neroastoria · 1 year
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Alzein? Alzein.
Alzein doodles from the past year. I don't really like how the last one looks so I'll definitely get to redrawing it eventually.
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secret-xanta · 1 year
For @cherry-knight!!
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hdawg1995 · 1 year
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will it be a repeat? will Alz'ein avenge her fellow alteans? YOU DECIDE!
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valorousowlart · 2 years
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Some character requests and an Icon for Remthalas, Notha, Alzein and Uaanta from Dragonfable!
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house-of-emirates · 11 days
The Allure of Jewellery: Infinite Fascination
By: Ahmad Saed Alzein
CEO of House of Emirates®
Jewellery has always fascinated people throughout history, capturing their hearts and sparking their imagination in different societies and historical periods. It is not just about looking pretty; it also represents wealth, meaning, and individuality. Studying the history of jewellery reveals an intriguing story of how valuable materials and skilled artistry come together to reflect human emotions and cultural ideals."
The history of jewellery dates back to ancient times, and evidence from archaeological finds shows its importance in early human cultures. Civilizations such as the Egyptians, Mesopotamians and Greeks used jewels not only for decoration - they also had religious, political and social significance. In those ancient societies, jewellery represented status, authority, and a connection to the divine. Be it ornate amulets or elaborate headdresses, each piece was imbued with symbolism that conveyed the beliefs and ideals of the era.
Symbolism and Status:
As civilizations developed, so did the importance of jewellery. In medieval Europe, the feudal system dictated strict social hierarchies, and jewellery was a visible sign of a person's status and belonging. Noble families adorned themselves with luxurious jewels that showed the world their wealth and power. Similarly, in ancient China and India, jewellery played a vital role in conveying social status and cultural identity, and special gems and designs were reserved for royalty and aristocracy.
Renaissance and Revival:
The Renaissance period marked the reawakening of art and jewellery become a visible form of expression. Famous artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo lent their talents to jewellery design, creating masterpieces that combined creativity with technical skill. Meanwhile, the discovery of new trade routes brought exotic gems and precious metals from distant lands, encouraging artistic innovation and luxury.
Romance and emotion:
Over the years, jewellery has taken on new meanings, full of romance and sentimentality. Medals, rings and bracelets became popular tokens of love and affection, decorated with miniature portraits, hair or hidden messages. During the Victorian era, which was characterized by elaborate funeral rituals, funeral jewellery made of black, onyx and enamel appeared as an expression of mourning and remembrance.
Modern trends:
During the 21st century, jewellery underwent a series of changes that reflected changing cultural norms and evolving design aesthetics. Art Deco introduced geometric shapes and bold colours influenced by the machine age and global travel. The mid-century modern movement embraced simplicity and minimalism, favouring clean lines and abstract shapes. At the same time, contemporary jewellery designers are pushing the boundaries of tradition by experimenting with unconventional materials and avant-garde concepts.
While the appeal of jewellery is undeniably tied to its aesthetic allure, its value goes much more than just a decoration. For many, jewellery is a tangible link to personal memories, beloved relationships, and cultural heritage. Wedding bands symbolize eternal love and commitment that are passed down from generation to generation. Religious symbols and talismans offer protection and guidance in times of uncertainty. In addition, handmade jewellery made by skilled artisans creates connections between producers and users, celebrating human creativity and the beauty of craftsmanship.
The charm of jewellery throughout history transcends material value and includes layers of symbolism, emotion, and craftsmanship.
