#also for a show this dark its kinda gay 😕
gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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inf3ct3dd · 10 months
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warnings: gay ppl (ewwww omg 🙄🙄)
authors note: im a sucker for a barista au, what can i say 😕 also im obsessed w this song rn
you started prepping the coffee beans, pouring them into a large class container while you moved your head back and forth, music blasting through your headphones.
you loved working the opening shift. most people definitely would not, but giving that you had an insane sleep schedule and were already awake at 4am, you decided to take it.
your favorite part? you worked by yourself.
you had always loved doing weird shit in your room. acting out fake scenarios, having fake concerts, dancing around to music, girly shit!!! but having a roommate, a very reserved quiet girl named amy who went to sleep at 9pm every night (weirdoooo…) you didn’t have very much…freedom.
but the opening shift? you could be as weird as you wanted to. it was basically like your room, if your room was a coffee shop.
you walked into the supply room, still dancing around to your music. you were grabbing random milks and flavorings to bring back to the front, when you started singing into one of the milk containers as you walked back.
you set it down in its proper place, now spinning yourself around and checking that everything was in its place. you bounced on your feet, music still blaring in your ears.
you suddenly had a background in cheer, singing along to the chant in the song and shaping your arms into the letters, adding in your own random choreography you made up.
you look at the clock, reading [4:45 AM], indicating you’ll be opening soon.
most people didn’t show up til at least 5:30, so you knew you had nothing to worry about, deciding to make yourself a drink.
well, what you cant see cant hurt you, right?
a girl approached the glass entrance of the coffee shop, stopping to read the hours.
you were still lost in your own world, mixing your chai latte while dancing and singing behind the counter. you were very into it, committing to the fake choreo you made yourself for the chorus. you mixed your chai and oat milk together, shaking them in the mixing cup while moving your hips back and forth and switching sides with the cup you were shaking.
the girl quickly noticed you, and a smile crept onto her face as she watched you move around. you didn’t notice her at all, still lost in your musical barista-ing.
you effortlessly scooped some ice into your cup, pouring the latte over it and putting a cap on. you’re moving in an almost perfect rhythm, your movements matching the beats of the song. a cheesy smile is plastered as you finish, drawing a smiley-face on your cup before taking a sip.
you look up to the clock, seeing its now 5:00, and you have to move the “open” sign. you take a sip of your drink first, closing your eyes in contentment as you taste it.
the girl is still looking at you through the glass, enamored by how happy you are at 5 in the morning. you completely contrasted her. your bright sweater under your overalls, curls pulled up into a high ponytail, and glasses now sitting low on your nose seemed to fit your personality (or her rough impression of it from staring at you for five minutes) perfectly. she almost wishes you don’t notice her, you seem so in your element.
her wishes are not obeyed, as you look over at the door and lock eyes with her almost immediately, slightly jumping at her sudden presence and the fact that she was most definitely staring at you.
how long has she been there….
you lower your headphones onto your neck, music still leaking through.
you look at the girl for a second, taking in her features (or what you can see from across the cafe), and the main note you got was gay.
and kinda hot.
she had redish-brown hair, cut into a mullet stopping at the bottom of her neck. her jade-green eyes were staring right at you, and they perfectly complimented the brown freckles adorning her face. she had layered a dark grey long sleeve with a black band tee, with a pair of greyish-blue jeans and some seriously fucked up converse.
you quickly snap out of your daze, setting your drink down and walking over to the door. you flip the open sign over so it reveals the “open” side to the people entering, and unlock the door for the girl.
“sorry for the uh…wait? i dunno how long you were out there.”
she lightly giggles before walking into the store.
“yeah, you seemed like you were having a good time.”
you offer a laugh in response, walking behind the order counter.
she definitely saw me.
“you know what you want?”
you slightly wince at your words, feeling not very customer-service-y. your nerves were getting the best of you.
“hm…i dunno, whats that?”
ellie gestures towards your drink.
“my favorite! its just a chai latte, but i put oat milk and brown sugar syrup!”
you smile, content with your reply. it clearly rubs off on the brunette, as she smiles back at you.
“does it come with a performance?”
you roll your eyes at her response, laughing slightly.
“nah, gotta pay extra for that.”
you type her order into the cashier, still smiling.
“how much?” she jokingly asks, making the both of you giggle.
you look down at her hands on the counter , fingers slightly tapping it, the sound of her silver rings hitting it quietly repeating.
those are some homosexual hands.
“can i get that hot though? my professors classroom’s fuckin freezing.”
you laugh again, giving her a nod and changing the order in the system.
“is that it, window stalker?”
she chuckles at you.
“should be, twinkle toes.”
you roll your eyes at her, grabbing a cup and your pen.
“you got a real name, or should i just put that?”
“ellie. do you have a real name?”
you give her your name, writing hers down on the cup, along with a heart and some sparkles.
she repeats your name, nodding before paying and leaning on the counter of the pickup area.
you make her drink, still moving around a bit as you make it. you cant help it!!! you’re happyyyy :))
ellies really taking the stalker thing to heart, trying her hardest not to stare. but she CANT, you just look too perfect to not admire. shes never seen someone this giddy at work.
you decide to make a simple heart design with the milk, expertly pouring it into a perfect shape.
you proudly walk over to the pickup area, setting the drink down in front of you.
you slide the drink in front of her, a proud smile plastered on your face.
she stares at the drink, face practically lighting up.
“wow, all this for me?”
she says, fake shocked.
a heart? is this how baristas flirt?
“cute drink for a cute girl.”
you look back at her, and see her features overcome by a slight red tint.
she smiles back at you, taking the cup into her hands and turning it over to see her name on the side, adorned with hearts and sparkles. adorable.
without a second thought you walk over to your cashier station. ellies shocked by your sudden disappearance, and slightly disappointed. but she cheers up when she sees you’re writing something down.
you walk back over to her, number in hand, and a cheesy grin on your face.
“here. so you don’t have to sit outside and stare at me anymore.”
she graciously accepts the paper, putting it in her pocket.
“who said this is gonna stop me? i enjoyed the show.”
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