#also not my gameplay I chose Aether
sunfudge · 8 months
This changed my life
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nekoashiii · 2 years
Ngl, I see this reptile showing the poor twin some... gifts to us, I'd be wondering when this game turned into a survival horror game ToT
I'd lose my mind the moment I hear that boss music, how to save our darling Aether/Lumine? Deleting that mod would suffice, I believe... I WILL fear three times worse knowing I let my bias there. So I won't go with any less than that. The Twin and I are going to leave together to normal gameplay, lmao
Zhongli- so you have chosen dead.
Aether/Lumine- ?????
The twins are held at gunpoint by morax I swear -
Deleting the mod would result in time stopping and morax having whatever the hell happened as a memory he clearly remembers
So obviously when you finished the liyue archon quest and packing to leave to inazuma, zhongli stopped traveler and their companion, paimon.
He quickly acted against it and brought both of them to ningguang, told her about how you chose them as precious vessels, and how they need to be taken care of under his eyes
Now when I say he clearly remembers, that means Traveler also remembers.
So they made the best decision. Escaping. Running before zhongli catches them, and throw them into their luxurious cage again.
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mmorw · 1 year
I also like Al-Haitham, Baizhu and Kaveh. But I couldn't get Al-Haitham 😞😞😞. My favorite character is Chongyun. He was the very first one I had. And I also like Ayato, Thoma, Heizou, Razor, Bennett, Tighnari, Cyno, Gorou and Zhongli. I'm lucky that I was able to get them all. I also started doing cross stitch with Zhongli. And among girls I like Yanfei and Yae Miko
same, I didn't get Al-Haitham, but I still kinda like him :D !
I'm kind of shy but I don't have any of the archons haha, I started playing genshin for Venti and I still don't have him 😿 and yeah! Chongyun was also some of first characters I had, I was his main for a while but I think it just didn't work 😔
and also Yanfei ! sometimes it was a pain to pull for a character from the promo banner and have her come out, i just have all her constellations and my girl just isn't here for the team 🥹🥹.
maybe a bit silly but i have the traveler at 90, i chose aether and i didn't let him go lmao I love him 😭😭
and with Yae Miko, I have her too! I played with her for a while but I couldn't adapt to her gameplay, she still has an decent build tho 💝
anyway, thanks for sharing your opinion with me! 🫶💘
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astrxlis-archive · 2 years
Figured out that maybe i would just send in short asks for now 💪 it's pretty relaxing and doesn't take much time lmao 🤭
"hewwo 🍰 uwu" ok this is so cute fox 🥺 it is really cute 🤭
I do lowkey like getting accurate results... Or those calling you out especially on uquiz because you can't view other results unless you got it (unlike in quotev) :(( getting an accurate result feels very rewarding to me 😍
Since i have done the irodori quest + archon quest quiet a time ago already and it's not the heated topic of these days now, i would just recall on what i can remember ! 💕 They're like so random 😭
— my thoughts for the irodori: i like it. Lowkey detective game. I love how the characters may seem random but would make sense once you played through it all. Albedo's the ideal kind of person everyone wants to be. Me too. I want to be him. And i hate him for that. Klee and Yoimiya interaction is so cute. I love the book they made. The illustrations are really cute. Yoimiya is so sweet :3 As a Kazuha liker, i know i am not fond of Scaramouche. But this event really made me... Not like him more xD i am sorry to every scara liker and apologist, but i do not condone his actions and i wanna kick and smack his ass HARD if i could. Albedo is a genius for helping Xingqiu with stamping signatures. I love Albedo's illustrations, now HAND IT OVER!!! THIS IS A FOOKIN ROBBERY MY MAN IM STEALIN YOUR ART POWER!! Kazuha is really lovely and beautiful. I like the splash water -> make illustrations appear using this magic ink. I forgot about talking about Venti, hold on 😭 I apologize. He's a funny guy. The way he slowly looked up to Sara when his way was blocked bc he is sus. I really like the side quests. The itto and thoma one was wild. HE'S ALLERGIC TO BEANS oh No! I was thinking what if Yae is the general of Tenryou forces instead of Sara, i bet he'd tremble a bit on the battlefield. Kokomi and Yae penpals so cute. He's also still acting his role as a general of watatsumi bc he expressed his concern for the region's agriculture when making an exchange for the novel books for scientific agriculture ones. Ayato is truly a great mastermind in the background. I love hoe we get to interact with each and every inazuma character here :D
— Additional thoughts for Irodori Fest but the minigames edition: the theater mechanicus is disappointing this time. Theater Mechanicus is actually my favorite minigame (except this time). I Love the flower arrangement event !!!!!!! That's my favorite. The clash of lone blades' parry gameplay is really unique but i suck at it 😎 taroumarou beat my ass so hard and left me sobbing that a dog defeated me. I also LOVE the poem minigame!!! I like how they let you choose what lines to put etc etc. But what is not ok is making me take photos of so many random stuff then finding out that i havent taken the photo of this certain item to unlock the last poem lines.