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at-what-is-my-name · 1 year
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 aujourd’hui 9 février. il y a des cadavres, conséquence des politiques des frontières européennes criminelles -stop-
jour international de la pizza - sinon. Une personne non identifiée originaire d'Afrique de l'Ouest meurt à l'hôpital après avoir été secourue d'un bateau sahraoui à la dérive au sud des îles Canaries (Espagne) - Mohamed Idris et 27 autres personnes non identifiées originaires du Soudan, du Niger, du Mali et d'Iran meurent noyées, leur canot pneumatique a disparu alors qu'ils se rendaient d'al-Qarbouli (Libye) en Italie ; 2 corps sont retrouvés. - Un jeune homme non identifié se serait noyé et son corps aurait été retrouvé en état de décomposition dans un filet de pêche près de Benabdelmalek Ramdane (DZ) Abdul Basit Adam Juma (garçon) se serait noyé avec toutes les personnes qui se trouvaient sur le même bateau disparu en route de Libye vers l'Italie.  Les proches ont recueilli les noms des personnes disparues, qui sont : Abdalaziz Hassan Ibrahim Aboubacar Abdallah Ahmed Adnan Saleh Zakariya Ahmed Abaker Rijal Alfadhel Aloomda Moussa Bakr Alhaj Abdulrahman Jomaa Wadi Alseed Hasballah Eyas Ayman Alhabshi Gazzafi Edris Hamad Hamd Hamid Adam Omer Shaw Ibrahim Abdelrahim Abdullah Ibrahim Adam Khaled Youssef Khafir Aka Muzamil Abdallah Khadir Osman Mudathar Ali Alzein Estik Mohamed Abood Bahraldin Wadi Mohamed Abdelkarim A. Bakhat Mohamed Haroon Hassan Khatr Hamad Dafallah Jomaa Mohammed Tamr Montassir Issa Adam Ahmed Mustafa Tanqis Nasrladin Adin Yahya Osman Babiker Osman 'Alshibly' Rasheed Musa Jomaa Wadi Sameer Aldoma Adam Ibrahim Wiz Yassin Aboo Yaqoub Ali Abdel-Qader Yasin Abaker Abdulr. Mostafa Ahmed Gamal Abdallah Bedi Abu Baker Ibrahim Mohedine Salah Adam Mubarak Haroon Mussa Yaakoob Adnan Salah Ahmad Bakar Rijal Abacar Ibrahim Abacar Mohammad Haroon Mahjoub Aboud Omar Musa Osman Yusife Jaro Ammar Alnel Ahmed Ismael Idrees Adam Abaker Mohamed Suliman Yagoub S. Nour Maathin Mahdi Moussa Badradin Eissa Mohamed Hamid Amir Abdulrahman Ahmad Omar Mustafa Karbino Omrane Jabralla Mohammed Abaker Ibrahime Hissean Abdallah Sharif Hagar Jogle Abdulrahman Mustafa Othman Abkar Othman Mobark Salim Abdallah Gaid Bahar Said Hasb Allah (...) toujours plus de cadavres -paix à leur âme
liste des 48.647 décès documentés depuis 1993, des personnes sur les routes de l’exil dus aux politiques restrictives de la " Forteresse Europe " Documentation par UNITED -https://unitedagainstrefugeedeaths.eu/about-the-campaign/about-the-united-list-of-deaths/
à partir du travail fait par l'association  UNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees  - https://unitedagainstrefugeedeaths.eu/

et NOMBRANDOLES -espacio de mémoria- https://www.instagram.com/nombrandoles
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phraseandverse · 5 years
Ulas Yuk! #1 - Kolong Sinema Episode: Yang Mereka Bicarakan Ketika Membicarakan Sang Putra Petir
Halo semuanya! Apa kabar?
Semoga kalian yang mampir kesini (dengan sengaja atau cuma kebetulan) dalam keadaan baik. Aamiin.
Terus, maksud dari judul postingan ini tuh apa ya?
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Jadi gini (izin curhat sedikit ya hehe), bulan April kemaren kan rakyat Indonesia yang demen nonton film sempet rame tuh sama kemunculan official teaser dari film Gundala yang disutradain sama bang Joko Anwar. Nah, salah satu thread yang dibuat sama akun yang sering wara-wiri muncul di timeline akun twitter gw (RE: this one) dengan komplitnya ngebahas berbagai easter egg yang muncul di teaser tersebut,disertai dengan referensi yang ada di dalam komik aslinya yang dibuat oleh Alm. Hasmi.
