#also posting these kind of as an outlet bc I'm incredibly stressed right now since I only have a week left to hand in my thesis concept
lieutenantselnia · 6 months
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Davy appreciation post for no other reason than I adore him💕💕 I love the variety of his facial expressions, and how he can pull off both soft and smug looks so well. Just look at him how can you not want to smother that face in kisses!
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nuri148 · 1 year
TLDR: Creative crisis, venting.
While I hope that the winter break, despite the social commitments of the Christmas Levi's birthday season, will provide quiet moments to write, I am also kinda worried and probably will have to take a moment to reflect.
The past 6 months were incredibly stressful due to Real Life™ Adulting™ stuff. The writing frenzy that I've been caught it since June is one of the outlets I turned to to help me deal with that.
As of last Sunday, the situation that had me on the brink of insanity has thankfully come to a (good) end.
I am drained both physically and mentally.
And whether because of the fatigue that comes after the storm or because, stress source removed, I may be seeing things from another perspective, I've started to fall into the familiar pattern of losing faith in my WIP.
It didn't help that I was reading a long fic that started great but made me lose interest in the second half.
Over the past weeks I was tinkering with the outline a bit. I felt the original outline was a fit far-fetched and made light of trauma (it's shit that hasn't happened yet in the fic - but think of a sorta insta-fix kind of scenario). So I worked it around a bit to reduce the angst-to-healing ratio, but now I feel I have no conflict for the mc to overcome.
So as we were driving to the airport today I thought maybe I should get back to the original outline. Create drama. Solve it with a twu wuv kiss. Who gives a shit, it's fanfic! Right?
And then of course I'm thinking again that following that line would be a slap on the face to people with actual issues that might be similar.
Call it impostor syndrome, call it overanalizing, call it being an idiot.
After all, I did post the flashback scene from ch. 3 with zero guilt about the sensitive issue it describes (see how nice I am in not giving spoilers?).
So, this is the situation now. Send me some #1 ☕️😉 bc I needz it.
If you read this far, you're a cutie patootie and I love you. 💙
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