— my thoughts for the Archon quest: hello Dainsleif it's been a while my man. I actually don't remember anything now omg. I like Halfdan's hair. It breaks my heart that Dain had to lie to him to make him pass away in peace. What a beautiful comradeship. The hilichurl suffering is so... So twisted. I don't remember if Lumine(my abyss twin bc i chose aether) really agreed to let this happen and not save the hilichurls bc she was seen offering the Inteyvat flowers. But it breaks my heart how they find the place to rest and accept their death :((( i actually thought we'd have more time to spend with Halfdan but. :( Okay this is sad. I really think it's just very short if not for me struggling to climb the floating buildings 🤣😭
Ok that's all 👏 thank u
— 🍰.
i started writing this reply when i recieved this ask, on may 19th, and then my life derailed. i’m sorry. there have been many more events since then, but i tried to the best of my ability to provide an answer to this one.
hewwo 🍰 :3c
i’m gonna keep using the hewwo then because that’s how i greet my friends honestly 😂 i’m glad you think it’s cute 🤭
me too! results that call you out are 🔥. now that you mention quotev, the last quiz i took there was probably an A/B/O one years ago 💀 do you try to get other results just to see what it says on uquiz?
ah, don’t worry about that!! i actually hadn’t done the archon quest by the time you sent this ask because i didn’t have the time. i actually finished it like three days before 2.7 was released 🫠 then i spedrun itto’s story quest because i had a feeling it’d be a requirement for the new one and i was right 😮‍💨
thank you for sharing your thoughts!! i’m sorry you feel jealous of albedo, but honestly, i can relate. mf is pretty and a genius and talented and good on pretty much everything we’ve seen him do – for some reason that makes me fear even more for his future… yoimiya really is sweet 🥹 as both a scara and a kazuha liker…. i think i’ll keep quiet on this one 😂😂😂😂 venti showing up was honestly the highlight of the event for me, maybe because i’m starved for more venti content… i’m still waiting for his second story quest…
itto. oh man, itto. istg every time thay man shows up on screen i’m automatically smiling. i have zero doubts he goes bug thoma when he can, and thoma entertains him because they’re friends 🫶 the way thoma felt responsible for him when he had the allergic reaction was so nice to see; he really is a caring person, through and through.
dude, gorou and kokomi showing up was literally the least expected thing for me. it was funny to see how they all interacted with miko. and yeah, kokomi and her being penpals was so cute!! i wonder if they only talk about book… gorou absconding the second he saw yae tho 😂😂😂 my man had war flashbacks non related to the actual war. he’s also incredibly selfless. i appreciate him a lot more now.
honestly, i don’t know who i was expecting to be behind the whole story chashing thing, but for some reason i wasn’t expecting ayato – maybe because in my head he’s always so busy, he wouldn’t get this involved… i don’t know. it was nice seeing him though.