Thread tersebut sukses bikin gw penasaran soal Superhero lokal ini dan cari beberapa thread lain yang juga ngebahas seluk beluk tentang Gundala. Kebetulan di salah satunya ada yang kasih rekomendasi soal komik ini. Akhirnya gw pesen komiknya, baca sampe abis (cepet banget deh abisnya, ga kerasa), dan hasil gw membaca komik tersebut jadi pengen gw jadiin ulasan biar seenggaknya ada informasi yang bisa kalian lihat kalo mau tahu soal komik ini. Karena yang gw liat sih masih sedikit artikel yang ngebahas komik ini.
Komik ini diterbitin sama penerbit lokal, namanya Rotasi Books. Lokasi penerbitnya kalo ga salah ada di Bantul. Buat sekarang, gw belum tau apa ada cara lain untuk beli komik ini selain via online shop. Cara belinya nanti gw kasitau di akhir postingan ini ya. Buat sekarang, yuk mari kita mulai ulasannya.
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buat yang penasaran gimana bentuk komiknya
For a starter, gw akan mulai dari hal-hal yang bagusnya dulu ya.
PROS (+):
 Kualitas Penjilidan Buku
Buat gw, Buku ini terbilang oke dalam hal penjilidannya. Kan suka ada tuh buku yang kualitas penjilidannya bagus di awal sampe pertengahan buku tapi pas di lembar-lembar terakhirnya kaya kepisah sendiri gitu dan punya potensi bakal copot. Nah, di buku ini, setiap lembarnya dijilid dengan rapi dan kuat jadi menurut gw amanlah dari bahaya copot-copot di lembar akhirnya.
Kualitas yang pengen gw sebutin juga ada di pemilihan jenis kertasnya. Kalo menurut info di bukunya, jenis kertas yang dipakai adalah kertas finlandia 90gsm yang bagus banget, kertasnya tebel tapi permukaannya halus. Kalo yang pernah beli komik impor terbitan Viz Media mungkin tau gimana bentuk kertasnya
Cerita dari komik ini yang perlu gw imply, karena tema komik ini sebenernya adalah sejarah film-film superhero yang pernah diproduksi di Indonesia.Jadi sebenernya ini tuh merupakan media pembelajaran sejarah film yang dituangkan dalam bentuk komik (paham ga nih maksudnya? kalo nggak, beli komiknya terus baca sendiri ya biar lebih afdol hehe).
Plot cerita dimulai dari obrolan tentang sejarah film superhero Indonesia oleh 2 orang mas-mas maniak film yang bekerja sebagai penjaga toko ritel penyewaan kaset-kaset film. Obrolan mereka dimulai dari film pertama yang diproduksi di Indonesia -dengan bumbu-bumbu trivia tentang proses pembuatan dan latar belakang yang mengiringi proses pembuatan film tersebut- hingga mengerucut ke pembicaraan tentang kreasi salah satu film Superhero Indonesia yang paling ikonik, yaitu Gundala. Karakter baru nantinya akan bergabung dengan 2 karakter awal untuk ikut membicarakan tema tersebut dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. Proses menceritakan tema tersebut yang diselingi trivia-trivia yang menambah info tersebut buat gw menarik untuk dibaca.
Buat gw, sarana komik sebagai media untuk membicarakan produk seni lain merupakan hal yang menyenangkan. Karena selain sebagai proses dalam membicarakan sebuah sejarah (dalam bentuk dialog antar karakter), terdapat proses menginterpretasikan sejarah tersebut dalam bentuk visual (dalam bentuk gambar). Sehingga proses membicarakan sejarah jadi tidak melulu monoton dengan teks, tapi juga dapat dibantu dengan visual dari sejarah tersebut. Kebetulan, gambar yang dibuat di komik ini tuh bagus loh. Ekspresi karakternya yang lagi seneng, kesel, penasaran dibuat dengan rapi dan layak dikasih projek komik yang lain hehe. Penggambaran latar tempat buat gw juga bagus, megahnya toko ritel tempat karakter-karakter ini ngobrol digambar dengan baik. Penggunaan comic tone yang optimal juga sangat membantu penggambaran latar waktu dalam komik ini, salah satunya ada di halaman saat kondisi mendung, kondisi gelap di komiknya terlihat bagus karena tone yang digunakan terasa pas porsinya. Pokoknya kudos for the comic artist!.
