#also this post made me realize that the reason i ship scriddler is the fucked up and evil cecilos potential no one else sees
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Sometimes I think I should do a Scriddler fanfic for the only reason I never saw people writing their dinamic as Cecilos but fucked up and evil.
I need my Riddler with weird radio host vibes who is a genius but on a unconvencional way and manipulate people in a whim but it's really bad with other people secrets and my Scarecrow to be the socially ackward overly curious scientist who loves his work to obcessive levels, is convencionaly smart, mesures all his worlds and is very confused by this guy who is super vocal about his crush on him.
I want Eddie destroying the life of a random hairdresser because they gave Jon a bad haircurt and how dare they do that with Jon's perfect hair (and since I want Eddie to have Cecil's obcession but Jon to not be convencionally atractive like Carlos is this will make Jon rly confused because Edward was the only person who thought his hair was perfect to beging with). I want Jon to talk about how sometimes you spend a lot of time thinking someone has bad intentions when they are actually genuine as his declaration.
I want them to be apart and Jon to lie about how he got it worse to spare Eddie's feelings while Eddie goes into a depressive episode because he is alone (or Cecil learning to not be codependent, Carlos learning to be more open and me learning that I rly love angst).
I want Edward having to face the fact that there are parts of Jonathan live he doesn't know and will never know as he finds bits of the reasons Jon came to Gotham until his digging causes their first major fight.
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