i wish i could share my own thoughts about the minigames because honestly, they seemed pretty fun if i had had the time to enjoy them. i spedrun everything to get the rewards 🥲 but listen, taroumaru was a very hard fight. i remember fighting him more than once bc he kept beating me up. you’ve fought well 🫡 the picture taking also made me angry because of that – like, at least tell me the pics i need to take!!!! 🤬 i like having all options!!! but i’m not gonna keep going back to take more pics!!!!!
as for the archon quest, dude. i was so pissed to see dainsleif. like, mf has the balls to speedrun into the portal lumi disappeared while knowing i’ve been searching for her and then months later reappear into my life like nothing happened????? no. just no. i did the quest complaining the entire time until it gave me more lore lmao and then it broke my heart in half by confirming the whole “hilichurls are khaenri’ahn citizens” theory. i’m pretty sure lumi was informed of what would happen to them once she activated the bell, but i think she was trying to reverse the curse? it was pretty short, climbing and fights aside. it took me a little longer because it was a painful quest to do… i keep visiting the place where she left the inteyvats for the hilichurls, hanging out for a minute and then moving on.
as for halfdan… i wish we had more time with him too, but i understand why we didn’t. it’s not like he was really there, you know? the only moment we got to truly talk to him was at his end, and even then, he needed to know the citizens were okay. i was not okay.
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sothe · 6 years
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I finished Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would..so I tried to make the main cast into FEH units...explanations under the cut.
Itsuki Aoi - Everyman
Type - Sword Infantry 
BST - 163
Stats - HP (43) Attack (34) Speed (36) Defense (25) Resistance (25)
Weapon - Idol Falchion (Effective against dragon units, Inflicts -7 Attack to unit on enemy team with the highest Attack until their next action, Grants Def/Res +3 to adjacent allied units)
Assist - Rally Up Atk/Spd+ (Grants Attack/Speed +4 to target ally and all allies within two spaces of target, excluding unit, for one turn)
Special - Aether
A Skill - Fury 3
B Skill - Chill Speed 
C Skill - N/A
Explanation: Itsuki is an all-arounder type of unit. His stats look impressive, but that’s due to Fury’s +3 to all stats. Chill Attack in his weapon and Chill Speed as his skill give him a supportive niche...that I just realized Soren has with his tome. But whatever, Soren is a green mage and Lon’qu and Raven have the same refine so just let me have this. Rally Up Atk/Spd is something that i see coming since Ophelia brought the first Rally Up skill and it took a little bit for dual rallies to come out. Most of the Falchion users have some support based bonus granted by their sword so I made Itsuki’s help out allies instead of himself since in TMS he is usually helping instead being on the forefront. (Story-wise, gameplay wise he is force deployed whether you want him or not lmaoo) He doesn’t have his own show or song, but he’s always helping his friends with their show business jobs. 
Tsubasa Oribe - Dreamer
Type - Flying Lance Singer
BST - 150
Stats - HP (32) Attack (31) Speed (37) Defense (24) Resistance (26)
Weapon - Ethereal Feather (If Sing is used on an allied unit grants unit another action and heals unit 10 HP)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - HP/Atk 2
B Skill - Aerobatics 3
C Skill - Distant Guard 3
Explanation: So she could have just been a regular Peg Knight but since in TMS her main focus is becoming an idol I made her a singer/refresher. Her Weapon is supportive and not offensive because tbh...she doesn’t have the best offensive capabilities compared to Touma, the other lance user in TMS. He beats her in raw physical dmg, but she destroys him in the magic department, BUT Kiria takes the cake for best magic user so Tsubasa is best used as a support healer with some offensive moves thrown in. Distant Guard helps give her teammates some extra def/res and Aerobatics help her get to her teammates, but Wings of Mercy is easily another skill that could be there. IS hasn’t actually given a dancer/singer WoM so I figured it was just taboo for them and I was ‘trying’ to go for realism.
