mizutaama · 2 years
Idk why I find this really funny like you invite someone to your house and you think you've totally impressed them and are really proud of it but then they go back and tell their friend that you're a piece of shit and an idiot too
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mrdirtybear · 1 year
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Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni a/k/a Al Biruni (973 - 1050) was an Iranian scholar and polymath during the Islamic Golden Age. He has been called the "founder of Indology", "Father of Comparative Religion", "Father of modern geodesy", and the first anthropologist.
Al-Biruni was well versed in physics, mathematics, astronomy, and natural sciences, and al distinguished historian, chronologist, and linguist. He studied almost all the sciences of his day. Royalty funded Al-Biruni's research and sought him out. Al-Biruni was influenced by the scholars of other nations, e.g. the Greeks, from whom he took inspiration when he turned to philosophy. He knew at least six languages. He spent much of his life in modern-day central-eastern Afghanistan. 
In 1017 he travelled to the Indian subcontinent and wrote a treatise on Indian culture titled Tārīkh al-Hind (History of India), After exploring the Hindu faith practiced in India. He was, for his time, an admirably impartial writer on the customs and creeds of various nations, his scholarly objectivity earning him the title al-Ustadh ("The Master") in recognition of his remarkable description of early 11th-century India.
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jaideepkhanduja · 1 year
Exploring Ancient India Through the Eyes of Non-Indian Historians
The allure of ancient India is like a siren’s call to the scholarly mind, beckoning them towards a land steeped in mystique and wonder. With its ornate palaces, majestic temples, and vibrant traditions, India has always been a source of fascination for those seeking to unravel the secrets of its complex past. Its rich cultural heritage, with its diverse religions and multifaceted social…
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hidayatuna · 2 years
Mengenal Al-Biruni, Ilmuwan Eksperimentalis Besar
Mengenal Al-Biruni, Ilmuwan Eksperimentalis Besar
HIDAYATUNA.COM, Yogyakarta – Pentingnya mengenal ilmuwan besar yang berasal dari kalangan Islam menjadi upaya utama yang bisa dilakukan oleh generasi Islam untuk menyalurkan pengetahuan dan keilmuan yang dimiliki. Ada banyak tokoh-tokoh besar lahir dari rahim Islam, artinya ia seorang muslim yang dikenal oleh dunia. Menurut K. Ajram (1992), ia adalah seorang ilmuwan besar yang banyak sekali…
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dilebe06 · 9 days
Non si può fare del bene e non si può evitare il male se non con la conoscenza.
-Abū al-Rayḥān
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mohsint110 · 1 year
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The stubborn critic would say: 'What is the benefit of these sciences?' He does not know the virtue that distinguishes mankind from all the animals: it is knowledge, in general, which is pursued solely by man, and which is pursued for the sake of knowledge itself, because its acquisition is truly delightful, and is unlike the pleasures desirable from other pursuits. For the good cannot be brought forth, and evil cannot be avoided, except by knowledge. What benefit then is more vivid? What use is more abundant?
Abu Rayhan al-Biruni
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masbagyo · 2 years
Potret Mini Gen Z Muslim
Potret Mini Gen Z Muslim
voa-islam Tanggal 1 Syawal 1443 H dua pekan lalu, ada sekitar sebelas anak muda teman main anak saya, silaturrahim ke rumah. Mereka usia SMP dan SMA. Saya ajak ngobrol hampir 1 jam tentang berbagai hal.  Terkait dengan hal kekinian, terutama berkenaan dengan masa depan teknologi. Saya sengaja memilih tema itu, sebab saya yakin saat silaturrahim di tempat lain, banyak di nasihati tentang sekolah,…
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jezabatlovesbats · 12 days
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"He studied the magic of the world tirelessly..."
...by copying al-Biruni's eclipse diagram?
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generasbir · 1 year
Ternyata Bola Dunia peta bumi bulat yang selama ini kita tidak ketahui
Peta bumi bulat yang disempurnakan oleh Al-Biruni.
Karya Al-Biruni yang Menciptakan gambar Bumi bola Atau peta bumi bulat yang sekarang dianggap bumi nyata padahal itu adalah peta.Proyeksi azimuthal equidistant adalah proyeksi peta azimut
Selengkapnya klik disini.