Nah, dari sini kita mulai bahas kekurangan yang gw rasa di komik ini pas baca bukunya. We’ll get there soon.
CONS (-):
Latar Belakang Karakter
Loh katanya tadi ceritanya menarik?! Kok malah dibilang latar belakang karakternya lemah?! gimana sih?! ga konsisten!!
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Sebelum kalian berpendapat begitu, ada baiknya gw jelasin dari awal dulu ya, biar rinci dan kalian punya gambaran kenapa gw berpendapat kaya gini hehe.
Jadi, ceritanya emang menarik menurut gw, tapi nggak diikuti dengan latar belakang karakternya. Maksudnya disini, kita nggak dikasih liat kenapa 2 karakter utama kita bisa tertarik dengan film Indonesia -khususnya film superhero- sampe bisa menceritakan printilan-printilannya dengan detil di komik ini. Mungkin menurut gw, 4 halaman yang isinya flashback nyeritain kenapa 2 karakter itu bisa sampe sepaham itu dengan film cukuplah ngebantu kasih info ke pembaca tentang latar karakter. Sayangnya, nggak begitu. Mereka khatam banget cerita tentang film tanpa kita tahu kenapa mereka memilih menjadi seperti itu. 
Tapi, mungkin gw bisa memaklumi, meski cuma sedikit. Karena ternyata komik ini awalnya hanya sebuah projek tugas akhir dari si komikus untuk dapat menyelesaikan pendidikannya di salah satu Institut Seni. Tapi yaa, karena akhirnya dijadiin produk komersil mestinya bobot penceritaannya ditambah lagi biar bisa jadi karya yang baik. Tapi gw mencoba buat positive thinking:
“oh mungkin aja latar belakang karakternya udah ada, tapi disimpen buat jadi sekuel komiknya nanti”
Semoga aja positive thinking ini beneran jadi kenyataan hehehe
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Yak dengan ini selesailah ulasan yang gw buat tentang komik ini, semoga dapat membantu memberi sedikit gambaran untuk kalian yang penasaran soal komik ini. Oiya, selain komik ini, gw juga beli satu lagi komik yang beda di rotasi books. Gw juga akan coba ulas nanti di postingan yang berbeda. 
Bagi kalian yang tertarik dengan buku ini, cus deh pesen langsung ke penerbitnya. Info lengkapnya bisa kalian liat disini.
Buat kalian yang telah berkunjung, ありがとうございます !
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mayuthemage · 7 years
Same and Difference
I spent the evening at Grindstone to support Zero as he fought. And fight he did. He moved quickly and his fights were short. Often he waited and I stood with him as we determined who his next opponent would be. Serethis told me over the linkpearl he wanted to see me after. Fortunately I heard him out and about with others from conversation on the Rose Linkpearl. I was glad he was about. Though, I was a little disappointed I wasn’t cheering him on here as well. Zero ended up winning his bracket at the Bridge but lost to the Rock champion. It was a shame as the man was very rude.
I went to see Serethis after and he took me to the beach in Costa del Sol. It had become a favorite place of his to take me. I have enjoyed it each time even if my mind has wandered to the dark. We talked and he explained his worries and I asked mine. He told me that they were one person and that sometimes one took over the other at times but in all they were just one person. I was content with that answer. But also, to go with this new change and that he was neither Serethis or Azeiox, he wanted a new name.
Alzein Chevalier.
I can actually say that one. So I am not opposed. I could never say Luchiervent. It was difficult for me. But now we’ve come to a better understanding of what is going on and that is what matters.