Touma Akagi - Just an Extra
Type - Lance Cavalier 
BST - 157
Stats - HP (42) Attack (35) Speed (28) Defense (31) Resistance (21)
Weapon - Brionac (Grants Atk+3, If units attack is greater than enemies attack then special cooldown -1 for each attack)
Assist - Shove
Special - Growing Flame
A Skill - Atk/Def Solo 3
B Skill - Quick Riposte 3
C Skill - N/A
Explanation: Touma is best boy. Ok, but he is my favorite of the cast and his whole journey as a character is him trying to become a hero people look up to. So I wanted his kit to represent that. His weapon has Heavy Blade built into it since he is pretty slow and he needs the extra cooldown reductions. He has Atk/Def solo to represent his want of being a hero on his own and he has Shove to get a nearby ally away from him so he can take advantage of his skill. Quick Riposte would have been his go-to B skill so I just gave it to him and it makes sense for the kit. TBH no one in this game is slow...besides Mamori so I put him in the high attack/def, low speed category since I didn’t want all the builds to look the same?
Kiria Kurono - Poker Face
Type - Green Infantry Mage
BST - 140
Stats - HP (32) Attack (34) Speed (30) Defense (15) Resistance (29)
Weapon - Sharur (Grants Res +3, if unit is adjacent to an ally at the start of the turn then ally and unit granted Atk/Spd +3)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - N/A
B Skill - Chill Res 3
C Skill - Spd Ploy 3
Explanation: Kiria is another one of my favorite characters, her cool demeanor and hidden love for cute things is fun. (Plus her aesthetic is on point) She is the resident magic nuke of the bunch, and even though I gave her lower BST than regular mages I tried to represent that as well. Kind of anyways, she is already an established idol by the begining of the game so I made her a refresher. I wanted her to be supportive since a refresher’s job is to help teammates and give extra turns, but I also tried to make her a threat. Her weapon Sharur grants an adjacent ally, and Kiria herself, +3 Atk/Spd. The buff coupled with Spd Ploy gives her a decent offensive presence if needed. Chill Res is to help her and any other mages on her team, and Spd Ploy is just helpful all around. 
Eleonora Yumizuru - Rising Star
Type - Blue Infantry Archer
BST - 150
Stats - HP (35) Attack (32) Speed (38) Defense (23) Resistance (22)
Weapon - Pinaka (Grants Def +3, After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts status on target and foes within 2 spaces of target preventing counterattacks through their next actions)
Assist - N/A
Special - Blazing Thunder
A Skill - Mirror Strike 2
B Skill - Windsweep 3
C Skill - N/A
Explanation: So Eleonora grew on me since at first she seemed supper arrogant, but through her side missions and with her appearances in other side stories she shows a lot of character that would be missed otherwise. She’s like the groups big sister, and ironically she’s younger than most of the cast, but like Yashiro and Kiria she’s been in the entertainment industry longer than Itsuki, Tsubasa, Touma, and Mamori so she has the knowledge. So in TMS she has quite a few moves that inflict status effects like Charm, Poison, etc. I tried representing that in her weapon which acts like the healer stave Candlelight+. Blazing Thunder is because her affinity is electric imo since she learns more electric attacks than any other magic element. That’s also my reasoning for making her a blue archer since thunder mages are usually represented in FEH as blue. Windsweep is to apply the Candlelight debuff safely on physical units with DC, and Mirror Strike is to even out her defenses if she were to initiate on a Dragon unit or mage.
Mamori Minamoto - Microwave Idol
Type - Green Axe Armor
BST - 175
Stats - HP (46) Attack (35) Speed (27) Defense (36) Resistance (31)
Weapon - Holy Axe (Grants Res +3, Allies within two spaces of unit are granted Def/Res +3 during combat)
Assist - N/A
Special - Pavise
A Skill - N/A
B Skill - Vengeful Fighter 3
C Skill - Close Guard 3
Explanation: So Mamori is the newest mirage master and she’s the most supportive of all of them. She literally protects her friends from attacks and takes them herself. So I tried to make her supportive in a defensive way. Her weapon Holy Axe gives her more Res and is basically Drive Def/Res for any allies within two spaces. Pavise hearkens to her Radiant Skill that reduces dmg taken when she protects an ally. Vengeful Fighter is just disgustingly good and she’s an armor who isn’t fast enough for Special Fighter and since she has the stats for defense instead of offense I chose VF. Close Guard is also supposed to be a callback to her protecting skills. 
