#aleksei & stefan.
movienized-com · 2 months
Pleylist volontera
Pleylist volontera (Serie 2023) #IvanYankovskiy #EvgeniyaGromova #MarinaVasileva #AleksandraUrsulyak #DmitriyChebotarev #ShamilKhamatov Mehr auf:
Serie / Плейлист волонтёра Jahr: 2023- (Mai) Genre: Drama Hauptrollen: Ivan Yankovskiy, Evgeniya Gromova, Marina Vasileva, Aleksandra Ursulyak, Dmitriy Chebotarev, Shamil Khamatov, Darya Rudenok, Natalya Boyarenok, Mila Ershova, Margarita Adaeva, Viktoriya Popugayeva, Vladimir Afanasyev, Aleksey Ovsyannikov, Stefan de Dyurfor, Vladislav Semiletkov, Natalia Dedeiko, Tatyana Monakhova, Elena…
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this-week-in-rust · 11 months
This Week in Rust 498
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Announcing Rust 1.70.0
This Month in Rust GameDev #45 - April 2023
This Month in Rust OSDev: May 2023
Project/Tooling Updates
Changelog #184
MsgPacker: Enhancing performance and security
Diesel 2.1: Generated Migrations and simplified MultiBackend support
Quickwit 0.6: Elasticsearch compatible API, range & prefix phrase queries, histogram & percentiles aggregations, and more...!
Meilisearch 1.2 - new features for filters and engine improvements
[video] The status of parallel rustc - Nicholas Nethercote
A Proposal for an asynchronous Rust GUI framework
A locking war story
Building a Vector Database to Make Use of Vector Embeddings
Data Exfiltration through DNS with Rust
The Rust I Wanted Had No Future
From Stacks to Trees: A new aliasing model for Rust
ESP32 Embedded Rust at the HAL: GPIO Interrupts
Introducing posh: Type-Safe Graphics Programming with Functional Shaders in Rust
Demystifying trait generics in Rust
Rust Walkthroughs
Writing universal libraries using C++ and consuming it in Rust (WASI)
Rust's cfg Attribute
Looking at Rust builtin derives
What is WASI?
Create a simple DSL for CSS like syntax for TUIs
[video] A Practical Introduction to Derive Macros with Attributes
[audio] Shuttle Launchpad with Stefan Baumgartner :: Rustacean Station
[audio] Episode 5: Putting Lipstick on a Pig
[video] Bevy Basics Timers
[video] We Built a Blazingly Fast Video Conferencing System in Rust & WASM
[video] Why Static Typing Came Back • Richard Feldman • GOTO 2022
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is kanata, a keyboard remapper for Linux and Windows.
Thanks to Aleksey Kladov for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
* Hyperswitch - Remove redundant heap allocation (specifically string construction) in the application * Hyperswitch - add domain type for client secret * Hyperswitch - Implement cache for MerchantKeyStore * Ockam - Add --yes flag to delete commands to prevent unintentional deletions * Ockam - Define json output for ockam node create * Ockam - unreported project path not found error
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
392 pull requests were merged in the last week
support 128-bit atomics on all x86_64 Apple targets
support the rustc metadata for AIX
QNX Neutrino: exponential backoff when fork/spawn needs a retry
Control Flow Integrity: fix with repr(transparent): transform_ty: unexpected Alias(Proj
Control Flow Integrity: fix async: transform_ty: unexpected GeneratorWitness(Bi…
add other workspaces to linkedProjects in rust_analyzer_settings
allow limited access to OsStr bytes
check nested obligations during coercion unify in new solver
diagnostics: exclude indirect private deps from trait impl suggest
don't ICE in new solver when auto traits have associated types
don't compute inlining status of mono items in advance
don't require the output from libtest to be valid UTF-8
don't suggest break through nested items
don't typecheck recovered method call from suggestion
enable ConstGoto and SeparateConstSwitch passes by default
enable ScalarReplacementOfAggregates in optimized builds
extra context for unreachable_pub lint
fix bug where private item with intermediate doc hidden re-export was not inlined
fix codegen test suite for bare-metal-like targets
fix linkage for large binaries on mips64 platforms
fix re-export of doc hidden item inside private item not displayed
fix type-inference regression
fix: dedup static_candidates before report
improve CGU debug printing
linker: report linker flavors incompatible with the current target
normalize anon consts in new solver
only check inlining counter after recursing
only rewrite valtree-constants to patterns and keep other constants opaque
only suppress coercion error if type is definitely unsized
optimize scalar and scalar pair representations loaded from ByRef in llvm
preserve substs in opaques recorded in typeck results
refactor and cleanup the leak check, add it to new solver
remove unneeded Buffer allocations when &mut fmt::Write can be used directly
replace const eval limit by a lint and add an exponential backoff warning
require that const param tys implement ConstParamTy
rpath is not supported on AIX
rust-lld: add rpath entry to the correct lib folder
show note for type ascription on a local binding interpreted as a constant pattern and not a new variable
stop normalizing so many different prefixes
suggest Option::as_deref(_mut) on type mismatch in option combinator if it passes typeck
suggest correct self_ty
uplift clippy::cast_ref_to_mut lint
uplift clippy::invalid_utf8_in_unchecked lint
lower unchecked_div/_rem to MIR's BinOp::Div/Rem
miri: Tree Borrows (TB) diagnostics: avoid printing irrelevant events
miri: TB: improve error messages (distinguish between accesses and reborrows)
miri: remove rustc-workspace-hack
greatly decrease the size of rustc_driver.so when debuginfo is enabled
remove ExtendElement, ExtendWith, extend_with
remove [T]::zip(_)
make TrustedStep require Copy
offset_of!: don't require type to be Sized
check tuple elements are Sized in offset_of!
fix bug in utf16_to_utf8 for zero length strings
hashbrown: add support for rkyv serialization and deserialization
regex compile: make Regex::new(r"(?-u:\B)") fail again
cargo: add message on reusing previous temporary path on failed cargo installs
cargo: emit error when users try to use a toolchain via the add or install command
cargo: support "default" option for build.jobs
rustdoc: add interaction delays for tooltip popovers
rustdoc: render visibility on associated types
clippy: allow_attributes, allow_attributes_without_reason: Ignore attributes from procedural macros
clippy: manual_let_else: support struct patterns
clippy: nonminimal_bool fix double not
clippy: ptr_cast_constness: Only lint on casts which don't change type
clippy: unnecessary_lazy_eval: don't lint on types with deref impl
clippy: useless_conversion: pluralize if there are multiple .into_iter() calls
clippy: wildcard_imports Modules that contain prelude are also allowed
clippy: add a test that checks for old style test headers
clippy: add checking for cfg(features = ...)