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feminismyall · 5 years
Man caught on camera stealing 70-inch TV from Dearborn home
"We were cleaning out the garage hosing the floor down," said Hasan Alzein. The Alzein family was inside the home letting the garage which doubles ... from Google Alert - the garage http://bit.ly/2whaK3v
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themidnightpearl · 7 years
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Alzein Chevalier &  Mayu Cloudwalker
@serethis-skypirate & @mayuthemage at the Little Ladies Day Charity Ball & Banquet photobooth! Thank you so much for coming. ♥
Picture by: @forgefighter-ffxiv
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neroastoria · 2 years
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hi, have some crappy memes
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elexmedia · 7 years
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KOSMIK DAY hadir lagi! Kali ini kita akan berkunjung ke Jogja dalam rangkaian acara Festival Komik Nasional bersama DKV ISI Yogyakarta. Dalam Kosmik Day kali ini, Kosmik dan Elex Media akan mengadakan 2 acara yaitu Kosmik Talks: Ideas & Comic Making Process dan Connect & Create. . Mari berkumpul dan berdikusi tentang banyak hal seru dibalik komik di Kosmik. Kami juga ada info menarik terkait proyek terbaru Kosmik dengan Elex Media guna menumbuhkan komunitas kreatif khususnya di bidang komik! . Tanggal: 16 - 17 September 2017 Jam: 16:00-17:15 (Sabtu) 16:00-16:45 (Minggu) Tempat: Jogja National Museum Jl.Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No.1 Yogyakarta . Kami yang hadir dalam acara ini: ● Jhosephine Tanuwidjaja (Komik Kentang, Kosmik) ● Hyasinta (Editor Elex Media) ● Daniel Fahmi (Editor Kosmik) ● Ogi Prasetiya (Komik Peluru) ● Alzein Merdeka (Ilustrator, Kosmonot Joko Anwar) ● Bintang Suhadiyono (Ilustrator, Kosmonot Eka Kurniawan) . Tertarik bergabung? Isi dulu form reservasinya yuk: bit.ly/kosmikday5 . GRATIS! . Informasi: Marketing 021-53650110 / 1, 0817-267183 . . . #kosmikday #kosmik #eventjakarta #event #peluncuranbuku #talkshow #fiksi #elexkomik #komikelex #komik #komiklokal . . http://ift.tt/2f6WUvW
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hdawg1995 · 1 year
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arrrzhen · 4 years
How Rice Helps in Your Diet
  For most of my life, there were always times when I wanted to lose weight. There were a few occasions where I was able to lose a couple of pounds, but for the most part, weight always came back.
Rice is a healthy cereal that has good fiber content and a small amount of fats and carbohydrates. Its main nutritional characteristics are that it is a rich source of carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B.
Unlike many other cereals, rice is highly suitable for those looking to lose weight, but its high glycemic index is its undoing for those who are exercising and planning to reduce their calorie intake. When your glucose level increases, your pancreas has to work very hard to bring it back down to normal by releasing insulin. Depending on your circumstances, some functions can simply not be disrupted, such as digestion and emergency response.
The higher the glycemic index of food, the greater the tendency to convert carbohydrates into glucose. The most famous of all the glycemic index is the index of a muffin, which quickly converts to glucose in the body. Muffins are therefore not the best culprits in the break-down of carbohydrates into glucose. But don't let the name fool you. The real enemy is the amount of carbohydrates in a muffin, not the glycemic index.
To help lower your blood glucose levels, carbohydrates should be high on the glycemic index. You should avoid any type of carbohydrate that has a value of 55 or higher. In addition to that, you should also avoid white flour products, white bread products and even instant rice. Instead, you can go with whole grain products, such as whole grain bread and pasta. Avoid products with white flours for the same reason.
Although high glycemic index foods don't help much, the sub-index of fiber does. You should strive to consume around 30 grams of fiber or more per day. High fiber foods will help Alzein zinc, an important hormone in the body. Fiber also helps your digestive system and elimination channels. Fiber is also very high in water content, so it can help you feel full.
The last, but not least, carbohydrate recommendations would be to avoid products with sugar or use a little bit of honey, coconut or olive oils in your cooking to reduce your sugar cravings. Remember, it takes time to break a habit, so avoid sugar for as long as you can or for as long as you feel you can. No sugar, no fat - perhaps the most important aspect is that you don't feel thirsty. In the end, you will be more healthy than having high glycemic index carbohydrates!
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rashed-27 · 4 years
Wsh 4a alzein ya واشد
ماخذ الزين منك
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fk-24 · 4 years
wsh 4a alzein 😍
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