Something to note is that the cast is sort of split into singers and actors. All the characters cross into the other form of entertainment at some point in the game, and Mamori is more focused on becoming a singer over becoming an actor or something. BUT an armored singer would be weird so I just didn’t make her one...
Yashiro Tsurugi - Cold Hearted
Type - Red Sword Infantry
BST - 149
Stats - HP (37) Attack (34) Speed (37) Defense (22) Resistance (22)
Weapon - Futsuno Mitama (At the start of the turn enemies within two spaces of unit receive -5 Atk/Spd)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - Spd/Def Bond 3
B Skill - N/A
C Skill - Spur Atk/Def 2
Explanation: Yashiro is a good representation for the ‘enemy becomes an ally’ trope. I feel like that’s a spoiler but it’s not like he does anything super important as an ‘enemy’ he’s just the typical angsty “I’m just measuring your abilities” guy for a while until he decides Itsuki and co are cool enough to hang with. MOST of the time I dislike those characters since if I was Itsuki I would have called bullshit and told him to screw off, but Yashiro has the best character growth throughout the game imo. He’s a myrmidon so high atk/spd and low defenses, but since I made him a Singer due to his established Idol status his defenses are...bad. His skills are offensive and defensive since I wanted him to be potent as a killer and decent as a support. His weapon is both supportive and offensive as well since it debuffs for either him or an ally to take out the enemy.
Tiki - Mirage Uta-loid
Type - Green Infantry Dragon
BST - 150
Stats - HP (33) Attack (32) Speed (36) Defense (22) Resistance (27)
Weapon - Divine Songstone (Grants ally atk/spd/def/res +3 when refreshed, also if foe is ranged targets lower of the foes defense or resistance)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - N/A
B Skill - Wings of Mercy 3
C Skill - Guidance 3
Explanation: So Tiki isn’t playable, but she does play a big part of the story and she’s well known in the FEH community so I made her into a unit as well. I keep saying the word supportive in these explanations but Tiki literally can’t help with anything offensive besides forging weapons for the main cast to use. So her Songstone grants the Uror/Skuld buffs, Wings of Mercy is taboo for a refresher to have by default but I don’t care, and then Guidance is to help ferry her team. In TMS Tiki exists as an Vocaloid like Hatsune Miku, but they call them Uta-loids(?) so she is also a refresher. This build was mostly for fun and had the least amount of thought put into it. :)
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tyfye49-blog · 7 years
HOW 2 SAVE THE WORLD: a Spyro Concept Game
So, as a result of my recent obsession with the Spyro the Dragon and The Legend of Spyro games, I have developed a mighty need for a new and better take on the Spyro franchise, since we haven't had any good Spyro games since the Legend series (and no, Skylanders doesn't count). So, for the past couple weeks, I've been developing a fair few ideas for a new Spyro game. The general idea of the game is that it acts like a cross between the Spyro the Dragon games, utilizing their search-and-receiving/platforming gameplay, as well as their good-natured humor, and The Legend of Spyro games, utilizing their combat and upgrade styles, as well as their story building, lore, and character development techniques.
Once it all comes together, you've got a game that seems funny and lighthearted on the surface, but once you start delving deeper into the game itself, you notice a much, MUCH deeper story. Of course, this comes with characters that the players can connect with on a personal level, each with their own fleshed-out backstories.
Now, with all this being said, it's time to get to the main point of this post: the central story mechanics of "How 2 Save the World" by Spyro (and friends). (yes, that's the title of the game. It's amazing, I know.)