clippy: add lints for disallowing usage of to_xx_bytes and from_xx_bytes
clippy: add spans to clippy.toml error messages
clippy: emit unnecessary_cast on raw pointers as well
clippy: fix suggestion on fully qualified syntax
clippy: ignore fix for from_over_into if the target type contains a Self reference
clippy: move redundant_clone to nursery
clippy: new lint: explicit_into_iter_fn_arg
clippy: new lint: missing_fields_in_debug
rust-analyzer: add mandatory panic contexts to all threadpool tasks
rust-analyzer: allow setting cfgs
rust-analyzer: don't add --all-targets to runnables for no-std crates
rust-analyzer: add signature help for tuple patterns and expressions
rust-analyzer: render niches on hover
rust-analyzer: fix Assist "replace named generic type with impl trait"
rust-analyzer: fix unused-mut false positive for Box
rust-analyzer: fix bug in labeled for loop desugaring
rust-analyzer: fix drop scopes problems in mir
rust-analyzer: fix edits for convert_named_struct_to_tuple_struct
rust-analyzer: fix missing terminator for slice pattern
rust-analyzer: fix string pattern matching in mir interpreter
rust-analyzer: fix: add enum, reference, array and slice to render_const_scalar
rust-analyzer: fix: add render configs for memory layout hovers
rust-analyzer: fix: consider outer binders when folding captured items' type
rust-analyzer: fix: detect "bound more than once" error and suppress need-mut for it
rust-analyzer: fix: don't duplicate sysroot crates in rustc workspace
rust-analyzer: fix: emit '_ for lifetime generics in HirDisplay
rust-analyzer: fix nav target calculation discarding file ids from differing macro upmapping
rust-analyzer: make assignment operators right associative
rust-analyzer: prioritize threads affected by user typing
rust-analyzer: support floating point intrinsics in const eval
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
This week was a bunch of improvements, largely driven by cutting std debuginfo in [#110221] and a few MIR or codegen optimizations. No pure regressions landed this week!
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 1221e43b..adc719d
0 Regressions, 1 Improvements, 12 Mixed; 2 of them in rollups
79 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
eRFC: single-file packages ("cargo script") integration
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] TAIT defining scope options
[disposition: merge] rustdoc-search: clean up type unification and "unboxing"
[disposition: merge] Specify behavior of HashSet::insert
[disposition: merge] Update runtime guarantee for select_nth_unstable
[disposition: merge] Stabilize String::leak
[disposition: merge] Implement TryFrom<&OsStr> for &str
[disposition: merge] impl SliceIndex\<str> for (Bound\<usize>, Bound\<usize>)
[disposition: merge] Stabilize const_cstr_methods
[disposition: close] Add cfg(no_128_bit) to core: removes u128/i128 formatting
[disposition: merge] rustdoc: search for slices and arrays by type with []
New and Updated RFCs
[new] Fragment Specifiers for Generic Arguments
[new] Virtually dispatched trait methods
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-06-07 - 2023-07-05 🦀
2023-06-07 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2023-06-07 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-06-08 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2023-06-13 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2023-06-14 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Building Spin Locks and Channels - Rust Atomics & Locks Bookclub Chapters 4 & 5
2023-06-14 | Virtual (Boulder, CO, US) | Boulder Elixir and Rust
Monthly Meetup
2023-06-15 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-06-19 | Virtual (San Francisco, CA, US) | Data Science on AWS - San Francisco, Global
Generative AI Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT), RLHF + Polars: "Polars, lightning-fast DataFrame library for Rust and Python", presented by Suman Debnath
2023-06-20 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | Berline.rs / OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-06-20 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2023-06-21 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2023-06-22 | Virtual (Karlsruhe, DE) | Karlsruhe Functional Programmers Group
Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der C++ UG KA)
2023-06-25 | Virtual (Auckland, NZ) | ResBaz Aotearoa 2023
Research Computing With The Rust Programming Language - Tim McNamara
2023-06-27 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2023-06-28 | Virtual (Chicago, IL, US) | Chicago Healthcare Cloud Technology Community
Rust for Mission-Critical AI: A Journey into Healthcare's Safest Language
2023-07-04 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | Berline.rs / OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-07-04 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-07-05 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2023-06-10 | Kuala Lumpur, MY | GoLang Malaysia
Rust Workshop/Hack and Learn Malaysia June 2023 | Event updates Telegram | Event group chat
2023-06-10 | Pune, IN | Rust Pune
#1 - Meet & Greet
2023-06-08 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Rust Aarhus meetup #2 sponsored by BRØLSTÆRK
2023-06-08 | Paris, FR | Stockly.ai
Rust Meetup in Paris - hosted by Stockly
2023-06-08 | Zurich, CH | Rust Zurich
Unsafe, Miri, SIMD - June Meetup
2023-06-16 | Stuttgart, DE | Rust Community Stuttgart
OnSite Meeting
2023-06-22 | Vienna, AT | Papers We Love Vienna
June: Data and Ownership in Rust
2023-06-28 | Bratislava, SK | Bratislava Rust Meetup Group
Rust Meetup by Sonalake
2023-07-03 | Zurich, CH | Rust Zurich
Rust in the Linux Kernel - July Meetup
North America
2023-06-07 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch
2023-06-08 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
Rust 1.70.0, Module System Deep Dive & Pizza
2023-06-08 | Pasadena, CA, US | Pasadena Thursday Go/Rust
Weekly leetcode group
2023-06-10 | San Jose, CA, US | Rust Breakfast & Learn
Rust: breakfast & learn
2023-06-15 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2023-06-17 | San Jose, CA, US | Rust Breakfast & Learn
Rust: breakfast & learn
2023-06-20 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2023-06-24 | San Jose, CA, US | Rust Breakfast & Learn
Rust: breakfast & learn
2023-07-01 | San Jose, CA, US | Rust Breakfast & Learn
Rust: breakfast & learn
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
(...) Rust developers usually are not just looking for "less buggy".
They are addicted to the clicky sound of legos.
