#alcina dimitresu x reader
smartycvnt · 6 months
Through the Night
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Title: Through the Night
Pairing: Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader
Word Count: 881
Giving Y/n the Cadou was all that Miranda could think to do to avoid Alcina's rampage. The woman was beside herself with rage whenever she saw the state of Y/n. The trip out to the village was supposed to be a simple one, but Y/n had been dumped on Alcina's doorstep bloody and broken.
There had been too many cuts and gashes on Y/n's body to determine what they had come from. Alcina swore that some of them looked like bite marks from Heisenberg's dogs, but Miranda had been quick to stop that line of thinking. Miranda couldn't have her lords warring against each other, not with the parts of her plan all starting to come together. If they weren't working as a cohesive unit when she set things into motion, she might as well just poison all of them.
"Good god, what did they do to you?" Miranda asked herself as she stared at Y/n's body. Y/n was still alive, so Miranda counted the operation as a success. Whether or not Y/n's body took to the implant or not would only be revealed with time. Miranda gave Y/n one last look, certain that she wouldn't make it through the night, and then went outside to tell Alcina that she was finished.
"Is Y/n alive? Is she awake?" Alcina's questions came in a panicked flurry. Miranda held her hand up to silence the woman before she could ask anything else.
"Y/n is still alive, but it looks a little touchy. I can't control whether the implant takes or not, but you did the right thing by calling me here. Just keep an eye on her," Miranda said as her parting words. Alcina nodded grimly to herself as she watched Miranda leave the hallway. She didn't want to waste a second more out there, so Alcina rushed into Y/n's room.
It was difficult, seeing the woman look so small and broken. Alcina felt awful about the entire ordeal. She shouldn't have sent Y/n out into the village when Miranda had warned of unrest. Heisenberg had to be at the helm of it all. He hadn't been controlling his pests and they had run rampant through the village, ravaging everything that they could get their dirty little paws on.
"If they take you from me, my fury will know no bounds," Alcina promised as she took Y/n's hand in hers. Alcina had never noticed how much smaller Y/n really was compared to her. The woman had always been bigger than the staff, nearly equating to around the same size as her daughters. Now, Y/n felt like she was the size of a literal baby. Alcina had to be extra careful to avoid accidentally breaking Y/n even more than she had already been broken.
The hours ticked by as Alcina waited at Y/n's bedside for something to change. Y/n didn't so much as stir once, not even as Alcina got into bed with her. Alcina gently wrapped herself around Y/n to hold her. That didn't little to help Alcina's nerves about the situation. Now, she could feel Y/n's body try to fight through the fever and chills, as if she was being thrown between life and death.
"Mother?" Bela called out cautiously. Alcina glanced towards the door that was slowly being pushed open. Bela stood in front of her sisters, as if they were afraid to come in and see Y/n. Alcina hadn't forbidden it, but she had been abundantly clear that she didn't want Y/n to be disturbed or bothered. "I-is she okay?"
"I do not know yet," Alcina answered honestly. Behind Bela, Alcina heard muttering from Cassandra and Daniela. Bela nudged them out of the room quickly, and Alcina heard quiet sobs from one of her girls as the door shut. "I hope for all of our sakes, you find your way back to us."
Alcina stayed in bed with you all night, keeping a watchful eye on Y/n for as long as she could. Eventually, the warmth of Y/n's body in her arms lulled her to a fitful rest. She never drifted off into a deep sleep, and at the first sign of Y/n moving in her arms, Alcina was jolted awake.
"Huh?" Alcina looked all around the room before her eyes settled on Y/n. The two of them locked eyes, which was when Alcina finally realized that Y/n was awake. "You're awake. You're alive!"
"What happened to me? Something doesn't feel right," Y/n said as she started to sit up. She was swaying around a little, but had regained enough strength to sit up. "Alcina, what happened?"
"That's not important right now. All that matters is you're alive. Wait here, I've got to go tell that girls!" Alcina laid Y/n down to rest on her bed. Y/n watched as Alcina ran out of the room, yelling for each of the girls as she made her way down the hall. Y/n didn't like Alcina's obvious attempt at dodging the answer to her question, which meant that whatever happened to her was worse than what Alcina would eventually let on.
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twoloaksinatrenchcoat · 2 months
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 10 months
The New Arrival (Series)
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Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader
┌───── •✧✧• ─────┐ Welcome to Castle Dimitresu └───── •✧✧• ─────┘
(not my gif)
for context I had a vote on my Wattpad acc bc I js did and basically New Maid with speech problems was in the lead and overall won the selection. I’ll try my best to make an Arranged Marriage one!
WARNING: 18+ MINORS DO NOT ENGAGE fluff, angst, smut
Part 1 ✿ஜீ۞ஜீ✿•.¸¸.•*•.•ஜீ☼۞☼ஜீ•.•*•.¸¸.•✿ஜீ۞ஜீ✿
The cold winter breeze hits y/n’s skin, she was quite literally walking from the village to Castle Dimitrescu. The freezing air seemed to bite and pick at her skin.