How 2 Save the World: Explaining the Elements and Elemental Magic
Basic Elements: Tangible elements which manifest in the physical world around us; Fire, Ice, Air, Earth, Lightning, and Water. - The element a dragon is born with dictates it's scale color: Red and orange for Fire, pale blue and white for Ice, light green and gray for Air, brown and dark green for Earth, dark or light shades of yellow and blue for Lightning, and dark or light shades of blue for Water. - Each Basic element overpowers another; Fire overpowers Ice, Ice overpowers Air, Air overpowers Earth, Earth overpowers Lightning, Lightning overpowers Water, and Water overpowers Fire. - Each element acts as a counterbalance to another; Fire and Earth counterbalance, Ice and Lightning counterbalance, and Air and Water counterbalance. - Each element triangulates with two other elements: Fire, Air and Lightning triangulate, and Ice, Earth and Water triangulate. - When two Basic dragons of the same element mate, their children will ALWAYS be the same element as the parents. - When a Basic dragon mates with a Basic dragon with an overpowering element, their children have a 75% chance to be the element of the overpowering parent, and a 25% chance to be the element of the underpowered parent. - When a Basic dragon mates with a Basic dragon of a counterbalancing element, their children have a 50% chance of being either of the parents' elements. - When a Basic dragon mates with a Basic dragon with an element that triangulates, their children have a 25% chance to be one of the parents' elements, a 25% chance to be the other parent's element, and a 50% chance to be the third element in the triangulation.
Core Elements: Intangible elements that exist everywhere but have no "true" physical form; Light, Darkness, Life, and Death. Each has it's opposite, and each one maintains balance with the other. - Dragons who are born naturally* with a Core element always have purple scales (though they vary in shade depending on which Core element the dragon controls). *(as of today, there are three dragons with unnatural cases Core elemental magic; thus, their scales are not purple) - If a purple dragon mates with a Basic dragon, their children have a 50% chance of being the element of the Basic dragon parent and a 50% chance of being any other Basic element. - If a purple dragon mates with another purple dragon, their children have an equal chance of being any one of the Basic elements. - It is unknown what the circumstances must be for a purple dragon to be born; it is speculated that they come into being when a mother dragon is impregnated while the Barrier is in high fluctuation in the general area. In other words, high amounts of Aether in the area around the unborn dragon will give it access to a Core element.
The Aether: The Original Element; a singular, perfect elemental magic from which the Core and Basic elements originate. - It resided within the Convexity Dimension as a single element under the control of a single sentient being; the Aether Dragon. During it's existence, the constant strain of opposing Concavity energy ripped apart the Dragon and broke down the single element into ten incomplete elements. In a last-ditch attempt to prevent the Aether element from being completely destroyed, the Dragon created an eternal, hyper-dimensional Barrier between Convexity and Concavity, turning them into their own separate dimensions. - It was not enough to truly save the Dragon or it's singular element, however, and now they exist in the form of the Core elements and the Basic elements.
Convexity: The existence of elemental magic; the fusion and/or creation of elements. - The act of channeling the power of Convexity into a single elemental type will cause the element to condense and "solidify", making it much more potent. - Channeling Convexity into multiple elements at once (via a purple dragon) will fuse the elements together into a more "pure" element; a "pseudo-Aether", if you will. - All dragons are capable of channeling Convexity, be it in a highly disciplined, controlled state as the result of copious training, or in the form of a massive, uncontrolled burst, used in a dire situation when all other options seem lost. - This uncontrolled "burst" of Convexity has been dubbed "Fury" by dragons of recent age. It is so named because it causes the user to enter a state of furious rage while expelling a highly potent, condensed form of their elemental magic from their body. This "Fury" only seems to manifest in times of dire need, and it often leaves it's user physically and magically drained afterwards.