– Amirography on fosstodon
Thanks to Jan Riemer for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
0 notes
chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 21, 2023)
23:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:52 Dj Regal - The Village Calling 23:47 Fous De La Mer - Conmigo 23:42 Velvet Dreamer - Crystal Water (Five Seasons Remix) 23:40 Max Melvin - Underneath 23:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:33 Garden City Movement - My Only Love 23:31 Collioure - Timeless Pulse 23:24 Aloha Cafe - Night In Altamy 23:22 Aleksey Beloozerov - October (Jane Maximova & Dmitry Raschepkin Remix) 23:18 Lasteden - Hot City Walk (Original Mix) 23:12 Michael E - That Feeling 23:07 Norman Doray - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 23:06 Gold Lounge - Oh La La 23:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:00 D.batistatos & Side Liner - Sehnsucht 22:50 Max Melvin - Earth Inside 22:48 Lazy Hammock - Lost In Dreams 22:44 Rhod - Crazy 22:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:36 Zenyatta - Swimming Into Vibrations (Ibiza Downbeat Vocal Mix) 22:31 Vargo - Precious Part Two 22:30 Sandra - The Wheel Of Time 22:27 Dj Antoine - I-'ll Never Let You Down (Soft Mix) 22:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:18 Titiyo - Come Along (Naid Remix) 22:13 Ive Mendes - Nao Vou Fugir 22:07 Approaching Black - A Minute Till Midnight 22:05 Easy L. - New Day (Anthem) - Afterlife Mix 22:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:57 Vargo - Precious (Part Two) 21:52 Sunyata Project - I Know Him (Extended Mix) 21:49 Bugseed - Tear Loose 21:47 Black Mighty Orchestra - Ocean Beach (Cybophonia Cinematic Remix) 21:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:41 Arrojas - Ardesia 21:34 Love City Orchestra - People We Can (Original Mix) 21:30 Stefan Reh, Kara - Unknown 21:29 Melorman - Behaviour (Melorman Remix) 21:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:19 Cantoma - Katja 21:11 Paul Hardcastle - Looking For You 21:09 Blank & Jones W. Cathy Battistessa - Miracle Man (Afterlife Mix) 21:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:01 Merge Of Equals - Heart & Mind 20:59 Dave Jerome - The Future Is Love (Original Mix) 20:52 Gary B - Ill Be Your World 20:51 Frost - Amygdala 20:44 Ronin - Just Walking 20:39 Merge Of Equals - Don-'t You Know 20:34 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 20:32 Jens Buchert - Touch Me 20:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:23 Nordgroove - Epicly 20:18 Samantha James - Tree Of Life 20:13 Vargo - The Moment (Short Chorus Mix) 20:11 Solarflow - Im Living For Today 20:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:05 Marie Therese - Gin & Tonic (Pier-O Bossa Chill Mix) 19:59 Mystic Diversions - Float On 19:56 Florzinho - The Indian 19:53 Luke - Heaven's On Fire 19:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:45 Di Polar - Vertraumt 19:39 Artur Bayramgalin - To Be Free 19:33 Simon Le Grec - Touch Me 19:30 Emmanuele Landini, Denny V - Emotion 19:24 Martin Liege - Balearic Jazz (Original Mix) 19:18 Blank & Jones - Closer To Me 19:15 Soleil Fisher - Warm Winter - Sting Of Paradise Sunset Mix 19:11 Crystin - The Universe 19:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:06 Cosmonkey - Blueberry Crumble 19:01 Sigh - The Bomb 18:56 Dousk - As If 18:54 Mercer & Gissal - Scandal 18:48 Ganga Feat. Sophie Tusnelda - Blue Heart 18:43 Creamy Chill - Tonight (Bar Lounge Mix) 18:40 Krystian Shek - Too Much Thinking (Katoey Cut Mix) 18:38 Climatic - Tell Me 18:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:28 Majestic 12 - Alone Again (Trüby Trio Treatment) 18:26 Max Melvin - Roots 18:16 Azymuth - Morning 18:13 Espresso Del Lago - Suratat 18:07 V - Sta - Rainy Day Feat. Jody Purita (Original Mix) 18:02 Stefano Mastronardi - It's Lounge Time 18:00 Gary B - My Love 17:56 Etro Anime - Let It Go 17:50 Jacob Gurevitsch - Affection (Original Mix) 17:43 Briza - Reflections On The Highway 17:40 Pochill - By And By 17:39 Roberto Sol Feat. Ines - Tu (Original Mix) 17:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:29 Kid Coconutz - Take On Me 17:24 Pnfa - Miles And Miles (Slowly) 17:19 Omnimotion (Feat. Aleah) - Days Of Silence 17:16 Minusblue - Be As One (Klangstein Edit) 17:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:08 Hacienda - Sabor 17:03 Jens Buchert - The Falling Star (Nyc Mix) 16:59 Ross Couch - Music Is My Life 16:53 Ursula 1000 - Relaxamento 16:52 Tosca - Forte 16:45 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 16:42 Jens Buchert - Octalimbo 16:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:37 Sofa Groovers - Finding Eden 16:31 Moodorama - I Think It's... 16:26 Marc Hartman - Whistle 16:25 Blue Pilots Project - Vivere 16:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:17 Jens Buchert - Moonlight (Feat. Barbara Zanetti) 16:12 Velvet Dreamer - Mystic Traveller 16:07 Omar Akram - Echoes Of Love 16:04 The Man Behind C. - What Can U Do 16:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:55 Aandra - You Are The Gold (Feat. Soul Sista Shakti) 15:52 Cheprox - Take My Bary (Original Mix) 15:48 Papercut - End Of A Love Affair 15:45 Purple Avenue - Justify My Love 15:42 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:36 Purple Avenue - American Boy 15:34 Dj Monique Vs. Stephane Le Coque - You're Like An Angel 15:27 Soundset City - Come With Me (Deep Lounge Cut) 15:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:19 Smooth Genestar - Dusk Operator (D-echo Project Remix) 15:14 Velvet Park - Project Deluxe (Lounge After 8 P.m. Mix) 15:13 Luis Hermandez - Thru The Night 15:10 Lisa Rose Harrison - Paint It Black 15:03 Bebo Best - Out Of Myself 14:58 Climatic - Sideways 14:53 Djibooti - Shadows And Voices (Tom Tom Mix) 14:49 Dj Tiesto - The Tube (Domenico Cascarino & Luca Lombardi Acoustic Mix) 14:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:41 Pat Appleton - Cloudless 14:36 Real Meets Unreal - Unending Fields 14:31 Bank & Jones - Beyond Time (Ambient Edit) 14:28 Sunyata Project, Chris Le Blanc - Journey To Mandurai (Extended Mix) 14:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:19 Ohmg & Bruno - On Your Skin 14:17 Vargo - Precious (Part Two) 14:10 Amour Fou - J'aime Comme Tu Rit 14:09 Lemongrass - Lightful 14:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:04 Twins In Mind - I Hear Your Voice 13:58 Twentyeight Feat. Tesz Millan - In My Arms (Original Mix) 13:53 Everything But The Girl - Single 13:51 Mirage Of Deep Feat. Josephine Sweet - Luxury Living Room 13:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:44 L-'esperanza - Smile (The Songs Of Innocence) 13:42 Furns - Fortress 13:35 Randy Seidman, Rogerio Jardim, Tommy Cunningham - Come Back To Me (Original Mix) 13:34 Idenline - Call Me (Original Mix) 13:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:26 Jean Mare - A Better Place (Easy Lounge Vocal Mix) 13:20 Le Voyage - African Daydreamer (Ethno Mix) 13:18 Luis Hermandez - One Love 13:11 Schiller - Velvet Aeroplane 13:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:02 Fenena Garcia Mijas - Anja (Dream With Me Knee Edit) 12:57 Arrojas - Over The Past Year 12:52 Afterlife - Breakfast At Benirras 12:51 Atthis Alcedo - Feel What You Feel 12:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:45 Trifonic - Broken (Original Mix) 12:39 L' Art Mystique - Beautiful Things 12:35 Deeper Sublime & Coffee Machine - I've Got You (Original Mix) 12:32 Maximilian V - Room 58 12:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:23 Proxy Brides - Toute La Nuit 12:21 Lucky Sun - Cycles (Original Mix) 12:15 Vibrant Groove Project - Don't Let Me Go (Vocal Jazz O Mix) 12:13 Zatonsky, A&i, Sasha Colos - Damage Inside (Christos Fourkis Remix) 12:03 York - Be A Giant 11:58 Bloomfield - France Calling 11:52 Climatic - Oblivion 11:50 Velvet Dreamer - Crystal Water (Jjos Balearic Remix) 11:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:46 Kings Of Convenience - I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (Royksopp Remix) 11:39 Le Garde - Wake Up Darling (Original Mix) 11:33 Remote - Postcard 11:31 Micatone - Sit Beside Me (Club Mix) 11:24 Delicado - The Sound Of Fashion (Original Edit) 11:19 Lamb - Trans Fatty Acid (K&D Session) 11:12 Tafubar - The Man Who Had Bad Dreams (Lemongrass Woolgathering Mix) 11:10 Five Seasons - Round And Round 11:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:02 Vernon, Matthew Kramer - Sunshine (Louie Chandler Remix) 10:56 Blackfish - Move On 10:54 Lemongrass - On The Edge Of Time (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 10:51 Urban Phunk Society - De Janeiro 10:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:45 Michael E - Check It (Original Mix) 10:38 Peter Nijntjes - Nightflight (Original Mix) 10:32 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 10:30 Palma Players - Velvet Sky 10:23 Jaffa - Bklyn Bobbi 10:18 Bay Area, Hela Delgado - Espiritu And Libertad Feat. Hela Delgado (Viva Mix) 10:13 Deep From Street - Moscow 10:11 Donna De Lory - The Unchanging (Atom Smith Chill Yoga Flow Remix) 10:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:02 Jess & Jess - Gorgeous Necklines 10:00 Yonderboi - Another Geometry 09:54 Blank & Jones - Sun Starts Smiling (Eclectic Mix) 09:50 My Island - Maledives Beach Lounge (Palm Garden Mix) 09:44 Style Project - Cloudy Eyes (Vocal Mix) 09:38 Blank & Jones - Jet Set 09:35 Mahoroba - Chimes In Motion (Passion Cut) 09:32 Loungeside - Al Burj (Original Mix) 09:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:24 Delerium - Keyless Door (Feat. Azure Ray) 09:21 Soulchef - Road Trip 09:16 Mara J Boston - Come Into My Life (Original Mix) 09:09 Bruno Be & Alvaro Brites - Seasons 09:05 M.a.x. - Stranger (Instrumental) 09:00 Seven24 - Frozen 08:57 Division Kent - Lone Star 08:55 Cities Of Foam - Safe Inside 08:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:50 Mahoroba - Violet Dreams (Space Pioneers Mix) 08:43 Dj Maretimo - Atmosphere Lovers (Sky Sergeant Mix) 08:36 M-seven - Unspoken 08:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:30 Schwarz & Funk - Fallen (Bossa Mix) 08:23 Axel B - Dark Lights 08:18 Climatic - L'horizzonte 08:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:09 Fobee - Samsara 08:03 Bent - Terry 07:58 Titiyo - Come Along With Me (L'amour Romantique Remix) 07:56 Yppah - Pieces 07:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:47 Jens Buchert - Wendy 07:43 Bluebeat - Dans Le Soleil 07:41 Soleil Fisher - Breathing Slowly 07:37 Alex Cortiz - Uma 07:34 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:31 Triangle Sun - The Sun 07:25 Man In A Room - Something New (Feat. Natasha Tsirou) 07:23 Roberto Sol - Tomorrow (Extended Mix) 07:20 Mystic Diversions - Float On 07:16 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:10 Bobby Hughes Combination - Olympic Girls 07:03 Marco Sandero - Winter Piano 07:01 Sambox - Locean Cafe 06:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:52 Merge Of Equals - Gravity 06:50 Lisa Rose Harrison - Paint It Black 06:44 Leo & Roby Ruini - La Suite - Original Mix 06:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:35 Christian Hornbostel - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee (Original Mix) 06:34 Korte - Schwebende Gedanken 06:27 Dining Rooms - Invocation 06:26 Orbitell - Dive (Ibiza Beach Mix) 06:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:17 Pnfa - Fight The Feeling 06:12 Weathertunes - Happy Birthday (Feat. Wawa) (Original Mix) 06:07 Simon Le Grec - I Need U (Smooth Mix) 06:05 Smooth Deluxe - Uesta Del Sol (Paradise Bar Edit) 06:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:00 Aqualux - Take Me Back (Ft Lyksa) 05:54 Velvet Lounge Project - Fly With Me 05:52 Weathertunes - Forest (Original Mix) 05:46 Fresh Moods - Rhythmbreeze (Spy Mix) 05:39 Gods Blue Chest - Floating (Beach Mix) 05:32 Lorenzo Al Dino & Deep Josh Feat. Cope - Lullaby (Deep Josh Into The Lounge Mix) 05:28 Sky Sergeant - Music Connection (Dolphins Mix) 05:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:20 Paul Hardcastle - Summer Love 05:14 Spooky - Strange Addiction 05:10 Dj Maretimo - Sky Sprinter (Smooth Operator Mix) 05:04 Beanfield - Chosen 04:58 Consoul Trainin Feat. Joan Kolova - Beautiful (Kosmopolitans Mix) 04:53 Zelonka And Darrin C Huss - Destination Moon 04:48 Climatic - Boarding 04:46 Club Salinero - Shade In The Sun (Ibiza Chillout Mix) 04:39 Minus Blue - Too Far To Speak (Original Mix) 04:33 Danny Hay - Night In (Original Mix) 04:28 Max Melvin - Ease 04:26 Climatic - For No Reason At All 04:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:17 Conjure One - Sleep (Serenity Mix) 04:12 Cantoma - Out Of Town 04:07 Funky Brothers - Through His One - Original Mix 04:05 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 04:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:57 Collioure - Inshore (Original Mix) 03:51 Fous De La Mer - Stars And Fishes 03:50 Justy Puck - Crumpled 03:43 Cocogroove - Copa Dos Santos (Brazil Cut) 03:36 Trinah - Let's Stay Together 03:34 Vargo - Talking One Language Anniversary Mix 03:31 Johannes Huppertz - Short Message Service 03:27 Yantra Mantra - Pink City (Ayurveda Mix) 03:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:19 Desert Dwellers - Point Of Awakening (Androcell Remix) 03:12 Florzinho, Barbara Yaa Boahene - Staring At The Stars 03:07 Sigh - Kemi Blues 03:06 Five Seasons - Fleeting Moments Feat. Jane Maximova (Original Mix) 03:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:00 Monodeluxe - One More Day 02:54 Lounge\andreas - The Outlands 02:47 Night Cruzer - Timeless 02:46 York, Asheni - Mercury Rising (Chillout Mix) 02:43 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:38 Kranich - Between 02:33 Flashbaxx - Escape Hawaii Go Ibiza 02:30 D. Batistatos - Jet Lagged Nights 02:27 Jojo Effect - Somewhere In Between 02:20 Capa - Imperfection 02:13 Starshine Bros - Coffe Relax 02:11 Eddie Silverton - Coincidences 02:07 Weathertunes - Feel You (Original Mix) 02:01 Five Seasons - In Your Town 01:55 Jean Honeymoon - Bang Bang (Lazy Hammock Chillout Mix) 01:54 Roberto Sol & Florito Feat. Ines Prados - Obsesion 01:51 Lissa - Some Of Me (Feat. Philip Nolan) 01:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:46 Florzinho - Deixe O Sol Entrar 01:39 Soulavenue - One By One (Feat. Shaheen) 01:37 Roberto Sol & Florito - Love Finds You (Feat Martine - Original Mix) 01:31 Sweet Velvet - In My Dreams 01:24 Lounge Vargos - Follow My Dreams (Sunshine Mix) 01:20 Arnold T - Not An Addict 01:16 Urban Phunk Society - Siesta 01:14 Jean Honeymoon - Bang Bang (Lazy Hammock Chillout Mix) 01:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:09 44th Floor - Saint Placid (New York Sunset Mix) 01:02 Vargo - Get Back To Serenity 00:55 Index - Noon Hour Blues 00:52 Ilya - Bliss (Max Sedgley Remix) 00:49 Soundset City - Urban Nightlife 00:45 Kondencuotas Pienas - Elegantish Elephantish (Original Mix) 00:35 Vibrasphere Feat. Iz - Tierra Azul (Vocal Version) 00:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:28 Ganga - Skyscraper (Original Mix) 00:26 Dominik Pointvogl - Malibou Beach (Original Mix) 00:19 Mathieu & Florzinho - Primavera (Dub Mix) 00:17 Solar Moon Feat. Jen - Inside Out 00:10 Karnaval Blues - Forget 00:05 Cocktail Groovers - The Fire In Your Heart (Ibiza Jazz Terrace Mix)
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vitapictura · 2 years
Blind Channel - Bad Idea | Alternative Music Video from Vita Pictura on Vimeo.
Production Company | Vita Pictura vitapictura.co
Director | Georgius Misjura Producer | Serj Rimma Line Producer | Martin Raid Assistant Director | Anastasia Zazhitskaya DOP | Aleksei Kulikov AC | Lev Kovalenko 2AC | Karl Jakob Vibur Gaffers | Nikita Kurashov, Alex Tervinsky Lighting Technicians | Magnus Paavel, Grete-Elisabeth Lauri, Feliks Volož Lighting Assistant | Karmo Sooväli DIT & LED visuals | Kaupo Kuusemäe Art Director | Mari Makarov Set Designers | Roosi Riin Leht, Karmel Tralla Special Effects Make-Up | Anastacy Cannibal BTS Photographer | Rauno Liivand BTS Videographer | Nekit Helljesus Catering | Jonas Misjura Equipment | Vita Pictura, High Voltage, Saksavalgus, Kaamerarent.ee
Post-Production | Vita Pictura Music Video Editors l Georgius Misjura, Lev Kovalenko Music Video Colour Grading | Dmitri Morjakin Music Video VFX | Denhov Visuals, Dmitri Morjakin, Henry Parelo BTS Video Editors l Aleksei Šarapanjuk, Lev Kovalenko BTS Colour Grading and Sound Mixing l Lev Kovalenko
Appearing Cast | Blind Channel Extras | Alina Malova, Anastasia Puzanova, Andrei Bogdanov, Anna Gorishnjaja, Anne Arrak, Annika Vurma, Anzelika Bykova, Artjom Fauzer, Daniil Kozlovskiy, Dmitri Silber, Elina Sepp, Emil Kroonberg, Emilia Tarnovska, Erika Tsistjakova, Ivan Rõsitš, Jekaterina Skobeleva, Kati Usler, Laura Garaeva, Linda Triinu, Marianna Konets, Max Stepanov, Polina Jakjan, Sasha Anderson, Stefan Strihhartsuk, Taavi Lass, Yugoro Yuliya
Location | Cathouse Club & Concert Hall Special Thanks | Hestia Hotel Barons, Viktor Alifirenko
» Connect with Vita Pictura Facebook → facebook.com/vitapictura Twitter → twitter.com/vitapictura Instagram → instagram.com/vitapictura Youtube → youtube.com/vitapictura Vimeo → vimeo.com/vitapictura
Contact us via E-Mail: [email protected]
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viandede-porque · 3 years
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Will you continue to claim that John the Apostle was a girl after seeing this photo? 
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nvtiveanimals-blog · 5 years
@honeyrodsoflandtown @landtownbabe
leah was on time. this was worth mentioning, both because she almost never was, and because no one else was. except stefan, of course, but stefan didn’t count, because not only was stefan always on time, but stefan was always early, and never concerned about being early because he always had so much work to do and he’d stay on his clunky old laptop halfway into dinner, anyway, so it was basically like he was actually always late, so really, it was just leah, and she was on time, and compared to everyone else, she was early, and it was a miracle. 
pickles were on the table in front of her. the bartender had offered leah chips, but eating before everybody arrived felt off. eating alone had always made leah feel lonely; nobody should eat without having someone to eat along with, that was what her mother used to say. so she sat and looked at the pickles she’d ordered to be polite, because she may be punk rock but true punk rock supported local businesses, and she flicked her black lacquered thumb nail against the stained redwood of the bar and waited for her family to arrive. the sound of stefan’s typing -- mostly the unmistakable clack clack clack clack clack of repetitive backspacing -- kept her company, before she finally heard the sound of the door swinging open. 
spinning around on the barstool, leah grinned at the approaching figure -- one of her own, just as she’d hoped! -- and promptly threw open her arms for a hug. 
“i’m so glad you’re here,” she whined. “i thought i was going to be alone with stefan all night.” 
“well, that is incredibly hurtful.” stefan said, but his tone was flat, and his eyes never left his computer screen. 
“where have you been?! family dinner night at seven means family dinner night at seven.” briefly having the higher ground on punctuality had clearly gone to leah’s head. “i’m hungry!” 