The villagers saw y/n get beaten everyday, thiugh they never did anything about it, eventually joining in. Such a shame that y/n’s parents died, she was an orphan for not long.
When y/n was younger she was heavily abused, beaten half to dead almost everyday by other villagers and her parents. So it was normal for her to be obedient and listen. She did tasks with high efficiency and perfection, it was all she knew.
Listen and you don’t get in trouble, don’t and you get beaten.
Over time, y/n would develop selective mutism and mental disorders. Because of these disorders y/n would become dependent on someone unless given orders. It truly was beginning to turn into a problem. So, Eleonor, y/n’s adoptive mother gave her a special coin. With two emblems on the front and back, y/n didn’t quite understand but she knew that if she must make a decision on her own she must flip the coin and decide.
Now, as y/n grows up she becomes this beautiful girl now in her 20s she sparks interest among the villagers, now, many men and women would bow at her feet and plead for her hand in marriage. Y/n, of course, didn’t understand nor did she want to reciprocate. So, she would turn her head to the side and smile politely.
Perhaps, working in Castle Dimitrescu wouldn’t be that unpleasant.
The gigantic door to the Castle slowly slid open, the creaking sent a shiver down y/n’s spine. A few noises came from her side but she paid no attention. Flutters of wings came into y/n’s point of hearing. There was buzzing and cackling. Y/n didn’t quite comprehend what was happening until a blonde girl was in front of her with a wicked smile, the two others giggling and cackling.
“Ooh, what’s this a new toy? You look delicious” the raven haired girl growled licking her lips, Bela pushed her away with a hand slighty.
“You must be the new maiden! Welcome to Castle Dimitrescu! I’m Bela, the red-haired girl is Daniela, and miss hungry over here is Cassandra” Bela grinned, y/n wondered as to why one of the Dimitrescu sister’s was being so nice.
Was it because she was a maiden now?
Daniela looked at y/n happily with a wide smile, “what’s your name?” Dani asked, quite enthusiastically, to Daniela and Cassandra’s surprise y/n didn’t respond. Bela pinched her younger sisters, “did you nit listen to a word Mother had said?!” Bela scolded, she huffed in annoyance, “she can’t talk! Come on, let’s take her to Mother.” Bela exclaimed, obviously irritated with her sisters. Bela had lifted up y/n and the sister’s carried her in fly form to their mother’s chambers
“Mother, your new plaything is here!” Cassandra laughed, earning a smack from Bela. Alcina looked up from the papers and smiled at her daughters, after a few seconds her eyes land on the most gorgeous woman she ever did see. Though, of course, Alcina would never admit that.
Her pride was something no one could take away from her and she refuse to let her guard down. Only her daughters get to see that side of her, only a couple have tried but of course they ended up into scarecrows and wine. Ugh. Mortals.
“Ah, you are so kinds to me, daughters. I was about to get up.” Alcina smiled softly, “Now, run along, me and this maiden have some business to attend.” Of course, the three daughter’s obeyed and erupted into a sawrm of flies buzzing out the room, their cackles still piercing the ears lf anyone near by.
Alcina didn’t waste time to call Melina, the head chamber-maiden to fetch y/n. It seemed as though it was the quickest 3 seconds of her life. Y/n couldn’t help but marvel at the beautiful countess’s face. The head chamber-maiden quickly dragged the girl away, afraid the countess’s temper might run thin. Especially, after all of the incident’s around the castle.
“Melina, guide our new maiden in her quarters then return here. There’s something I wish to discuss with you” Alcina had ordered, it wasn’t aggressive but soft. It made y/n wonder if the lady was as bad as the villagers made her to be.
Quickly, Melina nodded and walked with the silent girl to her chamber, the loud screams and cackles echoed through the castle, though, everyone remained unfazed. Melina had gracefully led y/n to her quarters. The Grand Chamber-Maiden had instructed y/n to stay in her quarters until she is fetched by her or another Maiden sent by her. “Understood?” She stated, firmly, Y/n blinked up at Melina, “Oh, right. I forgot about your…situiation. I suggest you do your best to not get attached to Lady Dimitrescu if she tries anything. And as for your, vocal problems I’ll make sure you’re in good hands, love” She cooed, patting y/n’s back with a loving look on her face. “You know, you are quite the gorgeous girl, dear”
“I wonder…how come you aren’t married with that beautiful face of yours…” She pondered, inspecting your face. She smiled, opening the door to y/n’s chambers.
“Welcome to Castle Dimitrescu”
Tags: @marilynthornhilllover @willalove75
idk who else to tag 😭
comment if you wanna be tagged!
part 2
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Hello! Uhh can i get a male knight reader x donna beneviento in Soulmate AU?
You can write this whenever you can! :)
Broken Truth: A Soulmate AU? Hmm... sounds interesting enough but how shall they meet?