Concavity: The absence of elemental magic; the fission and/or destruction of elements. - Only two types of entities have been confirmed to be able to channel Concavity outside of the Concavity Dimension itself: Anti-Crystals (also known as "Siphons" or "Siphon Crystals"), and the purple dragon Malefor (as a result of his over-exposure to the Concavity Dimension). - Anti-Crystals are apparently the only naturally-occurring physical objects that exist in the Concavity dimension. They are essentially points of condensed Concavity energy that only serve to suck Aether out of the Dimensional Barrier. They form in spaces where larger amounts of the Barrier's power has flowed to, as if to naturally balance out the ratio of Concavity to Convexity. Once formed, Anti-Crystals remain suspended in Concavity indefinitely, absorbing and destroying a steady amount of elemental magic, even after the Barrier's power has flowed into a different spot. If enough Aether flows of a single spot after an Anti-Crystal has formed there, the crystal will warp through the barrier and manifest itself in the corresponding space in Convexity. - Once they have entered Convexity, Anti-Crystals will appear "blacker-than-black", completely void of Light, Darkness, Life energy, and Death. They will lack any form of elemental energy at all times, turning into vacuums for elemental energy and any form of elemental magic, instilling the effects of Concavity on anything around them and draining the immediate vicinity of energy. - Despite their black-hole-like effects on surrounding magic, Anti-Crystals can only absorb a steady amount of energy at any given time. While they will remain intact if the area around them has been completely drained, it is possible to overload them with a massive amount of magic at once, causing them to collapse on themselves and vanish completely.
The Heroes of "How 2 Save the World":
In this game, you are given the option of playing as one of four different characters at a given time: Spyro (obviously), Cynder, Ember, and Kindel (Don't recognize that name? Good, because he's original). The player [usually] has the ability to swap between any of the four characters at any given time, but in some cases, you will be locked into the character you're currently playing as for story-specific purposes. This will not only make these instances harder or easier, but it can, and most often will, change the storyline, depending on who you were playing as, or which elements you chose to use. While these changes won't necessarily give you different endings of the game, they can effect interactions with different characters or different situations down the line. For instance, if the character you play as has a bad reputation with a certain group of NPCs, it would be unwise to approach said NPCs while playing as that character, because it could permanently affect your party's relations with them. The character you choose to play as will also affect how you handle combat sections of the game, since all the characters have differing combat styles: Kindel leans heavily towards the attacking side while being bad at taking hits himself; Ember is more defensive than the rest of her team, but she lacks incredible speed; Cynder doesn't have impressive damage output, but she makes up for it with astounding agility; and Spyro is the most balanced of the bunch, with a regulated attack, speed, and defense.
Sometimes, the character you choose for a story event doesn't matter, but the type of element you use to get the job done does. Each character can control one of three elements that they have on hand at a time, and one of the three elements will always be a Core element specific to the character you're playing as: Spyro controls Light, Cynder controls Darkness, Ember controls Life, and Kindel controls Death. Each character has access to these elements from the start of the game (albeit, weaker forms of said elements), but as the game progresses and as you strengthen each character individually, you can eventually allow each of them to access two of the six Basic elements, as well. (To be clear, it it possible to teach a single Basic element to more than one character (as a matter of fact, you would probably wind up doing that anyway, since each character has two Basic element slots, which gives room for eight out of six).)