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Apakah orang Romawi mengira planet adalah dewa? Planet Sebagai DewaBagi orang-orang dari banyak peradaban kuno, planet dianggap sebagai dewa . Namun untuk planet adalah nama Romawi untuk dewa-dewa ini. Misalnya, Mars adalah dewa perang dan Venus adalah dewi cinta dsb.
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menerjangbosan · 1 year
Peta bumi bulat termaksud Peta Azimut karya Al-Biruni
Bola Dunia Itulah peta bumi bulat Yang sebenarnya. Membuat beberapa proyeksi Bumi pada bidang datar, seperti proyeksi azimuthal-equidistant dan nicolosi. Sejarah Marmer: Biru Peta bumi bulat diwarnai akan terlihat seperti asli. The Blue Marble Karya Al-Biruni yang Menciptakan gambar Bumi bola Atau peta bumi bulat yang sekarang dianggap bumi nyata padahal itu adalah peta.Proyeksi azimuthal…
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solreefs · 2 years
Kepler and al-Buruni both saw the pursuit of truth and knowledge as a religious obligation, and thought of studying the world around them as an act of worship and devotion. and yet the difference in how they were treated by history, as well as their respective religions at the time, is astounding.
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hastahanegentr · 2 years
SANCAKTEPE Biruni Aile Sağlık Merkezi Yol Tarifi Nerede
SANCAKTEPE Biruni Aile Sağlık Merkezi Yol Tarifi Nerede
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yamayuandadu · 8 months
Al-Biruni apparently believed that Iraq was once Buddhist, and that this only changed with the advent of Zoroastrianism. Sadly, due to unfamiliarity with cuneiform he was not able to explore the real question his bold theory implicitly creates: whether Sargon of Akkad and Naram-Sin were chakravarti
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hidayatuna · 2 years
Ilmuwan Muslim al-Biruni, Penentu Arah Kiblat yang Kaya Inovasi
Ilmuwan Muslim al-Biruni, Penentu Arah Kiblat yang Kaya Inovasi
HIDAYATUNA.COM – Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni (973-1050 M) adalah salah satu ilmuwan pertama yang menentukan arah kiblat dan pergerakan bumi. Ia juga berhasil menghitung luas bumi berkat penguasaan matematikanya. Warisan ilmiah yang dimiliki al-Biruni merupakan salah satu jenis aset budaya yang paling penting, dan dunia Muslim turut menikmati warisan ini. Para ilmuwan sering meniru…
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santoschristos · 2 months
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Al Kalb, or the Caduceus Lunar Mansion. number 18.
al Biruni, tells us that “Al qalb, i.e. qalb al aqrab, the heart of Scorpius, Antares, is a red and trembling star which astrologers describe as having the nature of Mars; in front of it is another star, and behind it is a third, the three being disposed in a curve.
The names for the Mansion is The Caduceus. Al Kalb (The Heart) 8°34’17″ Scorpio to 21°25’40″ Scorpio. This is a time to heal and prevent illness in all its forms.
Cosmic Caduceus Image by mahaboka
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Kavrayskiy VII Pseudocylindrical Compromise
Created in 1939 by Vladimir V Kavrayskiy (Sometimes transcribed from Cyrillic differently, Kavraisky seems to be the most common alternative, used by G.Projector) for use as a general-purpose compromise projection in Soviet atlases. It has seen little use outside the area of the former Soviet Union, where usually the Robinson is used instead.
Mathematically it is the same as the Wagner VI projection horizontally compressed by sqrt(3)/2, however it has very low distortion values on many metrics, comparable to the Winkel Tripel.
This projection is mentioned in passing under the Winkel Tripel's entry in xkcd 977.
Azimuthal Equidistant Azimuthal Equidistant
While it may have been known as far back as the ancient Egyptians, the Azimuthal Equidistant projection was first described by al-Biruni around the year 1000. As an equidistant projection all distances from the chosen centre point can be measured correctly, meaning it is often used for things like missile range maps and other uses where only the distance from a single point is important.
Because of its circular shape, the polar aspect is often used for maps in logos such as the emblem of the UN. It can also be cropped to show a single hemisphere, and can be shown as two hemispheres side by side in the equatorial aspect like this.
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Tissot's Indicatrices:
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Images created by Tobias Jung (CC BY-SA 4.0) from map-projections.net
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