*STATIC*: Have him crash through Miranda's window during a Lord Meeting, fighting a beast, killing it, apologizing, then laying eyes on Donna and kneels before her, expressing his love.
Broken Truth: Well, aren't you blunt? Sorry, my friend, but I think I have a better idea. Let the words weave together.
Quick Note: The Lord of the Stone Castle shall be named Derek - Meaning 'Power of the Tribe'.
[Mother Miranda's Chapel]
"Yeah another failure, Karl?" Mother Miranda glared at her 4th Lord with disapproving eyes.
"You can't blame me, Mother Miranda." Karl retorted as he pointed the cigar in his hand, "No matter how many lycans I send up that bloody mountain, those fucking stone bullets either tear them apart or give them perfect headshots!"
"It would seem your pets are just as useless as you, Child." Alcina smiled as she smoked on her cigarette with a smile.
"Fuck you, Lady Super-Sized Bitch! You try sending those swarms of flesh-eaters you call daughters up there so they can see how it feels to be torn apart by fuck flying rock!" Karl said, a smile appearing on his face when a scowl appeared on Alcina's but before she could say anything - The Mother of the Village spread her wings and silenced them.
"Enough bickering like children! This is not helping us learn the secrets of the stone castle." Miranda said.
"Stone Castle? What Stone Castle?" Angie asked from her mother's lap.
"On the face of the mountain - where the stone & village meet - there's a massive castle that is hidden by the fog but it overshadows the village more than Castle Dimitresu." Mother Miranda began.
"Mother Miranda wanted to see what was up there but My Daughters & I can't make the journey, Salvatore can't use his powers without water, and your dolls would get shattered out there. Therefore, Mother Miranda deemed it better if Karl sent his beasts up there to see what is there." Alcina continued.
"But every time I send Lycans up there, they get shot down by stone bullets or are sliced to pieces. It's impossible and we have no idea to get there." Karl finished and began to lift his cigar to his lips when...
The glass window above Miranda's head shattered and a cloaked figure leaped through the shards, landing in the middle of the 4 Lords & the Village Leader. The figure was dressed in a black outfit with metal plates on the chest, knees, and shins but there was no protection on his arms that showed his pale skin. His gave was a mask under a cloak that was longer on his right side & split open his left shoulder - showing his full left arm. Around him - small stone danced just like metal would dance around Karl.
"How dare you?!" Alcina rose with her claws out but a stone shot in her direction and hit her in the center of her body, making her sit again.
"Remain seated, Dragoness. I am a simple messenger." The man said under his mask.
"Who the hell would send a message to us?" Karl asked.
"You should know - you have been sending your beasts up his mountain for the most time of a lunar cycle." The messenger said.
"The Castle? You're a Messenger for the castle?" Salvatore asked from his position.
"I am - I speak for King Derek, The Stone King. He is annoyed with wasting the time of his tribe members when they could have something better to do. However, your transgressions have revealed something to him." The man stopped for a moment before lifting his hand and pointed at the Doll Maker, "Lady Donna Beneviento."
"Donna?" Angie looked up at the veiled woman, who was stunned.
"Y...Yes?" She whimpered.
"Fear not, My Lady - I shall not hurt you; I would never hurt my Crowned Queen." He said, making everyone gasp.
"QUEEN?!" The other lords said.
"Lady Donna, you have a strange mark on the underbelly of your right wrist, correct?" The messenger asked.
"I...Yes." Donna pulled up her sleeve and showed the strange mark, "Do you know what it is?" She asked.
"That is a name in our native tongue & not just any name - That is the name of my king - King Derek. His name is upon you because you both are soulmates, just as your name is upon his." The Messenger explained.
"His Soulmate?" She looked at her wrist, "How can that be when I have never met him before?" Donna asked.
"That is where you are wrong, My Lady. Think back...to the day you saw a white raven." With that - the floor under the messenger's feet opened, swallowing him whole, before reforming as if he was never there to begin with.
Donna thought back to what the young man said & her eye widened under her veil when the memory began to play.
She was walking through the shadowy forest, looking for some more wolfsbane to add to her collection but she got distracted by the sound of a lovely flute being played. She followed the tune and came to a clearing where the sun shined its divine light and in the center was a massive boulder - upon that boulder was the strong finger of a man with...a white raven perched on his shoulder as his cloaked face played the carved flute in his hands.
Donna was so entranced by the beauty of the bird & the softness of the melody that she didn't know she was walking closer to the boulder - to the man - until her foot stepped on a twig. With a crack, the soft melody stopped as the bird and the cloaked man looked in her direction and time seemed to stop. From the darkness of his cloak, Donna could see something shining - his silver eyes - a silver that almost matched her own.
The wind danced around both of them as they stared at each other in pure silence but something was...connecting. Even though this was the first time they saw each other...
They felt as if they had known each other for an eternity.
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twoloaksinatrenchcoat · 2 months
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Lady Alcina dimitrescu for your viewing pleasure
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