Spyro: Not too much to say about him; he's the youngest descendant of Fortitudo/Malefor. He's the first purple dragon in centuries, and and he was born with the Core element of Light. He had been the target of Malefor's possession, but after being spirited away from the Ancestors' Temple by Ignitus and Marina, he was spared from The Chariot's clutches and the massacre of the Egg Raid. (Of course, it wasn't one thing, then it had to be another...) Uses for Light Magic: - Breath Attack: "Photon Burst". Spyro fires a mid-ranged burst of condensed light out of his mouth. The beam can hit through multiple targets and it deals more damage at a greater distance. However, it will temporarily stun enemies at point-blank range, which can give you time to put some distance between you and your opponents. - Scale-Glow: - - - Light Fury: "
Cynder: The only young dragon to survive the Egg Raid other than Spyro, her egg was Malefor's second choice. After his forces destroyed the other eggs in her clutch, they stole hers away and took it to the Concave Well, a mountain range that was the home of the largest Anti-Crystal collection on the planet. As a result, the entire area around the Well was were the Dimensional Barrier was weakest. On Cynder's hatching day, Malefor forcibly projected part of his consciousness through the Barrier and into Cynder, warping her physical body and eliminating the element she was born with (presumably Air). Once the possession was complete, Malefor was able to gestate that piece of his soul enough to instate the element of Darkness within Cynder, the Core element that he was once able to control. At the end of the process, Cynder's physical form was shrouded by her new element, turning her scales onyx black. She began to age rapidly as well, in order to compensate for the sudden increase in power. In this new form, Cynder, now known as The Neo Chariot, took command of Malefor's army and proceeded to wreck havoc upon the Dragon Realms, leaving fear, chaos, and destruction in her wake. Thirteen years later, however, her destructive actions were halted by a trio of young dragons (who were technically as old as she was), and through a massive outburst of Convexity, the spark of Concavity which served as Malefor's soul was cleaved from her body, freeing Cynder from The Chariot's influence. Her body returned back to it's true age and her mind was cleansed. However, despite being separated from Malefor, Cynder still managed to retain some residual power left behind after the event. Thus, she still has access to the Core element of Darkness. But how she goes about using it is completely up to her now... Uses for Dark Magic: - Breath Attack: "Blacklight Fire". - Banshee Cry - Shadow Glide - - Dark Fury: "Eclipse".
Ember: Ember, for all extensive purposes, is not a real dragon. While she walks and talks and thinks and feels and generally behaves like a real dragon, she was not born like any other dragon on the planet. She was created at the hands of science and magic. Professor Jameson Moleratton, her creator, had an avid interest in dragons, and it had been his dream to raise a dragon of his own. But, because of the Egg Raids a year prior, it was impossible for him to adopt a dragon by natural means, so he resorted to the next best thing; he deconstructed DNA samples from multiple dragons, and then reconstructed them as he saw fit. He planned to grow a perfect dragon, one of his own creation, and raise it as his own. He was almost successful, but when it came time to splice the new DNA together, Moleratton accidentally overcharged the undeveloped cells with energy gathered from Life crystals. This occurrence did not physically hinder the newborn dragon, however (the most it did was give her pink scales and a generally cheerful personality). But it did bestow the Core element of Life to her, which would later be considered a both a blessing, and a curse... Uses for Life Magic: - Breath Attack: "Overgrow". Ember breaths a steady pulse of mid-range Life energy into the area in front of her, causing plant life to grow on the surfaces in range. All enemies caught in the pulse won't take any damage directly, but they will gradually be entangled by vines and weeds, lowering their speed and attack power. Sustaining the pulse on enemies long enough will cover them permanently, completely disabling them. Disabled enemies are treated like killed enemies, but they take much longer to de-spawn. This can be combined with Second Chance to rack up more minions. Overgrow can also be used to grow climbable vines on walls and ceilings. - - Vitality Aura: Ember releases a mid-range wave of Life energy from her body, which will steadily restore the health of all teammates in range. Teammates will also start receiving boosts to all their stats the longer the aura is sustained. Keep in mind this ability will not restore Ember's own health or boost her own stats, and she will be slowed down while she uses it. It also drains her mana faster the longer it's sustained. - - Life Fury: "Second Chance". Fully heals your teammates and resurrects recently-fallen enemies (not including bosses and mini-bosses). All resurrected enemies will fight by your side for 10-20 seconds. Use this during gauntlet battles and horde battles to give yourself an edge. Combine with Vitality Aura to make a super-powered army of minions.
Kindel: The most abnormal of the unnatural cases yet, Kindel is speculated to have once been an Earth dragon. [to be revisited] Uses for Death Magic: - Breath Attack: "Spirit Vacuum". A short-ranged, single-target attack, Kindel forcibly sucks the life energy out of the enemy directly in front of him. The target is stunned for the duration of the attack while their health steadily decreases and is used to slowly restore Kindel's health in return. - Splash Poison: - Out-of-Body: - Mortality Pike: - Death Fury: "Soul Cleaver". Kindel slashes in a wide, mid-ranged blade arc in front of him,
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