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nametips · 2 years
A list of male names (I'm pretty sure I forgot many many names):
Aaron, Alan, Athan, Adan, Adrian, Ace, Alexander, Alex, Andy, Adam, Andrew, Ajax, Arlo, Arthur, Arnold, Anthony, Alouis, Asher, Amando, Adrien, Adrian, Ajan, Andrej, Andreas, Arik, Arian, Ahmad, Anton, Antonio, August, Austin, Arlan, Alban, Aleksei, Alejandro, Alessandro, Alec, Aslan, Avery, Abraham, Ariz, Adnan, Ahmed/-t, Alvin, Aurelius, Aurel, Alessio, Amaro
Ben, Benjamin, Bennett, Balian, Boris, Bruno, Blake, Bob, Boe, Brian, Blake, Brody, Benny, Beau, Both, Bodo, Berkan, Bano, Berat, Bowen, Bastian, Benedict, Bayek, Baxter, Barron
Cian, Connor, Charlie, Chris, Christopher, Craig, Chuck, Clement/-s, Cody, Cassius, Caspian, Casper, Cassian, Calvin, Can, Cem, Cathan, Callan, Conrad, Carl, Cooper, Cole, Collin, Corey/Cory, Colt, Colton, Cameron, Conan, Charles, Claus, Claude, Cedric, Clyde, Cliff, Cihan, Corwin, Callum/Calum, Chester, Calli, Cairo
Daniel, Dominic, Dmitri, Dennis, Deniz, Dylan, Derek, David, Don, Doug, Drew, Douglas, Damien/Damian, Dorian, Dan, Dave, Dale, Dane, Donovan, Devin, Diego, Damon, Dario, Dirk, Dexter
Ethan, Eduardo, Edward, Emmett, Everett, Erik/Erick/Eric, Ezra, Evan/Ewan, Emil, Emilio, Emanuel, Eddy, Elijah, Elijas, Elio, Elliot, Egan, Emir, Emre, Ellis, Elian, Elvin/Elwin
Finn, Finnegan/Finley, Frederick, Freddy, Fred, Frank, Fabian, Fabio, Flynn, Francis, Florian, Franklin, Felix, Franklin, Fernando, Fabrizio, Ferdinand, Fakir, Feraz
Gavin, Gino, Gabriel, George, Gregory, Greyson/Greyson, Grey/Gray, Greg, Graham, Gary, Giovanni, Gianno, Gian, Griffin
Henry, Harry, Hank, Hassan, Hugo, Hector, Hamad, Hunter
Iago, Ian, Isaiah, Isaac, Ilan, Ivan, Ivar, Igor, Ismael
Jacob/Jakob, Jusuf, Jamal, Jan, Jannis, Jannik, Julian, Julius, Jim, Jimmy, Jack, Jason, Jackson, James, Jonas, Juan, Joel, John/Jon, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jeremias, Jedediah, Jededias, Joe, Jonah, Jonathan, Jerek/Jarek, Javier, Justus, Justin, Jamar, Jamie, Jeff, Jin, Jaris, Jace, Jake, Jairo, Jaron, Javon/Javin/Javen, Jasha, Janus, Josiah, Josias, Josua, Josh, Joshua, Jamilo, Jachai, Javan, Jaceo
Konnor, Konrad, Kalon, Kilian/Killian, Korey/Kory, Keith, Kenneth, Kenny, Kris, Kevin, Kuno, Klaus, Kasimir, Kai/Khai, Kalil, Kalle, Karim, Kani, Kian, Keanu, Kiano, Kenzo, Karim, Keno (not the lottery),Kalle, Kalli, Kino, Kurt(is), Kaden, Kairo
Linus, Leo, Leon, Leonardo, Leonard, Lennard, Louis, Luis, Lou, Liam, Laurenz, Lewis, Lars, Levin, Lukas/Lucas, Luka/Luca, Leif, Lian, Luan, Lee, Levi, Lev, Logan, Leano, Leander
Malian, Mirko, Miko, Mike, Mason, Malik, Marek, Mailo, Milo, Milus/Milos/Milas, Milan, Moritz, Mark, Manuel, Mahmut, Mustafa, Melvin, Merlin, Murat, Marcel, Marlon, Micah, Maceo, Malachi/Malachai, Malaki, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Matti, Macias, Michael, Mikhail, Marvin, Mack, Mitch, Moe, Monty, Max, Maximilian, Maxwell, Marko/Marco, Marcus, Malcolm, Mick, Mekhi, Miguel, Marvin/Marwin, Martin, Miles/Myles, Matteo, Makai, Macklin, Misha, Mian, Maurice, Maiko, Macias
Niles, Nouis, Neil/Niall/Nial/Neil, Neilson, Nielson/Nilson, Niels/Nils, Nevin, Nolan, Newt, Niles, Nick, Noah, Noam, Nicholas/Nicolas/Nikolas, Nico/Niko, Nikolai, Nathan, Nathaniel, Naveed, Noel, Nilo, Nino
Oliver, Oleg, Ole, Olaf, Owen, Oskar/Oskar, Ollie/Olly, Otis, Osman, Omar, Otto, Okan, Orhan
Paul, Peter, Pete, Pasco, Paco, Pierre, Pio, Pius, Pedro, Pietro, Pablo, Patrick, Pascal, Phillip, Phillipe, Parker, Phil, Perry, Percy, Piero, Patricio, Pat
Quinn, Quince, Quest, Qais, Qaim, Quentin
Rob, Robbie/Robbie, Robert, Roman, Ross, Ryan, Rían, Richard, Ron, Ronald, Roberto, Roy/Ray/Rey, Roan/Rowan/Rohan, Rhys/Reece, Rick, Ricardo, Rory, Raphael/Rafael, Rámon, Rocco/Rocko, Rex, Ricky, Renee/Rene, Ralph, Rio, Rico/Riko, Remi, Ron, Ronald, Ruben/Reuben
Santiago, Samuel, Sam, Samu, Sammy, Shawn/Sean, Simon, Silas, Sage, Sasha, Steve, Scott, Seth, Samir, Stefan/Stephan, Said (Sah-id), Stellan, Sas(c)ha, Sven, Sebastian, Severin, Silvano, Silvan, Sofian, Soeren/Soren/Sören
Tom, Tommy, Tim, Timmy, Timothy, Tarek, Talon, Tomas/Thomas/Tomasz, Taylor/Tylor, Theo, Thiago/Tiago, Todd, Tony, Toby, Tobias, Tristan, Tatum, Ted, Timon, Timur, Tyson, Tyron,Tymon
Viktor/Victor, Vince, Vincent/Vincenc, Vladimir, Vito, Vitaly
William, Wyatt, Wayne, Wolf, Wyatt
Xavier, Xander, Xavi
Yunus, Yannis/Yanis, Yannik/Yanik, Yustus, Yusuf, Yael, Yoel, Yago, Yan, Yamir
Zack/Zach, Zachary, Zachariah, Zacharias, Zane, Zander, Zavier
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segrioramos · 7 years
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FIFA Confederations Cup 2017
Group A : 17.6.2017
Russia 2 x 0 New Zealand
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insularmodernities · 4 years
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: . Spaces on the Run - a project and publication investigating the status of public spaces in the context of Central Asia . A publication divided in four chapters; the first chapter introduces essays and contributions by invited researchers, second chapter is dedicated to a moving research platform across Central Asia – Mobile Workshops organised in Dushanbe, Almaty and Bishkek, highlighting some of the cases. This chapter also introduces the research-documentation laboratory and theoretical seminars developed in Dushanbe along with essays by invited curators. The last chapter comprises the documentation of art projects in public space realized by invited participants in Dushanbe. . Texts and contributions by theoreticians and curators: Victor DUBOVITSKIY(TJ), Madina JUNUSSOVA&Elena TYO(KZ), Natalia ANDRIANOVA(KGZ), Abdumannop ZIYAEV(UZ), Gafur SHERMATOV(TJ), Vladimir US(MD), [STEALTH.unlimited]-Ana DZOKIC&Marc NEELEN (SRB/NL), Gamal BOKONBAEV (KGZ), Yuliya SOROKINA(KG), Nelya KORZHOVA(RU) and Stefan RUSU (MD). . Art projects and interventions in public space by Ewa RUDNICKA(PL), Alexander NIKOLAEV(UZ), Jamshed KHOLIKOV(TJ), Aleksei RUMYANTSEV(TJ), Surayo TUYCHIEVA(TJ), Bakhytzhan SALIKHOV(KG), Murodjon SHARIFOV(TJ), Suleiman SHARIFI (TJ), Gulbara OMOROVA(KGZ), Sitora Tursunova(TJ) and Bahtier RAKHIMOV(TJ) . Publisher: Dushanbe Art Ground / PF “Sanati Muosir” Concept&Editor: Stefan RUSU Design: Farida YUNUSOVA Translations: Caterina YULDASHEVA Proofreading (Russian version): Caterina YULDASHEVA, Lilia DRAGNEVA Proofreading (English version), Laura SCHLEUSSNER, Erik William SMITH Printed by “MEGA BASIM YAYIN SAN VE TIC A.S.” Turkey. Istanbul. Edition: 500 . A project curated by Stefan Rusu, organised by Dushanbe ArtGround center, Tajikistan . ISBN 978-99947-892-7-6 . Preorder your copy via: [email protected] and get it via mail or pickup directly from Dushanbe ArtGround center, Tajikistan. . . #dushanbeartground #spacesontherun #stefanrusu #stefanrusuprojects #urbanism_tajikistan #urbanism_centralasia #urbanism_dushanbe #dushanbe #tajikistan (at Dushanbe, Tajikistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BfvU1xhlJdD/?igshid=a062ay7zx3ux
