, there are many people who like us because of TV program. It’s also a good opportunity to let people know each member’s personality.
- It’s an interview that we can truly understand Takayanagi-san’s thought.
Churi: I’m happy to hear that. Also, about last year’s “Kouhaku” that we couldn’t get there, I was so frustrated that I cried. However, it seems there are not many members frustrated about this. This makes me even more frustrated. Sometimes, I think that’s how SKE48 situation is like right now. I want everyone to be confident to get back there!    
- That’s alright. SKE48 still can go on!
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