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moonstarphoenix · 5 years
Skate America Men’s SP Pt. 1
Welcome, old and new followers to the 2019-2020 season of Figure Skating! I hope y’all continue to enjoy my recaps and if you don’t want to see them, please feel free to black list figure skating. Quick reminders, I don’t recap pairs or ice dance except for big events so we have just the men and women.
First up, we get our first look at the men this season (officially):
And first up is Koshio Shimada from Korea. Easy triple axel to start. Doubled the quad. He’s new this year from the juniors but I kind of like this program. The music is really pretty. What a lovely program. He’ll be one to watch and with Stefan Lambiel as his coach, he’ll improve a lot over the next several seasons.
Roman Savosin is also a new senior up from the juniors. I ended up missing him because I had to restart my stream, but he does look less stiff than some of the other Russians I saw last year. He’s got some improving to do though, but nerves will get
Am I the only one that gets annoyed with Johnny calls Terry Gannon ‘Terrance’? I know that’s his real name, but his professional name is Terry. I don’t know it just bugs me. I also don’t like that I pay for the stream but I still have to listen to Tara and Johnny on US events.
Alexei Krasnozshon is our first American man. Hard fall. I don’t remember him at Nationals, I’ll have to go back and read my recaps. Apparently he came in 5th. Nice recovery on the axel but he seems to be a bit heavy skater. Not weight wise, of course. Just his landings are creating a lot of ice skid. Or maybe it was just that one. Interesting footwork that completely changed the music. I feel he would do better with a more rock program. He looks like he’s got some personality.
Michal Brezina looks ready. He’s the one last year that came back from retirement, his one of oldest men competing and had the best year of his career. A little shaky but again, it’s the first competition of the season. This will be a fun program once he really settles into it. Sexy, different, and fun. He’s not happy but he’s in first for now. Not a bad start.
Kazuki Tomono won 5th at the Worlds last year. He’s got a lot of speed, almost too much, but the music is kind of frantic so it fits. So far, no one has skated clean. This music feels very magical to me, almost like a fun house. The choreography is certainly interesting and different. This is another one that once he settles into it and really sells it, it will be amazing. I’m not surprised that Wier didn’t like that. It’s something he could never have pulled off.
Aleksei Bychenko is a fan favorite from the last few years. He’s even older than Michael at 31. Lots of life events for him and to add skating into it is a lot to take on but so far, he appears up to the challenge. Still doubled a triple. There’s been a lot of mistakes but there usually are at the beginning of the season. I like this program but he’s not selling it yet. He’s precious. He should be in first for now and I was wrong but 2nd isn’t bad for now.
The big group is next!
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unionlatinaeuropa · 4 years
Dando la vuelta a las mesas, Rusia envía ayuda de virus a los Estados Unidos
Un avión cargado de ayuda de coronavirus a Nueva York fue un golpe de propaganda para el Kremlin, atenuado por una epidemia cada vez más intensa en el país. MOSCÚ - A principios de la década de 1990, en medio del colapso de la Unión Soviética, azotado por la pobreza, la ayuda alimentaria estadounidense en forma de una avalancha de muslos de pollo baratos, los rusos los llamaron "piernas de Bush" , simbolizaba la humillante caída de una superpotencia. Tres décadas después, Moscú tuvo la oportunidad de cambiar las tornas. Un avión de transporte militar ruso An-124 gigante aterrizó en el Aeropuerto Internacional Kennedy en Nueva York, llevando cajas de máscaras y ventiladores de Rusia para una metrópoli afectada por una pandemia. "Si alguien hubiera dicho hace apenas una semana que Estados Unidos estaría agradeciendo a Rusia por la ayuda humanitaria", se maravilló el jueves un presentador en la televisión estatal rusa, el día después de que el avión aterrizó, "la gente hubiera dicho que estás loco. " Pero con la pandemia cada vez más sobre Rusia, la máquina de propaganda del Kremlin pareció evitar anunciar el envío de ayuda para que los rusos pensaran que el gobierno ignoraba su propia situación. Después de que los planes para el envío provocaron críticas en ambos lados del Atlántico, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en Moscú dijo el jueves que los dos países habían dividido de manera equitativa el costo de los productos médicos y que Rusia podría depender de la ayuda futura de los Estados Unidos en Moscú. luchando contra el coronavirus. "Estamos seguros de que si es necesario, en el futuro podrán ayudar a Rusia", dijo en un comunicado la portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Rusia, Maria Zakharova. El retroceso sobre el envío de Rusia a Nueva York, donde el gobernador y el alcalde han estado haciendo sonar las alarmas sobre la escasez de equipos de protección personal y ventiladores, trazó la sombra geopolítica proyectada sobre la respuesta global a la pandemia de coronavirus. También planteó nuevas preguntas sobre la estrecha relación de Trump con Putin, y el compromiso de Putin para combatir el virus en su propio país.
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Un avión de transporte militar ruso que transportaba equipos y suministros médicos aterrizó el miércoles en el Aeropuerto Internacional Kennedy de Nueva York. Crédito ...Stefan Jeremiah / Reuters Para el Kremlin, el envío fue un golpe de propaganda: la última oportunidad de mostrarle a la nación y al mundo del Sr. Putin que los días de Rusia como suplicante en el escenario mundial habían pasado hace mucho tiempo. Pero la victoria de la propaganda fue agridulce a medida que la propagación del coronavirus se aceleró en Rusia, tal vez explicando por qué el aterrizaje del avión en Nueva York recibió solo un tratamiento superficial en las principales transmisiones de noticias de la televisión estatal rusa del jueves. Si bien la pandemia aún no parece haber alcanzado la escala observada en Europa occidental y Estados Unidos, en Rusia, los políticos de oposición y los trabajadores médicos han advertido de una posible escasez de equipos en las próximas semanas. En la región de Perm, en los Montes Urales, las autoridades instaron el miércoles a los residentes a comenzar a coser sus propias máscaras. "Los médicos y enfermeras de todo el país están sentados sin máscaras y se enferman mutuamente", publicó en Twitter el activista opositor Aleksei A. Navalny . “Esto es monstruoso. Putin está loco. Putin no mencionó la entrega de ayuda en una dirección a la nación sobre el coronavirus el jueves. En cambio, advirtió que algunas regiones, incluida Moscú, aún no habían controlado la pandemia. "Los especialistas en virología creen que la epidemia aún no ha llegado a su punto máximo a nivel mundial, y lo mismo ocurre con nuestro país", dijo el jueves un severo Sr. Putin, dirigiéndose a los rusos desde su país de origen fuera de Moscú, donde ha estado trabajando de forma remota en los últimos días. . Putin dijo que las vacaciones pagadas en todo el país para combatir la pandemia se extenderían hasta fin de mes, pero dejó que las autoridades regionales decreten sus propias medidas de distanciamiento social. Las dos ciudades más grandes y más afectadas de Rusia, Moscú y San Petersburgo, fueron clausuradas esta semana y los residentes tienen prohibido abandonar sus hogares, excepto para comprar alimentos y medicinas, y pasear a sus perros a menos de cien metros de su residencia. Rusia ha reportado muchas menos personas infectadas que los países más afectados como Estados Unidos e Italia, pero su número se ha cuadruplicado durante la semana pasada, a 3,548, y las autoridades informaron el jueves 770 nuevos casos, en comparación con solo 182 nuevas infecciones. hace una semana. Treinta pacientes con coronavirus habían muerto en Rusia el jueves por la mañana, dijo el gobierno.
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Esperando en línea para la prueba de coronavirus en Moscú el 27 de marzo.  Crédito ...Sergey Ponomarev para The New York Times El coronavirus ya ha afectado a la economía de Rusia, con la caída de la demanda mundial de petróleo y otros recursos naturales de Rusia, en parte como resultado de la pandemia. Pero también le ha proporcionado al Kremlin nuevas oportunidades de propaganda, ya que Rusia, por ahora, parece tener un mejor desempeño en desacelerar la propagación del virus que los países occidentales. Si bien muchos rusos dudan de la cantidad oficial de casos y muertes, no ha habido informes de hospitales abrumados por pacientes. El ejército ruso dijo la semana pasada que también había enviado al menos 15 aviones cargados de equipos y personal médico para ayudar a Italia a combatir el virus. El Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia envió a los periodistas con sede en Moscú al menos 37 correos electrónicos para anunciar esa misión, incluidas imágenes de camiones militares rusos de color verde oscuro acompañados por la policía italiana en las carreteras italianas. Llevaban banderas rusas junto con pancartas que decían "De Rusia con amor". Los medios de comunicación pro-Kremlin se han apresurado a contrastar la misión italiana de Rusia con lo que dicen que es una falta de ayuda a Italia desde Estados Unidos e incluso otros países europeos. "Cada uno de estos países que forman parte del mismo bloque de la OTAN y de la Unión Europea y se jactan de su solidaridad transatlántica comenzó separándose unos de otros e intentaron resolver todos sus problemas por su cuenta", Konstantin Kosachev, el jefe de la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores en la cámara alta del Parlamento ruso, dijo en una entrevista de televisión estatal rusa el jueves. Putin y Trump hablaron el lunes, y el presidente estadounidense luego dijo que Rusia fue "muy agradable" al enviar "un avión muy, muy grande de cosas". Brett McGurk , el antiguo enviado especial de Trump a la coalición que lucha contra el Estado Islámico, calificó el vuelo ruso como "una bonanza de propaganda" y dijo que Washington se había alejado de un papel de liderazgo mundial en la lucha contra la crisis del coronavirus.
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Aunque el envío de máscaras y otra ayuda médica de Rusia tenía el propósito de mostrar el estado del país como proveedor de ayuda internacional, el presidente Vladimir Putin no lo mencionó en un discurso nacional el jueves. Crédito ...Foto de la piscina por Alexei Druzhinin Sin embargo, Rusia insistió en que el vuelo de ayuda a Nueva York era parte de una estrategia a largo plazo para combatir la pandemia a nivel mundial. El Fondo de Inversión Directa de Rusia, respaldado por el gobierno, que pagó la mitad del envío, dijo que estaba trabajando con compañías estadounidenses para entregar suministros médicos a Rusia si fuera necesario. El jueves, surgió el último objetivo de la diplomacia del virus de Rusia: Serbia. Moscú y Occidente han luchado durante mucho tiempo por la influencia en el país de los Balcanes, que ha informado de más de 1,000 casos confirmados de coronavirus. Putin habló por teléfono con su homólogo serbio, Aleksandar Vucic, y prometió que los militares de Rusia enviarían ayuda para ayudar a combatir el virus. Posteriormente, el Sr. Vucic emitió un comunicado agradeciendo al Kremlin, según la agencia de noticias Interfax. A pesar de la crisis que afecta a la propia Rusia, la declaración decía: "el liderazgo ruso está pensando en Serbia y el pueblo serbio amigable". Read the full article
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